The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 22, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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2 TWUfMIDAV NO WAR PRICES imm’ •*«* .... »JK - * | !#•¥• *» • **w «*»*• • #«** *•** f»i Udto. I C»n MMr« yt*w U> f*<> (to* * •«! (Ml M pufth«»t Uf|Ml •tuck ui ©tomcm*!* *»» A*ifM»u LEWIS J. SCHALJL, jeweler. Umtor (!*• Ar*r*tt>n Hut*i „ ra»o «m» » TwicmmH. : I|p*rt* t.Mw»* (fin-wm fkwxm* t SMm# XI aetßtoflto** rtf (jqaato t> to** • mrm* *toto% •#* w» mmwmmrn are «•**» Mt <s•»»**•* tod kM*i MM W*. |n*h> Uk* IMA »■— >WA **• tmf ll* UMXMff “A *• h**» wdtot lit a*. .tovrtP* •* Ito* Mtkd ~*to »•* *«• Ttor«*t Mtotutoi |rito «*• lt*»> lapMAt k* *•#*• K « •*•** qgH In fk*rt* Maq'to* TW MM •iktIIWMIAM kAA* tod •**- r t IM art*"** A*-* k*®» **• pill«l hmm tot •»*•*#* •**»** Ms* ■>* A $»• •*»•*♦•«'• «**•* »A* intk mi *■*s* - Maimm »*# tartr tost **.4 H •** «M* HO**"**#* lb*l •mM* <to «Nl tort H ta, At irtwg' Wrttfc:»g». • •*• • *•»»• •M Ml AIM* l« ■<•*•* »Mt aw UMMUshwnf- rtfx*d Mm **tt, Mt IM*f §•»* Mm • HMI mmi Mil * •*v * «r* Mm ■'■■»*! »«#» told At •Mi U*ft »m to Maty M Mi*M • *»***» (to* Aar w k» am ••!.»« at*** Ik* pftortf*' Aft* Ik* kaiy Ml fk* «»•» "©a yti want so fight f* «AM ika tk* fttrpAii, ~Tfc*« taka Uto*" Rat “tkk*“ MWf «Mto kFn»M*a« |MI *i*M ok Ik* WoA «r A AIM M» •MMI right «M AM* «k* tmly <o •»•*• i* gri*hUjk f*Aklt>a Tkal fright tk* affair aa* ta*k«d over la py Henry's paMiii kaat "1 Ilk* Ik*l i top Worthington ' Akl4 WII Jakaaoa ’Ha strike* a pwd Mo* It’* all play for ktM toilfM " • Tk* propaaMloa am agreed to. til tk* tost Atorato* §!.••• Aoa at taro am ynaniA to tk* minister Thai Mary katlt tk* Ira rkorrk to Nut. A nartooa *ip*rtm*n! lu recently kaoa trM to Ikram In* min h work tha Military shoemaker < ao do la ra** of war A kind of general rehearsal am hold, to which twelve buadr*d ahorot*!'” • Art* bldd*o. and they mot* Installed la «h* Aorhakop* erf lb* First Altlltary regimen’ Tk* trial to*t«d for a month without a moment Off Thr shoemakers were dlvded la- LADIES TIES SOMETHINQ NEW J. MILLER WALKEB THE HATTER. xijsrozx: hats i- to two bod lea on* for day work and ike other for night work. They had Ik aUeadanoe tony workmen ready to repair machine* In eat of any tvmpor ary breakdown. During the four week a the twelve hundred shoemaker* produced, by working day and night, the reapectablo total of 2000 patra of bool a a day. THE PRIZE MONEY. Mow It Operated In the Work Done by Dewey and Sampson. ; (Washington Post.) •tilnk of a system of mere pecuniary yeward under whleh, In th!« war if uura, Samrw* reeclvea SIOO,OOO and lie wo y only $9,000' It Is not possible to Imagine anything more prepnsteroti* and grottaque. Compare the achieve, menu of the two men - Dewey, who went alons. without a baUlwh'ii, to en gage o foe of tmknown strength and 8,000 m'ies distant from relief or rein- and Sampson, who had the flower of the navy aod was opposed on ly by an Inferior force handicapped by every adverse circumstance. What comparison can (here be between the two situations, or betwetw the result* Ip the respective cases? Dewey did his work without an hour'B delay. He sent no appeals for help. He stuck