The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 15, 1898, Image 8

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THURtOAV GONE— TM froUMtiut. #rroif#«t w*4 ***#•* • ; MMl‘«Ofn|rklt*tv(y t»f IM ©**©• ti#t»Mt#f tful |m> w#f f v«l Cvilofti IA > t<’* * Tmm stint is a mifiiofy i iMHf ma* futfMAk it a drum t INHt itfmnortly •» * ■ iiiimion TH# famlty AtrHiv** mniiin rkcpipit lH#y aav# for BmH# •* WO, 938, t4ti and 145. Tiny At# f#cof<N of #*• ir *vA#AnrA. W< mrm f#laißn§ Sv l '*- ju*i AA «oo<f. AI 816, •I 8 Anti 920. Our* mrm •<)uAi to th#*o* In fit, tAltorln«. finitH ami malar ml. And you'll find no pmlinalom ‘or 1 alaiima about th# charadaf of out AOOdA. Buy ora H#r# AT# n#V#r Ok|u#d I by inferior vrorkinanihtpor traihy limntf* Our offortA ActipA# O# AtfAin And ! )Vr«iA mad# by cofnblrad comp#tltlon. ArfMM Wli Ait Mm tar** fctnai A»t« M 52.00 »so S 3 00 S 3 SO $4.00 TM m t f > BBf Hffiitßuf t*ii f*|§iß tifli f' Om hkr* fsoM* H**t t pm bms feu AUOUBTA.9A. OUR SOLDIERS CuMING HOME raft. Fnr • i*4 Rrak!’* r««Mid Rill Mi Bt 8 HI tMf n«M'Cc«to| WM MaM) Be Nail H**k. Li. I Iran .’*arfc«i at CM fcefilG'sl BiMtooany - -ng Ffifijanco x w—i aaa *w-n tar* tm a f»tWat*h f»*f • to#e* •ait ika ■ ••»-aaaat »U 1 b# asaateied oat la a week at to Ha t#l#*ta*»b**l Cafit Dteakl r**irr • At aefciog ibai Me for am* a or tat. Tito furlough a«p»l*a delurdav. j Cap*- K**M t»latmtka<i lb* l ,te (iota tlwll co*lt d«h w lengthened aa lit* ntioaM would so aooa be am- • to red oat Tkara aoM to b# no toobt no* that IN> taro Augusta companies tal ka at low la a couple •>< woeta, par bap* sooner Herrra! letter* ka»» brea received or I th# relatives and triaada at tk# n>"> j to th« regiment itatm* tkat th»r could aooa a*port tkaaa koaaa Wbra tk# caliaat taa«* *t <*• oat Oaorgla arrlaa Ikojr should l»a a** | tm a roualnc aaU»a»« h> vkv kuu»* : folk* . . ~k i Tkalr home eomlag should be mark ed with aa bit a d*u»##tr»'UHi aa taa* their departure aa tkal i»"*»4>»*b!(> morning last April Tbara bav« bam no floor companies In lha service of Uarle Bam during th" lata dlaturbanee than tbo*4 of (.Tapt. Frye and Capt R#oM. “*• , *L OU *?* that lha laitnr part of next waak will am our soldier* again on tbalr native heath. Second Hand School Books sold cheap at Pen dleton’s Book Store. HUSMRS AT PRACTICE. Are Making Oood Sctwts at the Ride Range. One the Slat of August of each year th» miliary companies of the city send In o report giving the econw of the beat shots In their companies and 'he ■core* of those striving for sharp shooters places. etc. For a good while before this time each year the rifle range In North Augusta la well patronised and the sharp report* of the carbines can he heard eoeh afternoon. This year on Recount of the war on ly the Huesara have been In practice. The Infantry companies arebrokfn In to a great deal by their men being In the field. On account of the rains the officer* have granted a delay until the first of October for the Hussars to send In their report. Every Thursday afternoon squads have been going over to therange. Un der the direction of Lieut. Uean they have rapidly improved until good scores are made. The range le front 200 to ROD yards The Springfield carbine Is used