The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 22, 1898, Image 1

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TVS #.•***** AVQWtU S 9> MmUB (MM un. twhsea r •** a* t •s'eseas I w l HIM Tit Dm itrfw Tm«i# ti* hifi niitt Nm M.4* Gtt, I lititf 1* lit fIMM Mitt pxiM t‘|A fMi ItmiiJ T swaps * ••• Bt Dm»« HWt(W mMu j T%# W#ftU9*|. BtuMHUftaft.. t> €W ••ft It -* TV #(#%£ ta*# |opo ftfttaMß ftftftftft? Uft 1 * •i • * '!« jwf "f"tlKf~ a tfrg tSt* fffßf to# tto oft- It# tto HfM| ja4#U 9#VftUOU t *twß« i f'ii > •• w** ’**• "h® Hr ** l *** at 4 «b# •« ***ar?*t« •** Tiii, rrror* nf Ml# o##tkMPft f# #{*•*•*» .m |n b# Itoltlvd urt lb# oltittV «lo fti##i#f rarv than *a« tV ran# wtof* Utaftar'ft ftrwv ##» d#ui to Kftatrre qmh \ n m# imoof jr#t wfeat mtMt» of rnhiotaora VtO V* »otoH to d«tj» tft U# iroluaiw am?. ****”? r.ft? Ihootaiwl mn will to out. (torn! ratalr? ramoMifl vtll roaitit of tto ft* cold. Fifth *tith to* Kiffhth and Tooth. T!>* imuioo la 4«#tM to to • moot rffirtfpi mfrnood M tt otH "to mad# UP not <mW of tnm#d troop#**. but W jU thn# r#*tm#iit», tto Vc otx! thr Fifth and th# Tooth, which has# glrewd* s#rvsd »a Cnhg. I« ha» b#f>n IkKH to rctala l>» Kl*vroth Anri ihf \i n Infantry at tbslr present station* with a *l#w <>f rn >- I.raclg ihew ta the Infantry division tor aervtre la Cuba, and the hattariea of the Hnond artillery *lll aiao be ua#d ta that direction. A WAXED FLOOR Caused > oung Robert Br> son to Tail and Break Arm Today. Quite an unfortunate aoeideot occur red to Mr. Robert Irvine ttryaon. the •on of Capt Bryson, who live* at Whe leea sUUoo, at about 2 o'clock thin af ternoon. Mr. Bryson atlepds artacol at Monte Sano. During the mimmer the school room <vas used as a dancing hall and was waxed to a high degree, making it •ju'te slippery. As young - Bryson was walglng arroaa the floor Juat after eehccl hours he slipped and fell, break ing his nrm befweem the elbow and wrist. He la now at the home of hia brother, who lives on Monte Sano and Is getting along as nicely as could be expected. To Muster Out Missourians. Washington. D. C.. Sept. 22. Rep refrn:aflve Cochran of Missouri vaa at the war department today with a vety large petition asking the mustering out of the Fourth Missouri, now at Camp Meade. This was a petition from the soldiers and contained the names of about 95 per cent of the men of the regiment. A TRIUMPHAL MARCH. The Returning Georgia Volunteers Given an Ovation. Will Be Reviewed in Atlanta By the Governor This Afternoon. Special to The Herald. Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 22.—The second regiment of Georgia volunteers reached Atlanta at noon today, and its advent was heralded by an indescribable din of screeching whistles, clanging bells, cheering crowds and Iroomlng cannon from the time the trains reached the city limits until they had pushed their way through the great throng that surged about the union depot. The progress of the four trains with their loads of tired looking Boldiers was a triumphal march from the state line to the cspitol. When the trains stopped the soldiers eageriy rushed out to greet their friends and rushed back to- the cars MORE PEOPLE READ THE HERALD EACH DAY WHY NOT Tt*LL THtM YOUM INOUMLfetI tfH tiM» A THE ADGOSTA '* > ‘ | nark an in a timviiuv Hs T spews*#* N* Hs»Ws an $w !