The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 18, 1898, Image 8

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VIC LEDOYEN 15 MELI> I I* ~ . Tmu «»( the H»th l*ull (luni» mus Knh Him. H* 9y*tol il* *i«w * • (Mud II VfeMMi WHIM. HU NawiiU* d W ton il Ml f«*(®» »u M Itu 111 It Hr 91*&** I9#* l *** 9** 000 1> •* mbs •#•* #> **« *<**•* N« HHk| 90#09#09§94* 09®* #9*9 ?*®9® 9#9 jlM* l * «* **»« t%» **» to M• ] 7 m ftM#® ®k*o**9** ** **• 1 9»*» ilii ttwl M ii 19* «•** #9®** t«9 09# *9 op*##f*4 M* 9® ! fij#9#4N’#o ft®### 49* 99®#®®®* 0* *•# ? Rat ik* WM9 M to* #■* *» *to fito* ai*M» i» tee* *» h* c**—*> j Phi *•%<*■*»«*"••> •**• *•»» fete**** Ml Ik* IWMk »»f ■■* •* I*** - *** RRSS It* IHIIH B*b— 1 »N >to «—» *» kiwi •*>• I—rtHii Tto** to »**•*'**' ##oi Mi 90 9 NUUMMM I*4 t 9» Wtm H Onwrrm* Hr Laßass* toa h**R »*#*•** »to ’ IM |)M ,»rfl M IlMMki Dr*« h* w 4 m !•#•** *i pm Wit m 4 *to* n»* **•»**•• •«**** mi t* Mum MM (to *ttl i»Mto tto ■m«* ton « i to* ptol. M* WM* MM to* •»» tk"M*l *to •M* im Wto**a* itoiwlii 4ii* ih i to • ton* Ms to 4 MU* torn * to** tot* al toto tor m W* ••• m*■ j ■Mir mfrrniHl to Ik* fofo* *<* •*' prt*«’— **4 m! fciM ito? i*m****4 to# t*ttww»*>*»«* M*. t*4.i**« r* ■MtntH Ml Mto* M btsll 111 Mto" |k*l< Ml* R*t tto MMtwto MT* MM j to to (toasts*. MM of ***** to** M* ■lfti.l ito to* fc *4 n Is *to tor* <4 •to HMtMMfMMtMf. M* l*k*l *ri fM»p*d ttnm Ms *>••»» tMW «b* tout** Tto kHrti*MfM**« *r*4 kirn ■ tom fofoatas mm 4 smlmc tkst to *>** •ni •# ww 4*€Nif#fc® <# ibum. ! wm* dirmicb dip t«*#* »® tM tNitrv ■ tokiM* *toi 'tor *iMk*4 Ms M*4 M**rv. Mr Uto** *mm «Im4 to «to m* ** fight* mto 414 Mr tort J#*t fo*dc Hi ito for I tons rr*« tto o*<w *od tod mmo kn«4r*4i of doll*r* I* bt* yark*u li *m «Mk tto p*nto** ft Mtlm ihl* ttot to *prMM> isle tto fmn * distance h* wstrtod tto •*- grow. When itor kart rnkW tto tore* ttoy **ent ***** Without nv* iMtlnil IL Mr I<hJo»*o want t»a. k to |M tan* and rtrnrr to WbrloM wtorr ** *un*4. hr «B*rtr rwp«rt of th* Mttrr BMAI L MUMMS PARADE. Aufuata thuwd* trrMtrd AtlMtioa on Broad stlfM. Cow (wo* U, Aam ml* tlitatJa, of tto Jualor Hau*l ion. »*r« not on parartr on Broad alrrrl laat aftrrnona Cap tnia Roddy Cobra wa* la rotnmaml Th* Uttl* fallow* kMkrd writ In thrlr bbW galform* ma*lr of brown cloih, aJtnl ar to tto uniform* u*«l by thr aoldl'T* of Carl* Bam Th« Imy* **'<• a drill la front of thr Arlington and than marrtod down to Almatldar'a ■rug *tor*i, whrra Hr Durban art thr company up to soda. Thr uniform* for tto THfalr Guard*, anoiher of tto Jnrrnllr rompaolra. ordrrrd a sow works ago from a northern Arm by IL 3. ffortrr 4 Co., havr arrDrd Thr uniform* are of dark blur and qultr pretty Thr battalion now ha* an armnr« on Reynold* atrrrt and not In thr Mont iprmery building, a* wa* oner atalrd. THE WHITEHEAD HOLD Ul». Wa* Not as Rad It Seems as It Was Reported. The nrgro man who was said to have told up (hr U year old son of Mr. Andrew T. Whltehrnd In thr lower part of the city last Thursday night, and which an account of was given In The Herald, has gone to Mr. White head, the young man's father, so say the police, and said that he did not attempt to rob young White head, but tod aeen the boy fighting another r.n 1 was separating them when the trouble occurred. The ‘'hold-up." It seems, was not so much of a highwayman’s ad as at first thought. The negro Is named Jellerson. CONGRESSMAN FLEMING. Arrived Home l : rom the Mountains Last Aftprnoon. j Congressman W. H. Fleming re turned on the a & W. C. train at 5 o’clock last afternoon from the North Carolina mountains, where he has been recuperating his health. The congrpfsman Is looking much Improved and to a Ttmes-Herald re porter said he had been much bene fited by the mountain breezes. Congressman Fleming will leave here after the November election for his duties at the capital. He is at present etaying with Ills brother. Mr. Frank Fleming, on the Sand Hill. "MEN’S