The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 21, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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Wf DM PSD AY 6 COAL-COAL-COAL HmUf M! t 4* H ttfffMl #»~ »§****» »* A&ti J#4t>ca TMC IMMIk t UH4U44 tjt fth* • Cmm iltkto OOAI> >#*» »w»Wm> U? fW* ****** >*>■*«. ™iTY ICE COMPANY. AtftM-ftt * 14WM t» CITIUM 1 ,ij fkkCff ftg'ft aft 4* I aft' »IH IW'VTWI fta*-- • rata*** „ „ *w »• **► 1 PMMk »w»“t NM*»ff ** *» fraa* Pmm* Pm&m *• ** *■* M *•*§ «■%**** *, ,* .* ** , issf* I furrt* *#p pm******- 1 MNI pPPPPm** tug#**# |Hjpl| fIMW* -* *« •» •*** m ■Mm*. ga* hw - .•>*• ■*** l CftMaMr*. »•* Kraft .. H m « Nw» # 4?. ; u* I —*„•* * * **! CSST ■* »*■*»» . ..*•• *• ** £ 4kra. *•• sea. lIIIN ..««•• •*»•* !*»'«• p*mm* h, « .... - *»** ; Kpgnft-~ ••*»«« •• •*•*** ■N*. ■!►>*■« •* ■MM. frt>» *. “ Hp ...... V. _ OKI* ..... .. •• v. *«.1» ** *• * I4VR V7> Hn - , ft seraftahgM* •#o4*'*' Stir* ft*»*> tn lp •»•■• . .. P" 1 tm»n raufteft !• «|if| »*t*«*» #»*«*#• *•!«» Og4MMu-*. 9444444 <*► #* •* f * **mmm —><> ***** *• •* * ** l H*l fWM**. !■•■••• ** g. s'* vMi ** ** *■* * - *» #* a * ** •* ** Mftt'tk **#«* »wiai ***• w f mm mt*** ... .* « »• » *•*» ** ** IN*#. ll II f**» ****** *v • ||u»'# ll Ml ***** ***• s# * %l « *oCMA All K* ivrlHi. t»« lM»r O. «J • ••* At- Hi* |«#t» IHMi» wA*. • A I* -1 A* * H ». Ilftl tM»* «As ** 4 A *At . a u **». **« ****»«*. nm i# m r r* w f ocwm Hr** w #•** W4* tmm §3 t *»• I*l fall •• *• «* % ft fl **irt**§ * »* * I * III K K >+" '■« •• « * * |PH, W . , «*M nn».l<rtllt l l H N H *H j<mm f* Kins M* * >• * Jufcn r, KHv U »<•> I! C . ..II * irroL ftiu*. CWrttmm. P rl» *• H""!. l*i ** Cof*H*lll W <4* I. apH. p~t 4» » m.BA('HIW)I MtorfttHwv ft'*'* . WIO »*>*. rrull of ih« k*P. » l»«ftp •• (Truii i*f ih* tows, ?*l HmcAni •« •* • r«h«.i. t-ft !•**»« | *■* Cftbos. *-* .. •• *• *« •* * **; Airi".’ ««•»• *■• ■•• *• " ;■* frp •! t|w Wwl .. .. . .» •• •* tm>. f Km it T» H R uhlrtin* .. * *« Jill., r Kins «-4 A A itnUll .. 4 *•* Lmnaftcl* * *'* lmt> P Kins. » ln«h rJ»«r#l» .. .. 4 *-* Jm. P Kins. « K C nm l.lnn l 4 *** Jnu P. Kins. *• ftwh K* . tatand 4 ■** J*o P. Kins *• ipft *ww»' •• * *' 4 PJUNTft. . Anwrlr.n uhlrllnsn. *U*4„ .. .. * «-« M.rrlm.ik *hlrlir»A ••» <4 ._-: ” ? " ClMirtrr Ooak df«» itfiM •• * Wn*htagl<>« OH* 1 Allno* (twO - *- »• •■ -• “ 4 14 Puntin'* * *•' l>M**mn <• .• Oostnn Up."'l ro4t«n, pnr ftns,,.. .. 41 American Inftlsn WlM*. 44*44 .. .. * I-* Plater Oil* («"IUO *U*4 * J** Aniei Iran Indl*t» 64**4 •• - * *•* Intirnatlwial t«i*ck» «l**4 * 1-* Allen'* cardinal* *4*44 .. .. .« 4 l- Alim'* Lnlor.a* *4*64 ~ 4 1-1 India blue •• •• ~ India blue Hx*4 * Kllnstant * *4x44 J *'* tlarner’* radlanl* 44* 44 • JJarthn Waabbigton &***« 5 *-< Hnpr s«x*l * J'* Chaier Oak*. Mad# •• •• * TIOKB. Hampahlre .. .. .. 4 *"* AmoakeoS A C A 1» »•* Am'elieag A .. .. ,• m •* Amoakeng •» » •• •< * J*4 Reciprocity * * •• 7 *'* PLAID HOMESPUN*. City Mill* * *'* Four yard, good 3! Inch« 4 3-4 Lodi ahlrtlnga S 1-4 Lu.fl dress styles CixlW .. .. •• •• * »** St. Clair dicar style* .. .. .. .. * Ocean aollda ...a!., rt'.'.'ll a 3 3-4 Mart:** WaahlngtciQ fnnrtca.. P >.. 3 J-4 Miscellaneous brands, light ueight 1* I-2»«’ »-* Isactta 6 yards plain J J * Thorndike B •• •• * 3-4 Hercules .. .. •• •• A •• »• •• 7 1-4 Amoskeng * Pelham, 32 bal Ito box 15 ; F. G. F 30 '<alU to box 16 j E G. P.. 20 ball# to lb .. 