The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 21, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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IHftU t <*Ml A fxsa *m 11' ■ Ml MM ft »s>■■« «• 00001 ♦fwwMflfc* iv ««m «• «*•# «• •’ft** >,t s % iMM » * |a # *Bl —* MM —— w—*# ■ llMxlllal » jof*W<M Ml MM M “• . • policy Mklrk ftculd IWlsx t*ft l* - , tM •####• wH mmmMV Kr* 11 1 vbHt fffi- < tins ot Ik* Islands then «wM h» »«* .L.- Inff Mi Mil ,h,r, would t» •tody .uduccmcßt and 111 v tot Ik* tip# u!«h to In language »nd Idas* Tb» Rrmbltnt gov#r«B**t knew* tt«* to Hi *ll that, and fII wants flout barn volt* blank mU| vrhil#, Ifft blank and «btt*. <i A «»rr. Ham. *. C.. Bnpt I*. IMI J. W Baggett. of G«k Omnvr. n* , 1 bad an at tank of lb* measles nea-ly «hr*a >#nrs •«<■. and lb* dt*n**n left him with very aavaftft p*mi In tbn chest. "I thought I would din." he write*; "bat to my greet J«.y I mi saved by ' rhambetlaln'e Pain Halm.** Pttoi In ■ the nbnet nearly alway* Indlnaln th - | approach of pneumonia .and tiy prompt- | arriving thin liniment cm a flannel n oth —which should be bound on the .'hast \ —an attack of pneumonia may be pre vented It I* alMaya prompt and ef fectual For tale at » and SO rente per 1.1, u1e by Alexander Drug * Heed ('<> , C. R. I’arr of Bell Tower Drug Store. •-Sorlsla” Shoe* Quite a aerloua. but amusing rntitro veray la going on at preaent between a Massachusetts slice factory aud aeveral prominent members of tfie Borons Club of New York. It eeema tbis enterpris ing shoe Arm determined to ebriaten one particular specimen rs footgear the , "Soreala.” nod advertising the same naturally attracted the attention of the Minerva* banded together under that same name. It must be that the Soro ais shoe Is made In particularly Urge sizes, or la ro very common esnsc as , to lie deprived of .hat ehaplinasi that ’ la generally sought for in feminine shoes, because the sensible we men of the distinguished New York club < would scarcely object to an article of feminine attire so essential as a shot* 1 being named for them If it were of be coming proportions. The controversy has net yet ended, and the shoe Arm In Massachusetts has appeared to take a humorous view of tb# situation re gardless of the seriousness of their pre sumption. The problem will probably be solved in the decision being rendered as to whether the club in New York has what Is known in American “bour gfolse" as a cinch on the name “Bo hosls.’’ How to Look Good. Good looks are really more than shin deep, depending entrely on a healthy condition of all the vital organs. If the liver Is Inactive you have a bilious look; j If your stomach is disordered you have a dyspeptic look; If your kidneys are ; affected, you have a pinched look. Se cure good health, ami you will curely j have good loooks. "Electric Bitters” is a good Alterative and Tonic. Acts di rectly on the Stomach, Liver and Kid-, neys. purifies the bloood. cures pimples, blotches and bolls, and gives a good complexion. Every bottle guaranteed. Sold at Howard & Willet’s drug store. 