The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 19, 1898, Image 1

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TVS * » ***** SAftfOi Ma*N •ass. twgUMwMb f“ *u m (tgpagAk. uni i m t Hi Vm VftrH t|» lUrllHd Nf I ill •t Ilf bfIfMNL Nm till Half •t Hi D*r»N» p«uvitt fwvi n* %•* m*i m I** Um * ftt» omm iMriH tg» tfo lfor**o T _ atrftft jtof* t# HijMii inidiitt | |§ 44*—! so aba-H* • foil mi j |M# nr—.:4T**AA —AM* tfo f—9l Ml 4M j H*—* iMvfMMb j hm> A t few (wen Ik* *•' ? t •?*« In } _ tiM mwMMHM a—a H— Mitt Mi —aia At Ai-r*t«i twt *%t* Haa ft—vvH a*HM<—i, IM A** iliilH hßikltM lA————* AVHtfoft** #VM| Ht pf**AiA lHWllm HmH tfoffiMiA ••Ml fWKI 4fol 1—44 so 44411*4 | H 94* ii'.tmt if lIMI |l*#f'fo* (tn Y%» —j»f Mm —Aarf—l tW Mto*' j "Till ft Mmm Uauf« 44* 144*4* sos i Ham ifffa <*4 |iQ» ALAfe** i (till 4(lwf ifiMlfT fnir I *4f*A4 HI —so Mi Hi rw—AM to ItftfM itfiw—Hy **| r|fi INI l«i|»f Stl<»4 MflMlf <0 Hi ' ItifTtfliiisi I AMI ••• Hi H*iAA< mm mmm tmxfor 1 «o«I4 4a mi 4ttAo*t tfo *l«4At*"At t)*AillftOA **j Hiv# os It ot oom I odf to mu* s •ill mr Mi Mill tort rliiH Mtf •!•«• ilunl m#. I oov (No no furtfor of* You hi Mr if V vu a tor » —r*t Ofaort oitoyi'd by tN Fmk4 —llijAry j Atatr to —tcH tfo •umthm of for*t*A j pmmmrrn I iHtir (Mot ! art Ml lotollr . - y tllAt HNaHOO pl|j||| ‘ so ammN ptotl *1 tfo proper tI4H». j Mbit'll !• rtrjr nrtr •* fotwl "Too front to know «MNr my di» i rloaur* mil eM-r f>rryfu» I Bamwmr tbit out of a vboiiiAotl (lota—t a mak Im up iba nrryftia "foitiff' (paNn In tfo *• ifT t V knou tbnt ill biQitrod #r* for«*4. I am prfymrmd to ahow by *h>»fn nii4 iinNr obit rirrunMXanrra ! for* aw fonoltM Vl h for Drayfua la (N lihij r*nl hit - rbifnytona Miippofo rtmaiei to N w»*:i Tbit ran be aafely left to the ptibllr to ; Judge Wtini th#y are l» pn*a#*alon of 1 (hr farts." A<i NALDO’S ."lANIFESTO. he Says Rumor* of Straagc Relation* are Fafw New York. Sept. 19.—TH# following WAt received at the office here of the i Awtre'ated Pre*»: . "Manila. Sept. 19.—The Fitlploo gov- i rrnntmi d >*:re* to Inform the Amerl- I i-jo government and people that the | mrt) rumors circulated regarding the j n'-alLcd relations between the Filip- I Inos and Americrn force* are the baae. malicious slanders of an enemy to both I Inrtles and are without any truth and ere circuit* ed for the prposc of prejn- j dieieg the appeal of the Filipinos for il.elr release from the oppress'on and riurlty of Spain. The relations be f.vern our people ond poor have been and will continue to be of the most fr’cndl; nature and we have withdrawn out forces futn the suburbs of Manila t>» additional evidence of our confi dence |t the great. Amcrtecn republic. (Sign-d.l "Aguinaldo." An Important Document "'nahlngtcn. Sept. 19. —The Assocla- j ted fresn dlapatch conveying Aguinal do's msasag? to the American people I wxs regarded with rarcb Intfrcst at the . White House. The President read the virement with evidsnt appreciation of Its Importance, but did not volunteer my information a* to the attitude of this goverrment. The official* very rear to hitn spoke of the message as a ' verj Important document.” Confederate Report*. Washington, D. C., Sept. W. Ad vance prints of volume 7, scries 1. of the' official reports of the Tinian and Con- : federate navi'« of the war of the rebel-; lion, has been furnished the navy de- , partm nt by the government printing office. The volume comprises the opera tion of the North Atlantic blockading squadron from March 8 to September 4. 