The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 19, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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2 MONDAY NO WAR PRICES t iir— W»*m WiWt** • • • • S 3 00 ** Nur Irwh • . . 0.80 ****** Cm* . • • • .80 B^ai^ttffrwt!&r M •• • •’*' ss&rtjjs —ckß Of D«h«H*rtel* m Aw«%**<« LEWIS J. SCHAUL, jewSa UoOOf »»• ArttOgfUm Hul.l tviarrwwiuJii /gjSsr cn.TS.*rv *%* *Vff •*! fep Itaan PM .*»■— ** *• «M MM* m* #*•**»•*»« the M» MMBM.* Ml aimalhn a M»<*» W»*tM and Qi#** g*-. - rj* ~r r " -fc . tey * Mil* fad** a«4t*stl * iM *•»•*« ■* ** f—” 1 IwtMi I * TmHSNW ««M *«te S*H M M» t* he ga»» tat • rM). MM. ta «M* *%•«%, •M« Hum PraMKM • MO»M MM ; Ital M* «"■**> h* MMMI*. ta <m» adt »ta taw Ml P*taWM( H •*• I *»ta ~i**M MM^WOt»* j |^ > MMMm] hHP» _ It* Ml*4 MW** g**»« •*• •*•» B%’ MMk MMrfMIM taM taMM. tepttee ™ur«l »•- ««M gjrwt gt-*i—«• K**«P* *M *♦!' *r water M tka tat tta MUM* ONf »l »*• <M. TV* Wm* IMwh hurOewne *« It* MMM laarful Ml 4*»»«»NM hbtW I* • MMiuo ta« ••<»»«MI Ita tatafvd ItaM <4 <U» Ml IMI. *hb-h <wtied LADIES TIES SOMETHING NEW J.llLlimKEß THE HATTER. OECISTOX: HATS #*•(!> and derttVK-tton In tWr wak*e. On th. island «t •«. Vincent. t»«- Imv* tw*n killed oulrlflit and H.m ItJuM and rendered The Inland baa been absolutely gutted hr the wind and Arndt from the noa&uiM Ihe • 1 ••im are destroyed nod the people starving The Union Iron work* «f Han Frmrul. r«, builder* of the Orrgron. have serured th# mil I roe 1 for the new haltleshlp so be named the Ohio The Onmi* will build the new Maine and the Newport Mewa the Missouri THmc <*on trait* were formally award-1 ed In Washington on Halurday, and thirty-three moot ha are given for the completion of the eeaaeta May the Ohio equal the Oregon and the Mlaaourl and new Maine have all the esoeUml quantise of the never to be forgotten tomb lying tn the mud of Havana harbor, A new hoak by the Dutton'a la ‘‘A Book on Chta." being a discourse >n rata, with many quotations and orig inal draw Inn**.! by Mra. W Chane#—• aort of fetin' discourse by chance, ae it were. v . How to Look Good. Good look* are evnlly more than *kln deep, depending natrvly on a healthy t-ondltlow of all Ute \ltal organs. If the liver la Mai live you Have a bMou* look; If your gtomaeh i* disordered you have a dyapeiitle loutl, If your kidluy# are dfreeiw) you have w pinched look Be djure food health, and you will eureiy have good loouk*. “Eiectrte Outer* ’ I* a good Alterative end Tonir. Acte fli ri rtly an the Stomach, Liver anti Kld neyn.dHUlHe* the liloood, ruie* pimple*. tUpitte* and b'llta, and glvee a go"d gnmpb xlon. Bvery bottle gttnrantced. «ald at Howard A Wlllefe dru| stole (*«*>»(s per bottjyf- Vertical Ink and Vertical Pana for Var tical Writ lay. R acorn man dad by Prof Palot Via no othar. Sold at Bieharda & Shavar’i Book Stora. The Morgan gold mine*, located In Oglethorpe county, haa recently been purchased by a Chicago syndicate of wealth and will be developed at cmee. Charles Cadmua. a practical miner from the Weat. 1* there now with a lot of handa unearthing the hidden wealth Imbedded In the rock. The prospects so far has encouraged the enterprise and big results are looked for. YOU ARK MAKING a great mistake in not sending for a to cent trial sire at ray'd Cream Balm. It Is a specific for catarrh and cold in the head. We mall it. or the 60 cent sise Druggist# all keep It. Kly Brothers. 