at no obstacles or perils. Within five hours after bis arrival on the scene the deed was done. Sampson, on the other hand, sat down before Santiago In an Inter minable b’orkade, and he destroyed the Spanish fleet only when after week a of inactlou on Ills pan. ilir army umlijr Shatter drove Cervera. practically help less. Into his watting arms. And the result of all thlß is that Sampson gets SIOO,OOO of booty, while Dewey reaches only $9,090. A noble and patriotic custom this, whieh nut only offers a mean and sor did ict-ompenee to honeratile men. but distributes it If such fashion as to make the whole wot id blush! Mr* Rosa A. Kimball has returned to the city after a two weeks' business trio to Atlanta. WNI Th« Arlifttk Work! Approve* Awa*g M**n *Mka torn to* Agg*”** l T&e Effiren Piano la Imma »a*a*> «A a* • *wi—n gNM* | SMiih* A UAnsaiar by tk* HaA»*A |m— aemi gtovAAM *f Ik* iw»a li la tk* MMr gMM* M>A» MMt M Ul AHANTMkD nog UNLIMITED TIME I And ♦'■ft % ftnoi ikfNftit tl*o>i***' UN ititN ifMtfur 'am ••MOk*# mmln# for i tom* tm Mi tlm HARVARD PIANO HfkkAit ik (tar. kaAHriA to gMl'r, tMWkttful to k»i.'*h chu m urm , 4 Tnw* kapv Art Catalog** Da* m *m>i «t|«»*. TAMtog a»A wgautag Ay arii*t*. Thomas & Barton, *r H ItARRCTT, R*rrt*M. til llrwlatr. AugMil*. O*. IN COnnfSsK>N. Crakrti Cbk*g«. Atlanta I*4 Vark lown In Ite Assigned to IT*n«*. N*a York, kept ss.—A dtapa'ch to Tk* Herald from Washington any*: It to lb* Nitraliua of the navy Ae to pine* tbia* men of nar in lommlasioa during tk* ooaiag month Tk*** ar* tb* < rul**r» Ckleaio and Atlaaia. wb eh bav# been umlergoln* repair* at th# New York navy yard for two ynar*. and tb* gunboat Yorktono. • h.rh ha* be*n gut In rooditloo for atrvlre nl tb* Mar* Ulaad navy yard Tb* Chicago and Atlanta will be **- signed to tb* Norik Atlantic fleet until tk* conclusion of n treaty of grace with Apato. when their future Nation* will be determined. The Torktown will be asaignedtn the Asiatic squadron, where the netd of small gunboats la the wa ter* of China and the Philippine* I* especially felt. Caps. P H. Cooper ha* bee* assigned to the command of the Chicago and (Yimmanrter C. 8. Perry, equipment of fleer at tb# navy yard, has been select ed to command the Ysrktown. So far aa can be learned, the Atlanta's comman ding officer baa not yet been determin ed on. It will not be aurprlalng If the Chica go I* aaslßiird to the European squad ron. to te formed probably In Novem ber, Th# Intention of the department to relieve Commodore Jl. W. Philip, In command of the second squadron of the North Atlantic fleet, in the event of continued peace and asalgn him to duty a* commandant of the Boeton navy yard, i* regarded as Indicative of the Intention of the authorltle* to send Commodore H I* Howltton to sea. A* ♦be European squadron will he the on ly commodore's post which will be va cant. It would not be surprising If he were assigned to that command. HONG KONO~HAPPY At the Thought That Two Hore War shlps Are Coming. Special *o The Herald. Hppg, Kong. Sept. 22.