The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 24, 1898, Page 7, Image 6

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tv Wfltt fHMtft HUI(t» mm ***** ****** »»—*» a®**** j fclWlWi r«»* «mp» fl '-*> Hi—it* Imp®— * t» .*•* —* mm* tap «• m-m * um •** a-ww •• * •****• l.«|c • DMHI It* ato"» llf IV* *■**• MM M—*, Ml *t* Mot. iml* * . *♦ . p*n*l i f ttatoM M*m*> a*to*4 WMt»f tp'PN® Wm 4 MMM* t«4 MUM *""»*—* It* •»• **•**■»* tm MM'ift ■»*>«>* tto* m* to*i taiwew •%»» <t«» ft*** • ti it* wMit nii • nm*m wt toe* 1 tmm *%— It* ***** ***** «* It*** • Hid •<.• —— ***M» lt*ft It* t**P 2*!ftft*Mft ♦**» ■*• mi tmm «f Mmk* t*M*«m «•»*** *• IHifti* ■ ***** **4 it* • to* •* [ ltMft. It*** *nM It* *»’ A« It* tW* f*t**» *t* Htoto ***** •ft tt* t*ftt to* toto *fti» •» •—* m »•* »t*«i it* twMM* ******* tn* Ml It* »—"*** M ***• m It* fturfttnt Matt— tKI It*** ftftl**M t*- M*i IW - Ml *»** MM ft*M It* **t* ak~ t*t> »t* toM> «f Sto MW**** It l—na* 't* «oftf***a* ftti*t Mt* *i it* •**»* *t* tut it* al-toto* "tprd a*4 *M *t*!Ml »** ttt*< •*, •ft* •*«! M It* WPtot tt *—Mto| rtniiftwl Itftl Jakatttoa MVMMN*. M* •«f It* IMM 4*»«— •*'•** . Oft* li IIM* »»>*•■ 4 It* ft****"* Mtti tod*** wilt • MMi tttt »*» ft*-* tft It* N*t *t*w It* !*Mtftf * I gum* mm ft* t* *t*t ***** «• *t» ; **n7*n»a —*4 w it* *«r»* ts» *~r-* mmo mm 'ill I*4 —lto—4 *tfe U* «*t*fft I Ml—prUto* OrtitK Tim, ... |«« *Mft Ml*l* ®t4» ***** •■* mh*<**« m«*»*h * WHPP. •*• l|M • ft* toMMM l- ***** It* ** la tft»i? lift* tor it*r MM** «**•*•**•. m*l MM* tft** !*• aMta— ft**M» fftr t*r Kim** K*m ft—nr tor C«*- Cum** <tM Ttl* to It* • »ft4*rfftl *"«t*4» "M« t r—Aart** lari ft r». r all mvwf tm —T tv M* ftaat *t an lift* tmm ll »!»!»'•* y mm A**tun*. Ht—rtoia, all • *.< li -n* as I** Tkr—i CM—I •ft* I— <”»U at 4r*« • , " r * ••4 *m • trial fcMti* tor I* —« • ratrula- -to **M "MM* »W ?** iiu«r»a*f"l to rft»* «r M*«e*r*f*l*a** bad Neo«o uses oun. Atot WMlw*4 l*r*y«tMlM Ift Bl*- wiactafti. Blnwlmtiw AS*. B»pt tS - Abotn j 1) •'Hark M allbt Robert H»nrl«, ■ negro «*■§•» who Is welt known tn | pall.* rtrrlea »h**« And proOnbly fatal j |y wounded John Darla snot her n«ro and afterward* mad* hta escape. Th« •bootms Occurred In Ada* Howard.! aalonn la Third avenue and according to Ihr statement of arc wt !#**«*« was doer wit boot pro* oral km Quite a number of arrot* ad* In thr aaloon ai tb# tkttr and were standing around tbr bar. wbtn suddenly Harrl. called to Kd Clitam «o hit DaVjt. and at the aamr time draw a 3g-callbre plrtol and fired the ball taking cfferi in the right, Lrrant Jnst balow tbr nipple and rang ing arroa# tbr body. Harrla Imm*-1 diataly ran out of (hr **!oon and down Third avanue. turning Into tbr K. C. aaloon. altttated a frw door, brlgw Without flopping ha want through tha iHtrk dpor of tht* aaloon and escaped through Second gltay. going town'da tlat atraat. Captain Will Wrar of tha Police Da part (Pent waa on Shtb atraat and heard tha ahot Bred He ran lowarda Third avenue and arrived at the corner tn time to *ea the fleeing negro run Into the K. C. saloon Two officers who tfcard the shooting catnc