The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 19, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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MONDAY 4 THE lUCUSTk HEHIIO I -giggf 4tlu> M * • I‘ifl ###*•* < Me<| —ML- ■. *m*i »» -*•»«* «**• •**■•»*• *»**< ■ '**• * , *T** tmm *im **> «»*><»*»# w — ■■ jAJlAnw** *• !•*■•»» '• ft®* wftft **• »awjw* <»# d# ft*" " % fe##4re ft I •—». 14 9*ft*ft - *• • 4S^^n=> m.u ai u ww*#*®*- - - MMts *•» «»• o*9 M** *"** **» *X*A# „ , •*.«<» |«U) #•*•*•** |(W int M| HAU» |» »»•*# *. »» » *•**“* *** •w**" 4 * „ .. .- —*.,« •*4 A* MWA* • *W»* |«l —A* «A* **'••"• “* 4 *• «• c% * ,i * u * ~ piiumri ** »*• “w* l ******** In ft*. T4t rwr A* •*• **** *■* M*. «M Wirt 4t«#AA» Ha*** f»to~ MAO**# •***■* **a*4w »A«»f*w™ a !»*#• Mr #••«***•*• **• ** rl Herald Pr'ze letters From American Summer Resorts. • * * ItilfVf fM« •** Ai,,n r « a IvaiitHr IB—ft* W •»•> A»##« *• |M.M»*A#4 «»*»» a A«n» a. **«*»• ••*■ •"** '*• M. IH! |mm « **—*4 ffc# •** H rw**W*» enAtoiiteq '* * ***' Mirai aa* unnarttni r«*»am ■,<•■.• fat «A» *• ardln* •* ‘ prtom i TA* real «•*>• #» «A* writer *• »*« •» "** """> *• ptnr», •"**t* l > »» f * ftur Mat la Ar pwWiiaUo*. fur tba parpaa# of l4*r>H«kn. 'Sufi ttoA L> m m CtmtnttonU man roaAa* **»•»* piim »o * roawA.W* I'M’* Co.tnti.ti run writ. •• many IMtnt a. th*» »t»A for >•“ prtM. twit oa* watitltwt r *a «rta only on* of Ih* prlaea mm m The Hrrall ».»•• !»*•• #F«fAt lr. gomtpy totter*. Mut >h« o artM« trttl t» *war4nl fw * •»• At»t. reoM lnt*r<Mrtm« .I*4 »>wl MaA.lil* l»tt*r» of Wutani*: K*- aort Ht». Contest Closes Oct. I. ftOK THE I»«JHT LETTER *SB ** ftOR THE IT) BEST LETTER.... » H rOP THE ID BERT LETTER,... ».«• ————— - Court<»■ v r*y> A Hoar Tori .hop gtrl haa Hr. )«*fl a l*g»cjf of *5,000 by A tmtUkt it* •ffiatrlt ol * *•*! “ Hhoin shf tmcd to watt Unele Romut' "TAf Baby " who 41 TM« tho honor. wKh “Brar Rat4ut' M tha Conation lon’* •*!•• tn.kHt* {•cm at thr ►Mind moo*y OomocrnU. Tb* Phll»d*l|4il« Time contmt mor- AUd tb* J*wl»h fe«« tMAaon with a Hahrow InwTipUon, axtctidlng clear ACfo»e the Brat page, printed In crira »on Ink. An Immenrr Irart of land haa al ready been porrhaaed In eaatero Cuba for fraalny por|K>*e» and I.WXI bead of rattle are on tbe way thither from fetM. Here are llooaetreU'a exact wprde. the flr*t he haa uttered on the New I'ork governorahlp. “If the nomination cornea to me. 1”1 take It; If not-well *nd good." Philadelphia baa evolved a new In- Jualry—falling otr atreet rare then taltUng claim, for damages for mod irate aume. A gang has Juat been un larthed by the railroad company'* at torneya, Fred Landaorf. Splrituallat, suicided last week and kept a record of his dy ing agony. He self-administered mor phine and proaaie aold for four days and then opened hi* veins, leaving In • notebook a minute account of hia , physical Buffering and mental effects, j The Pity of Augusta spent *45.902.46 j luring the mouth of August, according H> the report of the eommitttee on ac tounta. Under the head of macadam liing atreeta la credited *1.966.28; Sat iric*, *1.979.14; new waterworks, *l.- 870.50: Augusta Hallway and Electric eompany, $1,963.05; flire department, $3,809,77; waterworks. *662.»1f; poliee, $4,622.59; canal, *948.80; canal dredge, $290.45; waterworks extension. *543.75; Ponds redeemed. *15,500.00; coupons paid, *3,348.50; hospitals. *898.32: char ge*, *16*66: heaKb. *801.02, board of health, *9*l.o*. .. -, . J |f|« IPifU MWfMI MtiVmA YV M*B fra, -m* A felt Mgr-iy • t f* &om&s 0 i»<ii»% ** mmmp Mm mmm *■• *.