The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 24, 1898, Image 3

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satumoav THR PADCiETT FURNITURE CO. CASHORCREDIT INASOCIALWAY wm' A Me«*»itc to a Bunch of Violets. Kin* h'-r »weet, you dearest flower. Tell her that I love hey true; Whisper to her dainty secrete Such a* one expect* from you. Turn your blue eye* full upon her— Why, she, too. ha* eyes of blue! Du y.oi wonder r here she found them? Did she steal their lint from you? If she did, no one can his me her , y. u should love her for hep choice, 'Tis the poet's favorite color, You and she should both Yejolce. You should love her all the better, Finding: her so much like you; And since then, nd doubt, you've won • dered. If she's not a Violet, tco.’ Love her then, and kiss her for me. All your dainty fragrance lend; Tell her of oil kivelv blossoms You're the sweetest I could send. Lean your little heads upon her, In her bosom true; Toll her of all lovely places That's the sweetest place for you. And whisper this, my darling, to her, Whisper Ictv and soft a'art, While you're drearning In her bosom, 1 would nestle In her heart. resecrating the National Emblem. The statement that cur national em blem Is fashionably used for yacht and hammock cushions has been goin£ the room's of the newspapers, with'but few tr: say it nay. A young girl who recent ly gave a yachting party rallied her gue«t of honor, a boyish ensign, be cause he tock an uncomfortable and isolated seat on the bow. •■Really." he answered, laughing, "I have punched the heads of so many sailers for getting their heels acciden tally mixed up in the flag that I cannot sit on it myself." And he was right. The stars and stripes are to heraised aloft, to be saluted with pride and reverence; not to be made into chair seats, nor to O®-Grand Opening MONDAY MORNING of the most beautiful line of Furniture. Carpets. Mattings. Curtains and Chamber Sets Augusta ever saw, Our new store is the prettiest in town Our stock contains everything necessary to go In your home. Cash oMgreail 1,000 yard* t* r**i 0»«m Mtltmc. pouf hi 10 he vaU *» 2$ ctnh pet yard. Ojttiu Pnce 10 Cfiti Per Tift OTHKM OHAD£S P I This Solid Oak Rocker, houfhi lo >ell ai SUO. <M> Cents o our Opening Price. We have many other kind) and prices Above we show just a few of our goods. Come to see us Monday. We will be glad to see you and you will be more than repaid for your trouble Padgett Furniture Co., ° 1110 and 1112 BROAD STREET AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. drape bargain han Ik-rohlef*. nor in fly from Ihr hung of whl»h»y barrel*. Against »uch common prostitution of our flag. each on» of u« like the young officer. ran make personal ptoieat. - ~OM fa*hb>ncd Hungerfetd la one* more celebrating HoeltUde with all It* Quaint ruatoro# and ancient ceremonies. Thla IntereMlng ceremony began with ih* annual 'maccaroni eui per. and will he coattnuod today, when ih* two manager* of th* rival bank*. who hav* elected 'lutlltnon' for the entitling year. go round lo th* hour •» of th* tenant* In the town and exercise 'heir prerogative »f kl»«dng all the ladle* 111 each hour* Hungerford l» one of tlv last remaining unreformed borough* or England, and *tlll reUln* H* ancient ~fficlal nomenclature, eleetlnK to have In place of Muyor and Corporation, a constable, a portreeve, a keeper of tic c ffer*. a hayward, two ale taatera and a bellman. The tuttlmen (who are also collectors T.f the Moll taxi huve from time Im memorial called at every Jiouae In the borough and dr calved firm each ln hahltant. If he be m«lv penny, and in case of the ladlea a kiss, the cere mony being announced from the bal cony of the Town Hall by a blast from the Hungerford horn blown by the bellman. Afterward a dinner Is held, at which the officer* for the ensuing year are elected.” Mrs. C. H. Cohen entertains at cards this afternoon. Miss Jenna Garrett Is visiting Miss Nash in Atlanta. Mrs. Montgomery has returned from a visit to Harlem. Mis. Wat sen, of Columbus, Is the guest of M s. James