The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 22, 1898, Image 5

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TMUftftDAV ' hftfitl OUR " -s S 5 “Aiericaß” NO OUE6S WORK ABOUT THEM They're Han to be sure 01. They're Hats that do their whole duty. The same guarantee as you get on a $5.00 Hat. Styles always correct. Wm. Mulherin’s Sons & Co., 846 Broad Btreet $ $ Terrible M ® acies... PaoM m TWe TwaapU* Pwas Ow IV If* Pum ts TV Bark of TV Hoad Ctmt a»*s* infiwUji tK— BeMg^ m» tr-* '•>«* wr •aww*"* ! M« **>«<( •• »w •• »•«•*» VM »< « k • « k wnyswnw AM »**• hs tb»wh*r. ut uWuaito> saajt. DR. HENRY J. CODIN ttr«ti.HT MtCUUkT, WO bread Hh Snt 9* runlet* SIMM. STRIKES (hcwered m Tarty •* “»• Them vi ftanoti Strikes art wot uxtSarJ to wtoOtro Ham TO* eorltsst ertk* «rr«n»4 *h**«t Hta B c. «r vyrnrS as thirty-three ffflluilN ao Storirtl »M building • «** temple <* Thebe*. The mason* IfrttrM wty little raah Set s eSMtUr ■if pruvl*.on». wbtrh tbs roqtr*r:or thought MtScasnr. handed to them t n the Stsl day of **(k oMtti. Sol- Orient or oot. they mostly ot« It be fore tbe time hsd rtaper-1 On one oreoMon many of them h*d Mbmi left quite eortjr In Ute month, *n the* marched to the (-.mirar-ors uar before oklrb they squaUed un til juatire use Sour Tbe rentmclor pereuaded tbrm to toy tkeir Stetreea Infer* Phurasb, who era* a boot to *la.t tbe uorki. anil ba gave them a hanrtanme supply of roru, and no alt went rn erll for thot month. But the Mine state of things recurred, by the miodle of lit* neat month, and for some Says tb« men wrk. Various ronfrrenera took plsre. but thr m»n declined to do • stroke unttl they were given another supply of fend. They declared tbe clerk* chested them, uard false weights end so forth, famil iar enough romr la lilts In ibis country under the truek syntrm. The contrac tors not complying with their demaads they marched to the governor of the city to tsy their demands before him. and he tried to get the® to return to work by smooth words, hut that was no use. and they Insisted on having food. At last, to get rid of them, he drew up an order for corn on the pub lic granary, and the strike was at an end.—Pittsburg tMspatfh. Smith A Wesson pistols from *5 to js 50 Several good bicycles for sale wry cheap. Oood watches from »J 25 to *SO 00 at Iwwls J. Schaul. Feliabls pawnbroker, under the Arlington. The Santiago public achoola have been reopened under American super vision and on a non-sectarian bails. There Is where the new life begins for Cuba. i OUR FALL STOCK Wa are now receiving all the Latest Ideas in Jewelry, Watches, No velties and Silverware. WE HAVE A NICE STOCK OF ROSARY BEADS ] We Mvdprt & C 0.,! Jewelers. » | BAT AM) BALL. I Baa »q— Wwiea <l*mee wa Nat *>wai I ■«**•, «nm»mw liMbt AT MMTON taswat. ANN HuMwa.. t • I 1 1" • tatwW . til | R. taut \ Ms awl b * s Ilian R«*»w*wgb awl Arhrteee l as- Ii a Owßim y nbd k' bsssA Time I 9W AT BALtIHOH - few IHI I Mam more ...... I » * • •• *»» j Rattartws: Nelson* awl Clarke, Ortd’b gad iwgalMMb l apti OTtay sad Unug Tim* l.«k AT « AUlllNttTON— gras*. R H B Washington .. .. .. .. .. .. t II t C udonst ..I IB I Batteries: Mercrr. bwuboC and Par rell; Ouawanr asd Wrod. I'mpires Karlix and Andrews Tima. > bows. I AT PMIIJU>BI.I*HIA— j bear* HIIE Pbllladelphia HUB tTevetaad ............... I BB ! Batteries Plait and McFarland; Powell and Orlger empire* Heart wood and Smith, lime. 3 hours. .. : 4T NEW YORK- I Score . R H R J New York » IB I 1 Uauisvtiis .. ..H It i ilaurrres: Ruale. Warner aod Ura ity: ruaningbam ard Kturtdg*. l’m ’pires: Hunt and Conuoliy. Tlase. t 18. ! AT BROOKLYN— j Hccre. ’ R M B Brooklyn 2 9 1 St Louis 7 I! 2 Battcriest Dunn. Ryan, Orlm and (trishaw. Sudbcff and Clemenu. t m pine: Warner. Time. 1:M. HOW THEY STAND Club. W. L. Pc. Heston *7 44 844 Btlilmore 83 48 .643 'Cincinnati *2 U .607 Cleveland ........ 