* a -mm •%* A * ft># twwwwMl tfiHl #4? %h -•*' 4 i e ftMA MBMP*** * ■ll ■"## IMM lid# 1 *" •###*#• * IrtPim B#IM l>. I # pftwSMftftl fiMMk lift : fl4PM#ft *m*§ #(OMNI %m • “ftM «4NMMMi • * Ml ffMMMMB MMM 0 ftwMM PMAM# iftijft Iw# 0 ****••• » Hi! |%mm iMMMft# ftMMI MIMMI MMM*f m*** iMftPMBIBHM'ft < whUbhhi ft# ft fNtf ftP*** 11j*#g ' # f#* * ftvftf a ft# * ft •#* ft#P mmh ft | ... 4 |j| gtUftaO IftwH !*»*♦#••■ t A Aft« ftf ft (f ft ft e*; |ft 1 ft# ##ift# #wm #fti Mft# #?»#•# ft# * flM# ■!< • ifti#r ■' ll < Ift lilft fti oft#*» * i * lft#ft |(ft# M * M'lfti Ift !«#■# U ftjllt Ift *ftMl ft*ti ft gH MMftftft #pMftftft (pfftftWMftn ftftft ** ftll of ftft rft ftftft* Ift *##• Ift# *W W I fwfftfft# ftft iftftfft I# ft«ftfl ftftft Ift i#fti ftftft ftUfttft till IWftllf* »IS lift ftftftfft* • irftft ftft#« ift ’mint ft® ***** Mftftt «m#r ftftft ft W »• «Mi* lft«H f f iitni loftt fftlift Ift Cft#l Hftft #O, ftfti ft# ftft#ftY MMI Tftftfft I# ft® rmmm «ftf lift OftorgU Wm# fait ft ft# t# Ift ift# CftfSftAft .. ... it,,. The QaaAgA ta Ala A»« rote wot tn- V, itua At gulag la* tar awd try lag the pat tear* of lows eaffeelwg frtowAa a*d 5 lb* pubhi shea A aaya of t apt Hoot' «ll aad Preetdeai Mr Kla lev. • Their Idea* Are OsMomat ' This la rook , kpHtptlee lA Q fig's free silver hem. j If be mg tAigk with McKlgery 1a lA# j mnr arowdgl IgveotlgolloA. »»> be got i ia time, by aeaorigtloA gad contort. . romt to think with Alb on naHoaal fl nance* aad tbea what a Uat la Otut . **•' TA# aerood highest belooa aeeensloa ever made was acroenpilabrd l|M Frl .tay la England TAe aeronaut* reach ed an altitude of 37.50* feet, the ther mumrtrr registering *1 degree# below pattc They were gorred lo breathe cow prase ed oxygen through tubes and tbe panorama unfolded la dear rI bed aa diet tare aad AMgnißreat. cniAN rouTioa The Cuban question la already be ginning to agitate the public mind bo‘b In this country and In (he ialand liar If. la there to be • protectorate, formal snnntxatlan. or abeolute Ind-pondmcr ’ for tbe IslandT The United States may I decide upon one course, but there la I certain to be n difference of opinion among the Cuban and Spanish realdenta, no matter what oouree the United State# and the eommlaalonere decide upon. Hualneea considerations are already agitating Jhe Cut»an men hanta. Bome of the arguments that are being urged against American inßuence and con trol are that such a thing would mean a death blow to alt trade with Spain. Spanish merchants In Cuba. Spanish steamships and other allied business interests naturally do not want Ameri can goods. American tdens and meth ods lo compete with them. The same argument holds In regard to Cuban planters, hotel proprietors and what not. They would like to cell out to Americans at fabulous prices, but they do not want American compe tition under low tariff dutle*. Commercial Interests are urging now :n Cuba, complete nnd absolute Cuban Independence with the Idea of con trolling Cuban markets for Spanish and native merchant*. CLUBBING BATES. The Augusta Herald, which Is pub lished every afternoon except Sunday, and The Sunday Times-Herald, which la only published on Sunday morning, will be clubbed together for *6.00 a year, deliverer! by carriers In the city. \ or mailed toauy address outside of the j city. For shorter periods than one year the subscription price of the two papers, clubbed together, will i»e $3 for six months. *1.50 for three months, or fifty cent* for one month. Single | issues of the papers are sold at the business office or on the streets at 2 and 3 cents respectively. If you desire The Sunday Tlmes- Herald to reach you regularly, drop a postal or phone the circulation man ager. Mr. Gustave Speth. A 3-cent, sixteen-page Sunday paper I is something new for Augusta. # TBB -ATJGTJOT.A RALD M»« MIMt »♦»*» *••*** I in* mwtMm# t lift#*- f|*i# -* tftffti* «#h ftMNft* Mft m 11 i ftMil 4ft ft-ftl*###<# 4ft* Iftiyii.i Mft||ft *ift iftMftf ###ft(ft(ft 4 *ft <M«ft« lift 00p 4 Mft» ftfftftPftl ft***#*'* ■#M i ft## ft# # 'MM VH - Imi* t*#•# -#•*#-' I' ft l ## # tint* lit mn .