1882. The distribution of the work is congressional and not a departmental one. A Nobleman in Trouble. London. Scot. 19.—Edward Havens, lord of the manor East Deoyland, near Colchester, was remanded at Har wich today on a charge of attempting ’ tq drown his 12 year old daughter last evening. MlrsMattie d'Antignac will enter tain a fiumbrr of friends this evening. ffA tfWIII A THE AUGUSTA HERALD. mint m Oft IVK A4*nU vat* mmm# HI Ptch fHMk : MMHNH Mt m HlNi t’ Hiii |MiM | imMHHpH Ha HbMiiA btHaaMNAMiHi fwa ; TIM MHHHMMH iNNkAPMI HI (pk Afi tHi MMMMp t%» HHkt Hah Imm in ! TMPA* SMI H MMMMt lb- TiMbMMIA* I #Ha fHibi HrMHHMMNHI AM A AMAHk - 7 MAHi wf *Ha yHMi ' - > •At Vkai Mv tMH. mm Ik la amhhhi I m Hka am# iIMH am 1 "* I * y Imm a#Hva mbN b amnn h mommm*m*m |Hi AAVtfl HIM * Nm|pi HINI A* AHA HI AM" j «M MaMHa Hal #Ha «m4p* mm N | inmml m4VM Hi A Iba |m- I r##i A»aa a# twa w* §m** tmtiM *-a i*ia I a mntHmmi Ha# iHa fMHgMHHAK. IbM lb* fy Mb mi 4HK'# HarlbbNl §i MM f jfruH— bM iba fbt hsnp*' n< n * tJLbAb iwt y * i i *M ba MNa* mm m»p i*m mmmm* i * # rhifflMl Mltb BfOt liiRC AM' ‘ «b# comfort •a Aral! aa tba N*l’b or i MaJ Oca. Mlica "H C Cwrbtu. AdR. Of" " INtfkaHki of TrwMfortßlnai. j Mo. Frasdveo Cal . »epl t*.- Tfce AfV* f?OM WiltililUM I® the t c*7 hi*"7cn r.rjir^rSuniii Ic.cated mut h egcltement. Tke Aaoo ! Hitrd prcaa biilictia aonotiov ioa *” ! dcclaien of tN departin*nt at w aah ,un ton aald (N arranAcmH* for the traniprriAlton of (N tmopa mmrm In | proirm. A caII oo tb'* llcrcbAßta Kibanvc altettcd tbr i»for«iAllcii that i the only tcar#l AVAlUibln for tranapor tution porpoaea not othcrwlac engaged l( (*jf mrani *r Crtucaolil and ha* ; been reject'd by the government on it mo ocraatona. TMKY WIRE FRIOMTENEO. But the W rlter flade No Assault on Them. Camp Hdart!, Knogville. Tenn.. ft*;*'. !!, —(\ wdmUsml report <.-as clreuia- I trd yesterday morning charging fas Finn Georgia regiment with (made an at lack r« the North Carolin i 1 negro regltnMit. An official Invostlg-t --tior, resulted in the finding that no Jt tack was m:»d’ end no one waa killed (nor wtjnreci as reparted. The foundation f° r the report was !the that 'revrial rtrunkt n sold’ers whj i chanced ic pass near lbe North Cnrn j i|n:i camp Ba l .rday afternoon fired their pistols ;n.«! the ncyroee believed tbii to Ih? n challenge for a fight. Linseed Oil Affair. Hi. Louis, Sept. 19.—Alexander Eas tern president of the National Linseed oil company, who la hi the city. In the course of an interview said'- "A g<*><l deal has been said about the affairs of the National Linseed Oil company. 1 tiellevp. however, a majority of the ate disposed not to do any thing ranh at the present time. I think t (hey are convinced that linseed oil Is ‘still worth something. There are a few stockholders who have become hysl-'r- J pal and have said many things they 'would not say In their calmer moments, but a great majority of them arc saying ' nothing, feeling all things will come Tut right In the end." To Check Yellow Jack. Washington, D- Ck, Hept. 19. The surgeon general of the marine hospital has about completed h's system for the inspection of trains in the districts of the state of Mississippi infected with ‘yellow fever. Inspectors have been placed upon all the roads, with one ex ception. and this line will be Supplied |at an early date. The system hk* been | established for th ■ purpose of checking the spread of fever. Simpson is in charge of the service. , Return to Commence. San Francisco, Sept. 19.