The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 18, 1898, Image 4

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SUNDAY TWESHERIID -■fiSKr-i-IBR |- u rTi- i t>l»i««»ii m **• «•» •* *>»*«* >• sag **#♦*»• 4a* at* ***** (Mas aTSitr- ■» ■*>< M to Mam-* amh voAurM flits#>a kgks* Aar* *M g®** •••• pw m ;aa»"Man»wi mm> *• %*• Magitot t* nwl «d A#* »Mi **•■ I Unto oiypl» f » *t* Ml M'fc Mi fNMt* A#* f 9Mi !**•♦*'• MM* | *»**• «m mi. HIPMM ■***•**» t* Hto#P t* Ptll P> i *» «n N MMAaw Ta* mmmm Ip pa Mm Mm Aantifld , M **»<*»•*»* pM •%» MMH ppistotpi M •*• pAp* A ! Ip , - srkmi «p t# a* Aar**** l Ip at I a P tA# Mil* **r* «♦ paWhal «•#•» fA* ItffNMtPPa* #** aat pAml'-m at* f i|* f MMtiy Mi Mat**. WAla *g-Tit !-*-■ (Alpha At rrte* 111 • Ippri »« raptoa* AM* PM TV> gr* flgAMag Man Qaaf lit llpti Qt<*y Ip AflAttafl Apr* .111*9* a • Mill PpppPltna tor < A«#p*r to# Ur* Ciwf , > if* mi*****?* Tim I* a flgfrt la AaMle ot«r lA* ptappaa* of p PpAi Wall! Wall' Athene Mi* And opt lAal <A* 41» fpatifT Mp'l as cAurrA regulation. MrKtnty want* to »wi*r Arran ml fit table* any bp turned |p IMA. fraaior Alllaon la altH allt# Hr allll tnn ihr presidential bar busting Cohmhx* o»r» Augusta good wilt. Angus's BMkHi Colmubu* produces. TA# NlAltttt* harm I P* yet decided to go lalo (At mare p»s< c naltran Fpain mat br vary grant at dlplo ■HKy, but la aoma thing* the la not in It TArjr charge that It at** “anybody to beat Btlrrba" with tb* Ntat and (’on rlrr. Tht# much ran br aald in fl*v*nnth. “The I da art going to amoAr cigar attra." W<«’t Hirer la a welcome for Renkl’a men and Krye'a men a bra tb*y get b*<k! Thry tay Gen. Mtlra la ahoalnp It’.* band Ha- be bran really called downy Who! breotnr of that railroad they aald they were to build to parallel the Georgia’*? Gomrr did well to rerlgn. It might bn well to recommend resignation to 8,1 Cut ana. llualntae seems to be steadying It self. It may br heard from In It* real guise soon. The PopulHt* continue to attest to William Y. Atkinson's honesty In pol itic*. It Is well. There ought to br more rare about non laws. Monkeying with the bills taw is dangerous. Pnt good men In council. See that good men air picked out. That Is the duty cf each ward. That Is good news from Amorims. Thnt ts where you'll find a tip top city one of these days. Southi rn boys who did get to til" fron* made a record. “You can't keep n nquitrel on the ground. ’’ Sfacon U brimming over In expectan cy Macon la all right. The weakness there Is lighting at the octopus. On the Isthmus of Panama there Is a railroad that charges r>o cents per mile, Thought Skelly Stone had enlisted? If you And an enterprise In your town that merits support, support It— though the competitor "knocks it." There Is many a poor man who holds that Spain or Cuba, or somebody, or Bome'hing. should take oft this war lax. The new water works are getting along *1! right. The old waterworks still color# up at the idea of being dis carded, _ _ , _ . _ n» mitf ft—* *>—»* %%*■ nmNUmp* tip* •*••»’# ■ tw* HhmP* *» 9*o (PUP*** •**•'• 0** r | v *990*0 w** w 0* • <#*** *■ •NMWt m» fa#*# i* 49*99*0 m 4 mm*m* ■■ imm 00*4 0 *NNWnNNB«N* RNr I# 009*0* (MNN •-4N' *# f *- MHMHp %■I- ■; §m *0 PHi In W%m fMIMMI %**• l t|ppfw*tf htMMrffltfl A |p fomomait if p»at*'M*'i *mp- | ■wmP' to *A*a (Asp pat ip-pa *mm* mi ; lsgtp Ml MMMMP PhPP* PMNPPWi at i tltob * -40 Ml |priLi§fiii*Vf*<i . fbA'AMMI#* t•• •* #% jpilnrTT -f itlHf" *l* * m •*» «•* mhni m •* ** (Mti P** } IlNtt MN*?' !W* iPipWßfcsiWPM- »•* * Mf gMMPgpf MHI *%|Mp | flMHi* m <(*• lOlPi *n# **•* | tffßMl' N •» fi* 111 tVIH IflN* «»*.