The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 21, 1898, Image 8

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WWOffKttDAY *OjjinionH Are I Not Ideas. Thmv in* *«•*§ ouUMto »#M#r#*c# of Idem AH to*** h«v« tho<» ta*#ir»ni#m ta lh# nm- Iwr* of in* ih*ni»»». W* o«rt*io #?•## in.ouoh O Wr ch«rart*f • ofilnloni Ihrowgh oof *y** *od **r» ami oi*tr\*or*« nov*f d*f»wf> into Ww»» Round-town o©fr»p#»lt*>« h*v* vary Mrtm* opinion* cOf*C*fOlo* O *f *fO*r«M»lv* *fwl ##* gr##Uv# way* Many who cnt*c«## our low pricot *f* *uff*ritm from m*ot*l o*u|»*ri»m * pAuptfitfn •! fml, m in# mor* ordinary *n4 vtftlb# form* that attract tn* attantlon of th* *COf>omi*t. W* ara bu*y putting »«!•#• into our bwai* n*aa, tnataad of #*pr#t»ln* opinion* about other paopla'* buiinM* TMELATE-M IN *#OKT* am.. at WXI mm '*• **•* *•*» *'' at *■#»*» raMa. *nMw) *f ta* *un* la* *■* tar* «a ***•• ** *••»** « BBua lit, i —lraft «*M* t* Urn m* mn at I'ktr* tarn * w *• *a*4, b* •« •»** , 4 , Tfc* t**m*»» **ff *h af* *1 th* t>*# •mttalt *s*v*n* *<’"'•'* **• **!■**•- tv * *4 nit mam I 1 am 1 If t«m m am*, tfc avt »•« «ttt am max* m <•*«* *** • M »tm dtakftalwi iftiuuliirrr *M tiMlhf Does**** b*» '•t* ! * T *d the ; tmi.ur *vtf rh*atUt*Wf **t th* ®* 4*4 thatm j It* ««. w#4i nm* t ham* a f™ **’• tha»t*' '* w»«h "tat., hr*wort* »«ra»t** fhwavi** t* a mm «h#t «f th* F#Wfield Ctaaat* Ootl Cl ah * W'h* thnar;* * a a **ld Th* *f»t*hll* hin* "* «*• m Hmvc*'* ha. hma *i*a4»lr >«**«*’*" i *#urin* >h* avaanft. and ran*., aar* »* *tn mt tttitt. nu **• h* 81 that h* a brek*. hat th* ' ha* art to an H»d ur> that h* «*•**»’j toa. lt It hr facto* putm»*a T*<Vl v K 4»«. a hhT*hiaa ban P"* Wrntr lorhhW*a kim to r«« "" Sayp *. „„ m Tha knock* "*t th* ftessi witty completing *• ittittwh* h m <a>* Teddv had to «o to h*ff *»h tw«| hundred and flftY add raatarw.ln a* many daya »IBc* Jaaii*rv 1. and It •aid that h* i* Ittatathth. Fra net* Trevelyan a alrnngty afivoca tin* lh* d- in* away i*f au much two year old racing * Hr claim* that there ■** r*alty no flrd earn handicap hnyaa n»« owln* to th* *«c*»*|y» racln* trf Ihc yautt*- W Btamaa. bottom and endurance ar*, all aacrldcod by tb* tralnln* required for th* two year old fU.h In ‘h* The Jockey Hub la canceled n> action thin week. r»o* racln*, or couraln*. I* very pop ular on the Pad Ac coaat. and the moat •eß*attonal day 1 * couraln* known in the blatory of do* racing lher.- war held at Inglealde park, the world a reeort bring broken by Gladiator, who won fr. n Hot Stuff, maktnf the tarfeat ko,c kn.twn in (he hlaiory as to S The beat former reoo*d known wax made on the Racramellto plalM three venra n*o, when Nelli* • < nroy beat Annie» by a score of M to 2. The largest tablets and biggest Be. composition books at Richards & Sha ver’s book store. THE MEN MAY CAMP. Judge Eve Receives* Telegram Ask ing for Ground Last night .nidge Kve received a tel egram from Capl. Frye and Capi. Hmkl asking If tho courthouse grounds or the Academy ground* rould be ob tained as a camping ground for the troops, which will probably arrive on Frldoy. This seems to mean that the men will go Into camp here. The Judge Immediately went to work, but found that It would be Impossible for the grouuds named to be tendered the troops. Col. Dyer, however, offered Lakeview Park for their service. Other places, the ball park, exposition grounds, city property above llawk’H gully, were of fered and the captains