—The steam ers City of Peking and City of Sydney, formerly transports here, are being pre pared for commercial duties. The Syd ney is scheduled to sail for Panama September 28, and the Peking is slated to depart for China Oetober 1. The steamer Australia is due to arrive here today from Honolulu. The Australia has already made one trip to the Phil ippines in the service of the govern ment. and was but recently returned to her former run between this city and Honolulu. YOU NECD A TONIC FOR THe FALL CkMPAION HOW ABOUT YOUR BUkINEMf no io ii Cl II i Hts §t ||i ftp*tli* t itutn tt un ««. Tit inn Tit* Mu# it In I li 11.000 |he f Wil—R f C*li —I —Hi WffiM f mmmmtt wrn . A#AMbibMIMA Hsu*, tb ** W bA* Houma |*N vfcbMA tbAI Halm# (DAMMAM Mi*** 4* j • *Alt M 4 tH# hHmm AI AMH(M#f A*®** * i !<n# tfoHM HNm AA HM4 mm A MlHtA*f i g f-yf'tit ufAt ko ob ian* mmmm • ■|| tritl AV'Mbbbt# mmmrntmm Hbo 4avHm» *9 s VIN r 4Nt< IA AbMMI A MOMfelb ‘fbo* tAHMA AOmAA JbF'bto*^ 1 AA4 b*o fOMbfokM «A «b*l N Hitt H Mltf A A •«*«# mt A t*m «r**bA folMri lb# I# \ Aiml will toMbMA# iHa mi lb# - • fti—*#— TH# IfoNM tl ft ~~AA AAQiQi AM bl MNI A# j,,,. n>T ffft (if IfoPAHlPbl. tt# TAfOMH# j Ih* In** g f ''»#«»MAtlovAOMfroMA (Alib i i fb# •k»' b Mill I>. n bPA IH# ffoAAiOb |fAf Abstl j of Oiornl Mil## Hoff MM4 lo4a# INfbAA# a t#or vuo)4 bot Mil N A <t(f . I . aw ig* InhatiiliOlc *»f • M*Lir*ir4 WAA tbAI of tb# HI#AfMMM A«4 b##t aa4 Ummt infftiiAiH of A «A q«#f#4 pmmpim Pmm* my o«« obA#r»a- UIOA I AM of ib# Ofilloa tbAI tb# f##l- SAC Ml batrel of tb# aaiit# for lb# Htolllfd. wblrb WAO lAl#A## vfctv A# ho* got aSit#4 to any |ff>B( #ti#At Tb#r# la wow Aaafor of A roA- Alri ab 4 I am afmld a #AiHt of Mu tual dlairwAl aa4 batr#4 tall* b# a von i *4AAt MMi»r# lo lb# pmmvm of tb# I#- ' niKi |do tot tblnb tb# BAttraa bav# I |wt r*a#A to lb# orriilt*. ilihouih ib# ■gs gemto | A rotDAODII Ar# BIAkIBA ‘*l y*niirmit rffnrt> toward# tb# rottofP' tfo» of t**< r and tb# iMffybig of tb# ittvo people* Tht* government will laot drive out tb# Spaniard who her oine* aa Amrrlran eltUen. and from the way thing* looked when we were there, the native* would have liked to make ttha condUloti precedent to. Am erican i e lipailnn For Ita site and im portanre. Porto Rico la bound to be one of the expensive luxurlea of ihe a ar. The HM<tW troops there must be ! reinforced to poaalbly 15.000, and aucb nutnher must be maintained there'even If perto Rico be made a territory, or m any way be given Ameriran conatltu- I tonal government. It will he unique In tbl* reaped at leaat.” THE YELLOW FEVER. No Further Caaes Have Developed in New Orleans. New Orleana. Sept. 19. -At the board of hrolth meeting today It wa* slated that there waa no information of any other rase of yelloiv fever than that of Mallory Kennedy, annom-ptl Saturday night. The United Statea barracks here la quarantined against the city. None of the troop* there will he allow ed to come Into ihe city. New Orleans Is l.aiily tied up aa a result of outside coevantine and tbernilroads and busi ness community especially are suffer ing. Fchcdute Annulled. "'Mobile, Ala., Sept. 19.