The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 18, 1898, Image 15

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flip i ML.. •<rL# I ■■ '4 p<£ ’ ■I 9 if##* SiPilP * ttiikW it »« t' 1 [| ffl I II fl V £ n> tLU M Tl.l!l fcV ABB. !»»■■>» Vr«l Bh», i*i ’ *;» Agpri#r cso• a mil” #■* From fcaati IP IMP# 9*t WU «•**** I €*y — _ ~ \ j r W;. I jf I 1 ( j i AUTUMN COSTUME OF POPLIN FROM HARPER'S BAZAR Autumn roam are to greet variety -ahort, medium, and Three-quarter 1 length—to milt all figures. Many of them, according to Harper’* naaar, show a eerie* rs revers, sad ere belted, with bason" effect* produced by fanci fully shaped hip piece*—another one of the season s modes. A French gown of ths new corded poplin In marine blue i* romb tied with a coolin velour* plaid of military gray end shadowy tone* of red, a touch of tartcn being very fashionable In the new fall costume*. The coot corsage of plain blue ha* its collar square in the back, and sloping ofT to wide re vere In front, below which are short rever* that taper to the waist line, faced with plaid velour*, the vest beneath cf cream-colored poplin, trimme< yoke effect with bands of velvet bet ween insertions of ecru point de Vfll Th« tartan is used also to face the high turn-over cuffs and the cravat tow is of piaid. The small tailor sleeves have tiny caps of the plain poplin and the fancy belt is Of cut steel. „ , ~ , „ The skirt moulds the hip*, and has a box-pleat holding all the fullness be hind Very narrow at the top. It gradual expands and sweeps outward In fen effect. At the bottom Is a flounce, flaring at the front and sides withou rippiee. the width at foot being four yards. The upper finish is a black vei- V “ Thfhat of latticed satin in black is trimmed with puffy loops and bow of gray blue velvet, through which is thrust a jewelled buckle, while behin 1 huacb of curled quills in dull shades of red. blue and gray. * Quantity of material for gown-blue po.lin, 6 yards; pla.d popMn, 4 •yards; cream poplin,’% yards. . 1 ||il ttkfPPliM MU tiff* |4P*Pl*ra Iff ftf fNKNB PPN*B %■*’ IfM* *4N#P iMSNMfI ilk# aa#* ■■■■*. #’* »#p ##4 t #.?. »„ ISMI a |4N«r* Awaaarhftl* WtPPa ftf ilk# tl»* N»to*f j i Prrtft Ml.r ppppraf *■#*» lit* «ra4A4* j Inn ifrfaii imp t#t #f apftappi «##* | ffcfwj lapg Iff (NkNMMI •fff N <*•#• i i | ||? tRB ft #' f **•#*• PPfl *T If P## #N##AB I Nad aNnaa fra *IMV* ip ft *1 fc Ilf 4 f rom • Nail raff#. « «tf|i If tftA*f# p« Py V OP# fttW|P» *it |of mlngli.g fill if If? tUrmia •»<* !|m of « iMMiltf rabwiprf l«l «N# fair# paJ# iato liMMitMaraPr'A f*”* *«»4 ••‘fbtßf IN# ffM NfN • 'I’JrTB APOTMTA CMIB-gIWA T.T> m•* «#»•» ha* ttwwwdww **m*m i% wnw mmm ft* ****** V* *k *»*• j .%•* ««* rn DMMdMMt **•»•«•** * •* iamw %* v •*»«• Ip ***** j m am* i* %«*.** •* ftm ******' - .nr-* tb* ggl Aw* ftkMg V* *«■ ■ *ag •*• tofttok* ftMV w *** l * tr—t urn*-- «MMMi Mi >M iMtl gfMpg MWftftm » Ml .