The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 22, 1898, Image 3

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TMUWOAV n» I <toi«*>4 00 *• t —4—i»»+to Hm ***t *•* «n I n*»** jin I'frrtr f fto* omm ' 44 «** * ipi-g»i*'n!ii m if m • • ml |44 4* 444 4* w* im| 444" fw# if •toto'toj M 94441 IW ml #4 #■*#*., *. • %*m°m tmw&m» #4***ii toll ■■*««* Nww t ——imprn ** •*• as ia* ■« Magma MV »•**■## »; ■tt-rnrn M 4 t — unrr** *t*tt wan ta# #*«%* It# f» mOW# * ***** ■. I* irg rn lijii Hi MM* CM** H 144 444 ; IMM iMi 4** im * 4fc» * o*oooo ||l|t Mi*. 9*4* # iM 00000$ if*** ; «*■*•*« tip# *M«MfNM *%• n****** +m ******** *trt *“itnTft te# Ht «Mm* jrnrf'i iMkMMM. m MM 4ii* 4441 t# (M* MMWMi* -*i, i* MM* (444444'* 5 * t4***44P9**§ MMli f**MKi*MMk *** ***%* o*oo 4M*f***M t '§m4 MM* 4444444 *'* to# Ptmt*-* * 4#»* MWMiMiM 1 * I* 444’** j ***** Mu lMt*f Pl*«> ***** MM* **• m| t MMMi ■♦mit tirf# IMMVfINWIt, 441 ****** m* |N»« *MM* MnM **•* 4* •mi ggn fy )»ny*i to, «%«• «MM *t *4# #444*4 !*•*■*♦’ mt •» ««M «««M Ml «•***» m*m Mml *%* ] 90004 *m* tf**f4** f 9*** *** | it#* 4" fNlflM'i iMr'♦**•* •** * *** l II Im j**44l4lf Mi #*4*4944 4#* 1 I ***.» » * *.»*#•* «*•***# #.#*r*4 T illlllMi<r*l *t Hr Ts t -MmNI .JM*f>» •-! j *' r**M 1 li'grijif Mi * *944*4 gMiii* til 't-piif * ft 4*4*41 44 Ml 4* * i* » t» **t *f iM <44 ir*?' | l l|t , I%IW rnH if Mr Mm Mm* mmi !• niff i raM*4*4. ***’ I#MMI IMi ■fi. ‘f j Mfli Mil,. Ms |i»i I* MMi i#f> crtMtu **4 fi* »*r*«M* ilflfr IMI <Mi iftt*»« *M it***MW* mm «** *l#iN 9*tf*M VifiMi ik* 1m94 m*Mi *tt i«**Mm'* ilf n|fif MM* »MM*M Im MMfMjll**, •*i H* Mt *%3M* MMI k**,m‘ *M W* ft**' f *mp*r fpi TMfT M*r» MMIMt <ir*t ,<i **l *%f * MMM*M* Ms t'..*%* fit firif i*M mflM *«#!!*• Mlli fffff mI Ilf*. Aim* #ll. tk* Hkrlof * pit tlrnpC *Mi tit idiot MMMfMI **4 MMM* Mr IMifM*** 4*9tv#rf ms* *M*tf **4 *fMr*f*S. **4 tilt fftkrt I* mm * jllMlltlltf *Mf*M** tl I* * MMfl"* (4 fkt 4**i*f*i tfMl \4* Mliai t* Mr HifiM i Mi«f ft **m4« list kr it r*i*4tjr MlM*l*f fWdfMttio* M •* ortfor of so s*m ftltiUty. *s4 ili l»* Mill *omi* 4*| r*rk bilk tn*M| 14* funMMl Ifftirm of 14* io«t4. CHAROI U WITH mV DER. (Uri.'ingham N#*rc«» AlWg*# t« Min Mmm4 M#» Uw. lUrnin«ti*m. Ala.. B*|*. It •* Um Akdtrann • bf| blwk i*tre •#•»** about M jraara of a*». la ta (b» #tj pr:» i« * Ith tbv > h«r»c of raurdrr b»B* lag over her (Med Star «M erreata# e*»i-nlar afternoon by OArer I’rrilM. rhargMl with niMd the itr»tb of Charles Brown a man, who died nader *u»pt< lo <» Tv.-omalaarea nartf raaterdaji morntn« at her turatr oo Iteroad Alley nearby Twenty-third atreet. Brown ha* lived with the Andertwn woman for aant Nat and <>n Monday afternoon had n ijuatrel vlth her. The woman. It ta aaid. retted an aie and threatened to cot him open. The quarrel waa ended without fur ther trouble, altbough I4*a. H la aald. remarked that tke would 6* him. Nothing more was thought of the matter, and at tupperOme Brown rame In and ate aome