The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 22, 1898, Image 8

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9 TMI!ft»OAV Opinions Are Not Ideaa. Th*w mm »*• mom tm to## *##•*'***• of *»*••. AH »«*•*»• H*v# th#.r bto*in«.n* m nA twr« of lh# IfWrtllA#. Wo ot»l»‘n *£•*• «tir€Hi«h oor ch*r*ctor t oiMniono ihrou*H ow» * w) Mn and opinioni rovtr de*P*« HfoAA. Routxf'lown compi<il>on M»* tlrwm opinion* eorwmmtnm * mJ •#* fro««iv« way*. Many who critKi*# en§r kiw t>ftcoa mm tuiftfiny from manlol paupfrtwn • pauporitm a« rtal t m th* moro ordinary mnO vtoibto form* that attract tha attention of tho •oonomlot w« ara buoy outline >dM* into our buai> na««. Inatoad of anpraaaln* opinion* about othar ptopte'* buoinota to MII n A HTTULW. unn Ni«m4 *i c«a«. w<j Cl>W »<»•'**«* n*MM. awMr cat#*. «r i*# b*ffi**-' u onre <ae «t (to# mtapoaia# ®r ib* |—tnr l*aeliee. rteelwO *, •hi#* tha aalM o** Hr O'l *" I j«**iac» •* cwaaaa *• •' #*| hni «r • **>-» i a«t m» rat** * fw*«i »« aiM • hestauup, *•*,»*« Mat c#e«a»J Cam iMmi kt**tW Hi ik* a*tt*t »•! I»MM a* born plhma Hi Aagtooi* Tb* fund a to r»tao a #nii ■ <l**» tat taOMf. aot H " Ikt 4otrtai Hojr. f pooii It to tb# aoroloa— t Th# Mm a to rot## th# to««#f to> Moot! rriolrl! n tj T“ No th# tea **>l |n—l <*#• of Afnrvtra Th# fir# 11 rootrtbwitoo# «!t**t> t* (M*#tl ho*#. »iir*rtono o* t* o*t •*#• reothot Moot*.. t However tho» I* oa« o rlmtoat•*><-' to lh# oaxnmt ommlM to holld * bottlr Atp. Sorb #i**ll »<t»* *» or ao a who* a «<*h«L to rot## tb# sum ao oppr#l It aodr to #*#ry h*f to tb# r#o!a of I art# Horn Small not. oorb a# t and 10 r#ot». I# what I* #■• petted Ho*#***, tors# not will not be r*taoMt Oat>t Coh#o at o*r# an»w#mt tb# letter and #old h# would do whot hr fold toward* o*K*tlU G»« bottlcoblp fund. Tb# matter I* b#t«c o«ttot#d #ll o*#r tb# country onto bMMlreto# add him died# of letter* bl** b#*n »eot ot»t by thoo# who or# st tfed tfa*d mov#- Ortil It may take ootae ttote to rol»# the, otnali trill# of W.ORMMO or ao. but every nickel added to the fund count* nod there are enouith boya la th# land., not counting whot older p*r#nn# might live, to ralae fhp fund, cv*a If each on# only *•*# Her cents. Our pood* bought rt*ht ond we sell! them right. leimkin * Co, KINONE i SLONtI REMEntiERED Aervlcc Rendered In i«7« Requested In a Will Chicago. 111., Sept. 22.—A ifotlcc ap peared In the Sunday papers asking for newa of the whereabouts of the daughter# of Alonao Harvey, who wen' made benellclarle# under the will of Charier F. Quirk, a New York capital ist. for a klndn#** shown him In IST*. The service for wWolt tbo b#qu*«t of Charles K. Quirk was made occurred during a visit of the New York man to hla friend. Mr HnTvey. In 1878. during which hr was l«k#tl tick and nursed lo health by hla host's daughters, l.ols and Phoebe. This kindness was never forgotten. The Misses Harvey married two BcarcTof Trade operators, Daniel Mer edith anil George T. Bedford, In the early eighties. Mrs. Phoebe Meredith Is now dead, and her daughter Is the wife of Attorney Walpole Wood, of the firm of Utmgs. Wood & Bangs. Mr. and Mrs Bedford are now living In In dianapolis. DOGS BITE FATAL Little Boy Develop# Uenulne Case of Hydrophobia. Athens, On.. Sept. 22. —A few weeks