—Owing to th«# r.i.irantlnr restrictions the Loiilsvil'e t.ud Nashville railroad company unrui'- : led the day passenger schedules south i f Mobile today. The local authorities j here have established a quarantine jat the state line and no travel from Nrvv Orleans Is permitted In the city v 1 fiout ten days detention. POOR OLD TORAL! The Minister ofWjrSays He Should Be Courtmartlaled. Madrid. Spain, Sept. 19. Minister of War Correo has Issued Instructions for the return o 7 the Spanish troops In the West Indies. The sick are to leave first, and the archives, especially those relating to the war. will be brought to Spain, with arms, ammunition, flags and material stored In Cuba and Porto j Rico. The minister is greatly incensed at General Toral for having sent him a dispatch on the latter’s arrival at Vigo, Spain, from Santiago, and said that General Toral ought to he court martialed for his conduct as governor of Santiago. The Augusta Savings Bank. The last report of the Augusta Sav ings Batik shows that the genera! bus iness cf the bank Is as live and nour ishing as Its safety deposits are large. The Augusta Savings Bank, like many other of our financial Institutions, has a young business man in charge and Cashier J. «. Weiglo is winning friends by his coduct of the bank’s business. Capt. W. B. Young, one of Augusta's foremost financiers;, is president of the bank. _ .t,, At tM *t A. OA tl Kt iTttai ft It I Tl* IfwtlA If* t *ft( II Hi# i* fin oh H |»4Mi Mamm Hi tMPAH AH l amMn mm AHtf NHI : ipAAAI I# fb m M##a«4 I m#*#a#. H#9# it ♦ft*** • ■ Ha## i Imm amh4h Hi iH# fkmmmmmmmm \ «mmmm omHSA HA Mi# 3 MM#4HNH Amama# ftbNA At ib#- ah m** mi ffllii# |#«a#Aa,. ###h Ini.' !•#♦♦## knh *H# #’#iaH *-#a>* aa4 9m |, *• ’>. #•* «AAA AH IH# ##AAH APHiA f%# jAHfIfHA* HU* A*' 1 H M*9yHN## j ****** ff##it H# aa t #f M#HM I4#h4a aa4 I J immm ah abml h ah4## iHaia j Ha%9 A##H AH#' «r#ANH |9amna# mi*% \ ’ i#4M I# #%##MHA' Ib# f* **t* fh*Hr#*HA IA, #a4 IH# %A9##H‘ ; #it# • iff l aa# a#haamn#Ai | fit AAMAbft mi A###*### it# •'l*l , hah# *t!U«t *# <#m«a U HiMHi | I .1. fHA#4 ft * «9<MA mi IH# I#* i I**4 aa Aft *a4M mi tH# mmmmwmmm mm* < . w A*#t#t#l«ki«*£ fH# IfAAAH H##V j j «HA lH##r ptmrnmm* M «m»H AAA#i r #A TO RE9YnCrt? HIS MIKD. Owe ml |W nmtl WfmnrhaM* Oywvn tlM* Rv«* PvHwrWf * (*hb««<> RvpL IB - Thrv* wf th# b#** aU##l#«» I* fH9# rdf AA# AA# **f tH# fiin Adit »AfH>n* !• AM#rlr# mtm !fl*AH#4 **h#*H#f for a#t#tal Haav* t 4 Ttmnh CaUNt, Chiftfoi am# tm* II I. pmtjhb- bi ts • f#w <tor* Dr. *1 n MurfhF «‘H P*tt"t» tfce <>p#n»- * tin** r ihr ads itr# i»f Hr l«roW#r Dr rbnr#h and |h Pal rlrk, !• bring hnrk to %. Coll trr «b# IMI .ow of M»# bfyilani mtnd _ v-L iifißiiiif a tmm’ vmmtm un ( from hla law hwatn#«w aa hbrom# of • nearly |7*J** a y#ar ! o»c aigbl. la IMB after apeaklag at a political meating Mr Coll«*r waa ##« upon and b#at<- n Nile Nia#a*lbtl.ty. Hla skull. It la thought, waa fractured be hind on# »ar. and alar# th#n at tlm#a -thing* which h*Ji*d never d»»n» Is puu | |lr beforr He rtreaaad la th# gay eat • idora and at #very oppcrtnnily piac*-,| htmaelf la a conspicuous place and performed aome strange feat* At one he rod# with a com panion on hoeaebark through th# broad .-on idora of th# County Hoapltal atid Into a d >i#n rooma of tb# building If# waa at on# dm# confined to na aaylum for tbv Niaan#. hot escaped arguing his civn <-a*e, aid winning it before tb# insanity clerk. H# argued his own di vorce caaa. pad baa appeared sucresie | fully several time# recently in the I oourto. HLAfItE NOT FIXED. Bui It la Thought the Tenneaeaans are Reponslhle. Ran Frarcjaco, Cat.. Sept. 19. The 'toard of survey appointed to dlaeovnr Ilie Tennessee volunteers responsible for th# outrages on the Thomas family ha» reported to Gtn. Miller. The board I finds that !t has been unable to dis cover the names of any of the partlr ipanta In ’.tr riot except