56 Warren street. New York. Catarrh caused difficulty In speakug and to a great extent loss of hearing. By the use of Ely's Cream Balm drop ping of mucus has ceased, voice and hearing have greatly improved.—J. W. Davidson, Attorney at Law, Monmouth, 111. Buffalo IJthla Wafer, fresh from spring, at Alexander Drug store. Wh«i Th* Arttttlk World Approve* ■ M w . <^wP"' Tie Ererett Piano pwu! B tamale a* Ita IIMIIIM. I« M <ta •Mir MMM. MM* <tai ta M‘4lU«r«M> MMI UNLIMITED TIME And ta • taw. m*n *■ Mil m. * !*•*• tat. im* m tta H»m mm* Mw*il with •ll Mmi ta»» ■.■•■>*> (tata palae tar stat MMtaT M |M*t W Ita HARVARD PIANO IHIMI M |*Me, laatl«*« HI saaHty. taatHtful M taM* ntmta ui« nerniH *urr AM CalaltaW (»* M appMcatln* TtaaMa aad rapalrtag ta •«««*** Tboias & Barton, w. h BAMtrrr, neeM**., til Uml«»|t. Augusta, U«. NEWS FROM BATBSMUM. Tta Cotta* nill Mas Boca Kkmll; f'lnkud. II I* taM. Bportal (o Tta HaraM. llatraburg, S. C.. tapt f*. Mlaaea las aad JnH* Thoms* ita boautltul aud •><<<mt>H*h*d young daughter* of Or A. I. 8 Thorn** of Or cane* llle, Mill return hme today after a pleasant cml i alar at the homo of ax-Mayor Jmm. Popular Hoyt Hartley of Augusta, spent the day with hi* parents yester day. Wr are always glad to art bln Dr. Jobs Pox Steward. First South Carolina volunteers, will return lo Col. umbla on Tuesday to ba mustered out. Mr Ralph Hartley, of Union, la on a vlall to his parents nt Hartley Heights It la rumored that a Mr. Olaatoa. of Hpringltrld. haa purchased the Bales burg mttou mill and will equip II with new narhloery from top <0 bottom. Thia will be n great help to our little city. Our fellow townsman Mr. T. P Kee nan ban. Is rrerllog a beautiful dwell ing on Peachtree. Mr J. P. Matthews, cashier of the Farmer* and Mechanics hank, of Col umbia, spent flic day In town yester day Quite a number of otir boys will leave for college this week. To Cure a Cold In One Day Take Laxative Rromo Quinine Tkblete. All druggists refund the money If It falls to quit. 25e. The genuine has L. B. Q. on esch tablet. Special barßains in school books at Richards & Sha ver’s book store. ••ONE THREE MINUTE CHIP.” Messrs Jack Overton and Joe Hurphey Drove a Bit Too Fast. Mr. Jack Overton and Mr. Joe Mur phey were charged this tnorniug with fast driving. They had. It seeme. on ’ast Friday af ternoon. met each other while driving down Ellis sired. One of them forged a bit ahead of the other. They both were driving good horse flesh. Mr. Overton struct a three-minute gait with his horse. Mr. Murphey touched up bis animal, end a race was on. It was a close contest. On the lower part of Ellis strert. Mr. J. D. Hahn, driving a buggy and accompanied by a dog. hove In sight. He slowed up to avoid a collision with the fast-going teams and they passed him at a rapid pace. Mr. Hahn’s dog unfortunately got In the way. As a result the canine has a broken leg. Mr. Hahn reported the two gentle men for dlsorddy driving. They ap epafed at court Judge BaktPr was disqualified to act in the rase, he beta* Ibe opposing at torney in a case against Mr. Overton in superior court, so Judge George Howard acted as recorder In the ease. Both gentlemen wefe find $2.55. Eat at the Ellis Restau rant. THB AUatJBl A HBBAXJD TOURING THE ETERNAL CITY T)» (rCMrfMM tt Urn f#*wm «f fc Nin a *H* Id ta fid MaW *ta .avpae as Itaa d*d» * taav* ta Id Mdi ilimpaMPlPg «taa taWMM* «*» ItaMi iw. I «Ba» anas*#* «a ta d * MB® PMNPN * " w 1 AfMa Va*d m* d. tad faooi a* .a, aI. M| Mi i aaddaaßi* - A **■■— •Ac .AAT .• > *■ WMMgi NW ■*’ *•* N dim I *ta o«t ta M* Mas»«4 MHO tad MdtMMM* M» Nd Bm»» a. !