meeting. Will Be Again Inaugurated at the Y. M C. A. Next Sunday afternoon the men's meetings at the Y. M. C. A. will be again inaugurated. The meetings have been declared off for about a month, but will be token np again. Mr Sam uel Battle will render some choice sa cred music at the meeting, accompan ied by others gifted with sweet voices. MtMfftfttl Vtt® AtoAlJ*®®*. kkka fossa tp ws fih'Rfofo kfo* k*Mr*ak* M«*« kto I f**M | 1 Tiw wUMMit (tot* Mg ****** a pkto ; 9tf9^ ,; MNK *&** «&**►%*•***% •IMMP' f m • I ■# ®g» phNß#* ®ri gf"# ipMMISMI Ih» tafo * * #4fc f *-jp- i *.t so itpip ip ® HnmHkWl MR MP I inf - pr-'-wt t *%m*' t * 4a4 4RRWMH In tflk • ; t Hii.|.irr'T JUMP I Imp ImfclS la® |Pk *■**§% #%® I mir itit ## llm# |MiK MMMIKiMMk.. IMM# HW* BNW I * foitoap. |jtoip to #mrhinii #h»»r <°d I WK> "t j 9O t%*ff |»®|K*fcMPl 90 ; - : ’ (Mtopf®. n® • I|MR IM%mC IrMMV * f ; 199 b #**•*••' fc#W 9 4Rflk*MR ® 9T9841 tip® j , hIMN t 0 # (WMM 9B IlMt | ( - -ir»ifT't pint Hflr-Ht s9*o oBMMB ttWhM PM® : iipp tjimipl tipß I RpMflpiit mmmhm| Has If tIMR t>M9 ** \ [ rtiwriii— ll mmM **94o**** t%* rp ♦t'fpp® I tip® *9m*s fvNn n r fw>:i4 Ini v%t 1 MPkPHt4NMI BMP! MMiP' I nr»«|®» 11 n ■—in nt mm* f9#: , turimiMrT'i twruntlif Nfift Wf ifc» M * |lmp fHpttN®®#® •%*#»tfcg fH* 1 - * ’UNMM • 91 • tM® *w.tHi PBf (Ml : [iHfMMIMHI 19 99® 9891p9(8ft fINM9 | ; pp. iti «99 (99rt* T%# «9V 9b4 —*> j 19 9mm® (99® »>H 9® 9mm •9 149 j 1 tnmail®ri. 99f 9941 9*®l ®®®bp®®m9M wtf «®9f 1 I%® fVHMI® 99i 9®tlMf 19®4 T 999 : mu* m 9H99#*Ml f®Bi|l®l999f 99® t®9l|P' ! # rp fffMNi «®N|ttll9 tip® MktfH gat**** ®® ! 19# r)|rii|r !*#%*•* iKrtt if *9® I9|99®ft««9 ! I« 19-49 199 • 9m® «*pp9* (9* ||®9®4p «rt*l j j ®h®rM99 1 ijf t 11®® 1 |l (MM® ®99 OHM *9® ! 1 (Mill 9® (9H99® 99V1999>®9t« Ml I «9M #9MM 19® 4m®Mh9 m»»M 9® 9 II T i ®®m‘ 19 19® Mm®4®* 31® ft®®®. 4®* j | rt ifni itfll t®9® (9®ri99 14# 9t®*9*'tU® 1 ( 1 f flilMl flit Ml®® (9i9ft. 19® 9®w9®f« 9999 j < r««timl9®4 rni9 9994119# «ME994 *94- i Tkia mm*bod *f savkt** war na ito towtova to* toMM f ****** * t* ma*l4er*4 Iby tto raltfMMds Mi 4lP*ftol e**tbfo» •; tto ontotN MM4 It «wy to pwaatall* ! adopted Omaha a*d Hiksgn wilt If* [M Ob* of tto to* will to narrlfd t» [tto aapratM* read «4 tto t’Mltad Bsaaaa bm4 If Ik* poaNMa* of tto rslkaab la ! ntaiur-T It will kM tto too tor* karrt Ttoy MMMMIIy fcMTM > torwat Mb** ttora I* **f «*«•• ww**to*Mt THE HUME MAIL aOXES. mmmmmmrnm n*ay Prfio*« CoatcmplaU Panto log I to**. Tto Herald tout* owwlto* Friday of tto plao of asoll boa** for *ao at pi vat* bo*#** tolag mtakltatod tor* If partim d**lr*4 as h Poatmaater Biatli*** Inforta* • r* porter that alar* tto pukUratloa of tb* article, atvaral people to** he«a to him aektng for nitre Infornvatlo* roa ef-nlng lb« bom* Mil hose* He haa wrlltea to cert at* of tto firm* who manufacture tto bo***, aakir.g that a sample or aamplea of tto boxes to **ol hare, ao ttot tho*« deal dog to purchase ••a* could eee what the nature of tto new nwtil repository was like. Ferbapa som samples of boxes will to aeat here person* who have a large corre spondence at their homes will find the new boxes a great convenience. ~ THE FIFTH. The Fricade of fir. MatUson Hold a , Meeting. A meeting of thoee favorable to the ranrtldaey of Mr. W. A. Ms It Ison tor rounrll waa called for at Hicks’ wooden hall. West Knd. at BhH o’clock last night. The friend* of the candidate as sembled at the appointed hour. Maior Gulledge called the meeting to order and made a strong apeech. favoring Mr. Mattlaon as tto candidate from the Fifth for council. All piveent then pledged their eupport to Mr. Mnttlson. Tlie matter of a primary to decide hetwecu Mr. Klllott and Mr. Mattlaon for the Fifth’* candidate wa* not touch ed on. ao reporter# are Informed. From what can lie learned by reporter*, there Is a probability of there being no pri mary In the West End ward. The can didates both have a good following of supporters, and