cold henna. A abort time afterwarda he wat taken vlolen - |y 111. He ftnalty qul*ted doenn. and the woman la aald to have left the houae. Brown probably died during the night, and when he waa found yea terday morning, the matter waa at ance reported to the poller-. HONORABLY DISCHARGED. Dr. Jeaale Anderaott Returns From the Army Dr. Jearr Anrferwon, who haa been In the hoapltal aervlce with the Second Or irgla regiment, haa rereived an Kbn crable discharge and ia at home agaiu. He waa second hospital steward while In the ranka. Dr. Anderson la one of Augnstaa moat popular young men Hlk many friends are dellghied to eee him back again. SCHUETZEN CLUB. They Will Have a Special IZntertaln ment Today. The SchuC.zen Club will have a spe cial entertainment today for tbe hon orary anil active members. It will commence et three this af ternoon and last until nine tonight. The usual features of shooting tot pr.zes will be indulged In by both In dicia and gentlemen. Refreshments wili be served and a delightful time en joyed. DRAINS PUT IN. They W'ere Much Needed on Jackson Street. Two much needed drains bave been put in on Jackson street between Broad and Ellis. They will fill a long felt need —as they will carry off all of the wa ter that usually remains there after a rain. The usual sand traps were made with them. Camp 1094. Camp 1094 has been invited by the Daughters of the Confederacy to par ticipate in the memorial exercises to morrow. There will be a meeting of the camp tonight at the halt on Crawford avenue to tend to this and otjier business. Mki umihkihA im a*.to— to* —«*»« j * ***** *MNtS*MM ***** k* **- % M *#*• gM*»'ini i'4 M**M ***** #* # M*t 4*l*4 i I i*M 4*'MM Hm *44w* *M 4M* j #l—l*l **»'®*M MCMMI 44MN* ** #4l4* M*44 I*4l [ f 9—44 fV *Mo M** 4*4 »4* H*ft *4MI*M ; t*| IMW>'*4 4Mk** *m4 •*#■* 94 l£**# I I** 4MMM M *** MM4*M 4 tMMMMI M4*** MUM •#**• 4**M ’ J mm *l 441 4* tra*M*i4 MwiiNMi m*« **, i M&H* ****** 4*» Mtmm* VMM MM* > i !*M« f%* Mf*MMM ******** mtf «** Hi mo ini of lkr-ir o j —I f % -fp |-a s I HMMMMi * #*m* i*®** **4 4m* 14* : : M«"MiMf 14 49* 4M*.. ** • PM*** *4 f—P inr. wkathir Am*mmi* *k*. 4*4* S 3 4IMtP ImpmMl I <M 14* 1*41441 SUN** *»»<»t#M»*l I f :«MI MMfMMM 94* dtl SWmmmS 4*l ff* 4mm** I 4 Ml S*|N, SI. 9944 ‘ STaiSiMkflN-'’#* 4**c*M*i Sk* SMM94 ] . MW*t4*M*9 **» m*4M c jM** l **! 4*f ilvuivfgl* • • I T|9V**9*M9MS Mt*l4*f tf** i*lif - i*fr | '4*• , S| Skit *mS *M*>»r 14 4***Hm"*4 I*™* • |T|l44f fp*>*4 MNrt4**tf M MM** Iwti hiywatt hit AO"• its H i ti&Hf Thrwwvtiw* w«OhW ’’U i gWt. | fhir BM» TO river M t A ■ wt« TJ M t j fhl khf • I I— O thv B hwwrw ! IfjfetWV ktte twew tawvtwl o»*r a la***' * pnrtMHi as Ike rwiwqi hall ledtl th* ‘ yawl ft Owes. wHh heavy fal*v in Hup ■ta*)— Altteat a*# Twa—■»•. #»■ {m« Mis*. fvpnetiM ft* tftehaa: he-. rtdiM. Mia*. IM. Arllagloai. TMte j II at tMraiar. Ala.. I 11. raiaa alan at- ’ rarvval —i rally over the drear teahea and the na>nl wester* atalea Tesaparaiarw hat* hlki over the Mlaaaurt valley, and have rtaea ev*t the elatea tot of the upper take re ftoa The pr»—are ta law aver tba aeadte- j of tha eoaatry weal *f the (ireat l*k»« and hlgheat over (he Middle Atlaatir roaat D FIAHKB Ohaervev. CARTER CASE MVSTI RKH S. Na Owe Seem* fa hoove tt hat Has IVrt one of Him Washing.