by the particlpents. To say that at 200 or 300 yards scores of 19 or 20 out of a possible 25 nre made Is a fair estimate of the shooting. Capt. Twiggs Is one of the beat shots In the company, but has been unable to practice with his men. Front now on frequent will he held and good scores will no doubt result. pistols. Douhle Parrel Guns—Pistols, Harrington & Richardson Rrand new pistols, 12.50; Harrington & Richardson second hand pistols. *2.00. American double action pistol. *I.OO. Guitar, Man dolin and Banjo Strings, 2 for 5 rents, at L. J. Schaul, broker. Bring your old School Book and help to pay for your new one with it at Pendleton’s Book Store. AtgNlKll <*A#MI (MHlt **#» F. M. STALLINGS APPOINTED TODAY Ur la tbr Nr* Aauhtaat PniMUrr Iml Ha AattMdt It Claaaaat* I! Dunbar, k h«j Rlllrtf Ink). Kiaak M Olilllis* ban bn re appoint - ad aaataumt poatmaMar at tka Augun ila pom < Aba Tk • (iat< meat ana r-tetrm.d lo a Herald reporter indajr IBy IV.itaanter Hulllag* Tka aaw ka ntetaai pat ■tamer aan led la of- I Ira thin Burning Tke appclalea la tka aldaat non of ; I'oatmanter mailings Ha la S 7 ream f age Ha la an Augusta gentleman sad wall kaowa la tke mataualtp. lie In of ability and Integrity Tka salary of tke oAre la |I,M per i annum. Tka apprtnttnrwi ts la lha hands of tke post master j Assistant Postmaster mailings ave rted* Mr Cltgt’tl K Dunbar, who was appolaied by bia father, Poaimaater William M. Dunbar, Aug. I>. IM7. A pleasant Incident la conjunction with lha changes today at tke p>jatoSee j •a* Postmaster Stallings' allusion to, Assistant I’oatmsster Jhiobar: “Mr Dunbar,*’ ha said, "has barn aa >(fl ctant, pi asaot and agreeable cffirial. Our relations have born of tka moat friendly. Today ha has most kindly of fered to remain with the new official as long sa wished to give him any as sistance he may ask or need to guide him In hla new duties. Every parson in the pcstoffire holds Mr. Dunbar in the highest regard." If tbrra Is a "story" In the appoint ment. newspaper reporters have been unable to arcure It. The appointment follows quickly on the orders from Washington appointing Alexander IT. Sherman jsnltor of the public building, vice Prank M. Stallings, who has held that position up to the time of the StiermtHn appointment. Mr. Stallings ts a eapte young gen t'rmao and will make an efficient as sistant postmaster. grfceol Peek*. Bo*k Strops, Fsscll *ex«s, Large Tubists, ft* Composition Books, Slates, Psas and Pencils st Bichar.'t & Shaver's Bock Store MR JACKSON HERE Returned Today From a Trip to New York. Mr. Walter Jackson has Just returned from a business trip to New York. One of the objects of lila trips was to see about some Improvements In North Augusta. Mr. Jackson states that the surmise that the line would be extended ts correct. Arrangements have been made to run the track to the top of the hill a distance of about three quarters of a mile. The time that the work will be commenced has not been definitely settled, but it will be done some time this winter. Several of the board of directors will be here shortly and when they come several n“vv houses will be built. When asked about the proposed ex tension of the car line Lo Aiken he said the North