*•** I Ita Md>» Hat la «M Itafldt* ta ta # ' ’’taw Ml | til. P* •Id tad>t*» <ta Itaa IHM Ml *n M* •*••.»* !•*•«»• N* r -»r ■ tad fdd Odd a pdttaa Ml tta * a t§a tat’ii mm* tta* mmS >*.*♦•' o r •»! BtMMora All add*, m ditar «B r tta f«4 r«M at* tatta d ttataoa aft M rtrt «so fftaf* la itatr p*a*i *fw at *mm4«m immmm adNdMtat «f a mm* ‘ aafci > Tta rurata tat at# ad •lta* at a taalm aatca ta M*a< Homo* mm «tal tta IM tail* •dta at tad Mat* ta taa tar lau Mho nta at «Wta»o toaiada do dioda a*aa ita aart*. at daato »«4 tat ta** Tta ftaalod dartiata at ao<a* idpoHaat *a*tar;a#» of *«Md • p*M»l* Mara taM taro tVaai Ita m trad m atM I d«t CVora tat •tali r’aaatir aMHOrrfalaoaa tta ta»- ippira ata<aai CaiUiaa mAh* «*h M-taai tat radadbara Mil* a dtatatar 111 ta «oca aot life* ttalal. aal aatar Ita gtartaMM oM arr* Im ita tail, da* taatir la dtr tm4 »pp*araar». taadOl tta irtaadtai aarataa M Ita *i*iart««a tarcrala. farttao taara ar* tta ntd* MIM tnaaia* of ita HaariUlr* at tta iblar** >4 tta Cnar I mm alt It ta upon idnanl an rloaHf uraairdl ohb haathoMd of lUaatriod ana an typM of ohlrk ka»* tavar Now ropf* AarttL aad apoat MMk* Mai* la o»«» tdrlaa aroaal tta plaro o.ol* fall fr*»«Voa to mr wtHallro aomda; tat ftajing hat you ma< aot fad tta mow gotlght la rrtlag Ikon, that I ilid la capoHrarlag «h*m I atall aak »•• Milk m* to tka Colrwdud Of round, ovarrooa r*ral»a tta pirtura of tkt*. Ita ‘.arga eirralar Inna with on* atta katM ked ball of tta grar**ul aad «• m*rou* arrbta la tta iblrk walla which laara k( tta top opmn apart Tta ••ata oa tta Interior rise la ronronlrir rtaga from Ita rlrculnr bit of ground la tta centre to tta top. a (.right of three hundred f*H and arc tufb-lMii for nee hundred thou»and peopl* Here men aad hraM* were wurdrmu«l» »»r rifled to Id tom by wild bmalr: at It* completion 1««00 men aad (.ON bwtat* were *arrl«rrd at a Hagt* time. The • hole earth around waa aoggT th* walla were hadaubrd with gore, and th* • (ream* of blood ran freely. Here. too. thmiNMida ol Chrlatlan martyr* died tta death that on y a martyr ran far* aad aay: **T b*ll*v*.’’ My Idea of th* place, however, waa not completed un til, when upon (be vary top, I could survey th* whol* at a glance I could arc th* thouaaoda of Human*, coarse and gruff aesthetically aa compared with the graceful Greeks, rlalng lu their arata and demoniacally howling their impatience for the barbarous slaughter of human beings to begin: I could hear their devl ish voice* echoing bark through centuries past, mingling with the walls and prayer* of the In nocent victims; I could see the prome nades filled with statesmen; and when the bloody appetite of the crowd had been eatlated, the horrid dlegust of the dispersing mob, and seething, foul blood pool were all as plainly before me as If I had been one of the audi ence. But space forbids me to say more of this horrible yet interesting p'nca. The Catacombs. The catacombs of St. Sebastian on the Via Apple were of Interest. As we rode out there we passed over some of the original stones used In paving the way. stopping to watch a group of archaeologists excavating. Our guide, who was a bright old monk, gave us lighted candles and at once ted us down through a yawning cave-ltke opening into the subterranean pas sages. Immediately It became cold and damp, and but for our gloomy, gleam ing candles we would have been In a most awful darkness. The ghostly chill and morgue-llke smell of the place sent a shiver throng me, especial ly so since about that time I found myself lost In a labyrinth of graves. Sending up a yell, I soon found the party and proceeded thence onward ear the presence of the dead of cen turies ago. In shelves dug !