The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 21, 1898, Image 5

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WBDMHOAV Mean w*»*t n rttT> «*2?^*'*, < * JET*** %mmm Georgia Railroad Bank auquata, t/fcOHulA vfIUMfcHU) MWHM l>l\t IIIR >i At ruo if 84mm> **,.. P(tKtott> - > ferf.^r =w l*r*£CS£. *%mm • Tirt ISi'p 4 P|—> wMS e* Terrible * « ¥ fiai it TW Trtipla fiiti (Hat TV Ijt pMa* A TV Itdi «f lV* lad «!>-•# ampir4M9 «4#*** $9 p*m *%1 04 INI Aft# 44 l-Aplf 9ft* f_'_ AMNb#* * a a# •» ft## I «■* **• t ■ *4 *#*t< s* • 000000 gm uMUU)M iwt DR. HENRY J. CODIN ItIMoKT (MlltUn, ■I p#*to a*. Mm tv fMM Haaai A CHItCH tI’WATIOV I mtm to i N»m«M tofiM (twtk toito to Tmi ir»MflAiMP* *• » life * ft# 9ft## *W* ~ ’ 9 **» rt»9PAR a '* VRi * ** w •''•ft*’ f m life# §OOOOOO 90 *N* mm* v (df i nofurtr n in ciit ®» s V* “ ••* ftfti ? ■- tfeflft % 'AflpillT. # w »»##** T f«Mk## a tf#n§A9 w ii.™ *** ' *** Amtiftt. I ft mmmrn* b# §o*4 Mtupi A < MMM fit j ftlJtt A f*m 4|9 WP* la fefe» «*•» . fturr Ha*# f»ri< #*ftf RtpiflT HfeilH . tradr (Ik <*•>##•i pjmi4** 1# 94# pvijr j IA 4T IWMfef JlAd II ltfe*»-| «4 111 imH tit# |M4 Ml H)l*f P* rt t»f hit 09»tt*r#rf*l H*\*'**4nrm t» 14* rfturrA TV t»anr> Ha* hot lion f*- j lurmNS lot Mr MilHaimi wttl in*t#t «mi «r#itttm It tmrli ] 9liu{<( ft A* I* •»>4llfrpe r fend iffoti I - Ant f<w i- I* WttMfeßfe. «•** **t *4# lont* j ##t fetvfel itoft* Wrmt li* 94r Hty. v h#r# V rft»lvf«l a »*Utf7 %'P% • rn. *?h H# hi* h»* 94* ! Tt># *r#n*i J»nr la mtkino 9*9*9991 j io4a|t a#tr#rHr *rrAi*lwft anl J, w Mflniyr*. of 94* **«•<>, MMnihwHdVurnt, tnd «»(Vf rottAtjr «***• pioyoM for loaiiim A»«»ry 9* «Hi«trj rtnt U»>rrt A»*d rhmrping I# *a 1* l»*’ r 1 rest for AS luifly day# It Is «•*«! thtM» HVWt* hav# *aft>»iim#* draon tV notary of cowaty rwiployooa Ik*.i*r# they »m due and >h»« Mumkl UMmI tm»n«y fur that amount at high ratM to Wit*r»#t. Tlm> fraud Jury aaya also that Sev enty-**. m car# of Auguaia »r*vel that shoutd have ionr cm the rcatda *r». un a< counuto fur- Ttata ta about all. bo* - •or, that the* a rand Jury #«t out of a I, n* M»t of ■ aaryoa of mlamanaarmont rrofrrrod »«ama« *hr county t-oittmla alonera and aoma of thair rmployrrr SHOOTINO AT DAW3ON. FMMf shot While Watchiaf at Bed of ftlcfc Child. Dawaan, Oa., Uapt. T. Smith abol and aorloualy wounded J. H. Ha*- ty Sunday night. The shooting occur red at a neighbor’s house near Daw son. where Hasly nas sitting up with the eilk child of a friend. Wluieaatd* iay Smith went to the hmtoe where Hasty was and railed him out, and af ter a few words began shotting at him, inflicting several serious wounds. Smith and Hasty are both respectable white farmers, and the shooting was the result of an old quarrel. Smith is at large, but t*(H probably give up and Hand trial, pr. Dean, the attending physician, say* Hasty' wound will not prove fatal. , OUR ► FALL * STOCK , Wa are now receiving ► all the Latest Ideas in Jewelry, Watches, No , velties and Silverware. I WE » HAVE | A NICE * STOCK OF | ROSARY BEADS ! We Selweisert & Cu„! , Jewelers. < wHisan m iTV. ’ RNffNMMMMfc 4V4 t#**y fetfeifewfy wt CtMMfeA'v »«M 9gA«. !