- et. ttepi, H—The mystery about the caae of Cayt « M Carter deepea* No oae aeeata la know Of hla akmakiHiu The napera In the case have disappeared quite sa completely ua f there never hud heesi a eourtaiar ttal of this engineer *dlleer on the charge of violating tbe government There M a suggestion that nothing will be done with C*api Oartei. and no ac tion taken on the sentence of dtamlsaal. Imprisonment, line and ••tracism un it after the elections. denat»r T> tn l*tatl Is the most Influential person to later fere with prompt action on this remark able rase. It Is hinted that Merreiaiy Alger’s lawyer—whoever be la—has ta ken tbe papers. and la preparing a statement for the secretary In spite of tbe fact that the Judge advouale gen eral gave sis weeks to the review of hla case and prepared »n exhaustive re sume. Oen Milos was not permuted lo Irdk at the papers, although in the or dinary routine of official busUicsa he should pass upon th-m. In the mean ‘ lime Cartes—wllh a sentence of Im j prtsomnent in the iwintenllary over I his head—la at large. The offlcrr's ad dreaa, according to the latest returns at the New Tork detriment, la Cnlvers ! Ity Club, New York city. new Market fcr oir coal To be Sent to the Mexican Rail road. Philadelphia. Pa.. Heut, 21.—The Nor wegian ateamahlp <Mt and the British steamship Eelghlon have been chartei 'ed to load full cargoes of coal at Green wich Point for Vera Crux. Mexico. This la the largest shipment of coal made to Mexico in bulk so far this year and presages a revival of the coal export business of Spanish American coun tries. It is said that the fu,»l carried out by the two vesels mentioned goes to supply the recently established busi ness In the Cordoba and Aiixu'ia dis tricts, within 100 miles of the Of Mexico. If such Is tin- case a sharp competition w|il likey be established with the English exporters Th* bulk of the cargo which will be carried by the Leighton Is consigned to the Mexiean railway, the connect ing link between the City of M xleo and the sea. It wilt be the first American coal ever used by the Mexican railway, whiea has heretofore burned exclusive ly Welsh patent fuel, since the ilrst lo comotive went over the road in 1H57. CASTOHIA. Betri the j 9 Kind You Hart Always Bought rr MEAD CRUSHED. Walter Shackleford, of the Southern Badly Hurt. Brunswick, Ga., Sept. 22.