up about this time and Joined In the chase One of tha officers ran around through 19th street entrance to tha allay, and the other went through the enloon. Cap tain Wear called to the provort guard on 20th street to look out for the ne gro. but no trace of him could he found —he having probably passed out of the ailcy. J. W Baggett, of flak Grove, Fla., had an attack of the measlea. nearly three years ago. and the disease left him with very aevnra pains In the cheat. •‘1 thought I would die,’’ he writes: "hut to my great Joy I was saved by Chamberlain’s I’dln Balm.’’ Pains In the cheat nearly always indicate the rpproack of pneumonia .and by prompt applying this liniment qn a flannel cloth —which shuuld be bound on thd chest an attack Of pneumonia may lie pre- i vented. It la always prompt and ef fectual. For sain at 25 and 50 cents per bottle by Alexander Driig A Seed Co.„ C. It. Parr of Hell Tower Drug Store. EAGLE TOOK A BIRD MAT. A Woman Suddenly Left Bare headed. Chicago, Sept. 23.—A large American eagle, that has bee-n the property ofj Co. B. First Illinois volunteer cavalry. l for several months, swooped down from Its perch In the camp at Fort 1 Sheridan and attacked the stuffed bird which adorned the hat of a woman who was walking past. Beak and claws were sunk Into the body of the poor stuffed bird. The eagle, not under standing the tenacity with which its victim clung to the hat. finally carried hat. bird and all back to its roost. The woman screamed as she saw her miltner.v in the clutches of the eagle. She then began to be amused at the predicament in which she had been placed, and ot last quietly left the camp without giving her name. The big bird of prey in the meantime discovered the nature of Its Capture, and vehted its disappointment and pplte by Viciously tearing the-hat and trimming to shreds. The peace commissioners reached Queenstowe today. Itto**t HM tt •*•* Jam-Killer • ••«•* .« to fttft# •* ttoft ft* ( | MM, ItMtMt •• IMHt I tft*l itH HUH M*tt Ml M < »»•**< I »Nft*«M* *•**■»*•***%*•*• tot*. ] IMM imum 1 •••« Ift* mmt, ft*••* ftftvtft * ftOft mtvimtA K» «wlt| m tlk* t-o'ftaiMi»W»a m«4 | M**«to« |ft* Ift** t mm ta* MftftMi* * !<M*ft*.«ftM tt*M* ft*** *l«*""»»l ■ Itm iiftftMt «* to* »*ftftMft* ftftNMl *ftj ! *«•■<«• * A **4lHmmi *«*• ***i ■ >M* *4, jlft, ftHM Ift* toft* m toft ftM* tft ft* "toft *•4 Ml Mft* • Mtoft Vt» *MNto*Mft » • tot "MMI MM ft* ft« 4 «*M*« tft ft** fcto fftMM, «ft t* **ft*4! 'HMI ***** It* MtftM^ftlft^r—^ ,[•■**!!*? it* "**4. -n***4 I**** ,•!**• I* *to*ft fttlt *1 o* l * «ttoft* ftft4 twwt •M <«♦*#*••* tft* ftift*ttft* *n** tMft tm <M* *t*«t . j WftMt M *** I«*«M t* trnrnm tt* <MM «f •***»!