#* AAA VflAM® tow lint CiMMMMV* f-* - * 49toA | IA Am AAA 4pAI VtoMfehtowstotoMA fe 4 %$ swflhA ! I * %A4|f 4A*A •• MANMMN IA 90 • | AIRA**f 0 : j * MAly MA AfeP l '’ARK** •# AA »A* *-##•• j i AAa 4a# A##‘« lAIANfe AVNI Ifefef #44 I » ms9o9, toftolAAy 14# 444* 90 fMa# Mfj I a Ats A #|> 4a# A#M IA l#*vf A fto# # 4MA- j iltotoHNl A-” «o# 44Vf AMI I***l# Rvcdhto ffelVf || —ff A NMit #SM4#i MfeAty ifA»rl TA# 101 l Vr CAaI f tAAt *4* *«4» 4a4 am4# HAT A |tii AA4 I pA# A#l 4#iP i«Af4f t# 44##' £ iisssrvEl 9 f| rr • tlm# a4# 4AA f loyNf •• A *0 life# 4#*M# tM Afv«4 Vfeu I ll* it «Ag;to||r# a# fHI A# lir ' Iml h« A«e frnm (A# rm 4#rwr **C * Am# ] latml nma# 4mM* ( **** fl** 4*m a Aaaa- I ttfiil mn* we*rihy In i«4#a «f •* AAo* *#4®#m#»»t 4# fwllof##4 lA# Art-I l«mf oftf||«l (u#i .m ia4 A#fltt Tuc# t#j j IVktn TW girl s M had never boon I howto to OMMto. Mto she cwtod oato upon them, and Mr ynutd »*• develop: r<S hpyond thtot «f «K«t I'AlA### Vl* | i m<*f>- T4r llvoHlt liavr #f *A# # m * I CMMmr of (Aim Inn hah* VA# teviiil# I wlf# # «nd *» t>#A life# #n*pr#M tmAAor* |ill#4 #Ar ArtmiA# #*l*4#### t* rhllM jt A# >Ay river to Alfi. All A (»#r%mAt# #m« with h#r t»y III# vk#f*>\ | i«ib# b*d fivrn A riAC to a )«imi I#*! jMr ho Mbtd A viufefi from Iron nlnf A I |t A# rt%#r. Hbr hmA promlAAd tb« rinjr! 'ln any rm# aAo woull aav# t4#| idrvwnlitff man TA# youih to mbom »A# AAV# lA# HAA Aa4 4 AHaAI. Intrlll tff.-nt (act. A# aaa a AAllor. In Hi# II c«Af•# rkiVa of Ukf Invar dA4, TAAt WAA U HUAA HAaiia Lmriny h#r foci's minority Turn wm rr>A#n(. And no*# aa wriprrM do** aa## * aa# In aiauffry comm And. TA# #m» I p«mr If about *4 yfcrt old. th# #m ! prcAA l» 90 ■ Second hand < Fumigated schco book* so d at Richards a Shaver'* Book B ore COLONV OF DUNKARDS WIM Settle In Wavne County. Oeor gia, Shortly. Springfield. 111., Sept. 21,—-W H. R. Nesbitt and W. T. Oodfrey, of Dayton, representing a large party of Dunknrda, have bought about twelve thousand acres of land In a beautiful valley In Wayne county, Georgia, six miles north of Jeaup. The Duukarda will colonise at the place and build a town, which ia to be named Nesbitt The town bas been laid out and several buildings ore in course of ccaistruction. The post office will be opened next week Many of the streets are named after the generals of the late war. The colonists who have already areured lend holdings are Dtinkarrls from Ohio, Minnesota, Indiana, Illinois and Mich igan. The projectors of the town be lieve that It will have a population of 6,000 within a year. / THE CAPTAIN A MERO. Gallant Act of a Second Georgia Of. fleer. Hontsvllle, Ala., Sept. 21. Capt. Austin