Augusta I.and company had nothing to do with tbla affair. A party of Philadelphians were the proposers of the plan, but as many of the residents of Aiken objected to the line It will probably not be built. Only steel lined and hurglar proof safes used. Money loaned on anything of value at a low rate of interest. Wa terbury alarm clocks. To cents. Lewis J. Schaul. Reliable Pawnbroker. We will sell to the high* est bidder on Saturday, 17th inst., at 1 1 a. m., about fifty horses. C. V. Walker, Auctioneer. John ston & Pickard, 736 Ellis street. TBX AUOUBTA kIRRALD. W. H. FLEMING RE-NOMINATED i Ittif ftt'HUCitMftfri tutofi*** li I* j HNB , Sk It BNa • •Bnnß—i lyflMP* mmam Mil Iff. H (fIMHMIf I* •*» jt#l* A Mfc «||a» i#Ni'l * i«#A'# *#i#* *#B#v * [ INW Mfeß BRMHH fIMNBHfIMMM MM fBHPBBMM* j |||M9R Upas IB IlMBt I ipNVßal' 9m(HNPB#R| RtimNl-F P'lMI | ««*#.. ihm Ml *B*B r IMHNNMMWIk# I Rt M|fAt lM * Ml MUiWIR BB<I lIMfeHNHRIi [ *»#♦# #r<t tßfeyep# #*%,! #»4 tka gr rgf in fvWH Ika wlkat Win | #>»## f f flßifll* 1* H CBftBB. iBBW'i 9* ft W II ffißM. nm j h»*m II W ffMMMMIB It: S'- INM' ItßiißfSßwß tilliMffß »» HBfllMI fffffM. ffMlf Ibl S. II Ki jlflil jififßß • 4 Mr tin* prrnt [PI k*4*rmm I >4fft T ft €*BfM WBffBB - Mr ff. flit Mat K ft fiß* I aw*. B Hl' lulml l t# tall* I MrliMlA Iff ¥* r%rpn» I IJBcvtß 'M MT. M flgtii tIHR t*m**%i*m »-#• fBIMMI «# m+m* \ I Imt Hbb ffcßftllß MTnitll IB tiß ##Br« m 9 Ttufrirm KAB4r--'li Mr i ■ | | |* * KTB-Bfc I* UttM Bf « l MTffM B I «?#'"#■ ft": tH# l it <l tfe **•.*>. i f k«ia iif |,g)| sh# «-»i' i nif nl B# <bM|. •• I>lpr4wl Mar It****'*•» •, «r 4 not | for lltflHßlf B C«MBB‘tBMH*t IB BtllHl i •fepA #mm #»?sf *}« I f»*r *hr H#4l a’RTa • AicprMl tB lit torrtnmi bC itißnurnitir pSTtai repodlMad repabl lea* lag* tM fetft4 rrfN»4lß<#4 [ Ib pMc of Mm UMttr M# bM tMBI [ pofMitkiai tii d»ad for Taaa W#t*o* had abaadoaed tka flaht sod it* ! tltnaa had “suak to sMaara like a { tavera brawl" Hr waa roundly applauded Mr J W Wklh* araa alartad sarr*. ! tary and t* toaetmg proeended to bat- Mr. R P. Davt* of Warren then •aid: fir Davit* Apaack Mr. ('half-man f trtit Mi prraMii th** ] Viaißf ot B gßttitßßn to 161* | Mob wfco Rffdr bo Mfoalofiß frooi »• 1 He Is a man mho luip.asae.l klmself upon tka legit lat ure <rf this state be fore bit abilities or services were ree ognited by the dlstrin. and who baa since served with credit la the nation- ] si house of representatives He lej •harp without meeanwa: he la wise j without running: he Is Jealou. with-1 out bitterness; and ibougti exalted, t* nevertheless humble llefore prevent - Ing his name Mr Chairman. I de sire to congratulate this convention, and the deworrats of the Tealh con gressional district upon the outlook for derooorar;*. A new and stronger courage Is now filling th* hearts of the democrats of this district It has been I but a short while since th# populists, of this dlatrtet were a noisy aet. They, seemed to All all spare- they came up out of the ground they dropped down from the olauda—they came from the fields, from the farms and from the city. But we now have glo rious news from all source*. From the mountains of Lincoln come the glad tidings that the enemy U discour aged and divided; the same