at the regular election, both will to ID the race, the man get ting the most vpte* to win. The meet ing last night was quite brief, lasting about fifteen minutes. AN OFFER FOR THE BON-AIR. fir. Lindsay Has Made a Handsome Proposition Lessee Lindsay, who some years ago hud the Bon-Alr hotel, has made, It Is stated, a vary handsome offer for a lease of the property. Of late years, the company has been operating the ho tel, with MauagerTrusaell In charge. This will be the arrangement the com ing fall. Mr. Lindsay offered $20,000 a year for seven years for the property, the com pany to pay, of course, the taxes and insurance. * Don’t Leave Kind Words For Me Unsaid. Pon't leave kind words for me unsaid Until my troubled spirit's fled; Hut whisper them In living cars— My dead face could not feel your tears. i Upon life’s chords you now may play A music that will griefs allay; But when the trembling heart-strings break Not one faint note may you awake. Now on life's screen ’tls yours to throw, A smile to gladden all below: But you can't reach beyond the tomb To mitigate death's lonely gloom. Then do not wait till I am gone If you would cheer my spirit on; When cold In death at last I lay I cunnot hear one word you'll say. G. J. DAVIS. TH* JkTJOTJmi'Jk. KinAX-JD. JVtOVINO DAY AT HAND. H«n> AufftiAlan* Wilt ChMff Their Me* aklcfKC* rm®| ItosH 9m Mg Mi llsaw Tfekl Mkt* ftwt IdMNL Um® Iwwi si Mt till fc** ®® Iffkdn InMHii Ml *9l Mn I®* Tto toetTfol mmm » ***** a*. [ 99mM® ®9®iaa®l#®Mß (9®9 9>® > i »-%g j §®M 9wt *9® 9i9»»® t%» 9m® r 14 V4M99 949 VtNWMfIN® N49M9 |49»99 9f fM9999®M® 99994 Oi4k s®f % m f* 9 990999 1994 999® I M®9914 999®49®®M 99®9 9®4949®®9NM1 ! 19# f®94i99 909999, 4M®4 9989A9®4 4 slg® ®4 «%• 9M49999, 9® 19® 9® 99914 9® (®N-®9 ®4 49® 99®®. 94®#* 49® 994999 p®®9«® 94®® 9f® [flfe4®®l4N| #lm9M9®9 949 9® 4®9®4 19 4 4®9 j 9*®»4* Ml 19**9 149® 499991 fMMPt 949 99®9Pf 99® 91 (9® 994® 9199 494999 Mm MAM WtacßaM «HR aswagf [44® €94®® | Mr WA r store win to *1 Mi T*» fake awaag. , Men f. M. Paatol* wftl sinragy (to Mr Fiwab Maa»r wilt HU Mattork he*** a* Ma*<* Maaa Me R A Reaad win ■***•» (to Markka? MWgi as MaM* Raa* Me* M A iaaatoa 1141 Oiwge Ml#®®® Mm UM K Mama*a. (IT Qiwar airs* a Mr* RaaMki*! Oar4l aw tail Or»*a» [ Is TtoMa* raMaat MR (karaa Me* Waft** Rrybla IM Clear#* Mr T t M*ar4 win swap tto Mawtgmwwry mMfor* a* tto Mill. Mr R D Darker will to la tto Wtokeaa bom* at Wtoteaa atotlofo Mr a*4 Mr* Kto* Dnwdbly will to wtUk Mr* Oarata, •* tow Rena*, th icker A Davis' List. It#T Rena4way. t. A Hsawr; 1(11 [owiaaan. T. W Pttctor, 1144 Dartar. I Walter firm. 14*1 Jane*. M. V. Ray: 1(44 ton. Was. Vogel 111 Crawford *»**«*. J, M Fdltar, Wt Motw* a»e mm. O K Dewar*. IN W comer Rt posit Wo aart Wno4l*wa aieawe. Wa! tar Fary; t* Mtoriy t D Coaaer; . lIM Milter. H C g prior* t> Dmsd Park arm**. Mia* Mary Ralllvaa, ( araeaa. O Marti na. Jr; !1# Waaklng lon. Mr* A. H (’waalagtoai; IIK Hl jeox. 3. K Imidy. IIH fllover. W L Roberta. SI Druid Park aveaae. Wal tar IlnpkMwna. Utl May mornm, J. F. Block*<»«t: M 7 Kill*. J. J Murphy 1 MT Calhoun. J P. Hat to; 411 Kilts, A. J (Matter; IM Woodlaww avrato, George Welsh; 1(M Woodlawa ave nue. If. Hanacowe; S 3& Greeaa, T. Har ry Oat* 1414 Mrlntoak. Wa. Oood | win; 1247 Broad. R. H Boardman; MS : Rills. J. T. Murphy: IU 1-2 Broadway. Mr*. A. P White; 142 S Woodlawa ave nue Mrs. M. H. Verdery. M* Calhoun. B. B Ferrla; (SS Reynolds. Mr* Mary K. Thomas; 1247 l-l Broadway, J H Wall; *l6 Broadway. Henry J. Godin; fil& Crawford avanoe C. L. Davla; 224 Washington, Alx Aeera; IT** Broad. Jaa. P. Smith: TIS Broad, l-amktn A Co.; 711 Broad. Rlmkions* Bookaiore; Til Broad. K. K. Milner, res.; 71T Broad. J, E Clancy; 669 Broad. Dlm mlck, re*.; 4(5 Broad, 8. Oxford; *ll Hr. Mid. Fleming A Alexander; *39 Bit ad. Mr. Allan; (43 Broad. J. Godbury; 815 Broad, Mr*. J. E. Flem ing; SIS Greene. Jno. F. Maybach; 106 Greene, G. K. Wester; 1009 Greene. J. 8. Fair; 314 Greene, Percy E. May; 1324 Ellis, 8. E. Owens: 619 Reynolds, Nixon A Danforth; W. 8. Stalling*. 