60 cents per bottle. Some men give according to their means and some according to their meanness. . ...... %»»»%%%♦»%»»%%%* ****** a*** M MM TainXi/lef; ttpftftft i* a* mm •# **•* M w •sa# »••»»*** a* *»>•»**. • § U«* **»* ***>*• w**4 *** »* # !" SB ISSmmuSmi | ! %** 6 Alp pi flflft ft* «*M f gs IHWRM**Wg MM* I f-wue *. H -* * * Of (*• bMMtlful warkffWM fro*' i And th# MiftirM *>f an'uaaa wlsu* TV raff Ml to kanvaft Hum m a dm- w of pain l>ip )■ im day of ht* atrawgth I gad the gWieton* wight «f bia tram*. No «w* «e ran be sumavoa frow earth ! FaM* ari th* taodac leaf ; Or reddening lb* Rnlrkentog Juice • tn th# rbnllr# of the grape: Or ttet lb* cheek of the pea' ll Or fame tn the poppy’s kart. Or add a hue to the ran*. Or set the loretaaft ablaaa : |g ibe bnaow of vlolats. He eaa only bloat aod blight Hr has no power to stir The win# to the pula** of •<*# He awaits lb* felling of raowe And yearns for th# distant rprlng; j while winter looks from the north. ) And marebels tba force* of death. Tbe air Is languid and dull. [ And reels and swoon* oaf the earth ; In Itrpotsat llfalata boat The wind* are sunk tn sleep. ,4 th# silent void °f hesvtji . Weary in space Itself - , Weary of summer glare, j And the burthen of night nnd us?: lOf th# flashing of arrogant stare,,. » Of th,. meteor’s Insolent glow. Of the W hlr of comet* inflight. ; ,\nd the dreary weight of the worlds. Stanhope Sam*. The October number of Th- Delinea tor 1* called the Autumn Numlier, and e mprise* *n abundance of the i***t Information on how to meet the re quirement* ..f Fashion, n diversity of . holer Lllrrary feature* and timely • Household discussion*. The first two papers on Women In English Society, by Mrs. Fenwick Miller. Interestingly discusses the basis and the distinction* lof the English soclsl structure end the , l.road humanitarian Impulse* of many f Its member*. Jsw-awn und HIS Folks, by Mary Hartwell Catherwood. a I topical sketch, the scene of which I* i laid in the Ohio valley, Is delightfully | quaint In It* pathetic charm Cot ■ lege Stories, by Edith Child. In this Is sue arc of Bryn Mav r, and wll lawaken ! a sympathetic recollection In the as ! faction* of *ll college students. whID Mallow ecu Frolic* at Wellesley. V Katharine Reed, will appeal strongly to 1 1 heir sense of fuh and jollity. In the Iscrl’-s on Amateur Photowraphy. >Y 1 shariat .M. Vt’l, ‘hr iitHshlng* of the 'negative Is ~. lncd in a clear and ! helpful marine.. The paper In the *«- i-lee on the Common Hl* V s Lite. >y Grace Beckham Murray. Id- D_, dis cusses the cause# and the most effective Diseases of .he Skin. Another »uth'jr- Itativc contribution on tbe Care of the Voice, by Eleanor George, appear* In tbl* number. Club Women and Club Life by Helen M. Winslow, D a com prahensive review of the Incidents and Influences of the Denver Biennial, and Girls' Interest* and Occupations, by La fayette Ml Laws, Is a* bright and pleas ing *s usual. An attractive group o. Domestic Subjects Is presented in The ("arc of the Floor, etc., Five Fine New Cakes. The Cooking of Oysters, and Go ing to Bed and Getting Fp; and the regular departments, Social Observan ts conducted by Mrs. Cadwalader Jones. The Tea Table by Edna H. With erspoon, The W'ork Table. The Dress malter, Ecclesiastical Embroidery by Emma Haywood, Millinery, Lace-Mak ing, Crocheting. Tatting, The Latest Book*, etc., maintain their characteris tic merit. CA.STOHIA. Bear, the A Ttl « Kind BOUgW ■nr According to orcullsts poor window account of the faulty refraction.—N. Y. Times. , v i, ■* t-Li •mm -A TTO-TTST A. ETHTRA.X.TU to Hitt: i mi to f lift a*4 Nm t.iMMM W *#• M*s»4Mr( to# | lt|i 0 €#fl|Nt mtopv pp nw mmtotoftn 5 : ** . miw#"' * tip j - I** A.f toriMfemm to# m# Is# tovNI toi* ■ * *#* j «tototolhi *: HMtoMtotoi to# #to I itinirn# m-m tit * to* irtoMlVtoNnk toatop# m<| <## Itfct ! to## ##H# MM# »’###• toto- W# \*m* «*i «%• msmw**** I I to# tomtoMH# tomtotototo *##•#■ tm# ****** Mi §•#• MU m to iMifP • to# m*4 %* #to# v ll t« » #lm# * #to4 | r a a |A*f iifin 41 tototo# Cto-. •toss <*» ■MU LICVT. ISAAC NEWELL. A Haro nf El CA«#y Arrlva* Home