The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 19, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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MONDAY 6 COAL-COAL-COAL wimuytAii! am* #r»%* u* *i nr* w MMiJM THS BUT OBAOIft Oft fthri* Ohm ii>Ho -« oOA.iue *** »mt Nmi U? mfryw—tipwcm “city ice company. AIXU'M* "iAlrtil i* C'<***>—4 !»*-*» o*4 #Frate!»o Iteaad mi a#----** f"flan *HMra*»* >« mm#• • # #ra»a ****** » »*•» »* •» *i<n jrarar ***** • «• « ** **• “ 9hM . « -.«. |* !J*[* IW'tt* flM*» rr*-*Ti*'i *p»**)v s #S* |»o»**w» ***** x SM#*** I*#* 1 * ***** ■. *? ■*•*l *• CkkOafle **> **• * •#*«** *»•* fttkaf #*> •*“*• ** ** «« *■ Pmhmm* * ©«« ***«M .* **•♦ • ••*• #»•»***■ IfW* Jfc **••* _ . *•' flft #ftMNp ** •* P W ft* ** ift****' a## # *-"****>A *»* *"**»*»> » «" frw* ****** j* ' *»« ftp #«Mft*** S *. « 44 •* JJ <*>»»*<* f»fß* .•*♦•** ** »* * #* * - *L«* 111 I*"** l * • .*.* * ~ r ** ** *...,82 OTJSS?» <• Sat*. ***** ra»-* - *» *■"** »*!»** .»*-**• I* ♦#»** ■«• J* •ut* •* *<•»• ** ***** **•• ** *** •#%#♦#• •M## * *«'»#■* »* fete* •> Mats ******* *• **’ '-Jflfl ** •• ** »« * %■ * • ** •■* n«t % *** ww •***• ***• *5 p»« N'w» . , *. ****** H*-* *. Mil lirla tW ***** •* * »tMk U l>»% »« * m HI « ■* * J * ft* A ft I! ft. *%#«•, t»* HI H** th#f «Aft* 9l .lt. «#•• fc***f> f»#M» •- ® i W»_ j" *** M Ji. «fct## fmfc 1# »* *+** * is ti. mm mm**** W 44 |i»* T (KkHM 9W«ift ttUfi * ' fft lift 4 Wi* Bltlliwl I fllilftlMMV • *♦ ** <|f>ttlirTlT S I I ftlllfTWlt ** ** ■ I*l K K •* 4 14 fmtift *» .« .♦ .. . # # r- ♦* I*M CtraMix' iti M H H H j nkn p k>k< w* * iiirim'.. It-# John r AM*» If HMA K ** .. •wit-1 araoL itMt Ciwrtiftftllr ft* ytt tt^ftißP* 4 . 9** •*•* * * r*** *• •*•*<• »* *•*• * r.i.K^tniu* Mllr*l*anww btiMl .. •• •**• ** *** - ' WtO'AN |*n,t of itw team. I# tmkm .. .. • t-t jrruit at ttm team. t*i »*rfc*« .. .« • M CSilwi. t-# | ' J Cm*n. ♦-« .. .. * fi Alp Inr Ram. * *• *’ rrWx nf Wm. #t Jj im- I* Ktell *-# « B tetrllMi ..»»-• J«. |* Klitr ♦-< A A ahmtlite •• * * * Mi o P Kir*. » tech <te«f*.» .. •• * *-• P Kin*, a loch K C tetan*t .. .. •• •• •• •• »** »• ** * im> f. K'r*. R ter* K« toteiwt « ana. P. Kin* M te< •» >■#***** •• * *** PMim Awm.-.n xhlrilnite. *te#* * «*< Mmlmti’k ahlrltef*. MM) .. •» •• •- ’ ChaH' i Oaak dr»l* tKW... t t*l Wtlteilnn <HI» ttenffj I -v mr * Allan * <!*»<•»» •• '•• •' •■• *• • *•# Ktepa* l t-l ptiKte * •■ •• •• U * (Mir* 8*0"! •OttOA. par #a* 41 Bnrri*u liiu’*.* Hi»*. Il*#4 .» .• I t-S Kiali r Oil* Amarlian Indl*" tegr«, *l**4 .. .. 4 I'4 Intrrnaticaihl bI»H * *4*44 4 1- Atlrn'* r«rdin«U *4x*4 •• .. •• 4 1-J Alton'* LatTui.** <l**4 .. 4 1-* In#!* »* •* Ird>* blur PIW •• •• •• * **• Rtlrflttnl'* *I*A4 * t-* ttnrncr'* rndtent* 4l*C4 4 1-* M>nh* Wh*bhi*tbn Me** .. .. .. * *■* Hopr J * J Ch»t*r Chili*. M*«) .. * J '4 TICKS. nampahlic * *'* Anin*kr*A A C A •***■* Amnskrng A •• •• •• *• AmonkiitK C .• •• *• •* *• ,*• *• • 3 “ 4 Rerlprocltp • • •• 7 t-l I't.Ain HOMKSPITNf. City Mill* 3 **• Fiiui y»r<l. *oo<l "•( ■■ ; " t L. ,11 •hl.lln*. s#s|* .*vy - v-jt J-J I.odi di - - itylti w»*< ..“. •• « 3 »-* It, Cialr drew *ljrlr* .. .1 •• •• 4 C.-..n d •»-« kliiit'c. ‘hi fnnole* .• .. 3 3-4 Mim rllilU Ui brand*, ll*ht weigh I .. .. 33 4-s*l r 1-5 lMetta * yard* plain '* *-* Thorndike B « *-* Herculr* .. .. •• •• 7 l '* Am"*ki *» .. .. ? Pclbanh S 3 bal ll<> box 16 F. Q. f.. 30 ball* to box 16 E. O. I’-. 