438 Telfair; 435 Telfair, Mrs. T. Johnson: 789 Telfair, J. it Barton and J. T. Christopher; 512 Walker, Zachary A Jonee; 439 Walker. Mr* Blahkoff; 416 Walker, E. A. Hill; 307 Mclntosh, R. A. Sutton, tinshop; 309 Mclntosh. Fted Spearing;3o2 Mclntoah, E. H. Ingram; 310 Lincoln, R. L. Baugh; 33 Lincoln, D. K. William#: 422 Bay. J. C. Smith; 342 Greene, Martin Calvin; 432 Bay, Mrs. Lucy Twiggs. John M. Dickey’» List A. P. Boyle. 553 Broad: O. M. Stine, 745 Broad; Tboa. Btirdell, 439 Telfair; W. H. Bnrth. 457 Elite; Simon Bear. 174 7th; Amos Cork, 1134 flwnt; R. P. Block. 414 Reynold#; Frank X. Dorr, TOO Greene; Davidson & Matthew non, SSI Bread; Eaaterllug Bros . 164 Broad; John, J. Foster, 312 \V*«li'n«ton; Mias Seago, 488 Broad; Mrs. Ixtulie Harrison ond Hamilton Wharton, 417 Greene; lrfwla Konlgßberg. 450 Rey nolds; John m V. Keener. 301 Greene; H. H. Keener, 1409 Broad; Mrs. W. A. Law hoc, 211 1-2 Centre; J. C. Moore, 1025 Jones; Jno. Nichols. 545 Reynolds; Parr Pharmacy, 612 Broad: W. D. Pby ler, 831 Telfair; E. K. Roseborough. 4il Walker; E. Roney, 1017 Broad; B. Skalowskl, 649 Broad (a); Shew mnke'B, 838 Broad (s); Harry Tutt, 34S Telfair; Tuft & Boyleston, 6 Roberts’ Row (s); J. W. Thompson. 1401 Broad; A. F. Whitehead. 420 Walker; Mrs. E. R. Mobley, 340 Broad; J. E. Woodruff, 211 Broad. Leonard Verdery’s List. Jos. W. Reynolds. 413 Greene; W. E. Verdery, 317 Ellis; S. J. North, 309 Centre; A. Brill, 34S Ellis; Chas. Bin der. 230 Ellis; B. F. Hays, 228 Ellis; E. R. Hill, 803 Greene; Mrs. Dr. Spears. 220 Jackson: W. Hargroves. 827 Walk er; E. W. Watson. 322 Walker; Frank H. Reynolds. 939 Telfair; Jno. M. J nel son, 111 Broad; K. M. Schuler, 415 Reynolds; J. B. Elrod. Centre; Whit taker & McGowan. 1248 Broad; M. M. Bagget, 446 Ellis: Prof. Sturman, 1247 Ellis; J. H. Feary, Roberts Row, I r99Mfl9®o|L f >®t# i| 9919. fri* 9 ■*®® 10®* ®k 090900090® tOl f|ai€oi9o9l9o®t to®o® ■' *-» 9:#€® > *I) llK#*- »j f, 0 l AMWIto. 4 a ii. *»*- J , to.* Hto9 * 9 111 W, i. Wm*k I o®flp9. i 9®90 o®®h okm * * | 9 #9® 000H00MNN99tf® 0009®-- ®9 fl if H I|®o9®h® P I ®® ®ak, i%o9|® I € **« 9M9..| W Ht <9lkflfeM®9 Hi 1 •■#(€> ON9O, Lr 00909919 9*9t M t%99 19b o%nomkm9. 9m®o9 A99®!®®® 1 # I# 9f«f19% #fl®»99ii9 009$ «rwr9* f9®H9i |lo9ffloMi®®v 9s|p®® 999 Wm*wm >«• {9499(009 009 0®®(0fl9l 09. H |w9oM®9® 000 UfllMi® HOH M WN»fo®"'9i®s. |« n o®®9®t MU t*m*i H*9 T. I» l|9tN9® Ml 9 w*mo: f.. H 9»«®<.. tli ! |o9»foMk99 H 9MI fit®®#®! M* H ] ofoto m Tom* yt c. | |009m99 9# H o®.ri<9iiiii4- M 9® ,l *l [ *fri 4®w?*9k til fmlll, H®9 909949191. ! UofHli 0h 9» Y» IMA Ilf I 900*1*4 01 99 IlN9®iP®99 991 01* 900999 v a l#®n»4 »w®9®r ummmm m$ f®* j Mm Mar? F Mwakfov. [lie* I T, (Wiik#** »u Km* JL T | ( 009 t«(f#t* f|. H PlM9lH9®t l»l ' (iflU IMI 09; MMWi®, 100 99# 991 [ 1009*9**. Hr® 1x409*9 t« 9**® §l9 i •199901 Ala§«9i4® H®9o (09 **», 00$ I H®W9fll.. § H 90000000 <§•* 091 H®994„ , tv o—l*9® P Kto •». M M 4 W K Pl**l a aatoktoto mmm*. awaw* at lakasa aa« TMto Mfwf. MaaaA tor •♦# »»#*» rtota R (Ikk. KR RraaA *(***L Inaaa4 tor itoa* s*ara M< aaa Rlryak# **4 kfah •afo. *l2 j Jartoto alrael t •forft’S *44 «*aad> A 9. DWm. Mamlafo (ama*. toaaaA j tor dtoa wan Isßsa tokft taw atorr *ll Rraa*- [ •to Mr Dfoa Mb RraaA *» (taw** A toM*. toraitor* war# ifoanpa 4wgp*y Kaßark aart KRta Mr* M ftoaaa *l2 Mrtotmk • P RmR HI 1 larwl* W A MkHwiriß IM ' T»ttolr. A W Goortyvar, Hi ID?* .