The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 22, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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4 THURSDAY THE MJGUSTi MEMID a*jy<u» - *• ■HSt'; * tt fmm ■srr«r» * • '»*• *!?»»* "“ ■ <_4*? — ■ I ,■ .to •• ' i * - * WMIPJ^ ttrti ##M I^Miitt#**#* '■‘•‘•■•J** # ||* - cut MMtt ** 44 p ' ; toHI *•*#* ** %0t *WMU »«**» »*» fc MK*AI *i %'"!■ jtrnr"~ • ■*■* •** —“ *• '*** "*•*'* mmm 1-1 ly* 1 "»**# #*••«*. <"% K»**W~AI mw !*♦**• Ra*** •*“* I*. Qjjtwr rir tB ** **• i*** l «•••#•*. Hi Mr* f«* «*wy- d« **• •♦*••* *** ftoh, *M I Misc <"»• •>**** la be*/* *•« **• ***** • *Meed# toOd *•«>S*d» Wtd ***"T • tin) by H»MVW 1»* *• »*** Herald Prize Letters From American Summer Resorts. „ . Tb* Herald ifcw T*«f win »*« 3ttf n •*«-?«* «( 949*9 tt* 4H* e**’ lilttfr • rttt*'# CiMi B<l»nre>T Htfflfl ttl- Itta nM»»t k» m*l»»**l»*4 • »om 4# *l*4, •**«* ***• m (l K r«t f tM •• irU) Im» HHfcfCttttttl l® * *' >fn ~ !*<•« end lmp»nM *»rao»<- m«i|i* M tb* « ill 11 TM tral Mm* K| tb* Wttlef. M »*B •• th» Ml* 4* plttßt*, UMI *•«•> tetter mat Is bn |tobtmat toe fur lbs purt"<>** «f Identito* ttrei m . a CMllmlm'i **•' rralla* let tare la • rre***a«bto lengiH I'raiHtMl* eaa write aa mam latter* a* tk*» »t»h >'* ,b * prta*. but Ob* rim toe lea* win only na* «f tb* P>'*** a . . Tb* H*ral«l wain* Hva, »P rl *’"‘ fy, gossipy tallar*. **"l I h* prior* will tw awarded for th* boat, moot Interesting *"4 »'«' read*l.l* Utters of Summer IW* •ret Mows Contest Closes Oct. I. rem THK BEST LETTER °» FOR TH* ID BEST LETTER.... U to yOK THB ID BBBT UTTER ... AUGUSTA'S POPULATION IS 56,745. THERE WILL BE 6,000 COPIES OF Sunday’s Times-Herald DO YOU GET ONE? IHI PRESIDENT IS EKIHT. It Is given out that President Mc- Kinley hM decided to resist all appeals which have been mode to him to speak during the congressional campaign In Ohio and Indiana. This Is a worthy action on the part of President McKinley, who. though a party man anti a Republican, yet ap preciates enough the dignity of hie po sition as chief executive of the Ameri can people to refuse to turn hie official position Into any partisan odvontage. The American people are good par tisans for tho most part and men of all parties ntlmlre a strong, vigorous opponent who flglite fnir. But the ac tion of the President In the present cri sis 1» generous snd magnanimous. He Is President of all the peop'e. He has received the loyal support of all the people, both Democrats and Repub licans during the present war. Republicans as well as Democrats will applaud the President’s course In abstaining from partisan political ac tivity whlla in office. It Is a pity ihgt more of this spirit Is not diffused throughout the entire country and Into every rasn who holds an elective offigr and who exercises power over the people. Sir Wemyss Reid, who has just been elected President of the English Insti tute of Journalists, was formerly edi tor of The I-ewls Mercury and later of ffha Speaker. _ Ai r . a wr nr tern iai" rvwa H*i . .yi.'