thosefourTen naaaeana who have already been tried by rorrt-martlal Anderson, Davis. Clark am) Scruggs. In the report the | board stales Its belief that members of the Kansas, New York, and lowa reg iments and th# California heavy artil lery were a part of the mt-h, but the greater part of il was from Tennessee. There la no evidence to show that in jury to the property of Thomas was authorised by any other than the Ten nessee regiment, and it is the belief of the boord that most of Ihe members were from other commands I hat join ed themselves to the Tennesseeans and were hi traded as spectators. ODD FELLOWS WELCOMED. Speeches In Their Honor Are Made In Boston. Boston, Sept. 19. Official welcome to the Sovereign Grand Ikiilge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows was given today. The members of the lodge. 200 Ir S -her. and the ladies representing. '*r of Rebekah, were escorted tv Y. M. C. A. hall by the committees. .!. W. Venable of Hopkinsville, Ky., grand chaplain of I the lodge, began (he exercises with prayer. Chas. N. Alexander of Bos ton. chairman of the executive com mittee, of the grand lodge of Massa churetts, assumed the chair. A rep resentative of Governor Wolcott wel comed the visitors to Massachusetts, and Mayor Quincy to the city. After several other speeches the members of the grand lodge adjourned to Copley hall, where the- secret deliberations were begun. Arms Surrendered. Candia, Sept.US. Edetn Pasha, the Turkish governor, has just had a pro clamation readfisaying thul by order of the sultan, all; arms must be surren dered to the committee formed for that purpose. Surrender has already be gun. No disorder. I 111 I Sill I I9*t At# W Af«*yt At I # i# mimuh ITV Ymbl# I’kwß AM Minin *9 *»«* th# C*MMt !■»**#R* R*l Btm mm VrwaM#. lAAtfl iA TH# H*#*«4 I tt** mmm fof* IA TH# (TMNAH HA* 1 I mrAAti Aaapnh *• H# Atilt Mvfoitl | I amh# 4m* I# iHaa iH#t Ha«a h##a mm mmy \ IflM# k*f>i* IH* I#IA ml •AM#%#(iMA HA in a! iH# HM for ih# m#» ' !*H« «H*t At# *AA#I4K#4 IHM IH# MK»IA IHbAM IHAA fimAl A (AMI rftn> Yfertr IAWMM4 9#aj9tA I# f*MiA#4 IA IIA *NM a mmm AA##fAM#Al, iH# 9f#i |i«H #**4A#Al. aHNH 4amlAal*« IH# a#al~ JrtA aa4 *#Alr»l M»HfoA# mi iH# INaa4 <«*•*#« A*OM» Ha*# H##a H#94 IA I fH# !§•( i Hi## 4*»* si If mi AA# Mmiaa* !im rw Pfwegb* Rant* Cl at* and mb## I pot at# lo orgaala# a parly In ayynr Ih# >m parly which will not par I woath will favor th# aaoviatloii >4 j Cuba io Ih# t*ali#d Mat#* Il will joT w#a!lh and iaß«#ar# la ih# I aland Or# Fratnr# of th# aork of Ibis par 14jr .a Havana will b# aa Mtnipt to ! t tfuat Ih# ln#urg#aia frma putting a ■ b«g »«n# a# 11 awoilh There ar# | tvaaa v«#» la th# pmvia##. of whirh ih# Mpaalatda control M.a** TrnwMr Anlklpalrd. Aprs ial to Th# H#raid. Havana. B*-pt l». - Th# Cobml in I rhjent may ##t tx tug t ruaW# Th# i oa> nla»lou wrut# lo th# Hpoatarda y#at#rday paying that Ih# proviatoa* mnal hr landed fr## without any of th# condition# tupoard by tb#<n la j l.ucha aaya Ip may b# on# of th# rea son* why th# Americana Insist on dis tributing th# rations th#.n##lv#* was that th# Comal d d lotjglai th# num ber of rations ah# wa# aald to carry, and hinted that th# commlsaarlsa pro bably hn#w where It had gone. One 'of tb# reasons why tb# commission | wishes to have tb# Comal unload her <-aigo la ih# terrible condition of the ("iiban troop- ainr# tb# suspension of hostilities They are starving, espe cially In the Interior, aa they are not allowed by their officers, as before, to take by forr# what