2b ball* to lb 1' 1-2 MUB('"*l*‘ 11 3 7-3 27 ln«-b 4 1-2 yd. plaid?, bent make -4 Simplon silk Oil mil foulards Mx 34 - •• «*'< Pacific mournings 64x64 B | Chin* Bilk* 64x64 4 1-4 Mlddleford 5 Rockport .. • •• & I*2 Slater 64x64 33-4 Concord. 56x66 .. . 3 1-4 Rome 1-4 Edward* 3 1-2 Keystone .. .. •• 3 1-2 Fifth Avenue 3 1-4 KEARSEY'S. Heavy Columbia, heuvy Hearsay 8 1-4 Kincaid and other* S 1-4 LIME, CEMENT ANI) PLASTER. * Lime •• ’*oßs Roaendalo cement 31.45 Portland cement 32.75 to 3.25 Louisville cement In paper sacks . 31.00 Plaster in bbls *1.76 HARDWARE. Well buckets, per do* 33.00 Painted buckets, per do* 31.10 2 H B B cedar palls, per do* .. .. 31.75 3 H B B cedar palls, per do* .. .. 32.00 Tubs painted, per nest 31.75 Rope, Manila, per pound 0 1-2 Rope, Sisal, per pound 7c Rope, cotton, per pound .. .. lOcallc Nails, wire * l " r ’ bßfte Nail*, cut Shovels, Ames, per do* .. .. 311a311./0 Shovets, diamond, per do* .. .. 37.00 Shovels, riveted back, per doa. .. 34..5 ’ y%pt frti ft *m ** ****** i 44 ***** Hit mtrs, bp# **+. ts 4MI «• «« »• fl#.fl Httftfto# ‘*4 imt tftftA fftft 4Nt «# - |# it j * ffgllrftft t#Mft mi f*>* #imb 9* -.»«* t* Hb PM KNMtMk. pftt t% m ** m #* >«*• I 4 4 1 «Pt W m •. ** •• • * tm «*«•% ip*# Pnt >« *• a# .-mm ***** >PftMft ft* Pit ti ***** * fir f 4ft*** §f MPt Hi .Hi jiitif PtPt. P* t pot (t* I *** t# •* i*** IHn mmi tirf , .» *• * P tPfttft |BM Pftft # m P M•» p- • p*m » »« •* #9 Apt ImMMBMB pft it |ftt H *4 4 i t-ftMM tt*M tttPff ftM 4Nt*ir9>*« itftP 1 -frtutrt t#if >mart t-rt Ml p ‘ 4p*t ytiftft. it n td ltMi I, 11# , ##*4 #» *9>‘a» ftftHlftP *4 M w CMftPftt, PM AP»4 JkWfWHM W9u MtJ* ** ** •* #a #« 1“ #•* j j miiti Pm. im MV i »» itt •••. • IJTBk Ipp « • •« M# u • IMtftptft Tm, IMP *• •* •* ** •*» j AlfeftlN« •ft If# ♦* .. M •» t. tit •». | « »*r*. »*** *• a* tm i I M t9tt .. «« .. *• til *#• ii 9 4 i t*n, nut •• •« •• •• •• •< ns i ft ft . H •* •• ** ... « **s 4» * , ftftt**tl ft, litt ••••••■ i< ••• KAft-ROAT> noun# <1 .rcte R- H A Hk* On. 1*» 1U j Oeorgta R. R. A Rk| Co r*. ms ii« -• (-kartell.. Columbia A Au* l*itt. I*4 ft'*. I**# .... •« I* 7 ••» (Tutrlotl*. r'olumbia A Au* *u*ia. Sd 7'*. 1.1. .. •. .. •• 11? ... Augutei l« R R-» I*4 I*l*.. ... H C. R R flunking O. Cuitat rral Tru*t •’*. I**7 W ## Rallaay t'4 I*#4 . *• •* Centrul of fteorgla Railway. |*t nWMI marl. *'a, 1*44 .... ** ## C. of a. I*l prof In • _.. .. • 4# CMttral of (MoriM \ltallmay. 3d prrf income*. 1*46 .. .. .. IS C. of O l.i prof In.. I*4* .. .. • • Cl. fl. A F.. I*4 m. I**. IMS .. I** 1*? Kmih ile>rfl* and Florid*. ■ *d r» ,a * South Orargte and Florid*. 1J r*. I**» *** ••• Ocean Steamahlp Co., l*t S'* td TA IM# 144 FACTORY BOND*. Knlerprl** Hlf. Co., lot *4 IWI3 .* .. .. ~..~ .. 101 ... »S|bley Mfg. Co.. l»t A*. I*ll ■ 100 Sibley Mfg. Co., I»t Fa, I*ol 100 tia. R. It A B Co. »UH-k I*6 IM S tit lx Weairrn n. ft. »to< k.. »* 100 Aoati da A Savannah *lo< k.. »* 100 URAIN AND PROVISIONS. Oata, white, nocked .. •• •• •• •• ** oat*, mixed, **ikert .. 14 Corn, while, narked 60 Corn, mined 4* Meal, boiled, per buahel 47% Flour, common •• .. 1.60 Flour, fancy extra .. 3 75 Flour, eeroud patent .. 4.00 Flour, .tandard patent .. .. .. .. 4.25 Flour, fnney patent .. .. 