atnre Elmer Waters, the little four year old son of Mr. James Waters, of Princeton, was bitten by a cur do* supposed to he mad. The little boy died yesterday after noon with a case of hydrophobia. When the little fellow was bitten, he ■was playing in the front yard at his father's home, and suddenly was pounced upon by this mad cur, which fastened his teeth In the little fellow's face, lacerating his Ups and Indicting a very painful injury. The lacerated parts soon healed over and it was thought that the little fellow was well again and that possibly the dog was not rabid, morning, however, the symptoms of hydrophobia became ap parent In the little boy. He became ex tremely nervous, his limbs became drawn, and when he asked foe milk and it was given hfm, a violent spasm fol lowed. Dr. D. D. QulHlan was sent for, and after he had examined the little fellow re pro non net’ J it to be hydrophobia. Everything was done to save his life, but death came to the little sufferer yestgxiij: afternoon. —u. oortamme still at wow. Tb# ti*i sad H»*y I *efw» «*• O* pe<*t#d LMOWSttte#* t# tvtp The rosnmtttee interested Ik mm MP* I erptsaw at Ik# aaMter buys as# Mewdtty •4 Vofl Tit Ml Htomiti ftl tt ©fiflfl ?S#v frit ft tftk# AfWkf MMI Nits l <##§(•» at Um Ulfar? !!• t mil <ii > or»4 fit Hr •tnlti !«H #vfll Irgui ftl oar* Oftfti* fig? tit Iftitn wtfv f*W *» * «ii 4 Tlttt will ftalt ft hirnwuft rtaiftM of tMr ftaptHtvi «ar4 oof ofttjr of tit tafftltrt of tit ' rOiftnrt. tost of oft rtltoens. R eery body who feel* dtspooed to | help or# n#usot*d to onad basket* of <|lbl#e tt won Id be a great aeeosoModalien to ib# roMMltle# If r**ry peeve peod* tog bo#oeta will ptoee their name plain ly m tb# boab#t and will weed no m«r# dlsbea than preoible. os tb#y or* apt to get broken or toll'd Table# will be pul In tb# armory at one), ao that ererythtog can b# Mad* ready la a abort whlto. A telegram was seat to Capt Renkl today reqocating that tb# commute# b# given a twenty-four hour nolle# of tb# tlm# of departure from Attoata This will r*i#ble everything to tie got ten In readme*# and all contributor# lo be notifled. Wateb (be paper* for th# new# of th# arrival of troop# and be ready to re spond nobly. Many ladle# have volunteered theis service* to aid In fixing table*, ets. j There la work for all, ao offer your aer vlcea. Tb# committee to doing nnble. tmael-, flab work. It I* no favor to them to tie helped, but It la what to due to our no ble boya. MECKINO'S nANY WIVES. He Says That They Would More Than Fill a Car. Newark, N. J., Pent. 2!—Charic# Becking, whose record show# he la fa miliar with the tnatde of state prison*, 1# under arre#t here, and I# tielng held for the New York city authorities. De tective Madden of the Now York cen tral office came here today, and Identi fied him a* the man wanted on the charge of defrauding Mr#. Margarette Does of 509 Kast Eleventh street, Man hattan. out of MOO. Kecking, who claims to lie sixty years old, but looks at least ten years young er, appears to have been making a liv ing by swindling women, usually under promise of marriage. His method of pvoesdurs has been to advertise under the guise of a wagl thy widower, for a wife, or eiae to make the acquaintance of a wealthy widow and obtain