—Conductor Walter J. Shackelford, of the South ern, was badly hurt while coupling cars in the yards yesterday morning. He was standing between the two cars loaded with lumber, the ends of tbo timbers projecting over the ends of the cars, when they came together, catch ing bis head between two heavy tim bers and mashing it badly. He was taken to his home on A street, and Dr. Hugh Buford called. The latter thinks that there is no immediate danger of his wounds proving fatal, but they arej of a very painful nature. 'I TBX3 AUOT7BTA BBRAI*D M» *t MiTf fit* Mill I »*»•*»-.• NSrtM IMdwt •*(< ««MM » «■» «hgg» tn ' S MhMM 44** * % ♦ |M*4HHMf Ml 4*M#l 1 wm *9O 000* |%*M#4*M 4M I I,*# „ - - Mmuß r ~|R Mt *%* „t*b { * » i I Mp* «M*ww*M I*®' 6 *' is# Km ■ mue-t* -*T*"tr m •*»•*** -«rs Mggm *»« m »*wm hm> **■- <w*«t Mr.'** IkaM !<(«• M, *», >(psm* «*• th* twtnsv* •» *mv| * * %**• m My *gg 4mm * p« «■»•**» It s*<m mm tm h» >g»—« «M ih*i! ■ snai gs* •lip m* slpwld gsssg srjT ~ fits 1 I rhMM* "f ■«•» hitslg* pslltf h* half . [ nmf *f 'f *iacted *n*rrtir» W* ran ’ Mttlf fsMih tmr AsfwN**** ft*** 11** tm* b**gs of WashkMt** *M »h* rails AgsiiM *)*!*»t*s* k» ****<»t [(%* 4*f*«w*v ■ Hasps* a»n mss "Th |<«* ihs PhiHfhKw* *IM *el hs <« M*po*> • hardship *f>n* tha Apt* ’ iah ******m***i Th* world h*aw« **4 >sll rdsrgtrtf Apsnlanl* know iksi #*■*- ' (ah sap*a****V t** *avw hr tv-asiwb* [ Il>tli4 14 tIMM ffwiltrt** ~ Dll !»«♦ broken heart. I hat Was lhr h»d tala aft* Mi* h«m I f. *t~n Pan B- fk J*d*w Malt *f| j K*w YsrtL 4i*d of ■ hasn i Thai* M *» !«*«*» **V dmihl a# «»*• *wd [for: Tha J«*w*dl'r r*wrrdws»dr*rt >* I tm* WMriMfi 14# "M# •9M?i ffotti *9 IM4 tn*m4+ • *99®“ j l RNinMt 0# 14# I o>(MtMl A«*w«Wf, »4» M 14: ] w kil# MMrtlNI Ihftt IM #tw 9m M tnodlMi 4. «4* I #lßtr*«,#r*f to IM JutMl ’|H It# tiflfMCf "f «f|fNll*“4l IMD, |H#: ! r|«Mi«t9 of f*r. i'An Hftll »»• «* train* ppflofN, N»l f*i 14* i matter 4* t4#t 4# <4104 Hlr*‘4)tjr of 4 il*ro4rM 4#art. 14# raaall of iH# 4Mi*f* I its£* tnf inrtRPAAI n*ff*i»f to t*4lcjh fc" [waa »uM>' Ml bjr th# NMn of th* W*4 I AWltv r4«rr4 Tt»M J* Jhf aplMlaa «f I *)m*t avarir min later of tile !rl*h Prea- I tt|tM4n c4wiHN *'lf I dsvrl tell iron all. It wmi'i wih? j you weep- If Mill all Mae oat tot"** j fjnjr, •Un tush one of Dr. Itail * la*t I on 41* «Walli-)te4 waa that the ! matter ahottia He allowe«t to iw*f for- Jrvrr. Wl*e4 Dr. Hall waa In Huxteu a I f«-w »frki uo Hla dortorf tot# Hlrn he j waa aoo(1 f«»r ten r**ara >et The fa« t* «»f the rue are known tn Pr Hail'a I frtrnia In the Irtal* rhurrh. ant the feelin# imnnK them la that he haa l*r*en j treated In any way hut that of a J Chrtattan and a ftHlmaa. . OOVERNHENT OF HAWAII. Horgs* Tell* the people It WM b« Territorial, Honolulu Bepi 12. vlr Ban Fr»nri*»-o, gopt. 22.