- •• Ms ms toff** 00 ! BasMSa a *i|»sa«i*swa **d db# <m I iwataua as *B* Hamm* reiwaa • i MM gnoeeat SNMbb** fS MM ASS aa* I M ewaam MM* SS *aMMMMSSe*M ss* I HSM ewsafMM IS MSMMM Mr § aaa Sffsa I I bar afra .4t I mw ‘ - _ r%** i» sm** sssm sm msmi •• *• i I Ipm-* Sa» m MM Wa*a*MM pSISIt id i Maw aMSaa BIS S |*aa*e awd pa%~»- *aas*a Ml l|M MSS atnMMSM S* M S*a-i 1 ewnaaMMaa fSSMI ISM MMMISMSaSa.'aM* a* j •a* MMusps mtMMMt t%* ******* - MM*'*SSS baa *a*a*a aa**Mwa*M mm# j *ts MSS* st mm law M*ma <WM Bsm i . mbs asu-Mi< mtoo ms smaw at MM s MM Mas* T%M *aa4 a*4 Bs ***** i MaMtaaa* ar* smm m S SSSSHas m •* MN Ms BM SMS ISsa ass* SaSare ta ms b 000*1 tt MM *a*s BBS IMPS suae HSa *MMSI S'Saa** SW% SMS fmame mmmmmi*, Is Mm taaas Ml is* cMbssm Ms bi aM* mm aMm Mm* 1 >ba* aa la fms «»» **mi ms* »**w*ia • mmssM* an* s* m* ismss* f a as *s* Issmss fS* lataeaal is#* Oasaral Miaas— i Mm*i wf tsa Os*”is mawSSs m »s* | *w*r Mwaa M a easMs m* ,w * 1 a*asas ; as SM Ssm ssM as mm fS** m Mm *sM> i iwM mms sm Is mmMaaaaaS ss Mm i tMy as amaafs umi MHIWM t> HIW Mt antiSMS BaSsa NrMwalf «sa as ' aassty'a aaaMSMsMsar* MMf* a »mawi arraltbSMSi as ISa aa> ißa4 Is wMaB CSaltaat a atat •**• bwaa smss#rn B ssa tsa*. »am Ss Mwrb as iSal ISa OrasS lory saa* M MaataS Saa laSas as ISa < Sa >a** aa iloita sat aiaia a tasan ifeaawas * wM*b ssa isaywsM m iSa wmsM l*ry * pmaaaiSMSia ssS a*Ma**S saS rMMM is TSa SamaaaS Btasa asS TS* Mrwaia* N»wa Tb* Mtaad Jury rwfMr** IS# fart* aa tSm lassS iSaas w tlout ms*S met seat ar rasamisaaMlaiMa M*a* as iSrtr rerssia».><M'wm taaa ta ISa Haa of Sfttar t«nkl«*pl> t and mora Sael aawa Mb* aaSdr la aasaty ad aria a t tal MS Bar Isataara. IS* <*oaalr Ifaaaarwr as rTwtbaia Saa baaa M IS* Sabtt as say in* all arf*ra drawn aa SMa Sy ISa rlarfc as tSa asaaty ssa»Mla«Nmaaa wSea la fuad* TS* Oraad Jury ra msawMi tbai ISa iraaawar say SI la naly »h*a ptos*rly sa , ** , d add ttgasd by IS* ««m»ly romiatnlos»r, asd as bill*, aslaea iSty Sa<* ISM muaaaa dailoa Tb* Orand Jury ftsda ISal lb* elark of tSa rouaty nuaaHaalaaara baa Sms la IS* SaSlt of efynln* blaaS order* ahead of drawlas aalarlna lief ora tSey ar* saaaad on b* tSa aoaimtraloaani ail of wSI«S they dteasorma A ra ther aerloua dlw ri-paiu r la lb* book keeplas method# of th* county r»ia mlmloner* la Ibe faCury lo account for neecniy erven cara or IMS ruble yards of gravel that were credited lo a ear tain rand d l-M mils* too* The a«l --cist record call* for seventy »r**n cara mote of grate; than the Orand Jury finds wa* naad on the road, la dol lara. this amount* to some I! MO. which the Orand Jury finds mlaa- Ing Mr. Kehot'a UM of charge* war a Inns and aartoda one and the Orand Jury aaein* to hare taken them In a buntneae-llfce. aymematlc manner, re pnrtitiK the facta on them aerlailm, aa they find them One of the ttpahoU of the agitation In Chatham will dotibttem be a tietter system of bookkeeping In the fu ture. Mr. Kehoc saya In The Savannah Prcrs that he I* contented with the re port of the Orand Jury, which found that Chatham was paying 17 cents a cubic yard more