17 1-3 | Muscogee B 5 *’ 3 27 Huh 4 1-2 yd. plaids, best make Simpson silk tlulsh foulards 64x Pacific mournings 64x64 5 Chinn silk* 64x64 4 1-4 Rockport 1-2 : Sluter 61x64 53-4 Concord, 3 1-4 Home 3 1-4 Edwards 3 I_ 3 Keystone 3 1-2 Fifth Avenue s A** KKARSEY'B. Heavy Columbia, heavy Kearney 8 1-4 Kincaid and others . 9 1-4 LIME, CEMENT AND BLASTER. Lime * •• ' o3 ® s Roscndale cement 11-45 Portland cement 32.75 to 3.25 Louisville cement in paper sacks ..SI.OO Piaster ki bbla H-75 HARDWARE. Well buckets, per do* 13.00 Painted buckets, per do* sl.lO 2 H 9 13 cedar palls, per do* .. .. $1.75 S H B B cedar palls, per do* .. .. $2.00 Tubs painted, per nest $1 "5 Rope, Manila, per pound 9 1-2 Rope, Sisal, per pound ... .. .. .. .. 7c Rope, cotton, per pound .. .. lOeallc Nalls, wire •• #** s base Nails, Cut .. .. • • tt-46 base Shovels, Ames, per do* .. .. stlasll.sU Shovels, diamond, p*r do* .. .. $7 00 Shovels, riveted back, per do*. .. st.7l • ptom »t Aunt » m m m m»* * * II # iNNk* ; d#tRWtMI. 4NM| 9 4m *-.*•«« li VII M| MP 9***k 9** 4Ntl m m ®- 40 I Hi -—, mi m. *m 9m mmw mm\ \ (jWKt|# mn $m *A ■* mm *• h IMi §*4 AhmAmß. AAA HA a mm *« *3-* u I*4ll : m*m. $m •*# i •* rn m H 4% j iM» rnmm. pm Pm 1 « #« ** »• mm pm CA #• m * * ** HAt | A *4Nt» #AmMAia §aA AimA |pAA *« (A ANrftt Hi | Haa«a am«a M «H«* V* §f «*»***' HMMi hi* 1 pm pmm* » »« AA* 9m mk pm m M «, ~ «« •»*•••* i « vmhi «a#4a pm 4m , umHH AA# AfIHNMftA (A l * i AAf A*# »• tt At AAA A#AHAaa. ((a A fAA Ah| # #• Hi Aaa HiAtrr Pm 4pm 4m *». •] 4taM Ins aliwy. M* ftn*...... - ANAI HAMaa AAt*«*4*Hi pm A At! ll I A « I (A. Is tAA I QuAtAtl—l A* t* A* AA4 A—A(t (Iji A»fc 1 •4 At ItHt ft tr«iaf IW4 Alt I f A IfM 4.M1.44 * 111 •••I tt rA l*U a. N .a .. |tf Ht fm+tm It fl tfil MM.. .. Ilf *# ! • t*4T* Mi el •• M ft* IAA M* I MfH «Y«AM ft .. .. a. tit ttli CITY HMHfINI. T A. Ml M m••*• •• HA 1 A* iImA as *« HA AnfUfAiA I Ifi IHAI .« ma* MA •*. f AM*! ft. HA# a. »« •« »H A'<At(t ft •** A. lAM •• *• •« ft* m* a* • I AHsAtA ft IWf *•«••* »• I*# 1 PttttMii ita mm a* *• •• ii( ••* I ftaeftnrftft 4 # »*l» ttf | Hume *'#. Mftl .. •• Mt ... j OalmntMM fa M«ft .. .. .. .. M ...I i- iitmbu* * i r*. mn ~ tm ...j Mama 4 l-C*. I*M .. .. .. .. M ... Mar.* ft*, late 11l •Culnmlftn Pa-ft - # .. .. .... • ... ('KarMaloft l a. I*«* •? • (traded JIAILRoaD BOOT*. Omrfttt R R- 4k Bkg CM. fta. 1433 .. *. .. .. .. .. ** 133 ... nex'lli R. R. ft Bkg C*. | a*, i m .. it* ... ( hertall*. C-ltMnhia ft Au gusta. fat Pa, lift .... •• 143 ... (* ColuipMa ft AU j guarn. M Ta. laia Iff Anguata So R R., Pa. 14 . ... ft C R H flnnklng Co. collat eral Truat I'a. I**< *f I* 1 Pr.nlt.ern ttallnny 4'it lift! .. *• ft* . ('em ml nt Oeorgln Rail wap. tat <onactl mort. »'*. It 4» .... 4» 44 C. of <|. la! ftref In ...... 0 4# ! Central of Oaorgt* Hallway. Ed ftref Income*. 1444 . ~ .. 13 14 C. of 0. lal pr*f in . I*4* .. .. • * 0. p ft P., lal m. I’a. I*4* . 14* I#T Mouth (leorgta and Florida. Ed r*. t«*» .. I** South Oeorgln *i»d Florida turt ini im (k-eaa Slea-nehip Co., I*l I'a Ed Pa. I** FACTORY BONDS Knterprlae Mil. Co., lat P*. «* Sibley Mfg. Co.. I*t Pa. I*ol . !