news from beloved McDuffie and from my own county of Warren The same from Ir win and Olsscoek; and while populists were thick some time ago. It Is now almoal Impossible to find a man but who says. " Even Richmond, glorious old Richmond, the political Ararat up on which the ark of democracy ha* rested for some time, we understand Is still registering the dead and Import ing democratic voters from across the Savannah. Now, gentlemen of the convention, we probably have no fight in the im mediate future. But It behooves us to watch our Interests for the great fight of nineteen hundred, when under the leadership of Wm. J. Bryan and democratic doctrine we will plant the flag upon every hill top. We shall then bring back to this government an honest administration of Its af fairs. Mr. Chairman. I have the pleasure of presenting to this convention as a candidate for nomination the name of the Hon. Wm. H. Fleming of Rich mond county. / Mr. C. Henry Cohen, In lichalf of Richmond county, then seconded the nomination as follows: Mr Cohen’s Speech •‘lt is apparent. Mr. Chairman, that you.recognize the futility of asking for endorsement of the nomination just made, meeting as it does with the ap probation of every delegate within the sound of my voice, but I plead that you give to Richmond, at least, the high privilege of joining her sister counties in seconding the nomination of this most worthy son. It were useless to remind this convention that the course of William H. Fleming as congress man, Mr. Chairman, has met with the universal approval of his constltutent9 throughout the length awl breadth of the district he has so ably and con scientiously represented for the past two years. “The unwritten law of the Democratic party, be It told to its glory, has always been that the loyalty and efficient ser vices of Us representatives have met Its reward in a second term in the hail* 'BLOOD POISON A# Awo-est** *•#••, ®j##n# Rataiasa Q» mmm< tr —* >#♦**, awwv Pai*M A#****#** * AAA ewevwd **•#* At soffit St. CURED TO STAY CUItP Of jotinic 6ldd laftd.BJ.) a#*tpare t * *. #* ***** 6*VB ABB 9114 BBMo9 ft M'fßM B*t iMit «•# tmt avtsffia— t oft ym -g #MRpi#K #| 41# BB #i|>r #~« ***** ta># M #llf* 4# . . j. Yiiftynll Jit.- -tug B|li Am# #A# # Amp# i MMt : % ifc fli B ‘t - - »r--* ii -A., .a# • **» i amt >, - f # fIMMMAAMMt .«###dß#M#B mrn Mßt MB * f"A*|##»B BB tMB »*»»*» j «M#M» BKhmA Bm t'B B B «f tRPBOff 1 ? , m wf **#■ **“-*-* <* 4M»# 9#. BAMMk. B**B» T- TUI--- fOesaiA 9m 'Ti # B**A R** «* •" ■■" A 1 1 Mtaß##M«A trifluir ' * * t#AHMMk BHA #MA» MA ! If* 9AAA B _B|4«#»t» 114* 6 891-BTT BB I »rt« iMo roipo%i%*« I tfcffii As# faset *fss»* » ♦t»^#e##A* s * ##■• MtMtr# *** ! «a#| tal «•«# 9NA AMfe#HaaA#Bi #N* A## I *' * ■** VAri# 4Mat# A ttatiMi rt*a «t aet* I SaKSSSSSSSSS! ! M-fcrfTt -imi-rT*— ■" -« *44 a# a..kt t—wU###*. i MB# 4BT*— #1 MBIMAMAP I fc#''»A«* ** f #4BIBJI^ j A^ I AMMO AmMI tfcat* fmm* p 9 P *#* • *#>• •A#* 6 #* , |i#rilm. «A« Bab mm* mm Wfi# a jjß-oB aa #ap a j 4 ApAmw a# a## »■»>#<% I aapaßpm## mm | *am» •#*##“ »##• 188 a##*##* 1 *- **»* / ww |" I AAt jee-.