74 5* .65k Chicago 73 St .546 New York 70 SI .634 Philadelphia « SI .512 Pittsburg 67 67 .500 Louisville . .. .i .. .. 58 74 .439 Brooklyn .. .. 47 73 .386 Washington 43 89 ,326 St. 36 96 .267 ••Baltimore I* likely to be "In at the ! death.'' ••Hope has given Cincinnati a large Hed mlttctt. *«lg>ui»vllle leada the League in aac- I riflce tiita. ••The Colonela have not lent a game 'since they left home. ••LmilivWe l» the baseball sensation i of the latter part of the season, j ♦•Dlneen, of Washington, Is the j poorest baiter In the Lsague. Hi* av | truce la .109. I ••Baltimore leads the League In club betting, Boston la second and Louis, vllle seventh. i ••Cleveland has the best rluh fielding record, with Cincinnati second. Louis ville is ninth. ••Nichols has pitched more games than any other twlrler In the league, thirty-seven, winning twenty-six and losing eleven. ••The New York club has made the most errors this season—96l. Chicago Is second in this respect, with 348. Louisville has made 307. ••Mr. Von der Horst, of Baltimore, says he would like to Increase the side bet of Boston for a aeries of games with Baltimore to $5,000, if Boston is willing. ••Murphy, of Philadelphia, leads the catchers; Lachance the first basemen; Quinn the second basemen: Cross, St. Louis, the third basc-men; McKean, (he shortstops, Clingman being fourth. Delchanty lead theoutflelders, having made only five errors In 114 games. OABTORZA. Bean the j 9 KM Von Hava Always Bought rr THU auoubta hehald. ELLIOTT NOMINITEO 4 Urt* Meet IB* M m m» Vb h Uai ||pftVd4s QMNk # ib*** fen I * to* m* mWi' •* hfe | | MNN 9mrnrnms «•- %■»!»,(V ibb# IHf ll* Ml f IN®* talk I Mk» uwwtlud I «M> mHI m Mnl Ht ffcet* t ••• tiw*-# iiNUfVWNI H» JfetHß La tHMdi is sand ka ba« aweagl j haw* iwa» saggy wag tag m*m Hkst * jrwwd abeg Re *aa a gasmtw* *unw <ti areas** yew* ag* N> »tysaiawS laky Be Mtßkaß swag bar *h» Mtaat Igl Ms set Blßi 4MI ItNPV «nt turn 4 VfeNNiil ir •+***>+ b*4 Mi gMn BN CbaeSmy M«>b**« sgwk* ter a f»u mtautw ■ MM»*g that h* “*ga a* B* I it*' aa awl that If we w*r* gtl glttgfT SMg tfe war* alt rig*. ! Hr NlUsgi *s* k* tot gßaw* ■Hbwtask the tmhstages *f *b* ;, a was •bat ba was *a tarwr as g wbit* gtl* gHf? R wg* obww* m *bc m«wUag ><* *•* of tbe m‘ah*T' 'bat Mr Ittßnii arba* lb* was t* t**g*tl hobai* *aa I* Bar or es makrr wane* M «Hf wgglayes sad •bat ba vwtag ta Ibrteaaa tbe aalartw jrf gw item** breme* sad guy iabuaers ! fbts < glw<a 9m hearty ayplass* Aa Wtatt Club *aa bsraaei 'be aa | mutts# raaaUlUs us wbirk was aa i - » estsUlows Measf* dwltcaselr ’ Jga Kuwa. Rohe el sou NT. II Luugse, ] Raw Tbrtß aa4 a*a ar tun atber* !w in Dili r inf* in Nff alßfrt Ms I HcAwtag was started arete*ary *f tb* I, tub. Tbe gwettag ibe* adjeurbud A note •!!! be pi»»■Sited ta Mr Mat- ( .