at niNadgevW* MHledgerllls (la iV-pl 3* Meut Ncvtd torfi v tod in Itotto ttol uxtroinf Ol) lM I## O cl®C* UWrPi railroad tialn. H* *aa «•*« «* ,h * rltoCKit hi® ftotktor. Oto#t» T. WtoPtoSl* and bis bmiber. Mr T. F. Nawell jr., and nevarnl frlenda Arriving In loe city b# wn# soon surrounded by n rmsrd of friend* and give* n cordial welcome He left Camp Wikolf nl Monlauk point n few daya ag». on leave of ab sence. His relntlvs* and friends bars been expecting him home for some weeks. Imt aa only a few officer* In hi* regiment were able to do duty, bla leave of absence was deferred The heroic nets of !<»- Newell, while com manding his company at Kl Canty, have beta told In Ihe prees. and this hlr nailv* city, In proud of the record he ha* made Special mention of his gallantry waa made In the reports and hi* promotion Is aure to follow at gn early dale. Enter prising Drugglal. There are few men more wide awuke arid eDlerprlaln* than Howard A Wlllel. who spaie no mean* lo ecru re the t-ent In their line for their many customer# They now have th# valuable agency for Dr. King’s New Discovery tor Con sumption. Coughs and Cold. This I# the wonderful remedy that I* producing such * furor all over the country by Its many startling cure*. It absolutely cures Asthma. Bronchtla. Hoarseness Und nil affection* of the Throat. Cheat and Lung* Call at above drug atore and get * ‘r'»l 1M5t,1 « tor 10 PenU or “ regular slat for 60 cent* and *1 00. Guaranteed to cure or price refunded. SHOTGUN AT HEAD. Constable Arrsats Negro Sergeant for Murder. Birmingham, Ala., Sept. liO. Joe Damascus, a blue eyed, yellow aklnned sergeant In Company H, Third Alaba ma regiment, la a priaoncr In the coun ty jail, charged with murder The al legation i* that he kilind hi* nluo monthf-old baby with a pick while tn a fight with hi* wife at Warrior some ‘time ago, but he claims that the child was accldentijk killed by hi* wife in the ufl’ray. The arrest, of the negro was made In Warrior yesterday by Marsha! Ramsey B’.arkbum. who cap tured him at the point of a double barreled shotgun. He was then dis armed and brought to tho city and placed in the county jail, Euckfen’a Arnica Salve. THE BEHT HALVE In the world for Outs, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Hkln Eruptions and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money, re funded. Price 25 cents p"r box. FOR CALE BY HOWARD & WILLET. PICTURESQUE COSTUMES The morning apparel is scanty and suited to tbe warm climate. , It. con sists usually of an embroidered chem ise. a loose wrapper and a pair of heel less slippers. The middle and work ing classes use a bright colored cotton cloth slipper with rope soles, while the well to do have dainty little affairs in kid, morocco, Turkish leather, Cordova silk and satin In brilliant hues. The wrappers are made of lawn, glass cloth, pineapple cloth and other Span ish fhbrlcs. . 1 111 . JiMIU- 1 -.V 1 > - « ■ «*. ***«* | toftAl. —fAttt J rail kit Alto * Aft Oft >. JOHNSON Wff «n*M l#*Ah #♦«■"«— m k# #p«»l> Me - * * '*«' 'AO M hfl 1 j «#| Hl’iltoi# * |iii|i%aat • i'M'lMto «« •» #1 to* | s-ftk |to Ntoito Itort- 1 ' to *“ w to#*# mm It | •i| iN»i ♦ ****** - t 0 tit (htotoft # to#4 totolp « " # m *« ** . • I ton «iiftMFftN»' ■ ♦ #i#Mtoft m «# totototo I aH liiitoii • * mmmrn m •* * * ' 0k fN##ft#to#' #to*’to##to * Ntototo •« »« mm I ft#| (ptogifir ’ » ihhm h» •« ••# I 4#| t#wtoftto «• »# toi I liftH wmrn> khmmm • »•**••• m »##i#to» *• #A H • j toMNto #totoito^i^i a toftoiM> ? vn#M«i«i m •* mm\ hm IMhn# * *<Mtoto ne •• •* I to| #Mftto#» -I###i4to -- * * m #w» »• 9to to# I * t t***i&m toto# * ’ fF i jtot |#<f in* «Mto ilfvtt it #tototto| *.