The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 23, 1898, Image 1

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m s a i «it in* 'll «n«*ftd» gpsmngm »..«*#•# U-n* TW arotrara *avt»o# la»L **# *»4Mti THE PRESIDENT SOLVES THE CAMP PROBLEM H® Ha® B®com® Daunted With th® Incom pot«ncy of the Officials* And Has Decided to Taks the Matter in Hb Own Hands* Troop* U &• Ou*rt*r*d For th* WJnl*r In th* Big «’ r •*•* * - a»«*M»«t to* th# **•* |W klav ii fvm#w».*d aitft Ifcr itiwi waw-a M»» mnmm *• *h* *** rt ik ,»r* Mr tk* swtagwra «»• dann* l|> »p*t*« *M MM ■"•th* la in g» tattlM 'h#**-*# t# *hiw 1 H* W> gnwidsd that th# #*»dt«ra *» nM Mr M th* grant fUM <* •ft* «»m PM* Talll f»*» . Tft* MaitMrt t# *«• m#»t»g w**r mamts la •fti'H rd the M»li»rl» pie# . Tft. tmerarh# Mr i»r r#g»'** #»•* 0t» m p*s#Mt eeraftg*# M ft *m*d* of ft far*, wf ftftnM i**riy fir* thwusnhd won Thee# I* mm •• ftTMT. wi» •«*• of tftnae MSMM »• M ••»•** ,4 mt mt IUM Wfcllr ft MM. •ft!. pnrtlM of mil ftftViMr •*! *<• Iftto *MW ftftftfWf* M Cftilft. rttMo |t«.... tft. Philippic##. ftft4 aft# «rs »M> I .4raft* Ir latlf* lk*r* IMX Mr ft# archer abutted. Sinmh Is MB StlrrM l> Ow Ik t skeoMsfc. Tha I atnilv of W«vm Wny Have Anlwr Rear rested. gpfrM* lo Tk* HkalA . baA. Qt.. dep! 23 —This rsoni* lug Rtrsrder gave • h*«rMK| to •I®*' l ' U Arrker. <ke young wl "Hi* denlec who was rharged with shoot lag Mur tagh F. gullivnn. ’n » aak»a os Wad n<«da> (richi After OMBteIBS »!*»<•< (■Mly-ln wlmkmm. the rwortfer dt* nlaard Ilia young man from custody Th.rr arc still fears lhar Sullivan will die. In dismissing Archer. Aha reorder said ha did so bacauaa of Iha physical iiiffcrenoe In lha man Archer la vary frail and Sullivan weighs abort ens hundred and m-'v-oly-Bva pound* The racordar farther aald that Archer had been grosaiy inaoltcd by the man wrem he shot and ha did n>t believe be nor the •gurty should be put to th" expense cf a trie! of the rata. Thar* la a |H»»- eftdMty of the raarraat of Archer by the family of Sullivan. The ■botelng hea reused a good deal of excitement here. Each party has strong friend* and during the political fight two year* ago. they took prominent pcs: tlcne on different aide*. Quietly Evacuating. San Juan. Sept. 23.—Everything re garding the evacuation of th*> Island cf Prrfo Rico by the Spanish troops Is proc'rding eotisfrrtorily. The S;>sn-; larria are acting In perfect good faith rnd are turning over everything aa they (juit the various towns. Prepar ations arc being made for elabor.Ve rnd im row.?re ceremonies when ths American flag ia faired over San Juan. HORRIBLE EXPLOSION THIS MORNING. Fifty-Four Miners Entombed in a Pennsyiva_ nia Mine. Seven Bodies Recovered and Nineteen Unac counted For. Brownsville. Pa.. Sept .23. Flftp-four wen were entombed in the Umpire mine lielow Brownsville, by an explosion of gas, this morning. Two dead bodies so far taken out. The dead are: JAMES MALI,; JOHN BENNETT. Searching parties are making frantic efforts to reach the entombed miners, but progress is slow, and there is great danger of another explo sion. which night bury them also under tons of rock and earth. Immedi ately following the explosion of gas there was a second explosion from the fire damp. . There were one hundred and forty men in (he mine at the time of the explosion, work having been begun for the day a short time previous. Tn tel'.igence of the disaster soon spread and crowds gathered around the mouth of the mine. TerrlWe scenes of grief and horror were presented. The wives and children of the entombed