*• Msammm [| IMaA. «<f IP* TAlId A.tanssAa vri I tMto<pw#% u#• to fto Ilf ft to*%t 1 fttafcftft toto ftftiftft* *# i#** * •*$ MNPwtal ®to tatotototo M totta fto [ fppiiiMMMMv ll # ft# u*mi I tojtatatatau** ftota. «f »■!•%•»• I Tto* •#•• tow to tto tatoMta to# i PMTVMfc D#M k# fe*4 toft MMhW II fßrol* ' r*« frit of itlwtf to tW 4o* otroo of Col to*?•» to rrfor#oro to tto •witort iULUVAM STILL AMVE. Unit« l» Hot TtoogOl Ho Cm lltoff. fltftiMl Go. topt n ilunhnfc AO'ototo oo tost! otroot. to ot.H oil?#. Ho o ito Hurtmoti tto Urn. Mttff. 004 *t to itixiflit that to raoftot re • rooAf. Ait Imp rJr otlll to Jb!L Tto OifO« 1100 10 tb*- i 'ftltlkO ih tto nil 10 I fIVSOBOII Both poHtoo 090 MB jfeUMHrt Atthtr to o fool otto to oo#m , tilt Nmmi o tar nodi’ ot (N RooiNod i fcolH. Tyto. Tto oiNonnhip Atolo. tto ool? Hpon - t»h prsoo i»n»uoht Into thio port, fill ta iiorrVd to Nrv York ot oorr and offtr* L| thrr# fen m> Tto effort to toll tto Uhif h r§ prrvMt o foilorr Th« Adult )a HI (t'Ox a toffVf gMonttf. hafthiO llorocv. ol Maroo. lo ton* orronglof I for the aaiPnc of thr ship. fl NEW DEPOT PRoniSEO. The ttcorgla katlroad Agrees to Build It. Augusta Is to have a new depot. At Übe meeting la Atlanta the railroad stated that plana were now being made Ito have a new depot. City Attorney Barrett stated that be I wished to know when the depot would Ibe built. I The railroad replied that In thirty days work would either be rnmmenred for n showing of acme kind made. This jnftisflfd the city. «o the Augusta rep- Irescntatlves left the meeting. We look forward w ith pleasure to ace Ith" work commence. The Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. D. IP. Walker, of Savannah, died at 2:30 I this morning of pneumonia, at the home of Mrs. Walker's mother, No. j 1808 Broad street. Mm. Walker, whose husband Is connected with the Savan | nah fire department, was visiting at her old home when the little ones was itekeo ITT and died. The funeral occurs tomorrow at 10 !a. m. from the residence. The sympa thy of many friends is extended lo th? bereaved parents. Scottish kite rtason«. Cincinnati, tVpt. 22. Th' supreme council of Ssottlsh Bite Masons will meet In Philadelphia next Heptem i her. Madrid, Sept. 22.—Cervera arrived 'today. No Irc'dents worth noting In I connection with his arrival. at the sound of the bugle. Where the trains did not stop people stood in their doors or at the stations and waved a welcome. At Dalton a crowd of schoolboys and schoolgirls, who had risen and break fasted early, went by the depot on their way to schooi, longing to catch Just a glimpse of the soldiers. At Rocitmart, the Piedmont Institute turned out, and the whole school rush ed to the front of the grounds to wave and cheer the train. The Savannah and Augusta troops are Ln the section which have not yet arrived. The regiment will parade this afternoon, and will then go Into camp at Piedmont Pafk for 30 days. A tUMI HAT ICYIVMtL ttgt t ||g| f ijipti >irtrn lnW M Tferif T»m% Iks CMMt *3w‘t IN AAwwwd t* IsWt Hp%p4Mi HtoVto > ts p, i mpsa MNNNt p|NVM|fTMt fp tto * t In* CVippi TV#*# #l*l VMf MPM #• l*tr# «f tto troiap* to Cto* Ml ST NOT DELAY. lbs Sf«Msr.'