• • jtoto I I toHNvtoM UlMtolito ** e* #n *e »* *• ft#** ; I Maato a* •• •• •• * til Hm«<l .. .. .. »1«* - J glrnitiUllf llMlim In < sit'* ! , ' («#!**• an-! rootot Wi Alexanfler&JflliDson 705 BroAd Str««t. HOMES AND STORES ROR RENT. dwkQjnoi. ! only 1# of J B. Whlt'-'s new home*. Broadway, hetwi?en Fourteenth and Fifteenth street left We make spe cial offer to approvad tenants Par mo. JSJ Washington street, I room# .Bo 6* tel Greene atreet, ft rooms .. .. .. Hi* ,I»SS Broadway. • room* .. 10.0# j *tz Woodlawn avenue. 6 rooms. 1« «• i 314 Tuttle street. • room* 12.0# | 622 Kilts atreet, # room# I* 00 1 *l2 Fifteenth street. * roomu .. 15 1)0 lulo Hevenlb street, # rooms .. .. 13 *0 I TOO Centre street. T rooms I#.SS 1101* Hevcnth street, 4 rooms .. .. 12.60 ttevenleen new 1 and 4-room home*, south side Jane* street, 'twixt Four leenth and Flft rnih atreet*. The-e are all new and rhotoilfthly up to date prh-ex l( to M each, to approved white tenant* only. ,Ht»r* and Dwelling norlheaxt corner ] Center and Watkln* street*. $36.00. 21# Washington street, 10 room. $26 0# 122* Mark* street, 4 rooms * 00 1123 Elli* street, 7 roam* 16.00 i 1202 Greene *treet. 10 room* .. . M.oo 64 Ohafee Place, 7 rooms, .. .... 15.00 1247 Broadway, 6 rooms J 3.00 1421 Woodlawn avenue. 5 room* . 13.00 1380 May avenue, 6 room* sl2 00 421 Telfair street, 3 room* •• •• *O.OO 217 King street. 0 room* .. .. .. 10 00 216 King street, « room* 10.00 207 King street, 3 room* * 00 7*2 Taylor street. 6 rooms 13-W 034 South Boundury. 7 room* .... 10.00 STORES. 224 Hlx street .. ...... ..26.00 per mo. 216 Sixth street .. •• 15.90 per mo. 1207 Broadway 20.00 per mo. 1209 Broadway 20.00 per mo. 013 Elli* street •• 500 P er mo -640 Center atreet 26.00 per mo. 912 Fifteenth street WOO P p r mo, 909 Calhoun streot *-«0 per mo. 1920 Brondway .. 12.50 per mo. j corner Brown end Tuttle, Store and i Dwelling, 110.00 per mo. 222 Sixth street .. .. •• 12.50 per mo. Wicker & Davis. FOR RENT ÜBT CHANGED DAILY. 327 Walker, 7 rooms 116.50 NO. 1336 Jones, 7 rooms 25.00 540 Reynolds, 6 rooms 12.50 651 Ellis, 5 roomu 12.50 233 Elli* 12.50 456 Telfair, 7 rooms 15.00 i’ronlaul house, Telfair streot.. 22.00 STORES. Cor. 9th and Barnes SIO.OO 304 Mclntosh 10.00 537 Broad 20.00 556 Broad .. ..27.10 J. B. White houses, Broad street, j. b. White hoMses, Jones street Get prices at office. L. F. VERDERY, The Agent. #»al wit ait. FOR OEM [ toft# to#Hto totoWtoto» y *mmm 9$ #• m ™ 1 - J | | M M M H toft iJMto if* tffiftpt • ****** * 4 •• j m »#»k*ftfti «#9tot#ft * pMMtoto m »*•••# I. - j Air*.. - § / +mmm • >* !# .##] ww- iji|i,M mftl #1 ft ■ iiiiiiiirr Ift ** .* Ito to§ I • *'» V Wl* * • * --■ - - ” .ga «a .«■ . -- ?:W ”ft lto# 4 ft# FftMft’-5.,. ft ft# ft »- - 1 to ff“'Mriftr ■ .. ftft #■ I I ir Hift«k« i 1 1$ ii I | tt~ wrt mWm to mm *.#••• Ito «• fit tor***** »irt*i m »* m h h P W tea tnw"t intftfti ft. •• M H ft. • • i : ft ' • -a AM • to ito I I to *stotft PMftftMP# »• •• n* *• »* •* ** w* *• I * |_ # . »A a a m .«• na. I M | toT* ms* 1 1 ggl t*m ttoftftl ftftNNH A B|||.l •• A.ttoft ftto I* ' togiffttof toiltotoito# Vtow**# W ( totofttov# trmm <»• .J? !• to# ftr ft John. W. Dickey Heat I*l*l# Agra*. FOR RENT J B Wkl'#’* n»« mtftara an ***** Hrn*4 street HffH*! prtcaa. ivifftir ,!>*.». * f«nats .. .. . tt.ftft qvifair *irr*«. 7 routni .. .... B ## jjj Tstfal' strset. T roams. 8 ft# -« -ju.r. • roam* .. •« .... .. IS #• 61S Kill* street. • r«ama !" *• Ul MM* *«»**». » » •* t ■# r>mmi .