they need. The American commission aent to Spanish officials here some days a lo Inquire the number of Spanish L . on the Island and where they were situated. The Spaniards have not yet an swered Advices received yesterday from Cal barien say that the American cavalry which la In camp with (he Cuban force* of General Carrillo near that place are In very bad condition from lack of food and clothes. Half of Ihe men are sick ami several have died. THEY THREW PEPPER. And It Preclpate a General Riot in Cleveland. Cleveland. 0.. Hept. 19.—As a result I of the attempt of a party of 22 nonunion j men to enter the works of the Amerl-. can Wire rornpuny today, where a strike hud been on some time, a pitched battle took place between the striker* | and nonunion workmen. Clulis, stones snd slungshota were freely used, and while no otip was seriously Injured, a number of men were severely bruised j and cut. The alleged trouble was start-| e.l by the nonunion man throwing pep- j per In the eyes of the strikers who were endeavoring t» prevent the former from entering the woiks .'Che strikers closed In. and for a few- minutes there was a mass of struggling and fighting men. At the approach of the police ihe riot ers dispersed. Only one ariest was made. The nonunion men did not get in the works. Alger Inspecting. Cincinnati, 0.. Sept. 19. Secretary Alger arrived from Detroit today, ac companied by his aide, Major Hopkins. He found awaiting him-here Surgeon General Sternberg and General M. P. Ludington, quartermaster general of the United Stales. The secretary’3 visit here is to begin a series of in spectloos of camps and hospitals In the war. Attention will be given to the camp and hospital at Fort Thomas to day. He will next visit Lexington, Delay in Candia Candia, Sept. 19.—The disarmament of the Mi.’ssulmnns has been delayed. The Turkish military commander here demands that the arms be delivered cm a Turkish'Varehip. Admiral Noel, the Biitish naval commander. Insists that they be handed to the British guard. s I Ik * MM I AMR A If All *»'ML MW MR •*»» I "Ur* fUlIk iWI Rkk f Hit *Hm»AMAA ffoAAWfo *$ AAAA f*A4 #4fo ABM HA 14m*-* HPHNWmA Hi HAAMA At AM* 4*4*4 As j MHa H*** 9Hhhaa4H a hath mmmmmm 141 tAA IHM Mu—A >44 4* ft* fo4A" 4f |H*» *4om» 14*4 AAAMM *VN 44 IfoMt* | ( «M ffo«M4AAA Hmi IaAM 44 MN444 IlHf 4 HAM hHAHr 4 h—Mm** 9fo4A HbA4I I «9m«HM I'OAA4 t* A MAMHfo •#» I 4fMl 14 *4* #4M HAt AAA* *44 HA lIiMAH* IHaaa AA Ha fAHH Ha* aMHa* *a4 Ml | MM** *4A* iHa MM A»iOM *A*rt* mi AAH i *4M ha Ha* ah4*<m4 waaachmmhm Th [HAtAAAirtf Ha* 4H*Aim» mam Haa 4—M ! i mil mil ma 4 CHA AaaiAMAI 4• H i* H* 9Ma*a4 m*ma4* a* ff •••* MHa In fir MNM «HA AHAAt As M** 4AAAM i Im* Hr m#4 a! Ilf MaMHa— na»Am A 5 MEH* AA* A»wAAM»4**< * 444—4 AA AH A** «yim n# aAAAAAI aM’Ht aa*l A AaaAUA- Mlri - rtr <4 fl|f# Aft MAM iAItl Tlmw |*ffo» hmrnm HA* M 44 waa *Ai* A I Ha* AwH 1 BPA— HAMA AA4 AttAT AH*AAfIiH ‘•MM *MI mt Ik* ■* M# *kh#> | Th# ft*e*#*l W»JI •##•» iwrawewww i gum tug hi t#w • M Tve** me 1 ##i {. g tl , # vir ggMM# trihtke gg w-eite IN Ml ItfllMAM. | ite*. fit. Arwfcfw# Ui-iNitW N>l« g |h« Itoythl Ckgrxk. I HeghUNih ReM IB —At h »#wlow !of .nef» i*g>« Hi Ihe Hvßie rherrk og BMwAgf. lire J W R Jehklu* w*# .4 Übimm rtartl. M vs (H# HißHini r#Af AH At IN vhh* if Icff* 4f|R «k|«**|#A 11* niwiMlP m ImhbU mo* flank arraftr** «*r* »»(l ■ Hmrtfit vmF rrdM* TH# •*** BOM* n» a IHa mlaalac «ni4 aa4 iHa ■oAlegree eery gMMMtv* The M K *4tt«ilav grhiw! Hi* bwfl iUPPIUd Mr 11 II » km ii T»U sai l So 1 Ravl*al Aoa« Metwra W C Turner end SC Ae ton line mil og their wheel* V#•»##- Prof W II v>arhe left vemerday tor \iigust* He npegv hi* ##hm»l at Wnndlawa Mi i4*y morning Ma# Kate Wicker an lo Noah tomorrow to spend • few Aaß 1.05 T HER BOV. I * Peter I ritkh. Aeveg Vear* of Ag*. Has Strayed Away peter F»«n« t#. a smalt white hoy. T y«*4r* of igr. In Njot tn Aufuw*. Any* wav . It ip puf>t*»p**<i Na l« kMil. IVirr mi»4 blr VAAtH«r ifflfwl Nr* «B ikf II:SI friiß from CNrlfflofi iNIm morning While Mr*. Fian.