•I Mite MM *W»* *** ft •“ u ft**g MM* ft»f *«WW Ml *•» iNtoM to ' mm tete karaua «• n ***** ft KM ***** I tpmto tettew Mm» *#** kMll| l*«Mnl fta MW ten MM* *» Ml *nMf *• *#'MlMm»m pMtok* ft I* *V MM* Vft* tMM MM IV WMMkM toara ft* • wri Mnw tete* «kd mmm •**’ •MM ftWW«* AM to *V M»» *** ■MIOTI **h OteMlM ***** *MM MMk gOWk M* •**• Mawklag i |MM TV ktokV |M M »MlM> M MM *MW-* •»M HttMUtelM MU »">*d*W< . •MUM* MM hw* MMN WtattoM MM* ‘ •(•Ml Ml Ml<«M Wv» IMM MM MM, Aad ft gkftft •# tV ••*•**»* i IMM AMft kwMW W*fc fttoftft ***** IV* MM«M (teMI M iMlte M "M «k‘ •M> MM to MMM ••*—l WMMMI MM j »e TVtr» M Ik* graft' M tetoteft k« | «o*M m 4 IV. to*V Ml liwnitt |M at Ik* pHteit (dr*W»* to MM MM ' lag MW Owl* Ik* wtad* »** ******** j k m iMf MIT Ik* crwM wnfc • rftk j ! Mir MMgtMp PPM* MMftmft** *t ****** j IkM MUM Ik Ik* ftMdto 4MIM* *• • Vto *t fo'towM Ml Uto ktolM ktlto Mtok IVM MMfltokl *ktM«kd m* »kd **kd < .»•• tow*. Ik* kft*-gtft tmrhgrwowd ow Ik* toft Ik*** to • Vag ****** toll • Hk IMM* m Ik* MM M tofctok grow tlotot. I* rVh prtofttow Ok Ik* rtgfct grow rwddv *|t*to* **4 brwagtag »»*f * | (irrat iMrimn wappraaMMM '*** down •• arbor auk Ik* > wwtotki M iaartoa* nprara* *l*4 daft? I*l **•*•* vtf r nrr Ik* goaf «M hmwa n»U Tk**» to • gHmpra a t m wladlag road ***** •btofc kw i**a» ***r to*** »o 4 iki* i«M wltk ik* fcrwfci rad rl» >*w4» Ikr oo* a«*d*4 «I*M lowrfc I# »k* |k*(MM*to* of Ik* gkrtwr*. I, Tb* air to cool and Mil of ah taper* of ik* ratal** *f Mil teal «k* tok*ft Mid cllag m Ik* lev iM to tor*| to ,1,i1,V. TVi* to »o ftg**»l»ao of graft anywhere It to ikr fuSneea, Ik* rWhnr** Ik* Vw*iy o# IK*. Uf* •» to* aoonda* hoar of rt poo Tb* lift* of men *ad of Mir and of *‘OM to far aw. o*|.- lb* ‘lto'aoi * but to of aa !engine aod Ik* low rutwbto of Ik*, train rorall Ik* f*rl Uai ailwir* •*| bu> ail r<«l and dr*wia» and ih* (lad brcattotn* l* of aml>ri*»lal air lo •'**, link Hag aicompanlmrat of a mo»l< -! ally murmuring itrwa pUabln* Ilk* allvrr through tb* *k*doo» of a aelgh bona* wood. MM MkHi. Uk* a Ifapin* •word fr«uo !** wak haH runw a Bank of Mato from ik* radar* and a kl»* J«> «*• Ui* suorhln* wllb !*• BaMiia* • lie* ftoarral;’ ka* I* **>*• *h*n a Mjolrrel rough* UoiM-rti n.nlly (tom Ikr brakrhra orrrhrad murtlin* viotonlly a.rabMl. dailn* to lift It* long «at* ov*r a low brldg*. Th# -vhlpporwtlt rand* a rtoar rail, rail, ard ik* »<|UiiT*l dari* Into It* hoi* Th* »ud.•ur« on Ik* f*nr* ■rarraiy br*atk*« *o pr«**ntly th* *ra<*fttl littl* actor tain* bto rouragr lo both Oar ton. a«<* rrtiirnk to Ihr tr m of Inaction, and once mor* the bin* Jav flanhr* by. whll* Ihe butl*r fll** continue to float la*lly on and on •od lb* Mj«trr*l dart* tutu It* to unknown part*. id * l The Inactivity. Th ort I* a mossy pillow imiler the apple tree. It la fashioned most mag ically, auil la even more soft and green than the gras* There I* shade there, the syu la beginning to ahlne rather too approvingly on the rail fence One foot and then another steps down and sink* deeper into the ver dant carpet. The temptation to lie at full length la not Overcome, and then there Is a blissful gazing Into green and gold depths, with gllmpaes Of blue I between. The bees hum drowatly, Rest, rest, rest, unutterable and per fect. Surely this is Lotnaland. A Beautiful Neck. All of the women are in training this summer for the development of beautiful recks for the winter season, when decolette. gowns will again