•* Ilf** | irr-—tr«- «f nnwiii n ‘unit ~r **4 j MMMMt I, H ««* Hn* rs #%• - 90**001* l«p liMi pljr«PMM* W , WWitllf. NtiffWf ililitili MNr ; lift KIWI IPMIMMrt liltlflflf tttfe . I ftPNP tba %#t #4 I In* 4 *€#>♦ *MT ■ i• • H ft#>l . I"#f•MUMP *• l»*W iPPifSPIU Tip PUPrtP*• Nppw HNPt*t® *■**• •••IN pisr—Hai* P bM PMMW baiibbstpiap pad m*pA« a*4* aaeasaary »ipl ib»»«r* [la psaiHyal pavMsaia aaw aeraat* t by «A* rtty pu»»*aiwaat That «* iA» eHy May Aa*« aaad* *ta •*»**#*»'*'» 'os lA* Paata at aallartlap t**-k«M tb* ia tea Mi April TA# Paw Ipw pMpAi ra oulrr p quarlrrli yaypetl Aston* tbal ■ iPM pwitlag ib* aaroad pwartarly pay -1 **ai beyond lAat Mat* H la admitted by Ml and daatad by aats tAal Ibe throe carmen! plan baa prove* aa neelleai a. cemamdaiioa for lAoaa who bare <o pay Iha tage* fur tbar perfect *g lbe plaa will raanH la furtber benegi It Was Grtal Wprk. TA* Third ward ha* art the pare for lb- np lowa ward* o* the city. TA* art km taken at tb* aoealaatlng meet ing Tureday night la aatahllablng (be principle of wbil* men's nomination* for ward reprreealallssa In coancll waa on Ibe right line. It wne rreognln.oi of. and victory for. tboae who have bee* wnrkmp an hard to break up wrong do wig al the poll* and in the canvasses In connection with the flit lag of municipal ofllrew directly In Ibe gift of the people. It la true that thoae who have hern working to tAal end would have been pleaaed to have seen the Third carry the principle further than It did by adopting the suggestion of cats of the gentlemen cone-rand —that a white pri mary be put on. However, the msm meeting primary was better than the old way. The tee bus been broken aud there are those who expect to see the Third ward order '* Democratic or white primary for the next e action. The PI rat ward has had the primary plan In vogue for some time and seems to have been bemefltted In every way therefrom. They were humiliated that they did not put on a primary last year, for, aa a result of the sbeence of s primary, things were done that will never he permitted there again while there Is s Isw. Th" other wards would do well to fall In for primaryles. rhflDucs ill Ihf Citv L«w. We would ask for the lutervlew with Salem Dutchsr. Hsq.. to he found else where In The Herald, that careful read ing which It merits. It discusses the new city code and the laws which have b"en suggested-rather change* of laws which have been suggested. Those changes stand on their worth. They are rot yet twiaeted—that is the enact ing code ordinance has not yet been adopted In council. Councilman Bar rett, of the Third, asked that the adopt ing ordinance be not passed until '.hat most careful consideration be given the matter that its Importance de mands. Mi. Dutcher tells of these propose 1 rhanges In interesting and Instructive way. presenting them In a light net before attempted, Mr. Dutcher also brings out some very Interesting Information In his talk. He points out that “new city code" Is hardb a correct term In allud ing to the work, as the city has really never had a code. Compilations of or dinances aud assembly acts of city im port had been had. He indicates what the new work will be. It tvlll he small er than the rode of 1889. That work constated of 692 pages. It was the re sult cf the labors of the late Me. L,. r. P.’oome. and Mr. Dutcher pays high tribute to Mr. Bloonle. The present work will be 250 to 300 pages. Ev erything has been boiled down. THH) AUGTTST-A. TIMIDS-TIHI'R-A.iL.'D ■ f** l la ww tw*aA A AHA # *»♦ Mb** mmm •*•># •kpMt §»*»**• **• •#* ■ tft* Khl* v !