„ . l rttjiit BMHI iftMMft# ft*# (ftfflft ft Wf: ft#lfti t 4ftß-. •MftfKftftßftl * "ft www a«i wnwld ewtMlAwe te P*f «*«• •• «A» •*« im»ram*At Aad Qewerai Witaca dwtlAcd la pay tA» pvteeta awd (iMteni MHee easiatt"* Alas i gattwA la exactly fUtAt attwe cMta ' Rtra ta aow seder the pwrledtrtioa of , • pnetXAr.l owe of wkOM ArtMlpAe* ta «Aat tk«e Hall he •» «•!*>• es efcurrk aad atat# TAe arrAbliWof MM* "TAere will he wo aatoa "f cAerrA ! wad Mate aoeA aa Is aelaNtaked Ay j txdnw nr eoweordat la certala Catho lic rowatrlee of Korops TAe re will Ae rowpleie protartloe of all pcoperttea and of all poraowe wltA awcA prtaeiptaa Catholics ia the t’wlted Ntatea are eat ! laded, aad Oathollce Ia oar »•* poa •eastnaa will A* Ml laded It may not i be eaay for them to at drst to adapt ! IhemeelvM ia alt raeea to this situa tion. but the embarraeameal felt will be temporary. The people will auoa realise that it Is their doty to support religion by voluntary and personal c<attributions, ta the greater another ] of parishes, moreover, chunh proper : ties yield ample revenue <o meet all | expense* ” We have «o doubt that tbe C'atAo- Ire of the I’nlted Htsie* will approve heartily the prompt and emphatic dec laration of Archbishop Ireland In this matter. Of courne no church will he supported or contributed to by our government of Porto Rico or Cuba If we eball manage affairs there and It wilt probably be better for the Oath-t --ile rhurch and It* people to have the former relations between church and i state completely severed, ! Typographically the Brit Issue of the Sunday Times-Herald was as clean ! and neat as a pin. So was its new# I columns. A henlllne In a newspaper "ran against a circular saw” leaves nothing Rirtber to be said In the new* article. ! It tells the whole atory. Atlanta Is working for an army camp of 10.006 soldiers. If the war depart ment proposes to winter the army In the stonth. Augusta Is a winter health resort which should not be overlook ed. Augusta has no "Piedmont Driv ing Club” to keep the suidlers away. The t*tper ibal people buy to read is a good one in which to place your ad vertisement. There Is the chance that snore people will see tt and read It. If you are satisfied with Just reading It yourself, why not bang up a tag in the store. It will he cheaper—and Just us effective. Macon's Diamond Jubilee and Carni val will have a Floral Parade and bat tle of flowers. The best thing Augusta can wish her ia that It will be as suc cessful as our own Floral Fete and Pa rade. The Baltimore and Ohio railroad, which practically owned Baltimore, and which was In turn controlled by ! Baltimoreans, ueems to be slipping uway from the city. With New York and Chicago pushing the "oceun to ocean” deal and railroad combine Bal timore will be a nice little side station. The registration books have closed. But the county executive committee has never met to consider campaign questions or to decide upon tbe method of selecting the Democratic candidates for county officers and members of the Legislature. The eommittete can at least meet and elect an executive head before the state election is over. Till; Oi&BttVVm Allot f TOWS. 4 : ■ 3# * «- -*k * 4mm <*.’ ***•*## Bft ■M# f iftftß #»0 #| fft# ft#ft#ftft# ll*#* Mm* In# 4«(ti#B #1 k# { pftat lour I# # ft#ftfft* Or poftlWf ift# •* 4 «tr«ft vlr< «aft* Ift ftftl ft( ftil event* arAJrely Aa* »A* r«AA at the tun* pAMAng t»*m the a»i4a# aa Car , ottna died away, when Ae palls her Frwnt a boars* Imam the litAßed g* «ttl of Ift* IBIIMIftOt I# ftlVftft Vo *4# i n«|tl morn I## ftlr. Willi rr#ft »b4b fti»4 ilrarni**® vtMtffß. ftftftt#*ft. 4##ftl f|kis«v#f• ind ftfttfl# ft sort of Hnkftf MhnniMMft »««« drmwft ft*# 4>no«tft Bftftft# ntd M. Ptul'a *bt»rHi yard tnra over i The OAaerver Award the following ymtetdag. tbe very laleaL regarding Torn Wataon'a n*rvmt»n*r* Mr Wat •oa. a* everybody know* to a bar# : night student and withal very ner vous. aad last week, on one night, wa* retail disturbed by tbe continual tow ing of a neighbor'* cow. The next morning he accosted the neighbor ll I follow*: "How much did that cow" ladtcai i tag the bellowing bovine, "com you?" The neighbor repiled iba! h* had j paid *25 for the animal. “Will yon ; take (Ml for her*” queried the dytpep j tie lawyer t'pnn being answered Id the affirma tive. Wataon counted out five ten dol lar williams and paaaAd them over and then, turning to, a. pegro servant ! said. "Take this row down to the lot. I Henry, and knock her In the head " Another atory on the subject of the Thomson populist It that while recent i ly talking with a client on the street. < a nolvy. asaevorative little English sparrow, flew up on an overhanging | hough find kept up an lnreaaant ehat : taring and chirping. Tom was very , much annoyed and tried to shoo the bird away. It wouldn't go and dropping both nllant and subject. Tom shied his hat up In the tree anil then pursued tt. ■ oat tails flying, and perspiring hotly, clown I he street. The barter shop was crowded Bal i urday night, Charley and Harmon were shining shoes by the wholesale, when iu walked a atalwart country man, adorned with locks and a heard like unto an unshorn Sampson, and with which the scissors had not been acquainted In many a month. Upon delivering hts hat and furtively watch ing Its placing upon the hook, he sank Into a chair, and after crossing and re-crossing his home-spun clad. long, lanky legs, inquired in a voice of fog horn resonance. "Say. Mister, what Is the cost of a hair cut in tbia heie es tablishment?” Upon being Informed that the price wa* 26 cents he subsi ded into silence for a few moments The barbers were all shaving on with a Saturday night celerity, when the countryman again bellowed, "Mister, kin 1 git my whiskers trimmed, too. for the quarter?" He wax told that there would be a further charge for this service, and once more gaxed at the swiftly whirling fans, the celling, the heir-bestrewn floor. In silence. What was the outcome of his cogita tion Is unknown, as the Observer, clean-shaven and brushed, left. and the question whether the tonsoria! re ceipts were increased by the whi&kw trimming is unsolved. PEOPLE READ MORE THESE DAYS THAN THEY TALK. ‘,THEY WILL READ YOUR AD IN THE Herald.” HERAIiD PRIZE LETTERS a- - HMMft 944 a SOIIER RESORTS. ft) 1m iv ft# II % tm ft ft# i«4 ft fm #* ML aa 4 awam *M*as f MA* Ammnw Ales eels !