- mi mt tß** 1 A# **# APA ffippßPAki AMR ffiffiffilffiMNPtl teai||#L I I I haw IP*MR #Metal M# «*-*«aa. mm* imim *** *** I •• “» BP, w? Bf»B' I Ippp# A»4ii#r#Pi. a<4 «a» mmu+mm *«wa M APAkAAtP aa #A9 B4J B B MB #•***■ ** • Bap* fm mm, •##»#***## f J j IM**» AM* A#*f# ffißf #*<**■> «A * R*» _***+ I I! 4 ahß mmmmm mm Bp* B. B- Ml IPtf* wow m, to wto to mm «•* > ratt-T i lk* * ***• tn »**»,«»., u»*», tew. • p#94* m Oj AAri !<•#. I ■■«<— »#4 *A» ••#* m j i a I a t-w A hwh »■#•* mt Am* AAPPA. #A#fO fc#A | ltfcirT pm mu >t fu’A am aa## a»» 1 r-yirr* ti# pm*«4 ; ! imdmrli«4 IffiM fcMH j 4*#p#ap. CAT* •••. ap4 IAA IB* A A## mmm MM . I Mktv URW MUM, A#4 IB## *#M ##P#4 A#4 •»«* Sm M-#w UPtimi —i*#>•* «t tH» #A#9»ft#l WM# •* |Bwa4 |»— >r1 — Ay ||. R H Af# ffiiWßl I MR A »««• Hi* #• I IhffiMffi, *Am A M mmi fP» 9 ■ AAiiy a#» It p pm Aar «M* A# *M 4r##f#Bi 4A f» l#r#p Mrtrfcr ’lf r#w Uua mwaU'iiM i Mf# A*» *• j «•.**« f#ffi» *»f A4»(»A «f BApB Hi* '* Cl n H B- AP#». * AATflr# |f#fl4, •• A#f #PA *m BLOOD BALM CO., Itteoti, Gmt|A of Congress. “The nomlnattoa as Mr. Fleming, therefore, under this meet Just law, is the natural logic of tke situation, the only result that the Demi era:* of tke Tenth congressional vtlslrirt.-under the IclrciimMsnce*. could, or ever have con templated. “With pride and ptrasure. therefore, dors Richmond county join la second ing the nomination of this favored son. whose short career has been so Dill 1 of high r>pule to himself, and emi nent gratification to the district that sent him forth." Mr. Cohen's graceful speech was warmly applauded. Mr. Walsh moved that the election be made by a rising vote and the entire delegation rose to their feet. Mr. Ira D. Farmer then Introduced resolutions indorsing the service of Congressman Fleming and c ngratula:- Ing him on bis recovery from hla re cent Illness. The resolution waa passed amidst applause. Mr. Cohen then read the following letter from Congressman Fleming: Letter From Fleming. Hon. C. H. Cohen, S, eretary Demo cratic Executive CommHee, Tenth District, Augusta. Ga. My Dear Sir:—lf I should not return to Augusta by the 15th Inat. when the nominating convention meets. I will thank you to make known to the dele gates, in some appropriate way. by atneere appreciation of the kind consid eration Bhown me by my constituents and my deep regret that circumstances have prevented me thus far from mak ing personal visits to the various coun ties of the district in accordance with my intention and desire. I think I am justified in saying that In a very short while I will be fully able physically to meet any demands that the campaign may make upon me, though, of course. In common with many others. I would be gratified If the district could be spared the trouble of a political contest. But, in any event. 1 shall be ready to get actively to work immediately after the state election, and no doubt I could do so sooner if necessary. The increasing ascendancy of Dem ocratic principles an| the returning harmony among our people in Georgia may justly cause the. liveliest gratfiica tion to all those oirlafms who are se riously concerned t local home af fairs in which our |1 lepest interests are centered. To the|< Amplete triumph of these principles of we party I shall cheerfully contribute all in my power. Very truly? YS3J. H. Fleming. Mr. Boykin Wright moved that the SPLENDID ATTENOINCE 14R tRIMf aBmA i#*#*4 9Hi [ ABrBRBAB 6B B99bß«6bmp# CRp #9 • 9B m 9NtfV A <B9»6t #B IB tlfAl# Bt BA'iß* f W f Bf €B9. r | A MI M 4 IhbW fßfPft at Om [Til'* fMBfl Bill #• BABB* •**■* ’**• IB# I pBIMBtIHB IB IP# MBfB € 1111188 lw, !