of Co. M was the hero in a little incident which occurred In Huntsville | Sunday. He was coming out of the First Methodist church, after nervier, j when he heard shouts of alarm and [taw a buggy dashing rapidly along the I street, its only occupant being s young iady. Without thinkinkg a minute. >Spt. Austin ran into the street, seised the horse by the bridal and brought him to a full stop within a few feet. There were a number of soldier boys in she crowd, who promptly raised a cheer for the eapiain. Capt. Austin promptly retired -without waiting to learn the name of the fair occupant of the buggy. She had time to tee that he was from the Second Georgia, though. To save money in buy ing School Books get them from Richards & Shaver’s Book Store. Yu U Is the rather unpleasant sug gestive name of Li Huog Chang’s suc cessor. THJB atjottsta hirald. ttoti MO fn&AfttfeAl •* CKT A 4A4A44A A4AMMAAA4A 90 44* lAm* •# 44# 41H44' 4»*>4»y4i Yl** *90909)0 00 I%# ****4o# 44m41 «*« mi 4 top* MAmaA lAm «Mi| t£ tin 4M4M4 4444# 4 »14A*»*A|a » 114» (fc4AA44AV 990009 4iAM# f 90 9009 ■■■ IAAm tAfeVO44 fA *44* *4 <4ma# 4MAMV*% • I Afefis# *ngnwiiii AA#**# ##4##**# *44* m# j 44 009909 4A4MM4 4#®AA4**# I imp** #4*4 14 9Aa4 %*#4 14M4M4 44i I -9* «* A ltd 4 *•#■»?#* *4 0000 00 |144 144 l> 990 0090/90000 *99*0900 4A###4- I AA# H Imm 4«M4A *4# P4»i' i' ma*44#<l 1444 90 ittoto# 14# OiifeMM ■* <*# fluif 4t# [ 4MAA- |t# >»f#4lAwAA ##• 4*4HM 14 II Tyjt* #414 4#nM «M #1 t#4f #«# #441 tA# #4Mft# 09 *99990000000 4 * A #44 |vfiAC-i4A *0 144A4A #4#M#i fr% ' i ' I** 1 ** A#f44A life#* * *•* Ham»# ll# !44***« #**4444 I lM>« 09m 444 A###* «4A MV* -A# A# #44- #c *9*40000 4 09 T4M44# E##4» Am A 14444#** 90 f#4Afe t* Ase 00991* f*A** *4 |At AJA * 0990990: 090000 9090 #4 A# #4l# I Y 999909990 4 «HVfe4P*#** AA# ##•’#*#*l AA A tNMAAS 444 44# Afe#f4w4 44* #4 ■ 99990 00 144* •W4*A W* 4H# 0999 f%999m 44a Aaa 444 a a 009m* 9#4# I Iff# H#4 T«#4 pf#AA 99994*000 #44i«##i I 14# TAAAfiT - iMfef 09*00 At #4 4#f4 I# TA# ftftA 90 AAAIA 49000* l*#*## l # A 44 „ dAitirT of AA4Hr4*MA t*9m 14# ###4 i ■ 1., kj* aitito# gifjgf #t#lA# ikA Second hand school book® taken In part payment foe new school booke at Rich ard* &. Shaver e book •tore. __ [ CANCF.IJ.ED. Cto. Caadto Nto to ftocto#* l.ggag* ■went ta Speak Of*. Atlanta. On.. *agt 21 o*l Allen Candor ltd to cancel hi* angagetncnl to »f>rab at Wlkkmllk ««•*»» on ae remt of the rcttlcal lllnaaa of hi# mm. who had a re la pee on lloaday Congressman Carter Tat* •»* •*’- mr*4 to fill the appolnlmenl Mid left for W’rtghtavll a Mosday night. I« *• hardly probable that Cto. Caadler will lie able to «° I” Havannah before Ort j Arrangememta will be cancelled un til there ia a change foe the better In hi* boy’s road!iion. as h# will not leave tua bedside white he I* la hie prrwmt tow state. Chairman dußlgnon has gone to New York on bualnea# and wl.l