■ ma aad bta frit* da by the eaaewiva I inwmtiiee today ask tag that gentle * mag ta eogaent ta eater a white prt I mary IWr the *nw>iaaii<m of a rawactl j man from tbe Fifth. The r«mi«(g is waxing warm and ev* sery*b>uß seems to be going tm la the beat of humor WHAT lILLMAN SAII». Ibe Senator Teti New- l.agtawd W the South (From tbe Manufacturer* Record) Seaatur Tlllmaa. of South t arolma. has been vialtlug the textile cruters of Now England. At Concord. N. H, he was mtervtrued by tb# corr*»i»»mleat of tb* New York Commercial Adver llser. and la commenting upon the ae sertlou that only rhaap goode can be made in Ibt South be M d: "We can make na line a grade of goad* la South Carolina aa r n be made anywhere. There are only four months ta tb* year Ibal we are obtig rd to rloa* the windows of Southern cotton mitts, while with ibe Northern mills'thfre xrc but four mcnlhs that they can b* kept brea. Tbe result Is that our opurativea. for eight months ■in tbe year, breath# pure air, while thoa? cf the North for an equal period are living in ati almoaphere artificially heated, eloae, unnatural end enervat ing. Why shouldn't we have superior workmen end. If superior workmen, why not superior goods? Our niuchtn jeey is modern, white that, of the North ,I* obsolete Our operative* own their I rwn homes. >vbile your arc crowded into tenement houses. Can there be eny rompsrlnson hetween Isborers thus {situated? Anoihcr thing the purchas ing power of your dollar Is growing less, white ours is growing greater. Our {laborers are entislled; yours are not. Our* ar# growing rich, while yours are Woman’s Mission. Suectn/ul compel/lion in any field depend! on phytiea / health. w ILIARg™ ~~~ Shall women vote? Shall they practice law? j jrfy, - ,’ Khali they compete with men in every field? M'l " hatever woman's mission may filially be de 'ifjjtXfM /, dared to is certain that, something r[ Jl—must be done for her physical health. Wi Ignorance,superstition and mystery stir k s * efforts to endure pain is part of woman s / J till creed. Many women's lives are a constant •Jg, J&mSJ i | struggle with lassitude: many are violently Is HBBSnHs ill without apparent cause, and few indued t>Y HllSh jgSr/j/hgAgL sr —j This is ull wrong and might be different '• 1 1 ! i if women would follow Ur Hartman’s ad vice. Perhaps the most practical printed I 'oVWkSSSI® V ISwW : I>r. Hartman's book called ' Health and '•» HBdt Beauty." which the I’e-ru-na Medicine Co., i Sft'l nr Viftv'x! fflL 7 Columbus, ft., will mail free to women '//f lAlliffiM ' 'Mk only. It is certain that l)r. Hartman s -/lAh/M BIHBHk lUm'h Pc-ru-na lias proved a perfect boon for /ilfrilm l - wu ir women's diseases of the pelvic organs. It AvilfUrlißiwmKvMM MW treats them scientifiottlly and eures them (vUlihW* llrßllm* a -permanently. All druggists sell it. " • s ... _ Voj re ppived your book and commenced - 'W y.. the use of your medicine at once," writes —Mrs. 11. D. Amoss of < iree res boro, Ga., to \\ Or, Hartman. "1 took five bottles of Pe-ru-na and two of Man-a-lin. 1 feel like a new woman. When I commenced taking Pe-ru-na I could hardly walk across my room; now T am doing ray,own work and can walk to church. I shall never cease to thank yon for prescrib ing for me. I had been under the treatment of two doctors but never received any benefit until 1 commenced taking your medicifae. I wish every woman who was suffering as I was would send for one of vour books. May God bless you and spare you many years to relieve women who aru suffering as I was.” Fifty thousand women will be counselled and prescribed for this year free of charge by Dr. Hartman, president of the Surgical Hotel, Columbus, O. All women suffering from any disease of the mucous membrane, or any of the peculiar ill# of women, may write to him and the letters w-ill receive hi* personal attention. <i Write for special question blank for women. (tfßl JOWO^R ' ytiebl |shw Aad Cbee* raw he bed mmsa aewi 4* «k* Meal as Mwmwmaw >• i bwe a* *ww* BkUM m bmMb few mmm mm a*wb wwwxbtwd e**w Wwwes • >.