*•**»* *•* •§ Wit m / Hi tDRM «|M «HMMM «f ** *Rt *•** as I k§( bn*NHl**4* 4MWI •* ‘ 5 * fl*ng| ts A(lk * t " a-*** ** * 1 »•«* m* TM *** ***** •mm**#* **&***** Imm INMttt wnm mn*+ ***** §i » tJPi TNt m ***** mt r*m%. **s !»••• -’ 4 \m r#il TW wmrmmm iNNfc ***** *** . . _ i. lA. to-*,m-f «J ! f|r| Woo* im ** ,wr itm rNMtiy Tit grvm •»»**' ** lgl par *••« lavflev 'Aa* •A- pv- w •> far*! year wAtle ujatitAi mc***"* jeirr AS per *•<•* awsalbw. TA# mw ipvav paWI a divldead nf fl par ' tat *** * It* [wefat'fed atari aafl ***** larx* iwunia IM>e«l*l *A* rwadAed **d *•*• Uldtag ***M>t***' | Tk* gorfatk a*4 Wawtv* Ra'lwev k o**p**r wa# rewfirant*'* **Hy t# lTto. lead Aa* m*t all **f Ka ohtigathtl* and maaxflcd to wm m*i*** • cwsnVatabl# lenrpla*. AeagN'e lA* dwwneetl•*">*• t* I ra'ee *ad bn*l*»** depfeaalo* I* !*• lirritsri tr«v*r»cd by It* tin** OOSSIP. fle«ator r-ffrr la fond of tdllag bo* be once duped tb# manager* of a Kane** rvuaty fair. "On exam!** ItSon of the enreet potntc*# #xbibtt*d.’ jh? vnya. "I aaw that lie *l*r ,W*» ao'A- Jtng to brag of. and I aenl out to a fro eery etor* and pnrrhaeed a bushel of C*te on a*; tooh tb# email on** out for home u»e. carried tb* tv* out to ib# fair (rntinil* entrred them In my owa name, and drew the premium for the be-t sper I men of awaet potato## grown In Wliar* county “ We arc told that on# pisraon may pro tt-uuca Santiago a* written Sanllwago. Another may pronounce H Santiago, sad othara may pronounce It aa If writ ten Santl-ab go. aa there la no law 'hat prevent* any one from pronouncing that name a* he or she feci* Inclined, hut the beat authorities hold that l» should b* pronounced Saote-a-go. with the sound of a a* In far. e as In mete, nnJ oa» in not*. The greateat prize ,of war ?vrr taken was the Hermit®*. ■ Span'di trvpsnre ship captured In 1712 by (ha Brl 'ah ship Favorite under Capt. Pow nail. The captain's Bhar* of this p .t) was $325,000. his threo lieutenants got $6;. 000 a piece, and a lump of $320.0it0 v. int to the flag officers of the Mediter ranean station, Includlug the admirai. who was many miles away from ‘he scene of action, but was constructively in charge of the affair. A tree of historic Interest was cut down at Augusta, Me., last week. It was n mnple on the lawn of the Dlalno residence In Slate street, beneath which Mr. lllaine stood when formally no‘ - fled by a committee of his nomination for the presidency in 1884. The controversy that has been raging In so vend New York papers over the authorship in 1861 of "All Quiet Along the Potomac,” seems sell led by the ci tation from Bryant’s Übrary of Poetry and Song of his naming the writer as Mrs. Ethel l,ynn Beers. It is rdated that the senior major general of the «rmy takes ofT hl» dude clothe* when he gets on the scrapping line. Hi might keep them on. One lesson of the war is that dudes fight. Ikwey was put down In Washington t.s a dude admiral. They say thnt Blanco, who went to Havana poor. wiU return to Spain with a vast fortune. 