—Bcnator Morgan, siwsking of a committee of the Annexation flub on Saturday night, gave the lira! Intima tion of hla vlewa on the future form of government of the Island*. He said: "I am Induced to think you will only have territorial government at present. You have not asked for a state gov ernment. and I doubt very much If the commission will recommend one. As the Territory of Hawaii you will have your own legislature, of which you will elect the memlMWB. The territorial ottl cris who will hr appointed by Pi "sl um! . Kinley will be the governor and secretary, throe district Judgea, who will compose your supreme court, a t'nlte.l Mutes district attorney, whose duties will be similar to those or your attorney general, hut who will only net tn ease* In which the I’nited States ia Interested, and a United States mar shal, who will perform the same duties as your present marshal, but only In United Slates business. The United States will, of course, take charge of the custom house anil ne.tial depart ment. but In all other matters you will b • your own masters. You will make your own law*, subject to the approval ~f Congress.” To the native Hawaliana present, gonator Morgan said that the future of, the natives depended on themselves, if »'v>y lock advantage of th, opportun ity annexation gave them they would co ah 'ad and prosper. If they did not they would soon fall behind and be for gotten. FWoro ptm*ha*lri£ n pistol or gun, call on me. 1 ran save you money. Lew is .7. Schaul, Pawnbroker on Jatkson street, established IH9O. HYACINTH, TULIPS AND OTHER BULBS. Premium 7’ans.v and Choice Flower Seed. Easter Lily Bulbs should be planted now. We have them. ONION SETS. From now on we will have Extra Early Pearl, White Silver Skin, Dan vers Yellow, choice stock. Yellow Mul tiplying Shallots, no garden complete without them. HUMP YOUR GARDEN. Plant Turnips, Beets, Cabbage, Spin ach, Lettuce, Radish, Georgia Rye. and all Grasses' and Clovers—we have them. LAWN GRASS SEED. * Our Evergreen Mixed Lawn Grass Seed has been tried here with much success—should be sown now. We carry a full line of Canary, Par rot and Mocking Bird Food—also Gold Fish Food. Call in and ask for our Seed Cata logue. It is fx’ee. ALEXANDER SEED C 0„ 632 Broad St INASOCIALWAY m T* C4* •—>l- curt. I ££9o fpM *4tP 0 It* 4414* •44 4 4NNI I 444 t'**)* fINMMh 144 4444** 44 4**9 94*44. 1 H«j 0m Mifr MV4MI4 4* W|N f44-* I fpi | 4 I*4# m*M9 44** 44l • if* <44 *U t f* Mf»'MM4 *44“* A i*mart AsoMo# t«**» «# l#M» I ****• •*• •at** l yw* IsawM •*> T* as tqr •*• goa • twMgtM Now* SM **w» t Wt »**r t*iry Mu*. Ufa sat ga wwot tAa W» sad •“•**■ I Nov mm* a*4 <as4>» s t*«Uat Wtw j 0t ■ i'*i*s tsksa tail Ua *<a**l #*# AM ••»* ««•» •!*»•»*■•. Mai sMU •* Mkl '*» #*»*»»• •••# j I gstsad MMH* *aafM l*t s**U*S I i<»r*sd iMi *h*t Mt* wtt* tmUm . Mat n#t*a *M •(*# sqt*a «M •"»*■■ • I Thai CogMs tswt *a«timing sMa T*otf dors Ms wWU CWr* l-irt«*w I That so* *** JO* wM* ana* ”* . ! TV "Ha* wall I" p**o» <m4 |>|llf> I intfi tltfi* m» ttaaoaroa t* t**tr I ptnr*. B«t ttwr #ta y*»T da*****"# ptgy things. CwpM’s W cddlag Ukt I Tba MowlMtr iwl|a Ml ngc that might i hr Ustsid to sbshtsgr by tpf young : maim* *b»u« to *■•» tha Mf* of th* 1 hmd of • honor hold It Is CupM » *<* I dftftg cake. Plw |*nd* •< fervent devotion. | throe ptoinds of agttnct ot fntt