*« ta heal MM* ff* base alt l tba eetarat gdvawtweM aad ywa bavea» i «ntr aajdwreerflMse *» **w»**^*~.» <b 4 awl as egUßewre Wwe easpewM the ( mrstl iar as waitat~ • tsiaMbeat taa* | i Straadt tb* SbfawaeM >*«#••»«# as { : ibe Noeeb ba«a **eya«4 iviwtwi tw J Vnt< be** etna* m>*t Maeb* awd are ■■ «e*4tad ibetr masey Anwib ** If | rar ttir-M gaM ealebMS m tedheW - rests aw* with vnata *e Wat ■ Kent WMVenwal fleae 11 Wft 9a Btf td <iua*awt«*a with ea*b *»et»b at Lewis I WrbaaTe. ReiMMe Paaafcrshar a* j da-kaww »<»#»«■ Bl INH‘» VERY Oit.l. taw Ae»a*U at Polk# .Metlaa tael Rigby. Rtaetly Bea mtaatea Thai aa* the flaw tahe* by tbe re- I carder tn bwteb yy baaiaeaa at hi* Ul - bubal ibis aMrwtwx I Oa* rae» graced Ibe docket I Ob* priWMtf graced tbe doth That prtenwer was Lissie t bar ba ton M* had, ah said tbe arreeiiag uf* •car. abetted RoMawm • ally attb brtrkhata 1 bee* aa* a men la tb* case. H* aa* ta tb* ally - that Is, he m*• then UWltl the ebettlqg begaa. Then tie scaghi other ttcide Thai a •by be was eat at court. Uuir aa* Bn«d |i> which aa* aid paid and ao it la that *be aill spend •evea days cm tbe P, W. Tba* ended tb* eeasioa. It bad b**a the shortest held la maatba and last eight had ••era the awat quiet that bea been expert*a>-*d at police Maitrs in quite a period tVrtiape a moral aav* swept over (be elty laat Bight. Who know?” • Pistol*. Double Barrel ilusc FI«tol*. Herrington A Richardson Brand new pistol*, 17 Se. Itarvtngton A fth hardaon second hand pistols. 12.*0 Am rt< sji double action ptatot. tl m Ouitar. Man ' dotin and Banjo Hirings. 2 for 6 cents, at 1 1. J. fkhaul. Bellat<l* Pawnbroker. I Journalist* are wail tec# vad In Hot laud It is said lhai at least two i bundled newsoapeta sent correspond ent* to Holland during coronation we>'k. and a couimitlee, with a mem ber of the State* Ueneral at Its head, slid the Hurgoinnaier of Amsterdam among its active promoters, arranged everyth lug for their comfort A house was ta' rn to serve them a* a sort of club during their stay. Karh duly accredited Jouinallct received an elegant sort of pocket bonk containing I his own photograph, with a permit to attend all the public oeremonlew and • to travel flee over all railroads In the kingdom. If the esteemed contemporary which „Hk. "After.(bill*. What?" will keep u dose watch of Stove Klklns, Mark Hanna and their crowd. It will see the answer. —Chicago News. HIS NAME ON MONUMENT Vt Jwhi H «<4g» Nt tM«| «* Ob# ts TW LUM «*• ****** 9b* «•* a# am AIM am* r «*••«*% BMwaBM Aibww* tb* asm** at Mbs *»»'—i Ml ' aa 9%M* wtbw *we9 *a <9w N"aBM «■ |«Bm« wf BM Babw M tbe*g*a I M M* <>»>*«> la Nm* ba » •#• <4 j«we Hwiu* swagwa* Mkai bw* bwm ■ weed lb# * twwg bw. w*4 awe mm at •Ma wm Bwa'S'S* *«» Nil tww »k* a •any* a* —»*»»« M*fN **mbb tm Bw > *a I M* bwb Me *•**» Ma** «*••• ***** a* h* gwa* bsw ■ ***** ***w*9M awd iwbwa a hast ai Me mu* *w>»*9 tk* wwa eeaeaaN is tba WswW ti la mmtm** «h#» Me MuggM bwf • » »**• wbw 4«*W Wwttag (b* ••* e*4 'is* awgbt b* wwsari bat bkaa : Re tut s* N am. If t* Ik* toe fa 'tags eat tsf W* AawwwdWwla *** tews s tag tb* fawMty lose I* was ah* IJIM* 'sewer *r wmp* **M* mgawtaaitwa th»r j*M b* awmswbm wwyatmi tw b*4 sal , i bat Bk«br rewtw *!»•* a wwwwwwwt ieweang the •*•* «f tba 4a*Mi at Mr Jwb* M WHUt* wa* ili 'iM 6*n was a p»mww as tb* ewas* same **4 btnmA •I lag lb* paaMii a aa g*4a *b«rib as tba «Bir as Awgwst OROVETOWM ECHOES. I rteaAs Caaktug a*4 o**ag~ Aaeßbai w rfirtng *1 <ks>«4**i HynSal I* The MetsM ili'wtqlcay. oa , Asy* It.