The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 22, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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THURSDAY 6 COAL-COAL -COAL itnoUMir a»p mnm. <* MAiHJanw ~~jTH« »«*t uhaua*» or ftiu* Cmm JMMco I GOAL - * • *LJII ****** T*!! """city ice company. MAR At* H#UI» t»gs*ii«»d f»*»* *M ****** <•* ,'»*•« **«*. ► fttM fm--, jm. ii ~n i r « H n» »*•» •ft*** ram** fft ft«t*ftft « m ■■ |M smtmt *•'*•< •»*•*»'• **• ** i ~r |- >r „ „ „ ~ itM] if* %*»t> «**vt*W*tf * « ft.. HIM* k*Mb ***** ~ »*•* 4Mft**db* ftftgftkts, ****** < ... ft ft*** ft* CftlMMMI*. MHF Mt*l •**!* * ft* yet §***4 „ *. #» •** > ft. ** ft.*n»4 ,* * * *#• Kftft Vftfftw. .... . ft* iimin-mr ■» . vw. ft t* M ft ft 'pr- .. g*.,. g ,. an* Uftlft* H ... ft •*»*’ * f, *m*ttifta.. |*hm.4 ... ... ... .. dMtl It**.*** ... .. .. .. - ***** ite*. ..... ™.. ni«i SSSwft ***** « >.. . •* I IN** .. ~ ->s* - -*- -- * ■Sh .. * UVR (TUCK H ft***, mm. rmmm •* ***** *»-■*» !**.*. ***** •*•*•*• **•*• • .♦ * •*.«*** »ft •“ —• " ** ftlivn ***••»•« <* •*'<** w-• . « •**■***• **ft* ...*• •• ** lUt k *«*r«*. I—if ft* **' W* . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . <•-*» ft** * t**» ******* •**•• *♦ * . tv** «*** t* ... .. «•.£.** ■•»<• ** *" ft«t.« ft ft**** f*ft *•**• •*-••* wririCMram Ifcjflt.**, I»# s•*•*. ©'€**■ 4*4 II I*. I*l o lw«t» «***•*. ft **■. r*» *» ■* • ft ». *%»** •»**► ***W. ft ft - ** '*** * «*,«*. 4ftriula. ft ft I* ft t»*»T ftoaCW. Per** MMff-ft <*ftd »ft*-4m**' G:*ftttc» >•(*. **• #k»»tiiM» »* *’* tiMii**in> % ft ft **4»G«ff * w * *•* IlKSltrftlt. It* ft M lM*M*» •• * I* *• *• * *** Oron.t. villa «-* M II M ■ **• Mi ** Kin* H M *Wtl*l .-»* * J,h* ft Km* »»•** ft £....« »t (.(SriGl. 4l't.<. Oort trait! 14* *t« *» **>•**• *** ** Corn««tlt. I* } ft* *» -****•!. ~ ft** *»* *t i ftI.ftACIIINO* Ml*r»ll*n««>u* hr*nil* l* •* WtOOAM. Frill! *f «h* >• ""•*** •• * »-* Frun of lh* tool*. *-• liwh*» • •• • ’** j r*i»>< *-• •* •••*■* j r*bot. ,w Alpin* Ho** «-* .. •• M *•* i p r i4 r Q,f Writ ,i •• «• •• •• it I*t Jn>. ft ftm* *•* H R *hlr«m* .. S »“* i J»« ft. SCtnc «-« A A »h"*tlng .. I M l»n*d*t« H j .. .. .. .. y .* * **• 1 kn r lUn*. «**•*»> O—rgU | Jno P. Kin*. B l*«’fc ft C •*• i. 'll « I** *• •• * *'* i jn<> ft. King, ft •** K* •*• v,.. •. •• ■ ;1» Jbu. ft. Kin* ft ‘ftjj* J*ut** if * •• * *'* Aroorl'in ihlrllnii. *4r*4 * I** Morrlmark *hlrim»*. «***4 i ./M • Ml C'haitrr Oa*k <»r**» **»«•• ••'W • * * * W,»hM)«t..n Oil. |f*r.t«rl •..*.» •• * j Allen'* Ihnt'fl v .. *» it *• * **l! *lni|*i*i'i H prrc*l«* .. ~ .. .• •• • Coat*. Bpnol rotti.n. p*r d0a..., .. <t Altirrl<'.n IndiK.i lilii*i*. *l**l .* •* t 4'* Plater Oil* (aolldy «lx«4 4 1-4 Amrrkan Imlla* blur., 14*41 .... 4 t-4 It)i»rnatl'«al blark. 41»*4 4 1-* A Urn'* rarainalr ««*«4 4 l-S , Alien'. L*|i<ir.** 44*44 .. .. .. .. •• 4 1-1 j India blue •• •• •» •• | India Wu. * 1-* . Kilnglant'* 44 x 44 4 1-2 Camera radian!* 41*44 4 1-3 Martha Wa.bmgtim 44*40 3 3-4 Hnpe 84*41 > . 1-3 j OOk., 84x*0 .. *• -• •• * i- * j TICKS. Hampshire .. .. .