the money of the woman replying, either before or after going through a wedding ceremony. liecktng took his arrest and Identifi cation coolly, and grew very talkative. He said women were easily vtetimlxed. All one had to do was to talk marriage to them, and they could he" led any where. He said his wives would fill a trolley car. and borne would have to stand for luck of room to alt down. Widows were the most susceptible, he said, and middle-aged unmarried wo men came next. Young women under 25. he declared, were of no use to him, for their minds were too much taken up with romantic thoughts, and they could not treat mar riage coolly. Our constant aim will be to please our patrons, both tn goods and prices, Dam kin & Co. KILLED HIS SON Hadison County Planter Accidentally Shoots His Son. Athens, Ga., Sept. 22.—Mr. Wiley Freeman, a prosperous and highly es teemed planter residing near Fort La mar, 1n Madison county, killed his 20 year old son accidentally Saturday af ternoon. Mr. Freeman was mowing grass, and his scythe slipped from his hand, the blade of which struck his son across the fofehead, splitting it in twain. The young man sank to the ground and died almost instantly. The grief-stricken father is said to be almost erased with sorrow, and he has many friends a*Ad acquaintances in Athens, who will deeply sympathize with him in the hour of his trouble. TBrjc jkTjaTJ&TjL THE MONUMENTS OF AUGUSTA |i**t flit fMkdMl TiftHu i* tit NHL [ A AAktoA *# Task asai to ftot fbe * ft## tm ft * ft# ftf ftftt I fti’itft * ft# 4. MAam#T Hfv MRfR fl toft fft tft# 1 toftft fttrfti t i MUti f#ft#fti oft Hi tuft flftftft t ftp#* ftligft ft fftttftft |#<|t#4to In Ift# IlftftfWr fftHßßftift (ftlftft# ft ftl 4MMI Iftftft#* ft/ * #s#ft f**# 9 ft# IgfM* * ft ## I ft« 4 ftftjft# I ft# ftftfp»r#«o>ftft ftl tft# ftl wiftft# Iftiftft# ftftHpMfl ftl# Iftft ftwf’d ini ; fl> y*tfßbftn om • Igfttftft# ftMlftfttll s|ft Iftft i (Kfti## fci&itftft in t|ft mtm ftft4 | ftiftft# Iftfti Iftr sU*»* Till* ••• «ft# (M Hftiftft pHUM** 9ft# Iftft* . iftf Iwimii rllftAH ftl Iftft Mitt* ft# ftftfM #4ftft4i|i|[ ftft ft WMMMftMM Tftift ft«€f!loft «*# «fftft*«4 ftftft ftft«r ftlftrft" N ftft* ftlcaoft ft* ft ftlorlaftn Uiftftlft l« iftft rfttnr m lo •* Itftrti ttftin no (ft# rt im»#f ••• Mol ftft ro»»r*l lo Iftft florvlmr# Anoritiioa. ir4 ft ftl to* fllftlf tt to «M Iftft* Q* Kotftft tftat ftl* m»*ift* M hirtH bOHftib tftl* mommi'Bi Rttohltoaary luevswst. juet la frost of Ibe court Hosts stand* lb# blgb abaft of granite to tb# three Georgia signer* of tb* Dec laration of I ode pea# ear# Georg* Wat to*. I.ymaa Hall akd MM G»l*- Mtt. Tb# hones of two of lb»s*. Walmo nod Hall. Il#'b#aeath tb# abaft Those of Walton were transferred from the family cemetery at Frog Hall, a rela tive's home, to their present alt#. Gartflnott *ra* htllad In a dcel and j hla remain# could never be definitely j Identified. This monument waa erected about | ]gSI by the city. Several y«*r* later a large fire laid waate the portion of. the town where Monument street now { Is. and the city got the Idea lo open | tip a street from the monument to Broad. Th* property era* purchased and Monument street openerl at a root of about IU.OOO. On July S. HtoS. It waa determined that