*• Sibley MTS CP.. 3*t *‘a, l*«* • IM (la. R. It ft D. Co. atrwk .. I*6 I»* South Western R. It. stuck .. *4 too Augusta ft Savannah atock .*4 lp» GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Oats, nhlte, sacked 34 oats, mixed, sacked ...... .. .. 34 i Corn, white, sacked 64 Corn, mixed 4* Meal, bolted, per buahel 47Vft Flour, common 3.5* j Flour, (ancy extra .. 3.73 ■ Flour, aeeoiid patent 4.00 1 Flour, standard patent ..... .. 4.26 j Flour, fancy rslent 4.75 Wheat brnu. 10«-lb sacks ao | Fine feed, IflO-lb sacks 0* I Hay—native, per ton 12.00 I Hay—Timothy, per lon 13.00 ; Hay—choice, per ton .. 14.00 1 Hams choice sugar cured .. .. lOallt* Smoked rib sides # Dry sslt ribs * Lard, pure less. In tierce* 54A Lard, kettle, rendered in tierce*. * 1-4 Sugar, granulated 644 BSC ENT INVENTIONS. Cork dust and like material used In the manufacture of linoleums Is being replaced by iwiwdered mica, the ma terial being also used to form panels, tiles and mosaics. A newly declined Incandescent gas burner has a double sheet of Incandes cent material suspended from a veitl ral wir? over the top of the burner, the flume being flat and striking against troth sides of the mantle as it leaves the burner. A Frenchman has patented a new driving gear for bicycles. In which the chain, instead of running over the or dinary sprocket wheels, is connected to two small wheels mounted on the frame, the teeth of the sprocket wheels meshing in the outside of the chain. Odors from furnace smoke and chemicals are prevented from tainting the air by the use of a new device consisting of a chamber partly filled with water for the smoke, which is passed through the water by a pocket ed wheel revolving inside the cham ber. . CASTOR IA For Infant* and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought TBK JAhTTOTSHTjA. HKHALD > TEI mu (OSSIP > >4 4h4rn*mtP4 pjgM I PAman* mmpm mm 4 ' * ; A c f UNT. I Tiro mmpPm •> ptmm •••■►* [ A «**”• * *€•* * *** - A iAAA ! AM IM *«*‘» • MA* hmn +mtt4*‘i pr.mmHf ffrtiWy ahm ma m rmd dm* »•• ft* 4. ft* ««• • f dtvorre fr>-m fcm ftftwd. last It akssl tune fur • PhWMft>», itrust nad tamlsuni coeaftnny «• begt* ls>«kin« II t» th* am k»rs* Tim maa who wawt# |s W R Sntor*' day night gene ml Is want* Ist tew.ww the amount Monday meaning. It look* «* though the Pr—td««M might yet hare In dtwfl the member •hip of the war Inventtgnt mg cwmmit- i 1 '*- i Although neither a golfer n«w • mu jenge-maher Mr. rndhnuaer a work#, m (the links la commanding general nlt*n ‘ (ML j Hereafter th# disease* known an fe ver. ague and hunger will be hunched under the general name Al geria." Thar Kanana Pity fttar Interview ap pear* to have been merely dm advance guard of the Mile# expedition Into Washington. The ftmlth family ha* Juat ebmed A remarkable reunion In New York The Brown family, of courm. call* It the Smith "gang.” Oen Gomes appear* to he the only hero of the Spanish war who didn't drift tntn New York and get hlmaelf In terviewed by a yellow journal. fVd. Roosevelt Is going to write a his tory of the Bantlago rampntgn. It will he better If he will keep it awhile and add the history of the New York cam paign. Let’* send over • bunch of foreign consuls who will kick In ihe green, balse doors o sums European court# ] and let It be known that wo are th? people and mual be respected. W’ithln