«NBR9 tUgH jMwyt Kr»»lm»A *. «• «* *• •» ' Prißrt£«t Sr#<T w ft»a« toy OH t '• ; fcata ##||! hm #B AA # BNsf9 ‘ A 9tl# 1 9Mw984 , 8 i at this trail known laatliaMen. Ueatrai tlrammar. j uwf W T, Park* principal of Ik# | A* r lll»lBf R BBfßlllNi tBotBlT- *• • BB* rfBB9B 1# tltfß fllool*B |t{#BWß»* ,fl *' pared with teat ptoD fia-fre of enroll latent. This school opened last year | with 111 pupils, a dec cease tnta y esc or M scholars This la due to many be ing away from the city, but who have j I aet ified Prof. Parka to reserve seals for lb cm la Ike school Tk* mpnrlty of Ike Central school la SM papils. I Tke fad of uon-attexdaare a. Wlaj |arfconl from faralllc# bring away I* per I tirttUriy iuirk#4. At the Honghton. I Principal Otis of the Houghtoa finda aa lacrosse of scholars at this ech. il over that of I*PT On open'n* day last I September there w-re enrolled *77 pn- 1 jptla at the IK ugbt.-n Today S** were ! in attendasre. There fa so Increase of aoeepteen over las* year. At the Davidson. | Prof Onrrett. St the Davidson (Tram- , mar tah vol. rc|.orts 452 scholars on (he roll. There were *0! there on th# opening day of tk*7 Fits hundred pu- I pile can be accomodated at this arhuol. j l*rof. Oarrctt look* for an Increase . 1 when the families of scholars return to | the city. Fifth Ward (Irammer School. No report In figure* could he obtain-! ■cd from the Fifth Ward Grammar school, but It was learned that the at- | 1 tendanc* «a* quite large at this school. | i The above Institution always has a . | very large attendance and this year'* j 'enrollment I* no exception to th- rirth. | St. Mary’s and Sacred Heart. At both St. Mary'* and the Bacred I ' Heart schools, there is sn increase In attendance over 1897. The exact in crease could not be learned. At St. ' I Mary's there are 1«2 scholars and at | the Sacred Heart, 190. Altogether the schools open up very auspiciously. convention express its appreciation of the sentiments contained In the letter, the motion prevailing. Mr. Walsh moved that a committee of five he appointed to notify Mr. Flem ing of his nomination, whereupon the chair appointed the following: Hon. Patrick Walsh, of Richmond; Mr. Ira Farmer, of McDuffie; Judge T. F. Calk, of Jeffcrscn: Mr. W. H. Ham lltnu. of Columbia, and Mr. M. W. Wright, of Lincoln. The next business was the selection of the executive committee for the en suing two years and on motion of Mr. Davis the delegates selected the mem bers from their respective counties. The committee consists of th follow ing gentlemen: Taliaferro, J. R. Kendrick; Jefferson, W. S. Nettles; Warren, W. W. Pilcher; Hancock. F. U Little; McDomc, J. E. Wilkcrson; Columbia, no. I. Spires; Lincoln, T. P. Harmon; Washington, T. W. Hardwick; Wilkinson. J. W. Lindsey; Glascock. B. F. Walker. Mr. Boykin Wright then paid a feel ing tribute to Hon. J. R. Kendrick, who had served as chairman of the executive committee of the district so efficiently and at great personal