'He resolutely declines to admit that the war was a failure, ov anything like It. so far as his own in terests were concerned. The Ohio statesman insists that he was. consulted in all war movements, that “There never was a minute When Hanna wasn’t in it.” Well, there Is this about it: Aa gfista boys who enlisted won't tire their neighbors and friends about the stories of battles. MA4MI Ato VtpflT* #•** . ggatfi ii m$ %m *%O ****&■ f** §■»•* •"•••••••*«# **** $ -IN tol * frr> lb«g Mb AlcflNb*'# «M» 4#4 N• I ***? 4 A fcAAgflw Pwhraiw [A** ******* % —i M I iisShi a«wvi tb» aade. a# a nrva Mi m, ta«* (v , miii m, wl s*iiw g. TA#) tatees 'eovtce I* 4*- uwe u*mett#4 InitXa#. t and t« Srt H aaanv* tb# dehrt***# •#•»*! - . ,0, 0,0 Tts# . I .irr pta is __ , #«.!**, «»4 are e# fveavaat a* aalt#d butirt Ip a - >«pt* 9«»4 far WT at! fctmr A#* frvgp tpiiff- a taper t# , t DM *1 nt a*h. O# «bat*-v#r M partamwa arf thr refstoevat w The roll and butler atoaitd b# A#r wly »tth l#» f*g Hats *»'♦«»* ! . ! *rf to c*sls tb# He j v#r taeir th# bui'.-r Jar nitn M'Moma lew b«ar* tb# hotter *ID h**# a d#M- j ,tMH>» flavar *u*«-»tl*# if ttl'Vlorltl*! e.* **—called gap* clover, sp't ,*b#n apneil us# n ebavrtng* of »h#*t#n hra-ad It I# ready for a dainty lady’# tea lallr. and tn offer to am-’* feebtonald# ft TM* I# another leeenn *» lr*is frem th# h##*, *h» ko»w full wt.l where to bolt tor deHctoiae hairy. Don't Cough. ; “There la n-thWi* »•> Irritating to * rough aa •••ughlng, eay* a pbyelrun who la connected with an Inetttutlnn where there la many children "Tnr time I have h##u mt fully eeeuced <f this that I del#rmined to Iceawn ih# number of rough* h#wrd In n certain ward of the Institution. By the promise of reward* and puauehtn-ht I awccaadad 'tn Uiducmg the chlldreb simply to hold j their hreeth* when tempted to ' «*ugh. •pd In a little while 1 wee myself *ur -1 prised to see how *on>- »f 'hem en tirely reecocred from the dleeane. Con stantly .mighlhg I* preclaelr like 'ai ratchtng a wound «U the uutald* of the body; •# >""* ** " '• wound will not heal bet a perron when ‘tempted to cough draw a long breath *ad hold It until It warm* and every dir cell, and aome heneflt Will be derived from the proceaa. The nitrogen which I* thu* refined act* a* an ano dyne m the muniua membrane, allay ing the desire to rough, and giving the lung* and throat a chance taheal. At the came time a suitable medicine will 'aid nature In her effort to recuperate. Word ••Aged” nisapplled. To the Editor of The New York Time#: A* you invite letter* on all sorta of subject*. I -laalre to address j you on what I. together with a large number of your read ere, consider a grievance. It t* a grievance which al most ull the newspaper* tnlllct, but t write to you. as the Times I* pre-emi nently my paper. This Is what I have to complain of. Every few day* I no tice a heading about nn aged man or woman lilt by a trolley or cable car or wagon, or aorm'itaingr TNt kind, auo Immediately upon reading the word "aged” there comes Isidore the mind a vision of bow-backed feebleness or *loh tierlng Imbecility that eeerns to have In vited such *tn accident. But when I come to read the paragraph I often find that this so-called “aged" person Is only 48 or 50 years old. Now, all this Is extremely discour aging to a large number of your read ers who range, say. from 50 to SO yours of age. and so far from regarding them selves as aged." or .