The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 24, 1898, Image 1

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• r iran*, ‘i «I *M«dA m22£J*SEmi Km m t TtUt Atocm unum BAMS. Ira# dorafld I ■ B ' I ill ll# U«* • ttmwM Ml. Mtllft*) ••I di Mu DajunaML- Ti» CUn ii r«n H# flu ts *lh Aran 14* » *iwl T%* fun tnwrfi *4 piaMfflHM t % «ak!|(tta» £*ol it {tot 4001001 ,*« I **#* fiN **• !■»* p#r#ol ra 9 o(otf • H .»! .ig %0 fit &*### l#9 ] |*g|. t jhMffMM* «raMMWMtHI «ll IM# f •* | ## frir-i##. Mu «** t> i mril iff UN" mImMIm tofc**il#«. **4 p*i##4 Ml pM. llmnisXl| l»4» ii | pill 111 fra* tl* 4«rartMWp» «**j .•fun (totortNMM NMMiMMMMI ; f-wMi t.immgli to* ywgnHif iMMttfy I i ftoftorti# Irafito# 1C CM ##t#4 rad I tot Iran I itd ts«it Id IT—lrttot o#rttoi#* M il* rartrtto# c4to—|# rtf lira w AldpMftflMMM f Mmm Wdildl (IM At M i«rafM»J fnr ra*to Id j— Id f—oo ora • | Ira 4*4 ddt r— Id W iraliNutrad td tra - •Add dd4 Ira mnntmUf mi te* t lira 4.» Wd» «# M Id fradldradt | »bo ilwjvH Neve been R*CTBRIrt4 Ml fcrm* ‘fet M* htIUM IS <S* sr M-, tesayrt M tm*' him Ml iwnfepk «h» ■*’ #rirt»iii twfwnnwA him > Mi>rM> as I Mmnrn i#it the mi rtf hi# Ihi rttsrfewvffir at m*a tahnm t Ir-i-jiM Inmeata rwqatraff iMir pa**- j •*,* m <Nr N>t>ml* k«w* mail h# ifwiirt rfcroaffh >hi ratal*# mil itmmm rkllß#| I dart la fare* Hon Oat. Cat. Hryiß * Mnti aajr that fromj lh*> Wirt* Hoaa# teat ta Ihi aaaallaK! utßrtalr la tha War Hr part aarat. (br' iMtmlaiatfartlrta rropan (0 fnm Cal Hrygifi ont of trttvf toi!tt#f? raftira \ Hv doidf —. td* MtarioAatrdttOd ran##* | te plarr fe n In a bad light artth tha piopta of tha reaaUT- h hapm that. thr people wow Mara la hla raalsaa ! •Mia aa effort la evaff* anlffl cr tali Rut ftryae aa hla frtaaffa aar, mat the AantrM oSrlaia at that# oww *»**' aa* mnge»ee»kw> I ham «hr. bar mar «n> Mi tha PFl»ft* N«wa* or Hi th* ramr d*{MHii>fil. Tha Thlrtl Nebraska W» Shalva*. Immartiat ijr after hla regiment had haan atuatarad (a. It araa tha lat«BUon of tha adminirtration to aand tb* Third Nabraika to Manila. Thara hr aoiild ba out of tonrb with tha peopie i Rut tha aahama aaa too traaaparant rod h*» aruld » mply have upanad up a path of martytetotn and (tar#. Th*r» we* a chance to *rnd hla regiment to* are active service In Cuba, but tha op-1 port it ait# waa-aot, given, for It might have added to hla military rreord. Thrre was rmly one thing last. Hl«] regiment mutt ba kept Inactive. It wan aaut ta Jacknonville. where tb®] administration think that Cfl. Bryan la. a helved end out of the road. » Col. Bryan la atlll In the army, and the refuaal to grant hla tequeat for the; murterlng out of the evfeaa of Ne- 1 hraskana now In the nervlre ran only i be counted aa additional annoyance 1 that the administration haa heaped up on the man who led the Democratic boats In 1896. TO PROBE ABUSES. The Investigating Commission la (letting Dow n to Work. Washington. D. C.. Sept. 24. The commission to investigate the conduct of the war department during the re- ( cent conflict with Spain held its In-1 Itial meeting In the. office of President j McKinley at the White House to-1 day. -■ Eight members were present and 1 It v’as announced that the services of the ninth were counted upon, though Fis name was not made public. The eight p esent were: Major General Greenville M. Dodge of Iowa: Col. J. A. Sexton of Illinois; Capt. E. P. Howell of Georgia; Major General J. >l. Wilson, chief of engineers of the United States army; Hon. Charles Denby of Indiana, late minister to China; ex-Governor Urban A. Wood beriy, Vermont; ex-Governor Jas. A. Beaver of Pennsylvania; and Major Gene ral H. McD. McCook, of the army (retired). The appearance of Governor Beaver as a member of the commission was e surprise, as his selection was not known until we appeared at the White House at the beginning of the ses sion. CASTELAR MARKED K)R DEATH An Anonymous Letter Says Anar chists Are After Him. Madrid, Sept. 24.