« Cawsmg Rwstpow* I tsssltos Wsshlagina f> C„ Aepl St As «tot#A. tto f«r tai rmvt* ■ •at to #miH report m pp? lafortM tkm fmn tto Cntaa mUltanr rnaiini* •tap At Havana la fapl* •• « ptoMktn I |f |0 artottov ttora vaa an* Atapoai i lop to awvf* to tto raguMii of ito Rpaalprtfta Roc tto potfptio+ttoPt of tto * * uruatlon of Citta until aooan tin* n#tt tprlna tto «nat**aanpt vna maN ttat no tola? armiM ta rooiidpfvd. ttat tto avarnatlop nu»t promod arltb Biowilltlot and if at tto tfoopa of tlia I bUM) gtaiw «r#m BON Mb* pot In I imhlilfm for tto orrappH°t> °f Cnta «d wifi to anal ttom. No drflntta data Ni.toi fltad for ttolr drptr- STEAMER WRECKED. Three of the Crew of the Alamedr W ere Drow ard Ran Franc Into. H#pL 22. ■“ Auatra j Ban paper* received her# on the sieam- I pr Alotnede report the wreck of the : pi earner C. C. Funk on Flinders Is land. July 31. with ten of her crew, ail of whom shipped either here or In the north. I The drowned were: Capt. and Mrs. ! Nesaon and two children: A. Hansen, chief mate; J. Stump, recoud mate; Charles Olaeo, Piter Nellson, Charles • Johansen. Peier Anton, the last named an able seaman. The vessel was I driven ashore by a gale and went to pieces In the surf. SHOT THE PRISONER. He Had Killed Two People In n«ry land. Cumberland. Md , Sept. 22. Frank iP. Myers shot and instantly killed ' John u ronatable. anil Mleh uel Kerns, a bystander, at Oarrett, Md.. yesterday, while resisting eviction from a house which was the subject of a family dispute. He then barrl ! cadod the doors and windows, but was I finally captured by the sherifT of the j county. As ho was being taken to jail some one in Ihe crowd shot the I prisoner in the head and he fell dead in the sheriffs arms. A posse is bunt ing the man who shot Myers. FIRST GEORGIA COMING. They Will Leave Knoxville For Macon Tomorrow Knoxvllln, Tenn., Sops. 22.—The date for the departure of the First Georgia is now fixed for Friday. The regiment will go to Macon. The attachment be tween the Georgians and the Thirty first Michiganders, with whom they were brigaded, has been the subject of much comment. The companies of the Georgia regiment have entertained the companies of the Michigan men in turn. Hexlcan Veterans Meet. Louisville, Sept. 22. The National Mexican Veterans association today elected General K. H. Hobson of Greenville, Mecltlenberg county, Ky., president; A. L. Ogg, Indiana, vice president; Wilbur K. Smith of Lexing ton, Ky., secretary and treasurer; Al exander Williamson, Lexington, Ky., corresponding secretary. Jersey Republ’cans Meet. Trenton. U. J.. Sept. 22. The re publican state convention to nominate a candidate for governor was called to order In Taylor’s opera house at noon today by Chairman Franklin Murphy, of the state committee. Mr, Murphy introduced Attorney General Griggs as the choice of the committee for pre siding officer of the convention. The choice was ratified by the convention and Mr. Griggs received an ovation, after which he addressed the conven tion. _ .. . AlOl At A. UA [sin is ni ini lit Nik** Sop Yitlttf (TURK** if He ltan. :P# Kit Tt? ti (’««*• l III* i«« I ••pi r* tfef Jfti He to»«M Hm‘4i Vkeew AN NiwM IN# Nt *rfs ml lee***. \ A enkilee's .iu«fT,T, williar? aft# #( oo? rH#«i. tto to mcftp of oar *tt*tcvf• irq ta# |* *?