th* monument should be raised. This woark waa given to Mr. Theo dore Markwalter. When the work was don* th* old corner stone opened and many curious things discovered The#* were again cemented up when the work was completed. St. James’ Cenotaph. In the middle of Greene street bet tween Ktbert and Centre stands the St. James cenotaph. This was erec ted by the members of the St James Sunday school, directly after the rloee of the war. to the members of the church who had died In the defense of their home*. Afterwards many names of Richmond county heroes who were killed were added to the list. Thla property Is still held hy the church and a hoard of trustees look after It each year. The young boys have thoughtlessly Injured It a good deal by throwing rocks against the names. Wilde Monument. About two yeifrs ago the Hay no cir cle decided to erect a monument to the memory of the famous author of "My Life Is Like a Summer Rose." Richard Henry Wilde. As Is well known. Mr. Wilde was of Irish parentage and came to Augusta when young. He served as mayor, congressman, and In many other high positions, and gained his great reputa tlo as a writer. The Hayne circle started a contribu tion list for the erection of the mon ument, and received quite a number of subscriptions from the North and Bast. The monument was erected at its present site on Greene between Mnr bury and McKinne, and at its unveil ing Judge Baxter delivered the ad dress. For some time the circle has been thinking of turning over the monu ment to the city. Judge Baxter will deliver the address when this is done. Broad Street Monument. Standing on Broad street midway between Jackson and Mclntosh, and lifting Its proud pedestal of a Confed erate private, seventy-six feet above the asphalt, is the Confederate monu ment. so familiar to all who live in or visit Augusta. * Built of Georgia granite and the fi nest Italian marble, it Is indeed a fit ting memorial to the soldiers who died for their cause. This monument was erected by the Ladies' Memorial association of Au gusta. at a cost of $17,231.34. The marble portion was imported directly from Italy, and by the great efforts of V' • >• ■ *••■*• - i ts-m ft. ft *«v4 <nm 9 ■ I | %'s* lko£- s a*# ,*# iftft i»* ftMftN# toft ‘ ■ mpm ft****** tmm Ihv Cl##. C ft. KvftiML I Mm lo*# Hlftf fc t hfß |*>tnr*f wr#4 ("f4, J Iftft ftFflVil (ftft mftftWWlftl mo****+mmm « j r>o*c.T Lee* General Jorban*. G#k #rml Cobb and General Walter. a*4 ! |« lac a irllmt# to 'be#* kohl# •#•■ 1 <Vi! J.tnes Hovelled the mmakest ( Mere It baa stood aad *# staad too* t eipetuattnc ib# I ruth of ib# I oar Gp ‘Tno nsiton me# so wbtt# sad fair. None fell *o pur# of rr m*." PIiR.AONAt- H « Joo##, o» N*w Tor*, la at tbs I r# M. U Uxiierm**. of Atlanta, ta at tb# (lantern. Jno T. CWatw*. #f Macon, t# nt lb# Planter#. A. J Murphy, of Itnatnn. t# at the Planter#. | K. U dark, of Cbleago. I« at tb* I )»ian*#l a *i- C, W tsmghtte. of Detroit, I# at the Arlington J. W rrlts, of Philadelphia, la at tb# Arlington. J. M Aehli-y. of Kdgefleld, Is at the I ial. S. A. Booth, of Knoxville, I# at th# dunmen-lal. J. M. Johnson, of Columbia, 4s at th# Ounmerolal. Chas. H HelTmon. of New York, la at the Arlington. tleo. E. Hlmley, of Philadelphia, Is at the Arlington. Geo. C. Walter*, of New Orleans. Is at the Arlington. T, H. Remlnl. of Oranllevllle. 