« «4-th> «• *•» *» * t-ft, Amckeas A C A .. .. .« •* .. *® !-•'a* A •• *® Anioakea* J "’J Reclprer lty ■• v i» . •• * **t n.Ain i*fJ»iM*rtm*. city Mill. .. ..* r. i. ' • •• •• * M Four yard, R .ud S 3 inrh 4 3-4; Lodi .hitting* f.4wM ..... .• * t-4 Ijidl drea* atyle* M*« ~ .. *. .. 3 t-4 Rt. Clair drear atyle* 4 Ocean aulid. * *"* Marlla* Waahlngtcn fam-lc* .. .. I 3-4 Miaecilaneour liiuuda. light weight ••• 13 1-s*ln 2-2 laacttn 4 yard, plain 3 l-S Thnrndiki « *•* -1 Arao«k*>a* v 9 -* IVlhain. 33 bal lto box 18 ft. Q. F ., 30 hall, to-box 16 E G. ft.. 20 ball* to lb 17 1-3 Muacogee B 3 1-3 27 Inch 4 1-3 yd. plaid., beat make -4 Slmp.on .Ilk finish foulards 64x * M Pacific mourning* 64x64 5 China alike 64x64 4 1-4 Mldtlleford 5 -2 Pinter 64x64 3 3-4 Concord. 66x60 3 1-4 Home 66x60 3 1-4 Edward* 3 1-2 Keyattme 3 1-2 Fifth Avenue .. ~ .. .. .. .. .. 3 1-4 KEARSET S. Heavy Columbia, heuvy Kearscy 8 1-4 Kincaid and other* 9 1-4 LIME, CRMBNT AND PLASTER. Lime 70a85 Rosendale cement 11.46 * Portland cement 12.75 to 3.25 Louisville cement In paper sacks ..11.00 Plaster In bbl* 11.76 HARDWARE. Well buckets, per do* 18.00 Painted bucket*, per do* 11.10 2 H B B cedar pails, per do* .. .. 11.75 3 H B B cedar p?Jb4. P«T do* .. 12.00 Tubs palmed, per nest 11.75 Rope, Manila, per pound 9 1-3 Rope, Sisal, per pound 7c Rope, cotton, per pouqd .. lOcallo Nailt, wire H ‘5 base Nails, cut 11.46 base Shovels. Ante*, per do* .. .. llla}U..>u Shovels, diamond, per do* .. .. $7.00 Shovels, riveted back, per do*. ... $4.75 ft**-* ******* , M M « » >• » I H 4*b» 44*mb*. **4 n* *»* ftaa m« •• 44a*i tm 4*4 Mft **■»,. ft** haft a . IB 44* *■** ImH 4t*4*l ft** Daft ~ ,«• M 4ft 44-*>»*♦ 4M»* ft** »*.. «!**•*- • M •M 444*46 ft** 4h mm •»•••* *SO , Hanaa »»■'**. ft** **r 44 ** > MM* 4ftaa*4t ft** h»* .. n «« «* »• 14 • it»»ii.4**» <**4h6 ft** m * _*** 'Tfthr* ******* ft** 4*4 ft** I® hft* 14 .lift©* »«4lM»t, fta* #♦»*• *.* • l*j !MmPß4* *•*« At t ft** ***** I M ** **•♦ B*4 ft** B•• >• » .*».«► • *«eft*, par dot H *l® A 4» MM"* ft- I ftftr *«• i. m • *! Ulfta MhftMai. ft* A ft** ft** » «• * -A a# haMkw*. ftw 4 ft** ft*4 ,».., *, ftft ! 4m*i 4>e ftaMnft ftt** IN* »•.. ftaaftt j 44MU fftaMM* *. ««*«*»< ft** Mb .... * WrMftM ftftM* ft ft I 6* * 4 ft, », 114 ftTATR ftnwlrft fkfftftlMi «i*4 IhMSIa MtMl | •4 it S*hm W. (N«l»f H«4 4*fc*4 fi—ftm fa tut ** »•••»•«• , it* 'kmtmim I t fft MAS *«*•••«« 119 «** i I f* Ml •« «• •* ttf •*. *Mt« I t*r*> Ml ** •« *• ft* M ft. I l*f'a mi,« •« •« «« M ». I pUMVOI CiMMM If «*•*««•# IW VI” < JT f HOMCNI. 1 Mnuti* aatm»•A*m »« », m •« • 1 4*'#' fa vm », I*% •*« 1 Any jf b > I if# IMS „ „ MS acNmuia fa t*u , „ ~ is ... A , tMt« fa tW • •• •• •• •. IS {*, furrln»« A t*fl, Ifff ~ .. tit < ft%ri#«faa fa SS •• t? I HAII.ftOAD MOMTSI I clearats It. St* A Ht< Os. * ft. I*l3 IU M. (tool©, n. R * Hkg Co. i (I, Its „ 114 ... j Chariot!*, CoffttnMa ft Aft ftuatft. lat *‘a. >••* .... .. I*3 ... Cbartrtift Colamhta ft A* guata 34 r*. MU 11l Ausus’a 4o R. R.. I’s, 1434 . ... 