« the sides of the passages were the bones and dust of Christians, who not only burled their dead in these cold, underground, elongated cells, but who actually inhab ited them for weeks, at the time seek ing refuge from their heartless perse cutors. I have read of a catacomb, but bad never thought them to be what juat one short visit revealed to me. The water, trickling down the cave sides, the impure air. the thick dark ness and penetrating chill, the far-off dismal sound of my own voice, and the awful presence of hundreds of dead •ta ewadlpa g*w*w**gpa Pktf hwaddaMg ••"gtadf -kd. i .uj«> mm* t» *** ’ *jk* «t * aawio f 4*m** *ka» dh* •-* adka* ddta' > Nagpoaf -mm Mb ** PM A* gta> a«p* a»«e I# *4d tfa* {mm* diggn ** «a>|>Ml' tawH *« ** ta*4 •%*« fi the » mm imm* **■*’"* •ta aw«p ♦*• *a *%gpf|«-* • tad* M Im* (00fm mms Mia p* At *1 the Itao ta j a mm* g» pniipiMl mm I ta* »A** Mta* aawP Higatapa ##• HMi • are taM ||ii *kapp ta* ■»•* tawata of dta m** :««a*taP*aa *Pnm ad k»w*k»a taw*'*".* wl tta pw*>t fwpMM tawk *mi iaaa«~aa aad «tad pHMtarea tktd* tp« ta>« ' *p *■»tag kaHwl waw* ta* gtutigw -a «d *Pta ; - irgft ravp M » ttaHwasMp man «d«< *ta« ltd xattag «kar»ta» as tta wo*M am ta** * Male add ttata* taM* 4# tp»» ta *»m tap * A }«. flK'' : ''.n«*«4! w W* taw taUMBIN* fw m MmP tadiliP <M #fIb«MHF Pta dtatNfMHWlMl dbPMII | tMIPMIe twtad gd® IlfktgM Ml HfMfted* e*d IWla* N ItaSMa Ml *WMtaa «* ltd tied Ml ' ftata*. of Ita mmHP It* takgta ta «N Mm. width m apd kHgtak *M m ! tat waa* Ifcrea ladia***'* Ik kalkd 00* i f»t«d at a and as aiay aaPltaP* I jteaal a ta* («-**•• «ta .Mwaapm WP *( aa tdpwHaM airitJaH la imp* if Ril d«g* 00000 tta mb* «l [Bmp's <tr*«d a*ww*d atarh ate dtakta [ rwwa as k«ta* ntagp Ntaa. ha*d I Bmp »m tta pßd* ta »I»M< M tatar aw pa*, of lid HU «* Otdar tp *p ' tapd (tao* mtppaadta dawa Ip tta Ts ■ tar Itaa* e. trpMtlag tta gtakd arp a •pop M%fe.ll tta okeda B 0000* H B eahdiMkata iha* kB idea as <a<Mpu ttoM waa k*M M Ik*, twa* rprrtad aw. far N wawld ka*e added ta prarh M» M 00*mrt Tta two reptartutMe taeatataa Ip IPs pfaMfea ta»e HtalM ta* beasty aad gtpro PP(* »a 'boa# at Tta. tatlkd Aa Mipppiee as Ita iat» •Mr aaty tena*tP»Mi * a»4 ‘Mrtaewd th* «daa airasdr Mata ad fast ta I pMShed tta htavp tap*be* ntHaM table apd •afarad ita cattadraL tta gtatat* organ* bat at HUM a row meal pm*l >f ummU mapatftreat »a*tr akxfe ea ' has aad that arhlefc mm airetay aatar* ( Waa iMgrwaad will ita aeatainr-l •MB of HpawNMilf ey arywhef pre yelling Ik tttaaralty with tta glgaatb 'progawitao. of tta adlffew tta K>'*a«tor »ad la*t* of it* (Ncortaoa*. aad tta ! a.tfeHlr pan of ‘fta ahpß tadltaa swat ion lag rpdtaa ■ ItapA fed* «k* tag*l at tta fotwh of ita ftaart* I will pot attempt aaor* la aa grth-B like thß | TIM Vet ken J Adjoining St Deters » the Vatican, (he home of the pup—. Ibe pm—' 1 pops Leo XIII. rails him—ls a pels ] ~XTf and rarely goes out of hie apart meat* At the entrance of Ike Veil - lean Ms Bwlaa body-guard la posted I and only a few feet away Ur king s I soldier*, neutral ground between the | two. Naturally al Rom* Roman j ('atboitrlire attain* It* greatest supr* - mar jr and la seen there a* nowhere ’#!