•■(Aa, L A lata *l3 RrwaA. DM. HO**ltlNs TO OO WHST. tot b (to MalrwH* to tto AltaaU Paper*. D to aaaaaarn < to Mt* AHaat* paper* j imi Dr I. • MopAto* »>*y g.. la to. | I .aa paatwr art to. J’Ah a * Auf. ti la i iikal tot?, aa* nrt tto tockiwl aart tang- j ■.mt MtoktoHat <-*urrto* I* tto wml. S ii i* fvit tr«t to Atlaat* last to *4ll , to apfortatto to th • -aarg* «t«*a Ito | li namtatl ~ as If **"'» A. <*»•> ' l (ttrr. **w toab <t> la Ito Mtobnrttat : .hurra Tto frpwt atotto to to wtot : - f.wn tto. and II to* gataed (vrttoMkra- j t.L rinulatb.a la Ik** tot? j D will to rvtovmkirvd that Her . Dr J W. Lee. foriueriy «f Atlanta, weal , iin M. L>«M a* p*at"T *f to J«to'a . rkarrii aavrral year* am*. Me to *ow j !presiding totor of Ito to. trial* confer- | ;eae*. Il I* **ld that Dr. H«Phln* haa lnr a pr act batty arttto* «u»* *» Dr. 1 j La*’* successor, and that to may go | !to that church la * abort itoae. Tto t»tsh.>p* of Ito klrthortiat rhurrb 'will iae**t In to. Leul* «# Wednewlay of ■eal ««k It la brtoved that at that meeting Ito name **f IV Mopkln* will he presented b? Dr. Candler for Ike place and that to will to selected al- ' [most toy«ad doubl. The appointment .of paalora In Missouri onto under tto [dc|« r imen) of Dr. ifondler this y*nr. bis territory extending through aevergJ |western vtatee. one of them being Mla souri. Hl* reeommeadatio* to tto blah opa mesa* election. The Bishop Hla Friend. Ur. Hopkins le one of the bent known Met hod let divine* tn the Routh lie waa fur some lime pastor of the First Methodist ohurih In Atlnnla, and he la known throughout the country. It I* known that Dr. H.pklns Is very duse to Dr. Candler and that they have , long been warm friend* That Dr. Can- j dler will use hla t>e*t influence to place i Dr. Hopkins In some good charge I* known. Should he lake the matter up And the report* are circulating that he will suggest Dr. Hopkins for the place stated Dr. Hopkln* waa aeen and asked i about thla yesterday- afternoon. He aald: Dr. Hopkins Talks. • * “It would he but stating the truth to say that 1 have heard some talk of thta matter, hut the fact la that It haa taken no definite shape yet. I have received ; !no authoritative statement about the matter, and do not know that I will he invited to accept the charge of St. John's or any other church in Mlseourl. As I understand, the bishops meet In St. Louis on Wednesday next, and will there fill any vacancies that may ex ist in the churches In that city or state. It would he premature to even discuss the subject at thla time, and I can say nothing further than that I have heurd some titlk of It. It would bo unfortunate for the matter to gain publicity in the papers at this time.” THE OYSTER COCKTAIL. A Famous and Favorite Drink of Han. ager Cavanaugh's, at the Hlks Club. With the opening of the oyster season. Manager Cavanaugh, of the Elks' Club, has begun to dispense oyater eorktalls to his members. They are the ’'hottest things” In town. Later In tlie season, as the blue points begin to come In. the Elks' man ager proposes to make a specialty of the unique concoction- To those who are fond of oysters and who like warm drinks, the oyster cocktail Is u rare combination. In recent years the oys ter and clam cocktails has had a great run In New York and Boston. It will be on tap to those who like it in Au gusta this year. AT RED HEN’S HALL. Entertainment Will Be Olven Next Tuesday Night. An entertainment )*IU bo given at Red Men's hall, WestlEnd. next Tues day night for the-benefit of the Sec ond Christian A large atten dance should be on Appearance ‘Docket. Judge Eve last afternoon completed the appearance dockeLfor cases in the city court. “CONQUERED AT IwAST ” l‘orter*» Warm Words on Attfunt® Lady’* Com po«J lion, | Vh* V»rt« IdHi Ktf*» tnififel «*•* OtiMbttßM 0 ttf (Frida* 0 Ur 9mm ttirttai ««»•* Mu% fcilifMrt (• a -in-ragigr*~m— m (***» tof*' 1 0*10 s*?■■<# %*a* %-m o®**® 9mm *® ® 1 0m - to® ITNk?** o|*- li A 099 9® 49®§ *• pr’to-ariw* « ***• I |4 0® 99 fl9® 19® 9®91 I I®®®® 00009 Ito* *«■ - * T:, . r 1 . |T ri. *fo_ 119H9® 00 (011 990000 *0 900 00000000, I #9* |®9®o |9Mi ttMM I f«909 000% ®t<9l P*€VM4- I ®i€® **oo Wmm* til® •! 99. *» * •K® ♦ * «n®#® -MridATM rvurnw* '•* W.S— --| ®9-v>r«tr >flißT (9® *ll ft ®v49m®® ftoNF WO | IP® . Cft® WOOOOO ®9®®P® 9 0000* 19# t9® 9p4® 0M&0m *ni»—4l# *9® 9991” •*4 9® 9»M 4wH9® 19® pN®* «I9r«RV» TW# M®® r9#®< f«fil mvmmtw 10® t®* 9NO® ft94Ud® ®(®9# i 9' i 9 0® Mt®® m*~ ff§o l. 9900, 00 4«®VM« (It . 