44 C R. K Honking Co. Coital* I Truat 4‘a. 107 0 M Houtbftrn Railway la. IM4 .. M U Cm 11 at of Georgia Railway, I t,t ,»n*ol mgl. la, I*4s .... « *4 r „r a. I*l pr«f m » 4* Cmtral «( Georgia Railway. 3d ptef IsoißM*. 1448 .. .... 13 14 C. of G. Ist pref 111 . 1444 .... 4 4 G. 4 ft K.. Ut m »’*, IMS . 144 147 South Gonrglw and Florida, Id 3**. l*t* . .. .. .. .. .. 10 ... South Georgia and Florida 3d r*. 1844 >0 .•• (Vein Steamship Co., I*l 6’* Id 7'a, 1444 10 ... FACTORY BONDS. Enferprta* Mfg. Co., lat 4». 1403 10 ... Sibley Mfg. Co., lat C*. I*o.lo Sibley Mfg. Co., lat *'•. 10* ■ >0 G*. R. H ft B. Oft- stock .. 144 144 South Western R. It *«ock .. 48 10 Augusta A Savannah stork .. 48 10 GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. (lata, white, sacked .. .. •• .. •* 34 (mm. mixed, earked .. ** Corn, white, aacked .. .. .. 60 Corn, mixed •• •• .. 44 Meal, bolted, per bushel 4764 Flour, i nmnmn 3.50 Flour, fancy extra 3.75 Flour, eeeohil patent 4.0 Flour, standard patent 4.36 Flour, fancy patent 4.76 Wheat bran, 10-lb sacka 40 Fin* feed, 100-lh aai-ka 0 Hay—native, per ton 12.0 Hay—Timothy, per ton 13.0 Hay -choice, per ton 14.0 Ham*— choice augar cured .. .. lOallH Smoked rib aides * Dry sail ribs * Lard, pur* leaf. In tierces 544 l.ard, kettle, rendered In tierces. * 1-4 Sugar, granulated 9 % Be Free. (Elvira Floyde Froemrke In Buffalo Evening News.) Release thyself! From sin set free Thy *onl forlorn! Was It for this for such as thee— Tby laird was born! Cast off the thrall! Come forth and lift Thy drooping head! Will not the lxird tby dread sin sift Till wrong lies dcadT Stand thou alone! 'Tls brave to be Single ltt shame! Thy laird In far Oethsemane So saved thy name. Exalt desire! The Godlike power Thou hast within! Thus canst thou free, this very hour, Thyself from sin. Confess thy fault! thy pardon gain From thy. dear Lord! Full sure be thous those with Him reign Who do His word! OASTOTIXA. Bear* the Kind You Haw Always Bought rr Only One Wounded. The excursion to Augusta last Friday was well patronised. This excursion was almost as remarkable as the naval battles of the Spanish-Amcrlean war. There were no killed and only one wounded.—Bamtcrg Herald. ~; u THE: A. CJOTJ fc*TA JEiBTR-A-LID I WtjMnwi -s** ImRI tm*«*m-** |{|t« A# w „,*!?: *** T* f jiUtHiMP'*# Mi i M# MM*' | Mil Mvff #Mll *’M** iM ~*,* «ftftft*4 m rnm jm m* I**’ *** *"****** 1M M 4 «M I MMMMMMMMM Imf i HIMAi •*t* • ffff ft '■#» -A- - ■.. inn •muftt ** J *A*<w MPV m MlJf ■' ** p * ir * * Litcil Mm fM Mi mmm* mm m fi ’fciiMfi*• i *• Iff * m»wm fff fM HIMMMi WKm I laHMI t'ltf Mm NHNMHff* -MM mmm j IM* MNhf^MNi {ifrMiii* MIMIMHI "Mli If \*m mm mm. mm imi j m f .av~* it tit b* NH Mm mhp* i#'*mMm 10 CMM* It*444ft** •*# »4*4*4 •*** jft 4Ml*>« istgMilWft *«**»*•« 4ft* I *6*44*4. Ike* MriftheW* **44 4ft* **t |#MUW ft* CMii >*4*S*ft* *4ft* ftftft#*ri *• I ****** ha* O** «#!**• *0 He gri |«rii «immn iMtf i*MMi mm mm. it * # jisv mNNm» m*mmnm mmtm f* llmmm fiMMf ftM ***m% 9m mmM Mf* lii. Muir* 9m4 m* mm*** ** < tifl4#» mm iiM mm*' I" m m ... [ ***** mm fHpM 9*m* mm m m *m w rm jllfg Ml fftlifW Mit* f M »• Lrafft tMMMMMM *0 MM tM*f*w®fM SHiU INTO TOOK SHOD A!