be worn. The seciet of the development w as learned from Queen Natalie, who Is said to posses* the most beautiful neck in Europe. By those so fortunate ar to obtain entrance to the grounds of the queen's residence near Bel grade. her majesty might be seen ev ery morning about eight, taking a brisk walk with a heavy pitcher on her hea d This daily exercise gives her a superb carriage, molds to per fection the lines of her neck, aud makes her thioat and chest, strong to a degree. Her shoulders are simply perfect, and her head is placed on, them like that of a Venus de Milo. There are various conjectures as to urhere the queen obtained suggestions for this most profitable exercise. but it was probably from watching the peas ant women of Italy and France, who have unconsciously cultivated magnitl- 1 cent carriages from carrying pitchers and wines on their heads. Be this as it may the fashionables at the summer resorts are copying her methods with results most satisfactory to them selves, At ail the popular springs now the women and girls may be seen twice a day walking up to the hotel or, cottages (why is it that springs are frcvariabl? at the bottom of M!ss?) ■ 7-{tlr p*acfi»rs of the healing-waters ' j*ri~Tt #mm ft and aw■»»wtoirtto ak fkw MM** Ik akktoMM ' tk* raa *4 j 'ftkMk* wak ail to* fkftft ttokj Ik *aa raft m*** p kftd <%»** •) kMg twMk ft ***** *►* •*• 4mm** ft *a- *<»/»w m *****•** *»* j fk« Mt*t amifltowft *••*♦ *** *■**• j «*4 a Milk Mft* MMfta* aft aft*#* • » * ■ wirtMt 40 000 # <WNi Wo* #• ! 0- J tin* * tftdgnanwtiMi <O/0 IMM** • > 40 4440440004 | i**« - wfttoftHlk b» *a*ft • ftft* •*•* I I*** (to w*ft ********* ******** ft a| •ft »w»ft ***** » Iflgkk ft ftft ft*r * m**ojf* I Mm.* Mra-ftft *iai ft * toft* imw «?ftft»Sskki'M* »* * m *•»: •taaft**** *»M« «** i««m aa ***** bw* aw *«•»♦ j INft w* g <kkkft* wwd *ft*"<M *• *•’; l*w**a (MflW’k wtotob kto waft Moftd IV Ik* MftW»ft»— *•# ikfftftatoftl "f ft *** gtoi* Tto* gftiwiw to ******* kftkftft' ;ft* rat* krawfttow Mft gft •*.****-* . talk w* to to «lk* raklwwwid toaft* ' toawMto k* Ktoto* ft kto »nw* wf ik* Tb * *»*»•* war ito* gkkga* •»*♦- cwrattoft to Mftta * wralcki fta* *d » -*» tMNMNto tow raw law* **^ |auk k MWW* k*M «• Ml toft" «to .totofti' waftkwto* Ik* *toft wtob ik* iMU rafttoft w*w* Ik* fto* * kedk* Igaftr wraw lk»tow* fra* **toai a am* 1 • ■to i ****** dwW» ft** •*** 'ft ; rntod Ik Ibto tv wraftk! ***• *dj • Ida fdftto «w*w to r*d ft IV Vfti ■'raft tot* ora* (to* ftb Mditoia* -..tow* k >«wto tofttoV. ft IV Mto «rs |ik* awft TV bath ratoa aft i*Vk .aft m a I toft, work ai**w a ft*#- •**<. •arkato Ml *bo »V Mk kad >W»» toft MUrato Mkto* IV iraai *wft ***** itoak ft a (MM WMk a wlr MM M Wfe toto* TV ftaiftftl to wkM. akd tklrk aad te'aft Tarftoig* Agaft. MV last m-lftna IV knd* as Ik* f atiwg Itok* of M*arb*M*r. **r»i»*to aftoag V. wraMtag gift* from iV • rnwaMad* of Ban** *kky rkpil KwMMd rarrag. kolab r a galr nf larg* diamond* frwto toilar* I’tork* of IVnmark Of rwarra th*** »*w*to aai V worw. and im«ftdlai*l > ito (aaklon as w**Hag rarrlna* to ratirato , Maa» of th* arw orwain** I *r* boon* and rarg*w»» r*»lkl»ra*i of tb* Ital tan |m rkto wblto