•* t m.tfki i« tea Sfti tt ■ atiil Eftminv : (Hl|ni **■ •** »rv-e ess<■ *w j i ■ a««j t|t# t aftta IStat## ttiarv tv a ¥ *Rt , "#av. \ vhik to vtaM allll. D«r ra« * ta»# : I? frofkfil** ll##tf WIhM I %a* ito Kiv-nra atm? *n4 j to* to#o mi 4 i»? otortißt Bta###* fioißf on to tto iNyfu# (PM#, K*- trrltlf mi* ’Ttorr tat# to#ti foriHto la <*o*i n#etloo oil# Ito t!r#?tu **•»# I**#* quirt ta a for*#r t •!apo#<t III# fac# I iaat wlatrr in* h# tad aw ito nior a## to right a# U**k at Ito to## *ho .are bltt#r##t a«w n*r «»# Js<» L **h.«ao hatrad of aotdt#i* Is tradli»«»r »l and proverbial, and lAnrf#r Plrquari l *o aot ronr#a) n* cottt#aipl for IN i Jrwi. If I bad os? I would *ra«l I ito«n bfvm* tto bord#ra of Fraaca. Ruaa a ta rtftbt la driving th**n» out I Tto Fi#ar*h p#oal# ihovl* aot din »i ! too londtv for ta# fvrall of thr J#w la tarira laiand. Tto lmt*#**iTty of I our offlr#r# I# rrvponvlbl# for «urh »>f [ this iulw h>f. ’ DOES Ft mean dictatorship? ,■ ■■■■■■■■—— It h Evidmi P'riair Is on a Volci no. An Appeal to the People Is Not Improbable. | Paris. Sept. 22.—The situation here !la generally admitted to lie grave by I both the pres* and the people. The I conflict between the civil and military authorities la becoming acute. The sudden and unexpected action of Gen. Zurllndcn. the military governor of | Paris, prosecuting Col. Picquarl on a ! charge of forgery and for using forged document*, assumes a grave aspect on account of the circumstances attend ’ Ing this intervention of the military authorities In a civil court. At the pres»nt moment when the political at mosphere le surcharged with dangerous | electricity, generated by the Dreyfus ; affair, the general, who has Just quit ted the cabinet. In defiance of civil au thority, takes, without consul!log his siuc-stor or the premier, on Important step. In ordinary circumstances, a mil itary governor la empowered to act in dependently, but now that the Dreyfus question has become a great matter, every proceeding In the affair has state importance. Gen. Zurllnd en's Ignoring thia obvious fact Is very significant. He oomes forward as a de fender of the army, the prosecutor of. its supposed calumniators and the res-j olute opponent of the revision of the; case. From this to an appeal to the public In the line of the establishment of a dictatorship, there is no wide step. flen. Jackson Declines. Nashville, Tenn.. Sept. 22.—Gen. W. H. Jackson today sent a telegram to President McKinley thanking him for a tender of a position on the commis sion to investigate the conduct of the war and expressing regret, that press ing private business compelled him to decline the honor. New York Futures. New York, Sept. 22. —Futures opened steady at the advance. October 5.25, November 5,29, December 5.36, Janu ary 5.41. February 5.45, March 5.50, April 5.65, May 5.58, June 5.62. No riore Deaths. " Merida, Mexlca, Sept. 22—There have vtr. There are many cases of fever in ver. Thereare many cases of fever in the interior towns, but mainly of an intermittent chaeacter, which at first defied experienced doctors. Miss. Marian Milligan is the guest of Mrs. William T. Richards. Miss Mamie Toole, of Witliston, is the guest of Mrs. Sanders. n |orr» roMTtn m Butt cil |VIs i HwMt RiMi'N Tltik* tt the MitoHNN ! t wtowi BUtn !MmM Mels Nw I•* |»**U*| *W>SI»i p« . tUN II til i# T% r fttato Hap if # ftawta#* Hmmmi «•% iv|nn t» #1 taltVßpP ta ta ] fwvwpfM #1 Bpato. «• tto *p«r»' - a#v ot ito 4o#taal# wNnm I #aHa*4 | at#K |g| iflriff oßv ra|||o|go| Mat ■+ - friqa anal tto •##•#•"**♦• * | fmm *«■ flUNaf ai t Ilk# «H»th#fl)>vrV f* ™ a###* (C|t##iMN# i> vill ii#t# al t#%vf ito# j of «wto rltalf atwwM ttot# | •Ni#*)*' l»f III# ft?'