—Senor Emilio Cas telar, the well known Republican lead er. has received an anonymous letter bearing a London postmark informing him that ha has been selected as a Victim by Anarchists. Senor Giron, the minister of colonies, cars he believes that the repatriation of troops in Cuba will be completed by the end of October. ?** l fr*t» A THE AUGUSTA HERALD. HNtflM? tn, MONUMENT TO MISS DAVIS ti* uiutt m# • Trat lira H«tt tm Mraa ailnana lh»*H» **•» hmaam-tn* W •ha thaah [®praradi Id T*id MracdNl I AtiradMA. 09-s Mdpdn ii |#*» «# tratratfMra rat OA# INMWi •*##«• • #• | Wtmm*9 Diti |i til trail C m wi *rao*Htt tfUrat ira ttra rarararaNff «f rara* rai rara ott iratrai 1 fk##A i## :1m trarara* f## raira*ra ii - * ! ferarafc* trai «ra#MTMi t< racd irarat «ra# I iitoiM fct IrararaHfral UirayfCjpSSdl A rarararara# raf dflikraii |M##%ra flHNtrat** m lira rraradNNrarat ? ' rati id# iratt*'* ittfl raid ira dradrai fra Wirai radii lira [rarararav raradi* t'CracrararaNrat# rat id# ramitraA totraura rat lira tviirai ra«* ratri rail irararara rarai irarantt !••• rat MMnrrara tirai #•'*•.# rararatraM* irara ‘ m a-a m * __ . _ -- - -*v aw. , aam M €M * * n|| TM"*»r fH r • * ah- *J ‘ ™tw*» vm* nwMPV raral mm rat trail traraira rara irara tfrafirarara. mr DffFVIA S CASF. Tha «Mmm vonrmMtar T W ml the QnnaMlaa M #r*l»M* Carta da*a M. Tha cabinet met today and derided in pnetnnn- the da rhrton tn tha propoead ravtato* of the Dreyfua caae unci Monday amt owing to tho ahtioi r from the meeting of the minister nf fin a ora M Ratisl and the mlnlr'ar of agrlrnllere M Vlgar Fart*, depi 21 It la »•« tally a* noonrrd tbla aflrrn.a thoi the civil tomm.eet.'n vrhuh ha* Imea eaamtn tag the doruaKßl* la tha fkrarfa* eaar arlth a vi. w to mprvetiag to tha gov * i rnmrnt th* advtoaMlity nf radßealng It. are equal!r divided for and aaatn*' rev teton ami the goeeraaMrat rwaald e#» that thla divtaloa glvro it fall llh nrty nf nrttoo amd afeso th/ raaponai hitllr Tharrfu»» tha govayament ha* dr'Otued to oalt watt) Mtmdoy when a foil cabinet meeting milt ha held and a derision arrived at. ANOTHER CASE DEVfcLOPS. Depopulation of Jmkaoo. Mist., I* Adviaod. Another caae of yellow fever has ap pen red at Jnrkaca. The patient la a 13- year-nld meseenger hoy named Harry Wright, employed by the Western Un ion. lie lives fully a quarter of a mile fro.n the former seat of the infection. It Is feared that new fori hn* appeared. Dr. Purnell, state health officer, haa is sued a proclamation advising the total dep .pu'nlicn cf thetown. Preparations are now being made to send out a tprpial train load of refugee*. The In fected house la surrounded by a strong cordon of guard*. The caae la of a mild type. v. hele** Happening*- Whale**, Oa.. Sect. 24.