not be back until the latter part of the week Dur ing h*a aheence Cto. Kd. Bc wn of Athens will h* In charge of th* Dem ocratic headquarters. Cto. Brown today received a latter front the Savannah Candler Club In reference to the speech which Col. Can dler I* to make In Savannah, hot It will be impossible for him to make atiy noalttvc dale until Col. Candler rati lenv* his son’s sick bed. The St. I/tills Undertakers’ Union threatens to boycott any man found alive in that village. X WINE OF CARDUI < - t - - - ——i'—— A Sure Medicine. . .Mw Wae'Oid* 1 It is a mistake to take any every kind of medicine when you are sick. There is danger in it. Most of the so* called cures for "female weakness'’ do nothing more than deaden the pain temporarily, and when the effect wears away the patient is weaker and sicker thanfiefore. It is never wise to take chances. You have only one life, and that is dear and precious. If you have any pain, ache, disorder or weakness In the feminine organs, nothing will help you like Wine of Cardui. It helps do away with morning sickness during the early stages of pregnancy, and modifies the pains of childbirth! recovery is rapid and future health is as- sured. The Wine is purely mutts’ sdvisory qepartment. vrtfpf-.hle bring made of ! Xor mtvloe In MM© reiulrlng •*«- I vegeunie, Being maue UI .|aMir(!cM.iri»,ort,)rif,a,!tlTln*«i'inp. herbs whose medicinal prop- ' t oat. imiu* ertics act directly upon tne < h*n»noofu, Term. , organs of womanhood. It '' is a long-tried remedy, and has many years of success behind it It is sure, Why take a chance medicine when you can get a sure medicine ? DRUGGISTS SELL LARGE BOTTLES FOR SI,OO. X WINE OF CAR DU IX - wmmrnmmr' AWHHt H m rt*t|Ntj A t togto 9m mw i t*ue <«w» • to bnto tottokwamin I 00094009 09 00000 1% 4 0099 0449* 104004049 *ooo* 994099 00 009 94009999 00 100009 0090004 *9*99 409 441 4094*9 44# 4144 f« A 444 At 09094009 9 9990 m 9*4949009* i #4#4 4N4. Mb#fe«#t- #44 fliA »to*4 *4 A 9494 9 ##a 004*09000040 \ 09944 4 m 4r<WA 4- *4409 90 4#* f44‘ 144 14 #4444*4 90 *4# 4**4A#*#* 44 04 0099 00490*49 00 * 040400 90 40&0 A 1 4#4 4004*9 A 4• mm* 4«A# 44#4 I 4» 9090049 mm 4## 004% «## 400040 1 1* A* I -4# a#4 *o9* 4*4 Ia • <4 4p* A* 4*4*4 j #4# 00 I4A lAiWpfctAT **>4oo ##4 994999 14# |tt» 4<A# 04400 0494 4»4t 14 104# 444 1 9009494009 990*0*49 14# 4#A4# AMf 944- | *4-40 44*4 4A 40m%* *4 A##apAV"* i smlaa #%• 9 *4l# *** * 14# 9009*0909% - t to»*-w : t * fe»« • it g 1; AP# ••• A##AwlA ##*' IdsatatoSe to await the maws* to the :*f n F*e Tat toe'* Msg a that the natean f grate aa to aps’k* to was e wayr'ifsg CONH I>l R *TK Ft Afl. rig. J H FNtmaa. to I aflrawg*. Mas flag to Jasper Htoae laGtang Cm.. *rpt 21 Mr J M |M*r«. Mr. AAA a4«#» bf 414 • ft** | rAitvrvd ddftii 94# Aivii #Af from a j r\m##ftrmt* bmUMU<m 4# 94* K#*l#rA*A I K ta a place of or»*»eni,i workmaa . hip. On one aide I* wrvugb: la lam* I letter* "Jasper Blue#.'’ on th# other, | "Victory or Death If say earvitwig fD#A?b*T Of 14# ife*(MF Will tow* j«Mf»Ml#A(* #ll4 Mr PIMmAA 4# #*ll jglv# him Mr. Rmers*m’s addrese with the assurance that the flag will be re ! turned. In cordial feeling, to its for- I mi r owners. Ac hast firsks. Back (trap*. 2e#cil Pass*. Urge Tablet*. It* Ceaipaattlea Pee*# •lata*. Peas aad Paeeila at Blsberts* Ihavac’a Peek Stars COXEY’S CIRCUS. Th* General Will tMve a I re# Per formance. Andersen, lad , 6fpl. 21. —"General” 1 Coxcy, who led hla famous army on the White lluoai lawn two years ago, launched hia latest scheme to attract notoriety la this city yesterday. He ; iiua acquired three railroad roar he*, a dreue lent, and a troup of circuit per- I formers, who also compose s band Hie {plan ia to draw people to the "grand free ebc.«v,” and then, after the time | honored scheme of palieit medicine men. expound hie doctrine. Handsom, Va., Dec. jt. I have been suffering from fe male weakness for four years, and have taken many medicines, but Wine of Cardui and Black- Draught have done more for me than anything else. MRS. CAROLINE EVANS. MATT iff* thsetoweed IhwMawi to k«*to MM : »,<«*,<* #t t« Atttodoa f» |«to grm — to* ease** to** ll# testodtoMW-t * toto **to»a Mi #• ' a «»s*to‘ aevi i r •*** M ttoh* H* toeetsa Me htoae* i ISM* [ ■ »rrerg--f Me (Nstoa ato taw pt«Pt*a 1 .a. m.. s m * 9 * Atoll * A# t'*■ * *■# t 10490'40 *O4OO 41440# •*#♦ 1440 i 044 rtf AA « mw**** «ft 00* 0000*40*4 9m 904 09*9*4*4* *040#4 “ ' | AM494A 4 «4a« Ml fA#wo4 |i 4#ft #4*# 4#i I ijtini 94# #Af A# 4*0900*400 94*0 90490’* Ms# aVmm lA# ##4A4 A•- f>** -1 | 1 if# ihfepA (| t Ifey# gk.'Ms* # A 94 900*94. #*4 * . Jam! ttf M»* fa# feto : fc«kA 4 *9OOOOO v #'**#*4 j 9mm 40" 10 ft *#9ol ft»4#»» Mft f ftt##ftA 14tof«ft#fA 9044900 *4# t4#t : 1 I. r M-wtiitoA g*- *I#VA A 9444 l».« 4 9##4 aft 00400494 #** # - wm | '1440*09**4 Ms ' haa.l yd 9 e |ft_ k M f # -MPA' I’ « %f ‘ * sets-A I -_ | w # toM* fto M#b Itos-'i 09 4 ' I* A *%mh 9l*M ff 404*9 to# IftoMto I toto* ff \ #<W|M 4UOO* a#4 |#a9 ivn o*m** >f | • b4fela *>#* M®kto9#4w#k MrWWlIf, 1 . _ w ItototoA lit* aOwMfel 4a# { ilferi# 4#H4 «#A4to»( 4#Y fft# l##fAf MMAftl* IftAi# v«m)!4 9009%f 00 94a j Itlin |4# Atfettr I NIVI RSm OF (JI.OKOIA twgaa M* NtwtoytogW Seasto# T*da> | gtbess G*. Htto* IL—The I'erlvcr*- j 1 1| m r»f lltohPfAtA OfkkA#ft It# Ai4A9A'A9ft494 | 1 pritoMiA itit# mmniof aa4 #tf#4ft|r ftottr I a #u»9a#t of 94# Olft Hvdcnl* ftf# 4a*'4. j ] Kftr life# OfeQAt ftofeft i4#a# Alodrnt# Af# |h#r# woriiAA ta 94a l4ft#W4lA of 94# ta If 04# Or##! l'AttAf ffAifT»l«*#A I tiaa r#A(tr 9o bourn #thlrtir# I Alt th# «!