~-The Informa tion that the Pattleshlps lows and Ore gon and four more regiments of Am erican troops have been ordered to Ma nila has been received with open ex pression# of satisfaction by the Ameri can and English residents. It I* accepted as u sign that the Pnl ted States is to be u factor in Asiatic politic* and that the diplomacy of Ad miral Dewey and Consul General Wild man has triumphed, both In the deal vocacy of on open door policy, lug with the Filipinos and In their ad- A high civil nfllclal here said: ''All the world is proud of McKinley. In taking the Philippines be has given them to all. Now let him build the Nicaragua canal and his place In his tory Is assured.” The Story Unfounded. Special to The Herald. Manila, Sept. 2i.—Stories of an at tempt to poison Agulnahlo seem to be without foundation. It is probable that they were gotten up for the purpose of a reusing the natives to greater enthus iasm. E. H. Clerk ley, of Baltimore, is at the Arlington THE JVTTOTTBT-A HEHA'XD REPUBLICANS GET TOGETHER MtMMt} BmAKN |W«*y» m*l All «|Ht t mm INN toH ttoMNate* (k fcMffc !■«*»».♦ I£MM -%•§ Ml (tttMlMMk' I t|HiMMfe. M Utofi [•%pw. *'• f4k^N4ito* , HNNkß (gs #ll I jit”*“ # MPM lijiii| *!%*** Ml •M* I Mil mmm *4 Mb* t ■'’«#*•# Mnnm »MN I%j iiimiiN»T IH$ kdllNffHi IMu fjikiffMr" MN |i"N ik#k'* I tir> n WM Ml |MM «MM Um I ifMkii mmm • - $ m mu j fkaua Mk* MAkAkN.kWkA M tk* MM*. I tAWt. It <*** 4m*P*4 o*4. l.aaAA* to I owl awl a ma to Mak*« at UAa Mw m ■ - - ■ T. ' - . " tk* SMtoMlkto A*** !*<*♦ H ftp w*k «iWA'*M'*a*i ktofirt. %*•- **** IkOTW wtit to MS *NsMto*M> to *k* ttlMrurtC WPtototo A AOM*<toMMI tow towk «w»*«l to kM to Itorttato*** aw tkA YHk mt tkM toMMkto kototoMA a i »a Ttilr ~ to* ftoi»«*i aa* ml tk* prtMary «kto*t* w» ****** tot * toMttkg ••• to to*«»p a pto* to wtMvk • twkltPtoa off tk* *TRa#k **t Tm» " Mto "Utf WklM k»'l»*> mt tk* pMty *wtoi to towk •*#*•%** it M toftotofl tka* to*** to mmm mm ekoato s******* to* a*Mt tk*« tkry wttt kits aft** work k*c—*'»■»'* t*w*tk*t Tk* CwkMwkto Nto. T%# I* to 9m IM*' rotii—Ni rmr M 4 • Mitaai Mwrt •tjk* I*4 tb* *til Ibr 3. MT. VN pMMNbMkt, OM * t&r mm —* Ml ! * Nim ***** 9099, pMBrtMMM MiMMMM*. I*4 MMMI? fgyjHWNM W 999 illl. INK 90> *m m mmm Mitli (In* mmm Ml IM 9UOA M»f tb*lf frlfl m* M*ilf *t4 Mffotlis MMI MMl# «Nfti toff# MU I© «"•*# VNIMMII MUMiMMP-. TV fMMßtit## !»•# W*4»f fO**t4*TH *c# |ftfr*ft«iA| tar • •«•«# lifM i icN»rtMM |M#M tltfl will vtvt •• lurirtlv# j flMUff M WVll AMI * 19*4 H#t I#ll of rl*# MUtr Mill V ImM *|Mi fSm Tk* iMSMIIif will btflt ■ cat»*a»# of ik* oily at owe* ttf tk*y f**l that ltor* will to a m4y r**poa«* AaototSM Anor or y Gaairil TeuM* trod do** wot *ip*ri to r*to*!a i» Oal* UMbta aftor tto vtoeuoos H* will put out kts aktnglr to Wookiogtoo for tto prortir* of bis profatoMw. tto tudg* May toov* k*** to Nro*mb*r. rvatgatug kto pr*a*ot pnMttoo. tkougb If cl'rtotltarn requlr* It k* oltl vtoy utoll kla larm to out to January Nror ly *v*ry dtopaoaary >mm baa b**a art tied ota* way or tb* other, and 'hen are now only four or dvr comparative ly am ad Matter* pending Columbia will to aorry to too* tb* Judge sad ao wttt newspaper Men. but they wish Kim »uce*oa, wblrb he !a sure to attain ta Washington Hr. T. C. Hamer to ia the city. He ha* he*a for a number of year* bill ! clerk Ml the House, but nest fwr be will aaptre higher by standing tor *lar« j lion for clerk of tb* House