—MU* Nell Stafford, a fascinating young lady of lieutr. who haa been spending a «wk hara aa tbe gue*t of tto* Miaaes Hanip, will return home tomorrow. Mias Mantle Whlttendale and Mis* Ethel Brinson of Augusta spent Fri day here as the guests of Mr*. D. W. Mark*. Mr*. Louise Robert*, who has been I spending the summer with relatives near Warrenton. ha* returned. Popular, John Stafford of Uelalr vis ited friend* In Whelcs* this week. Mr. W. J. Mayes, the g-nlal opera tor at Uelalr, visited our town Sunday afternoon. Billy *ay* It was a "fcusl- I ness trip; probably It was, but we <1 n | not think It rustoinary to make busi ness trips an Sunday. Mr. W. J. Roberts. Jr., Is among those who have giuie away to attend school. Miss Helen Craig Is attending Os borne's business college. Mr*. Wal»h of Summerville and Mr. and Mrs. Murray of Augusta visited here Sunday evening. The Rev. Mr. Tyler of Augusta preached a splendid sermon at Mann Memorial church Sunday night to a large and appreciative audience. Fatal Collision. Portsmouth, Ohio, Sept. 24. —At 2 o’clock thl* morning the Norfolk and Western freight broke in two at the Fia.nk.lln furnace, the two sections com ing together again and ditching the train. Richard Calloway .of Lynchburg. Va., and Robert Murray, of Bellevue. Va.. wete killed, and Percy Mack fa tally hurt. The men were going "to Co lumbus to work in a steel plant. Brought Here For Treatment. Mrs. Wallace Miller, of Hawklnsville, Oa., was today brought to the city hos pital for treatment. Mrs. Millets friends will be glad to learn that her sickness is nothing serious, and that it will not be long before she will agyin be out. If it is proved that Dreyfus’ sword in Paris was broken by means of for gery, it’s as little as they can do to forge him a new one. —Philadelphia Times. _ . READ THE HERALD FOR NEW#- A GOOD ”A 0” IS THE LIVEBT KINO OF NFW*. M HI HI DH Ufa, {nit* TvU* I kdMfiaUf Man •# hft Mad. i ifpggmd bamraßf Th ( kef ii#f Ehl Mil "tMi H HmA tiaa DimM«* fbfei a R»imaatl*a* IMmv Oaduc ls AthMHn. ora%rarara9 Mrara tc - ra*ra Jrat | raratraras irararal era iNrararara m ira* 01* firat mm tirai Ira* ra»#raiii** Wirara»* *ra*ra»' larai rat 4iu*»* #vMMHra«i firai •MrarawtraraMi - tcfriii)* ramrafi traracrara tra Ira* (WiraiArai Kira* trait ira !«»*4 fti»* <r»ira to ra fncra-t ral Iwri lira* Atoraratral hrtcra tort to t- m raM t»* !•*» tor raraNitora to jfeataiici«MMT%MMdi rara* rad 'ra Msrarairapi lin (H fru*4 MMI yurt 4 ’o'lira A* t* 4*rart " i Ttoira 4rmm mrarafraC Ira* »*f* raraft ; at . 4 mm torlMf r«IMI to Ira* ailfet ratton Mira* Witil# *»•* ViAft rakfc IMrm ftovra rartlf Irarat* tn Krai Tort to 4Niv rafratra Mra raravra ralto raft! rarai* tora > to>rai* rat toraraf tor lira prawrat TO OE 5T THE M I.TAN. IMP orarr* to Take a Hand ta Ow*- •rning Crete. Alksas dept 24 - Ihepntrhee from Home roedrm poaltlvely the statemeata that Rwaala, Prance and tireat Rrtta-u have fearmatiy accepted Italy a yrspasi that demand be made upon tha dattaa fo# withdrawal of Ottoman troop* sad r ■rials from Crete, the powers under taking the government of the Island until the airtva. of a governor whom they will immedlaialy pt#e4 to nom inate * Thla ta regarded as tha most Import ant atap to the direction of the settle ment of the Cretan aural bin that has been taken Mi two year* Nararhelea*. i It remains to be stan whether the four | (lower* will agree on the measure to | Im> adopted In the event of the refusal of (hr Multan to whom will be offered aa a reward for hla compliance Surer alnty of the Island and organisation of ttendarmerte under European com mand Thla will effectually guarantee the .Ives and property of the Cfetau Mohammedan*. MURDERED l»V PIRATES Sad Tragedy on Board a Vessel In Frisco Harbor. Snusaltto, Cal , Sept. 24. Capt. Br.toks. of the yacht Chlapa. which Is anchored in the stream opposite this town, were murdered this morning by pirates. They boarded the little vessel, evidently believing It to be without a [wi chman They plundered the lock era and were aliout ready to pull ashore When Capt. Brooks and hla companion, who had been oaleep In the cabin, were aroused and made llielr appear ance. A desperate light rnsued during which Capt. Brooks wag killed and an other man, whoa# name has not been learned, was wounded. The murdeer3 then made their escape in the dark ness. Capt. .Brooks was a well known citizen, the commodore of the yacht club having It* headquarters here. HANNIS TAYLOR YIELDS. He Acvjuiescced in the endorse ment of Wash Taylor. Montgomery, Sept. 21. The Demo cratic State Executive Committee held an all night alrslon on the case of Hannis and Wash Taylor, of the First congressional district. At 6:80; this morning the committee decide un animously to sustain the action of district convention renom'natlng Hon. G. W. Taylor. This action was ac quiesced In by Hon. Hannis Tayior, and there will he no further fric tion. New York F'utures. New York, Sept. 24.—Futures opened steady. September 5.19 October 5.19 November 5.22 December 5.27 January 5.30 February 5.35 March 5.40 April 5.44 May 5.50 June 5.55 Excursion to Atlanta. Elsewhere in The Herald will b'; found an advertisement telling of an excursion tomorrow morning over the Georgia railroad. Read the card. John Touccy Dead. New York, Sept. 24.—John Toucey, formerly genera! manager of the New York Central railroad, died at his iiomc garrison on the Hudson last night AE*M At 4, UA MOIHER IGNATIUS PASSES AWAY. %|| | t(l Wifejßd Ilf (MM lift It twin Hm* toratt rigtrtt trarar* rat 4§ra«orato*rart Ml Aratototft. *#»***•* rtrato to ** tora ira* to ! ttotoftrti 4t04 to Ito totorafc otoi «■»»*%#** to ora **'«#■•'*#»'♦ raf to tto*rt I «i# ftorai ratra • ra* 19 rararatra rat *#» ratoi Ml torara mmv+M raf m toratoto •«m to torafira fcrarart* tot •****•! frarato>«» iMra** ra to f■ira ratratra ra* Mrara f"iitira*Mra M’i*rara#* toraii i## Tttora* Mrat** lirairaraA rara 11 i gin I 100 Mira <•«•# tm M**rara rarara to rara# m lira rail iMifra Mura tip* toratotrara traMM to Hrarv‘ra rmmm ira Mrartrarat# liwrararalra* to Itort *#raf» Mira ton raprarai I »rara ira lira faa %«\ms ■ *■ life* r-1 ett" rtertng ha# II r«*" •* iwllglwns Hiqataan anas* Will h* r*t*dmt*d tn to* nrvvnt* 1 h*pr of th* «M*r* at the 1 lWi Bt t n'rhvrh toaenenma twee lag bp Very Rrv Fklkw K*tl*» V. tl Th* funeral will tab* pi*.* fwwn th* •wnv*nt i-m afterauna at 4 ffar half a eeaturv Mother IgnatHaa was hound by neme*i e rows and s* qufetervd frwaa secular concern* and led B life of piety and devotteo to duty wbtrh wa* her natural railing Rb* was a Row. godly wouua who loved •§f rvftnracrtl lira Ruprerae Relur and wa* happy atwa»« la obey tag Hl* pccrepta I INI tl ONI 5 Vl 5 R- ft- Petitions lor the Wight to Sail Whlukay Should I hew IV- In. Monday Bight th* »Hy conn.