«**'• F*w« ft***, ft *■* 04 ft*e 'ft* (g, • If pMfMVMI ##ftA#*#ftft pipiwfft* I iih# t#NM| «M m *mm *t*m mmim* H • Mu, ywM mrn*m 4ft*«vo* •* «ft» [ft#*. Altov * Fw*4-ft*o Mftftaw *44ft* «ft 'mow *hi*a foot *ftt#. 14 0 ft foriftln rat*. [ fnf #0 ft * * f±* f-M ft*** j . w r ,| m-f’v || |«Mif fIMM ftfl | AMlfAllftt f lawt, , Y. (11-qrou »*ki\ATi: fMCIOCA. -her ttf of day CaaMy Taft,* 1 Morphine Knot rill* ftft >l. Private #- (*i A. flrvt Ocorfa ••fl* MMMt* r««n»Htr4 laffM# iMki a Iff I I? ] [ tAliiaf ti QvariMM of oorpli*# at tha divMfMi iKitptiil !•• ••• a m#ll* j hftowft OwfglM a«d t*ft* ahovtff of Clay eoftftty Ho oaHetod «r Ift tho 1-1 rat Oaorfta at nilr*iwiuf> ahoot • vtflt afo. laavlaf Iww wltlouf bo- j Ufylft* aarotto ** l» hla wherw*tH>ut» Durte* a COOOMUP «o <m the atrmta of Ktottflit last MttfMjr. IIH a**l* tw r«*ur Med (hat he was tired of ovecything Hi* appoorarce indicated that ho hod hem drinking heov.iy and ho aeomod to bo la * very unhappy frsffte of aalnd, (6everal yeans ago MrAlllstef hilled a wall known drummer 0 Fort Gaines. Yeaterday ho received a telegram from home announcing ibe death of hi* on-| Iv ch id Tho upfortunate man had often told hla friends that hi* object In Jnttrin* the army was to got killed, as he waa tired of life. The remain* will be aenl to hi* home today 0 Ft- Gain©* for In terment. To Whom It fifty Concern. I have been In the drug business fee twelve year*, and during that tlm n hav, a«ld nearly all the cough medicine* ! manufacluied: and from my peraonal knowledge of auch remedies. I say (hat j Chamberlain’* Cough Remedy gives j better satisfaction than any other on the market.—W M Terry. Elkton. Ky Hold by Alexander Drug and Seed Cit.. C. R. P»n °f B® ll Tower Drug Store. indicted. Dr. sam J. Kennedy I* Under Murder Charge. New York, Sept. 21.—The grand Jury today returned an Indictment of mur der In trh first degree against Dr. Samuel J. Kennedy, accused of the murder of Emeline C. Reynold*, hotter known as "Dolly" Reynolds, at the Grand Hotel, August 16. CASTOR IA For Infonts and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the /Jr Signature of PINGREE FOR GOVERNOR. He Will Probably Be Nominated Bv Michigan Republicans. Detroit. Mich.. Sept, -c—The Michi gan Republicans met today. Indications in the early hours of the convention are that H. S. Pingree will be renom inated for governor. TIME TO PART. “It’s a very solemn things,” she said, "when a woman intrusts a man with her affections.” "It's « mighty sight more solemn when she makes him think she has en trusted them to him while they are still locked up In her jewel box," he re piled. Then they looked at each other and each realized that It was time for their summer flirtation to end. —Chicago Ev ening Post. Philadelphia business men are loan ing the portable electric fans used In their offices to the hospitals. These fans are proving active factors in min istering to the comfort of the soldier patients in the crowded wards. They cool the high temperature of the pa