The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 24, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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iIATURoJ* 4 THE IUCUSTI HERALD mm**** *• mrJZZnm „«**»*•>- •** ■■p&B ** JZ* * •*« ■ *.-*•« - ,>w« «Wi , 11 Hill IT IHW*r»' mettomm ' **»« **** 1 ******** a* smmt-W **■*> **»**■" **■ MU WtlVM> TH*’* HC*AU» lM> »- x. IM !><■* 99* At tb* 'lo* <*•'*** Hf, Tam CMF-** **• M * w * **' p,,, tad nr<i *»**»— *•** |^ )ltrT him*/* AM tV •<»»•*• Herald Prize letters From American Summer Resons. Tw || m 1 Ibis e»*r Win «»** * * * • Wm. .>1 *,te*S tor lb* b~« ldi«r* wrltt*-* feua* •* aa*rt* t«• fl*aite*c ttasort. Iff*#** Vt un mu k* laMKVe a aai 4a alum* and. •>'•* lh * I<t|lJ | |aa. rowed ‘ h* »h<4* **- rtaa «BI b* awbsMttad to a rc ”*" I •*<•*( a#d liapsrttet roirnan •”t~ •« •"‘"’"‘f * | il lm Tln» r*ftl »»»*• *»■ writ**, aa well •• ,h * nam ** alamo, moot #*ca«p*riy •*< ■ tattor aaol la lot patdlrattew. lor Oka purjxoa of I4*i»tl4«w a _ a rvoitoataat* moot r«a*aa iWr lattara to a r*a*oa*Wo ten#!!*. CsatMtaali raa writ* *• many lattara aa tb*y **»•* ,aT ,h * aria*, bat oa* r«at*#taat r aa •la oaty oa* at tb* pit— . . . Tb* HaraH waats It*# *prt«W * IT, goaalpr tetter*. awd "** arts** arltt h* awarded for th* boat, moat Interesting »"d m,> *' re* As hi* letter* of Summer R*- eort Hew a Contest Closes Oct. I. FOR TH* B*RT LETTER I» ** FOR TH* 10 BEST LETTER ... « ** FOR TH* >D BERT LETTER.... I.* AUGUSTAS POPULATION IS 56,745. THERE WILL BE 0,000 COPIES OF Sunday’s Times-Herald DO YOU GET ONE ? FILTERED WATKB AT SCHOOL" Why cannot Augusta school children —during school hours and at the school house*—he supplied with filtar od water? The question of pure and wholesome drinking water for everyone and e»- pccially for children, la of supreme im portance. and aa the coat ot furnishing one filter, of sufficient site and capa city for the requirements of each achool house, would be small, we trust that the commissioners will heed this suggestion. A great many of the pupils In Au gustas schools are accustomed to drinking filtered water at their own homes, and the change to the murky, reddish fluid found in the school bouse receptacles Is so great that many of them go without, and suffer the pangs of unslaked thirst, we are told, until able to partake of the limpid and clear home cooler. Of course, a much larger percentage or the children are used to unflltered old Savannah, but in the six thousand boys and girls engaged In itcqutrtng knowledge in Augusta schools there are many to whom the contrast is very sharp. Atlanta, with Its exposed couditlon and sudden biting winds and changes In temperature has never appealed to the Northern tourist as a winter re sort. Hut Atlanta Is appealing to the war department for a winter camp in a way that makes the troops to be be sent there shiver. §» 44—444 at***— t*4 p|p >I, A|s i A •»♦«# F%MF •M n ~04 Mss A*w» twd— TW —» t #H SMI TW*n4*t *rtM a# 4b ***»•-* 4*44 pi «»a*« I# 4 VHMt* 444 #*QR*S* rnmm WMF’ «4 «►* ***** ***“ JJ— ~ »b ► ■ »•■!»