* meets te pass on thou* who have seat la their name* aa deelrtng io enter the whiskey trade in Augusta tor the fol lowing year, * * I p u» three oVioek today. *-t had sent la petitions Thla number I* about 20 less than those seat In lasi year, but several will probably send la their applications before the of fire and register list closes nt & this evening Any one sending in their applies tions artar thla hour or on Monday tie fore council meets, will have to get a special art for council to act upon It. If all applications are not In and anyone desires to sell Intoxicant*, they will have to wait until round! meets again to l>a*» upon the re quest. Utat year there were several who failed to get their petitions acted upon in time and were compelled to stop selling whiskey until it was acted up on. JUVENILE TOPERS. A Trio of .Small Boys Who Like to tlet -‘Jagged.” A customer in an up town establish ment this morning was horrified at hearing one of the little cash boys say that he had reformed, and bad stopped drinking. His hearers were horrified at sueh an expression from his almost baby lips, but when the little fellow repeal ed It, questioned him and found out that he and two of hla companions were in the habit of saving their nick els and buying rye whiskey. This they wonld take to an old field on the outskirts of the city and imbibe to their hearts' content. If tha youth of the city are given to such debauchery, what a future is In store for Its men! The Adula 5all». Bavannah, Ga., Sept. 24. The Brit ish steamship Adula, which was cap tured some time ago as a Spanish war prize, sailed for New York this after noon. It will lie sold there, United States Marshall Barnes of Macon went with the ship. Alger in Atlanta. Anniston, Ala., Sept. 24. Secretary of War Alger and party inspected the camps today under tho guidance, of Col. Frank, the commanding officer. The party left for Atlanta at ten o'clock. The Peace Commission. London, Sept. 24. The American Peace Commission arrived here today. They are staying at the Cecil Hotel, where they will remain until Mon day. On Monday they leave for Parts. Presidential Appointments. Washington,' Sept. 24. r- The pres ident today announced the following appointments: Superintendent of the Mint, at. Carson, Nevada, Roswell L. Colcord. of Nevada; Captain in the United States Wavy, Commander C. H. Davis. . . - 1111 1 11 111. ‘ lEtrv iciiitt r«M#nrt it N# Hi nrvt Vwatdt Trttf. j Tb» Nrftlfh «f» NVff4 li 4Uif‘i Fit th* Cawrtßt at Ikr tansg* Has MrattftoMt )ra*H * ra4 Hraitltf. tttmtmmm ira** to. Tt* «*»- | mm raf to* vratorart**## tlravv ti fra trarartwHi to# totortr* i»iy* lira rara* • I trarararatotorarat rat IM# ra •* ra- Mt Ira Ira to lira## rartratrtran rat lira rarrara* ftrarara crara iwi«o 4«««vf« ttora# rat ti# rarafraMrara rara #lrara4» to Itrarara tlra ralrara ### «ira lira*# • ra#** mm ttoraVito. • railM raui|n<* rarara#*#* lira# rar*#to»4 #% iiiftfraftora ira crarara rara 4 ra# *> #« * *.• ? t»it h rarara#Mra **i tke nwaasdir* ha* pat ta he Hast dan Badge *• l*vvlwdnr< «t*a iVirtf* hetlevwa that llamnnrv %to#r ra«« rarara rainrara rara*to*# l ! ra* lira <ra »ra#f»f*r» in I trait •**•« I* rarato nra«irara»toiri»i raf lira rt'*f ts# > irat l ira# ,c rai rarart mb## totra lira toraratMurtirti **»)*» 4**4 to to ftra *rrtra#ff, i«#*rairtd rat Mra4 10V00MM0I Ctot to*«rara. lira rorarararato* Ira erat*f t»f (|# H 4 K . #m«#4 to torara *##*#*>' dt|, trail 414 Aral t#!t ran lira f*r##i4#irt It# rai*# ? Imii #i(Af* Ira rara# turaral a#i ora# **f lira 4 If# llA# iw#l##4 fiall* A llKHiMtl Irttfff ffrato TwUffra# IA#A aa4 r#tofl*#A raf •radlrt. mm #*l#l«i(aa raf lira tf»ifi»it o ifltliaidtiM' A»rahffi i f to# Afflif lira#* . raf lll### mAlfitAfVlt# ll# «•*#... Af# raf A trlriAl fttfiwift, rail!!# ran# will tra# # | itßiffiirtKtoi r®! toitcto tlra## iirat to ll# r# «to»t (to rluirfNi ifilAtt torrrtAry Mfvr Ar# ##M f«mn4#4 limllffltoi A Tare*. Hi As») * frl#A Ito roA%k*UraA |to*f #irrai»A#r iluit ill# lA%#*tig*iiiOAs of lira < rammittf# vflll AAMvitfit to Arallilaa. 