-i* wa* look ing after some Itaggas - at the union depot. Peter strayed *»*y- When she turned to look for him. he w*a gone. She was mu. h wotrleij. naturally, and after searching for her won in several pla.e*. she r-|*>iteil Ihe matter to the (Millie. _ . The deaertptlon of the boy Is a# fol low s: He t# dressed In a dark blue suit, dark ! enttro shirt ond ta ~ year* of age ( The (Milice are on !h» lookout tor him. His disappearance waa quite sudden and rather mysterious. Anyone seeing him will confer a favor by reporting the fact to the (Millie. THREE DkCKS OF CARDS Found on Andrew Williams When Arre-ted Today. Andrew Williams. colored. was brought Into police station by Officer Hatcher at noon toda’’. Andrew Is charged with three Offenses— gambling, I vagrancy and fighting He had decks of cards on him when ar rested, a pair of dice and 75 cents In ; change. He l» a "bad nigger," say the police. Recorder Baxter will do the rest to- I morrow. Planters Loan and Sawings Pnfik. The tl.element of the condition of ihe Planters Ikian and Savings Hank Is an exceptionally fine one and reflects great credit upon Its munagemet. Mr. 1,. C. , Heyne, president, and Mr. W. (.. Ward law. the efficient cashier, are two of ; Augusta * most preimitfent young IntHl : uess men and their ability ns financiers 'is beig dn -wn In their handling of the business ot ’t Planters nnd Savings Bank, which la one of Augus ta's safest financial Institutions. Music at the First Baptist Church. The music at the First Baptist church yesterday excelled even their usual standard. In the morning. In addition to the regular music, "Praise Ye" was exquisitely rendered by Dr. and Mis. Goodrich and Mr. Pelot. For an offertory, Mr. Battle sang "C»me Unto Me." with exeeedlng pathos and feeling. Mr. Buttle was in splendid voice, and so beautifully did he ren der It, that Dr. Burrows Involuntarily remarked upon it In his sermon. At the evening service, “O, Sweetly Breathed Those Lyres Above,” an arrangement by Shelly to one of Chopin's noc turnes. was “rendered by the choir as an offertory, and Mrs. Goodrich 1 and Mlsa Jtoseline Connor’s voices blended in a?duet by Campana. More Algerism. Knoxville. Ter.n,., Sept. 19. The Fourteenth Minnesota is still here waiting for sleeping cars to take them home. They will probably get away tomorrow. Secretary Alger is expect ed Wednesday. He will inspect the camp and review thetroops. h»» tartaabte I MB ttapbfMK I AraewMßj^ i * «»}«bDg> * * MMH—I tm* PLANTI44 loan and having* BANK —H »# M %»* 4<w MM inn w i drawn \ ( A trite#aril' faf 4 Ml# Tfi Vm Stra It RklaA. W . HI IMJ. nmm «4f CAW lA Hwfo# sos fHMH I V## #*Mte>4 •*— i riAt 4*4* ** —H4 J Hri«k 4* * (*•« i* aia4 tMAttifoy TH* so l *tp*4i m* **##•—*r—#* Hava 4*4 4a*h ; 191—4* shb« Iw4 tmm Ml «l*k he**'*** BMf tm-* wt * f M—* Hrt4—*«* f—ti# *H* Im—NA mi fH# * fA—kf A#"* «** Vl* HwfH 14 (H* IfoH* •%#«*' t»ii %p 94A4*°AA 4( HNfk* * |4 )441 4Ha amm inla*—Mnl o*l—* 4m—iff •( Ha—« Hi (N I9A—MH | m f rn*ik»H for folfo* mm 4 tfo *4* Ifirliy 4’HNH •*!