•'venerable." or ■advanced in years," feel themselves not only quite Strong, but even lively. If not frisky, and capable of much work yet In life. It Is for you to calculate how many of your readers you ran afford to ex asperate and possibly lose as subscrib er* by representing them as being of the feeble and helpless class Indicated by aged. Cannot the Times lead off tn the reform by instructing Its reporter* to describe none of the ages I have In dicated as tn any sense aged or vener able po t pie? Why not draw the line, say. at*7s> and class alt under that age ns juvenls nnd only those above It as senis. nnd so spare the feelings of a large number of your reaae J r ®r ? VBNls Hudson. N. Y., Sept. 13. 1898. Ex-Queen T.illuokalanl accompanies the United States commissioners on their travels through the Hawaiian Islands. Charleston has had electric cars Air a long time new. »f fretion for the poor li,Ule mule is as keen ar ever. [ I H;j % egflMjl T>p 1* 4 4 i 4fk4| 4N 44 AfltoA **o** •fl4pd'4t t mml# * - *-# | t Ini# •MNPSg r | * ■* ■'' * * * | m M i *** ; ___. f tot* - 4NVmR ! ! fa- # $ .to* jptft t •■■Hi #■*»!••« •#» *nhp*a * IIN m j-y IlKiiflli Ml mtl * ytmMpi NMH. • j INai *0 |mm Impm#*! ***** *** **** 1 I a N fNMS# I» 90% | j #e)Mi4N f 4tiA? tf '* N(ao-0 I 4IM «st § * I ** IfaWNl ******* ** A m>rif i INN ** ***** A** Mwa* **** >•»■ •! •* I 9*’***"***''' Pmm ito*« *MI W«to, flrato M**»A «Md |a#A* wWfaltt lai'NM* f»*— > mmwrfl mania iu»fA» n«w H niam fltow. A fwm** *9rn%om*m. wmm MfuatMM prekNtoy. wiaAN *• *#»*'•* j ■vMM*d ® lA* pap#*- *A» aldto*# *•»*•» • Uliax egl Al* NAP * H* 1 MM* 'A "*•*' ,«i wM'#d la A*4p AM*. TAM M*" *to»A ,r# * ,,, #»••< " * I, « uwaN. and *Ae *•«• la to*, j tt. rwm mmm lAa* I *•> ; iff p> in* ifaMttHft iln * i ■**! • ***** **Hoi*4 r«ir^ TTimTJZ H »» *MWf -TA#* I aAall *« A* i ilnal day" m umi« oarAMlMt lAe r*»m> chap TAal #»•# »ow did ae# He * am afraid «d eweiMP* (Tan *e# A*'* mriy lAra#i. M#H -tom lA# rM* t . *t*d chaae lAc Ml A« *»ien W» W( n#ll cam# to grief. li# langha. * TA#r caa’l Aart m# Mut when th# evettlag etm ha* *#i | ,k# gtdd behind the AMI. ASd lewathrning ahadaw* ntaA# th# 14 Of 14 L meet •<demit Ilk- and allll. Th. n N< «ree|w i tag# to malAar'a *tda. A* guMt aa rwn b# And. mailing nnf# wIiAIn her arm#. I Chirp* out "The# ma t hurt m#’" _ Kebecea T. leaaca I" ?*•* YorA H#rald __________ t ofd Kelvin. 1 Uw d Kelvin. lA# .wlehralad Mtentl-t. ha* Juat c#M*At*d hi* UK* HlrtAday He —* to« to WAto. £- Ixui rur over Ally year* he M* n*i<i be chvlr rtf natural phlbrntphy al «**- cow miver*ity. *nd «ht* »« rem.rk.ui# that to I*J* *£■ > u blue wa* c-lehrated. A gbad atonr ja related of hi* lecturing method* at th uatverrtll A- a . fftotor - break J** btodln* with Lninag • rottree of lecture, -n## »n magneU#m. f.w Instance, he define! * magnet n» •n tnllnitely bm*. mOnlia-'y *»>».»; unl forni and uniformly and l.>ngdltudln»n> magn.ilxcd bar.' and •tt'dent. vcctf;.H.m.ty - TUt definition wa* made and cheer#*. *lth th# u*u*l rlprtmand. frequently during the lecture* Once, near *h* r<*n clu.b*. however, tf* •*«£"»* d J““i el cr hut I-ord Kervln. from force or habit.' rapped out ' Pllenoe!" th* «">'■ . an btCoW. Hl** Lcnor. ' Sctentlflc Part", almost of the tramendou. *. naatton* to connaetton with the Dreyfus affair, I* vitally ex 1 cited over the marvelou* Mis* Henor, a jn.Htel Wno Is a great favorite among artist* and sculptor*. According to ac count* from the French capital tht* ex traordinary young woman hear* music through the pore* of her *kin. >H'< shows the effect In certain latitude* and expression* of