'f, for no cittor r#A#raA fhtf ibAi lb# ran• diuran« havf *h#na**4 n»At#tl«lly Mir (b# tolt#r In lb# %ArionA * »ni|*» and hikipt* #li nlbr# lb# flnu rh»r|f» fl>! '-in pi Ainu to fill III# n#w#pA j | tot*- PAVNE IM RfiCOVBRINa Mr. krndrkk M*a.h Annoyed By the Report That He h as the rtan. TJirrr seetna to have br*n considera ble i-ompileathMa la regard lo the idea lity of (hr man who ait mpted 1 ett auicid# ysatrrdrty afternoon. Til# s< i nil of the two ezplanation* given In The Herald wa* th* correct one The would-be suicide was from Columbus and. as was stated. In The Herald, had left home on account of domc.nlc tnfe- 1 Hetty. Fnlling to secure work here he became despondcsit ami took the drug which came near ending hi* life. The man Mr ,|e*se Payne, was seen' loafing around the neighborhood of Mil atreet nil the morning He was al ao seen taking a white powder from a bottle, and remarked lb some passer*-, by that he would soon he a dead mam j A lltle later he wa* overcome by the drug and fell to the ground. The am bulance was summoned and a boy In the crowd told Dr. Stone, the ambu lance surgeon, that he was Mr. Ken drick, a former employe of the electric 1 railway. This wa* afterwards di* | proven, but not before the report had gained a wide circulation. His un conscious condition prevented the hos pital authorities from ascertaining hi* Identity, hence the mistake of the pa pers. Mr. Kendrick haa been very much an noyed by the report of his attempt at su US (If. Mr. Tnyne, who Is recovering, claims to the hospital authorities to have lake® the morphine for medici nal purposes. SULLIVAN WORSE. (irave Fears of Death Are Now Entertained. Tho condition of Murtagh F. Sulli van, who was shot by John L. Archer, Wednesday night, in Savannah, Is much worse. Dr. Dunn, who is atten ding him, stales that tho condition of his patient is much more grave. There are fears now that the wounds will prove fatal. Dr Connor Accepts. Cincinnati, Sept. 24. Dr. Phlneas S. Conner, of this city, a distinguish ed physician and surgeon, who served as an assistant surgeon in the United Slates army, during the civil war. has accepted the invitation of the presi dent to become a member of the com mission to investigate the conduct of the war department. Bob Taylor Critically 111. Knoxville, Tenn., Sept. 24. —The condition of Governor Taylor, who has been ill three weeks, is said to be | alarming. At his home in Johnson City, a guard has been placed around t the house and all calleis are kept away. J Iran i mi aar a MUNU4L MPt »«. «*N# THEY CAME) THEY SAW ' |§4 A 111 M if» V tduRW Yattttt Tlrtt fM#t : **•»» ynaatc ■*■■ VMM kaadatn >Wee ran («*■« Now »*<■«*«. Mtftototo* o#to#NM to# mwmm aaml «a.aM . 9»*ia«4 ra*** 1 ra§ # Apuptol fmm A*tort* i #p fi » vld#A V44# fitorttoMto ftot f#a## i i# imaii At AVl## tm a *#«## fito* mhm tftoMto Ararat irato tAt* torttig fto j »*9f#* rt#to*ra* M# mama to *to frtif Affltrafi ira#* f **it fitoi'Ara to HA##a# ra* ito «irt«At**ra ' tAAI itoNMMl'lfl##. ##AiAtof*Mi rtf ito Mrt« * • »Art fV*9<l#to## oA*#4 O#M4 I*l l‘A9#frt' *V,#s#f, pfAAA4#A« nt 01# MmmmNl 1«4 ItoAttll.. I tojirartrawA a A Ms H Vi #i ft ti it*#* #t itAtrtf to to \ vvAtoAL * **'■ totoito'ito# * rtf ftorato to«t A * j%» i»rto*4 A irato*tom to*Ai#tAw#rli* i toAAANdft 0# fiira#tf fAtortlAKto.. 