19® 99* 104*® 00 *' [ ®l la®9f.** C 9999 nr®< 9t I9®« #149 109®*® 99® 090000. 00 9® fi41u991 0099009 m A9m| tm-0m 9®9®Mltl n 9 f®UiW®"®9 00099 00000* Y«9 fo>9w®r®9 9® t9®9a §9t «tlf «9 9®®t, 9 fttWoVV (Mtf I® (9® 04M99J1 909ft* 99 thi m§4 €#l94 90m 9® 00 W* 9l|§( «94 W 9. Ak4 19 fnr>v»t® 9®4 to 9ft® Mt! Hl* gtrntmi T9®ir Mv I® «9® 4tt®(. ml t9® yrwm*to*m Hrwfc®: |l«! hmm ®9mlS 9® mtiimm (9®lr 9®®rf® «4 -*• 1 To* swept o’er war land like tto whirlwind s wing. i nut tto kumaa heart ts • atubison ihtog. W* laid down our arm*, w# ytetded o#r will; Hut oar heart of hearts” waa unco»- quered still. ; ’We are vanquished,# we Mid. "but our wound* must best We gave you our swords, but our hearts were steel. | •*w® OFF rnnqUfM ” Wf Mid. but hftrlff w®r® ootm, And "wo# to (9® ciHjqu#r#4'* 00 mvmry door. But the spoiler c*me. and he would not spare, Tto angel that walketh In darhnes# wa* there;— Hr walked thro’ the valley, walked thro’ the street. And he left tto print of ht» fiery feet In the dead, dead, that were every where. And burled away with never a prayer. From the desolate land, from It* very heart. There went forth a cry to the uttermost pan: You heard It. O brother*!—With never a -measure You opened your hearts and poured out your treasure. O! Sisters of Mercy, you gave above these! For you helped, we know, on your bend ed knees. Your pity was human, but oh! It was more. When you shared our cross end our burden bore. Your lives In your hands, you stood by our side: Your live* for our lives you lay down and died. And no greater love hath a man to give. Than lay down hla life that hia friends may live. You poured In our wounds the oil and the wine. That you brought to us from a hand di vine. You conquered ua once, and our sw-ords we gave; We yield now our hearts —they are all we have. I Our last ditch was there, and it hejjl out long; It Is yours. O friends! and you'll And It strong. ( Your love had a magic diviner than art. And “Conquered by Kindness” we'll write on our heart. Transfer of Realty. A deed from Henry Burnside to Sa lem Dutcher was filed at the clerk's office last afternoon. The legal paper was for a transfer of real estate on Carrie street at the sum of S3OO. Sale of Real Estate. A neat and attractive cottage, 348 Telfair street, was last afternoon sold by Real Estate Agent Jno. W. Dickey to Mr. Harry Tutt. The property brought $1,200. vn® V£*VM HA* QOM j #ofM*§oM| foh# f 9®«® 949 0019« (*® . €H®|i9o®9 00*009 09® 90000000909 00# 09991' 900009 mm 9990 09949* #9# f J fttftfl*®* If®® I#j 000 90$ 00 0009 0000 90m 00009 #9 (NMfIM , urfo-t 1 I Smiß* r rriNP®®#®* §9® €®» 4-riMHI ; ||p#o9 19® 9990990% 00 (9w® %90 ®4®§ w§*® | I omm# €§€loflM9§ T9® m*9go* 9NMW® 90®*0 |«4 «9® |ri » ®9»9®# %ri #<i 90t 09® 9*9t90990099 | ! a 9®4 900# 90900 , 00000%009 00 • * ‘Afojfo®* fost. §.' <R K|§ fIM9 90 s * i fod-*. 0 •rt*’ 1 ’ e -* § 19 9ft4 90 9® 400#0Ml 9000% 90 T%O 909 | 09® 4®io®"99«®io» (§MO§ 909000 000 «9* f It* ( V, C> fw*i went to itoa* ttotoato Imt tfftflftft 19® 0000 90#000| 090000 # 1 " ]iIHH9 I€» *9 m% 90% OM|R fits* UN I T9® oM®k4oMoi ®tb*s ®P®' 0® (ft® Qomo f ® -to 11®® §44 9# owri Mor 0® €MN9 I T9® 090®®09®€M mt *** 9 0 ®€M9- : fmrrt ««# 100090 4M®§ (®OFMI ®o> 99 90M(r ■ j (991*®® 994 009900 m 9 99®*® (§9® OMf I®*®# 9 ffto®9 OR9C *99® 9® f9«9® 99® ' f 99®® 99 99# 0t (ft® 1991y#4 994 «#® , I (••#49 90 9® “ f i 9 ; o‘oflpw# , “®9 ®w "9® f®®» I riRrtMM j® i i i mmm. ® * (• %§® r®9® ®- 10009, 9 00999090 009 k f9® 99990000009 0t (ft® 09#l®®0 oM#l 9® > Ls.r t-cewrt stosfog ttoTtoto *• Mart- I rw* MlB §r*f 1999® 4ft®o 9®f® 91## I ,toto€ »...