Ilia long I connection with that body makes him thoroggt'!)' familiar with the du.ias of , thr position. Oen. Oray will be a candidate for reflection and It t* said that there will be au aspirant from York and on* from Newberry, but thetr name* could not he learned. Comptroller Oeneral Derham baa gone to Beaufort. Hampton, Colleton and other countie* In the lower part of the state for the pnrpose of mak ing annual settlements. This will not be his "last” tour on the same er rand. as he was not one of the "also ran" elan* Capt. J. E .Tarnlgan of the First reg iment to In thto city. He has been home In Marlon on a furlough, and says that he received a telegram from the First feglment not to return to Jacksonville, but to report to the regi ment at Columbia. He did not hnnw when the regiment would leave. No further information has been receive a* to the time of thetr arrival here, but care have been ordered to be made ready for them at a moment s no tice. Tha stata Ball. The executive committee of the South Caroltna Club held a meeting last night to take preliminary steps to make the state ball the usual grand success. The ball will be held In the hall of the house of lepresentatlves, but the senate chamber cannot be used as a supper room, that body having passed a teaolution against it. But proper arrangements for the supper will be made in due seasoon. Superintendent Keeler of the Colum bia electric railway has tendered his resignation, and Mr. Alfred Wallace, the former superintendent, has resum ed his old duties. Mr. Keeler resign ed to go in business elsewhere, It is understood. He succeeded Mr. Wal lace. and has been here about four mouths. Mr. Wallace is of course thorough! conversant with the needs and desires of the patrons of the road and all pro per facilities will be afforded them un der Ills renewed management. On Monday, the 26th, the parochial school of the Church of the Good Shepherd will ugaiu resume exercises. The children who expect to attend this school are requested to report at 8:30 o’clock that applications for admittance must "be made to the iW | |jm %&mm m mm 9mm 4m mmm 9mmm m*mf % mtotftm «»*»» «w *#» * ** If** ** * to**** MMHMIWt »*•* «■* 9m «mmm mm mmm mmm TVy4»# pit- y# 4#» m rnmtmmmtm* :tm %» ••% <Nto| 99999909 wwf MMPMMPMMMi ! **• mmm *“M*|S‘**«*t |toliv»to»* M#*# 4*996 999 m i mmm*rnm 99 9999999 mm fBBI 9999 m mmmmm 99999 MM t»#t Min littoiliii m m*«m9 ** 9tftpm9 9/999*$ m9/tm ffc# 9 9mmm ■■r- - % * ****' v mm*999mfrn m#M «m# 9999* mm 9m mUmr~mmm9 -4y» •ft mm &mmmrn9itt99m 99/4 #*NMHf IswtoJ*iCWCfttoSSS? ZJB> 99t~ 99999999 99mm qt n#gwv#- Ma 1 9*m m #** *9 ****”?*** ™9* mm* • 99999994999 sMk* ■*-#"''''»<* «w- ' *" * * #■■■-' dk**#a f §kto ItodNtaif #to *%#** * W##P» mmm 9mmmm m mmm ««i ##9 «» «ft 9 T#MkMl*«MllMll«NrWl 9999 m Ml## M« w fm>9mmt *»" ##p#’# m# •,•#!#*<ni| 1 Mi# 99999 Ini Mfc#v Am#*' ii# W-j •to Varna OotiflNOf MlNmpM# In## f#r#*f#4 pn|>M.»M tfwm (M<# 99999*9/99 mi flurji# tmt Hmitm f#»( • wfn> #N I# INMNiM I# lIMM I# •##••■l’ Id# • rlttrf* at tmtt+mp from IM# #®*nt TV rvwKMHM p#|—r> Mil) (# I«#nrvl •iM li# f4#tr«toi Ml tV ttf otkvr of (It l#w trvoi tM#i Mai*. 