4.75 Wheal bran. Iflfl-lb nark* *0 Fine feed. 100-lb *ack* 90 Ifay—native, per ton 12.00 i Hay—Timothy, per ton 13 00 Hav—ehulce. tier lon 14.00 Ham*-choice augar cured .. .. lOallH Smoked rib aide* * , Dry *»lt >lb* * I pure leaf. In tierce* 6\ l,ard, kettle, rendered In tierce*. * 1-4 : Sutar. granulated .. ‘ Muriel la Journal: There Is a news butcher running on the Western and Atlantic trains, about 80 years old. who has'the remarkable faculty of remem bering iiumbeia of watches,of owner* who impart the Information to him. By thl* means he has proven h suc cessful detective and recovered 130 watches that have been lost or stolen |from their owners. On Friday he met liev. Sam Jones on the train, and Mr. i Jones had long ago given him the number of his watch, and he tested the butcher's memory by asking his num ber. He remembers the numbers by I coupling some words as a prompting. 'Chewing gum” was the word, and when told this he promptly and ac curately gave the number of Mr. Jones' watch. CASTOR IA , For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars the Sp . Signature of C Bricklaying began Tuesday morning on Tifton's new cotton warehouse. It lis 75x140 feet, covering 1.000 square feet [of space, and will be a structure of all modern conveniences. It has already been leased for a term of five years to Messrs. Walker & Love, two expe rienced cotton handlers. Mr. J. R.Wal ker is from Senola, Ga., and Mr. Ijove the senior partner of Love & Buck of Tiftou. TT3H- Jk.t7OXJSTJA CHIB'S PUNS TO BE CHANCED I fif* lilßptip Urt* • M® 44 • Ilf lll#f f fmigtri- rTiH «t lift t#«« ftftP PP« | IppM i lift tWk * iftk **** * * *tft ft*B •• I tM ttfti PNMMfttt. 4NB>4 tftftft ftfpftftfti*# I fPlili pPfpißPl Pt f P|# 44 44 I f-ftfturof ft# tftt# flftft #Mt ft ♦ t#'ftp t# Bftk' I tftfttfti IP* ttlP* l •iNtMßtti M #Mtf Pf I *fPft §4msmA 9m 4 It# wm% Iwtfft Pll ! ‘‘ |Mt (pMM Bftftf '■# <!• fttNMtlMtl I - tin i»tp*Kiif# m#«f n#4 fttt# 4Mi it# tmmm j 1 ftß#tß*4#t ***** Cptf tfcft infttf# iftftt## It# f ftttftfft MMBfftft B# tit# 4# : | ft#t»»»ftft tfttll |ft» ft#*# #ftfP## 4 *944 I ,» ftliMftlf# flit ft MNiftftltt# Ml Mft Pftpft. j v fttt# Ml #t##t Ilf lIMI ft’tfft,) # 4# IMft CMWM I 1 ptm tt ftppßft-INft Ml Pi IMpiNhM ftl i . WftilMkiT*# ft* VMft ftMftftftt ftwttrsr Ift j .fpg mi i<rr tMft |Mftft# Ift##ftft ft#ffftft ttfti 1 I ftfftllttUft fttft MMNM9B# ftft ft tftrftft I lAm ftftftftmpt-tftfMift 111 1# 4 #^ 4144 p M««#i | | ft#ft| jftiil# flfWf ftftftA Mftfttf' o* #tfts#* tft- | ! rfft#Hitf Mi tit# Afttftftftfti r *ft | ftft# «• fit# Ift *l4* f##tf tft pßftiftarl At jfirlt ilMur# p Pat IMP #»«^ 4 ; Mftijftft 4mm flu# #r*#g# f##Ptftft sm< in, Ms ||if ‘eftlm****# Mcmf#. t# ftl. ftttfll | •Aft#* PWt Jftffcflftft AftttlPM ftft# fttvftllftft ftps#* fit# Hts. Pftt M ftft# ft##*i f litl|rif|fl*f fttt ft#f ft ftft ft'ftftl ftpf t ft 1 # ! 94# mrl lift# t##ft An## n# (ft# Iw*bl ftfttft# lift## M OrfttftftT »#ftrif ft) ■ yew MU At tltel (Mte the 41441 k { r#fi(r#rllß| Onftftpftft# ftMlMlfftft It# l phuM and nauf wort. Ha uAteH te I mg N **■ elated ta put In a a ear, ■laal wh >rk would be tu rnadln*** la j begte iiprrating- by March. Nix uaaih* j § |m## §NMBftft4 pnf#' tft# tlm# ift# ftßftf'i | ftft# #lft#rt#4 111 ftft r*trftfft#d. MM Jl t |ftftft#r|ft Iftftl (IM OltlMi lift* ftft fttft### In Cftftift# fttft#. ftft* ftftftf# i tuft fvflpf fPfftft Ift# ft#**#* I I fontrftrf pmvi4«t {#bi ti«t sos fftllar# | to r«fra'.