**. but the pope I* completely pow er I*** The Vatican date* for many rentu rtee bark, alwaya a place of great Im portance. There have been accumu lated her* by the different pope* re j oowned galleries and museum* tbnt j contain a remarkable col leal lon of ] masterpiece* of pointing sad sculpture j Although with no claim* whatever a* ian artist, these thing* are the moat | attractive to me. and f have pleasant - ! ly spent day* wonderlaa a* and admir ;mg the life effort* .of the world's [greatest artist* picture* that arc truly | sublime la perfectbg*. statu** which M hough cold marble, seem to throb with th* beat and reality of Ufa, and whose graceful curves and line* make I the moot beautiful living envious. ' Here 1 saw and studied The Transfig uration of Rupbael. his Loggia, anil Strange. Releasing of Peter, and tapes tries. the Sistlne Chapel, with Michael Angelo* Last Judgment and other masterpieces; Domeuchino's I .ast Communion of St. Jerome; In statuary, the Apollo Belvedere, bust of Augus tus. Perseus. II Nile, and Laocont pleased me most. The popes have all taken great pride In the Vatican, and the work of each one Is kept In sep arate compartments. Of course. I no ticed some of the pictures that were rather Inferior, pictures pictures that had been presented and are exhibited through courtesy. Very much to my regret. I could In no manner find a way to see the pope In one of our walks over the city we came across the rulus of th# Diocletian Bath*. Here the old Romans used to spend most of their spare time. The Romans are noted for their love of bathing, and they certainly did have somo rich and luxurious places to Indulge their cus tom; but not only were baths provided for, as there wore great open parks, for athletic games and contests, li braries for the mo it sedate, and amusements of all kinds to make the place a general rendezvous. Rem nants of this custom still are to be found tn the broad, spacy piazzas over the city. At night throngs of peo ple gather in these places and listen to the very beat, music Italy can afford; the result Is the musical taste and tal ents of the Italian are refined and cul tivated to such an extent that an or dinary workman may Intelligently criticise a classical piece; indeed, lit tle besides Is listened to. In the Pi azza de. Colonna. the most fashionable one, seated In the open atr cases, may be found "maschlnating mammas" and their fair daughters: no doubt here many a poor fyjlow Is beguiled into a match and afterwards hears mu sic of a different tone. There Is a great contrast to be noted between ancient and modern Rome. The one is there in decaying" ruins and walls that bespeak a forni&r greatness; the other may be considered a rather good example of what is cytled a pretty city with neat broad streets, and customs advanoed for Italy, but slow for vur tee j..i TRIED 10 till HIS WIFE 'h *o*m < Ift* Mfeta. «»*N tti l»**4 gs |Ai E(*ta, tatadß* (hMSMd (tad* few iHNMkM AMped *0 %P* adaM *MP Itat ta Bdtae vta*#*. Itatafd »•#•« a P«dta MMk. *ta pitta a *P*f haoiy gyptipH P» N»%g* . *o**o Nate* (Ba imdptfeaa mm a t»- »TMg PBP, Pkd %fe* iWMMNNM (Bk Ita itaßM ) taM»* mm*m B*mh ph dasta •*»«• 'mm kfhad tan * » Pad PM aa Htaat ■ wdnl paag tp ita aBP as «•» (Bata gytf- dwgyad (p tope* Mata atrd BadPH tad sMtaas '.%»<'»tab m* (arafpwpi'd ta ware add Bafeimyi »*«p gMdayad ta eta TtatadßßPad MtMgdtt ablill «P# (PHaaaaaly «MfceM Baprtaf MPa Ptat Me *a Pad M «ta taPaa PM o*-tad .ta aad*9 »«a |w M ta PM* 0000* P* bfMtk bat di«* P* ; h tta happy aaa (Bddtt waa *r»«e**d apd tM twsH pM «p a BMM ta bad mm «*■»-» a** •it* p*ii tta'Add* of Ms Band ■ f w*dk * «kN to i Bye# pa ata IP ytaap tta «ta, Pta H. a Mill S*». Tap $m pm IHN Ita M pH * MtaW p**a-t hB .yea add gdK ah S "“tadpa Baal** y*>* htaa PiaH* date ah tta ga*he •taka Mkd eta* NMtad k.