* A* |M4b kbbi *0,444 I*4 4.4444** ibe sMbwo #agpgft| s9* 4NMRM# 00 ft $9990*09411 EMBhA 900 90000 Hi • fciftft 900000- mnn 99$ 000000$$* 10 9 sooso4ooooososs Ip 0 osooo 9$ $ *909 9$ T9O 99** 00 $9%9*% soo* p*9io9oo $0 9*o msm 9*o*oo tfcftf "%$0 00000 iNW 00* 000* 000$ 9$ $ 9000000 99000 099000 900 #9900009 90 ■ 41 444 4MM* 4444 * I•*»**# 4,4 m 909 99009 90 090009909 09 990900 i 0*90009 900 $9509099. ImH 00 | 900000 #O9O 0* Ml 00990 1 90 9909990* Ml 090900 909099 ¥00999 00m 00 90$ 900990 099 99090*90$ P 9909009 ** 909 000999009' CM OO 9909990 09099909 0090000*90 owm ’>4 M MU IHMMCMIMIs 00000$000 00m msoom tms 00000 Im 9090 9909*00 $9-00# 90009 9$ 0900 0$ 00 •«•***•*? 90 99*990 9009% 9990099$ *o*o CM 09090099 *f **9o | IrCwlN Mi IB* si*osm*9 SOO9 990999 tm In 909 m 90 HP flMMkwc Wilt MM $* W 9990 9099 09-000$ fMMU lIMMi Mi o*os 90 lIM 0990*$ 00$ SOO 1C j 0099000999 f ■ Ucnl T4E 4MJMEM Tb* 4044 ""MW**’** boss 14 S4M4 ts *114414 will rotorw IMS— 44 4 tbtf IT 4eTS f—MSgb 4b— I*4 144 * Or- MINT. AM* 4*4 —rIMIr 4MA*rtl*— 4»- r—f 44** tb* wmtu* 14 bear* «f Ml ib*i lb* —4t*» bar* 4 44b .. appro*— —4* *•! M .mgb« M be tb# —t 4 tbAlvM— rtimrw t* lab* part 14 lb* 4—*' bum* cops lag Hoi "Ply dtoskl lb* ■ (MPMbßlee* 4*M orttb 4 rtkWsslls. nsßMi, a«reesmry is pavfart all ar laagsuals hot ovary pstrtotv asd - nrganlsatkm ab»**»l4 Iwrb j to 4n lb* boys lake, W4#v* a eMlaea b M l somber of aay organisation Ibal will 14k# part lb Ik# raarrl— Is bin, Ism sal la fct* ladivMual «I*ir rapsrtty asd a—l Ik# crowd and eob- Irtbslr Is Ik* #aib<wia«w of Ibe #o) 4lor ksyf welnspe fc«m*. Tb# sarrt (Ire* lka« oor vslssierr aaMl hate piade and Ik* Mill Eraalar aaertft— Ibal »b*T were willing. r*ndy and an ger is mak*. should occasto# hav* artaer should b* m*r with aa »ppr* rlailve rtwpona* on lh# part of An gseUt on lb* day of tbMr rwurn. Au guala did her duty is the slat* la giv ing up har volantanra. Let b*r do har duty In wsftoMlag th# boys home again. BBirgFAFEBA ABB THEIA EEADEBI "A now spa per occupies tw* distinct position* and Is under two dlatlart ob ligation*. berth equally pressing At tlmss. Ha dual altitude may seem con tradictory. but In reality sarh la the complement of tb# olher As gal hsr er. carrier, and disseminator, every newspaper owsa a duty to Itself aa well as to the public. The public ex pects all Ibe new*, ralrly and impar tially told, and every newspaper thpt respects Itself and Its columns will make an effort to Justify this reason# bl* and natural expectation on tba part of Its readers. A great many newspaper* are run. however, on purely local and personal grounds They are run In th# Inter est of certain Individuals, or certain corporations, and they allow their new* columns to be distorted and twis ted to ault whatever policy and motive may be uppermost in the mind of the editor. Jt Is needle#* to say that such news papers do not look primarily to the snppport of their readers, for they sub ject their Interests to whatever special and selfish one may be predominant In Its policy. The best compliment that can be paid any newspaper Is the faith and confidence that Its reader* have In Its ability and fairness and impartiality In Its news. rABMXXSHAVE A KICK COMINO OVBB THE NEW COTTON BALK. The Alabama cotton planters bavo beet, Investigating the new standard square bale, 24x64 as It Is called. it Is claimed that be new bale holds 20 per cent less catton than the old bale and that the number