#%t *V# If*! I ft 4 ? Q ta •!•#### •«: t t «a#*« I out of tot frouM#* bv4 *»#i bIiH. Vl'hiil I MTH Ilk# It# •#* Ift 4 r fßW#* tS#rm#le> Ik# rap' »• I Ht'mß luttrf*# f-Msflt Tto HHN Htaita H t ilf If!* ij»t»Hllv to in# ror-* Wl ' r#r? tat alour totaHf *tai#*m#n tolluvta tto *«nt#r wklrh tkr#at#u#«l ! Kuropr ik# rolto##«# mhU h la? on tt. *a.irn> iKMinUary Now w# ktata I tli# dafixrr to Kirof# la I* *k# mmt. ' Our «i**«hoil»‘ of *t*v#rtiiw#oi in* our I prior I pi## oo Ik# auliordloatlou of ib* nm#w ar# m#o»« #1 ky tto ttaon#* wklrh tkr I’attrd Stai## at# apruaJloK Hut ttor# I do oo* wish to to * pro • litot. and #ap#rtally ««t «f wll. »*av# gr#al r##p#rt for tto I uliH I stairs* and for many of It. rhararf#r | iaitra and trndmrl#.. and on tto whol# IU riar to Intrmational [rromlnrnrr I will i»rot*al»l> to a aain lo clYlllia- I Hon." NECK WAS BROKEN. The Locomotive Threw Him High In the Air. j Macon, Gs.. Bept 21—A tP-gm n»med Ba d Ilninmt was run over and killed at Humnicrtlcld yesterday morning while , asleep on the traek of the Central railroad, Maine* was a train hand on a freight ' and had been aenl ahead to flag the 1 down passenger, hut instead of doing ' so, went to sleep on the track near a curve, nod when Engineer Waterhouse 'came thundering around the curve he did not see Haines until he was nearly on him. It was too late to stop and although he blew hia whistle Haines did not wake. Th» pilot of the engine threw Hainee high In the air, and his necks was broken. Death ensued !n- Btantly. His remains were brought to Macon and carried lo Fnderlaker Wcod'a place on Mulberry street. Coro ner llollls held an Inquest and the verdict of the Jury was that the de ceased came to hia death by an un avoidable accident. Mr. H. H. Herring ton was foreman of the Jury. ONE NEW CASE. Precautions Against the Spread of Yellow Fever. Jackson, Miss., Sept. 22.—The Board of Heulth officially announced this morning that one case of yellow fever had appeared at the detention camp located at the old Mary Holmes college, about two miles northwest of the city. The patient is « white woman named Clara Reese, who lived just across the street from the building where the man Kilgore died. She has been Iso lated and under close surveillanc> for forty-eight hours. The case was diag nosed as a very mild one. The deten tion camp nov contains thirty people who have been exposed and is sur rounded by six guards. The cordon was doubled immediately after the an nouncement of the case and there is little danger of a spread. * Review Postponed. Huntsville, Ala.. Copplnger's review is again postponed on account of bad weather. It looks as though it will be too wet for a. review in honor of Secretary Alger tomorrow. No deaths are reported among the sol diers since Tuesday. Spanish Troops Off. Washington, It. C., Sept. 22. The acting secretary of war ha.s received a cable message from General Brooke, chairman of Porto Rican evacua tion commission, at San Juan, saying eight hundred Spanish troops embark ed for home today. i, IlYfe I HI A*« A « *» M| NADAV, ,M El tt, *•«• tiITT AN to IM » KIS Ms Mf* ••• N Awl *M*A I twi #1 totat Ito j Hotata *'*s•?, tot# to A iptaH ta vta toot town tototatito. YU uto* 11 «*t trtfftftO «*#***#» tot*# i m ta# \ Y !