<d* Ik. work •» n n*rll«l j tlm. c,p» niMett. mad* a trip down the; fleer from Aogu*ta a tew day* ago to jure It Ik rough It* entire navigable rourua. At Auiwata Hr* Pan Royal j | and Anguata railroad bridge la to l»* i improved hy Iho putting In of gulda I rrlba Thl* will add to the ratety of etwwd* pa aging through the dmu The improvement 1* mad. uader order* .from lh* dapnrttev* l * . j W Raggett, of Oak tlrove. Fla . | had an attack of the meaetr* neurty i three year* ago. and the dteease l*fl him with very *evere pain* la the cheat. ; "I thought 1 would die.” he writes; ■ -but to my great Joy 1 wa* raved hy ; Chamberlain * Pain Balm." Pain* In j the ehe.l nearly alwaya Indicate the I -approach nf paeomonla.and by prompt- I applying thl* liniment on a flannel cloth —which ahould be bound on the rheet —an attack of pneumonia may he pre- | vented. It la alwaya prompt and at- i feetuat. For ante at 28 and 60 rent* i*er , bottle by Alexander Drug A Heed Co.. C. R. P*rr of Bell Tower Drug Btor*. What Advertising Will Dolor a Town I know of a lowa In Pennsylvania of about 4.000 population, where, live years ago. good advertising was an ab solutely unknown quantity. It* two newspapers were had enough from a typographical point of view, to dlwgrai'e j * frontier town of two aaloon* and a depot They made no effort lo get nd- I vertlslng except that of the standing rani variety. j A young man from Philadelphia came 110 town and opened a ahoe aiore. He ■ not only knew how to run a shoe store, but he knew how to advertise It. The Drat thing he did wa# to Inaugurate a I vigorous advertising campaign. He j wrote good ads. and he made those old I fogy newspapers display them the way ,he wanted them displayed. | Pretty soon the other shoe deslers 'found that they were losing large, un comfortable slices of trade. Instead of ascribing that fart to hard time* or a visitation of Providence, they wore shrewd enough to slxe up the situation and to meet It adequately. They fought the advertising Are of the young man from Philadelphia with advertising Are of their own. They learned to advertise and to advertise Will. The result was that the shoe business j In that town grew and flourished like a ] "green hay tre.” Everybody who sold Bhoes sold more shoes. People bought more shoes and better shoes. Shoe trade came In from surrounding towns. | Soon other lines of business were ef fected. All sorts of merchants caught ithe advertising fever. The newspapers bought new type, Imbibed a few mod lorn Ideas and commenced to hustle for business. The whole mercantile tone of the Place changed. There was push and hustle and enterprise and improvement on every nd. Business men made much n Utley and spent more mon €'V. ‘ fence, !*rt almost Identical form, v n duplicated in score* of instances. There is no question hut that anver- Using makes people huy more freely than they otherwise would. Tt keeps much money in a town that would otherwise go out of tt. It brings money in from surrounding towns. It stimulates competition. It results In better stores and better goods. Tt makes the newspapers hotter and more prosperous, which helps to bring people and money to the town. It keeps In circulation much money that would otherwise be hoarded, and hoarded money Immediately ceases to he money, so far as the community at large Is concerned. ! In short it does more to help a town 1 grown in prosperity and population | than any other one thin* possibly can,. QooD HICK BAKING POWDER, ISTHEBEST - - -- Hlfhfi* of AM In Lc*v«»»- inir or »TAf* teilMk. OMwy fNVMft tft# (RMMM# Tftftftftft ¥A# ftßrftfftftl PB# P ft#Mt Mb ft# ift #*, 9m i# tu# ftpftp <i <mb# ftMW ftl ttft Ailftfttft TMft «v*«M«m» mtu P Ift iM# Iftft# ftft# fl* tPrPft# P ## •* ### **9 4 •* til ftl# ####*■ ftft #t|a i tA ivy* and I tram Fprom the tmtlrxt Herald Hid Chmdat M Cter will Oar of 1 that h* ran fl*4 gpmd wtve* *# teas