two years the farmers of this country have paid off 5100.000.000 of mortgages. They also have a whole lot of money In the banks. Down with Ihe plutocrats. Free silver and Populism forever. Sppcial bareains In school books at Richards & Sha ver’s book store. Spartanburg Headlight: Mr. F. H. Hembree, or Walnut Grove, brought to th,. Headlight office on Monday two En glish walnuts borne on a tree UP Mr. N. P. McAbee* farm near Walnut Grove, this county. Mr. McAbee plant ed the seed from which the tree yrc-v twelve or fourteen years ago. II Is j now 25 feet high, and Its branches cover a space of 30 feet 111 diameter. The tree began hearing four or live years ago. Increasing the crop every year, and this year It la full, bearing about live bushels. The nuts are largo and well shaped and full of kernel. This fact develops 'he certainty of a new In dustry which awaits the enterprising farmers tr> this section who will start English w.alnut farms. There is not a more healthy fruit grown than the English walnut trees for shade and In a few year* have goood shade trees, and plenty Of nuts, which bring a good price in the market always. To Whom it nay Concern. I have been in the drug business for twelve year*, and during that time have sold nearly a’.l the cough medicine* manufactured; and from my personal knowledge of such remedies, 1 say that Chamberlain s Cough Remedy gives better satisfaction than any other on the market.—W. M. Terry, Elkton, Ky. Sold by Alexander Drug and Seed Co., C. R- Parr of Bell Tower »rug Store. WHERE THEY DRAW THE DINE. Boston Herald. The Connecticut republicans are par ticularly eloquent in their commen dation of President McKinley, but they turned down his private secretary. KICK BAKING POWDER -15 THE B£5T. HifhM* of Ail In L»av#n in« Towftf. iinv i it cm i toft Beg Ism Mn Wet wins Ausmml ftenatan Opnfte Wft'Slee Pug lit# *Me4 4ftM dm* ; ’9%t tf-mfun |m pmm i iA<t frffli 4km 1 4mm »M *m tntna *m Um*m am naf i smm i-ftM am mmrnm mm im I i|uii Imp ain Mitukii AAmfu #ohu mmm** * i j (hr. mwf then even keßme in the We PmMftnM •« rn* he adoesd at Mae | I ear thte rser wed mens a# the bang- ! - hatred kfttgftta of th* gi Onu wk<* i m*t*+ I# « mm mit A ttWM All >1 'fA Arltl laMjlaMj * 4m4ppm*t**4 ft at (tMInrA j aaini ttoi 4k* t+m&t A (A f mm*' *4 All - AA fIMM CA4A# Ml AA Mltil iM-rf tSAAA# : | The turned es true*—a of Msecsf nee I . ike year Tkey kave r nay ended with the Pfwsddskt nil Ik rough Ike ,e earner and kave keen nf great ami at anro M hum In aorurtag new pupil* I* , la t fcougkt that snarly Ml atudewta will 'be rami led el the college Ibla term • Vender wit will he pin red In Atlanta] th tuber Seth and set 11 he one of the heat gemrn ever played Ik ftttnnfa. A game p scheduled far Octehee oth fn I Marta*. Thta will he during Ike »arklvnl I and a gnod gam* wilt k* play ed Gur I regular gam* e tth Auburn will ho play mi <m Tkanhagtvtng Inr in Atlanta, and two gntnee will he played in T»n nesaee Th* m holul* In eoaelderod to bo n good «•*. and a moot enrourngtng outlook la apparent. Th* Bret ford hall prurttr* wan h*td I Friday afternoon on th* alumni l»*ld I Ktghl m*U were In uiMform. and aa Frl- j 1 day mmm four Atfi M*ft tl# | [of rollege. R apoalta well for th* Intor ! rat taken In free* ball. TOD