••##*>•%..# V: J #ft I oof O tftrill * tt >* ut# toft hummn m ito totoiij [ol (ytato ttatoftta# tto# fttfttatatai «• 1 toy##. #i #•# #»k#4 ta ## ? j ptewn N . • f 110 #! ;•»#•«* • ■ • Of f* ** iMiMNPftI ■# ft#to ta# #»t ito# t taNta ta to#- 1 < oftft ft## toottofft *4 u*ik guto* | ' | (#* flfOf O* Os ;*b * ft '•* f' «#•* | I topi t 0 #4# Tt# fttai •#t tafti "Tou kmv kit It It »k*u ft 4mm m klUiftHf %n l«f## t» rttrytking t#J W#. fßt OOI# Ikftß BBT Ota**## Fol llftan r#f»t*## •* xftw# ## > when ha would restart hia erntmissiun IN A TANGLE. Mat -haH Harnr* WMla !• Trite the Adwla hi Nsw York al Owe#. Havanoah. O* . B#pt 32. The rwae of lb# prise siraiuatup Aduls la bei-utw- I p, Kovermnent suthoritica at Wash lugtoa hate notifled Marshal John M Barnes that a check for $1,500 wou*'* be seal him at once for the purpoac of di fraying expense* In laktug the ves sel to New York to be sold It la not believed that this amount will cov*r •the necessary expenses, acordlng Uj the present calculations. AtMistant Distr ct Attorney W. R I l.isk'ii went to Macon last night to see Marshal Barnes and District A»or ■ ney Marlon Erwin with regard to th- 1 matter. Mr l>-aken Itclieve* It will rc. quire conalderabie more money to pay the expense* of taking the Adula ts to New York. < [ I |t I* Bald the Adtila could be ao. I in Savannah for ItO.fiWi or $4K.«00. k the court official* are willing to let her go at that price. That would be a re duction of SIO,OOO to $15,000 over the amount originally asked for her; but at the came time conalderabie would be saved In the way of expenses and no chances would have to he taken. Marshal Barnes will be here today anil expects to get the Adula ready to go to New York Friday or Saturday. BRYSON. Formerly of C. Ornv & Co., Now With James Daly. Mr. William A. Bryson his accent-, ltd a positkui w,lh * < '°’ ! Ml. Htyson has been ccthnst-tc-J with | Christopher Gray & Co. tor the past ! ton years, and is one of thp best post- j ~(] tTle n in town on dry goods. Mr. Dry- ; son will take pleasure In serving his 1 former patrons nnd friends nt his new j headquarters, promising them Ihe per- , feet satisfaction that always attends his sales. /VHIIer-Klpflnger. B( v. William Dunbar today united J In marriage Miss Kipftnger. of Fall Bluffs, In., to Mr. John Miller, of Ca tawba Hill, Ga. Mrs. Klpfingcr was a former resident of Augusta, but has been living out West for the past three years. All ar rangements had been made for the marriage and when Mrs. Kipftnger ar med I his morning, Mr. Miller met her at the depot with a carriage and to gether they drove to Asbury church where Rev. Mr. Dunbar •perfumed the ceremony after which Mr. flvwl Mrs. Kipftnger left for their new home. Mrs. Miller has many friends In Au gusta who are delighted to welcome her hack to Georgia. Mr. Miller is a well known planter and is very warm ly congratulated In winning such a charming bride. March and Reenforced. Paris, Sept. 22. The Journal says that the government has decided upon tha Immediate dispatch of a company of Senegalese sharpshooters and a de tachment of artillery to reinforce Maj. Mart-hand, the French explorer, who is reported to have occupied Fashoda on the Nile, about four hundred miles above Khartoum. J *•■# j •* 4*U##K AwD«fl# Ls A f*» IN*A * »,♦***• ttal4fl#% mMfIHHHHWWwww »*• f 4 a.