for Its gravel than the people of AugUKta and Hlcbinond coun ty. AH BILL Milan. Col. william Jetinluga Bryan of the Third Nebraska Volunteer*, will short ly resign hi* commission In the army ami retire to public life sgaln. There Is no doubt but that as soon na Col. Bryan resigns he will enter sc. lively again upon a discussion of pub lic Imucs, aa thr following answer to a question Indicates: "If you knew what It cost me to keep still when there is so much to say about things of Importance to the people and of life-long Interest and Im portance to me, you would appreciate the strength of my will.” Col. Bryan's return to public life will help to quicken Democratic party policy in regard to the new issues be fore the American people. But neith er Col. Bryan nor Congressman Bailey, nor any other public man, can at this time foresee and mould (he opinion of any great number of the American people. It Is going to take lime for the new ideas apd new issuee to eltrystal lire enough for the voters to decide. Besides, the war Is not over and nnlll the formal treaty or peace Is signed the American people will lie too busy to commence talking parly politics. COMING TO OKOKGIA The Mcononite sect, through erne of their trustees, has purchased several thousand acres near Llthia Springs just on the other side of Atlanta. This deal is the result of Gov. North. TBB ATJOUBTA iTErR-A-LD f «§"# sdhaMa IS MSbsV Ml (Bflße**>Mb ■MI MM MM** k |* (SM «n Manana Ml MM (§(*•«#-'« ( <m *M»gn*dP*a I* MBs * *— m SMaa«*. * j 4 MM** saa* bands ah wts* Ms* *MMM*t I IWw mi s iasgi «*»t* SOOO/0001 IS# I nMtf* pMWwi 00 omm % fipditti# ti §• I *%•:■# *<H> SMjM ttttt »:* MM** f£ * Imt m* m*o 0$ sfcjWß* m I MMii# *** t 0 •» tin#* ffej* W *** « I * i Wirfßiiif -* MMti B%m | «hmk m mwmm rnm t*m m* **■ I -frmwmm* Mi# - # r * i f%*t# *%#*# I i| f#® OMMI TV## Hk *%** 010 | m$ f# 00 001 ♦ f%• 0000 i 0 omoommmm m#» f>>»#•. fOO 090 90 00000 9090 999000 i n cm . iHUft; amo IMSTMItISr. T%m MSMsMMedMS TV**** MMhM* »wasM [ fm*4 i oI |n iimm Inmmlnnl #n#* I «t# IH#i# I—Ml 0 0009 MMM j ♦tfc # #wlf •• (p>M%. Ipii 1 0890 t** • 00% 9ft 6**Wot ifNVliill IM If • Mi MMI 00 Wso HI H 0 MMffiU# Hft# Ml ' I 9008 0t 000 990 000$ 000000 0 900 ‘ ' potto «# llos *#oooo9 T***ot*o*9 ftUHI : . olio ijMpltlifll iHH 009 m 9090 *OOOO H ftpHl Ml UH *Mi At 900 009*0900 90 so*o*oo9 o*9l | I VHMp 0 990 9000 90*0* 0 ; «Mi'ftM. 9o $5009009 Hill m B*o 900 ' f,# ftlTßiQti tt., AHIIMHf 00$ T WOSO M»* *# 0990*09 «*• ** tt '"“M iSHk* | J tOpO, Hi »H#ir*k M 000 , 0n« |« fciif. IH# ICl»'pr ■<» **f iMk'Mi *«• hfti<M •• Hitt WmH Mr tt#* tr*#A ■ MHMttMMHa !