hfolßaos, 'font quarts ot hrtutfetl snllnfactPot.nMa : psust lark of ynsHi's and I™#-**- 'tor*, ala scruples enrh of lonM#*** and mutual fortoaran. c. eight ounce* genttetteoa nnd modesty, twalv* w™- :pie* of matrimonial fidelity, two p onds ■ onnubtal fotbily. throe quarts rtwtnlh en>->ment. four pound* each «f pn itence .IBduatry and economy, two ptunds eaeh of wtadom and experience, nine ounces Mgmtl r and benevolence. ‘seven ounces tqrtce of neotnooa. one and a half ptunds needs of virtue, three I ouiues rsaem e ot purity, arven pints ! sneeiness of disposition, one quart of balm of n thousand ills, live of human utedneas. one hundred grains of com mon-sense. Mia these thoroughy with ' rheerfulns**. pour the mixture Into the gt.lden howl of domes!le happineas. lu-1 lirlcste with oil of gladnesa. bake In the oven of double bhunednoan. heated by the Are of true love. While warm, overspread the whole with a fowling .if gratefulness, in the eentre. place the star of hope, set around with dimples and the sparkle of bright eyes. En circle the whole with wreath of smites, interwoven with rosy blushes and the pink of perfection Fasten wreathes with the golden cords of harmony and Ihe stiver threads of discourse. One of these takes will last a lifetime and Im prove with age. and all who eat of It will never have cause to seek a di vorce. Some Dont'g For Olrls. Don't believe Implicitly everything he tells you when he is wooing you. Don't let blip win your love too easily; men do not like that: they would rather have a little trouble to gain you. Don't worry the life out of him by ashing him. "Why do you love me?" He does not always have an answer for you. Don't bother him too mueh about your hats and gown; a man llkus to think you dress to please him. but he has other things to talk about. Don’t Ignore the fact when he wears a new necktie; If a man has a tender spot of vanity It la generally his tie. Notice to Daughters of Confederacy. Mrs. Eve. president of the Augusta chapter of the Daughters of the Confed ■ Taey, desires It stated that the mem orial service to Miss Winnie Davis to morrow afternoon will he held at Ma sonic Hall, Instead of the Library, nnd at five o'clock, Instead of live-thirty. It will lie a Joint meeting with the Ladies’ Memorial Association. Mr*. Victor Barbot entertained this morning with cards In honor of Miss lone Barbot, of Charleston. OUR BEAUTY SHOW AT BLIGH’S CRYSTAL PALACE S brt BLIGH’S CRYSTAL PALACE 1 809BroadStreet. HMogl cMavaag om* 44m44* omoo 0 %494444 4 4444 £» 4i*#4f4 •# 4* -* |4 *440 H i fit *fk In Th inr to wmito If"**oom*o1 f "**oom*o fto*4to4 41 o*ooo t4f# W 0. tototof #4f#M»t4i444 #4 HmfctfMHt 41 «4##to **4l*t Im om*o*oo I Hr ?. r 14144 444 toto* M#ttto M tYni tim fl‘ ay n rif i»t‘«t4if %*** I M ,« j w. Wllmp mmm4 tmm !.