■' ****"ft"M ** Noftft, l*M i n*« t» tft* ftwftft t*M( tmm . M»*<t Mi <to* *4 **M.r ttotpniM I "fm MM« *ft mi** • > fftf* ••«***»• ,ift*4 tt itto ***•*><toft. • tot *M [in** WM* *'ft*tto*tl** . . : AHBtt*r I***. • Mt4»* •* **ft*rftM4 '•li* *H»t«*lM «tfti t# ift#**4*4 to■ tto >MPt*« mi *a#ttrto iftftMMhftN ft* tt* tmm -Sr mmu+* mmm*** mm mr* Ittit |i*.WMWItW A tftito* **4 tot* MtoitoMXV to* It* nia*4#* as a iMKW it- ftHto- ftt*^ •4 aft tftto t Mltoft I* It* fttollMto* *4 4 **M •*! miiy «»* r*m ***** tto*. h«t yo* AM tbf«** *r (totoft. •* ••****- ft* ftCfttovl. ft* ftfftlftA It* toltftl »*M^ Ihrmfft lift »>••* *4 tto ft**»rftt*.fttlrt ««** hla Wkvat General AMlrvw * Bart was I rwl j«IH tli» TVV» t*Jkt<«M| iNtllV | . OiaH«v A llwitfc, ilmni • | llwutrnaAl «n**f l»im *m Itw nH» VMM* J 4 mf iJ+m |m»III mm 4 hm *Y*!t#'4*’ tmrh •• H* find, « Ml* | (flit M’VUMMI ftlV lAv (BMKrttVCV I® VlJU'to®! j [ fhr fi'VVIH _ "Tow'r* a pretty pond awaaaar." saw i !lw» r*»|t nrl; dnv'i *<fml • I >rrti*rv ciMPVMltic IM* *h**9 “t*ft M foa m twi of Hfin,' | I lIMV jutiW nofr*r, ”tfeM 1 <■•*» MB I t > mh*Hm II fUffMlai • Tak** ~ Hi# wmrrU* laN’tfl Hm>lh flrHl • M*«* b* «fMI m r+4 #*« , * the target t>44 tkti Uhv *•* | *“ a ’ -PPurth mtaa." announced Booth Another ahot. ’’Mtaa.” ngatn sang out the lleutan- j | Hold on there, ” pot tn the eoloael. j ]"«tint are you trying to !b»? I thought l.„ u Urrf . t«» Art* at ih<* target ** I ’ I'm frying to win my Nu of rlftr»,” Laid Booth. fktiti t fir** any moss," mM tha aoio» "■ 11.0 !—■■■■ Ham Jones waa making a rootraat he- ] tween good and evil. He said that hla I grandfather waa a good tnan. and that hta grandmother waa a perfect ahe-dev -11. i Just about the time he made this aonoun- ement a IIU* drummer In the ! audience struck a bae-llno for the 1 There goes a man straight to hell now.” aakl the Rov. tbsiuel, I The llttl* man turned around ab . ruptly. and said: "Tea.” brother Sam, I’m going aralght to hell. But. aay. have you any m*s ! nage you want to send to yuur old : grandmother down there?" The Rev. Sam aald no more. Another one at Samuel's airpnse. H made the statement that there I waa not a man In the audience who ■ had I teen married alx month* that hla wife hadn't aald a cross word to him. "If there la," said he, "let him stand up.*’ The audience numbered about five thousand. One man atood up. “Do you mean to aay that you have been married alx months and that your w ife hasn’t spoken a croaa word to you In all that time?" ! "Yes." said the gentleman who atood up. “bet me introduce you to the biggest liar in the world.” said the Rev. Sarn uai. "He ought to I* in a dime muse um. He’s a wonderful monstrosity—” ’Hold oft there, brother Sam," said the only man in that vast audience whose wife had not spoken a cross word to him In six months, “my wife is deaf and dumb; I've been married tt*.-enty years, too.” But the R«v. Samuel didn’t apologize. How to Look flood. Good looks are really more than sltln deep, depending entrely on a healthy condition of all the vital organs. If the liver Is inactive you have a bilious look; If your stomach Is disordered you have n dyspeptic look; If your kidneys are affected, you have a pinched look. Se cure good health, and you will ourely have good loooks. "Electric Bitters" is a good Alterative and Tonic. Acts di rectly on the Stomach, Liver and Kid neys, purifies the bloood, cures pimples, blotches end boils, and giver, a good complexion. Every bottle guaranteed, sold at Howard A Willet'a drug store. 