« mom m tta ... j , ejaymy* aa lata 0 taM *».# MtggNtaßoJ ‘-'W'gF®.. **tw ta * With latest ta marge* hi* taPd wa* •»»d SI BBS Tta pot «e aay Brapa la a tad eha* a»ter Odhee ramptati *ar» that tta mao ppald apdewMadly have b .tad <m aaruitygly Mbjayad hB wt*» had ta Ml MMerfarad 0 pgT-diy - Tl h* 4l £ f f N Ttata ar* few yuy mar* wide awake j t*4 aptetyrtwag .has Howard p W.ttet •ta spare ta awaiw ta m* ora tta head. Hi ttatr Itaa her ttaW maay < uH uier* | The* ata' have tta talasfele agwary tar Hr. King • Be« ftayevetr ftw Od*- *uw.pit«a r. uaha aad ttad Th» B tta | • ..wddrtal raatodr that M P*wdu«tna mark a fur** ail tatr tta twaatry by l its taa. sianung care# ll atuMatHy urea AHtaM*. BruarfcllA H»«araapyaa •ad all afettaane of Ita Ctaat •ad Uta Otat at atatra drug at .we •M get • trial bolt*# tar H eeata ar a regular afeae hw M c*wts aad ft •- .ltai'SP**ed (a ewve ar ptlee refunded • Ofne THOUSAND DAYS.” i L Ole* or TsM Jw4g* Barter That He CawM OI»e Hl that MM—cs. 1* Otover t* his a*—* and he was quit* isbjh rtant to the judge at record •i * eourt today. Ism eight he was found In the hall* •,y 0 f Mi wi'llam Keener» residence and could not give a good account at bow hr got there H* was arrested and Ism—red before Judge Baxter this | morning "Where l# your borne'*'' asked hi* honor. "Aln'l go! no borne, and don't wan* ooak You caa give me one thousand days for all I core ” T asked you where was your home*** repeated the Judge. "Ain't I done told yon. and thet » ail you’ll get out of me. You can’t fine me, for I hsv* 3$ rents In my pocket mid i know something about the law aa well a* you do " * Well. I will disabuse your mind," remarked the Judge. "You ran spaod thirty days on the public works ’* "That ain't half an hour to me.” re marked I* Glover. COHMISMONER HOWELL. What the New York Mall and Express Says of H m. The Augusts friend* of Capt. Evan P. Howell are congratulating him on the honor conferred by hla appoint ment tin the commission which will In vestigate the war department. On the subject of his fitness the New York Mail and Express says: "Col. Evan P. Howell, of Georgia, who has accepted a place on the com mission which Is to Investigate the conduct of the military administration during the recent war. makes a state n evu which proves that he Is preemi nently the right sort of man for the Im portant duties to which he has been as signed. Speaking of the work in con templation. he says: ‘I am not going to do anything for partisan advantage if I serve on that commission.’ In o'her Words, Col. Howell propose* to srrve as a patriot and not as a poli tician. But. bearing In mind that he la a Democrat of Demorcats, there are doubtless many of his party brethren who will read his manly declaration with hearty resentment and disgust.” George Edwards Return. George Edwards, an Augusta negro, who enlisted In Co. E, Tenth regiment, blit was ill for several months at Fort Thomas. Davenport, Ky.. has returned to Augusta, where he will remain while he recuperates. He was at one time employed at the Arlington ho tel ami has many friends here. America; the aqueducts of ancient time are used now, and provide the city with a number of sparkling, at-, tractive fountains. My visit to Rome has certainly been the most interesting and not the least pleasant I have made, and I am sorry to be able to write no more about it. When I write again It shall be about that peculiar place. Naples. H R. Perkins. ONE CENT I WORD BITUAT»ON WANT SO j* Bagftm IAM M *«««.