notified. This morning the Scheutien Club al so offered their grounds for the en campment. No answer has been received as to the point desired. Smith & Wesson pistols from J 5 to SB.GO. Several good bicycles for sale very cheap. Good watches from $1.25 to $50.00 at Dewls J. Schaul. Reliable Pawnbroker, under the Arlington. Arrangements have been made l>y the Philadelphia Board of Education whereby each child In the public schools is to contribute, If he or she so desires, a penny toward the main tenance of the sick soldiers in the city hospital*. • fll CMNil* "jPli* f UltfkTH4 4#«***i; At r 'A •AA I | r«4i»4 *« <44«n muni «t *«r ««*•-* , 'a o a ptfW4 la*i Th it s*4 |r |a Naa A M<*Al 1 1 a RArmtUt* 9a rvAß*rl W«i4in|t«A fp«m tn» tm Wbrr f»| th# NfAhilrtlli rtf W*»f Mtttlll rftl)' fiof hr Afrytr4. ilM*yr Afr 11A ahltrA •rfitir mm&rur will hr tami m i«* IM [ *»%'•*■ lhr r»|>u»4i»»n* TV mmWktn IA- <ttlfi**rr ftfv All htftfk mm TWy r* allsr that thrjr hAvr ho rhA»rr of win* Dili fhr riArfhAk, (At will n**t In up ; iA ihai §m>tißi. iif. o. p. WAAfcme* , lot, I‘Hj.frtl, 1a thrir for rrp rrArflfetAllfA* Uodwy Hotrvt. a whitr matt. ifH 92 Irani, mrt hi# ctrAlh in UAlfiravillr Hu.ur<la) a»«»rfttnc At tm o'cM. Whlh* lAt work a* Walkrr'A fArrlAAr rhop ht# h#n4 pw ihlo too floor pmilmtty with I a nrculAr nw ai»4 wm hAdlf ml. #*»v rrAl flnfrra hivinf to hr »mi»uinrl lif 1 1Am ha# i#lM to ftvt him mrdl* ral ««klßUti< r. and a* thr pAtimt wn RuffrrlßV loir nar pain, adminlArrH ttbrr. IfowrrO boor |sa#Ar dlxito a #lrrp whllr uß4rrfnlni rr otrratioQ. | and It I# thought that thr rth*r had Rurh poH rrful rffn t upon hla hrart * that drath maurd Hi a vrry abort tlmr. lir waa an unmarrlnl man and had rr* Kldrd at GalDraviUr for about alx year*. nEETINQ TONIGHT’ (N Mr. R. E. EMM'* Supporters Will He field *1 Red rten'* Hall A meeting of those favorable to the candidacy of Mr. R. E. Elliot for councilman from the Fifth ward will lie held at Red .Men’s hall tonight at 8:30 o'clock. Mr, Haworth will call the meeting to order. It U learned. Several tpeakcr* will be on hand to deliver ad d retut oa. The question of a primary to decide between Matllson and Elliot will he decided on, It I* understood. Mr. Bi llot said today that he had not yet approached Mr. Mattlson on Ihe sub ject of a primary, but thotgtht that such would probably be arranged. The notice of the meeting at Red Men'e hail appears elsewhere In this ixeun. There will no doubt be a rousing meet- ing. ONLY ONE CASE. At Session of City Court This Morn ing. City court met today, lluslnes was at a low ebb, only one case coming up for trial. U was that of John Jcties, colored, who a week or so ago, stole a silver knife and fork from a Mrs. Rogers, who conducts a boarding hot)re on Washington street. John got ten months. The eases that demanded trial by Jury were continued until the October term of court Thirty-six jurors were drawn. The session will convene on the 3rd of October. * COLORED SCHOOLS. Attendance at Such Institutions in the City. Tile report of attendance at the colored schools of the city has been made to Superintendent of Education Evans. The report shows: First. Ward School—so 2 scholars. Secoud Ward School—-179 scholars. Fifth Ward School—lo 7 scholars. Mauge Street School—72 scholars. Mr. Paul Carmichael, son of Mr. P. E. Carmichael, of the Georgia road, left this morning to attend Mercer col lege. ( u .u. jt J'** *;■*.:■ l TXfJE AUOt/BTA HW<ALD. DEBENTURE COMPANY I Nrtti li Ito Mitulty CiMrii* t Jhi Yin A4I Ana A#4.sur# H fll Ml iMf lAMhAWAA# Ism aMi#m tHW ha g#ww*w4 ht Mw mh I ajpHrt aM amrU* tha ooMMMMif #w4 I: «MAh«# #»f**'i#(As* Util hr mm* - fha *** a#x#A» MtH AtAlt mri oMH *A :; lA# IMA A9hl fMMMi MMht »AWtAA»# •••• •*! tMhat lAAIAMhAtiI mAxpawhaa Tha ywOllJhwri «ra IhMHah WwmM hap tlwi«A|AK«a Ik J climlrf, Ct tk fin ft | o CViwhaf . fit Imma ft M. Malhatih* 4* II fMarhMAAi, I* M Mm#.. 