tients’ bodies and purity the air in the room, i.C.. . GooD IUCK BAKING POWDER* IS THE BEST. * “ of AM In L#*v#n in# Powftf. Fall Seeds • Fall Seeds WHOLESALE QUANTITY Georgia Rye Sr-rd Wheat Seed Barley White Onion Seti Red Onion Sets Crimson Clover Native R. P. Oats Graf mg Oafs Multiplying Shallots, Cabbages, Col lards, etc. mt HOWARD I mi! DRUG CD. Tie Eeirtia Silar Gat Cinpaif SOLE OWNERS. Far tk* ftgh! M M*ft*l*«*ftt* ft*4 Mi lb rMTftKWAri"»AL MjLaM gas MACH IKK IN THE STATES OF GEORGIA AND SOUTH CAROLINA Cottofy rif tit* Inf **Nl Wfit* •( tmr* &>r j full f«Mt inaltvs eoteeriMl iß# M*rl»l»# agni Ugbi. TM labile m to *•• *M | ligl»i and maebiM thlfb will Ini c*fe tiki* billon Ibe baiitfk* ot ItU* •• 744 Broad Street, MASONIC BUILDING SOME PEOPLE DON'T LIKE FILLS. Tb*y want * omck tettojr Medldnn bciin* ilmplj on iM UVEMi Tale H. H. F. Fir lie Liver, 0 Cent* Bottl*. MH D Will take out the y*l!o*» • II • ■ • iu your lua Mil r> Will lake out th* y*!low» ,11,1. )n your Met. Tie Howard & Willel Drug Co. Manufacturer* H. H. P. ■Haul Ste. Claire, Rates sJ.s»to Sj.go WM. P. BUYER, Proprietor. THE Host Delightful Route TO NEW YORK AN ID— Northern and Eastern Summer Resorts IS VIA THE OLD DOMINION LINE AND RAIL CONNECTIONS ALWAYS COOL ON THE OCEAN Fine Ocean Steamships leave Nor folk, Va„ DAILY, except Sunday, at 6:30 p. m., for New York direct, af fording opportunity for through pas sengers from the South, Southwest avid West to visit Richmond,Old Point Com fort and Virginia Ro&eh en route. For tickets and general information APPLY TO RAILROAD TICKET AGENTS, or to Mw B. CROWELL, Agent, Norfolk. VaV:' J. F. MAYER. Agent, 1312 Main Richmond, Va. W. L. GUILLAUDITU, Vice President and Traffic New .York, N. Y. .. j.,., 1.. U -1,1 | CALL rob Augusta Brewing Co t EXHORT HKKN B E O IT GEORGIA i *, ,*,.i t' \ Itou v »r«> (yxtj Our Draught Beer Has None Superior. ■I fILL I*»R ■ -tm | AUGUSTA BEER. * »Ki /]■ 9 ~*&J0 ** KZEEI 3 COOL by using one nf our odorless Refriger ator*—th* Dewey lust annihilates hot I weather. Klondike. Gurney and Eclipse [ •re *ll good; everyone guaranteed; *•- ter coolers, cedar chest*; Ice cream J ftresers. See cur line of bedroom suit*. I $26. Bftlty ('‘•mage* for W We will make term* and price* to *ult you. Fleming & Bowles 004 Brtuiti Street. OIIVER Hat Fall Style Just received, our Fall line of the famous Guyer Stiff Hat, in all the leading shapes. Why buy a $5 OO Hat when we guarantee every $3.00 Guyer Hat we sell? Also complete line of Men’s and Boys’ Caps in every color and style. We are anxious to make room for our tremendous Fall stock which we are daily receiving, and will close out all remaining Summer goods at cost price- L. SYLVESTER. HELPING HI MOUT. Although Mr. Bynum has lost his stlary, possibly he can get a job sav ing tie country by tie day. lAtUWAII «*COIM»OMM Charleston { W Carolina • ••*«•« 4 ft* 4ift *4* 4 ft «■»»» MM 4.1*4*4* V* fftftft **• *4ft *44* i a*** *«aKrr.r » »<3C* ■kSS I n~rr ; ---- I * bpwfwiSfiwwv n HftPM b-9f*mm mMmm I *wSd ****** * PfjbiiPßWWßWwMw ; b4BMB|» *•* *— * JuiviPbft?