Robertson. Mr:. Thomas'Garrett and Miss Ixiu- Ise Cole have returned from Grlffln. Mrs. Janies Gardner and Miss Mat tie Gaidner have returned from Bat tery Bark. Mrs. Sturtnan*P<>l!ard. or Arkansas, is expected in a few weeks is the guest of Mrs. George Bailie. Mrs. Sanfoid Gardner has issued in vitations to a progressive euchre par ty to be given tomorrow afiernoon, at which the talented hostess' artistic temperament will find expression In many unique accompaniments. New York city will claim for Its fashionable finishing schools three of Augusta’s most prominent young wo men. Miss Anita will attend the Pee bles school. Miss Marie Gardelle will be at the Gardner school on Fifth av enue. Miss Emma Dunbar goes to the Misses Elys on Riverside Park. Wm. Phillips, of Salem, Va., is at the Arlington. FURNITURE, STOVES, CARPETS, MATTINBS AND CROCKERY TBS AUOUBTA 3> | 36 ONLY OAK CHAIRS. Bought to Mil at 65 coots, oponing price 49c. Equally low prices throughout the line ....••••• THE MARKETS. AUOUHTA MARKET Augusta. Ha.. Hatimlay, Sept, 24. ■ Tone- -Quiet and Ste Cly. AUHFSTA CIAMPICATION. Slam rotlon .. .. 3 to 4 j Strict gisid ordinary IH | Low middling 4 IS-M Strict low middling I 1 Middling HU | Strict middling .. &'i Hood middling r 'H RECEIPTS Weeli Ending Sepi. 30. I*9*. and cor-j responding receipts tail year: 1*97 I*9* i Saturday 2595 2573 | Monday 304:1 .... i Tuesday •• 3867 •••• Wednesday 207* .... i Thursday 2*33 Friday 2265 .... Total 17471 2572 SAI FS. SPINNERS, SHIPMENTS. Snle*. Spinner*. Shipment. Saturday . . IS2O 52* 990 Total .. .. I*2o 529 990 GROSS RECEIPTS. 1897 1898 Net receipts t aiay .. .. 2266 2572 Through cotton today .* 330 •••» Gross receipts today .. .. 2585 2672 STOCK AND RECEIPTS. 1897 1898 Stock in Augusta 10910 12394 Receipts since Sept. 1 .. 55b61 29200 COTTON LETTER. Augusta, Ga., Sept. 24 Liverpool was barely steady, while receipts con tinue free and the low prices arc dis couraging to planters. Our dally dis patches bring In damage reports from HYACINTH, TULIPS AND OTHER BULBS. Premium Pansy a.nd Choice Flower Seed. Easter Lily Bulbs should be planted now. We have them. ONION SETS. From now on we will have Extra Early Pearl, White Silver Skin, Dan ver's Yellow, choice stock, Yellow Mul tiplying Shallots, no garden complete without them. HUMP YOUR CARDEN. Plant Turnips. Beets, Cabbage, Spin ach, Lettuce, Radish, Georgia Rye, arid all Grasses and Clovers—we have thtyn. LAWN CRASS SEED. Our Evergreen Mixed Lawn Grass Seed has been tried here with much success —should be sown now. We carry a full line of Canary, Par rot and Mocking Bird Food—also Gold Fish Food. Gall in and ask for our Seed Cata logue. It is free. ALEXANDER SEED CO., 632 Broad St. Out lee «f tolrtne* (*•*« to tees It hr AifiaiM. I Tfefc **4 Oak MbNatS. U*»* si*** tU b«ii I »«il» siM hw l» >••1 r •• *» 4n«ta». f« Ml m The followtng quotation*, the flowing price* taken at 12 o'clock, ate over the special wires «f Paine. Murphy A Co.: NEW T<iltK COTTON. o|>en. Clone. January 5.31 5 SI 32 February .. .. —— 5-35 3* i.Mrch i-41 5 40 41 ! April 5.44 45 I May S SO 5 4* 19 | June „ .. •• ■«••■* •* 5.55 5.52 53 ; September 5.1* 5.17 1* j October .... •• •• •* .. 5.19 6 17 1* No vein Iter 5,23 5.21 22 Ijecember 5.27 5.2* 27 Tone Quiet. | Middling-6 7-I*. LIVERPOOL COTTON. January and February *62 2.62 63 February anil March .. 2.63 2 63 March and April .. ■ .. 3.00 3.00 April and May 3.01 3.01 May and June jM2 3.02 Juno and July *.03 3.03 Aug. and Sepi 3.03 3.03 Sept, and Oct o<*t. and NOV. .. .. .. 2.63 2.63 Nov. ami Dec 2.62 2.62 63 Dec. and Jan 2 62 2.62 63 PORT RECEIPTS. 1*97 189* Gal vent on 9042 11454 New Orleans 5407 Mobile 2663 1620 Savannah 9606 •••• , Charleston .. 4*05 37-9 Norfolk '*44l 1211 New Yotk || 3601 .... Wilmington 2590 ••••, Boston ' ’2 ‘-'I Philadelphia 293 .... GRAIN LETTER. Augusta, Ga., Kept. 24.