other, aiw k*a*y ftdd l>.n<haat* rarlrrtod *Hh arwa ft* ! *l* rim *rl a* arrrw*. and long p*ar «h*p*d pearl* *rr n<>P*tor. wblto •taato dlgtoond* opal* *nd «ftr«Mg* rto for favor. BftklMd ft'ottlra of, alt. h«w*r*r ar* btocb p-arto a** Ib aj ring of dlarrond* A* ‘h*** •** »*r* (**p*n*lr*. iVy will n*r*r grow lomnion Now IV a oral 100 ailtow If lb* crown k*a«U had prr**al*d Mk» Wil- mm with hoop* for h*r aura ahou'd all lb* American girl* begta M*arlug tb*m* The Height o» CkvfrtMt. We were all •«proving our opinion* on the subject of the clavar vomeo. and the very cleverer! woman In the group gave aa her conception of the mentally Ideal woman: "liefore the clever and original wit* I led e oman a* a constant companion for a man," abe said, "must be ranked ! the woman of good medium brain. ' trained to take an 'nteroat In men's affaire, endowed with Judgment and a 'frank but modeet estimate of the value Ls h-r owo opinions Hbe rou»t not be deprecating, she must not prtfare with •Of course. It's a thing I know nothing about.' else wdl a man curae below I hla breath and think. 'Then what on earth do you want to talk atiout It for’’ She must speak with the un assuming simplicity of a person who htut read what ha* to he read nud thought according to her measure— who expresses without personal am bition to be quoted, to make a r.rot, to register a sucese. to cap. to best, to extinguish the male pronouncement* (for these are the pitted specks niton «our clever woman)—ln clear honesty, bare of feat and favor, her opinion. She must listen, without seeming to watch her opportunity to calch the word when you finish; she must wait when you pau«e, and not supply In stantly a smarter simile than y° l ' # re groping after. It must be un earnest eye that Is talsed to you, with no whimsical sparkle to make you for- Ket your theme and misrepresent yourself by an Ironic ending, accord ing ui with your exordium. Her 1 mouth tender, lips parted, mute and mobile, hut not twitching to sarcasm I nor mutinous at the curve of tho cor nor To her who does npt hold her town nor seek It to this charitable I companion, you will listen grave.y In I calm enjoyment of her apprehension, of her patient study of a point, of her i vdse remembrance of a prior state ment and the rest. She will not con tradict sor counter: she will not exalt nor bring you low. If she differ—for to differ deftly Is to spice the dull pud ding of lire—lt will not he with the I brfHlanco of a comet's tail that 1 makes a yellow avenue In the dark i heaven of discussion but it will be reasonably, softly, thoughtfully, that you may smile and loose the strain of that proud brow, and say: "I am not sure but that you are right! Thais the woman for a constant companion —of the best sort—there's not a doubt about It. * Not all man have the mag nanimity to enjoy this other-the ef fulgent ly clever woman—not all can say: ‘She heats me, and she is charm ing.’ ” ; Mrs. Katharine U Haddock, of Phila delphia, bequeathed Her home in that city for an orphamikv, endowing It with $1 25 000. a * B ° enriched fleveral charitable Institution* aiui PennsytTanJa. wTth Rift* of tll'S. MAX. THKjQLEER BRtn'HBRS. The Two Roger* Thalj Ait on the Staff in a Sew **ta>, Tip ftM* TAN* TA IN# TAB Ml § t jHiat r** \*** \ Nf% (DfffV FA»*r«l »A #!