men are frantic with grief and 1h ir shrieks and walls are frightful to hear. Notwithstanding the great danger, the rescuing parties are working bravely. letter. Twenty-seven of the entombed miners have just returned to town, having escaped by traversing a mile and a half of underground pas sages’. coming out at an opening near Lynn station, four miles from the opening of the mine. Nineteen miners are still unaccounted for John Baker and his son George, who escaped the back way. are terribly burn ed a t,out the face, but will likely recover. All who escaped are injured or burned. The dead are unrecognizable, being burned and mutilated. Five more bodies are recovered. tvM cwi* a «m THE AUGUSTA HEItALU. miMi >it « r pknjp UMlrf'" iMt ihs» tiIHP •4M h* km la m AftrrrMft Tito## am 'M# ftm ift# ftarMdml pragma** *# flftl Inftoi M tft I ft* grant *MM» mt tft* tft. ftftftM.<«ft«r**r • rajftllft**‘ I* Mnftiftft M» pnfnh*# ftftftHrr* M New 1 Toffc Madoft. l*ftUftA#MMMk. An# Pros <!•■« rftftftftn and Other Mm*. Tft# ; ftg«*rftift*fti ds*r* mm »»*•# mi mm fc#rrn»h ftftftrm* Mm to iM#m. | 'lt ha* **. *<■#«■# m «** ftl»*a*l» ft# l« ! Ist* .rtf*.. tmm IM* nrtftft *Mtm IIM*r'IM Sft.ftM Mr ih* Philippi***. Mm* Mr CaMft. *•# ll.Mft Mr P<*rH» Rim Iftrrr will ft# 4LM» »rwM» M M* prv.vW*-d Mr »l bom# T*»# r**nlar army hfttiftrka wtil ftfwftwftftir **' tft. pcanidMt F*« M#TM »• raft—Ml Ma« •lift Ormtl Mlft *■ lor, «ft 4 M N »»4wa«i< lft*i tft# ** B ' j#rat M»ar« Ih* pto# PLOT TO KILL A KING. Df«iK« on P«rti«»r* Rater. Measures Taken to Protect the Ro>#l Residences Umi. >a Slept. A dispatch to th* daltv Mall from l-lsbon any* that eiab orate mennoten have bee# tak**» lo pro tect the royal reaidetwwa at Clntra and Caarae* It anemn that the authorities have been wtrned of an anarchist p'ot The plot aft* the assmaatnalloß of Kin# Caries. The Vienna of ih" Daily Mall says that all the powers, including Great Britain, have assented to Italy’* propraaln looking to com mon action ngainst Anarchists. It to understood that the measure Jo be adopted will bn extrem»!.v aevero. A mere ar>*val of enarchlatic views will crhstltute a erimlnal offence. It t« expected that G*eat Britain will pro hibit the Immigration of refugee An- TchiCs. ‘ The fcrtgrlng diapaich Is not coo firmed. and the statements therein are onddered Improbable. It aerm* to tie a feet that Itrty'a proposal* have be-n •••mprtbctlcally received, but the dim ci-lties in the way cf carrying them out have as yet not beau surmounted. Rome. B*ot 23 —The Halle says that an irternatlcnel conference will be h- la !n October to discus* measures for th» suppression of anarchism. There ere other r 'rort* to ihe ef fect that Greet Britain and Swltxerlend hrli: oprest International mecaurea, jand will net abandon the right of asy lum. Mrs. Rolney Johnson saturated her clothes with kerosene ivid burned her self to death at Bowllnm Green, Ky. READ THE HERALD FOR NEWS A OOOD "AD" IS THE UVI4T KINO OF NF WS. I Kill IS IS IIS Ilf TW I rftrtrl Tnis Hrsrtst »!••*» tmih IrstlF* llrlMi A« Isepto osipMftftc *f pMfi* Tin AftrflmS. I Mg* I Mtlrr 1 M ftrM F 'tmm A* MMM M »■#»«. M 4ft. •<. Vft. My* ft Tft# f rftrr ■ i •i train fttdu tft* r*ftNWft« at MM* j MTtiiftl# Ifttft *f*t* *4 ifti* ftmrftlftft *#4! •a# ft**t ft tft* ftrftM ft* In* t *•# (’(**fjftijtii. V*M*«ftft Tft**# *** a larft# n«M ftl tft# 4*f«l Th# *»«*# a* at#*# »*r w*M M IM Fill * rftarrft ft* fill* < >m. #ft#r* (ft. fftrral will lab. .!