—Cables show-1 ed sonic weakness und Induced reallz- \ Ing by the pit veal pent, who had good | profits on the week's investments. This in eonnectlon with free movement and estimates of Increase In woild s visible supply— caused it hesitating market which, after a lower opening, was disposed to sell off. In the closing , hour, there was good buying, and prices closed virtually unchanged from the I opening. Cash prices and September option may have a bullish influence •next week. Corn was steady, while pro visions held fairly steady. Paine, Murphy & Co. CHICAGO PROVISIONS. Open. Close. WH EAT— September December ®2% 6.!% May « «* CORN— September 29% 29% December 29% 29% May 81 * OATS— September ....If 21% 21% May, l, 22% 22% PORK— December s -27 8.20 January 9 - 17 9.12 ' LAttD — December 4 - 87 *•*- January 4 - 9 a 490 SIDES- if October .. .. a - 2f| 9> * 7 January 4 - 77 4,72 * Our Bedroom Suits are Gems, ahead of Any thing in TOWN. This SIOO Bedroom Suit is S6O Onaning Week. No other house will duplicate it for $ 100 in cold cash. We have plenty of suits either lower or higher in price We will sell during next week a splendid White Enameled Steel Bedstead with Brass Trimmings for $2.99 These Beds are either single or double, well worth $4.50 each. Get what you want of them next week. M! in (1(11)0 iff - %—*rr.- HOJ ROLLS FROM gERRY'S GRAND DU HOUSEKEEPERS TRY IT. NOTHING LIKE IT. All First Class Grocers Keep It |]ATSGATS FALL STYLE JUST RECEIVED. F. Q. TURPIN CO. 818 Broadway. REMOVED TO 711 BROADWHY- E. W. DODGE, Manufacturer of Rubber Stamps. Seals, Stencils, Daters. Pads, Badges,&c 711 Broadway. Augusta, Ga. Strotvger Phone 102, VISIT OUR SOLDIER BOYS r n Augusta to Atlanta A Q r#l $0,01) andße(um Ov*uU V I A Georgia Railroad, Sunday, September 25th, 7:05 a. m. Train. Tickets good to returnon any train Monday, September 26th, 1898. JOE W. WHITE, T. P A. A. G. JACKSON. G. P. A- THE CHURCHES. Asbury Church -Rev. William Dun bar, pastor. Preaching by the pastor at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. in. Prayer meeting every Wednesday at 8 p. m. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. The public Is cordially Invited to at tend all of these services. Second Christian Church.—Rev. N. G. Jacks, pastor. Gospel meetings yvill begin In this church tomorrow, In which many of the pastors of the city will participate. The pastor will preach tomorrow morn ing and evening. Rev. T. M .dolphin, of Curtis church, Monday evening; Rev. Wm. Dunbar, of Asbury church, Tuesday evening; Rev. F. P. Spencer, of St. Luke’s, Wednesday evening: Rev. Thus. Walker, of Kolloclt street Baptist church, Thursday evening; and Rev. Mr. Mashburn, of St. James', on Friday evening. All are Invited to attend these ser vices. Twiggs Street Baptist Church. — Rev. W. A. Truesdel, pastor. Sunday morning prayer meeting at 6 o’clock. Preaching by pastor at 11 o’clock. Sunday school at 2 o’clock. Y. M. C. A. at 5 o’clock. Preaching at 8 o’clock. St. Paul’s Church.—Rev. C. C. Wil liams, D. D., rector. 11 a. m.—Morning prayer and ser mon. No evening service. Young men’s Bible class meets at 10 o’clock. Services during the week: Thursday _Bt. Michael and All Angels—Morning prayer at 10 o’clock; Friday evening— Evening prayer 6 o’clock. mkptimbk* *4 a I!? WHAT YOU WILL FIND C. B, ROf ARB, JR’S. The Pnrast of Drugs. An Elegant Sundry Line, The Latest of Perfumes Flnert assortment of Soaps. Handsome Toilet Goods, Sponge- of All Kind., The Best of Attention. All and more can be Found C. H. HOWARD, JR’S., CROUCH’S OLD STAND, 008 Broad Street. GEORGIA DAY OMAHA EXPOSITION The Georgia Railroad will sell ROUND TRIP TICKETS AT ONE FARE. ! Tickets will be sold Sept. 26th. and ! 27th. Exfbeme limit for return fifteen days from date of sale. Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars be tween Augusta and St. Louis, St. Lou is and Denver. JOE W. WHITE, T. P. A. A. G. JACKSON, G. P. A. St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church.— Rev, C. FI. Weltner, pastor. Sunday, 9:30 a. m., Sunday school. Sunday, H a. m., German service. Wednesday, 8 p. m., Meeting of the Church Council. Thursday, 8 p. m., Teachers’ meeting. J. A. Enslaw, of Atlanta, Is at the Arlington. LOWEST PRICES, EASIEST TERMS