n* hte lam buM* mu A tteaf I hhtag -1 ranee *e m* ta have about raw- h»d that ata'# of mtjd where nothing iem ft P*ft# Hrftifttf Mill f|ftl#t ftfttf. A ChtM Yet. Middle Oorgt* Pragma ft 1a now pmprmed ta mah* *ir up nut of water me km lute*. There f a I «tag rhaaee yet for the (taorgla *Ht ly editor Blow a Ml* Mom. From the fVrdele hutlad. No man ha* bream* truly great uu -11. people IWta wMh hater eat to him when he tmpurts inform at <«« ftMftftft mmmn Rad franc* From the MaHetta Journal, £. unee te a republic that eeeaa* r * h* feetcr ng lu acuudal* aud carmp* l ,»r a rhe weight mav too heavy for her to curry, and ahe may fall to pterm. In Ihe iAaotts. From the h'ircrtte Herald. Mark Hanna ehterlty admits that he wait In the wood* while the lighting was going on. Marco# has emerged <t <lm<- lo take a hand in the pillaging, if there te any of that *ort of employment le program Tom P oo Batter. From Iha Urlfllo Naw*. The people of Georgia wilt be pl*a»e«T to learn that Tom Cobb la Improving In Feefth. and wil' soon return to hi* xtale after a *tay In Colorado wh'ch t u beneflied Him greatly. Hr will upend the fall still wittier at Mt. Airy. Roosevelt’s Reward. From the Korayth Chronicle. Teddy Roosevelt, of the Rough Ri;l et*. announce* that If he I* nominaled by the Republican* of New York he n ill run for governor of that state. Bully for Teddy, for to be born lucky nc.d rich la a great comfort—to orc'a fi ‘ends. Teddy's war record bringß ‘to reward. Odd Machines. From the Boston Journal of Commerce The buttonhole sewing machine Is fa miliar, but It la probable that the buttoo-eewlng machine la less to. Such machines, however, have been used for years. The same button-sewing ma chine might serve to sew on buttons on a doxen stylce and sixes, but they would be all buttons with the eyes at the same distance apart. There are many buttons of various sixes as to diameter whose eyes are punched alike. Button-sewing machine* are most commonly used to sew on buttons that are placed do* down to the fab rics, as on underwear, and many other things. They are not used to sew on buttons as they are often sewed on clothing, where, aftfir sewing on the button, the thread Is drawn with a few tight turns around between the button and the cloth, thus raising the button upon a little column. Ordlnatlly In the use of sewing ma chines the material Is fed to the ma chine. In sewing carpets the machine travels along the carpet. The carpet with the edges to be sewed together is stretched and held between the sup , ports of n frame . The carpet-sewing I machine is placed on the double edge of the carpet, along which It travels as I It is operated, sewing as it goes. There [ are carpet-sewing machines that are j operated by hand, and also machines ! that are operated by power. Sewing machines have long been used for a great variety of leather work. Some of the machines used for such purposes, as for example, sowing machines used for stitching leather or j rubber belting, are powerful machines that stitch through such materials half or three-quarters of an inch or more in thickness. Besides machines , used foV stitching feather there are [also made sewing tnkihines that are • used for stitching paper in blank, bodes land others. , , ~ , call »o#» tugutta liiwint Co 4 KXK>KT ItftCft ■ # w Ljjv BELLE O E QSOROIA Our Draught Beer Has None Superior. —CALL f»>— AUGUSTA BEER. The Happiest Families OF AUGUSTA ARE THOSE WHO USE Eagle Baking Powder, 25 CeuU Pound. :Doft*T t’PB )lr. ||i. Alum atd Amm*fil* Btk* m* Po*<kr dial kill pour Ham *rt». dojct rtiß Up, id. Uniting Powdwf. pH. .. aroorttM 1.. prUV &#r pMtilrn kill your puehetboofc. lie Henri I frit! Ciu Caw Utkt IT. The Paper That is Best For the Reader is Certainly Best i For the Advertiser. the N best buyers N Are the Wage-Earners-the Working People ol e Com munity : : i : t < s t THAT’S ONE REASON WHY THE WAGE-EARNERS BUY THE HERALD. .