19mry C Mphaf * 4 I* C 2 i M Miahaaih 4 Mr l#tf I Ik IM# wNh, fi IMAtwft* ft- ft ft r#ogw#aw a#4 C. ft OwhftiC h!l *• Ahft iwwh*4 at* awpi 4ha laa4 MW hafAAM* whw tw* Mir# in hnohikaw. 4ft Tha HHWhiy M lloi ft. ft lw (Aar #f tha thx4 #4aAAtAA## #f tha #tdP|Mahfti M that twa MMWit ww* jMI of# All A A**4 MAM AAmA MM Afft* t|gl mAAAMMIf *■ || •dr<4 AtOW* »• ? I «#f aha aaMftMd AAAAh hMT th# ardayaia #*aa ! |#f 4>h»AAw»a# and ibaa rfwala a lafA* j f M hr ihM pmrpm* m lh# an •M* ; T%a rwAftAAf will r##•’raa fa# ••M* | UolifhA lanilhwtß hA'-a W paid a • #1 I T*rd inf tha aaa of tha AOA*T. It j wm h# At a ra # or ihaa AA pad* fMAI par aaaaai It la »i*ißird ftr th# Arar rtmvnr \ that ti will hat# aI! tha Ad» #•<*•#*• «f Ufa l nail ran ~ me pan frr withowt Up | lfaaibitMr of failure froa AA aabawal j numhar of dtatha, all *ha adtani**## ,»f tpAwrarat, vitkooi aa uaoaa’ ouathrr rs iraa aa a pn#a!hl# natJa gmrr All lh# brA#fNa of fttlldftA and 1,.-a• feamUoft* w thoat aa «mt»#«Al Aunatwr of wilMnwaii. The company wsk-• th* pots! that nark orgattiwilok* m Ik* khov* d*Hv* thetr grestenl profit, sot Iron the la tervnt on $•*•*••*•••. hnt fro* tfce ■Biotint of *ew buninen* they nr* Bide lo ***nr*. I NkGonnl bulldlu* n«d leo* nneocln- ! ttopo *• n rule l**u* • eoktrnct tor the used amount of $l9O per shnr* no #**d lime for maturity. I || do** oof make nny difference whnt per cent of profit I hey may enm dur ing the first, necond or third, or any . ether yenr. unlenn thnt profit. lo**ih*r j with th* amount made on each share i •mount* to 1100. under th* term* <>f Itieir contract, they cnnnol mature their Block. Then* companira. It 1* claimed, lend )t mto at whnt they call * per cent In tcreal. which will be »»• per year. They *vlU lend this money fnr a term of. any, eight year*, the Interest on which will amount to |<UO. which, added to the *I.OOO principal. m#k*s ft,MO. The) Will then give you 11.000 In canh. Then they take the $1,540 principal and Intereat. and divide It Into ninety tlx Instalment* covering the eight year* period, and begin collecting back In one month principal that the bor rower has paid Interest on eight yeera ahead. Now, hy adding the Interest for eight year*, and adding the interest for the full term, on the full amount, and by collecting It back monthly, the borrower pay* for the use of the money for the full eight year*, but keep* It an average of only four year*— thereby paying sixteen per cent Inetead of eight per cent Interest. In adidtlon to this the company has the same money which they collect back the Aral month, to relend for sev en years and eleven months, etc. Now by ral ending these monthly payments as they arc received, the as sociation realties 714 P®» more which, added to the 16 per cent, makes the rate of interest 23V» P*r i* lll lu " stead of 8 per cent. The debenture company say they con, caru the same amount. The advantage of this company is that while each mouth’s business In the building and loan