* * at § r>* r% iftia rfiarfttwft i I ft# w*ft«ft*r I* Mir ft*4 ikM* will ft# . mi iftWir iwiftWlM mt fti'aftl* I Thar* #r* •#*** d *#sar*t*ft#4 »•*• I *#♦» M lb* rtl* *# ft’l**# ih* Mauml. f la<* al ItaH 1»*l ritftM*. iia. Mr* n yiact •#*. f *fti**4 all all faihl 1 * *rhc*atft ftl mmnm li« iia* with ft#rt*W*r#l* nirft'iftlift In -1 a**C'ai.l* #fl#r ft# loit ft aof it th. hrwft* th** »ff» •*«•* at half ft*# : la hi at if of Mia* WlMftl* Darla ah* * will ft* hurt*4 ifti* ar»nan*>* ia R< ft MMI FINE fU’SIC As Ihr Hrmorlal .VnkM Thlft Aftftr mmm Al Ift* Wlßftl# Dft*U Urftitrlt! **r *km sci id Ibis »ft*r»noo man* of An (urtft'ft taVfttod m islrian* will l*ail tb#ir tuli #• to lb* mra*loa An *»- i*l«ii«*na!t* h**ttllful pmcram will ft* *airt*4 out a ftolahl* anmlwr of whW-ft •111 h. tft* mat* rnari» ll* r«*n»l*:ln* of Mr Halil* ftrai l*aor, Mr Jo**pr Mulb*rta. ***oart l*oor. Mr Hamid Kuasell. Itr* baas, sad Mr. A A. P* lot. arroad ham. who will *ltm tt#r i lab's arrancFini'itt of Harriot H*#rfc*r dinar a “HiIII, Still I* lb# Niftht " Mr. John Muihrrto will »in« “Tb* Uiat Chord " Mia Harrison will *lnif “In the Pa !■*# of I ft* Ktaft." by Wl*cand: 1 and Mia* Mri Kob#rtaoa will ring i -Oft* H»e#tl* Solrma Thought " (H R MINISTER TO SPAIN. lien Woodford u 111 Not Return to Madrid. i Spcc’al to The Herald. Washington. Sept. 33.—Oen. Wood f > rd will not return to Spain as minis ter of the United Statea Thla ia given on the authority of a member of the cabinet. The rewrona ! given by (Sen. Woodford for his reelg nat lon are thnt his private Interests demand hhla attention and the situa tion In Madrid la not of prime Import ance now that the war ia over. FRENCH PRIZE STEAMER. It Will He Disposed Off Very Soon. New York. Sept. 23. The French steam* r Olinde Rrdriguei srrived this m ruing fr< in Cbar!e*ton in charge of I United St&t. h Marsha! Sllgh, district iof South Cnrollna. The Ollde Rodri gc.ti was captur’d by the United Slates cruiser New Orleans while attempting to run 'nto San Juan, during the block ade. It Is understood that the case will not I) tried until the New. Orleans ar rives here, as her crew are wltneases for the government. Meantime her cargo will be discharged and stored. NO PUGII.ISM IN KENTUCKY. Governor Bradley Has Issued a Proc lamation to That Effect; Frankfort. K.v., Scpi. 23—Gov. Brad ley, upon raceiving a telegram convey ing the rumor that arrangemdht* aro hr: ig made to have the McCoy-Corbeft fight in this state, near Cincinnati, Is sued a proclamation today warning ail persons not to attend the same and di recting the peace officers of the state to take steps to suppress the fight if attempted In Kentucky. Chinese Emperor In Danger. London. Sept. 23.—According to spe cial dispatches received from Pekin, thr members of the European commun ity there believe the life of the Em peror of Chine Is in danger. It Is add ed that that the dowager empress de sires to place Prince Rung’s grand son on the throne. The emperor, It. is added realizes the strength of the con spiracy against him and has ordered the guards at the palace strengthened. heavy Storm. Mem el. Prussia, Sept. 23. Heavy storms are prevailing on the Baltic sea. One hundred and twenty fishermen were drowned between Polangen and Llbau, seaport towns In the province of Couiand, Russia. Brigadier General Miller may be made a major general. AUH fl A. OA HE SOUGHT OEATH & & T«fc B«tfciw tß* Al « POmA «M» * .adwtuft Mas *#»* , CrSMk ftort raw*ft*# tft# M**nsd «4M»# at • aa m•mm ft th a afSattMaaa mt lha a** I wf lit || H Heßwitlr% A I «MMI Ml iMMWf MNdtiß (tot tsM*| Mhl «SSm , ami ■»♦«> mt *#ASPMaM«a I mmm ift#a# #*«a*a MM* alhfttftwna ««a •Mas thM ft# •*Mt4*ha • Mat '* * »<•* of ••*•«» MMM Th* ftwarM | I iftaMftMH ft la# mt tft* tMMatft MM M ! i a>*« I*mi# mm ih#< Amdihft bafti. mmmt nam Mi »«gh>< •bat ha dal I i«* «.