•IT'S THE BEST.” A Gilder’s Pills Arp so combined as to do four things: 1. THEY WORK THE LIVER. 2. THEY EMPTY THE STOM ACH. 3. THEY EMPTY THE LOWER BOWELS. 4. SICKNESS AND GRIPING ARE PREVENTED. Some pills on the market do ti of this; some H. GILDER S does all four things. ... The Howard & Wiilet Drug Company Manufacturers of Gilder’s Pills. NEXT TIME YOU HAVE A HEADACHE CSK Land’s Headache Capsules Made Only By HOWARD ft WILLETT DRUG CO., hAll JtexAD AgM»M>«MMk ChailwiON t W Carolina *•»*«•• a ra»*>** y«A*gtwu mA* a" * <w> * t** A#pfe#p - ra mm *ft •*■*** iA# ' « 1 m k mmm ! *#Pfft#ft|tK « «•■»•■... - NAAI * **** ftPpftftpMgM * - y # fPpP -... j#* l ** | * »*»*«—— ■ Ajpjp# 4 # 44 #® j ft pp A mt*****-* ■ ft -ftjpft a»*tww# I * mSMS****™ZZ~i ' #3Cft **** ' ** \ 4 nPftNVIMNP ****** ■s*'* *iH #Mft| ftAftpft * f*B****ft# ■- * m * > '' *t,7 u _ tmrnm * VHHPVJilllP*** ** - MNMM* 9 »rs *# * * AftflßftNMv**** **• *■* i mi i ***** ****** * #b##pP ?y»i—ft j i A# mSm **'********* ' iMpftP «#*•«•• I * .44. J fjjjft ******* 1 * ****** —** ** j IpM *»** *+** * ipM—#. **** * ******* 1 »4WP#l* tissss I iMt ftApPht'** •**. ** j< •* *•••! Wjt# 4 SMB# ... [m ’pmlMuwMW akOMAk jmfl *ww» R»uui.......... tiflflma fJßtm i * RRNMNmw,. I »<apm vCmg4#ahm»—Y*»*»» i,«j .»• • • *ym ; - tervwyak .*. tjSm "wSmSatnV**** «*»«„) EBB (k#Mg fmammm.............. j kOflpm *•*• I Hra. **•, A*iraSteYT*...... 1.~ MKj IAN * m tuu is* a agaasu wa#ee tea* ■siimA at 4 slkiiua !■» A* ufl pm** *• A. lo „ m . Item evumeraras at «**auw««a p* «* !«*»<* ra a A. I. *e* f.4u> Muujm mHNeawMif ant Sraih»4A RmcUUW j Pm ray taPraew.* s*»a m tnAem retail aeAeflu'e* ea# eAOrau kr.J 4RAM». 4te» Pm Am. 4 kt vi : ;K ammskte* 4A f M taufld lute K—age* A au I **** tea BLUE RIDOE RAILROAD. M C. RKaTTIK. kuara raaik'i **4 Wauskmr l F w fklt Flrut flora Cima CTaau K C«U** Clara M is a M** a pit tfly g Bautsra. W* ifly. M» 11 Mol ( Mult Mo* AM FM.’ lAfytvu UteralFM !AM i* s ira *... a*a*t»i*u .*| t rati • IX Ml t M 71..., tteuywr ... ,f 1 «t tl U i* *t t MUM....- au»a* ....ti i ran ta gM | :•*» .. I'witiea • « rat» M j * a s ra t*; ov»rr ttraa f * ran u » c t.-raia aaa*'* «*Mi H a »tM a* » » I IKKACA ..A 4 tell » k. I I*3 * ] I 44; m. tfMtt r«liu * 4 ra 1 i -V Mr... WflMraKfl .. M 4 c AM l*M t ,l4>x Amve PM FM. Moll Not 7* » «•» ”11. Regular StullMU F Fteg •tatlott Alt rwguter irate* from Aadorara I# MaihaHa kave rtgfcl te icartl *a*r irate* <4 U» ram* clam moving te op pooit* AtOocttoa, unlera ethotwia* opee- Itted by train urAtr*. I win alao *»<>p ut following *tali«*a to take <*t or let off paaaonger* Phte aey'a. Jam* and Handy flprtnga. No. U eopnet-t* with fluuthora Pad way No. U at Aaderwoa. Ko*. 