1* at the Arlington J. li, Talhert, of Anderson, B. 8., Is at the Planters. Tho*. J. Andi-rson, of (Cdgedeld. is at the Commercial. H. W. !!■ ■llegclaw, of Philadelphia, is at the Arlitigt n. W. H. Sharpe, of McKenxie. Tenn.. la at the Planters. Mr. John Whitney Is attending col lege In Clinton. S. C. Mr. Albert G. Sherman is on a visit to hi* family at Asheville. N. C. W. E. Perry. A. Lasser, Chas. 11. Huffman arc at the Arlington. Messrs. George Whitney and Paul Carmichael left last night for Mercer. Mr. George It. Lombard Is spending a fetv weeks In New York and Virginia. Mr*. B. J. Lyon and Master Julian Lyon have returned from Glasgow, Ky. W. W. Dickson ami Jno. W. Sanders of Atlanta, are registered at the Arltn ton. D. L. Merritt, W. IV. Willis and F. M. Roche, of Detroit, are at the Arling ton. Mr. Frank North has again accept ed a position with the firm of Pope & Fleming. Mr. William Bchw'elgert has returned from a business trip to New York and other large cities. Mr. D. S. Lisberger, agent for the “Belmont” cigar, an excellent weed, is stopping at the Windsor. Misses Rebecca and Bessie Smith, of Aiken, are the guests of Miss E. Clar ice Barksdale. They will leave In a few days to resume their studies at Con verse foliege. Mrs. J. C. C. Black, one of Augusta's most prominent society women, left for her home Monday after spending sev eral days with her stater. Mrs. Ed. Wal ton, —Madison Advertiser. Mrs. James R. Walker, whose charm ing manners make her a social favorite wherever she visits, has returned to Madison, after a stay o a few days at her home in Augusta.—Madison Ad vertiser. MASONS riE-ET TONIGHT. ' o. They Will Discuss Plans For Fair tn September. The Masons will meet in Col. Dyer's office tonight at 8 o'clock to discuss plans for the fair they propose to hold in November. Lamkin & Co., pJHi and Fancy Gro cers, 712 Broad Street. New goods. New store. Low prices, lEIKEii WAS SURPRISED t§ f (ft# F*t* till )I ft %# II tfti Hft ft#* HiHift ftft Aftftwftift ftft ftftftl \ ti- mt m 44rft#« tom4#4 ftft JMfcft II Nmi« ftft ft tliftl ft# kt«« h» ftroftJ*l »>j* rial# ht«f|r# H# tfud niTrli ftt om ttm tLyn,.) ui. p Mf}|if( ins (ft is ft#ftf. |fftil»#ii»aft ift'Mift’ftt 'w fvputlila had ft |rm4 «(#•! lo do U> ftn #hmit put ting (ft# nmm+* of g*titfa«s»*tt A BROKEN WAtION. Causes a Countrv man to l.ooh (or lb# Polk*. Thla morning Allen Richardson, col ' ond, came over with a four bora# wag on from South Carolina, He left his team standing and went Into a store They walked away, running Into g wagon belonging to Allen Brown col j ored. wbo had come down from Jeffer son county, thirty-#l*ht mile* from tb* j city. I The wheel to Brown * wagon waa ' smashed Brown chased up a poll reman, who Informed Richardson that he would have to have the wagon fixed He ? was quite worrledt but his ''boss'' , earn* along and paid for th* dam ! wp- I FlmHit *nd tftbl# butt#r ftJ- I way# on hand ftt Lftltikln & •• MARRIAOE CERIIFICATES. Ordinary Walton Receives Instruct ions Regarding Revenue Stamps Ordinary Walton has received In structions regarding the stamping of marriage certificates. There has been some misunderstand