association is a separate series, that of the new company Is continuous. Only limited, withdrawals are allowed, each Investor participating equally in all profits earned from every sourer, from the day his debenture is issued until paid off; while In building and loan associations each Investor partiei patees only in the profits by the series of which he is a member. By the lapse, of sharer during the first twelve months after Investment, and the purchase of them nt auction, the building and loan associations earn large sums. The new company pro poses to let all share ho’.ders get the benefit of this Instead of only the members of a given series. The money of the new company will be well invested and will yield large profits. Ten per cent of the capital stock will be paid In before the company Is or ganized. The rate of Interest at which deben tures will be redeemed before matur ity will be fixed by the by-laws. George W r . Barker of Wallingford. Connecticut, ts a guest at the Arling [ t®U. L| .L. tel M.—* -> ■ Rheumatism (pflUiti p#iM a#### Ihtj #nk ; luaclUM!## s»«ffr IM a idnryt * am •*» Of l«f I |ls# IfitM, Dll; T# AtMUMkR# cu«co #* gwalc note Ui19(8.1.a.) THE ttUT MCI IIAEIT I a# #* ##*# Jin tar* A* •N’* #* BM *’ *• | )M*i Ml ■ «i -|r- ~r~ • •Mfi#”'"' *#r #•'’ I AMA #•«» mm* mm- wj-* 1 # ♦ A*###* #* #** #*'■* #’*'** m »•-'* <m-AA<hr : ‘ #f#A Wh ***«»■ • r "* * I wk^MpSTt _♦ w* #* * * rz 0000 fiMH* «##•##•* • • • #"*> #***_ "* •g.. . . 4 W# MMrMi a** - f® a#MM «a «m •#• at I JJ > * ! « *#..***• <# (pH# *** Ah■ yw# #•# #' i <** A # A mi i *> | - K j m# «mm>* •*> ##M #■# j . TWHtr- t rni-t * «#• tjun iT't ft* «# #» fi* #d# # (HMfiMmi ####># mm* MmmmmAMM #•*###■!. A#t AM BA# AA •mm#t»#*£ m#A*e'«Mi #• B#r #A< »*»• g*|iak (ABA 4 A fWßßArr#*** A l#» k#M# a# |i9U»A4f<*Al AMPrMAfIAM U A a ta lit Ahh j # ffMf«»l-* • »■ ppi»#»«-wiw#a a* —■*» »• ft# am# 7UM# #s*#*■<# • t*mm #•# * BN#* I W *Jtfir>.fllr > t TIT I ?? ur#n#p*u« atihk *7* ! rtiT-fr k**»* S M "* *' I A#mm##*w« #*»iw #mn# I l ##*# •"* Ml. . J««« 11. I* a * i#» fit# m 1 wumu n*w» >* » n.» tt« My* w** u. aMaaraMra »•«* *V«M O I* im Wv* i* •■* c* .Mm mhMi >*ws*t. ■■ haaS*. <M4 a*r*a. k«»*i*« t •<*>*- ■»» j u.T?r^ #(d fine v. a ft U JM <# • *#•#» •## Mdaifit# Ml Jf#w II »• Ihr *•« •#*« pftftfftfi. BLOOD BUM CO. Utlaata. Gi. ' PtiRjONAI. * m Julian Cwtle of Ed**ft»!d la In the city H Morton of Krogvtlle In at the Planter*. J M Mpenger of flaltlmor* tn at the Ptnnteia M H Hrnxm of Richmond t* at the I’lantetn C W Haider of New York I* nt th* i Plnnter* J. K Foeter of CBrnrleston la nt the Pton(#f#. F. A. MrCarroll of Atlanta la at the Atiineton. J. P, Mey*r of Chicago I* at the Arlington. H. W Irtrker of Mllieo to at the Arlington A. W Sullivan of Rome to at the Arlington H. A Smith of Savannah to at the Arlington. T M McClellan of Atlanta I* at the Arlington. J. B. Ford of Lynchburg to at the Arlln-ton p. H Haines of Raleigh to at the Commercial. James Heoaong of York. Pa. la at the Planter*. John G Stapleton of Hlellaville to al the Planter*. James Riddle of Richmond 1* at the Commercial. H. D. Sheppard of Baltimore t* at the Arlington. C. W. Sparrow of Martinsville Is at the Arlington. A. H. Cox of North Carolina 1* at the Commercial. B. F. McMillan of Charleston Is al the Commercial. Oscar Forman of Robbtna, S. C., 1* at the Commercial. Col W E. Jones of Wayneeboro ar rived last night. J. D. Brumfield of Onatouta. N. C„ Is at the Commercial. Mr. Whlteford of the S. A. L. left for Columbia yesterday. Mias Luc He Ashley of Trenton Is the guest of Mrs. Duncan Jones. H. K. Nicholson, agent for Georgia road al Athens, is at the Arlington to day. Mr*. Tom Garrett and M'ss Jeona Garrett of Augusta are spending some time In Griffin. Miss Josela SuoUners of Augusta Is the attractive grtrst of Miss Elolse Tyler, at 220 East Pine si.