'rw t, W Hotioway was ta to* city y*M**day an*rwMM making prvpara ttoa* to rtoaa up tk* fate growada awS pat them ta prop** atop*. H* says tb* k-aiyir"— ~ of tto awrtoty wttt br moved to Colasabta ta a few we*Ha time. Thto morning fjoveraor Ettorb* nf frred a reward of aa* ktafrrt sad fif ty dollar* for tk* raptor* of th* party wbo ret fir* to Mr* Rath Alexander s Kara. In March la*n ta Ptrkras roar ty. Ta Car* a Cold ta Ow# Day Take Uaxallve Bronte Quinine Tablet* AM druggists refund thr money If It fall* to cur* Jk* The genuine has L> 11. y on each tablet EVENTS IN ATHENS. A m)orlt> of the Cllitgna Want a Military Camp. Alhrna, Oa.. Kept. 22 Yesterday I marked the beginning of the ninety eighth eronion of lltc University of ! Georgia. Judging from the number of ! atudrnfa at ch*i>el y**terday morning, the outlook I* Indeed fnvornblr. N»« •tudenta are now coming »*» *very train, aad by Christmas the University will hava aa many ag can be accom [ modatrd. To ■•• thr candidate* for | »9 football team remind* on* of the ! glorious raven which represented Geor gia in toach Mi-Cnrthy. of Brown University, t* highly aatlntled with the fort ball material. Moore, Georgia* greatest halfback, will return tht* year. The Athena soldier boy* In the dec ond Georgia regiment will reach here today. The cltlgen* of Athena are pre paring a warm reception for thr boy* on their return home The ladle* ar* taking the matter in hand. and. no doubt, it wilt be a great aurora#. Capt. Heuaee write# that a majority of the hoys are anxious to get back home. There i* much talk about town rota tive to securing an army camp hero. A majority of the cltlxen* are highly in favor of the step. They believe It will help the city very much commer cially and that they will have no trou ble in maintaining order. The Athena Banner la highly in favor of It. Only steel lined and burglar proof sate* used. Money loaned on anythin* of value at a low rate of Interest. Wa terbury aliym clocks, 75 cents. Uewla J. Schttul. Reliable Pawnbroker, UNCLE SAM’S HORSE SALE. Large Number of Animals to Be Sold on Next Monday. On next Monday, Uncle Sam wilt get rid of a lot of mule and horse flesh that is now at Camp Thomas, Chlcka mauga. Several notices have beer, placed in the government building hare, announc ing the sale. There are SOO horses and ?i'o mules to be sold at auction. Th“ noth" stnt -s that all animals must he rarrfod away from camp on the day sold and that the buying is on a strljllv cash oasis. Tlv sale will last probably a week. J. G. C. Leo, colonel ond assistant quartermaster general has charge of the salt'. No . hl-ck will be taken in payment, but th«huydr muit stifle in cash. The * ( I !>miiicli<;‘.ji at 10 o’clock on Monday Mtrnlhff. J Ernest be*, a highly respected color ed man died yetkerday, after an illness of three weeks. Ernest was beforeN*is illness one of Col. Dreyer’s best cooks. He had been connected with the Windsor restaurant for about fifteen years? MARRIAGE AM DIVORCE I IMP* M CffctopltoN • ftkrtl aid) 1 p# ( § pi I 49 Pm# MM# 40999*99999999 93 fP#M##4MMMI' I IdMMi f t %./ top m tok#N- !*»i' dNN *dto"®* j I .-mm A »-*► ?'* takwfl tgk f Ik* imm/tmm Idk S* fk#-** * #Mi I th/mmmm MM# nm# MM# 994499* j PM# ¥999 99m §Mmmt9* 994494 •!