<***# !#*•» ahn* ifta# ** m # j im* Mwad MM Aim aftwa# a] > l*« mtaatva aft** th* i*h*i«mi«m I awl Ml im ift# fMb* t phpat*«#a •aa ! .1 a**# tmmmxmrn* aa# ft* *»• .•***•# in tft* rN* ftamhal Al th* 'Mb# «f •■oat >a pr*a> K»ft#raft tra* Ml' '» a »*r* MthMM magniaa and II «wald, not ft# MMd wftMfti# ft* *nml4 dft* m \ ; a«M H# u a aaairtad aai aad ha* «***• ! >a i rhii#i*a P M aa>4 tftar ft# *»• fM'tiwrt* #aa#M**d hr ih* Angwaia •sHwaf aad rMifttl* laaipaa* MM *aa #wa ftarftad aM# •##%* dM H•• •nppo**# twMg WM of *w*h *aa**d atm to aiHMapt to ftt*l fttm*#lf. Aft* nth*r ♦aplaaa'ioa la that hla warn* la Parr*, aa# that ft* i#ft thMambw* «• ai t-oua' of doa*#*tk tionftl*. aa# * **## |,*rr to **#ft trork Ift Ift# »!!>• MHIM la •hwb. ft* ait*mptsd la *nkid* t OEN. SCHWANN CO.MINO. Tayor tAalah »M» Hr#M«*d a TtM g am From th* t)#M#ral. Mayor Walaft yndrrda* rrr*i*rd a Vlraiam fromllm Tft*or#or* fk-ftwaoa. brtgadlar g*a#ral of ift# Palled Stat** roliintr*** atatlag that ft* aad ift* . irnamio* would rlali Anauata la tft* aril two day* for Ih* purpoa* of al* lag op Hi* ad*ant#gr» »S*t## t>» An mala a* a aiai*r ramping gnoad for lunr of ift* l'glt*d Staton noldirr* ; o*w. Srbwaaa a*ha Mayor tA'alaft to ha** arrang'd for him a map showing lb* rlt* of ih* propoard ramp, th* wa ter roarrra. railway adranlag#*. #tr-. so i bat ft* may ha delayrd la hi* Invrotlgailona. ' Th* hoard U traveling M a prirat* ,< ar of th- Soul hr rn railway, i Hrigadlar Orarral Theodor* Brhwaa |l» p*-*ld*nl of thr board. Hl* aid* I* l.lrut. G. T. Summrrtln. of the Kighth rivalry. Thr olbrr member* of thr ! hoard ar* Col. O'Reilly, rhlef aurgroo jof ihr Konrth army rorpa. wlih hrad qt'artrra a! Huolavlllr; Unit. Col. K (I. Hodgaon. of thr quarlermaatrr'a dr pa rimrnt at Washington; Capt. W. K Craighlll. of Ihr mginrrring ron». who ia chief of Ihr government work* ni Wilmington, ard Caps. Do<ld». of th* Ninth InfiMitry. who I* acting Judge ad vocate rs th* Dfparlmrni of the Uulf. and also, by reason of hi* being th* ju- I nlor member, recorder of the board. ! Augusta offers every advantage for a line camping ground and It will in! all rirohalilllty not be long before she baa a regiment Installed In winter j quarters here. On. Schwann and romrolaalonera, are In Macon today. BAPTISTS BET A LEQACY. — Thirty Theuaand Dollar* Willed Them hv a Greensboro l.ady. ■Special to The Herald. Atlanta. Ua.. Sept. 23. The Horn* IMi as! on Beard of Southern Baptists | here has been notified that Mrs. F. A. I i Stock, who recently died at Greenboio. j left an estate of thirty thousand dol ; lara free from debt to be held In trust Iby the board. The income is to be used jin Baptlat. onlHi'onary work. WILULIVE IN LIVERPOOL. Augusta Is to Lose Two leading Citixens. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Butt will learn with much regret that they will sail, about Oct. 10. for Liverpool, where they will make their futt're home. Mr. Butt will rep resent Inman & Co. In the work of pushing the round bale. Mr. Butt is a capable business man and an expert on rotten. Up will no doubt make a great success in bis new home, but it is with deep regret that Augusta loses him and his charming wife as citizens. Returning Troop. New York, Sept. 23. The United Stales transport Seneca, from Ponce, Sept. IS, arrived at quarantine at 6:40 this morning. Sue has on board 170 members cf the Illinois signal corps hound for Washington barracks, and 100 troops and government employes from this city. Buffalo Billils Very 111. Kansas City, Sqpt. 23.