* ia. naii —i —» %mmmm**+*** . *»- I * A 4MM4 »«4MM IRMMb ■«*»»'*»» [ * gMEMVHWPEb: •- ■. > #•#-#•- **■■**tm • mpm I * Isifiaik--- *•**> ! M»m A* A«t»»i—* *„»»#.>»#»»» ti *’••• | |# 9 90b**m Nib ; laa rmMMIB -. ;,iA*jS)Wi|ft#**4»#ft * Swfm+ >— *** «♦**«{ tg—i * MtoIMNML nm« •**. • J mmtm*. *m **** i * WBjjBWWWI.. »»».** #»••»»§ * jm***i *>. I f.,# •* m—’* **•* 9-Sbm* lAm AgmSm am *» ###«## itMitva*! AABjAE i * n»- ♦•**-* |**»•«••* 9%W1 • \Mm-mm. -*■ I I lfi~ ** mm *" |VN|AMHii» iIAbfMA ‘ ***** * Kfff Swvn.. ... #••**.filAiMA. tJMB, I •immmJb.*"** ***** tNMhft - I aJlmb *tft>iA»»*«44 M* t , lt« * 1 »*»• fjpMi T* tVarea- U«.J|*> ‘ftHW*6«T...«M4C *Jfto ratal ... . ' LfftNft* ftftfta* *ftMM*k4l.. . ..... ......' lift*# •#"«• i • h **M Imm..Mftft I * AVWMbi*ft« **»••«.•••«< (•»••.. II AbMI I A* Abgwft*. .v*.*>..*. I*44* %tmm l m f m ***tb fi«# Angybbi iiN mm : #*Hft«k#**«F*i *» i *tb#»ft I*4* tm m p**m •» I I. I- . ( b*# i+rnm***mm ** tm « mmm •# * i*L •• 4 (• So ■Miwgfit mm ifxtNfi p*m*h**m p** m*f 9m *bf ibbiiWMdttMi ww-** ie Exb*^* ! ItU* mbrntmm tm*, *4m*m P. J < l|Mk*9a» tm AH £ H, IKvlTtt btdmmm* km f g i w MPM»b IrtAbt wmmrn A mmm tm _ BLUE RIDOE RAILROAD. If c* aUUTTIK* Ife m* *rn fauFflft uM WiMMbow *. Vm ibc'4 ft r»»« ft**’* Clftk* Gut V. * Oft** *.l**ft w.. d a Ml* 4 I Ilf, £ llAlbE Wr Vtfn ftftttKwJ i » *** AM PM I IJUtlvt L*ft*» FM JAM I* SI ft ■., An4ft**ftft *| I Mtlt 0 II Mi IM, T: ..... !»*»*•» ....*! * 'l' l n I*;*: t m *4*.... Autuft r a oii » ft 0 I till-... Pftßdlftlftft ..At 1 4li:♦s • ft j M|t tVtty CreWl f 4 Wll 0 ft 43 t:W It AftAU - * •TiftFft tl *:l'l* 0 ft » 1 Jft 34' . MtNACA .. ft. 4;»!1 » ft. H| j j 14 » ft. 4ft) M. w*ftll T7nl*e • 14 ft Sft: I*4j. WftHUIM ...ftj I Ilf AM PM I |LftftV* Arri**PM PM. Mo 1* MM Wftil 4*-l Rocul it 4t*Hoft. 9. Flo# Stfttloft All r**ul«r trams from An<l,r*on to YVaihalt* hav* right to track o»« (ram* of lb* Mm# rltA movinf lb op* |. „it. dlroctioft. uni#** othoiwl** *P»c tfled bv traift ordir* Will *l*o *top ftt following riftiten. to Uk* mi o» lot »* p*ft*»o«*f*: Phl»- •oy ». Jam-* *nd »*ndy Sprint* No. 13 eottaocl* with Southern rwll way No U 0 A»dor*>vn. So* I tnd • conflict with tmilwEf Ko*. 11 in A 17 at J. R. ANDKRfON, Bup*ni»f*nA*vit. ITUNTIC COAST LINE. tUOXTEYf AKD gI'H'KEST ROCTK TO THI EAST AKI) NORTH. SHORTEST AND QUICKBST ROOTS TO THE BAST AND NORTH. I:J»pmfL* .August*. Gft..Ar | 7:ftß*m ft oprui Lv..... Aiken Ar I 7.lft*m 4:l7pm Lv..■.Danmark—Ar | 617 pm 4.opm; Lv... Or*ngb g.. . Ar ; ft.4om 4 opm[ Lv. • Sumtor. ft. C. .. Ar j 4 2Snm I Ztpmj Lv Plorooe# Ar I 3 26* m 10:S3prr.j Lv,..Fayottnvllle...Ar I 1 llpm 3:3lam! Ar Petersburg,V*.l.v i 8.12 pm I.ooam 1 Ar.... Richmond —Lv j 3 12pm 7;4lam[ Ar.. Washington..Lv B:46pm t:o3amj Ar... Baltlmor*. ...Lv | 3.28 pm 11 Siam; Ar ..Philadelphia ..Lv |I2 o»pm 3:Mpro| Ar... New York... Lv | ft 30am Pullman palace buffet *leeplr.g car* from Mftcon and Auguxt* to New York without change. R. A. BRAND. Gen. Agt.. 723 Broad St.. Aagu*t*. Ga. T M EMERSON. Ttafflc Mmmger. H. M EMERSON. Gen. Pa*» Agt. CAROLINA AND NORTHWEST ERN RAILWAY Schedule In Effect. March «. I*9B. Eastern Time Standard. Leave Augu*'u, Southern Ry.. 9:30 p.m. Arrive Chester, Southern Ry. 7: 18 «.m. Leave Chester, C. & N. W. Ry 7:45 a.m. Arrive Lenoir, C. & N. W. Ry 1:16 p.m. Leave Lenoir. Stage 2:0 P m. . Arrive Green Park. Stage .. .. 