*•—rH** Alt Ifo A4B—4• f twraia <4 <h# Davie hgA kßa* t**Ha 1 •ttaffwA k#« aMilwHfy M W'MWlr, i Hl** (t<r- else aasiwetl he# wesake* t* .. arrenie way* se4 Hnah b#» blare M 19* nHy m* I*l l«st<«M as Ike plaee It* AAM for ?«< * rr—Aß 44( f*SM4*MHBIHHk Rhe aaaisiMi k'm tb ail kk *Mk. aa J a,tick <4 th# tafcraiaiMMi ckkk •** fb* * uulied by M# IM*t* Ib BN ■ ctlbßl war «e« utrel tm hi la by hi* I»AW. Her aire •* rkaraHev *•* marked trial tcMith Sfcrwa. engaged ta Mr. Witkrraoe of Hi raraar N Y, hot shorely *ft#t b#t talk##'* *#atk th# »•- r irrWK-m ea* broke* «•. White M |mh.l< rxplsaatloa <4 tb* repeal# v{i #ti#b tiul. It I* well kDnwa that It wa* Inr Ih# tHirpcw# of malntatag bar fa -1 ifor'A mm# ilmvrlml tb# naia# Itaugfctef of tb# t'o*M#r*fT " ta IBM ehre her te ther aw* hi# famous trip through tb* Soulh. Mr Davl* being usable la if pear. Hi** Winpi# wa* hreagbt before (be th. at the difereal poitu the route and IntriMiiirad aa ihb I"1 i.iughier Of the Confederacy " PETTYJOHN VS. PETTYJOHN. Hearing Before Judge Calloway Tbto Afternoon. 1 The preliminary hearing la Ihe dl- VffAe ease of Joseph Mcl.jrru Petty* Jv-hn vs. Daisy A. P< tty John coma* up before Judge Calloway lu chamber* at 4 30 o'rlut k Ibis afternoon. Mr Pet tyjohn I* rrpreaeoted by Attorney F. T. lag-khan and Mr* Pe tyjohn by Attor ney P J SsfHvaa. The qneation of trmporarv alimony will be decided. CORPORAL I.VON RELAPSED. THU Well Known Young Soldier He* a Back Set. The many friend* of Corporal Lloyd Lyon will regret io learn that b# iia* had a relapse and I* hot a* well a* wcfbi | c wished. 11 I* hoped, however, j that ffii serloti* result* will accrue from >Gii* lat kart and lhai he will *oon b': I Mtfhrlctitl; recovered lo be brought to ‘ Augusta. At tke Hotel*. At the Arlington: T. G. Connell, Am' rlcua; U. Elsas. Atianla; H. M. Spit.:. Atlanta: W. M. Cremsy. Wll ui ngton: A. J. Billet, i’liiiedelphle; J. U Newell. Atlanta: A. W. Dimmtck. Cordova. Ala ; H. L. Thompson. Pltts .linrg: R. C. Sheridan. Macon, i At the Planters: J. T. Llgun. Green iwood: K. A. Andrew*. Columbia; M. Warthen, aVL'rthcn. Oa ; J. E. Towns, New York: T. !.. Pryor, Clneinnali: L. M. Freeman. New York: W. E. O’Don nell. New York: J. R. Reed, Jackson. Mis*.; A. D. Shaver, Brooklyn; Jno. A. Weir and W. H. Outz. Edgefield. Infants Death. \VnHo: Glt-ver, the 10-montli-old aon of Mr. ond Mrs. Walter Glover, of Beech l.dnnd, died yesterday of pneu monia. The fureral occurs this nfmr nueti. Mad: sympathy I* extended .lie be relived parent* in their affliction. Brew master’s Meet. Cleveland, 0., Sept. 19.—The annual co.- entlon of the Brewmaster* of the United States commenced here today, with a preliminary meeting of the trus tees lu Germania Hall. The apprentice question was discussed, and the report* of the secretary and treasurer read. The regular business of the convention will be taken up this afternoon. l-alkncr a Commissioner. W ashington. ». C.. Sept. 19.-Senator C. J. Faulkner, of West Virginia, ’.vas today appointed to a position in the Canadian commission made vacant by the retirement of Senator Gray,who was transferred to the Paris peace commis . slon. Ex-Mayor Rice Dead. Saratoga, Sept. 19.—Capt. Marshall Rice, ex-mayor of Jacksonville, I* la., who has been here for three weeks, died lasi night of Bright’s disease. Gone to Indian Springs. Hon. M. P- Carroll, a prominent at torney of Augusta, passed through the city yesterday en route to Indian Spring.—Constitution.