#NTf UUI loan and having# DANK. •» •*«■» ##§♦##* »#*•{ pin ms in ni TBps Will Hm Mlf Ml I# Ml* tit la'SftK Dri sa4 ImniOWl Fri lift ••!#*» r*w«. \ Milril !•#*►#? ttatof* T•• Y ****#• ta totoft# ft###''i#i (# Tto ijuiiVil ‘m, A fl.fl A m m w, f * wj| f„■ (||-rv# <t«W tli A tilt I# *• »<«M tlftfti am ji |*_l,,, txAf-fr |.ff i f#r#|y#4l Tto## f#* it La, -f-mttf* jn ih# HrMtilt gu# xnptl Rftttl#? I# lug ont#r#4 lo «k*t It to rilao r#«iofi#«l (hut Itaty hai oNrta tk# Ritrifti «bI Haltlmofft to t>r*ic#Nj to Oku. HASONIC COMMITTEE. lh«) Mrrt at tkr H*4 To#** IMacwss Frir. Th# #i#riiltvr committ## of th# Ms ! ton* t unatatinx of Mr. Was R Kwt |it s* rhalMMB, and Messrs. Iliyas Mtlisr, Iktwr. and >«■ bwatgert. has ten meting daily al tb# nffic# of Mr. Hayn#, to d rrtiwi m#ana of condnrttflC th# Masonic fair, and other matter* of Aa I* well known, the Masons will give a felr from October 2$ to Novem ber 10. by means of which they hope lo raise funds enough to tend to soma ImpoGan! mattera. chief among which la the enlargement of the Masonic I hall. For some while the membetra of tbs f liinm e committee have I teen cmnvar -1 sing for fund*. Tonight gt *3O a ] called meeting will be held of the 1 General Council, consisting of five member* from each of the Masonic - bodies The object of thl* meeting I* to get the ladles Interested hi the wttrh of the | fair. FROM CAMP 4J5- Messrs, tilhbesand McLaughlin Leave to At’.end Winnie Davis’ f uneral. Mr. George MclAtughlin and Mr. W. A. Oibites left at 2:10 this afternoon for Richmond. Va.. where they go a* i delegate* from Camp 435 U. C. V., to attend the funeral of Miss Winnie Dn : vis. which occurs tomorrow. The del egate* carried with them their floral tribute, wnich was exhibited In Schwelgeri's window for a few hours this mottling. The dtsign was a shield eighteen In ches high, of white and cr'mson Im mortelles; on a background of white . were the letters "C. S. A." In crimson and the whole outlined with a feathery j tracery u. grc<*n. The tribute ucot uy Chapter A, Daughters of the Confeder acy. ivuh Ihe two crossed flags of the Confederacy In Immortelles. Broad ; white satin ribbons were attached, which was lettered In gold, “From tho Daughters of the Confederacy, Augtis i ta, Ga., September 23. 1698.” The tribute from Camp 1094 was sent yes terday. m-ET TOMORROW AFTERNOON To Hold a Memorial Service Over Death of Alisa Davis. Tomorrow afternoon the Daughters of tho Confederacy and the Ladies' Memorial association will hold a joint meeting in Thomas & Barton’s hall. The occasion will be for memorial ser vices over the death of Miss Winnie i Davis, the Daughter of the Confeder ! acy. The two veteran camps have been in vited lo participate and will probably be on hand. The program will con sist of an addresß. resolutions and oth er features. Those of the public who wish to at tend are invited to do so. The meet ing will be under the management of Mrs. Ida Evans Eve, prasident of Ihe Daughters. Chill’s Ultimatum. Buenos Ayres, Sept. 22.-El Tlempo says Chili has given Argentina five days in which to accept unrestricted arbitration of the boundary dispute be tween the two countries. bedroom and kitchen furni ture for sale at sacrifice. 830 Broad street. Sept 24