*! M#| I #4M# 9099*9 949 M## 9499 MM 949*¥99449 4444 , Timm# Mm mm mm** »*mK m#m m* ■ lae yptldas#M*> at *M* (to##**# MM MMM*' i I (#ll ItoM 44 M#M* PM*#* 9*9 M#fto###MM • *Mlf ; |99 *Mto« *M# MM##MIMM «• MM j I * 99f*'9im #n#tf 999 f*¥ 99 999*99/ \ I ##Pt M*M#MM (H#M Mm# M#MM MfMMMNR# | I TV# ##M#MMI fftotMM MM# I# (#MI •••# ' I tolf |mi« m to***# ■mt # I## IMM#to#!il #to * ItL^^rvfa^: I 994%, fMvt#4 km lit 9*99* Ml M 99949, I r.^ SSsatTOrj: i I TTm# •mm Mmlmm# I# IM# | IfMirty 9km Mti| IM IM# H*iM (to#frM I party towapk by to taraa* do all High (Jktaftb paopto totaep tp tk* rtgorwo* I mn * _ Tka quart Pm la oa* tkat wilt prw twto perbap* tk* aroat kaatod dtoca* •mmm of tk* wtota aakOMMtak. kart At I* am sow 1 hough 1 llkaly tkat tto ro »t*«na party will prevail aad a cfcaag* •Carted Rptwopa lao* ar* a good deal stirred up o*ar ttolt poor sOowiag ta mtoaton •lea rowtrttmtwoa. wa*a compared arttk Rr**byt*rka*a. roagrrga' loaaltats and tto rart if you ar* a Cuagraga Uoaaltot. sad wiak atmpiy to hrop tto averagr ao atm aad ao toaa you will glra to forrtga mlmtou* aorh yaar tto sat* of ooe dollar aad tot** trail, to bom* miseloo* atartr-dv* 'rata th* hlgtom amount* gtvaa to mtmtnn* by individual members of any reltgtoaa orgaatoattn* ta Anaertca Prvsu yoetaa figure* ar* $4 aad 12: Rap'lat ** and sl. Kplrcnpaltaa t$ aad dt: Mctoodtou It aad it Thus what fa perhaps th* beet to do membership give* to mtaaloaa tor leant but on# of to* five large protartant Intml I## Kptoropallana glv*. bat not to »to atona. They give a total of more than tto Baptlats In thr North and there ar* tore* hundred thousand few er of them The* gtvr wtfhlu • frac tion a* much a* thr Presbyterians la lhe North, and thor* are three hundred thousand fewer of them Th# expla nation la that they spend 'heir gifts oa thetr own churches and congrega- Uona. and not on other people, build ing tb* churches at home. Instead of abroad. Use* Newapatof* 0"*Y l never In my life used auch a thing „ a poster or dodger or hand-bill, says John Wannamaker. In the Wool and Cotton Reporter. \ly plan for twenty year* ha* been to buy ao much apace In a newspaper *nd Ml it UP ** I wanted I would not give an advertisement to a newapaper or flve hundred circulation for flve thousand dodger* or poster*. If 1 wanted to sell cheap Jewelry or ‘run a gambling scheme 1 might use pos ter*: but I would not insult a decent reading public with hand-bill*. The class of people who read them are ton poor to look to HUpport In mer cantile affairs. I deal directly with the publisher, t say to him: "How long will you let me run a col umn of matter through your paper for thW or $5007" as the case may be. I let hint do the figuring, and if I think he Is not trying to take more than hi» ■hare I give him the copy. I lay aahW the profit* on a particular line of good! for advertising purpoees. At first 1 laid aside $3,000: last year I laid aside and sju-nt $40,000. I have done better this year, and shall Increase the sum ** the profits warrant it. I owe my success to the newspapers, and to ' hem I freely give a certain profit of my yearly business. William G. Todd or Atkinson. N. H.. has endowed the Boston public library with $2,000 a year for the purchase of newspapers. Mr. Todd