—Atlanta Journal. Mr. R. W. Falllgnnt of Snvannah passed through tho city yesterday on his way to Athens, where he will re sume his studies at the University of Georgia. The following New Yorkers are at the Arlington: J. E Kendall. H. R- Hovey, E. Schvvnntanser. J. A. Bar ton. Geo. W. Read, N. C. Malone, C. W. Thomas. Rev. W. J. Stockton of Augusta has been unanimously called to serve the Baptist church at Riddleville, and has accepted, in place of Rev. W. E. Har ville, who declined to serve another year. ii THE FIRST)SPANIARD. Bark Maria Soon Due at Bruns wick. Brunswick, Ga., &jpt. 21. The bark Maria will be thegarst Spanish vessel to enter this port since the declaration of war, April 21st last, just five months ago today. —The Maria is now en routes from BarPglona and will load timber. x,.1^_ui....,,u.-i-.i.t-i I ABE HELD IN ATLANTA. fI A# pyyiMa *#*■#<■ g»a rt-i.* j* *" * 1 f^ifAAAiXA 1 fm ttNM •niftii in ll« OaMft ft ftiwjMMAil'ft# MM Wft Wftf | I§ t fft-y At AA# 9A -## Kf4-9-- ## I ###999 #4A# Ml »#A#l A###', w i L#d# mwmm mvrntf *** m 4 «w I AaNAaftwal wa# - \ I iM#®a#. m ##w AM wAwaw » wa 1 I, I**9l*r -fiy (HAA 4A If** j I f . a a!i hr iff |)|4]y ffff{ff| lay |k# I maw..» ..a .. _—■ a |i ankiftlflla I I (fMßAlia*## I Dl* fal*i* IST •*•*•* * »W*»rMgv*m 1 will h* held le an torn Ik* nminbotaf «*p*r aily d**lr*a to give a larger IAMNNML Tha d«day will ow# «• m*** ttW t« »«f#AA r ® M th# »#A- Id#t fitryokf sail# pan. Tli# Aaffwata Hi#wloy Oo ha# j rd to do t4#lf part- Lad all of aa fall j ia Ha#. COIN « THE REALM* Concerning the Prodsßtloa of Preclone "Betoß*. U aanmgton. Sept. SI The Treaoury I Bureau of Hlattalira has Juat laaoed a 1 Ihprir# of ißtffHMill tabWrt HMlffVilifß | tb# prodAriloa and rotna*# of pr#Houa | ■aetata. The amount «>f money In elf* rulatlon in Ihe I’nitrd Statee at vartooa perloda ta abowo. The amount in dr- | rulalioa in !**» la given at |4 9t per capita. In I*l*. ♦* dfi; ,n I*2®. W>*. ia I*3®. •«•». I« •»$«. •«•-*>: N IISOS; In IM®. lIS-fiS; ta IMS. 150.57: • In I*7o. 1)7.50; in Utot*. *1MI; In 1*»«, j |?5 82. and In Htoß. 124.74. The alatemenl regarding gold pro- I duct ion and coinage in the Cn.ted Staten and In the world show* that th* mtnea of the I nlted Stale* produc'd more gold In the year 18$T than In any preceding year, except tho*- of the great gold development* of California - 1A62-3-4. The gold production* of the I'nlted State* In 1H97 to given at 157.- 363.000. while that of 1H52 wo* 160.000.- 000. that of 1*53. »6r..000.n00, and that us 1554, $60,000,000. Colorado la shown to have taken In 1*97 Aral place In the rank of gold-producing dates, her pro duction In that year being $19,104,200, against $14,618,300 by California The coinage of gold by the linited States mints In 1*97 was $64,634,865. which to nearly 50 per cent greater :hnn the average annual coinage since IS7O. The statement* covering the gold production of the world show by stated periods the amount of gold produced lo the world since the discovery of Am erica. The total value of the gold pro