of bales in the crop will be increased. The result of this will be that factors and ware housemen will handle more bales of less weight, but the farmers and pro dimers will pay the saute fixed charges per little for ginning, packing, storing, selling, drayage, local railroad rates and what not. The new size 24x54 bale ts better suited, on account of its uniform.ty, to shipping purposes and there is no doubt but that the cotton crop can be handled and marketed better In uni form packages. At the same time it the fanners of the South will suffer to the extent of $20,000,000. as some one has figured out. and by reason of the change, It Is safe to say that there will be another new bale on the market next year. Sixteen pages and 112 columns of reading matter, all for three cents is offered in The Sunday Herald. Sec that i you get a copy. — #1 A ▼.'O 44 #*•* •**» $4 •« %■%>‘¥**9 0910900 09009 ms"»- «$ • * 0* 0000**00 90**0 00090009 MM 0909$ *09909* 00 990- o**m*o 00 o*o IMttfiif 00 00009$0$ $900090*0 0090 SOO MM 0 WOO 9 ¥ooo9o*o 09 99*090 osm- 999$ 909*000 4»i»<riti $0 099*$m Ml MM o*mmm ft <*s'#¥** t 90* 00*9900$ 0$ so9* s*" j s9s soo*os 09- MM $ 900 *9 \ f|*4 mos 9*990009$ $ **M MM 00909*0$$$ IMM 900.90** *soos 09 0$ 90*09*% 09*4 *ss9oo*9o*o* 00099990$ 99 0909% 9900*9 | •amt**# 0$ 4 Mb 99090 *9OOO ssoo 091-10 soooo9os s4*oo9*ool I 9sos9 *s9ooooo AA bMI 100 *9l* 90 9*i *OO% ■ ’ f o*f* Wb o*9 Ml 9*9*o 9 *»• 90 AbN^ IM«t(M 9990*9 *9090009 b # IftMl4 \ 90090000909090999 k 9009% 90% * * f 004 sso*9 1 90 90090990$ Ml MMMb ***9o9 VMM rms* MVttblM T%* *09990*959*9 9$ IM# sos Cm*4Hso 00990 **9 Tb* INPM «ay Tlm*n Hovnld am 444k*esnp» a*4 fist HWt44 Tb* tidMHtai IlMknrtnr 4>y* •"Tb* R*4M4* N*r*td 4ww Mnasna a koaday s*> r vtag afklsk If la aaik* *4 Tba Rua H«m<d Tb* ******* as lb* av*4lM MIR— as ibt* 444** baa 4 mar—a Cnwim— •boot at— yowra *#■* wRb a bawdf*’ as ippa. R baa grow a tw bs wa* as fb* load lag jMWwakk as 14* aaatb Tb* RaaAap agMlaa will aa AsuM pro** - A apart* —aa airaw Hi boo advaa , lag** aa a 4*al(b rtwort 4<o Navtßora j Mvsl— aad 1,0*4 Slates trtnpa Ibal. •b* la sddlbg la bee Hot ti, bated. Aa. gnrta may 4*l bmw* Hortb*r* toartats •bo go wbsov iboy ar* baM plaa** I but Attain* Win probably pn more saldtara. abo go wboo* ibay am teal g*a? Wbea lb# sow waiarwnrk* am oom pt*l«d Augarta’s Insurance rat** ought i to (Ml low owough la gay far tb* pub i lie Improves—!* la a roupl* of years If poa waal a gunday paper for 4aa- I day reading read Tb* Sunday Hamid ! Th* moat aew* tb* beat news, tb* > frr*h**t news and all for 1 hr** coat a MERi-. There ano EVERYWHERE. Ensu 011 l la tb* latest woman ld*a | lifted aa tb* victim of lh* Yoiiow MIU I Pond tragedy Admiral Hampann's wife mils today for Havana to Join her buabaad, who Is an Id to be slightly 111, In the Frem b army scandal both Cap! Prryfus and Col. Plcqunrt are said to be In fear of assassins t lon. M Hung Chang will probably get back his peacock feather, and be re stored to favor. If yesterday's meagre dispatches are correct. The steamship Teutonic, which ar rived In New Turk on Wednesday barely escaped two collisions on the last voyage from Uvsrpool I'pon landing In Spain. Admiral Oervem barely reeognlied the minister of marine, Auron, slating that be would at once report to bis supe riors A returned Klondike miner loat $61.