ARK MAKING • great mtalake 1 In n<rt sending for a 1* «vnt trial ala* lof Ely's Creum Halm. It ta a ap*< Mb' for 'catarrh and cold In the bend We mall • It. or th* 6* rent ala* t»ruggt*t# *ll keep It. Ely Brother*. M W«frr» •«***». , Nep York. I Catarrh cauaed dlfllrolty In apenkng and to a grant extent Irma of hearing. ! By th* us* of Ely'* Cream Halm drop-1 ping of itiui us hat ceased, voice nnd I hearing have greatly Improved —J. W. Davldaon, Attorney at Law. Monmouth, 111. A SAD DEATH. The Tuncral of Robert E. Ellison Was . Held Sunday. Hperlal to The Herald, Wlnnslwro. N*pt. NV- The funeral service* of the late Roht. K. Ktllson wete conducted at the Episcopal church Hu play afternoon a I 5 o'dock hy the rector. Rev. Benj. Allatim. Mr. I<3llson bad heen atek for several month*, and about three weeks ago went to John* Hopkins hospital for treatment, but In stead of improving he grew gradually worse, until Ihe end came at 2 o'clock Saturday morning. His father and mo ther were with him. The popularity of this young man waa arrested by the large crowd who attended hla funeral, never*! of his relatives and friends came up from Columbia, among them Messrs. A H dllllard. David Ellison. A. H., E. K. anil A. O. Douglass. Win. Fleninken. Misa Lou Dwight and oth er*. Mt. Zion Institute opened Monday morning with a large attendance. Wlnnaboro Is certainly on a boom About tt doxen new stores are going up. Several new factory houses have been added to the already large num ber, and they will he needed when the new machinery Is all put in the mill. Court convened here Monday morn ing, His Honor, Judge Gage of Chester, presiding. Misses Kana and Mamie Cummings left Saturday for New York, via Char leston. Miss Marie Dwight is on a visit to her parents here before going to Con verse college. Miss Francis Oulght returned Satur day from a vfSit to \\ i yarky , Mr. John A. DosPorU* is siwndiltf a few days in town. I adles Can Wear Shoes. One size smaller after using Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder to be shaken into the shoes. It mattes tight or new shoes feel easy; gives instant relief to corns and bunions, it’s the greatest comfort discovery of the age. Cures and pre vents swollen feet, blisters, callous and sore stmts. Allen's Foot-Ease is a rer itain cure for sweating, hot, aching, ner vous feet. At all druggists and shoe j stores. 25c. Trial package FREE. Ad dress Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. A woman seldom objects to a self made husband, unless he insists upon her wearing self made dresses. To save money in Buy ing School Books get them from Richards & Shaver’s Book Store. CALL »OK lugusia Brewing Co l IXHOMT HLfcH BELLE O W GEORGIA il¥\ aiSiM Our Draught Beer Has None Superior. f oft AUGUSTA BEER. Glider’s Pills Ara an rots tuned aa la fta four thing*: t THEY WORK THE I.3VKR |. THEY EMPTY THE RTuM ACH. *. THEY EMPTY THK LOWBiI BOWEL* 4 ftICKNM** AND GRIPING ARE PREVENTED, gome pin* "n the market do (| of this aom* H OILDER I ftoea all four thing*. The Howard & Willet Drug Company Manufacturer* of Under'* Pill*. “Yes, We Will” Shin you for... 10 cents Collar you for. 2 cents --Cuff you for 4 cents Hulse’s Steam Laundry. 