duced from 1492 to 1898 (estimating 1897 at $240,000,000) being $9,023,320,- ,000, of which amount $6,065,097,600 has been produced since 1850, the product of Ihe last half century thus being double that of the preceding 350 years. SHOT IN CAME. Two Alabama ,Sol2lers Quarrel at Mes*. Birmingham. Sept. 21. Yesterday afternoon at 4:15 # bloody tragedy was enacted at East l.akto within the borders of Camp Falltner. Privates David D. McClung and J* M. Slate became involved in a wardy war ami It ended in the former shooting the latter with a rifle, the ball entering the left side and coming out in front just below the heart. The trouble be tween the men arose over the alleged fact that McClung picked oqt the meat In the pot in order lo secure a choice piece. This was objected to by Slate, who told him not to handle the meat. Mc- Clung took offense at. the language of Slate. DEAD BESI. E THE Tb ACK. Savannah Soldier is Found Cut and Mangled Knoxville, Sept. 21. Private Jos. Gibbons, Co. K.. First Georgia regi ment, was found dead beside the Kaoxville and Ohio railroad track. His left arm was severed from the body, and his head badly crushed. He Is known to have been a sober young man and considerable mystery is there fore attached to his death. Murder has been suggested, but no facts are known upon which the theory may be based. Young Gibbons was from Sa vannah. „ .. ;. - _< lumber and hit*h uradc woodwork CIUI t, DTufV Bl4M|<r * ™ w -a#-'" 7 ftfE HUtfM’l*. J# ***** lm ,| I m 2 Hid It AS j Receipts »ia. - Kept I .... 47*7* H*s® CnTYON IJTPTBtR Aagrueta Oa . Hept *l—ln r-*f»m*» ts th* wank Horn in N«w York y*M*r- I day, IJvtrpoal wat waef enuisa oosa tor apnt* and future*, j IJverpont Spots, mim !*.*•• middling 3 P|H. future* w*re 2 point* down | New York opened * to J l-Oln* off. and Nat S potma further. January Belt * ley it ft. 29 and OrMwr at 9-24 lb# j |ow«#t point «*A #»< ord. Thpr# w«t# b#wvy ram# H» llta&aalfifd #nd Arkanaa#, and |o#4 vain# IB Trt* «• and Alabama, and, on ftr »«f rmp fXuruuc# report#. tb# mtrkft ralll#d S polfita. tb# prUi> at 2 o'clßacb bring at tA# Im-»< for th# day. N#w Ofliina #xo#rta tomorrow 9#ft i to ftaa# againat Mb taat y#ar. j Houston rxiwct# IWO to 17209 agmft#t lft97. v _ . PAINR' MITftTUT 4 CO. NEW YORK COTTON. i own Clone. January 5 *7 February 5-42 —— March 5-*7 8 * 7 April 8 18 May 8 54 - June 888 S J 4 October *7* 8 « November ;* •< •• 8 Ti December 8 -*3 5.33 Tone —Strut dy. Middling s**- LIVERPOOL COTTON. Jan. and Feb 3.03 8.03 Feb. and March .3.01 3.03 March and April .3.02 • 3.01 April and May ..3.02 3.01 April and May ..3.02 3.02 May and June ..3.03 3.03 04 June and July ..3.04 July and Aug 3.05 Aug. and Sept. ..3.05 3.04 Hept. and Oct. ..3.02 3.02 Oct. and Nov. ~3.0 t 3.01 Nov. and Doc. ~3.03 3.03 Dec. and Jan. ..3.03 3.03 PORT RECEIPTS. 1807 18*8 Galveston 1*783 14350 New Orleans .. .. 0355 B*6o Mobile .. .. ...... 16«8 Savannah 7284 3101 Ob a r! eat on 2972 Norfolk 3323 Wilmington 2555 N4nv York •’ Philadelphia 84 Eatlmated tool .. ..37674 3200 PROVISIONS. WHEAT— September 67 66'4 December *3% 63>4 May *4% 84% CORN— September 29*« 29H December 293» 2tUßi May 31*4 31 * OATS— September 21** 21^4 May 22J)» 221 J OPRK— December 8.27 8.17 January 8.12 LARD— January 4.50 4.85 SIDES— October 5.25 —- January 4.70 4.67 NEW YORK STOCKS. Sugar 119>s 122% Tobacco 14914 15014 B. R. T 60H 62% C. B. 0 1..14H 115% Misouri Pacific .... 