###• Bftftft ft li Bftftßft# #*#“ #*•# ■# ftftft >#ftf# ift ftftpft, mnmm§ Bft 9NRM# 4ftH#M%<# # r4ftf#w4M#| i:m> #awsM ##•* ? •###• hi iwtaiii* gsf i .... * f..g*a*a |no M* | * fNMMM# MHft •BMMW MM'' HtftMl tMHH** HUftw* - '® * •H'* *HW #SkA #M## (ftft tftM#M> I# ■) -Y 1 ' # •■iqtMxAlA HR • gMjv 6# a Mtoft f MMA# t«. w>‘ ts ? p<"# •“ M# *• <Af-"#b t ftsPMH BMM# ftMMkft ftHMftift "ft " I ft* AtM# ....iifffll #l# Mto'MftF M# *Bhb 11"14 #l#1#t MMMIt M# ft## ftHbft# a <#l Bl#f #### rfßtßflhklß • faii In 1 -f|M | f Ml*# I# w# I If# ft li ftftftt ft M ftl ft #«lftßll#f ftftftt ft I a* MfftoUr ## I* nfpf ftfftlft M*A# HtllllAft kag#tM •#» ! Ifftß' u* mini fe» ftftft fwftftfti ftl >M ftrt »• ! i#«### # im# *! ‘ !«#| 4# Ift 4mwf #?## *M# mu#9 ft® ft*® #M fft # HflftM ft# #ft# Bfti4 I j f*»r U#ft#Y i# #ft ftft? •• ftftft. **« • M tm ftftAVft* lift# nf (|k# m* i irm#filr#iniiT iM •*#■ #rea#iftV#4 tm ft*** ml—(ft# B*rM>B«l«B , | «| tfct mummer V##ur 1 I# *ft* <—4it . ircifttr ft ft#6 ft#*!## lift B##lft lift# ft**# ’ iMrJTirY for «h» «##mi T*»« 4m% I . U'*« ih«i ft# ft*# ofttf ht—flit III# I rtft® —t **<! mi hung M|» *•— 1 ■ til—# bbn! for #tvHiiilflNß <tf pun >*#|l MU# rnu #### (’BTVftrtf, JB* | lulflnflv. nff li# #r»#t# tonilllftrlr Ift# • < torn* aad yann*. sad a*Ae if he ean ! have tbe a*me n>m he had last •»« I *r>n that m**A*. bat yen d<iA‘t bhon tt. i ill, ~m . ncmtptod far tea NatardaV and AuAdav* laat waad AAd it* Ju*' a* you begin ta think him aa awfully i An# f*it»« and es a Mat n fatty Itna ! y„ u aß< | hr will have, that he I* Mht dealy called to h'w» ttw e few deya H,. yuin* hia trunk* and tbe mala line Did you *ver sit qutetly. and atone, aaatng out mum the nonut. t Making and not wtohlng ta A* anything but thinh? 1 knew that appetite# niahe one 1 do a terrible tot es thinking at summer I resort*, but you aren't aide to think of ; nut on# thin* then, you know I mean ' when the af.ireaald appetite has been J duly appeased. »nd you are able to ' thinh of many thing* It wa* at mu, h a time, while sittttna i In the twllllaht. with strain* o< the ; Wiar* and Atrip**" fiontlna out to me that there arose before me the plcuire | of another wave-washed shore not far i away. Not where :he wave* dance in glee ! clasping America'* choicest maiden*, but where they must surely shout and roar In their pride clasping America'* 1 bravest her,we. Or d» they break i meaningly »n the ahore, as an echo. | seemingly, from the heart* nf those who ' lie day after day on the ground starv ing and 111 and dying ftorh Is Montauk Point, the summer renort of our heroes Then I compare the hrnsd airy ve j ran,labs and daintily dressed women 1 with the crowded fire esc*pcs and their I worn and haggard faces, hungering for a breath of air. There, where little ! children, ragged and dirty, tumble out I of cellars, and sit sorts of plares to i dance to the music of a street piano ‘ playing "On the Banks of the Wabash" „r "A Hot Time In- the Old Town To -1 night.” Or, perhaps, they sttay around to a nearby park. wh#r» the fountains ' gush up refreshingly, and sparkle In the | sun; where the suppliant moan of the j bltful, or cripple. Mends with the huck ! ster’s cry and the shout of the hnot- I black and paper boy. On the benches. | perhaps, a stranger, rapt In mute ob j servant’s, sits next to the regular ha bitue. who. uli day long, amuses him self reading the papers someone else has left. «nd at night, having no homo to go to. falls to sleep, and as he swings hts foot to and fro over the end of the bench, one fancies he dreams sweetly of a swaying hammock. Not so: he ha* taught himself to unconsciously swing that foot. Why? So that the cop will think that he is not asleep. Over «n another bench, around which the children play, an artist sits, and pleases his eye with all the features of the shifting scene anti strives to catch each varying light and shade, the mingled lint* of brilliancy and gloom. To each