4 and 4 coonecl wltk fleutkarx railway Noa U -ad t. at flraota. j J. R. ANDKRfION. flupertatendent. ATLANTIC COAST LINE. *JMO!»TIXr AND tjrit'KFFT KOCT* It) THK 4.APT AND NORTH. SHORTEST AND Ql lOtUMT ROtTTB TO TUb EAST AND __ I 11,,* Dv..Augusta. Ui .tr | 7 44am 3 ospsn; Lv Aiken Ar j 7 Item 4:l7pm Lv Denmark.. ..Ar 4 17pm t tepmj Lv Oraagb'g ...Ar | 6 40am « 06pmI Dv..Sumter, fl. C ..Ar i 4 2tem I ttpm Lv....Florence....Ar j 7.14 am 10:33pmJ Lv.. Fayetteville...Ar I I:l4pm l. Ar. Petersburg.Va.Lv ; 4.12 pm 4:4oamj Ar. ...Rlrhm..nd ...Lv | 4 12pra T:4laml Ar..Wa*hlngton..Lv | 1 4*pm J 03.1 rn Ar... Baltimore. ...Lv | 3:24pm ll:24am| Ar.. Philadelphia. Lv |U:»pm 3:o3pm| Ar... New Tork....Lv | »:SCam Pullman palace buffet eleaplmg cars from Macon and Auguste to New Turk without change. R. A.'BRAND. Gen. Art., 723 Broad St-. Aagust*. Ga. T M EMERSON, Tiafllc Manager, H. M EMERSON. Oea. Pae* Agt. CAROLINA AND NORTHWEST ERN RAILWAY Schedule In Effect. March 4. 16M. Eastern Tim* Btaadat'd. Leave Auguafn, Southern Ry.. 4 30 p.m. Arrive Cheater, Southern Ry.. 7:16 a m. Leave Cheater, C. & N. W Ry 7:45 am. Arrive Lenotr. C. A N. W. Ry 1:16 p.m. Leave Lenoir, Stage 2:00 p.m. Arrive Green Park. Stage .. .. 7:00 p.m. Arrive Rlowln* Rock, Stage .. 7:30 p.m. G W. HARPER. C. F. HARPER. President. O- ?’ A - BELLE OF GEORGI BILLIARDS OLD AND NEW. Br Jos* x. Til »T(-K*a, ! '"*«* Chow CUapna at Olio ’H- te. —inn-. r.f Si, born. Handicap 'at. tba 1-. U-I to.rnan.~n, o« e.-ord, and Iba only pl»>«» . bast Scharf.r, Slew* pad Ira ». thr aain* hWMP—V Tba work routaina — - —ls duurriMßg ilin*tr»tii-if ~fi f^Y v r j nior*» than 100 thwra I yf \ /N^ v II I Paflhioß ahot*. Bcbora yF | '/ \i lfra'*Ubt I A \\ ii I Burra, fIYFTjr »tyh of i \ ’/ \ btelk lino* iffln.a, mil i\ L »"g\! tssexiszz i rK,7r^'~ h ( /T*W' ,M4 ’“/ «mmk£o4mPCmt*gt*. 1 /AG. F. W<F#>o#. / eU*., etc . fliao » iitet . / 2S£?y I Of tba < hflmnton. of / ! Anraricfl. mndtoamm !\ I inant tMconii from \ UgktMra /{ I*3 to IW. ntfloy of \ M //\ rabkh hart* Bororba \ // \ Y or * *** n P*»bliflhfld \ // \ Tho *uthor #iv«i \ / / \ many vflluflbla mg v / \ jraauonfl lo novice* /\f \ whirb aorvrto rooslor /,\ \ clear ttanethodflem / / \ \ ployed by the worid’F / / \ \ «ip»*rta / / V / It will «hora yon 4 \/ How to P‘ay. Cloth, 75 ceils. Flexible leather, SI.OO 244 p»cr*e: Sixe, 5x2V inches. Sffrt. pwiMud. t« GO receipt of prioe. THE AUGUSTA HERALD AUGUSTA, OA. SEPTf MH! ft fk #4ll .<#>4# attekl'Ut lR S. C 1 C. IUIIWIT CO tHkfl 4*44a«> ■ Aw 1 **Nk «#■*»» I ? 4 fl Iftgf f 9k 4m Mbn##. It# # Alßftift' T# ftlfft# *«# ftftMft 4* *m ift I###** I # » «mt**-*** ®- mtm ft * ' |mi# ***. tA mm* Ai # «■#-*—*»♦ * - 44##i ; mm Mflfta Wlßf teft.f • %*> mIhMiIBM# T * * 4*fl# fl# oplpflfllMMHHM ♦#*»*#►•## t mtmk 4 » *ft raw *•* *m* ** * t •ft-Bftpft m*mm 9 ftNpftf 4 ♦*#•# * #■###• * imppm la# j»flM *<# |e* #Nm4- A 4 «jptkiw4a-> 1 MIBMI a# » •#*• 9m* ft# ftß#<ffh> 949 mm I £* It**#**.v«4 t#■### I# * ******** * | ft# . A i#### M M 'ftftft* -ft# *<■>#§ ft .ft ftft ft# MIMMftM ttmm •-###§# ft iii #t 1* A*#-#* . * ftft## L# ft #444*. *u ftfMft ft 4 ft«#4Bft*u* tjftft## ft# ftnftMßftft is##|4#k ikftlN ftllft f*«'iH lift * ft# ft# MM t#4NH»#ft »4Mf#t i» #Mft ft*«| ### 1 **% Cft ftßiMft*jyftipft• lift NtiftyMß !• ira... h-tete t. flora •»*#>** ft# Wkm*m*m # i •##* i # l#*# ##% ft iMm# : ft# ft«#Mft ’4 AftßM# 4 • A. I Iftn X# M# 4fcft el^pflii . ft# ft♦# 1 .#%J 4# • «#MM« , UftMft ttflMtaCHft fiftflftinft flMft**## flftfl r*t»t # •#* #>• 14 Mbm» # llmi IL# ftftPftlftß - ftl#.. • I ftftM# ’ 4wJftftß# I ftß#4# ft it A# t«—lift *I |IN» ftft*### *if tft I ft #■»*## if#pn#. . ft#ft||M# 4 ftft## [ ftiWMft 6ftMMft»-w.4 ftft^B# tSSBST v.t* I*.. *£•»■«# Lftfti iftfttft VflMMflft •«••*• •• • ftl*Hft I ftftftft# ftftftflMflflVftu * * i iuflftftl I ra raftpfl J ftflWß# A **•••• fto tMfti tJMjfti a mmffrnm #t * fc.4ildi#Bi # • -*# IB#V % r«| 9< 1 —I»#l #4># • fit ft# f I rft#n» TlttT ! 