•# ttHHI I Am A*® ”AI 00 9**~ . i IPO# It WAftp tA»tt» o*9 900t*-9*099 90 I ! Isom y«#A, A# hMHL IM ••* o*** ■ ipf M 4 oHtMC t# #• ttttA UM M«r* | : A#f M tA# oßs*oo —— Hanlitt ctarts nd th* nov»u*t Saa > I rvnrSad It** Crwk. ib* *•***• *’ a * ' raw* In AtaaSa. nfmr n narrow *w *p* | »r*m dents kg atnrvntbM nn ISa »*rrlida ! Siwdian* rnnt* H* a»an*M Me IMnann | Inn Aabreofl asr**(ia« »• • I ‘ a«t<k Ids Mil* lb* Slrtint MDlb aarry j ml hr Sa yat MU** SUnaalt and Ash * i r«fi IS* imM grew nornr, until At Inal j .11 was ImsnaaaM*. J Tb* villas* nf Niagara Balt* ha* kw* I v*ry much dan*d by IS* offer as li.aa* j reward for IS* ir>*V«r M lb* body of I tb* I*l* B*l*r Schema! Tb* steamer Maid of IS* Ml*l la lo maha unuMml 1 trip* man will tab* tkrlr mania and | go lo th* whlrl|**d on IS* Canadlna i Mda. and If lb# l»vdy aw»nra ISrra. II j W |ti ant make many r*vuluth»n# of th* ! grant tlvar (awbet bafora It I# maghi. Th# Born* lOi.l Tiihon* movad Into lla *»aw quarlaf* Monday. Before the Sra from which the Trite I tafil suffered laat March th* building j wna only two stories, bul It haa twan I replaced with a three atory atnietui* i The front of the building I* of ! praaoad hrich. blach and whit* in color lh* varl*gat*d color giving n pleasing effect. Tli*- lop rornke will b* aurmoun j ted with th* word In gold letlem —• ! • THb«na.“ 9 r . An Intoxicated man ffourlahing a ra- I volvar stood In front of the Vandetldli i raatdanca al nfth nvaßua and fUfty clghth alfcat yesterday, loudly Invllln* t'ornallus Vanderbilt lo enme opt and he a target for him. No one appearing he announced that ha would *hoot eve rybody In sight. A policeman took the revolver away from him, and hurried him to the sta tion hou*e. There he described him a* William Quinn, a grocer's clerk. At the tin** meeting of the Mujiufac turera" Aaaoelatlon of New York on Monday night. Hon. Warner Miller spoke on the Nicaragua canal and Am erican commerce. He nald. tn part: "Mr. President and gentleman of the Manufacturer** Aaaoelatlon: I accepted with pleasure lha Invitation to speak before you this evening, as for nearly ten yearn I have been tcytng to edu cate the American public to demand from the government the building of the Nlearaguati canal. “I have visited all the large cities of the Vnlted fttaten and have spoken lie fore many honorable bodlea on this *ub joet, njul have never yet heard any one who did not denlre the building of thl* ca nul. •The incident* of the past few month* demonstrated the need 'of this canal. When we were obliged to send for tha Oregon, If there had been a canal, the ship would have reached New York in one-quarter of the time she did by go tng around the Horn. "Prom a naval standpoint the canal 1* a necessity, and It* commercial Import ance I* very great. The distance from New York to San Francisco by way of Capo Horn is 15,600 miles. If we had a short cut by water we would con trol the trade of Japan, China and oth er Eastern countries, "A committee appointed by the pres ident, consisting of Admiral Walker, General llalnes and Professor Hought, has estimated that It will take only five years to build the eanal. with a cost of not to exceed *140,000,000.'' "What did your wife say to you when you got home from the club at such an unearthly hour this morning. ■oh. ask me something easy." "What would you call easy?" "Well, you might ask me what she failed to say."