says he is "im pressed with the Increasing importance and influence of newspapers and the great demand for them by all classes of the community.” Hr gives the money on the simple condition that the whole annual Interest on $50,000 be expended for newspaper subscriptions. Hephzibah. Special to The Herald H -'ihaibah. Ga.. Sept. 21—Mrs. Mary V. Rcgc-s and Misses Florence Mo selle and Mary Pear] Chance, o: Waynesboro, are visiting Miss Lula Stalk -r. at "The Cedars." Mr. W. H. Price, of Po/“.-ty Hill, and Mrs. R. K. Broadwater, or Rehohelh, S. C., are In the village Mias I'. lna Eeurl Dickinson, a charm ing y runs lady of Waynesboro, now visiting the Misses Waiker. will leave for Bee h Island in a few days The series of meetings in the M. E. church ccntlue with Increasing inter est. DPT ADS. (to to » *- am* tod yw* p**ak*. * SITUATION WANTIO -A "nrm p A«nKinr#i pi' f #B# # f*m»: I 9 ## 99/94999* M**### iRMN'I'- * mm C • * • • -tod»a» * * $| ji- I W# f 9 *to#####i Mta#M. *“ mmm *9 *99. mmm \mm Wftff MVfMML 4 ii#to><# 94m Mil MT M4> AM i*%*9t99M tit' I (§94*‘94¥ 99 *49m* 99949499 4499 m 99* | gHN#M IM Il'iUM (to *•#• #4Nsm .AM* I “help w anted ” ~ *'■*-. r* %% a \Tt i» vw isi? t»hi II | 9 talfM v MMHI 111) iiiiiiiflM# 9*9 1 t#M# ftopi nt'-fft* t# t fmtt nrrtMl #1 t#N> #*#» I I OU • 44 %99994 * i « 4*99 i |T«MM CNtl t . i,i—i --■ -f - - - I Id#*t ## H KktoCe* M#M# Ml FOR SALE _ jrßk AM—(TIAAM AT H I Y* ¥9 |A~d»#f ¥ VAflfltJG #|. %ft |#IMl tMf## imcM## MMk'M MfwMf# A C#*. m tTm #il Oil I If yp#*9t a rtsh familt —4t*e yaw *»d- oaly tvaea tor **!► tag gntaa an *f tmum-a btg hae |,au> Gail tor addnwa R. I# fta, aid | Broad straat. AwgtmU, Oa jtopt It eat aw** wad • a d rolTn AUt-tea-At'K* FARM t»N* I mil# from city limit*, a bargata. *r ply W. C. Jotoa. St. lit lackaoa ft. Oct I TO RENT fk'R RRNT I*l7 RKTNc»t.D4I IT . toraam dwektn*. Apply *ll Hroad. Oct $ T it RKNT-nioniDRNCR l»« W.U». with all n»wt*r«« laymwawaH and (atmtSwcM. Apply UM Broad atreet. Oct 1 Tti RKNT-nir DWBt.t tNG S.M j Walker ntrmt—seven rooms, kitchen, two mama, all wat*r convaat*o<M, Ap ply to D. Graham. Ot 1 TO RENT—dTORB NO. Tit BROAD •treat, next betow Davenport A Phin iay, running through to Kltta ntraat. Price si,x» Alexander A Johnson, TH Broad otreet. Oct 1 FOR RENT -CPpRE M 8 AND HADD WAT M 7 Broad. Apply Gommarclal Hotel. Oat 1 TO RENT— t’FPKK KUXIH OR room*, at tM Bay atr**t. topt 17 -- e- TO RENT-DEfIBABLA; RBHIDKNCE No. *2l C*ntur street, * rooms with kltrhrn and bath. App.y T. P. Dorta. Summi t villa. Oct 1 TO RENT—COM MODIOUB 8T»»tl«l. No. Kt Broad etrert—s74 per muntb. W. 8. Gardner. iIS iSghth street. Oct 1 TO RENT UPPER FLOOR. OR room*, at 454 Bay street. Sept 22 MISCELLANEOUS SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING only $5 00 per month at Osborne’* Business college. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at night. Come or call at once. Great demand for gtenographera. June 17 ts DANCING SCHOOL-MISS BELLE Smith'* dancing cla#«' will be re sumed at her parlor*, northwest corner of Kollock and Telfair. Tuesday. Octo ber 11. 3:30. Mon thu* oat Sept 30 c. V. WALKER WILL SELL SAT URDAY. 