#•( !Lf 00# m 9 *F f to«9|fwtoto f fl® (ftrif fl#Pf «9K'O m%mt 0# |ft9 0099 ■' RgM»fn 990 (*®9®§ fl®o 90809. f%® 9990009 : {kart tosw baetsg a high *M (late to Tto to grein* tfitoto lto*« UM, | ®«fl4* ilßtolf 9®T9® 094 fl(€W9 099# 999 - ’ forth sew* tout Tto toNbw will *ag I |Mh CMDflril 09 set 0 09® (o®fl®9 ' (>*'o4lo 11 olln9§* 9ft 9 tft# «®£t» 00 19® ®9M9# j (ftp Iritlifl#® |oS|rt 9#|F 9ft«® IftftC Lfonaure **4 W toto* *mt Ito (—>» I§®9m®r A 909 %09 >4*l4l®® §oo® 90®. j was rtodgiag Ito gewroM gwgrd Hr posted Usee* tee* tl I* f*»«»ft#N toto toStoto «( tto Aw**<g entopgg? Ito** to*» left to- Mart to* tto ratowr rattol wm to ! Ttoy tos* got to** as**. Ferhap# tto? at* lay tag low Mrtto Dslgysrt. ! OO* areHo* of men n* tto Oeorgl* j rsllrnnrt to* tos* delayed It mar sot [get oC before anise ho*x thla morn lag BtSEHALL Tn Cl BA. Tto Baltlasore Blub and Others I* take a Trip. There are some pn>b*btlit«a ttot the I Kaliln. rr Hub will make a trip to Oita this wtatsr sort pkar a ssetes of games against a pirged trgtn of asiioo*l league players, to he h#«wn aa tto i ‘'All Am®rl*'o*.‘* *|*or lour 9(11 0® f*r*®4®rt®4 untVf 10® mflMff<€nT(it of AI L®«9>n. |o® well kn«»«n tarirNill intMCMr, »9» ! the All America team which made a successful tour of Cub* during the six* . tee of 1 ***-•!. Al lassn and tbs meniera of tbs J Haltlmore team held a brttg conference [at tbs Broadway <Vntrsl Moist, New York, last wsek. and fold thrtr plans for the enntlag tour. It is the Int-mtha to hsvs teams work og a ro-op- , sratlve plan; each ptsyer receiving an equal division of the profits ns upon the irip to the Pacific const last ysnr. Nearly all of the Baltimore player* are enthusiastic over the prospective jtrip. and especially McGrnw, who went j to t’upn with Al Lawson’s tram eight | years Üb. MrGraw ha* begun cor res- ! r..nd«Rre with several national league sigrs. who will make up the picked team The lw» teams will start prior to December » and will prohnbly go ; direct to Havana by boat. WANTS TO WELCOME THEn. ______ 9 The Sixth Regiment Pand Will Greet Returning Soldiers The Sixth regiment band Is deter mined to give the returning Augusta soldier* of the Second regiment a rousing welcome, ao far as mualc It concerned. The band has lately reorgan’ied and la In prime condition to render better mualc than rver They are Juat wait ing to hear when the Angus, a sol diers are due here and will tound the bugle call for assembly. They **:' they will be on deck at the depot when the boj’s arrive, even if nobody else la there to welcome them, but of course there will be g rousing crowd on hand. The time of the arrival of th* boys Is not definitely known yet. but all will be given (Jue notice of the time. Personalities. Capt. Alfred 3. Barker, who suc ceed# Capt. Clark, wa* the Oregon's first commander, when she took her rough initial sea trips. He Is a sun of Massachusetts, and had not yet com pleted his four years’ course in the naval academy at Annapolis when h* was ordered out to the steam frigate Mississippi. He took part in the cap ture of New Orleans and in the fight at Port Hudson, where the Mississippi was tost. One of the most charming incidents of Bismarck's later life was the renewal of his friendship with J. L. Motley, the American historian. They hud been in timate as youths at the university and they again mat when Bismarck was a minister and Motley an ambassador. The Iron Chancellor's letters to the friend of his youth are like those of n lsd of 20. He generally wrote to him In English. In one he says: T never pass by the ok! Logler’s house tn the Fried richstrasse wi'hout looking up at the window whi>’h used to be ornamented by a pair of red slippers sustained on the wall by the feet of a gentleman sitting in the Yankee way. his head tie low and out of sight.” In another writ ten after the Danish war he says: "I am working from morn till night like a nigger, and you have nothing to do at all. You might tip me a line as well as looking <m your feet tilted against the wall.” Mr. Reid Walker is on the streets again after his illness from appen dicitis. MRS. SLATER FILES Sl’IT. Stic A ok® llntfusc* Bccmiftc t>fl (IcMtti of Her MtUbhriful. T 0 Inn 0 J«9 0 Mil® 19 (fiilg §§ (sfoNsstsf 2Mb tto 4«rt044 a*KW*€ -' T 9 nbr 0 liJNn o*9u4‘ l®i Or IhfllAtM l'w£f •' Rex apes* 4 ®RMW to* |— —TT lllg 09® 10® 100# 9$ $9,0900 099 900* I 0 to 4#|o 094 o#g*fl®#| 09 #MOO® 9000 mm i )€#Vli# 000099 0# (9 o§®l® (§■•• (9® ®9* J . M ,w_ R4OIIRR ”R® o®|t fcttol 1 0* 0 f**o9 19® >®#4wt€9 #OO Vo# mmmt ? |ug> (oft If®# 994 9919 '®#® o®4v? *9o•* - 4040! 