- 000 In a San Francisco at reel car last week. The conductor found and re turned the money and was rewarded with a S2O bill. The ashes of the late Anton Soldi, whose body was cremated, the re nowned Wagnerian conductor, are In a tin box, forgotten, and knoekig aroud a business office in New York. The cruiser Marblehead went up the St. Lawrence river to Quebec on Wed nesday. and took part In the unveiling of the statue of Champlain. The Ca nadians welcomed our tars in hearty fashion. The New York school commissioners propose to rent large halls, unoccupied stores, and other buildings, and prom ise that not a single scholar shall be turned awny for lack of room after next Monday. A young epllectlc. falling In a fit in New York, was sent to the alcoholic ward In the hospital by a young am bulance surgeon, and remained there, unconscious, for 24 hours. The man’s friends propose to make St hot for the young doctor. Under the Instructions given she peace commissioners by the president, the Catholic church In Cuba, Porto Rico and the Philippine Islands is to be allowed to look after itself. Its in tresets, from the point of view of our government, are not Involved In the terms of peace. The American and English residents of Hong Kong are much pleased over the probable arrival of the Oregon and the lowa at Manila. A high English official in Chinese service said: ''All i the world is proud of McKinley. In I taking the Philippines he has given i them to all. Now, let him build the | Nicaragua canal and his place in his- I tory is assured.” • # * 9m* %*# * M#(Mh. AfiCSt TOWN. $ soo*o 9099999 $9909009 soo9s 099950009 *>.- «i *mt **» dUpMrtWk —«m m— t« —ag —» *4 twM 4**4 4** *'«• • <4 4**4 4*«*‘M mm mm *m*9o m* mm m 09* t*t 9m "4i*m so t 9sk’fy 0 91 90* AMAMM AMMMMIMM ®M(A MMaMIMAA Ms *M* p**mos »• * ** jm 0 *.¥'*.*( " 5.,.0 **m» $0 09*4. i MMAK 9 9090041 99*409*0 MM«* A* Hk *-9*900$ $ $ 0900** 99m ¥* 09. *9OO 49 I%* 90$ MtasAMl os9s OW9 o*9o*o 9 o**mt r*o ***•• *f *¥ 94 9*90 19$m#0 000001$ 909 40009949904 04444490*90**$ '* *$ MM 9999% 400999$ Ml MM .9*o 0 s**99 99909900 Ml 940099$ 944*- $ Al* *MM MM fit jt MMM 0*9099 909019$ 09900- 09400%$ k— *F4i —MM aywsgaa aad a— a»*4 wMk a raw mm *«**»*» gw •*' mm fam ■* par**** MM «'»•*•* aw as,• b— —4 dte lias— * Tb# Otewn, bwaag a omd 44* **» tevday mat— t» a* Aag,w«a aww* aad abort a di—wi, TW rbeookwi! «•• 4*4 a **•*! #wbrt,<f wbo was aerwsdSMMd lw w**b 4 rlaa »aall, wltb 4144 BM *.*■ It sea* a way* **d**te*d *w tteaa, #4 tba aeswaal was tail* peMMaM* ‘te* atpb' MM Jaiy «4* #*»#** rtM**d 14- ! R was *»*rt daab PPd laiMa# R wv*v. ■ nH M# m omi*4 §!» M Mi 9s: T%» piMi- MAhi't tw glv* lW add! uipil a**, brt tba iM—t bsgrt'4 «w bard tba u«4*t was Mad* tsrt awd t4* j r— art tato 4 draw*# wtihart IrttW* srtrttey WIMP tbxdßirty days ***** j *p b# dfda’i tbiak It ** rasa* at 14* WnT rn — o| bia teas. Ml arrows! j of a#**t< ws iraaasrtiu**. tet Wwda** day b* board I— Mr Os*W bad b**a a**4 la At—ta navaiiy. Aa tavaatl pMlna skewed fbat lb* lalersrt **- tonst bad tet aqwai*d aad ha bad b**w carefully prrwervisg a (dec* of glaaa, wort b wiaowber* a bool $2 #4 a gSRgg Tb* party teiltec tb* story to