-'Me, Lasm Martin af>Wt WaWber at C**W* attb tw ami M»* Ital kWere Mr (taa TV tea wa* w (liwwtsat aa Moadwir. Mr** Matlle Wiarw-s ftt-mi wa* M awe I. tilaa* Hwaday Miss Kate Hirtaer left ws u* Td-star inetif «• tb* rearsi of b*e wmay I l *t i, w4s Hbe ia ** bet way ap. »l a abest vaewtma amid tba Koerb Caro lina sosniaiea atom rssuming bee Si wiles. Miss M ary tkrisrr at*** left oa T•ro ds y for a short visit la Athens nr* ! witi pay wa a short visit before tea via# ’ to* eoHeqe la N-w Teeb ) Mlaa Ruama Harass left New Yark L Wedneadsr tm Cblebrunaasa Old iitMarti* will he lonely with*ait Its three • harming maidens. Mr*. Anna Hutwsll returned to Au gusta Monday after a short vhut to oar Lady of tbe flues Mrs. Htewarl Phlatsy was in the city (Saturday Me on panted b**r aimer, Mr* T. T Tally as far aa Auuuata l.m h< r way home: her many friewd# will mlaa Villa Martoa a fair and charming guest Mr. M, N. Chapman waa at Sunny ald* on Hunday. Mr. Ben Wnll was at Hryyle'l Beet ■■a Monday Mr Hugh Harris also paid hi* fri-nda at (Irovetown a flying (?) visit. Mr* H*a*on and Mr* William IMlier are esprvi.-d up the last of this week. Mr*, rlaln'-y returned on Monday Jo the Kims, the home of her daughter. Mrs. T. K. Nor vet. W# are glad to weli i.m* her home again. Mi*. J' ha Wllltr- Olhaoa returned to Kills on Tweabsy after a pl-s-ant vls jit to her pa rents with her little daugh iter*. Mr. Ben Jordan spent yesterday In .Augusta. ! Mias Hattie (laorer got hark yester day from a short hut delightful visit to ' Augusta. Little Miss Uvulae Tohln I* with US 'again on a visit to her friend. Mia* Ma i rie I’hintsy. | MaJ. Joseph Hill resume* his Bclslr 'school this week. Helair Is fortunate In liavlng so tine and scholarly a gentle man In ehaigc of It* Academy. Mr. Will V. Muse left Catherine P.-bis Tuesday to spend several days with friends In the city. Mrs. George Burch spent Monday St I Mr. Clarence Culver's. Wedding hell* will ring again In Orovetown In the 2«th of October and a.- shall lose yet another of our Utile village favorite* for Hunnyslde'r fair little hride-that-lstobe Is beloved by all. but we will give her up less reluctantly when we remember that the young man who has won her Is one of the hand somest and best In our slatp. Still, we like to keep our lassies at home. We are proud of our pretty girls und our bright girls, hut prouder still of them when adversity brings out their noble qualities. On.- of our farmer# here got really down-hearted and dl»coi*ag*-d, what with bad crop#, war taxes and the im possibility of hiring negroes to pick hi# cotton, he hardly knew what to do, but he Is all right now. His three charming daughter# came to the rescue, put on their bonnets and old dresses and turn ed right Into that cotton. The eldest, aged 17 and IS, can pick their. 140 and 150 pound# a day. These are th« kind of girl# Dixieland 1# proud of. The young man who wins one of these will have a charm more potent than Iho fairy ring, for ahe will help him, not only to win, but to keep auccess. KTHKL HATTON. RICHfIOND PEARSON HOBSON. Takes Up His Abode at l.akeview Park. Richmond Pearson Hobson !