ing regarding the matter of placing revenue stamps on the certificates. The | instructions received state that If the certificate 1* intended as a rerord only, to tie kept In the ordinary's office, then I there Is no need of a stamp, hut If it is given to the persons concerned, then a stamp should be affixed. The stamp ,s of the ten cents variety. THE EQUINOX IS ON. Old Sol Ha* Reached the Equator on Downward Trip. The autumnal equinox Is on. Equinoctial weather has set In. Old Sol has arrived at the equator on his downward trip and na a result the ele ments are a bit turbulent. We may look for rain for several days. Today brings the dog days to ao end. Did you know that? LAMPKIN & CO. A New Grocery Store With New Goods and Low Prices Starts Business J lAimkln & Ou Is a new firm composed of experienced and capable young men who are out to please patrons in the grocery line. They are doing a quick business with new goods and at low prices. Young Battalion. The committees of the boy battalion are out today collecting for their fair. They have been meeting with good success and the fair is nearly assured. It is to be hoped that they will suc ceed, as a well uniformed battalion of boys will be an honor to the city and the pride of their members. Real Estate Transfer. A deed from Mrs. Maria Lamar Mil ler to Mr. Lawton B. Evans was. re aq j, aaijjo s.q.wia aqi nt paptoa deed, for the consideration of three hundred dollars, transfers to Mr. Evans a piece of land in Sum merville, .. „ Mbtobißudxfr* • jtk ; 3 satisfactory j 4 woodworkers j j (HAS f gUV »«■■*■« j 1 \ i A I mu to ARK If to, ftt ( 9ft A9* 9* Iftft „ —— ■ ft I itor k In AfttiT&ftVft • * spaa 11441 (SIM [ I ftftn- and 1 N»i ftlftft## 11 fifty) (*(«•*(« (fi### w### i'*so - it vmrrow J*nu*r? ayUHf from 5 4j |4, | n Tb** iniinMtb* (or tonwr ! ntw Mh nt Sow Ort#«n# and Hoot > umrkl t# baa# rroj# iSaititF m-*ro* on. I » t look for lower prlf#*. FAINK. MI'KPHT ft CO. I Th# following quot»tU»Oft. (h# rlmtn* 1 |if4«'#ft Iftkrn at 2 o‘* kn li, nr** mer lh# I special wire# of Pain*. Murphy * Co.: Open. Close. January •• „ „ •* ■* 5.41 March .. *•*! A t* i April, * 55 May *-5* *-5* [June 5X2 S.M October ® 24 5.25 I November » « 5 29 i December 5 3* Tone-Steady Middling 5 9-15. LIVERPOOL COTTON. | January and February 3.At 3.09 90 1 February and March „ 02 March and April 3 « 3.02 April and May 3.02 May and June 3.03 <•— June and July S - M July and Aug 3.05 Aug. and Sept 3 05 3.05 Sept, and Oct 3.02 3.03 Oct. and Nov 3.00 00 S.ot tl2 Nov. and Dec 3.00 Oft 3.01 Doc. and Jan *.*3 3.01 PORT RECEIPTS. 1*97 IS9S Galveston ..o*ls 12425 New Orleans 5493 4305 Mobile M# Savannah R9<w Charleston ....3*7s Norfolk ''3 n 12-5 Wilmington 32" S Philadelphia J®° Estimated total ~31S8;> 32000 ' CHICAGO PROVISIONS. WHEAT— Sentemhff .. .. .. •• •• *7 S”7 December *344 *444 May *555 6R V4 CORN— September 20- , 4 29’4 December 2*% 29% May 3 lto OATS— September 21% May 2204 23 PORK— December *OIT S.IO January 91 ® 91 ® I LARD— December 4.72 4.,;, January , •• 4.50 4.82 SIDES— October * 25 January 4.65 4.72 NE WYORK STOCKS. Sugar 123% 120% Tobacco 152 149% B. R< T ** * 314 c . b. Q 115% T 1514 Missouri Pacific 33% Loulsvile and Nashville 36% 36% Manhattan f®* ,8^ People's Gas 'OS 