tba Observer say* that I'acle ***** »•>« look look* at aH dlaotead flag# crtfvred with a awgmtfylag glaaa. Many bar* brew lb* dtaraaalna* dor i lag tb* past sua,m*r at lb* rlab or vr lb* proattaeet anay aad aaval ms to tb* war. Tba Observer recollect* a bested a ration at owe Haaday aflerawttu aboal Oeaeral Miles and Cryuia Bv-, ana of the lowa. Host of aa did* t think aay too asucb of tb* bead of lb* army oa acoouai of lb# Jefferson Havia episode and #om* of ike boy* hadn't a very high optsrtm of "Fighting Rob.” sit hough be and Captain Taylor, at tba Arsenal, were related la sum* way. If they could have heard a friead cf the Observer'* yesterday, they might not have been so severe. "I have the pleasure of know ng (‘apt. Rubley 0. Evans, of tba lowa, pretty well,** said he, "and I wish *o any that tb* popular rtixirepiion of him la an absurd error. He la genarallv supposed to be a rough »» dog. and the papers usually call him either ‘Fighting Bob' or Cusslug Bob.’ Neur*r was there a greater blunder. Instead of a ahtver-my-Umber tar. reeking with tobacco and profanity, be is a polished, elegant genUcman. nod not only an ac complished commander, but a diplomat of decided ability.” One of the Cotton Row boys returned from a trip into the country on Thurs day night and yeaterday told the Ob server a hard luck story sure enough! Said he: *'l have a customer, a plant er, who lives up the Charleston and Western Carolina road alraut nine miles from the railroad, and on Tues day I went up there by Invitation to | talk business. I rode over from the I station in a light wagon driven by a darky, and when I got there learned that my roan had been called suddenly awny to see a sick sou. That was mis adventure No. 1. Aa 1 could do no bus- j lncss 1 was naturally anxious to return., and saw that I had just about time to catch the train returning. I told the j coon to get s move on, and In dashing through the gatewiay he collided wRh a post, and sprung a wheel badly. It was dangerous, but l ordered him to keep on, and when we had covered about half the distance the axletre« split ond the lame wheel flew off. It threw us both out and sprained my loft shoulder. By that time my blood wa, up, and I was determined to catch the train or perish In the attempt. Ski we started to take a short cut on foot. They railed It four miles, but it seemed like forty. We Acre bogged In muddy fields, chased by savage dogs, tom by barbed wire fences, and to cap the ell max, ran all the last mile lo make up for lost time. When l reached the lit tle depot T was ready to faint and as ragged and dirty as a tramp. ‘Has the train gone?' I gasped to the operator. •T«vo hours late.' lie replied.” President McKinley and a squad of the Rough Riders had a little love feast at the White House on Wednes day. ‘•Your record Is one." said the pres ident. “of which the whole nation is proud. T tel! people who talk with me about the Rough Riders that you loft the boats in squads of twenty or thirto. inquiring the itav to Santiago, and that yon hardly stopped until you arrived there.” ■ - - - —;g— Thr best E cents clear Havana cigar is Chicos. Sold at Alexander Drug Store. Notices. ***oo* *9 fii MO M Iflr** «# «* 0 \lf f"M 0 9 $0 *nwtM'Mfe OINK *4* isauiMt # 4'thA M*mot* I «... *** 4 MM *99 *9*o 400*** *m§ s***om**m4 g 0 9090*00009900* tM4 INNNMMRMMi f ss4 •*MW M* A mSmmmrn 9m s*+*m4*sps « omm **4o If s**** $ "4 I*m * '*m $•% I*9s C 00*m’* *9O 9* Otev. k- ■-* *9s ¥o9*m9sl 9n fkat* Lawartf tmi 4sMart Yaw. i4vd ] ••*. j- iTft Hit a |i|* M v. ® fmm*9 % ft. 09 1* Aft 111 f NftAlßft 9$ %049*0$0$ MM iMMI s9*9 ALaAtKJtY M AI AKj"i |m. I Per Cl WOO IPer Ci roiflON fAMTAUfTN Wtt.ta j I/iam |t a IJK $ IIUX4**N UOtXAR« j Aft (riftlti Hi AftftlMK*** 91st Tff-rmft ? - fPffFt ivtl INf fWINI l«(*lfMltKft 99* j tftFtr ftitflfwf ftt f* As Nlltfii, I mm ** 909. r. O omn*m —HI"IIIMKI—W"'" “•«-- tetew ■****»"«• IMarwtea's Prefterrtwry SctMmf. IM4 Fitts Rtwt. THE 4IXTH AStRI'AI. 6IWIOY OF Monday (VCTvtttRR m at * a m. MfHN iml |kftMNi a*4 *oslfso* i Oof, gttrti I a nftfl imK. INf fiiH pit* tlrfttftfft rtli <ft of ifttffH ftt Ittt V* \VM || MTi'ftMAN* A M . rilftrApM. Notke Arsdsmy o* Rl'biwowd Cowatg. Augw*- j ta, (te J IISTH ANNUAL 4K4HION WFOINA I MONI»AY. OCtVHKIt k 4. Full rvwaa of tn«tr*ct«xa. C'.ura** In A4ct*4t aad Mod*** lasfwiw Mwtens'lw and lb* Pbrrteal betert-** m*w*«t»- ptsy and Typewriting wlt4 *ut vitra i ebara* iMtnrtlM ts Mffitary T»c ,trs and AibJrttcs. For krftfaaU*, addrvsa Ptln.ipal. Ki.hmund Acad emy A, - Ifemov al of M. rVtddsa. Mr H. Madden baa removed ht* I Irtai ksmitb ah«t> front Ul lo Kill* ju«t btlMr city hM<Hutrtpn. i ll* baa fitted up a perfect blacksmith shop and cordially tovttea bis many pa (TRIM tO <“NllI Oft him In ht* new quar ters. Foe the Legislature. MARTIN V. CALVIN. HENRY C. HAMMOND. Joseph s Reynolds, Wilt be supported, as Democratic candidate*, to represent Richmond county tn the next legislature, at th* e.ectiirti to be held on Wednesday October 6. l?M. A Story ot Winnie Davis. It Is not generally known, we believe, says the Charleston News and Courier that Mis* Winnie ttevla once played anj unconscious, but effective, part In ear ing her father from assHminatlon. The circumstance*, briefly narrated, are that when Mr. Davis was on his urayj to Fortress Monroe, a* a prisoner, si party of officers on one of the Federal j war vessels anchored In Hampton: Roads, determined to kill him if oppor-| tunity presented. It was presented when he appeared on the deck of the vessel which conveyed him to the fort, and within pistol range of the con spirators, who at once drew lota to de cide who should shoot him. The offi cer who drew the fatal token took a position convenient wKh an army rifle, aimed at his Intended vletltiL and was on the point of firing when Mis# Win nie, who was then a little child, moved to her father's side, and stood so as to cover hla hotly until the opportunity passed. But for her accidental pres ence at the critical moment he would have been killed. There is no question as to the truth of the story. It was told in detail In the Boston Journal, two or three years ago, by the chap lain of the Brooklyn navy yard, who was himself the officer who drew the lot. ASea l ullaby. Dark head, my darling, lie low. lie low. Sponges make a tied fur you, seaweed tangles grow For a curtain to your bed. swaying to and fro. t Dark head, my darling, where dark grows the night for you, Surely the sea-women make the long hours light for