the f*ce. At this time. When she I* under hypnotic Influence, she t» photographed, and then. If the developing of the negative 1* done near her she get* to trembling and fainting. !she feet* the cold of the developing so lution. and the movements of the de veloping dish. It I* supposed that when hypnotised »he gives forth through the pore* Of her skin ah Invisible substanca or fluid. Which is the substance of her sensibility, becoming a kind of human battery, producing a special kind or electricity capable of being photo graphed. Her experiences when the negative is being developed occur after she has been awakened. SCRAPS. It. is a fact that when he saw Gen. Miles here five or elx years ago a re tired army veteran resident on the hill, said; “The country is preparing for war. We will have it in less tha i ten years.” The New' York Sun thinks Hogan may win in Georgia. But wasn t it the New York Sun that once said Boast Butler would win? It is understood that John Sherman wants to be Governor of Ohio, but it is not so clear that Ohio wauts him. Lieut. John W. Heard, of the Third United States cavalry, is the champion pistol shot of the United States army. If you haven’t the grit to keep your promise, be earefui how you make a political promise. ! uau flouvicki mwif mmmrnmm 1 ta** •#** a*#** a* «*• al pMm*m*» *to ! * NfcMMNk #1 itlfed fclMpttpb. ••§ **t* Ii *0 •N 4-* 4A “ .-a M»r ItIMMI mm** ttoaaaatowa 9 t ****o #•» INn» - -*m*o *Njiw *i i# In «i«nn Ig« |.4mN ***o *%>* MMI 00900* iiipNiMA vmnl 111 ifluP «Mi mo* NNk IN # <o*o* • w** l Ktnooo 004 00*** • MMN *$ ♦ Mi* *# : • **m ihMMM 41 MR* wiiWiM" I <> M * *H**o*ffl^'' y ***o* ■ Im<MA 00 |«« <Nto'-# | fckwß#.. [ < 9oo*m M • mm** l*| Mi *OO *0 MM I tlNftt «f **ooo 00*t**000* * 00**00* tm ; Jm 0 ' mm ii 4?IM • m* MM MMM* t a a -•- a * * * 1 ! *-#♦» o*m MiM 10m fMMMRpM* *o*ooooo* t l rn*m*m4 «** M * fan rn• 1 *f|M 00* m* «*M M*M MiMl i» *0 R*N» * 00**- pr4w tITIUgiNKM* Ml lN*fk * MMMMNM' i'***oo RjMMb I* f Ama h' * ?-.«*» *0 • pci- - ♦ II r HiNiri mi •• •»*#«*« bm tMoo*o*o4 *no Ii mm* *** o*o* **o*m mm 0000*0* t*moo* *-Tjt»in M **A Imnn ‘Mt CMM m kit# tV ftfl# *f M* r** mmumam • #» im ##• k* t%# •*••••**• o******m *OO 90*0*0* ••RMMIMMkMI M k##* 04*00 ftlMNlt Ik# MMM 9* MM ttUl "*9O *m9t*o**oMo9*ou 00* *oo* 9kS%*9 tMMMtI fat# 9*4*4 04*99004* . •! 41 MatMR 99000 I % li#lit rffc#*t 9* 909*0* 00*. 9 000* *1 Ik# •• tk* IRM ••• 0-00 **ooo tkt *M*f r '•rffttMk I T *oo* o*o fwrtlNpr tiwi iinMiiilt Mr r w—irft *m tk# mm 9w*o*o, I m*mr I MH * f mt*mm t#tl • AtAMRf Mrs) fwntttlr* ft* tfc - !*•*!##« nmn~ tk# Mil###* k*4 pvt Nil Cal## r#t<ort# TV fafftir <#f %k# Mt* toil tear*. I that a volar «to> A*4 Wa with Ann bad amt la thr olhar *l4# He if»ubd Aim th* mmwMa of th# notil|. Ln.| goto* wv#r th. rnmttm, thonaht ha 'hiU ranvtarod* the voter of the error •to Mir# via he that A* A*d I.r u«At hi* man back to Mb aid# lAnt In- g«%**#) |||to yNff In t#lM fk# •hi# for M# men tn th# meet in t that night. Agreemt nt aa to ?Ma wag gr rtved al. Ih# aarratnr nny* Tkeospd hr * rnt tn gnoth#e ropport##. and told him Ih# rr<onv#ralnn h# had accom fll*h#4 and th# arrnan#«*ent he had I mad* He Charged tht* aecond >vr porter to b# «a band I* “aecond the ■met lon. “ ! Meeting tlm# cam# »a. At' haada wet# pteeent TA*- man to aecond th# motion pn*h»d up <U» to ih# man who It wa* under*!.