#AAf9m#f>tA of til# I AiTTfV IftT Af# to too* #4at*#. aoft a lari# at* j l*alT#rally «th»rl r* ar# to tah# ao lAm ktoord al#p 94ja >tar T4# ml#« Kin*mint foot4a'l 4a»# 4a#o ao e4ao 11*<ft that (tie |jn*#i f* itilfN lof the name have two eliminated and the Fulvers.ty trill have this year a magn’fleent foothall eleven. Couch McCarthy, who trained last year * tram, la here again, nod la eat isfled that be will he able to train a winning eleven here. Captain Walden i* also on hand, and la mlhueleaUr over the outlook. Moor*. Hay I is*. Geo. Price. Pomeroy, Harmon Cox and other old player* will be no hand The Southern Intercollegiate Athle tic Association has taken the lead In the matter of modifying rule#, and Ih# Northern ccllegea will follow that leu** The maa* play*, which have ao hurt the game, hav# been eliminated There' will lie no selection now for weight,* and no pounding of players or mas# formations. Cnder the new rulei, when the ball Is put fn play, at least seven men mint be on the line. This allows no mass ing. and the game must lie a running, kicking game, where brain, skill, quick ness of thought and good doglng are of more Importance than were strength or weight. The rulra again*! foul ptay huve been no rigid that dirty work in th# game will be beard «f n° mor ®- Their new rules have been adopted by nineteen college# in Ih South. Gorgla will begin immediate prepar ations to meet Vanderbilt in Atlanta on the 29th of October, to play for the championship of the South. This will be mad# one of the greatest games of (he sfanon. We have bought a very large stock of School Books and they must be sold at some price. Now Is your chance. Richards & Shaver's Book Store. A PECULIAR ROLE. Leading Prohibitionist Also the Lead ing Saloonlst. Washington, Oa., Sept. 21.—The pro hibition eampaln ia thin county, which terminated so triumphantly for the prohlbrtloniHU, had Home unique feat ures. One of these wa* that one of the leader* of the prohibitionlaU had been, mid *ti!l 1* the leading *aloon keeper in the place. The choice was between prohibition and the dispensary, and of the two he chose the le**er evil—aa he conceived it. Now it transpires that according to the present law the barroom* moat be closed In thirty days’ time, instead of being allowed to hold over until the expiration of their IlcenseH. it I* said that till* barkeeper-prohibitionist has employed a lawyer to fight this phase of the law. New* has reached Boston that the re mains of Lieutenant Walter Taylor of the Twenty-Second Infantry, who died of typhoid fever at New York, will be taken to ThomaavlUe for Interment, Mis. J- W. Taylor of Boston is a sister of the deceased. gj xx pr lr& SvAientn” NO GUESSWORK ABOUT THEM They’re Hals to be sure 01. They’re Hats that do iheir whole duty. The same guarantee as you gel on a SS.OO Hat. Styles always correct. Wm. Mulherin’s Sons & Co., 846 Broad Street Ft M RAI OF MR.