■ tai I NX*** it T** lUmi A*i< %tm I>4 Apt It lipo-sA* «*•»— bk'¥A4*an : '4 v nmnaana BApaaiaaA van “ a**w*a* —a* <Mk» • »*MI —A*** a#i I i* b%4 mb #Nva baaamb ta»* bAAP* —*B B—i» •• «B* **#- •• ! m .w* •*«»• k»i*—rr | t f NAf Mn Nrt* As ** • Apdi A# ! m _ flui A a 411 .at *4 •«# •• # n«< la Ni*®»*n a#4 nirnfi fiaaa v%*. »iitt till iA# * * (ka N#4 AA lAßm# f A * j BaalNbM* pNl'f AN la# N AM** . lat ia aa* aba® *mmo+fr*+ la aaa- 5 k i i*vft ANN M AtA ** #44## IpHIAN 14 mW* I# •* i#B«B *• : mttt fT) -ts |ha4 as M Air r aN*• N *« Inal tHat mrt of ph ltn*A> #rt»t#N N* j WtAPA a irat #iM*#l#a** till tiANtti, i M#b 4*4 N# AorM awn ••*« |N#«# aaiaa n . > fl „ ,|. r tWHmr tiniit VI»Y ’ tf?# Ilf Nin m* f "” T n *" H ; ci<it I * coa## wiiw **** Bt# *N«t h#t#fAf# wfcMPm) li « drink# n ffr* Nt» •tifitv j #"» flip fß'’ii’i"A#*, frr «ia a##*** a** * - - I i at til (I th# a###*# nf in pt fr# * ’ * fia# In abnm r>»a#* «• na* pnianw C.nt" *rw to b" «- of litem and • , |«tifi«rtxiaal" m mt*er of that un •at" rllM lor with the po *ll*t toßiUtli* nUIIM b* tween hl« end brother Bbnllnenre from lb* cup tbsi cbww* but doe* not doe* * mmi iiitv fr »n ah At * , an? iruaraai## iawmhm •* t#r#4 a*nr#B. Mai 1# equally wnforta- | ; 8 .,e .hen I. .«»- to i atui<l a#*tti that mmy a#*f f#ap*# ina il—rti *t<*r knvlng *u»er»d tlm- I’Qt if number from the *P«TU of rmoklng would Immune lt*e|f *galu*t the «ced even If smoked by another. ; but Mux s stomach I* not of the uaual ikind and iimnlaUkably refuaea to re- 1 . one tie Itself to tobacco as "Ou* " doer ito accost* m Itself to coffee. It mual „ p be Inferred that "Ou»" »* •" '»* | voierste smoker or Max a coufirmed ,-offee drinker. How Thny Act Kmh, of >ourw, known that Indul gene* In either narootle means that the pleaaure gained by tbe one will l>e offset by (he pain bifllcted upon th" j other, and both, being constant ocm panions and extremely pr«md of each other have agreed upon a true? ao far •a tobacco and coffee are concerned. Probably neither may be called n smoker or coffee drinker, as the eas" may b#. but orca#lonaHy hankeilng for the fragrant weed or the steaming cup will outweigh prudence, and then there Is stir*- to be trouble for one or the other of the brothers When they were younger end more apt to act upon impulse, a quarrel between them wa. sure to bring pains to th" stomach of one or quakes to the nerves of he other, or both Like as not Qua would revenge upon Max by smoking a cigar, while Max would “get even" with "Out” by drinking s ,up of strong black coffee. Whet makes this peculiar affinity all lh" more remarkable Is that notwithstand ing the natural aversion of Max to tobacco. "Uus" took to the weed like a duck to water and never suffered a pain of the stomach or n quaver of the nerves as a resulti of smoking not even when a beglnher. By the same token Max seems to he thoroughly Im mune so far as coffee Is concerned. No matter how much of the beverage he may drink, or how strong It Is, his nerves ore never affected. This affinity does not