7:0 p.m. Arrive Blowing Rock. Stage .. 7:30 p.m. G. W. HARPER, C. F. HARPER. President. Q. P. A. BELLE OF GEORGIA BILLIARDS OLD AND NEW, n. Joint A Thatch**, OufthoM C*rom Champon nf oLo SA-’ltt. Winn**' <>f St, Loot* Hmauvnid ’S7. th« loficeftt MNim*ment on pwrird, and the only r whoVror Nwi Sdiaefer. and lvaa la the wun* !b^k«ok. dia»rfftf * iUofftralut* f •%' more than 100 thr^e ; /A / '\ .uxhion shot», gchae \ y \\ fer’«fttraight rail / A \\ name, every #tyle of C !/ \ 'v'n baik line game, all \ / F>C IreX\ \>, 2 7* , ."IT ■>< Cktmpin.. 1 Alp goore. owl la y wA.tion»i cont«.. / dSJ'JHSSS!'/ : «toi aba a lb* / l near's of A, cfta—ytnai cf i" ,d!tr”y A»wrwa..»Jtoom.- \ 1 ; njent record, from \ XlrLi Two, A 1««3 «c 1««. mnr of \ // \ which have never he \ // \ fora been paMfohed. \ // \ The •wthnr give* \ / / \ many valuable img \( / \ jre«t4onß to novicaa /\f \ whichterveto render /,\ \ rlearthemelhojliieiM / / \ \ ployed by the wurfd ■ / / \ \ experts / / \ / ft will show you “ \ How to 1 Piay. ciota, 75 cents. Flexible Leather, $l.O 244 page*; Size, sx2\ inches. Petit, prepaid. *n «-»r on receipt of price. THE AUGUSTA HERALD AUGUSTA, GA. SEPTEMBER 22 M AtlAsftAD M* S. C t e RIILWIT CO *»«•*••**• »**>*» •mftprt a o*tm iiftb* Mb tbttb 99*mbtm fmm f t#ff iHurit Ommbmm t l«* lii *99 4-lfcbb I* €%*m mm * &*m [ A« | I fcjgMiWlTlt |AW' I# I m *#*l »*» %tWWi ## 1 brn **** H mm* 0-* *M*4**j.iMi f *4* t *l> * a# * mia Yum lb rI n i • c t **mm A* €t***t'm/* * ms 9 $ ■#%**• ?1 ' * r **i b*m§ * Mb'"! * * * frunw. I {ft* '4* {** m*** f* * p»- • »*■»«* la# « Abb* .ii ibM* As y>*-t * •«»»• mmm i£f btmSJS » |a* tiMHlbb .Amm* i# b lm ' mfm him %mm*r ath*» (omt9 Smtm tmmm • 1 1# ##>* {* IW*»#«ft4,ft||pA At tJtmm A# Awfw*iA*jMHM bub ill a bit m*t Iff %4 a I'iMiikl i Tl 74~t1.(*% il*#f44f bt *»A i*9l 7* «*b I {a ( A* A*bM*»e*. w*Mb'*Mbi m*m A# so * .AI Ibw- 4 * tmmmm% A l%aai At b-*bAfc 4 lib**# L* A,* <4*4*l |At O **a *m ,tJ9bm a# AiA**> Mm At M I«ibl%*# 9* A«fD**A . tJNbWI LftUILIA fillip* I oi—B—i*s——44— g—msy-' 2Z*'"" ,m * 1 1 "—"g—— lift- -f fbMMiif A**MAf Cbi>if I f#ir** T*j§M*£ ~ * bmm i***m *M*<m I I i HiiAfi fj I fftt tr+Jt'vm I PMi |»l% IWMliil* IJAf** •" !• ibwi [ Ar*'** |la*r*... *Mmm Affi*i bJ9fmi********\ KEST .ft. *i ■*•>• 'iipiiiMi mUm fmmmm ••••»• •• • - ammi f umma I j #*t# b*»4ttWTll% mill 1 AJWn.Mii I f f*t«* [ Air** AbywwA mmm b**ww> * lm> ********* ft 4 hmt***A*m 9*ilb %*m Y#rt ib» *«l m*b#w 9m 9m m mtrt-m* 4mm . Afghan | vm «b* * «< brt9 t*m bMi h«*i Aii mmm 9k ##t Mb* MhnbAb* . i. It t*A. KUKWawm i«to» Moaefo*. Traflb M*o*ggft f, k 4ss*o*. Cftft. Agt A x *6 •*•- • SOUTHERN RAILWAY. ~ (W'.