you. Combing out their long, wild hair till the dark turns hright for you. I was never fair, my dear, as sea woman. are— I'm content if you're content thus to sleep afar. Where the dark's too deep to break for the evening star. -BLACK AND WHITE. THIS IS IT ISP - ;*a *4 •a*** laffMf FOR EARLY FALL STIFFS ANO ALPINES. ALL SHADES $3.00 Juil A f flv*d. DORR’S Tulorinf, Hat*, lutnffhmp. w\ How Do Tout Dot an Go At* year doUat* s n | to* Hurt ta suit >*• ? Br ib# tow dot tar* bar*. Oar drugs at* as put and few, a* say m low*. *• jfears* Sat osw arte*. Yos get lub vain* Art attttaurtluu at*ud sit, us. Felite's Food trssb I row factory Just remised. Nunnally's Candies ► re*h twlfff m ftMfc. Tfc* mcM B tr 1 ms4f lo ttat citft, 3*ftf»tlU**Lo*» 111 B«t. Are You Moving ? I*sttita,Mains. Eoaaiel Paints, Hsarib and aiaoiai Palais, win dow g aa< and putty—all ean tw had trow us. Smoke ••Chicos." Tb* best 6 cents clear Ha vanas l igsr in the city. Aleiasder Drsj CoopaßT ma BROAD BT. MONEY TO LOAN. In any sums desired from SSOO upwards, in straight 3 and 5 years time, or on 10 years time, payable in equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fees. No delay in getting the money. Alexander&JoliDSon Agents Scottish American Mortgage Company, 705 Broad St PORTNER’S HOFBRAU and VIENNA CABINET BRANQSOF Export Beers ARE THE BEST ask FOR THEM. Nunnally's Candies fresh twice a week at Alexander Drug Store. •EPTEMMfft 24 PEARL ONION BETTB iutrt P#r»fv#d. *rs w$ MV# ■AIpRMRH rt4rtb ly virtlil Nov. IM 4 ChOH* ft#4i,i Onmm ft#tts4. Mafksi f I marital mtHI do aFfftU to #locO iNMf ofOfff Ml OVkffO. L. L Cardelle. Dtuggisi Antkcpiialalginc I lA*s $* taxFai-atsHA r,- MLADACm* If! AR It* VAViOtm FORMS IfMrffePMMt 409$ MP * 099094 k iAiM i milAji* %os9*ss i»9d $9090$ s49s mm 0% 0000% 0* *9*o94s *so *ss*s 00 ss*■ Ri SO% 099 0004 *9 o*4 000*9*9 *400009: WhMdtAlff Rftd Rwtn.l by L A ORt«k»R*. Drvfgttt. Auvuatß. ON- For Sale! YMb 9 s4ss**9i t • M %• M4-4I ftftAfft *54*4009 PA 0*49 %$ 09*mm$ otfNNPI, 9 .fttftMAMl 09*9 *s9*ss ftftft “ Wmm I -n iiinimntt NRftt 09 **f| ftM ... 'Lf’.fif'y fa Georgia Rarttoad Bank ggausts. MtMu *4^-.* PROF. P. M. WHITMAN, 209 7ih St, Aagostt. Ga. Bivfs »we tt* rt»TS h> »n ««<**♦» <* tight gn n.l• U>« ,nf*t «W* I*l WA*- IUHT' (■>.'•» Um tot into j»«tr %-*•*• whilt /» wit. FREE OF CHARGE. JSSi£MI KUlt COAL and WOOD FROM THK North Augusta Coal A Supply Co VJtiMtt'lir end Ouerenir.d. F. W SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT Bell ’Phone 11«4 Mmepif ltt£> The Whitely Exerciser. ' A practical, slmplssnd Sihci ent Homo Exerciser, ones ptcialiy adapted for ladies and children, bu st the ssme time can be profitably used by the strongest athlete. PRICES: 75c., »1.00, 41.50. BICYCLES CLKVE- I ANDS, MO up; VIK- I.VdS, 435 np: OKS DUONB, 418 up: THOM AS, »i>o up. i *ll and see them. Evary one guar anteed. Richards & Shaver Paine, Murphy & Co. till!MifcßlON MERCHANTS. 803 Reynolds a-TelepHoiieiSi&.’.r i male Ltaeed Wirti BIlMt to New York Chicago and Now Orleans. Orders executed over our wires for Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Grain and Pro. visions for cash or on margins Local securities bought and sold. Reference —National Exchange Bank of or Mercantile Agencies. .. s *— S