-id a>a* to do th# talking. | Th# tatter aroaa. Th# mecondiag man was ready Thr speaker began. #Bd [ended by nominating 'he opponent tn thr ewer. Thr man who wa* to aac ntid th# nwrtton" had hi# breath iakrn away. He could not understand thr ml*und-T*tandlng. “And aa for myaalf. said ih# narrator “I felt Uke I would drop through thr floor It took me so suddenly and surprised me aa" The ml* under#! ending ha# egos-d many a hearty taygb among the gen tlemen hearing It. Th# prlnetple of the primary I# fast asserting Itaelf. There Isn't much Interest In the local legislation of which noth* ha# been given by council. The suggested legislation, for th# most part. I# In the Una of perfecting city ordinance law*. The suggestion to so provide that the member* o# the police commission can not succeed themselves —that is, to place them on the same footing a# the counctlmen—hag won some attention and goasip. It doesn't appear it I* pdng to he so I hot as It wa* about a year ago. | The delegates to the congressional convention wer- a representative look ing body of men. j Judge T. F. Caulk waa a prominent jmomher. He Is ex-ordinary of Jeffer son. and a leading cltixen there. Mr. J. .W. White was a delegate also from Jefferson. He is ex-clerk of the supe ‘ rlor court there. Thetr political for tunes are not to the ascendancy Just now. Mr. White held the proxy of Mr. N. Anderson. Mr. White ts a newspa , per man. and a good one. too. I Judge Frank Little is the ex-Judge of the county court of Hancock.' He pre sided. and presided splendidly. His lit tle address on taking the chair had the ; right charm and lick. It pleased. ' Mr E. P.Davis ia sn attorney of War renton. He named Mr. Fleming to the convention. There were thoae to the •convention Thursday who predicted | that Mr. Davis himself would be in Congress one of these days. He Is sn [unostentatious and brilliant gentleman. Dr. W. W. Pilcher, a solid citizen of IVarrenton. was a delegate. His popu larity was proven. Every one had a pleasant word for him. Ira E. Farmer Is an attorney of Mc- Duffie. He took a leading part In the proceedings. Mr. N. J. Heggie. of Columbia, is so well known In Augusta that it looked as if he should have been in the Rich mond delegation. S. W. Roberts, who came from Han cock. ts the business manager of the Sparta lshmaelite, the paper Into which Cot. Sid Lewis fires so much spirit and horse sense. This paper is staunch tn its Democracy, and we may say that It is the most strongly edited weekly in the south. Mr. J. J. Doughty and Mr. James Tobin, of the Richmond delegation: were not present Thursday. Messrs. Patrick Walsh. C. H. Cohen, P. H. Rice. W B. Young. Charles J. Bayne and E. W. Herman, of the delegation, were on hand. Mr. Boykin Wright was also a par ticipant In the convention. He held the proxy of Mr. J. R. Kendrick, of Talia ferro. Ml «r AW* »t*> , #0 m ¥ PtgP'flPy Kfesd IA win. nrift it> 1 fl atop <*.**# Htw karaaspeWy ■>.«** 4MM# R4NNMI 00*0 *o9*o*oo m **k *k» *9o*- 0 *9*o9 N«kl»4 9**99900 *o*4 •*» 409*4 fuftt • NMMI 0* *O9 90 *k* 0*9904 *9>m kftNßk • IIIMtMiWI'N 99 90 00m 09990 m 4* «N* 00*0* 09)4 909* *o**4* kMtfM RMNI 9999*9900 t«A *9O IS th* NflMrfl 90 kMRftUMNi lk*NM 09*9 **i*m* *o*o MNlt *oo9* *9*o 9*o*o MM | 111 41 1 m 4 1 49 000999 00 *00099 ; TV MRM) NMh Nt fkm**! 