• e TH •HHMMB mJ?- *** W "*taN taT* *ri amu ii i i phi ggdXh fettHAw. *A»T«|.-.A gaagm."-* 1 Ap'taaß | ».kP*a«y A~ • tat Berta* **•»• d I tAWTBI dWTT* ATHrgt MBIIiB | «■ a hat ah adh>« aak Men* «td*h «d mmmSr* * any* g* HELP WANTED I ta A*«#T» BABT«* ft.* ftp Ml M * »»•♦.« ItaPtHMI WapiadfeM hM itk adaiaau j mm fta aa «* *»a*at — - - - ■*« ■ ■ Mi® a, *■•. Bghim gh dh ■■ -*- tta ••*« ••talk * »**a«*—ta •* ta» taps mum ah ttaatpt at N- BBIfW i 1 ft «mn»l (TV M ttaaaaa it.. Bed. _ Tu*h OH t iuiftta* * kiun »wj N» Ottawa ■%.■«*• , .Mr t| .5 v. —.' "'A - I.l.W** ■ma hi a■ ii i*Pd> •»•■ FOR HALS cmpAit-rßauuf at b tunwntowr. r*.K pimi mutt ttAHhtlii «.**» •ad ■ '.italat H tad baaa. • Mta wkp*. •tad HMae HMtai ttach Pwara P Oa . . am Bnmd CM I '|THW afel.K ITir TaBART hthtß* ! rve. tlapaaa B M tah $ W tea aaa Hd BMP Mtata o*o Ik rr«h ait » a riMyfrahii y Bttha* I -•*» rear* add- tadg twaamdl *ae act. IMg gaaag «ta ad BHata-y Mg tae- I gala Call ar aa te» «a n L PV«. aid jhrtad attea*. AagtwtA >»a *h*ta H tat Mtap *ep aad rtdt talc rAftH ukh I tape ftwaa .tty Hmtte a bargam Ay* 'ydy W. C. JaMta. ll* IM Jachaua * Oct | TO RENT N.n HKWT-BBAK tm MbiAP ly.aattap B feet ta KlHa.. HP feta deep •ut'ab'e *ar >u*H«ng buetMeea Apply *• ywemaaea Hept I* r«.h kkkt tat: N*:rMoi.nd ht..| g iwota daetltaa Apply HI Bread OH I TU KRNT RniDKWCt tZM wXld* •tlb all mode rat ttoprukemepta aad loavtaUentta Apply INI Ur al afreet OH t TO RUNT THK r»WBLI,I*»r» ’ta Walker at.eet aeven mom* kltrbea. !w» rooms., alt water raavaPlesraa Ap ply la D draham. th t TO HKKT-THHICIS NICK rt'RNISH- Kt> front rutau with prtvtleaa «f par lor and balk. Apply ta C. H Uhra, IP i Broad atrevt. kept S* TO lIKNT-THE BRICK DWKI.UKO No. JM Oraeke airwt Apply A H David eon. IM Ureane Hrtat. OH I TO KENT- PTOItK NO TM BnOAO street, next below Dareaimrt A Pbln tty. running throosh to Elite at reel Price Alexander * JnhnaaP. *« Broad atreet. OH 1 ~ POR RKNT PTORK Mt AND NAUe WAY Ml Briutd. Apply Cunintcrclal Hotel. OM 1 TO RKNT-irPPKR PDCNIH OR room* at IM Bay atreet kept IT TO RENT— PEtUKABLJS RBRIDEN.’E No. til Canter atreet. * room* with kitchen tnd tath. App.y T. I’. Dt*iw. Si.muH i vlll- Q ; i 1 TO RENT—ffUITK CONNECTED BY sliding door* First floor. Centrally lo cated Apply 9*2 Reynold* street. Thur* sad sat B#Pt l* TO RENT A 7-ROOM COTTAGE NO. 1( Cummin* street, centrally located, good neighborhood, all modern conven iences Apply Mrs. I. V. Franklin, 10l» Greene street. ®*Pt 1* FOR RENT-LARGB FRONT ROOM. furnished. Apply 1031 Reynold* Bt. Sept 20 TO RENT —COMMODIOUS STORE. No. Ml Broad street—s7s per month. IV. 8. Gardner, 115 Eighth street. Oct 1 TO RENT-A 7-ROOJI COTTAGE. centrally located, good neighborhood, all modem conveniences Apply Mrs. I. V. Franklin. 1019 Greene street. Sept 19 TO ' RENT—DWELLING 710 ELLIS street, seven rooms, twelve dollars per month. Apply J. W. Jansen, .06 Ellis street. Sept 19 LOST AND FOUND. mST —YESTERDAY MORNING AT St. Lukes Church—Pair steel rimmed spectacles. Will finder kindly leave same with Rev. F. R. Spencer at the parsonage? Sept 19 MISCELLANEOUS SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING only $5.00 per month at Osborne's Business college. Monday. Wednesday and Friday, at night. Come or call at once. Great demand for stenographers. June 17 ts The Bell Tower Drug Store, COFNER GREENE AND JACKSON STREETS MF-Under new management. A full line of Fresh Drugs, Toilet Articles, Broshes, Etc. We make a specialty of Physicians’ Prescriptions. BeirTeiephone 73?6 PATTERSON & WADE irPTEMBER 10 a* apegMP * pu*b *vt« *-*ta ••p mm •**!»