of these, a glorious, a grand, looked forward to summer resort is— sidewalks of New York. As I arose to go to my room, the people about me were chatting gaily, some arriving, some departing. T slopped, for a moment, to watch, outlined against the shy, n ship, state- ‘ ly and tall, sailing across the distant : horizon. And I thought ware not the- people around me the people of a sumnter re- | sort, as— a | ' I "Ships that pass in the night and speak to each other in passing: Only a signal shown and a distant voice in the darkness. , : 1 THIS IS IT ft«444N§ ft#** ft* i mm s»s« 4 —• #4449 rop EARLY FALL STIFFS MO ALPINES. ALL SHADE* $3.00 Jam* Arrived. DORRS TiUoHnf, Hah. Funrnhmr. '> * " "> fc»r ** | ) VwjOfM > I You caa be euppito* awA / f MM# aatbtoeAwrtty ta tbe w«y of C 1 I.MM art • at adreqi (AOM tAarv J / n**#*•*• WerArry avavy #«*A- i C M»aa tot of »»|A Parfanwa C J Tooth IrwAn. i'muhe. Rruabaa. J v #*■ f ( Rof«r aad ( o*l let • Violttt* » C Rfireet Amp, lomm Malar C J an 4 FoAdaf. J S Window Qlau S \ Amt Fully t>r putUaa lAeaa ) f lu. Winter A comma \ / DoYou > i Wist Pr*tty Walla? i \ If voa 4c. ua* AtobaMlo*. f f W* •o*g**i * good man to pot it \ j m. Dmi’i eo*t axcA. f > iluiiler Drat Cinpm \ BGHEY TO LOAN In any sums desired from SSOO upwards, in straight 3 and 5 years time, or on tO years time, payable in equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fees. No delay In getting the money. AlexaQder&JobDSOD Agents Scottish American Mortgage Company, 705 Broad 9t. PORTNER’S < C HOFBRAU and S / VIENNA CABINET / / BRANDS OF / i Export \ ? Beers! > ARE THE BEST i S ASK FOR THEM. / So on the ocean of life we pas* and speak one another. Only a look and a voice, then darkness again and silence.” "BOUGH WRITER.” SfPTrMBER 10 COLOATfTS VJURIS SOAP time It SifA. 9 t«hli CAK £. L 1 Cardßlle. iruegist f 900 S\* 4CC Lfl## •fB * *fh Nuummi! VecrinA Ce . ift < Ante AAgh emt ft .uO for lo s#ntt> W»n receive Wedneedey efie#MXMV L I. Gwoalla. Oruggts* Let t Taka Out Kink Metiee the heir straight, •on. *<>k)r end pH— SO cente jer. L K. («irddi* Drugght. Look io Tour Heantis. fteeutlfwt Bisck Lwetie used by *!n>oAt every fe- , mi<y n thecuty for heerihe end fire#>6cee. 25c bottle. L A Girdctk. Druggist Tbe Aegista Herald Uriot. Bri(ktsl Hi tit But Kiiifiptr FtlUiktl It Tin irttin 4M _____ QnrgißT TTT.rr.i tfH nwaj THK KKV* or TI1F! WORLD Wlf ILK IT 18 NKWB. IS TO 18 ftoriM AHKAD Of OrifKß OK'ißl.lA AND WITH f AROLDU r*m& w 1 TRIAL fill CONVINCE TGIf PROF. P. M. WHITMAN, t(U7USU o*. tecs -WE FYT TEST, b> *1 <MM - ■V‘J/l V"*** Uwr ** >w ******* *a*t w AA lenaa* cat Art# yt m* Arm* wtoW ye# «k FREE OF CKARtiE, J2ITJZL OKUt H VOVH— COAL and WOOD FROM THE North Augusta Coal A Supply Oo (Juanillv and Qaality Guaranteed. F- W SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT Bail Ftroa* 2104 tkro«(*r AA The Whitely i Exerciser. A practical, »impl*and effieient Home F.xerciaer, one* prcially adaptad for ladle* and children, bu at the Mm, time can be profitably lined by lire •trongMt atblate. FRicSe: 75c., li.oo, II.MI BICYCLES CLEVE LAND!*. W 0 up: VtK-i ING«, 136 up; GEN DRONS. ll* up: TItOM-1 Ah, SSO ur Gallandsea’ them. L»ery one guar anteed. Richards & Shaver Paine, Murphy & Co. toiIJIItBION MERCHANTS. 803 Reyaclis Bt*=T eleplieie I Sfew. Jriv.le Uum Wires Riled to New York Chicago and New Orleans. Orders executed over our wire* for Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Grain and Pro. visions for rash or on margins. Local securities bought and sold. Referenowl —National Exchange Bank of August*, or Mercantile Agencies. _ i