# ;h< lat est celebrity that has been added to the Lakevlew menagerie. Hobson Is a wild eat with all the beauties of shrdlu M eat with all the beauties and character istic of his Mpccle#. M. Jules Catnbon, the French Am bassador to this country, has been do ing the Adirondack country. He has taken in. the western end, has had Paul Smith’s romances translated to him. and laughed over those quaint stories, and early this week absorbed the grand air, fine scenery, and tooth some fish of Lake George and there about. YourFallSuit hiw raw m otm flirt si**'*' *» a* 9wam pat* mm fa bat,. *** be** yrra i| iim i*nir f* a tm *mm <■•** •*# •<**< mm *s«-y®g ***** fra) tm tba «a»eM k «M* •* *<* sSoHrtwg tub! *l* fww*» baa at mm m tv Ito•' r «Ma ever eeW ve S * vlwm* a* age Eg Fine Fabrics. Choice Patterns. Excellent Work, manship. up-to-date Styles. ftialtrl* jsrau baWOg bee lb* ***** ibMMt •» »B» rvgw (Mas *t 'be t«b« gums* smm asd ta Bnaßggiiiti I#* urn asamm* «#w*n*» *g|gf ggH otm m |i W ft BL R a. MSB* lutb lii at aad MB 4N Some Special Offerings fasi mm tb Rmp* fHhsey fhahaat fevo Ibbabi Pan* mss* eib IS; Rcrftt bail* lab esaea. |» mi M • Ml* sad M«b ISMbsaM bn #4 Mm*’ add ka*a gwata Hu* > ssaeasA *# g* *i M saafb J. B. WHITE & CO., Cloiliios Depariiflnt —.ftwt saw biatm— CfSHIK. GtKftlY l Til bab tUrt'AO PIIWJT. IHMIIMI MU A Mil lOßlrtf n f tk Thet ta At but on# of our baml-annual Chaltan«w* Salbh will be* crowmKl with an array of baraalna, such at any atora may N» proud of. Soma of lha Spactal valuaaara tha raauit* of our own affortt carafuUjr ptaneKf for tha occasion many waaksaao. Othars, wa ara frank to t onfata. ara ralhar acctdantal, maraly aitributabla so our abllify to taka quicM advanfaca of lha rnax pact ad turn* tha markals takt at in all It Is a wondarful collactlon of chotc# Shoas that will ba sold at our new stora this waak for v SI.OO Flftaan dlfferanl sty Vs in Ladias* U>wandHi*h| Shoas and at«hf diffarant sfylas of Man a. Thasa are yanulne bargains purchasad by our Mr. Goulay whlla In tha East. . Agents for Hanan & Son. Stacy Adams & Co.* Edwin C. Burt and Zlaglar Bros. If .%■„« rani l*o thin** the hlahaat .atlafartlon and a Mvlng of msnry. Jwat liiakr ynuraolf one of uttr ruatumata. Wa ran furniah rhtrn with 100. ami the brat la tlw markri al 'hal T***J*' e * D ‘ re * , “ c, *ui quarter bit. but here# a |Tixr»»l**h h diJ JUn». CUumbtaa. model **. *S* w>. and your laat • ham * lo »*t thl» l>"l*ular model at * n * t hrr, a hop wont t only I model «. ladle«, *f will let (o at M# On* l*d»r Hartford at It*.*# amt ladle.' Vedette at ladlaa Jill at JM and for l-.»a and torn ibrre ta notblba »n the mathrt to not, pare with the Kernel atonal al HS.M ar.d the Jack at *3*.*b. an . ml band Clawlanda, RamWrra. I'rea-enta. Htoama. Vk'lwl, lUdredge and Racyclra, from HI ** up. •“ Al rondltlon. and wa lot thru. at nay old prtrr—th»y did not re»t “* Ihlnjr. ware «l\>n to u» by peocda who wanted l« ride tba tJTAMMKU WHEEL OF THE WORLD, and only aold in Au*usta at DEVENEY, HOOD & CO Bicycle Department. * \ • y yjj J ESTABLISHED |8«8. / ) DOORS, SASH AND BLINDS, S C v — Rough and Dressed—^s 7 j YELLOW PINE LUMBER ( j AND MILL WORK 1,1 ut-tcuipTioN. > ) Factory and Saw Mill equipped with latest improvement#, and organlaa- 1 L tion thorough In avary department. Full Una m aloek, and premj't ,h| P* / nientK aaaured. i'ricea, Catalogues, «tc„ upon Application. V Perkins Manufacturing Coal, Wood and Cedar Posts Blackjack Wood Sawed . * • P er £ or j Good Dry Pine {£oo P er Cord Good Dry Pine, long, . • • $2.75 per Cord Special prices on three Cords or more. , Best grade Jeilico and Hard Coal, including the celebrated Indian Mountain, at lowest prices. R. h. SIKES, 904 Marbury Street. Stronger ’Phone 740 ------ - Bell Phone 2151. READ HERALD WIT ADS. hFPTVMNFN X MlfliAß o# IMSB ) At. ttWliltvM.% | r —^w. I ***k; ! '«®3 SuttoßfS^jv