atop with nar cotics The mysterious bond, between the brothers Is manifested almost dally In the common-place things of life. For instance, if "Gus” has a had corn, there is an ache In Max's foot; If Max sits in a draught “Gus” sneezes. He Had the Colic One night not long ago "Gus’s 1 wife was awakened by groans from her hus band. He had pains In his stomach. All the homely remedies known to the household v;*re applied, but without effect. "Gus" continued to suffer ex cruciating pain. Finally, when Ills wife was beginning to feel really alarmed on impression came to him. It s Max, he gusped. "Find Mux and cure him end I’ll be all right.” Mrs. Rogers called a messenger and sent him post haste to a house In a different part of tlxe city at which Max was a guast. «<3*re Silsx fflometbtag for Ws califc," I anaindi ft** • Vd w%* «*• •# ww» Ml *** ft ito* »** fto »*• •* V* ■ *v SSSftft • ■ s dM ft ftp* • ft ft aft ****6 t*m ftVwtoft Mptotoft toast ftto-OI ******** ill, bM« too* ntovvt ft W •# »» [ft*,** DM ft Mb* • toft *W* few** 'ft ftw M aW (toft •••»•§ i■■ gftMaw bv*a ftf (toki *4 gwwtoftl agp Vft oft aa*** MWftV A gwftft oaa bkatoft *wMMtoaoM. wbw waft bad IV* aktoft ft <V ****** at w* |T~ V ft* «Mk* 'ft 'ftw*' Atol ift* • ******* to. * nk*>k V tod w*a an ia ww awto* TV* awift* to to »to **am gkiwtowf* ft* ft TVft ******** tool-'* Inw—d ft*k wgwa •v —tr tbv *•• maini to wwa t wUa* ftto* twwkd «V laVooMl. * ft* UNWIN itoaft to **A Vft* ito ftp* * tm I ft*tot* * k*« gftf. I wtttkft < .piiltoto V* «to Wiftfti . i 111 I Vft Vtok ggfto’i'l tVMMtoraw wwk aftdwto* ft mravtag (Vto *w#»* "IV *fttoWMW to »V #»•* kft bast *wra*4 agaw wdl<l«V «wd waft **d iV itoftwb towl »«* *to aft a [ptotol ibto iV pUr wa* ftwMtoflllg I *wto* V* jltotoVU* a wmgdM* aad 'iktoVd wflnito- TVw M wa* V IVa '.wdrad Ml raMlndp w*w wdawlb* • •wilto dfttod-tov toMk »V *tm. wtowb uiT bMftft totob *P * toto igwn a»4 Unm to bto l.rtoto* aatotol axtoMtt «• akrtotoy aVwi b»* ' . :4Mt )„ *,—df»d b* try ft* #*w tola »IM* M IV »*« nbiiitol wapatolav Ilka* V awtod V wkitg*4 Mill •• •» oral to ftplalaikd V mmV «V a-wib [to IV twwartoft «tow* tontouito •Va IV IMV >*aw V l|.Mtond IV **w attatoftt wMb a b* *«*»<*» to dialwga* akd bit to toaaMw* WbM wa* bid *argfft ab<* ~*lm ' wtlboai a m*M»ai« b«Mtarlwa «oob «g tV a*« lbread aad p*nrw*4«d lo aar***l M • wag atokoM IV wrada «bM bad Vrai ipiaaftd for bft by Mai *ad *a**to* lag IV tdrwftftl bwaiaraw ll dr. Mop ad IbM tV btoa bad iftwr %m him aoaa after ll Mrwrk Mai kwi rrakalnrd Vty aad *agw* awtll ku kratVra talilau** rrttod apoa kirn |« p«i hi* part to II !iato play. la amain* rowirtbatma* far iV t*» Mat of ».IdK** doaorw will bear m mind t bat ~*a*b • .aHribottoM of ara gop* acrardm* l« IV rMwwrf »rra Ibarw, prafrared la ,a*b (uatriba ttuMa of eftWr-l beef, TV Pnpali.i orgaM of lwtrtdi mighl hat* IV 4ro*J l« forfto iVIr af rark* ui»'n I ton Ai«*r al Waal whit* he i* Irving to *n>»> a nrab - * rrai al mwn* among hi* frMnd*. A i-wid ul Inyalry ramporaM <M Toddy K. ....vH, On Nil** *O4 t'baplain M< Inlyr* would get al lb* fact* Cram tketr tu-tat of vb* without calling ally wll- MMM, IVihap* w* ha»* prevented l>rv*»» (rain