•• g-appm mm **s * P MB » hßk* p.-p m • IF f ta #Mtad Map" B •NIP MT'«NNlta#Mk H * ■.*» yap— * a iagm taw*- akeetaßhsYteJk mm%m *****.■ am b»um> atapa* a PaaaSM mpta * aa itr hay 1% ♦ (h Map thaa apt Pam B »«HB* ilHlßß'Billl ll i-mm——»-.■ HIHBB Special Notices. teaPta ledlg* tea apt. r, * * B: Hi—B. mirßhP y IN*, • (Hi —pet Ah fatal BIT •Aa >'■<»• »*Mat» aa *d h*Pfea lapga. V k* ta, tyga MkSM M fe*e Hfeaa i hawte, BaawMb Mm*, am atfthll »**» > • - * t.aat Ity-far. ■sns.hi'.Bß. « hta V- taa M^BtP^HAail S^ Ki WSS tainwao ' maaß JOUH All E®Tfr’« TUB hßißßlm Wit »<v uteTaß* «KM ad Btaa Mary A r»**a»a.a are yattaaiada l taa atfeMad fee he- *a* t**aa the nakpri of M- A tta* K £*«*%, Mt** ai«*i. Ihtata iteta- at td • *kr|fe TTBBDAT Btlßßlß’l ”“tVdari—BHPTH Ml pr»v. «• It HK .*r»Nr*tr.*3lAT» N‘HVIY**«HP A*M>a-t*n<’N. Camp tai.CC » . •M Beau a. (tiaaMMr Marl. Tt S 3. lut B*fp*ta*ar Mb tan a* «aa eetwh h • . yewsapitv •* »afe* ae tta an tha daptA ad Hb*a W*ww» Rv a> Iha PaapMae a* the Cwpied atH wear MMM TV late* feßow •mJ Aaewtatta* aad the twaa*' •• *f the Ota* daettay at* wapmrtfMt* tat tated ta anaatd IB tar P*und Bd*TC*BBB .’apt and Oamd. <1 » B> umfetet. Adfataa* Baßag* TNK Atai’HTA run .niobti ptPand tagioa tta aPttal aaaatuP MONDAY • KITKMhEK I STM CM thPatae ter admtaabm ahnuid pcaaaal Ikemaalae* guy aacHlmaWt v te»«a t Bandy Mg m Thte arhtnd *• .pan ta alt (aw* *»d v«ma* mmp who da MS attend ii'tteisl ta the day Bea egyayht W • paH at IM taarM. s John L IRVINE Prime** l 7 Per Cl $500,C00 7 Per Ct FOR Fin'* r A PfTALlwr* WILT. 'LOAN HALF A MILLION DOLLAR* lo* realty la sssus*x, On Terwv# : per cat Fee furthet inf.-e—1«» **• their attorney at lew. P J. iilllvsr, E# . *r Es- r O Bum**. Ow a Short I urlough. Th- Fail tVertn I have juel teeetved I mill But r»«n*Un. »Ht «l «®ct* to* Irvi|u*l to tli# Mtovi) frtfH. (fie, t*M»r«fclrf«t. tl Wr, Tftr r«fW t)n*«n .. .. .. •• •• SB#, i Jlr «JNd#'o Stf»po»dfW *# ** ** «* l#*** HB Wfcii* lH*m Btort* .. .. .. ‘Bull to o«4*r upw*f<J# ! fmau to ordrf * upw*r4« if. f| MRItTfN’B, Tailor *n4 Fumt*l>#r. Opp>*U« Planter* Mat#!. THE MARKETS, A DOUBT A MARKET. Augusts (In., Munder, Sept. Is, Tone gteady A DOUBT A CI.AHHIFTCATtON. Billet good ordinary .. .. . t*» ls»w middling * 16-M«5 IHtrtct low middling . ."«*•»J-l* Mulling .. ~ V.iHI Btrfri middling .. .. fk«4 middling .. RECEIPTS Week ending Hept 21. ISM, and cor responding receipts lest year: 1197 HM Saturday HM* **» Monday $195 Ttuwday .. .. .. .. m .. *245 .... Wednesday 2*** .... Thursday #*• •••» Frtdsy 25*» •••• Total 1*361 51*3 SALEH, HPINNEKB. SHIPMENTS Sale*. Spinners. Shipment. Saturday .. ..7*« I*l 1*74 Monday .. .. 712 I*3 . *s* ■ Totsl 1*52 2M IM3 OROSS RECEIPTS. 1*97 ISM Net receipt# today .. .. 3315 2913 Through cotton today .. .. ISO 14 Gross receipts today .. .. 3*15 2*2* STOCK AND RECEIPTS. 1897 1898 Slock In Aurusta 9035 10637 Receipt* ilhce Wept. !„ 40648 16234 NEW YORK COTTON. The following quotations are over the special wires oX Paine, Murphy & Co.: Onen. Close January .. .. *• •• •• 5.44 5.45 March 5 r> * May a« a. ** .. — .* ** 5.61 5.50 June .« •• •• *• ** #* •* 5.64 5.6.’ October * •• •• •• 5.31 5.31 November •••» e********* 5.36 December «... * 5-*0 5.40 LIVERPOOL COTTON. Open. Close. January ants February 3.01 3.01 February and March .. 3.02 3.01 03 March and April .. .* * 3.02 3.02 03 Apfil and May .. .. .. 3.04 3.03 04 May and June 3.05 3.04