314 Jack ton Wrrrt opposite Opera Home. Bell 'l’hons 322* Ntroagrr 44T. The Happiest Families OF AUGUSTA ARE THOSE WHO USE Eagle Baking Powder, 25 Cents Pound. DON'T DUE l*o. Ih. Alum and Ammonia Bak ing Powder that kill your stom ach. DON'T USE 60c. lb. Raking Powders, w hose ; price, according to price of mate- ] rials today, la Juut twice too high. , 50c Powder* kill your pocketbook. lilTY' EAGLE — T&g Howard & Wi let Drug Company make it. GRAND OPERA HOUSE One Night Only, Friday. Sept. 23. THE STRANGE ADVENTURES OF MISS BROWN. larTHE GREAT COMEDY 100 nights in New York. 100 nights in Boston. ICO nights in Philadelphia. A wonderful l*ugh-tu*kcr.— New voix Herald. . A laugh a minute for two hours.—Aew York Word. Supported by a strong cast. Sale of scats Wednesday. NEXT TIME YOU HAVE A HEADACHE USE Land’s Headache Capsules Made Only By HOWARD & WILLETT DRUG CO. rah fhu*!> mmmutjm -• CharlNton IW Cort Mina • »**wee ft f»*Mt*a mB t-teseu » game t-e <k pm U X ■ ~ “Sd Im* UAA ■ Mg * #«»«{ § mSm 1 * MAAA wpmpfPmm m-- ■ A #NWA ~ ** * fciir|iwtfAMH. 11. - i-tiiti - AjAIHA' pMHMA | » |KSm—' %3i*^ssm| - ftsftauwsa nai * mud► »»•; • , * *Sm*m -e****’ ****AApftj * , rttT - t* * 4*4* * mpm j * ftSSS*lftmM«e' «•*>** • ee.« IMMhj ] *fiMMWMMftr.„„ ,sre. hJfgm >»•».— ft* tgun ■ . , i^UmiMWI ! {ft QrilMP IMft:..»» » UMB* . eesrere I l BBC. *"’*"**’*' imJjmßeeeere- I » BSSt t - ;-*a I tft Iwuu *. ■***»■■■ -ieei mill 4-Rft* ft* ftflpmi* hi.mlwohu! Mhn * fMlHnnerix .. muHsl MU- I * 11« mm —t mi r- - kdtam »mm t ‘-jmftftgl i IlfemMMh IJMhf * Ihift iaguLl(ftftnna, fggjMi) * SpeennMb... •....... , *3ftp4> j | •••• **** C* fLismshm' ,*.*...» ’«»••• *v j * Am* " In*a lU»> ifw. .esse., .mi' t »5* ! - f ITl3*l Idftyse Wkm* Uku sgwsu * fsmmm*..„...{ tMpm ft— I « tmeftm 1 *lifjgm| * ftimhHi,»M tiaMw fttftnpm L... ... t»"*m , I dnp m Mtk l»*m fteumu* eamdu * me ****** *i eit sftsue fem he aft *mm < «3hl» theussppseshm *4 BmihM ft* 44* ****** i*l ft. U etft f. ft 43- PM*** em* fttnxeebusg wft* NwßUftAftWlf 3m any hfiweftn *»•**.«• m u*n*M I sessn iskageun ***.. aftmm* M. I rftftio. hen r*n A**. S. M. kVkYlf. ftaMsaMw Aaft f 1 amSJMMik, ImA* »«u« — i BLUE BIDGE HAILROAD.j R C. MATTIR. Mm#****. ' (TAfi uA#l WfAf Aa®t S* l ***» ftt ia RRs* mm Cum Cksss X Clam Clem Mm »•■'*; Dty IS* ; hiHw Wf Bl- | Nr 11 No 4 g *•»! **•*_ AM FM 1 *A*ytvu IftUU* *PM *4M I. »I W • ftndarmn ..*( • *»U • |t Ml I N R.... fteever ....P 4 «tll J |* er } m tft>.... Autuu .....ft 4 4*ll *3 *t* 4 1*11... Pundlatak ,4f 1 4* u.ti * «• i gg’l#! Ok»rry OsiUTg f l *4H U » »2, 1:4ft14 ftfum * ermfg fl 4:l* II 44 ; » » I.gUMI .. Ik NAC A ...ft 4:*,:* M * tft i _ J f : SJ I ($1 »!. Weed Colon AIW * w 04 .. Walk* Ila *1 tlltt am FM ' ILaeva ArrtvafPM PM. N 0.33 N* 4 Noll No I i ~|f Regular !*»•• ton. ""AT Flag mat ion All regular trains from Anderuea ta Walhatla have right to Dark •*•* trains <d 'be same rlaan moving la op ipoalts dlrartlop. «nl**a pthetwlm aper- ( tged by tratp order*. I Will also atop a* following atatlonu tn tab* on or let off p**#ee**r* Pbla pey'a. Jans* eng Sandy Spring# No It connect* wltk Sewtbern rail way No It nt Andaman. Nos t and * connect with Southert railway Noa 13 and Vat *«smr-a J. R. ANDERSi'N, Superinlendeat. ATLANTIC COAST LINE. IftOLTUr AND (jriCKIltT ROCTk loIHI KAfT AND NoBTH. SHORTEST AND QCICKMST ROUTM TO THE EAST AND NORTH. _ E'lOi m: Lv.. August*. Oa .Ar ! 