-Chicago Evening Post. He had sat at the other end of the so fa for about an hour. • It would he little loss,'’ she said at last, "If the czar's proposal to disarm were made to include you.” It sometimes lakes something of this nature to jar a young man Into a real ization of the fact that arms are made (or use.—Chicago Post. nil; OHSeKYPU ABOUT TOWN. tXSZMM^A _ MM *Mf MM mAM Das near* m%m 0 mm * th (tdaemaiji N JhataM* (gfgiaaß a Mr mom-* ywpas mm> Ttl *0 tMaw , * wgM * : * *ah tTaHffg g*« m» pwa. ' tt * * ■ >* » ,%»«# 0m9000%0 ld«H* ttr tAtt** Httitt <A» 400*00009*. HHMMMpttI ltttt##v i 11 ttNtt 9k * Tso *90900 MMI HNMMIiHI MttHMH 1# *o9*o 90 900400 $ m&mhtm -p #l‘A*«H|h-MHMI 9 4A# HMPHtti 0$ 111 ttttH 9$ 00 •SOOO 9099- ft’AMI lA# tt»M AMHHItti 9990 00 90 $99 0 ttHH## HHtttt 9*0*900 9mm 000 (9000 000 HtttA 90*0% 009 00 Ml §A# 900 j tt*A#A fA# *oo9** Httf# 00JW9000 tA* j nittift ««f 100 90t**i00 I# oo9* 900 0.000 fA# 990% sMßo** 9*o9*o9 *# *s%t t' M«4 ~990*0000 AMPIg MMI • * *9OO **t > St# - » o.iii4 mmOoo, 90* M# W 9009 H#* . tlflMft 90 909 ytlHl I Ml# 9090 lA# I A $fi%09009994 A#tt Hf 90090*900% 000*9- : 90009 fpM#A## Htt 000 9st 0 90000&9 AM® *4* *9os 900 109* 9009 * **99o*4 9%58 0 fttA m$ 094 00/000 000 4*ooo %0 0 I oßfl |b -ul9t s i fiftl ttWHtt 9f%0 Ilf 0m • 1»* « 90 hh iirntfug * 09 •>•* 090000 AH 4A# 00000999 9*o *I OO9 09 99? *O4 4t990. TA# 99909 009 0990900 f$ 99 |«Mftt#Mft#Mtt HIHHMI 9 990009*'9 * Tb** *90900 HlP'fsf'fiMAftt Mm * 00*09 0 AUI As Ait At * At# tint HttHt-f \ •aa rngthwaa iM kaf M»» j •At At# ttttMtttl fA# wiPHi 99 I## **** 8 If# 9090000$ Alt t*!t*M fit to- 90*9ie% ' At 99*9 iA# tM'tMttM •9 t •Mftttftr# § t#A 99t%m% It HMMHttts A 90990 iHtfrttf IH# ifl4 tt 4A# tttttt ; tIHR# fMlf ttl'l# HMttmi $99090099 M lA# lat At VHt tt#MUttHlt- P#4t. j tAt WM»#fc#f ib4 JteA lAt I**o 9*9909 • 1 ft| 009 90099099 990 A9O II Ml(. At It | HM# lit tntfl INN# §O9 N 4 #f J#rA*t tail ft Alt tiMMiA 00900 00$ ia4 eom4*4 90 eAttt lA# 00909 TAt «|t»® | rt), As A ttrAH *4 AH Am*Ji | «|Ai|f4 lo 9909099 It from tAt Mot I Aiy • mouth tad mounting g tree ha- ] gaa th taka aback of kUnaalf pate. a/I ar looking up sad evidently | thinking that th# sqhiml bad bad j enough lay down mad mad* prepare Unfit for a nap. As soon aa hB ayes •era rimed down tarn* Jack, mutton*- ly ta In vest igate The isaakry a ays* remained ckvard and after n prwltmi nary pnlar. as If ta make sure of It. down h* pounced on Ik* monk Tb* sharp taath rlaaad in on bla flank, and of all th# r halier tag. walling, raanlng th* •hoi* mag* of lha *imtan aaal#.— th* tAh* Via* manager!* echoed with th# same' Pate finally shook Ik* little sq 'lrral off and mad* a dash far him hot when It tame to sprinting ha »a»n’t In It Jach want up a tree Ilka a sash, and Ihar*. sat sly ensconced on n frail limb proceeded to figuratively make fare* at th# chattering, even tearful monkey —who area lying Hrklng hla wound on the ground. Whether he got even later on. the Observer la unable to aay, a« the warn ing clang of the motonnan'a gang call ed him off. A pompous and fu*ay Individual, with a hlg moustache went over to the Arlington cigar atand laat night, and asked for a rtgar. One box was han ded out and then another, but they didm' ault: either th* aixe or the color, or something, wa* wrong. After grumbling and fuaalng awhile, he fi nally selected one, placed It In tha au tomatic cuttlng-off machine, put It tn hi* mouth and reached for the pendant gas-lighter. A miscalculation or a gust of wind caused the flame lo bnr*t oul and nip the end of hla mouitarbe. 