101% TTnion. Pacific - 33 31% Rock island W 3 102% St . Paul 109% W 9% Western I'ninn 92% 92% Mrs. Fleming Tarver and family have returned from Saluda. We have the finest selection of Teas in the city. Price® are right, too. Lam kia & Co. ftfPTCMftf ft 79* * H Sit Rut K RF At»> T»s %###* Tttswgkg fto to«* ontMg »• •# Hwkf. Th# t'fthr<>i#ft $ K %n ft#i Rufti hgf 1 •vwl Mi h4# ft* nuri It. Ml lift Mft» ft H« «M ftr tllf hftftM into of lMftftft«ftrun» laftriimft hftftftrwff* «h# (ftt ftrl#c.9l €t * *nfl Iftft ftiM to rwftfwift thift-C* of Which h# Obftlft ftot pn—fbty ftfivS ftt* «4h#ftt, itftiM"lft« up «t I Th# D'sro (wiiiy wrf m«jrh friiU# rittft ftfMl tooM fthoftl for ftft eppef* ttsnitw I# ftftrapr hot »«Hk# r#4 Ifft ( n#ft ind vk!t#*t ftift b#(m#ft. htit fttl Ift vift; fttft rftpvftrft w#r# cft*iiirml#4Mi4 no ranpy »##fft#d to him to b# nprn from imm n#«#rftl Btrk* how#r#r. rr»l#r#ft ft r##bit#. wh*« ! tht rot# wft» brought, std h# waft •htrktfft wUh U, bo that e*cype waft prftrti«*ftt*jr from th# guftril* bout#, thfff h# wftft ft*«. IN THE TOll^l. Former A meric u< R*tlro*d Man Ar retted For Forgery. Amerlcus. Ga.. Sept. 12. Mr Thomp •oß. formerly purchasing ng**ni for tha commissary drpartmt«l of the Geoigia and Alabama railway, reached Amen, cua ehortly liefore on# o'c'ork yester, day mottling In charge of inputy Sher ,iff Bell, coming direct from De*rol», Mich . where the prisoner had resided with his family slace leaving till* city in May tost. Mr. Thompson now occupies a cell at j the county Jail, bl* relira*!* being Icx-Banker Mchegsn, of Wilcox county, I who is h?r* for ssf» keeping until j Wilcox court convenes. I -At fin early hour yesterday friends r.t I Mr. Thomradn began tolling at the Jail to sec him. He was visibly effaced ar.d mere than once shed tears while I discussing his affairs and the trana : actions lhat resulted in his arrest. 1 He raid, however, that a load had be-ti lifted frem him, and he waa not aorry now that he was hack In Amrrirus, »»i'n with the charge of forgery against i him. j It is altogether probable that Ad ■ mini] Dewey's mind Is too engrossed with the government'* business to per mit much worry over discrepancies in prize money distribution. Funeral Notice. THE RELATIVES AND FRIENDS of Mr. and Mrs. W. O MELTON and family are requested to attend the fu neral services of their little daughter, joille May. from St. Patrick's church TOMORROW (Friday) MORNING, at 10 o'clock. Confederate Survivor* THE CONFEDERATE SURVIVORS Association, Camp 435. U. C. V., ara requested to attend the memorial ser vices to lie held for Miss Winnie Davis by Chapter A. of the Daugh ters of the Confederacy, at Thomas & Barton's Hall, on Friday, Sept. 23, 1898. at 5 o'clock p. m., pursuant to invlntatlon extended by Chapter A to this Camp. The Camp will meet at the Confed erate monument promptly at 4:30 p. m. and all having uniforms will wenfi same. By order SALEM D 1 TCHER, Captain and Commander. Geo. W. McLaughlin, Adjutant. - TOO LATE “FOR CLASSIFICATION WANTED POSITION AS BOOK KEEPER or assistant bookkeeper by a man of experience. Best of refer ences. Address W., care Herald. Sep.23 WANTED—POSITION AS CLERK IN retail grocery store. Can give best of references. Address Anxious, care Her-