—C01. W. F. Cody (‘ Buffalo BID.”) was taken very 111 here and removed to St. Joseph's hospital. He is suffering from typhoid fever and his physicians say his condi tion is serious. HIS 1 si nil iTfcrf IP X«l TlMhlM t*M- TlP| ip h*fdfiM TIPP*I.P Fp Aftdßrr idPfftict. th* tors tkiaairi MM* tmmtmmt ap»> >*i M tft* llftiwld ttavahft. »a* k*l Mraal, Mart P - j•- Met gt«*w Is th* up Ml hf th* MMW* *«a*y mw»# t# •• ammd *h' • « tft* an*#** shd ih# ft#**»i> op#' -ft*t | until Dkway* ift* .mraaitwa wf th# | t«*an-f anm'd awl h» i*rwMaai*4 a** ih* prtw<Hal rwwa*a mt th# #«*»s»at*a* I'tmiMg aawm# tft# imp*ii*a« <*sftna < law** aad gpaw.*h •»*»haat« who wtah lw a# tft# Amrrv aa fta# fMat'a# a* awaw as pawM* <•**» ift* r*#«W hwaa* wf Na*a«a whtrh M*da* wad## th* iwM data of Ih# Mi«l»* **#•«#* •• not* i *#rt<ng than **** Ift th# pa* «♦** ft ortMiaai #*•<*# Th* gp##t«h pap*** ar* ciamorac M . ha*# th# Caftan •»«***• diabaad *# i .<na a* pomihli Tft* DtarM 4# U Marta# any* that *•*.*- th*y ft#*# h*#a| | *»if#a mt tft* i nn*# Mat**, that emta-i Itry ehowid pay ih*m eg and am «a lh*ir at I far* hot Ik* Cwhaaa laalaad of iftiakiftg about duhaadiag ar* nr*- paring ik*am#l*** a* Mr aa uh -r com ing campaign T «.* la da* in tft* t**aal lhr*at mad* by (hi Molina han*w a* ’W*yt*r ift# HWid.” to fh* Cabin «*a#rai B-t*a coart tftai if h* did not ami* hut iitmp further away from Malaaaa* ft* wav'd go and attack him Itctanrawr; i t p'tad ib»l he **• ready In m**i him ith aim hr eftoa* to mm* and aa a *af* pracauiiou mot far r*»nforcem#ati , from Gan. R< drignex. wh'ch w#r* went | lo ‘.'at on last Sunday. Tft* raf*s ar* throng*# wHh Spaaiah • fllrers who. not bavhlg anything mor* j to do. are parading the streets, carry ing th*lr polished sabres and looking i upon tft* pronto* Cohen* w'iba hangh t>. disdainful look ns of amquetwr* No Tarther llHav. Waahlngtoa. Repl Sl-A very per emptory meaaagc of instruction ha* beep sent to (he Cuban military com mission and by thrm made the bests of ! a note to th* Spaaiah eommlselon'ra. ! The anthnrtiiea at Washington do not make public th* term* of the note, but j the general tenor It that the I’nlted. Stales will not be satisfied with any ; further delay le the evacuation of Cuba. TO EXAMINE WATERWORKS. Ihe Commission does Out so the Works This Afternoon. The waterworks cotumiaaionera will ‘ lake a large carryall and inspect the j new waterworks system thl# after-1 noon. They assemble at city headquar-1 lers and stait at four o'clock. Thai tuiiln reason of this examination is to. 1 decide with what maieral lo cover the bottom of the large reservoir. A scene showing an Immense amount of wotk will greei their eyes. All of the pipe has been laid ami work on them completed. The clear water basin has been finished and Is now i ready to receive its supply of water before transferring It to Hie city. The filter foundations are ready for the fil terer* and only the roof is needed to complete the house. Near!" all of the exeavating work on the reservoir has been done and now only a small ( force of hands are at work dressing the sides and getting ihe bottom ready j for the final work Out at the pump ing station a busy sceue U presented. Some thlily-odd men busily at work, with their tents near them certainly is a pretty sight. The rock work is steadily progressing, the foundations going up and the tall race being hol lowed out rapidly. Mr. Maxwell Is In charge of the work. All of the rock used In this foundation has been se cured from the race. The work will be ready for one pump about January first. QOV. ATKINSON’S ILLNESS. He Is Greatlp Worried By Persistent Office Seekers. Special to The Herald. Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 23. —Gov. Atkin son Is again confined to bis bed and It will probably be some time before he will 'be able io get out. He has been greatly worried by office seekers, who do not hesitate to Invade the sick chamber in their eagerness to push their claims. The governor today de, dared that he would make no appoint ments until bis condition was consider ably improved. He will not be able to go to Omaha on Georgia day. New York Futures. No w York. Sept--23.—Futures opened steady. October 5.22, November 5.27, December 5.32, January 5.37, February 5.40, March 5.45, April 5.49, May 5.54, June 6.5/. I Ik T I • » t AMR A »t ** • WittA%, IA iM THIRD GEOR6IA BOYS HAPPY ON THE WAY Rr»t Section Lmfi Kookvlll* For Macon at 3 O'Clock This Aftornoon, Other Section* Ar® In R®»din®»® to Follow I mrnod lately. It It Sat® That No Ra®imant at Kno»v»Ma Craatad a F n#r Impraaaion. R*H***tll». Tan* *m» Ml ThM as t**ft*snw aftwst I aeftarft lbs §tm aI *h«j thrva s« mans wft»«ft ar* iw tab* »h# hew tirwrata rvatmeat ftnaa* wilt !*•»# Ih* CM* Tft* i*#im»ai la h*ma ftmdad th>* rnnafti*# and yirapartkma ft** mm *mrty A POSSIBLE *rm IF. s^aia Hill laa HdMifit iht Plllll^ars I labor ate iMirsttlMN HKea the CummiH »slawtra. Madrid •*#< St Th# Impart ta' j »a*» that tft# Mpaftlsh f**a- <■ t'nmmi*- I .tuneit have '•#*# iftaliurtad to met j g#ttrait* malntalh Rpaln e adlspuiaM* I .nvrretgnl* over >h* satire I’fttllp pioc. This la has*# oa th* protocol and histartcnl r#a»oft# The iMtrwr •km* gives to tft* B*rl. !"**•* Corn , m<w toner* at# »oiu n nous It l* learned that they t#capHwla«# tft# na • gotlatlon* b#tww» Spain and Ift# Chl -1 ted Rlatos prar##tng the war aad fix ihe raadtlloMs of lhe independence of | Cohn explaining (ft* rights of Spain land reserving her rights In regard to 1 private and public property In the Ah )tlll#s | Th* Instruction* lo th* Commission ' era regarding th* Philipp oca ar* grad ' »at«d so a* to meet *v**y hypothesis leaving room for f.e* erttlclsva on [the part of th* Commtsaloacrs liukc i Aimadovar dc Rio minister of foreign affairs will append lo lb* Instructions quest lona bearing upon Ihe right* of .■ltlxen*hlp and propert; n th* An tilles. and the methods of affecting th* tranrfer of lb* public administration there Further dlwusson upon the latter points will be had at the nett meeting of th* council. At yesterday's cabinet council Seoor Pulgoerver, minister of finance, read a refiort of an allegeil interview with tleneial Augustin, late Captain General! of the Philippines-. In which he I* rep- j resented tut saying he proposed to de uomtrsie hy Aocunenls tb* govmt lncnt's tplsmanagruient of affair* In the Philippines. Gcnetai Augustin Is also reported to have subl that when Admiral Dewey learned of Augustin's recall he exclaimed In effect "That a the way they do things in Spaiu." The 1 queen regent ha* signed the order re moving from their commands Ad ni ( ral Montojo, the naval command#! at , Manila, and Major Sostoa. the com-, mander or the Cavite arsenal. Tills action Is taken to allow Admiral Mon-j 10J0 aud Major 1 Sostoa to return to j Spain, where they will be placed on trial before the supreme council of war and marine. London. Sept. 23. The Bally Mall confirms the report that the Roths-j eh I Ids will loan Spain between $20.