feeling hi, dl*gr*<-*. wkltk **• ‘l laln* why ften*u»r d'Almenn* want* II .uMmkl into him when V get* ton* BROADCLOTH QOWN WITH FLOWERED MOIRE FROM HARPHR'S BAIARjg Bro ad cloth which la In great demand for early fall costumes, especially in the various late effects of brown, is the material of a hundaon.' cfTcLt and fLc7 wa“sts. Plastrons also, in great variety, are continued The jacket front or this gown laps far to the left side, where it la fastened with three targe silver buttons. In this instance the Jacket forms a Portion«* the waist being sewn in with the shoulder and under-arm seams, and opening ove, the flowered siik plastron. The brocaded moire la >"ced again I,k>. an Inverted V. into the front of the skirt, which Is circular In form and is handed with narrow bias folds in imitation of a shaped flotmce.Ua width at the bottom being four anti a half yards. The back may be Ht te d fotfnda ered. While many of the new skirts are made over a perfertU' turn, the circular models are usually lined throughout in order to preserve their form better. -a . • *— ‘ . PROFIT HV PCCI I.IAR SIATLi. Item the Hciißfa Ihm* liar *ifeW Oifff" lit Vufu.*ta (Hfkc. TP iA# Mm Aft i Ui Tub #Niß# l ffl| X# Icnv. iM Mh Pt E#A l lA* TijftWi* P Uti* ttH Tlk#l pa p ppt’Bl iprPflaPl ttp ip# PPM c «4 la4na ta m laapPat ap4 #4 Ms. a tit# bum b',p# aa# 9pa#* inapaa# a*a t ' trA*PMMih># #1 Aa4A«AA, MNb pMp PM i a,« aanmnaipi mmmrnwm * aaaaa 'ff M ffMiltkiff* to Hfe* fuNM—* Bt i *> % * ts IPbINPNP Mi NBA Nk PPk PA* npt##'piapla aamMP *V 4PP4P4PI pPftf '|p BPIIPPpI fiwPl#ra. Impp* tapMkM# I • p#M «*t*# ira aj ptwpfpa IP i Mwaa «4 pia aa« t a## inp TprapN a p#«# I nalPlAiirf AA# itpililNi Ms n#Ni fiMiPf •Nr r~ph UN# ' 'laNUPipt -PP« ' irrtNff 4v#N#*#aA#aa i* p P#nn#pianmm Pa# Nb#4 4#an tip a«*p 1 nua a# aa* •lofapt mpN## 9%p#pmp*# atallippA Pnt tlf IA to llirtgi tir ah* ‘ 1 Pa*N #4 IN# I AttAAfA I Ararat «<«I4 Na## N##p '•MeAfl# !♦ •# tp ip* avrtpA mi Ipc la TV Jw4t# « 9W14 IMf •+* NB B*( *# tN»%ra* • fOP# f #Af* pf «#r#lr# #tpi«#4 Apflt It, iPITa Mai a appt ran*# 1 *a N#ta##p in# HtHMi bab aa ta «ko ANraPI t#« IN# pra TN# npltil ib Ira ft#«N la Mp 4 to pavratkra It »nf aa* isbbal Uk-UfMAI PP4 Pa* pal r talif A# topdl PMltiapp took (Nirft UAfrp ft, itftft r Aiiaftfttor inaiNar hJH | p«i4 „ Ifr |M || AoalV. Mr i lrm Itoara * H«M CK#f. AaaMtaai pubipiapi#?# if# *Na aa* pAlal#«A #4 fN# puAt atA#®##*- M*N#a f‘aapi# rr#aaPtar Orarp# 44Mft 4M Mr NftHft rtsrt, (Nap Ja44# DPtoc'i awiaiatit (*#* AAtlff wmm Aapmf*w«4 rtMtftl} tr#Attftf#f I«l4«# iNitlhAf iVft* a peak Bps tori at #4 Nl# bchn ? I#pi ftoi a baa * tt» remain aa Nla aaMMaat. It #raa (koofll at tN# Ufa# thal IN# a#w prat* piAal#r toaM b# NNKilatvd h# (Np pfrA*d#iii aay day. ft wmm aoio# Hitt# Hat hoaritf. bßfrtre Mr fttaHtasa •** apfw>tAt#4. TN#a «*a«b# IN# (H#A«re#ai#nl amooi <Na N#pubtt#aaa a bom IN# ApaUtaot po#t niAat#faNlp Aa aa#iat#at pr»atmaa(*r» go oat p#a rralty allti tN# |B«nmaai#ra Mr. OMM Ininbar #a|oy#4 lato '‘bold oron <at under th" iNjatmaatcrahtg fight and na* undue th» aeatotaai i-.iumWcraWp flgb< I‘oat master gtaihng* went In Marrh fl Mr Dem (Kinbar held ova* to fl"*tember IS.