7.Siam j wpm Lv......Aiken Ar | T.!»am j (:17pm Lv Denmark....Ar 1 4:l7pm ! «.&op-n| Lv Orangb'g.... Ar j 4:4onm : 4 Npnii Lv..Sumter, s. C...Ar | I Ikm I i jipml Lv norence....Ar | J:»ara 10 33pn.| Lv...Fayetteville...Ar I 114 pro 3 21am Ar. Petersburg.Vn.Lv I 4:l3pm 4:00am! Ar Richmond ...Lv ! I ltpra 7:4lam] Ar..Wa*hlnglon..Lv ' J 44pm $ oj.m( Ar... Baltimore....Lv | 3:36pm 11:36am) Ar..PMl*Aelphln. Lv :13 o»pra 3:o3pmj Ar....N'ew Yorh....Lv | »:30am Pullman palace buffet eleeplr.g car# from Macon and Augusta to New York ' without change, i R. A. BRAND. Oen Art., 723 Broad St.. Augusta. Ga. T M EMERSON. Traffic Manager, H. M EMERSON. Gen. Faaa. Agt. CAROLINA AM) NORTHWEST ERN RAILWAY Schedule In Effect, March 4. 1591. Eastern Time Standard. Leave Augusta, Southern Ry.. 4*30 p.m. Chester, Southern Ry.. 715 s.m. Leave Cheater. C. ft N W. Ry 7:45 a m Arrive Lenoir. C. ft N. W. Ry 1:14 p.m. Leave Lenoir. Stage 2 00 p.m. j Arrive Green Fark. Stage .. ..7:00 p.m. [Arrive Blowing Rock, Stage .. 7:30 p.m. >G.'W. HARPER, C. F. HARPER. President. O. P. A. BELLE OF OB3OROX-A. BILLIARDS OLD AND NEW, B. John A Th it. h«., ( VW.n Ct am ChmmFM ft Olio ’»C'"6. '»"« g Se 1i0.0.1 loornuoret oo no-wd, »nj lb. "“I- pUj<e whJ7.-r to.l a-i—for. Klraon lr«uiCo. ma. TV ».rt rooluo. I _ «/ diftcram*ili«xir»ting i” ’VV'i aftorotLan 10ft ihr»*- y \ ,\\ ffwditon fthfMg. fkhfte y' I V \v fer’afttraight rail lc f A \\ BBUriSH’i \ / RSYsSsSk \ < u!Z‘ , i r M U . im Vianet Of ( kanmUm la I fthip rtnra, anti Tn t | I trmaftioiuU Contra., / iG. J- Slc AftOfi./ rtf . alfto a Iwt * / iaS'ZinSSSZ 1 o 1 tW Chmylmm of ; i Airrarica, ana touma \K I */>' * ni*ot m ortis from I\ AhMVtaL A 1>« to lftOft, mail V#f \ //A which bav. npvprhß \ // \ foro been publifthad. \ / / \ The author g>rea \ / / \ Bianr YfUuabie wur / \ ipratiotift In noriewg /\J \ which ft»rv** to rvtidor / \ t irau the ti'H Ltalitcuj / / \ \( ploygd by tb« world‘ft / / \ \ mjfil* / / \ / ltwillfthowyou * \j | How to Flay. Cloth, 75 celts, flexible Leather, SI.OO 844 pa#r«w: Smb, incheft. prepaid, to tr- -tWr*«ra r -n rccrapt of price. THE AUGUSTA HERALD AUGUSTA, GA. SEPTBMMCR ftl S. C. IC. BIILNITCO Oftft *#*o6*e*m baft* aKWSWftA iftu* MM* tss* r-a MaeMna Fss ItuNM 4uifie» l. * ft— ' •»** A* r gap aaa i| *p ft* ftsgae*e *Sr isft * M ftgftuftft ftftnft* *• * bsr*•» i*iu ft* ( --u*. *na*a *sg4b i * Yegsftpftln 4 mm* Aa f » ft** «ftb t .WM|uk* ft T # mppmm 9*. ***** tmim *imm wiimfi mtpmm i mm*m LTB*g4*mWlLu»'T» * SLS nt' sgbftra If mam ft* M»*w-u sin Wms ft* ll# < mmsAp# jk-mpm #* 9 *■ *^9*4 ft#fill ft4tiMßMcif*fttNMl llWt 4 4 igs ftunftgf I fe rm—ii A**v«> Le ft Urn.,.. 4 o»«a I* 41*iifti-.*. - wJNm# 4* Pmpmm a. aiN 6#P ***4 tM lift fftSksM Tbmagft >n**e* *• raft ftsua keft Ymk ! |xT < ftprws«a Uftpm J • k.u T—bA wnui ft* « sun■ * v» t* M«Mr*ubft Nn n* thesaftM, bimm t» j— • iram A* gebus d .6 ffkft ie kubp ft, I Uam ft* •fgb'MP ,fftlkm ft* ft (bra .1 Ml A* Ben _ t mbl ftfta* ft* ft w*Ub^ IftMg* bIPMIA MTKMO3* i*“ ” HSm'iftuni* ftmSg Csnßn^ySoaWE^rTTtikSr^WfiSSrkWkM | I» *e»d»w .