-1 Oim and $25,000,000 upon the conclusion j of peace, taking as seeurity the quick silver minea. The friends of Mrs R. C. Goodrich will regret to learn of her Indisposi tion. RICHARD MALCOLM JOHNSON DEAO. The Author of a Georgia Classic Dies in Balti more. He Read Before the Hayne Circle in This City a Few Years Ago. Ba lit more, Md.. Sept. 23.- Richard Malcolm Johnson, the lecturer and novelist, died this morning afterjin Illness of several months. This distinguished Georgian was born nearly eighty years ago in the lit tle v illage of K-wrlton. Hancock «ounty-the “Dukesboro” of the Dukes, boro rales which first brought him into prominence. These were written or a Tulle periodical published by a friend of his in Baltimore They at tracted the attention of the Harpers, who brought them out in book form uiul their gticceM was phenomenal. (VI Johnson was well known and warmly beloved in Augusta. His last visit to this city was In 1891, when he read from the Dukesboro Tales before ibe Hayne Circle, which then held its meetings In the^ Library. His daughter is the wife of Mr. Waller G. Charlton, of Savannah Col. Johnson was the guest of Mr. John M. Walton durlngh.s visits to Augusta. Messrs. Robert and John Walton having gone to school to him In Baltimore. • < a,<*A>M t*i an Trim LOAN and i&ytNQft HANK «•*.#*•••» *#‘a #•»** a*# ke-ag mad* AH th# *•#* *** to n sdt a» a Th# Hearth#** r# May artti Mad* th# irwapa tta Marwa Id# rstgtm. *t th# - h*# h##» *' R*h** vtti* h«# mad* * ••#* lagiMMm Mm tftst mt Oal l-swkvw iraora fuim I'uwmoßßL Wkat Hran M. Ma»l#s Mi» M tic dWl®. rw b tft# UMtv LHMg Mm Mho know. Ih# facta |Cop< t'ghi by N#w Tork lourftal | I .icdon f yt tt Th* only mac Ift !tft* wrrid who ft. in a position to say 1 «pan la ly wh*thrr th* Khedive git -.horism Ihe abandonment of Fashodh whr* Kmia Pasha withdrew from t## i tiyni octal province I* Stanley who to |at It arrtt* suffertna from aa attack of - msla-ial fever In answer ta a dispatch .Mr Mianl** says "I took totter* from th* Khedlv- and ! from Nobar P»a!ia to Rmtn Paaha nu | thcr- tiiig Rmlh to abandon th* F>|ua toctal proviuie, an It rould not be sup plied with troop*, leaving him. how l ev *r. the option to remain If he p!eaa#d land waa able. Th;*. Ik waver, did not Inrlcda j Foahoda. wbleh Is not In th* Ul provlnn. thta province not romhu lower than th* lower IP Gaxal.'* This reply from Stanley aroma to d#- atroy forever th* French claim th#t Kashoda was abandoned sh#n Slant** , .inducted Km in Pasha to Ih* i-oaat, ard that France has a right to occupy it as a derelict territory. DIP IN TME CANAL. A Bridge Workman Get* a Wetting This Morning. A alight accident occurred this morn ■ >ng to rot of the carpenter# employed in repairing the briilgc out near th# ice factory A# the Tur iln Hitt car passed over the bridge it struck a locs* plank cn oue end of which wus sested one of the workmen. The plunk was dislodged: also the man. but fortunaiely the rent'll was nothing more serioos*tiia«i a dip In the nnal and a slightly skinned arm. SOLDIERS EROM SANTIAGO. Two Colored Military Hen Arrived Mere Today. A couple of colored soldiers arrived here today en route to their hemes. They had been n the fight at Santia go. (hey said, anil If the looks of thei- ( uniform* counted for anything they have been seeing bard service. Their names could not be learned. Advance Agent. Mr. Joe Huificld. advance agent for Al Field’s minstrels, arrived In the city this afternoon and Is at the Ar lington.