sacri fice. through good and evil report, and moved that he be reelected. The motion prevailed and he was unanimously reelected. A resolution endorsing the national Democratic platform, introduced by Mr. Davis, was then passed and the convention adjourned. Fresn Pickled Pig Feet at KEENAN & CO’S. MV ADVERTISING AOMm 1 4 a* m A##9 I Rm* ftvft Hade totossl | fiuM tat* Hs J##4k 0# ImttHmt Bd »dr»to * - d* |v4 #i I 4*9 ### I Am* (v«f> itakHwni «*RA <i Kgf4 (ggA I fiAffi y##f avnAM g m«r>#isng I tta Mg# M l mmUhf g» HffiPMdiMr# •In aitaf* ir f 4 (hal t (Doa|h QUi 9, DtiAH M«Mfff LIQUOR DEALERS ANNDIt MEET Wfft opfgf tl frfet*4£*t ffttt tl 4 j 07 Ark TM* I Her**** IN ends a* Detryoe WM Dan. Mis Ka e*«>tlaa. tto n«M f * »m * a |*> it A#kg # ft# lA(. if* 11 Bill #B BmNMI #( 9 <c»«» A I9m* # f j »Ibt bb4 BtlNB BmmMBHB of l|* A*' It- i 9 *#l«| tlbßt IBHM9# Bill las # i •kJf'Sltt* It Financial geceetary J R Collltta. rocreapanding Mrveury a J. i Mark waiter Trews#rer -I. Fmh Prvtotdmt Dreyor It Is teamed, arttl dertta# re elect ton altkongh (he rkanrew are t..»i lie wilt he rewneated to accent that c#vo fnr asttoker year Tk* Idnnor Dealers AmociaUon la a The attendance at tke meeting will ho n large on* this afternoon. Dr Owaltney. the well known and popular Baptist minister ... Edge field, wse In tk* utr yesterday. THE MAPKFTS. M % |# AUGUSTA MARXIST. ’ I Augusta. Oa. Thursday. Kept. ».- Unlit good ordinary 4%a11-1« i U>w middling Ati t-l« I Ktrtrt low middling .. .. .. t l-K at* Middling • H(»S Strict middling • M*»H Uooo# middling .. .. .. .. .. 5 fi-itaH I 'ton to' «7 - 1 ■ ■ RECEIPTS. [ Week Ending Sept. Ifi. 14*4. and ror i responding receipts last year 1»7 li*B Balurday „ •• „ •• •• .. 7*7! 7*7 Monday .. *l»s >“» Tuesday *w*» l*lf W.dmsday «2! JM* ' Thursday 32*7 13*0 . Friday *l** •••• Total .. 707*7 B*s* I SALEH. SPINNERS, SHIPMENTS, j Sales. Spinners. Shipment. ! Saturday .... 712 3*l *95 I Monday .. .. *79 5 i Tuesday .. •• 9*3 ® ■’ Wednesday . 5*5 * 240 f Thursday .. . 45* I*9 Total .. .. 3047 810 I**3 GROSS RECEIPTS. 1807 1808 Net receipts today ***l 1380 Through cotton today .. 42* .... Gross receipts today .. .. 3267 13*0 STOCK AND RECEIPTS. 1*97 I*9B Stock in Augusta today .. 13740 Receipts since Sept. 1 .. 2*574 9532 COTTON LETTER. Augusta. Ga., Sept. 15.—Liverpool I again sent lower cables, spots declining l-32d, with sales 15,000 bales. Futdres opened and closed Hi points lower than yesterday's close. New York opened at last night's closing and gradually de clining until 5.48 was reached for Jan uary. the lowest for the season. At that price, some Support came in the mar ket and steadied prices, January rally ing to 5.50, which is the quotation at 2 o’clock. PAINE. MURPHY & CO. The following quotations, the closing prices tuken at 2 o'clock, are over the special wlies of Paine. .Murph/yt Co : NEW YORK COTTON. Open. Close. January 865 February 8 - 8 ® 8 - 83 March 8 - 64 8 - 87 April 8 «» 8 «2 May 8 -'° 5 - 63 June 5.74 5.68 October 5-45 5.3 i November .. .. 5.47 5.41 I>ecember 5.50 5.45 ■JTone —Quiet. Middling 5 11-16. LIVERPOOL COTTON. January and February 3.04 3.03 04 February and March .. 3.05 3.04 05 March and April 3.0* 3.05 April and May .• ~ 3.06 3.0* May and June .. .. .. 