* * F COOM * A« Fwwe Ttoe aHirani ftww Mfiwt * level Hsf* Ut Otoe* a TP# r**»»*l to Mr*. <nwhtw*l* Chop [ *O. 0 014*9 IftAMHfeftv# lAftf 40 9ft##9 I4fe4 Ta 94# c4iWr#A 14# 494ft rm •! ftf AfefeV f * 9*4ft# lA At- Second hand school books taken In part payment for new school books #t Rich ard’s & Shaver’s book store. B r. Nivnui *ay* he wPI npreate a gntftll 4r9r4 fft##! *H» 41# #l4*4* Ml 94# | !B<«fi4w#flA #*st««r4 *«f W»r<tMf M*: 1 fM«yn A# Ha# All Iferihttwlilft *lll*l*l 9 cm l ,l 4 j to hi* h I# fulttMf (nr 4H#4 A#ft i i rtlwAWAfT* H* f*f•Hfe*Hiv*c a s a i it 4 ##fjr' On r , 9 b4 mmf* 4# vn*T M»l*r*#t #<*fv># < «I>i9all#9m In 14# ffltrfpilsf !»(<#» ##cy COOPEBATITE COAL SBPPLT COIPINJ llAvr In»A*l**»r#ft th#ir t»UAim«# AAft roA< F*rft 9a MKJWKi* PQftAUft Fit AOXV9 id<l T. T. CUM MI WO, unft#r kfeft. wA*i A ill to#f«‘Afl#r r«m<fv#9 1 'vvniTY* KX<*KLLKNTF OF QIJAL4TT #9»ft FIXL WEIGHT Atift MK VHI'ltF will I*# ib# Ifadißl rhiiAftrriitlHi e»f thdr man»A**in#oi. Tbrlr HWO t ,f M»rft nu t C«*al an*! Oak ao<l Fin# Wood i* aot #ttf|>A»A#d Aojr hli rt. TrlAl orders Ate Inrlled, FRASER & CUMMING, Lessees. BELL TELEPHONE 120. STR JWGER TELEPHONE 5)8- ESTABLISHED i«s*- DOORS, SASH AND BLINDS, v Rough and Dressed- x YELLOW PINE LUMBER AND MILL WOKK " Vector* ami Saw Mill equipp'd with Mtett imp/orementi, And oritniM tion tUoroujh In #v«ry d#|f«rimeßL Full Hu# in pwwpt ■hip luentfe ttwofid. Frictfe, CgtHloguti, #tc*. upon ftppllGKKm. Perkins Manufacturing Company, Aiipsta. Ga. COAL&WOOD THE BEST|COAL& WOOD FAMOUS CANDLE COAL—AIio beet grad** ANTHBACITK, LOO and NUT. WOOD—PINE, BLACKJACK. OAK AND HICKORY— WOOD gyp-Prices as Low *s the Lowest. R. j. RUSSELL, 1 326 Walker Street Coal, Wood and Cedar Posts Blackjack Wood Sawed .... SXSO per Cord Good Dry Pine {L 00 per Cord Good Dry Pine, long, • • • $2./? per Cord Special prices on three Cords or more. , Best grade Jellico and Hard Coal, including the celebrated Indian Mountain, at lowest prices- R. 11. SIKES, 904 Marbury Street. _ Hell ’Phone 2181. Slrowger ’i’lione 748 - READ HERALD WIT M nepTtMM* at I>AIM I D OOATS IS* UWvevaMy (top* Are to (to taaw (Mi IMM. N* mm,* wto to* toto • m»m« ’ h*e to the hvgwe »MA»aM* to th* w*S ■ I niv***itg to llenrsl* <*W fn*Wm Mto ' i i*M the* he** b*4 ' paMMMS tlto ! (.«t*. Iww l*i w* etalaw* to I/M g As ih* owaiae **4 (k*we to to* ' MS# tm »**#». this S** vw* Me to , the «*«4M* tl nr SMI' that l toe tmt Mto iswir wM*al r*v h*. »wf 1 I »*** has |wm ’(W*d the 'ii» that thw , ■?«•»## *49*tr9o AflWN##A#4>4 90 9*999*9 r*4.» { wbtte aad Mae patto aad IS* rtataSS j *>**• «W PtoOtoJe .torn* J -M_ , J THKOUIM LINE SM Hoard Ale Oh. ! About the Srst to Otobev th* gca, {finald Air Mw# will pat cm s *p*rSl Irm 111 All 4 A t4roAA4 #(##494o #4# A** <Ai hit) T4l* IrAIA Altt k*ft \ll|19« Ila ©vcr the Chart#*!*** aad Wcaten* :<'ftf Oil BA. AIAktAA #OAA#TttoA At (iffrßs shiMM* for Norfolk, tht* Alt! girt a ftt* r«rt lAAft ABft AAt #9 ftNIiA for 94# ! North This additional aanrlca w'tl gtva uni. h of our oorther* iraval to tb* , Scabnard Air Lla*.