*»«*• *M y-HMs «# mumm » im 4(494a ! Mrs Anna H»ft# wut »• |(h • #fli44o | *tok Mr sod Mrs WUHam Mart's ara ; .pndtkg • sad •« **M> HHII* Hr-cwg » at tbs Milt. Mb# tsrtM Ost eg do* If., of MtHedgs ! «ttm, ta vtalttM bar raw**#, kirw C", I* j |ta*t*. «• Oaw-rd a»g*r. REVIVAL WVKUt At WaaMgwg Rgrlft CMmth set *t« AttrwdeJ. larg* number* are attending Ht* r*. vIVAI orr«M*a gl WoodUww B*tpt»s» rhupb th-* mm*. Rav I. R lMira«. fWat I* ilflM angle splend-d talks am l*««Wt **»k- Bavoral con rsralrma look plae* la** n ghb The meetings mill root Mi us Ik* bg a ace of tba week. Napier lartklaa. moabal conductor at th* Boston tkeaf*. I* aow ta th» thtrtlet h year of eonttnuows ron n ret ton with lb* orchrwtra at that house Mr J. Hire Rmltb returned this morning from n <Hp to Florida. SIS GOOD sniff 1-1 -■ HOT ROLLS FROM gEBBY’S fiBAHP [)UKE HOUSEKEEPERS TRY IT. NOTHING LIKE IT. All First Class Grocers Keep It. Is now running. Soma of our pHxa beauties ara fish game and dinner sate. One might aa wall attempt to poswl tbe rainbow, as to describe ail thetr good qualities. The way they ere tell ing la a caution to those who lr'.end purchase when they can be had for "get lng some aomotlme.” Better pur chase when they can be had for such tow prices ea we ore offering thorn. As for glasswnrc, crockery, lamps, &e.. time and language fail u# to tell of the wonders that we sell. Don’t for et that our zero prices will keep you cool. Remember the plac* IZZ3JSSSI 1 m . %dm |*a| —.i—X r ' - > i ■ «\ lltfß* < JgarfuJ j|i jmlxkf- TrtFrr ! ■ rr-ffi y Hn,, ‘ a I iarlUiraTir 1 I NLAI f’ I '"'aLlJrraz* • 1 MW VHHK I B44HTT T TmTi m taact torrvr ««mi. I NOTICE! lg£g£*On and after this date Subscribers to the Augusta Exchange of the Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company will be given Free connection to the following places: BATH, S. C., EDGEFIELD, S. C.. CRANITEVILLE. S. C.. JOHNSTON. S. C., Sonlherii Bell Telephone & Telegrapli Co., W. H. ADKINS. Manager. ' JOHNSTON TELEPHONE CO., W. A. Giles. President. DO YOU WANT THE SUNDAY TIMES=HERALD Delivered To Your Home Every SUNDAY MORNING? Fill out the Coupon below with your name and address. Give it to your Carrier, or mail or send to The Herald office. Augusta, Ga,, September , 1898. To The Sunday-Times Herald- Please have The Sunday Times-Herald de livered at the address below for -months. _________ Name "A Newspaper For Newspaper Kcadere.” 112 Columns I’ure <sfrpet and No Reading Matter. OUCCI dUU nu City. WHIT YOU WILL FIND C. H. HDWARB, JR’S. The Purest of Drugs, An Klegant Sundry Dine, The Detest of Perfumes, Finest assortment of Soaps, Handsome Toilet Goods, Sponges of All Kinds, The Best of Attention. All and more can be hound C. H. HOWARD, JR’S., CROUCH’S ODD STAND, 908 Broad Street, hrntMR f n 99 GASTORIA I <■**«* la at>4 ChtMfß The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the * (V Jr* 1116 hX' Kind V You Have Always Bought. GASTORIA LANGLEY MILLS. S. C., TRENTON. S. C., VAUCLUSE.S.C., WARRENVILLE, S. C. || ATS |p FALL STYLE JUST RECEIVED. F. G. TURPIN CO. 818 Broadway.