< tvm *«<o— f6wMlo **#•- MO.III. ftaotoro ttoo# Hotwooo *W lMftt* h* otftoe *•»*•*. _____ •w**- ftoft. ; uoii, lour U J-rth.. K’ftftkf-," •*( •»£ • mrmmmk - • •*»«( *• *• ®*f Ar Coliusb* • •_ ** * *»» L. 7ww.i*t *<4ftß. ... I 7»• * »ft 5v OuirnkSi W t*o blSj Ar *• b ■ *;' j.;J L fj - *- - i>iMill* nii* •• i at! if bi • rSoi .. .... i#f \\*>* i - J.UMi • ••*! >1 0* Ir i’».(««il .1 •» ft»ft% tv Curtate Mo« 3 f•• I 1 *»[*! J** • •• if iiasimu I !" f; :*■ - ihosier •ft*t> ; Ar J Jig' Ar liYia-askUoro j 1A *Bf> a »*p L,t OrvtMAoM ** *••*••* dr Norf.Uk - ■ ■ 1 **" * • “ Uftft'vtU* • —IH M* 14> 4r Kirkovwd *o* **4 Ar VnKinpn, -.11'.....j ** * ,JS£ - BoinwovePs 3.3 •••! '• *9 - PhUadripM* Il'i !*• • Kni l'oix .. . H4* Pj 4 38ft SoolhboOßd Nw*7'N.. M Uolty. trolly. Lv New.York.P» Klt lap 12 1601 •* H'hllKMpftb J A 5& p I3w » • Bilttmor* ....... j 0 Wf- All* L? Wml iob, Ao Ry ; I<MS|> 11 L*> • L* Rlf*hroo«i<l !?Mbi IS 01m Lv Duvilli j ABO* All p Lt Norfolk j #3fiu| Ar UAwirjMhnro ; A 46 V Lv l*r**n*boro 7 05* 7Si p “ Cbiriolt* 985* 10 SUp - Rock Bill ID Ai ii 11 05p • Cbv*tvr 10 56* 11 37 p • Winn*boro. 1141* IS »• fr Col hi* m**.l g*t 12 4tau 197 * v. Co l tun hi* Cn dcp’L 1 lip 4 <9l* ** Johnaton*. . 258 p A 00» M Trenton. Bop (12Sa *• Orsititcrllln .. 8 Bhp! 707 n Ar Lv Aabtrtlto .j k JUm ( 3^f»p Lv. bipartnnonrf [ 11 40$%' A 16 p l.v, sreu Rj j a urp 7 oo» Ar. Ch»rlc*ti>n A 40j>| 11 ba Lv OoTbin. V C AP.Ky'. 1 ..... jflss » 13 47 n “ Savannah 447 p 60K* Jackamvilla. . I 0 28pi A lAn tllEPUie CAB SKItVICB Rxcellent dbly ponsengw »rvic. b.twi*en fflonda and Now York. No.. 3t and «I~'W achinglon and fOrethwcrren Limited. Solid Vaatlbuled train'with .lining car, and drat alaaa oo.cht. north of Oinrlott*. Pnlhuoa drawing room sleeping cor* between Tampa. Jackaonviila. savannah, Washington and New York rullman Sleeping Cara lietween Charlotte and Richmond. Pullman drawing-room sleeping- rare be tween Ureenatoro and Norfolk t loae conMO don at Norfolk for OI.D POINT COMPORT, arriving there in time for breakfast. Solid train, with Parlor cars, between Charleston and Asheville. Nos. 36 and 46—U. S. Fast Mail. Through Pullman drawing room buffet sleeping car* fib tween Jacksonville and New York and Pull man oleeptng curs between Augusta and Char lotte. Pnllman sleeping ears between Jack sonvllle and Columbia, en route daily lietween Jacksonville and Cincinnati, via Asheville. FkaXK ti. aVt-NOY, J M CULP,, Third VP. fllM Mgr. T M., ’Washington W A •rt'HK, a H HARDWICIt. ti, p. A- Wqakington. O. P A., Atlanta. GEORGIA - • RAILROAD. (oth Meridian Time.) Schedule Effective April 24, 1898. Pullman Sleeper* between Macon anJ New York. Through Pullman Sleepers between Au , gust* and St- L»ui»- Lv Augusta ..| 7:o6ami 3:2opm|lo:3opia Ar Atlanta ...;i2:36pm| B:2opm| 6:ooam Ar ilacoo ....jU:160m|.... 6:4san> Ar Athens .. ..|l2:lspm| 7:3opm Ar :46pm! Ar White Pls*l:oopm| I Ar Mlli'gsle .|10:10am| I 4:3oam Ar Wash'ton ..|lO:10m| 7:lopm| Picayune train leaves Augusta daily except Sunday at 6:15 p. m., and ar rives at Millcdgeville at 8:10 p. m. Trains arrive at Augusta 6:18 A m, 7 46 a- m., 1:20 p. m.. and 8:26 p. m. A. G. JACKSON, G. F. A. JOE W. WHITE, T. F. A, J