3.0 S 3.07 June and July .. , ~ 3.08 3.07 OS August and Sept. ~.. 3.00 niPTfMfirrr IB THE DISEASE IS SMALL POX It Htl l(fl it Ff tnggral A Iff. Llftp I'wn Tke Cnees ksfialed and I very Ikp cdtoMed taken AB BBTBBBHNi IB TIMI iIBTBd4 * 4## ,Bf 9B 9#** Of Sb£lMß* I*Bl*4 BBBA B*Bf IB I Ca MOf «r| «Bi 18889 «f VBBftilpßK M* r*4«fß#4 # p 4NM># > fßßf r B*4 8* * I VMM l»*f* 19 B't FTi»>4oVi MifnH lßß*4lftl*if l«4 BB i*Bftßt4M| ksBBB* |OfT|MYH fuf (b#lf f*» ffßlK«<k 8.84 KlMtlliWl B i*M4 Im*Aß49* INMoBIBA BBSI4 *tt*«4*Bl* B#fß p•><**!|Nt4 884 T'Cfv'hlnf pfMtltil# til fWtkto It* at !*# AgHNNI4 of IB* 4fft4 44.***** . Bt* h*tfl BcrttfißCMlllHNl I#f r o4ff i nays that he doaa no* anttelpnte nap t -owt.te and think* that It kna been ar mtud la Haw There Is also another rase tlx mtlen from the city. Till* la also t*r> ated, and ftHnlgntion and nil other nere**a»g atone urea hava been attended to. Dr. Howell of the Insane asylum I* here «ia bttsiaean Me etntea that there am fmm one to tea pat teat* being receiv ed dally at the aayluta but If the imall pox spread* a quaraattn* will have to be established. He does not at alt Tear this, however. Met* and Get I#7 Ja* *7 I Ort. and Nov. .. .. .. I.dfi I,a* <4 ! Nov. an t Dec 14* 1 S 3 «* ■ I tor. and Jan. *• ». «. 3.a* 3 03 0* PORT RECEIPT*. 1*37 I*M I Galveston *7*7 ««7* New Orleans *7*l 7X!< Mobile I*3 *l4 savannah .... .. 77* 4]<X2 Charleston 1947 504 157* 708 Wilmington .. .. .. .. .. 1758 .... Heston 1 .... Philadelphia .. .. .. .. .. 17* .... Tefml at all ports .. .. 298*0 15*09 CHICAGO PROVISIONS. J WHEAT— Open. Civ**# 'September .. .. .... •• •• *5V»a% ***« December *3 831# May «4* ««i CORN— I 'September .. .. 29*ii 2*4ffi I December 291* 29'J May 31% 3U| OATS- 1 ; September 20 7 i 20 7 d i May 221 i 22H1 PORK— ' \ December •• •• •• .. .... 9.57 8.52 LARD- December •• 4.02 4.SS SIDES— October .. 5.27 5.27 Fresh arrival of Fancy Crackers at Keenan & Co’s Hiss Boyk'n Entertains. Mfss Hattie Boykin entertained a number, of her little friends Tuesday evening in honsr of Miss Leila Wall 'and Miss Henrietta Williams, of Co ■ lumbus. Ga.. Danrtog and games were I enjoyed, after w hich delicious refresh ment* Were Served Those who enjoyed sQss Boykin's charming hospitality | were: Misses Hrien Carroll, Lillian Stulb, Grace Boykin. Nellie Crain, Mary j William*. L»ila Walt Bes sie Wright, Messrs. Rhodes Boykin, Bernard Stulb, Rodney Cohen, Will La mar, Hamilton Wilkins. Estes Dore mus, George Reid, Robert Carroll. Noufchatel & Philadelphia Cream Cheese at KEENAN & CO’S. Mrs. R. L. Jones has just returned from Charleston, where she has been visiting her husband, who is a shipman cn board the United States Steamship Mayflower. TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION STENOGRAPHER YOUNG MAN who is quick and accurate. Apply by i letter, only giving references and sal ary effected. Stenographer. Box 5E3, i city. Sept 15 LANCING SCHOOL —MISS BELLE) ; Smith’s dancing class will be re jsumed at her parlors, northwest corner of Kottcck and Telfair. Tuesday, Octo ber 11. 3:30. Mon thus sat Sept 30 TO RENT—SUITE CONNECTED BY sliding doors. First floor. Centrally Iq-. rated. Apply 9J2 Reynolds street. Thurs and sat Sept IS ;