8-a-a-sa! went the whiskers and the testy Indi vidual threw hark his head with a jerlt that sent his Derby rolling over the marble floor. With a big rum-word and muttering something about "Idiotic arrange ments." he picked the tile up, placed It on his head, and walked off, while the obliging elerk behind the counler wor e a grin he could not con ceal. A little later on a seedy looking man shambled Into the lobby, and ap proaching the desk gave out a hard luck tale. He asked for help, saying he was an old railroad conductor, and out of a job. Clerk Murphy looked him over and pointing to the clock, said, “What time is It?” Thr man glariced up and replied "Twenty-five mluntes of nine." "That'll do." said Murphy: 1 can't do anything for you tonight." After be had left the genial Howard explained to the Observer that the fel low was lying; said he, "Had he been a railroad roan and accustomed to their ways, he would have told me lhat it was ‘eight-thirty-five.' and not twenty-five minutes of nine, and so I turned him down." The Observer, reflecting on the ctlte ness of hotel men, went home, Senator Olarenee t,exow of New York, whose resolution in the legisla ture'of that state was the inauguration of the famous Gexow investigation lhat turned Tammany 1 out of power for one term in New York cily, is to be relegated to the rear, by the machine republicans. «MOt> • ur fW(h BABU , tPMMB «*# Jiwßaaßn Beat**) |M J T, MppMMk MMB* 1 <*i»» a#*» t«Mf AA# 0 **9oo tWOOOO4 ttPAHHHi M~ #M» ttl 4 A# *4O 900 AttAMMMi >%*> 0090*9 MA§ fOO **4oo*9*9 #HtH 000^999 HA# HMH ttl 4 009 9(090 ttl ttA® #•# $%900 im 9%s * - tii> g- - ■t “ 9090 004* S# *■-•*-1 0~0 < 990 *O9O Sswwti* 9vs- * |m> 9toot* s4s HI IH ttNMtt. s9o4§9ost $990000. 099 s l 09990 90 0099 09900090% »***#*f A## 09 : p fMMM| H### IMA! 009940990 $49 0990* : *9O *0 m ,*,■ m till |m 9%m 400*-* 90 f ttttttttttttl ; ttttHtt Hb *%# %*99 -j *mm. ( AM® 09*9009 00*0 09 $49009 S9O 09, || ff#t itr Am l##tt #####%«•# i IfMNMAI HNAfIiM HttHtt* 90 so9* ttl Hl* • 90900 99*0 $4009 994-9904 000 lA# «#AI# #t .jj JW> | fcetfH 00 «A# I9A# tttt lA# HAA IrflAtj m 990 9AttttH# mnrnm 9, mm% mwMmwmlmn W IM Ikmsi*any, Be* 1 rw (wail# MMwdMMi «r *ka ***•%- ■ 00 Mm# of iw itiaot* t*mm*#’ BnMwand •Hk .am Tha reonpoh* ah * yen** am , mad* m o#a* to Ms »«#•-" iwe wndw 1 Mm ffwMMt *1 nhwh mmp *m pa* • .was* sheraa wf atovk TB* ***** m fß# was' Mda wf l%n paw atoiton w*M ha *» i*np?