0* tora ■ a#Sv# Vfft4#** 09 Art* Alt |«#ra f#A9# a#4 . «»itor# Tto 90t##a tm| toilf«4 0 «to If ! --aasaNA A#*® #4N#f ffui!. *: #*»raifß#ra**4 A* Ito iriMMANto# Itof rarafM Mil i# oA** , fAf Hill, Hr* Al* »a 4 rtlrt of#A Tto l • AARttflA >*#4 |ff a AftraflAl nf (•« > «ra l« ftorti nm (tor tour ra* \ m«t #r 4tott » %t }<• rlnr-li tto ##t*t a*H*#4 to Ito jj lira# rift ##4 mol 4iaa#9 aI ito krttoi ' •«BT «tor# fto Rfiftfl ffOAA Aki! r ran*4 to toural to nut to to ■ [4i##t# tra«« ttof tt#r# #-#aa#4 Alto to# StitoA «koAR aa4 vran 14 udiwr a 4ri# fc - i A*#Al **#*AA rail t»#f# * W# r#A terf Alt# rant An* ptkUrßtrti« rara* %#*4tr< »a tto A»#t»#*/‘ «Al 4 HA# raf ill# (Affrv * rt> ##«i4 ran ora* r#(#nrt to A‘#ilk!if' 1 Id# !oMl0! M A*f« rt*mm tkf oArara l#fl for Aiken tn aaa hoar they liked that bar* a* a ramp site, "hr report that goes to M'aahiagtan i ter the wires tonight slats* whether A tig .ire a I* a dealrablr spot for soldier* to camp hear ar not la the opintnon as the n-mmlaaion Tic follnwlag compnaed Iherommla ' •ova Urn Th*o RrfecTSDn. I.lenl Col. j o Reilly. IJent. 00l Hcituna, f'apf-j Crnlgfeltl, Capt Dndda aad L’ettl Rnm •nedia. FINE MUSIC At Klppar Eva Savvies* at thn Sv nagogur. The following program, arranged by Mra. C. D. Perkin*, for the Klppur eve service* at the Hynagoguc, lomorraw evr.lng at T:IS Dili be rendered; O'gan Pre!net-- Sentence--Come Before Hla Presence .' ..I.udle Choir. Oh Day of God (trad slooal) . .Kalaer Response -1 Will Pardon. Now Day of God . Kaiser Mr*. Denham. Mle» Kelly. Mlm Cleary. Dr. Pekin* and Mr. H. Ru**elL Horueta, Sham* Breuchshem Goldstein Mlc bo. Morho Kibnjom. Mra. Denham and Chorus. Response— His Herald Call*. Osham mi Kaiser Our Heavenly God. Solo—l Cling to Thy Ixtve .. . .Bailey Dr. C. D. Perkin*. Sermon. Chorus -The Imrd Is My Shepherd Forman 1 Choir. Kadlsh Prayer. Hymn—Backward O’er the Past ... ..Gottschalk Conclusion—We Bend the Knee. He I* God .... . .Kllzlger On That Day. Dr. Perkins and Chorus. Benediction. Response—His People's Strength Perkins Organ Postlude. . MARBLES As Played By the Conductors and Motormen. , That “men are only boys grown tall” is being very aptly illustrated by the employees of the electric railway com pany. At the cemetery junction of the line the different motormen and conductors who lay over for awhile and those off j duty usually congregate, and for the. employment of their hours of leisure] have instituted the good old fashion, game of marbles. A place near the wall, in the shadow of the trees, has been cleaned, and here it is that these big children can be seen each wiih marbles very much interested in the game of "seven up,” “five in the ring," or making strenuous efforts to reach "purgatory” before being killed. On to Fashoda. London, Sept. 24.—. The British gov ernment received the first news from Gen Sir Herbert Kitchener since he started from Khaftoum for Fashoda, but only the fact that he captured some small boats has been allowed to leak lout. _ . •tan PLANT!#A loananu fAyiNOi A AN A ~» .