* ** •* •* ft M 344 Oreen* II ## *• I**7 Walton Way. • rooms IS «• 181$ Walton Way. S room# 15 ■**» IM3 Broad atreet. 1# rooms .. •• 342 Walker street. < 11 ** I 622 Broad street. S.«ve 8 « J B Wtilts'* cottage* on upper Jones I ’ street #8 #* and » 08 each. PHoTOOKAPH GALLERY. I uj Broad. Tbia Mat will b* changed from day to day. Clarence E* Clark, Real Eilat*. *ss Broad «t. TO RENT! From Oct. I st, Cottage House of 6 rooms, Bath, Water Closet, Etc-, No. 1329 Ellis St. APPLY E. J. HICKEY 2 I 2 Bth Street. T o Rent Store and Rsitdsnoc »t 1265 and 1207 Broad street. On# of tbe h«t eland# in tbe city for a good Grocery Store, or in fact, any business. Tb# Home tins six <fl) good rooms, n good yard, snd is v»ry convenient. Apply or Premises or at 808 Broad St. FOR SALE f!W-l b»v# for*»l# very desirable build ing Jot located In the centre of on* of tbe handsomest blocks In tbe cjty.VWlll sell same very cheep. Just tbe place for a handsome residence lor your femily- Good titles. CALL ON MRS. JERRY O’HARA, NO. 1337 GREENE STREET. FOR RENT. NO. 849 ICLLIB STREET, BUILDING three storied high, containing elevator, etc. Especially desirable for wholesale 'business. Price $50.00 per month. JOHN W. DICKEY, Real Estate Agent, JHE (fERALD STANDARD VlfAßflUlS It ift popular btoeauftto R !• lull whit th# grto«t nnwipipftHrtading public w»m». Thto M#p»t#rg»«n«lcltotof.indniWydouble the ni/4* of uny ofhrtm publlthed. Th«y tor# btotouti fully printed In five color* on heavy map paper IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WAR 6EO6RAPHY you will find the Alla* ton indltpentablto aid. It will help you to obaarve tha daily changa* In the altusif on, and enable you to keep pace with history. You Need An ATLAS! v Qat the latent and Best Contents of The Herald Standard War Allas: Cuba - 14*21 Inch*# Th* World - - - 21 x2B Inches *A« ■ sgg tMCM et stAftan raanafts. *#**• **d m#st*#k i**#*. West Indlss • - I 14x21 inches North America - - 21x28 inches South America - - 14x21 inche* Mtawlag . aft** Mass Philippine Islands - - 11x14 inches Hawaiian Islands ■ * 11x14 inches Europe Spain and Portugal - - 14x21 inches Asia ... - 14x21 inches Allow lag A*w T ran* * Siberian Wailroad. Africa - - - 14x21 Inches Oceania and Caroline Islands 21 x2B inches China - 14x21 inches Harbor Charts, showing Matanzas, Santiago de Cuba, Havana, Cienfuegos, Manila and San Juan; also Cardenas and Santa Clara Bays, and Island of Porto Rico. Do not confound this Atlas with the cheap smaller Atlases now on the market. It is just out, and entirely new. .... . . . , The Maps are clear and distinct, and twice the size of any others published. Rand-NlcNally Maps are Standard ol the World. ft You can be sure that you are getting the best when you buy The Herald Standard War Atlas. Remember the Ham Point The Herald Standard War Atlas cannot be purchased at any store in Augusta. HOW TO GET IT—City subscribers may call at our office, or may order the Atlas through your regular carrier. Out-of-town subscribers may obtain a copy by remitting 35 cents to the Atlas Department. Address Augusta Herald, Augusta, Ga. PRICE 30 cents—PßlCE 30 cents QUR pr f ALL Jims I. C. Levy’s son & Co., TAILOR-FIT CLOTHIERS, AUGUSTA - * GEORGIA READ HERALD'S WAIT ADS in Men’s and Boys’ Cloth ing show all the newest textures and weaves in handsome fabrics, that are made up and finished in the best style and handi work of the tailor’s art, and are equal in finish, elegance, fit and style to the best custom made Clothing. A glance at our stock will show our lines to be more complete and of larger assortment to choose from than can be found in the city* 7