9 f To® #rro9F#f €€®f#ff®4 0# #To*9t*o* | #Ol ®tf **fl 909# fMMM#' Stf® P-A4®® t« |fl (RTTtoßfll ! fid *o9*o® M o###« PrftJONAl. 1 Mrs Mi Mutt to* p*l*vw*N Rasa TTr- J«fo* • (to* haa fww. t* Ifort*- | Mr Ratpb Moetfo to* iriurwed ftoa* Attoto. U* I Mr **N Mrs. t M Rail as* hard | Kr* fi-k RsyaoMs arrived M tto 1 Mrs Jnto (I rvgeman has otxricd I 34,0 mF, Oasht* hss returned frrma I Mrs N. H •;•*** isft <*• yssterd*? 'for IVtcrsburg. Ya, Mr. Walforw Baras* weal town t* Na«'s**ah last Mght Mrs ft R. Carpenter to* rsturnsd fr m North fa n4ltx* i Mts* Maris' Alien returned from Ffot Itarh, N. <*.. yeslsrifoy Mr* L L Fleming and family hsvs returned from Flat Mar*. Mr. R A. Brand and family haws returned from North fsrtrtlna ' Mrs, A D June* hag returned from a trip •* Harris Uthfo llprtnga j Mrs. .PJ. M'sot and family return •ed from Tto?. 8 C.. ?»*terd*y. Mias Maggie Ibigs* and Mts* Graca Dugas have returned from tfoluda. Mrs M A Mata and Miss Dais? Bala left today tor a Walt to friends la Athens . Mia# Clarice Barksdale returned hnroa from a visit to friends tn Aiken last af* tetnuog Mr. John Bylveater ha* returned from is visit so Annspolta New York and Philadelphia. | Mrs. J. C Wipe of Macon, Ga.. p*se ed through the city '*> her way hums jfrum WrtghtsvlUe. N. C. j Mr. P. J. Cronin, an old Augusta ■boy, who went to Klondike and Alaska, jit I* reported, has struck It rich. : Mr* W F. Patltlo. of Decatur. Oa.. !»t>ent a few minutes tn the city on her I way tl., If from Waynesboro, Ga. Mr. Mllledge Irickhart I* gsttlng along splendidly on thr New York Times, and ha* made himself a great favorite there. D Dr. Powell, superintendent of the state asylum for the inasns. was in the city Friday. Ho was the guest of j his friend. Dr. Eugen - Foster. There Is always a splendid welcome lo Augusts sos ex-Grneral Manager Ma jor Green of the Georgia road. He was on the streets during the week. There is the greatest Interest In Mr. Bsyne’a lecture during the ,jrnm* week Mr. Bayne’* lecture ts a n* one. and those who have heard it aay It ts a gem. Mr. James Daly will return from New York tomorrow or Tuesday. He ia quite recovered from the shake-up and bruises given him in his horse runaway accident tn New York. Mr. rteasant A. Stovall of Savannah has been IB In Savannah. Mr. Stovall Is convalescent now. He has had quite a hard attack of malaria and at one time was a very - »!ck man. Mr. Dan Conlon, of Athens, a for mer Augustan, arrived here yesterday afternoon. Mr. Conlon Is connected with the large dry goods house of Mi chael Brothers In Athens. His many friends here are delighted to see him again. ’ The many friends of Mr. George Bry an win regret to learn that he haa been seriously IU at Decatur . Yesterday morning the doctors announced that he could not recover, but later informa tion is to the effect that he is much better, and hopes are now entertained for his recovery. His malady is ty phoid fever. TWO PISTOL SHOTS. In Hr. Alsworth’s House Startled the Neighbors Friday Night. Those living near the home of Mr. Thomas Alsworth. on upper Telfair, were startled Friday night by hearing a couple of pistol shots in rapid succes sion coming from the Alsworth resi dence. Those who rushed over to see what was the meaning of the reports found no one! fortunately, shot, but discovered that a pistol that was lying on a table that was being moved by Mr. Alsworth had fallen on the floor, and exploded twice. Several persons were near by, but no one was in range of the pistol bul left'.