33% 34 L. g- N 56% 56% Manhatatn 97% 98% People’s Gas 103% 104% Union Pacific 3184 32% Rock Island 10176 102% St. Paul 109% 109% •Soxithern Rwy ... 33% 34% Western Union ... 92 9276 • —Preferred. _ ft«r>TßMAt* 91 Ntoi $n tnc Tnmit ta* thMMMMMW l«*f ftoatftfi* la t*|i wash** last toff#* [ ** * j rir w ~ # f*. ftog* tt - A e*Mftt a «rrifa ianMi pNar# in t .. '■ * awa w#f# ib# ### <*• "*■"#*♦* a# I pltiaj br it* tat * b » ff eg# [ IftMMPVifty ftf lA# jIIAAtU CftAAl IftßA fftit It A»'#'A>i Uni A fH#Ad #AAi# Mitn bM #Mk# ft bring Aim a bw% «f )#4 Aft. and AA ft joMig AAI b# ft A apltli A# fWW a ft aMtftg aa ilk# iuMpnaii# <44# ad fb# I nt n« IbmwtAA A fwk A( bIAI. fritb a blow OA 9b# b#wd akKfc bAc*%#4 t*i)«9 down 4a b# vaa blitft ftl l*nift M(f4 Ia tftAlap • Ibigb. Ha naa Mtmd#d by Dr €>w#na. who Hi pay©# Ana tabm to tb# pol#ra bow axrtowa Mr. Dunlap a Injury may A NEW DEPOT* Railroad Comm la alon#m float ft C#® lumhia lo Taft Depot Matter. Colombia H#{H 21 —M#aam. Rntrinon sad Heads of the Sooth Carolina and U*crgta railroad were la the rHy yee [terday Ip ronautotion with the railroad commissioners over the nnion depot | matter The only thing wh.rh mem ber* of the ictnmlMius would give out for publiraiioa In reference thereto | e as that a "aatlafortory progrtea" wa* ! being made. As yet the city authori ties have not granted the right to th* 1 street* asked for. but If the concession ia made the new depot will probably be built thereon. Otherwise the old one may be tetn down and the new one erected on It* aite. General Manager Keoley. of the At lantic Coaat Une cat also in con-.ul iatlon with the comtnlseion. The Coast Uoe intend* to run Into Augusta over its own line by building from Denmark to the Charleston and Weatcm Caro lina And Mr. Kenley waa consulting about certain crossing* that were to be made. It Is sa'd thnt his consultation resulted satisfactorily. AN AHERICAN CITIZEN. Mr n. J Lcvkolf Took Out Naturaliza tion Papers. Meyer Joseph today became an Americah .cttlien. Mr, I-evkolf came to Augusta when a small boy. Today he reached his majority and proceeded to become nat uralized. * By next spring a trolley line will ba completed from Milwaukee. Wis., to Hammond. Ind., a distance of over one hundred miles and crossing three states Wisconsin, Illinois and Indi ana. Notice. \VE HEREBY CALL A MEETING OP citizens of the Fifth Ward favorabls to the candidacy of MR. R- E, EL LIOTT for council to assemble at Red Men’s Hall, corner Crawford av enue and Broad street, at 8:30 o clock tonight. COMMITTEE. TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION THE BEST PHOTOGRAPHERS AT the lowest prices.—l have purchased the entire photographic outfit of Har per & Co., and will conduct the busi ness at the old stand in the Montgom ery Building. Promising good work at low prices. I ask a liberal share of the public patronage. Ernest Cohen. Sept 21 C. V. WALKER WILL SELL SAT URDAY, 24th, at 537 Broad street, furniture, stoves, etc. AH parties want ing to sell goods will send them to above store Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Se P l 23 WANTED—A GOOD SITUATION OF some kind; brain or hard work; by a young colored man,' 18 years old, and of good reference. AddresS E. R* J., S4B Ellis street, Augusta Ga. Sept 23 __ WORK WANTED AS CLERK IN grocery or other business. Good ed ucation. Willing to work cheap. Ad dress C. E. E.. Herald office. Sept 23 BUTLER WANTED APPLY TO Lawton B. Evans. Sept 24