*•%*«#* •• to fv*yq li PrtaM I » « acMhldJ W • w • ppiilP 1 Rail liMffUNtt Vatdtac )4>i Bthrf (Twty. lava it! Bypffag YMtM II fAH Tuto). M That Apt* NaMMdnhß BermiPPy •tMI •n s-timpf a Apt m The Unit la «*er the pwferthpr ptawa «• the raw* crib Mat art ine trip W the Pnc: pfoe* 1 * *4 the nwpn **4 lam The MMrtde hta •arv ad HM* saefteni Pi that th- Ore pan and th* taara had PM asm PHsaMP awrt tha* wo* *e »ganttfr che kmeyppa awd ilermaw anas grim a« la <ha mmp. plwee awd that Adas* cat Bearer rhewtd he tp poeMfhP «P have the OamgMP fee It I* hetieved her* that liopMt haa lafeaa oiahaape a* Ih* ••ported d*et»a •cid* „r th* 11mw-r~ ' ilisfelpa awd that eh* trill retalMtte hy NctaMN her aw'iadrcm If the or**n* awd *h* lowa pass Ifowolnln %t tewat tt la ka«*rw that ihia pnverwtwewi wilt * step • th* ww»«»«neai of tietman warship* af ter the Brepow aad lowa hare Milled May at Hawalwtw RW Hr Shalt. The date of their depart ar* la s*M limrtti hwt the wa*F ogVkata said tretards? that aai'-wr aaight he defer red a few day* la order that tha ships , wight a*« owl hi the beat powrthl* phranal rxwditlow Baa of the offictal* , •an) that II wae a lari that aa aatllag • order* had yet heew laawed la these •hip* hwt II was well know* chat they would wot stop toore than a day at Howolnta The owl' rnottpgrary. he •aid ahirh ran ran** these reaaels to retoala at lloocdulu iadedaitaly la that the tie,man •quadra* with the exewp tias o# a chip or two. ahall ieaa* Phil ippine waters aad raa*e mterfereaca in & Hairs whu-h are solaiy aad exrluaivwtp A asariraa-Rpanish PKIWONAI- A R. Johnson, of Allan:*. I* in tkn ritir. R. M. Nett son. of Ralthnorn, t* In the eltjr, A. itlliort. of Columbus, U*., I* In the city. H C. Corr. of Mlilen. M nl the Plan tor*. J K. Hull, of Orangeburg, i* at lly l Planter*. Kd J Wylie. «f Atlanta. I* at the 1 Planter*. W. K Davis, of Hartford. I* at tha Arlington. Mr* Poiter Cantwell hns returned to Munnerlyn. E. w Clark, of Indianapolis, la at the Arlington. Frank A. Kernel, of Cincinnati, la at ! the Arlington. I, M Andeison. of Havannah, I* at !the Planter*. T K. Heyward, of Chicago, la at j the Planters. | J. C. Langford, of Charleaton, I* at the Planter*. Duncan K. Mayor, of New York. M at the planter*. H R. King, of Atlanta, is stopping at the Planter*. 8, C. Parker, a merchant of Millen. I* at the Planter*. D. C. Cardwell, of the Houthern rail way. I* In the city. Frank Richard*, of Orangeburg. 8. C., I* at the Planter*. II J. Halnsworth, of Oreenvllle, 8. C., I* at the PUnter*. duo. W. Ilevun. of llinrhampton, N. V., I* at the Arlington. Judge Claiborne Snead came down from Columbia county last night. W. 8. Woodson and J. 8. Robinson, of Atlanta, are at the Arlington. J. M. Hlrach and J. B. Lelherman. of Atlanta, arc at the Arlington. H. 8. Davidson, a hardware house representative from lajuUvllle, is at the Planters. A. Hartman, Jno. S. JepAon, Cnas. Wannack. B. S. Kahn, of New York, are at the Arlington. Brig. Gen. Then. Schwann, Capts. Frank Dodds. Cralghlll, Lieut. Cols. O’Reilly and Hodgson, are stopping at the Arlington. Miss Beulah Rooney, one of Augos ta's most attractive young ladles, re turned yesterday from a delightful visit to friends in Atlanta. Miss Emma Meyer has returned from New York with her beautiful stock of fall millinery, and will hold an opening for her palrons early in October. Mr. Hamilton McWhorter. Jr., of the Slate University, Is in the city today. Mr. McWhorter ls traveling in the In icrest of the college magazine. He has many friends here among ex-students, who were glad to welcome him. PECKHAH-ThOHAS. An Interesting Marriage Which Oc curs Monday. A marriage of interest to many is that of Miss Maude Thomas to Mr. Thos. Edwin Peskham of SI. I»uts. Mo. The marriage will be celebrated at 7:30 o’clock Monday morning at the home of the bride’s sister. Mrs. A. H. DeVaughan. Immed'ately after the ceremony the bride and groom will leave for their future Home in St. Louis.