14U f — _ __• w 0 M Mgkt%9 mR iVCMMMR 90 TW *0909990099090*9* 90 *90009 990*900* 9*9*9* *0 < VlUliNl o+* %m 09* *99*9909*4 (Mw. ' nr ii m *Mfl 90 in MB * >pk ill* H) 90* 00*9944 *9 ** !M4M **** ftk« IMI 1 fc*t* At • kftH. 990*0 *9O |far (ImM 900 a NNN *OKm IV fNWN *** - ] CkkMl 000 ** *9o*m9J 09 tVutini lit «#*•*» * ' Apr, A UNH of 1 inapt nrr l %m»m p*d capsMe sf a-ni •wwtnlvted. The Will sf CNtoHse HardePß at PMD Mtotpto* PrvtPM D#,to* t» toe ho«w ft* InrwrpWe* In Ihal till, sad bepweslAn M*p* to ether chsrHlee ! MM# IssTerr “Men are Jod *» pad t wetted *• want net. M they Asv* Mt n w imps 8 tort to toPhe too ttaspt Th# XisgMt Pewsl- mode a vbt#** kesd-flrwt dt#* for 'he A--!*# ptale. and g<S lA#r* In P <law it of dwai. ***!•! lA* M-, n«a rwa tar the protoool | Th* rphtoet al Madrid b*a *»ni an unofficial ststcnirn! on th# npr** P#«ce note, toying Npaln anna at p-Pca. hut the hppatah *MP Ml prwvarktpl " •Hr of th* PPndklsle* to# Ih# l#g>***- |ur* o? T*nn#«wr I* nam-d Gu"» O.juea He dtopn't weed to have •#*»## sn -ugh t® eotnp to wbea ll rains Madam# de fltaett There are hut two ffis'lnrt ttoaae# of mo® town- I ho** who fgpl enthwstoPßi. and Ihope »h" d-rldo It, ail tb# feat la lA# trot* of swlety. Dtmr'rtu* Korrnnlls*. *" Athohlan well known tn Part* died there recent ly.’ Though only t* year* of age he had written twenty-live play*, ftfteen of which had teen published i The Add of woman's usefulness broadens in pursuit* that used to ha ', unetdefed axclualvely ma» ullne. Th* »uc>e*a »>f a Passdfi'* woman to the srole *>f * Ire department la a notabla ■lnstance of female labor expansion Now that ih# cypr's pea«e note haa bean unnerastly accepted, wouldn't It lie a good idea when a California mll ilop*ire like Hutro dies for the widow# •nd heir# to hold a peace congress be fore the long legal battle Is begun? Vienna hss lost one of Its best known women authors by the death of Marga rpthe Halm. H-r moat popular work# aye novels “Frau H 1 ad! na • Heart aw. I A Feminine Prometheus Hho was twtea married, but was mno dl j vorced from her aecond hu*l*nd ! The coincident deaths of Kkiger- Bou din, the marine painter, and Charles tlartler. the architect of the i»pera Reuse tn Paris, recall the fact that both mi ni Started life a» poor boy*. The for mer w»* originally a sailor and the son .f a Honfleur pilot; the mother of ths lxtter «u a vender of vegetaWr*. ■ Jut'S Verne, the Indefatigable French author, has achieved the unique feat of having written six more book* than the runtber of years he has lived. Per haps'. Miss Braddm. among English writ if*, with flfty-flve novel* to her namZln thirty-seven year*, meet near ly approaches the marvelous record of Indus' ry. I P.l SSI NO OP SOMMEB With ph. how sweet and how resigned a pee Fat summer goes unto her death. The jrees Still shine with green, and atiil the Biser bees Ply toeir old task, and still the brook toth race With gentle mualc, and the garden’s trace With varied flowers Is decked, and Mill the breeze Ts fr.ught with balm, and full fledged fords release Their rite-learned songs, while autumn ertnes npace. . *t Soon d»ep shall He the snow upon the grave Of a linear things, and o’er our graves shi 11 lie Wit . dying Summer's grace may ttri depart, Smll" i the face of that which hid u* dt And ( ok with hope upon the whelm in, wave. "Wit no vain fears, and with a sun nj;*eart - . e.G.B. Markvf wain’s announcement that he has gtv-b up lecturing is like the de ciaratiol’iof some people that they are out cf pJitlcs. 0 Preskhnt McKinley knew wh»t ho was aboii. Democrats don't believe in peace when they are the outs. Let the cominist bn stand. „ _ .