4 ** —4*>ftf ftftMft; ftftftpfli i ftft# Ift* «4NK**«B PMft ftftft <#• ftft fttffttt ft «M fttk# ft»i##ftk 1 J. H. SAflfte. 1. a. tviwra (mu era Maaaget. TaMAa Ma*>g|Ba r. 1, IkteW-e. Cow, A«* SOUTHERN RAILWAV. * ON guoieel OteM »> iwoo tataateaai *«ra- Itewuee Jgty A tra .— —a* %». gu *M»tW«e4. f !»»„, UkUy 'iu fnteTcaf »* •* 4 4** - tevKRMk • . ...I ra wt] ™ yft gr cEwaS* | to* 4 14* i^«N4*u ft F L tejdSftß . 4- m W £ ar apertaakorg. A* fl* gr Aakerilte ■ .1 «» P • Li fly ” «*T*alw*naa ,** ,*? *2 ■ Tr—ln# -ra .. ..*• fftW If Pf 1 - . ...... i l*a II Si Ar r 4J3tSi a Oapt. C» (ifte «rad*« *4 v.—.. *»C “• * Wtanahra*.. • J£n ss* V . b—MT •Mr | tea I « pStira. lgk’ Ar Qsnrai • ••• J ar .liinael nor r ** **• L* tteMaJbeoe .. *Js Ar Korfatt ... .... .-I 7 *» • * tJuavilla -• ... *• ** P 1 6*? Ar fl. trneaad P*^* 1 *•» At VralftfllM ...... I 4€4 * ••# ; “ |sStUM**)e 44. •••“ *1 S P : I S 2? Jg: * new York. .. “ B s, a—oi h t>—a n 4 *7 flw. ••, Matty. L* New York. P*. 44 ... Step llttei ” tkkkkik*. .. I 4 (Op »lea - haifiraove I 4 ktp 6SI a D Yte'la hßy . Wit 1114 a Lv Richmond 12 lent It elm Lv Oaavtha ... . j 4 50a *Up Lv Nortoik ~ tTsip ~ Ar ttreeaebora S IS a . Lv the-aaboro 7VS a f Sty “ Chertqtt# I »»a k*3op * Rtak Shit to hi* 1! «*P i * Cheater ................ 1 It) 65 n 11 S. p * WUnrioro. I I! 41a 12 36* fr Col Wa bland gat t tote t*7 a v. ColumbiaVtvCtep’t ! I tipi 4UO* , “ Jnhasmra ■! 2 s*r ■ sat* I " Trenton H tap! *Am “ tinuntevtUe *3»pl 7A* Ar AagtMta | 4 tip S Onn Lv. AabaviUa ~ Ta>*j 5 (Up ;Lv Spartanoorg ; II «l*j * 16p Lr Col-bta. ar Act. Ry... » tar 7 ID a Ar Charleston 6 «i|.; II Ooa ITv C.Tru»T( T aP «y It 5» a 1247 a “ Savannah «47 p 50* a Ar 2—-k-.n.-i Ile . 026 p Vl4 a •UiftgO CAR aCKVICK ! excellent dally poraenger *>rrica be»areen : Florida and New York No*. *7 andW n dnngton aud Sawthwerfem Limited. Solid VaaiihuT.nt train with dining earn and flrar eiaaa eoacbea north of (’hariofte Pullman drawing room draping car- between Trmia. JarkaonviU*. Savannan. Wnahington and Sew York. Pullman Slw-plng Car* begwaen Chariot ta and Bichniood I'uHsnan drawing-room aleeptnf car* be tween Hreenatairo and Norfolk, iloja'eooaaw tlon at Norfolk for OLD PtrINT OOMPOBT, arriving there in time for break fart Solid train, with Parlor ear*, between Cliarteaton and Anherille. No* US and SS—C. S. Pant Mail. Through Pullman drnwin* room buffet rdreplng ear. be tween Jackaonvilla and New York and Pull man Sleeping earn Iwtwean Augnuta and Char lotto. Pullman sleeping ear* 'etween Jar*- annvllle aud Columbia, en route daily between Ja. kw)nrllle and Ctnctnnnti, via Asheville. Franks Gannon. j. m.culP. Third VP. A Oen Mgr. T M . Washington « A TCKK S. H HARDWICK, a, p. a.. Waahlngton. Q. P. A., Atlante GEORGIA - - RAILROAD. (90th Meridian Time.) Schedule Effective April 24. 1894. Pullman Sleepers between Macon anJ New York. Through Pullman Sleeper* between Au gusta and St. Louie. Lv Auguste ..| 7:o6ami 3;2opm|lo:3optn Ar Atlanta ...|l2:3spm| B:2opm| s:ooam Ar Macon ....!U:lsam| I 6:46am Ar Athens |l2:l6pm| 7:3opmi Ar Gainesvllle|*3:46pn>| I - Ar White Pta*l:oopm| I Ar Mill'ga'le ~10:10am| I 4:3oam Ar Wash'ton ..|Xo:loatn| 7:lopm| - Picayune train leaves Augusta dally except Sunday at 6:15 p. m., and ar rives at Milledgevllle at 6:10 p. m. j Train* arrive at Augusta 4:14 a. tn -7:45 a. m.. 1:20 p. m.. and *:25 p. m. A. G. JACKSON, G. P. A. JOE W. WHITE, T. P. K.