*<*d toMny wad •weß h*Mon on IB* aaremM tlaa aw that : Mda TBs pm* Bwkaa Aar th* aarond tta* a** hstnd ttMM W’ltk . r*sr vast* aad ofha* y**pareitoMa are hafnff mod* IB* I [ Mmtag Ito work. wBwB Baa pewpvwaa* «l «wy atowly an shy, TB# Nmdiv'R* (MMatoM* a*d Bt ] txoM* reliway Baa Baaai aaeaeMad tßt i • oartftot hM iretmpaettaff tß* K-gptß apd Ptiiaaalh t*PM*4 Ptatoa ipfpptry frwpi Haahv’B* to Mw»t**|!l*. Aid. TBay am kaa*a Camp WlbtMf. Mo* tawh (Mat. I'tar Mi )*• tre*M Murk. I ml win pirtv* Bare TB preday. TB* irottor wire eppaaHlow to**ap*p tß# Naabvtd* At not Railway and IBs i 1 fllawdala bp* wa# ra*ppl*i»»l thl* i raeraise apd *B* iatfee'a rere slprtad to rpaplpff over lha former s tip* from I Walaat at rest ta MrNolry rei Broad i ppd * tope* kptlt arrwm M. Map ar* at ' work today dlgptag tb* atreat Be* to : ip* toil at tka p*w«*4 Moor at tb* pew | dot too. IP Arcpdy. Not a ptovemept. Pot a murmur tp tto wind: Not • bird-pat*. Pot a whiopar la lb* air; I Not a fa*, r. not a f**tmg to tb* mist, But tb* »Pr tbouybt, "tt la very, very fair " I And tb* perfume, what a perfume, of tA# pH®' And the asur*. what an a sure, there bebm. Where the waters to a long and creamy HP* COme la wavelet*! Ah, the ocean ha# It* anow. • t Oh, th* heauty of the downward drop ping rill#, Aa they fall, or seem to fall, without a sound' Th# enchantment, old anchantmeot. of; the hill*. With ib* mytivry of alienee all | •round! | I As if spirit# of the mountain and th* deep. Fancy'# loveliest creations, still were there. Who might wak* up any moment from their sleep. Nymph and Naiad, beauty's aem bhuu*. yet more fair. f Something dearer than the etlllneaa of the wood, Something livelier than tha radiance of the green: Who might teach us to o vole* we un de rat'md. That a heart I* there in Nature, though unseen; J That a mother # heart I# beating In her grace: She hath wisdom, the la wonderfully wise; There I* purpose In each wrinkle of her face: Love la lurking In the glances of her eyea. And the wildness ha# departed from her Ilf*; Peace Is shilling on her battlefields of old: Here the mountain tell# of earthquake and of strife: There the valley haa its cornfield, and Its gold. So we lingered till the landscape seem ed to blend With the golden haxe of sunset far away: And we knew not the beginning from the end; All was passing with the passing of the day. All was passing, yet It cometh oft again In the evening, like a well-beloved guest. That remembrance of a beauty without stain, Of a world just for a moment at its best. —London Spectator. A LITTLE AD WILL DO THE WORK OF A COUPLE OF SALESMEN. “IF YOU WANT TO KEEP ’EM BUSY TRY IT.” THIS IS IT ar rt at \ * for EARLY FALL STIFFS AND ALPINES. ALL SHADES $3.00 Ju«t Arrived. DORRS Tailor inf. Hats, Funmhmfs. I VeryOflgn Yaa res to aapyllad macb mas* retPtostof tly tp tto *tv as 1 iclpi pcdtotoi re a dreg too** iaa* etoevher* W* .prey a very aw pM* Pm a( ‘■ •ja, Itofam.p Toaih bunk as, Camaa, •to. Bonr tad Gallet s Violgttg Estreat, toap. Totlat Water and Powder. Window Olnss And Putty tor putting tbam ta. Winter It eemlag. Do Too Want Pretty Wnlle? If ynu do. uas Alabastiu*. Wr snegtot * good man to put It . aii. Don't coat much. AlfiaiJer OrmCiipaiiv X» BROAD tn. MOREY TO LOAN. In any sums desired from SSOO upwards, in straight 3 and 5 years time, or on 10 years time, payable in equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fees. No delay in getting the money. Aleiander&Jobflson Agen't Scottish American Mortgage Company. 