24th, at 537 Broad street, furniture, stove*, etc. AH parties want ing to sell good* will send them to above store Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Sef l 23 WANTED—A large front room, fur nished or unfurnished. Apply L. P.. 837 Broad street. kept. 33. WANTED-A GOOD. SECOND-HAND blacksmith vise and anvil: not less than 150 pounds weight. Apply to Fon tana & Co., cor. Lincoln and Watkins streets- Sept. 22. druggist CATARRH for a generous 1 O CENT RSjgSl TRIAL SIZE. Ely’s Cream Balm contains no cocaine, j-fBB mercury nor any other injurious drop jrgpp-A W ..ymcOM "Etr: COLD^"t HEAD once. It Opens and cleanses the Nasal Pas sages. Allays Inflammation. Heals and Protects the membrane. Restor s the Senses of Taste aod Smell. Full »:« 50c; Trial Sisse 10c; at Druggists or by mail. ELY BROTHERS, 56 AVarren St., New York I SEPTEMBER 77 Special Notice#. MiMM# 94 TMmHMmM |M HM:lgwMif THAT 9*441*44 ##'*■ ■ Mi A (VNM(Mm(MM mv#i# | 9m «M 94499499 MM* turt. t rt-w m# ¥**44*49-4 mm% mm 4094 m OiHMif t <*#l t*^-#4> tonka- Caawty and fktMal Ta*. i*w* ! «tof W#Tft *¥ A\|l tto If .«•<{ , PCto*f mmmtZrn? towa* roam * a a* t* a p aa. f mmhmmmm— hi W i mi ir —^ %«—••*s Removal I R«-t<rtto MMt lew* Ape* *attog to*a pm- >P R'lama ftortf tto ■auto AUMSKT g NAftYI. •#. rrtaeF gar—tXAV <m*’T' *n *~h gd at * a m. tta atreat. WM N VTVRMAM, A M , Fwwrtpnt. kpaclal Vrtka Academy nf RPhmapd Cwmty. A ague 11*TM ANNPAt, tEWtnfl RgqtNt MONDAY (uT"HI ft trd Full carps mt instructor*. Cawfpm In A*<»»n and Modern I nngneg**. Mata*mn"e* and tk* Physical tolencea fioviagra* 1 phy aad Typawming «tt*-ut aatra rfeatst. Itotructlon in Military Tac tic* and AihiaMcs tor MiformalPm. address Principal. Rickroand Acad 944ffm 7 Per Cl $500,000 IPtrCl ronnoN capitalist* wn.i LOAM IIAU' A'N DOLLAR* •>■ really *• Au*u*ta, Om. Iwm f per cent roc further liif.wm*U<»i ■«" tbetr utt- rncy at la a. T J. CaUJvau. Et , or Mr. r. O Buruto. On a Short I urtough. The Fait Good* 1 ha*» Ju*t received will Dot remain, but elll at once ba rcftur .l to th» bottom price* TSe. I’aderahtrta. at **r. Tie t’nder l*r»wer* .. .. Me. 2Sr Oee’O Buapertdera .. lie. gI.M White pteaa SlUrt* *#<■. 10c Club * >*• dult to order • • •• •• •• 130 00, upward* |<«nt* to order *5 •*, upwards r. a. MBUTINS. Tailor and lleaia* Formatter, uppoelte Planter* Hotel. NEXT A HEADACHE —cia— Land's Headache Capsules Mad* Only By HOWARD * WIJLUCTT DRUO CO. a K. MITCHELL, ALEX McDOSALD, 9uph o.' Con. Sec. A Oen. Mgr. Augusta Electric & Construction Company 212 Mcinloeli Street. Eleclricßuppliet—'‘peaking Tttb-s. ata, etc. B pain to all Electrical apparatus. Eterirle Liehl WiriDg a specialty. B* I'Phone BUS. - - - StrowgarOm \^/o\ And very LOW PKIPES. Terse »u*k. Also PlpK, VALVK* and FITTfN<,(». KS ftINKB, BOIIEBH.MILLSsnd HBPAIRH. Lombard Iron Works & Supply Oo* f DRUGS CHEMICALS PARR'S PHARMACY 512 BROAD STREET TOILET ARTICLES STATIONERY ■‘Has your majesty heard anything more about the partition In China?" in quired Li Hung Chang. "No," answered the Chinese emperor, absent mindedly. "But I guess we may as well sell that historic wall of ours to some building contractor. So far as keeping these foreigners out is concern ed. it doesn't amount to any more than a lath and plaster partition.”—Wash ington Star, _ _ . ■'