*k..i i tsym- t->om- ifttosn 6SU*mgM»,] Uft*SP 40ffyes t **»** aeries k ear a; s a*pe» turn ftmee ftplmb—.l 4vMgu*. ....w.. Rang Tepee fcebib.jlLftm Lsse* Mb*M4 • 'l Mem tks»Mft L,*ts frantftr .. . tsku ftjgpgi . lew** suadameiM* { Uku lf*n ] ft****# ftugram ••>»* ‘hu i isomsm ** (bn*h*nm wwb hew Tam t'nen aku w-'b sub»a m» ■ y#*ra*u>e»»» F ex. aa mlHae fta*»e ftegnmn I ukb <b- (rer-rat# wwi meed tieua all fata d wm mm wpwml !j. H um l.ft KJ»«*SON tie* »<*' Msnegm Traibs N»s«ggb F. g. Abee-a. •-** ftp* fu'MM SOUTHERN RAILWAY. * -SR~ CU....1 n*M PS*w*fUm»b(*4 »«*■ mM ||. Cas*M>U tb«. *•.(»«•» (Sr imMs eud Other sum Iff*, nee Inly ft. Mh J hM«bbe*ad. »*a*lr- Oust*. I- fwra rcMsg-—15*1725 i; ft&ar* D Aagame.fte. NP • • *251425 -■rSEr •- !!« • ISmSm ]Z.:.Z. •»* 4»» Ar SK**S3 a dm'b s— {25 •»: - i£T«ui {231 *55 Ar ObmhSte . *“D * * 4r mmy u La Oniuakee* • - ••*! ‘ffiS* Ar XeHNk [■ * • ••- ■ ~j MMs! '»> Ar Uclunaed [ * **»' **> Ar WMblagtm .... [ J2?i 2j : n|:rjg: I « hew York If O p tap ” SeallabMaA W-. ST'hTftd Ihl). Hatty. L* KewYort.lV 66 j _ 7«p Tjt&ai - IkiHiiikfti* - atop *m* • naluwore I *#p *W • Ly Wadi toa. bo Sr . M> Op II U* IT~IU nmoed ■ • Plant 13 ole LTPaariUe ■ > 4*» *W* Ly Nurfulk I * f*P Ar. Ilmenkoro * I* a ■ ■ Lr dmeftok i 74* * Iffy - CbarMla I »»* 10 W* - Rock Hill I 10 S 0» I! 04p ! « Chester 10 64 a II *fp • WuuMhera ! It *1 ai IS »* fr Ool'bU Blaad («t [lf 4“»,n If 7 a y. Columbia Pa. dry't. —j I 15 1* 400 a | “ Jr.ha.ton* . *»p *ooa •• Treub* *O4 j. 4*a | • ilrauitHvilh ! i*|ii 707 a :Ar Aiifu-ta .... 4 16p st» Lv Adtenlle s 3U«; t 05p Lr rtpartnaimrg It 40n| 4Up Lr fv7>oa7.C Al iRy 7 3«> .> 700 a Ar Charleston .... * 40p| U OB* 1 ETtiol W*. r CAP.Kr 7T -1 11 66 alf£7 a 1 “ Savannah j 44? p 50ba Ar JackaunvUla- _ 9 25p fUa aiutl'lVO f*K »*HTI( *. dally p*~--ng.r -ervif. bcnu Florida and N»w York. . Noa 37 Burl lU>—anhington and Ke*thw»at*rn Limltwl. build Vaattbumd tmtn with (Lnlag cur. and Oral elaru trar-hr* non h of t harlotta. Pullman drawing i-oom .Irwptng*ur« httwres Tampa, Jarkemi-tiw. narannah. Vr aahingtou and New York Pullman bleeping Cara br«w«wn i harlot a : and Richmond. Pullman drawing-room .limping car* be j tween (4re.i»*boro and Norfolk. CiOrre connac. ' tiou at Norfolk fur OLD POINT OUMFOBT, i arriving there la time for breakfast. 8,,1id train, with Parlor ears, hot wren I Char i' -rlnn and Aahevtlle. ! Nr*. a» and 4*-U. S. F»*t Mail. Through , Pullman drawing room huffat ah-eplng ear. bw | tween Jaekaonrill. and New York and Pull ; man alcplug ran between August, and Char ' lotte. Pullman sleeping cant between Jack i aonvtlle and OolumMa. en route daily between 1 JackHonvUlo nnd t ini-innatl, via AaheviUa i PRANK H. GANNON. .1. MItLP. ; Third VP. A Oen. Mgr. T. M. U a«hmrtoa W A TI’KK, 8 H. HAKD\S I( K. q p. A- W4aM—ion. a.. Atuo% GEORGIA - - RAILROAD. (90th MerMlna Time.) Schedule Effective April 24. 189*. Pullman Sleepers between Macon soft New York. Through Pullman Sleepers between Au gusta and St- Louis. Lv Augusta ..| 7:oi>am| 3:2opm|lo:3opia Ar Atlanta ...[l2:3spm) B:2opm| b:oo*m Ar Macao ....|ll:lsoru| -jl 6:45am Ar Athens ...,jl2:!6pm| 7:3opm| Ar GaineevHle|'3:4spm| - Ar 'White Pl'ai*l:oop«n| I - Ar Mill'ge'le .;10:10am| I 4:3oam Ar Waah'ton ..|lo:laami 7:lopm| Picayune train leaves Augusta dally except Sunday at 6:15 p. m.. and ar rives at Milledgevllle «t 8:10 p. m. Trains arrive at Augusta 6:14 a. nv, 7:45 a. m.. 1:30 p. m . and 5:25 p. », A. G. JACKSON, G. F. A_ JOE W. WHITE, T. P. A, . 3i