705 Broad St POETNER’S HOFBRAU and VIENNA CABINET BRANDSOF Export Beers ARE THE BEST ASK FOR THEM. Although robbed of his peacock feathers, IH Hung Chang Is still the richest man In the world. SrPTEMBfR 77 PEARL ONION HETTS Iwß 9990099% **9 90 Nkvw 9*099909 99900 o*l*4 Itey, ttl of ©*#«• Ntft o*loo Hu*. M*#bwl tmrrtm**,* m m Ho w#« «# (*kßr# lh** 0 109 M OiMMI. L I. Garden*. Druggist Amkcphalalglnc i 1 0$0f M tttH A $9Ol m* %i --£Z£Zm» Cur** *?&# Sr meadaciiii In All lit VAVJOUS FORMS HwaaSar waM aptly to Sa* Te*pPsto». Jllili 1 »i « Britoiills IBlsbMMm *9 amyaa* r* *«*> • »*' w a* ee4 •«>** to ffbp» to •*■*•##* a*M **4mp to aiaMl PBb a* Bp* to #•* #*• ■« Whoiffta*# *n<S R«t«Jl by L, A. On'dfftMr Drumiial, Augwiti. Or- For Sale! Tha kaßaiwtog pen pavvy WMI to *«I4 ep- ri swpsiamato lara*. •Mtob Pai atoff Bp Rd P*M to* Reas* etfaa*. apptotooaff !*m atoms# pato •»#**■ tape »rectoa* -tot tt Be* tt IP* Pap. rwppdpff BaW w*g tßcewffß to Bit-a ' setsto - RcSrP sdptoe tto ttt BMta aeread—to* I* (•#< ( to* tow restotog Ppeß to c * -*e*to Id* toe*— new *ntc*6 kg t Tvwato T **m M Ca. Nap. t* PM «f» Rratod tore**, eap iSiptof (to# tor** atoms* #ad Rpe (asp ' tog rev 'bm* 7 >m M l«*t t iPtbre. rwP. a tog tot Tft tore Is* tsrmediatoty IP free es Pbav* Ba. gH N*e« <da an*re. to tore t *• w*a (rsmeage. rrereto* *a«P tewarda Bread 9tfv**: 143 ArM S tttttt##* 0/099 0999000 099 %4& 000009$ ss% s99s turn* 990 9ss ts*l 4*99 \% lA# Vuu«® 90 HHtninffVttW, Ml o*oo*9 90*990. $9090 41 90 lA# $4‘9999 09009999 Km#f ##»M##<l #ntt A# 04HI tt #4l III# ttAtttl 000&4$4"0 09900ftf Appif 4# Georgia Railroad Bank regret* *»—to PROF. P. M. WHITMAN, 209 7th St.. AofisU. 0«. •IVES FREE FYI TESTS tor all defect* a •Igb'. (Vita <k* pr*y*r glims, aa# WAR RANT* !•*•> Erase, cut into your Priam wtula yo* waiL FREE OF GKARtiE, —OkOIR TUt'K COAL and WOOD - PROM TRE North Augusta Coal A Supply Co Quantity and Quality Guar ante <1 F- W SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT Ball Thom *IM (stronger »» The i Whitely Exerciser. A practical, simple and efficient Home Exerciser. ou*a pfCtally adapted for ladies and children, bu at the saua lima can be profitably nsed bjr tb* atrongest atbleta. PRICES: 75c., #I,OO, BICYCLES - CLEVE LA MIS, »t 0 up; YIK- / INtiS, 135 up; GEN- / MKON'B, (IS up; THOM-1 AS, f(>o up. Call and see w them. Every one guar anteed. Richards & shaver Paine, Murphy & Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 803 Reynolds st=leleplioßßlSfea-.3* Irivate leased Wjree Blrect to New York Chicago and Few Orleans. Orders executed over our wires for Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Grain and Pro. visions for rash or on margins. Local securities bought and sold. References —National Exchange Bank of August*, or Mercantile Agencleo. a _ i \ ]*,*, l *T\ frn J V