60 centr per bottle. J. Sterling Morton of Nebraska has | been invited by Piesident Julio Rocs of " the Argentine Republic, to spend | the coming year in that country as the I adviser of the government In matters that concern the development of life agricultural resource*. OASTOHZA. B«r* the Kirn) You Haw Always Bought T’ (Z&tfMtz&c THE TV XJOXJSTJV. HHIHALD misimmi or r a*t tn»t ttototftMi * ift*** tat t*M I ******** full at to to* tt'toifti* • to* Am I OT*t tot')• to*• *ft« a* m tot* a* •** j til *t to** to* fttofttoft** to tft* t •** { lift to* ft** (ft tot ft «M Vt* »**rf i «****»**« to to*tog it*** t* «ftt* to; I ftMi ***»*« nfttoft ptoMft*' **« to' fttot tot*to. tftto ftMht «to ft** ttollto 4ft* I Oft it* to »• ffttlft 1 ***** itoMft •*• tto tMNtA tftw* tofttot— 4m*'l fttftft to to* ******** : •ft ft awMM wto to* *to* ft*4 tMfttoft tot* toft ftto* ttftftt nmm ** ft*** rttoft# ftt Oftttftftft* I* MM to** UftM* ftftt* in*, tft Ift MUM to* l*ito**ft«ft «%••• ! I*** to to* mu* ****** iftMft* tout* i ' »mm tft it* tot** to tft* MM**, tto ■■ *o« ttto •*■* to Kww ftltototo toto f*«—tohit tot** MjMtoi ftt* ift*Mjt»^ *•4 toftft •** >»i (totto Mtotto ftftt •ft* **4 ft" at* «M» •• mw lto« to*** •*•*4 tft* **A to**** tftto* to totto * ffMMMNNftt t» tftftjTjtoftto tmm fitoft Atottolt* ***»• ft** MtoT »t* totokti to Mtol M*to*"l Tft* M*M* AH totot to Mtoi'to **4 tot* ft*’* to it* toMftft* to «*ttoi MMfrtitoto. to fwttL **4 ***** Mto Iwftl towar* a*M to (ft* totofcftt tot** It to to* Mi to Awtito itto tto tofttt ft »••*» ••ft* in tfcto (atrOft* to It* ***** to far IHM Aaaiifttto. tto ■***» »<••• In htotft Ml I**. **4 toft IMftft torn*, into AMtofttf alataft •«• Mto** it* (Atrtoft* tft tto tftftlt ftorttft mtm totiac *r*toto to it* kltrto* t*U plarttol at to toptaa Ml* Iraft IJftat tt«a t*ry rtoap to Maaito Atfttoc tmr *tmr a*4 mtr c«to pal atoMM I* **••* fttlt ftfctofc I® pf»*t4* tto 4toa*r tft trmt M-opto A*4 ft* ftftoSA tot* ftftt 4Mto* ft* fttop. tot ttoft tad mm, rua»t < *Vk*n ftltt pal at tft* tft*n* alto raft* fttMto 4to mtt and t*ll-t»l«* • ftptoft i®r no •toali • turn Tha milk aral ablc In the Philip t | pinra rarsly wn froM <k* Java *l | rag. bat la • prod act of the 'tanUn nf Water buffalo, and tnstsn aoaaasahat , olty rtniMsnl and cCants arc thing* . unknown, and tha fortnar In now aald s I to ha 100 Itaiioi hr a ho* cllauM* j dint t'haralat* annwa la rota* under tha Mima eataaory. and *v*% manguaa -Aka fruit with tha aaiooth. turpaatlna (taste has# to ha cachawed by him who suffer* from prtrkly h*at Brand. I too. Is not ant an so mu* h aa toast and tha forrignar a'niusi always Insists on ; !getting hla ’’pan loatada' la ordar that Isay lurhlag mlcrobaa. which Ike brand | may hare abaorbad during tha proceaa I of manufactory In tha HMIa rhloaaa i j bakery may I» destroyed The Water Anpplv. An tha Manila water aupfly was good I had no healtnllon In drinking * | plenty of Adam s ala. and never found j lit disagreed with roe. In fnci some, of the old stager* •»/ • lon * k lmwl Ht j water Just after one gels tip In the) * morning doeth go*#*l lihe n medicine, j | and ttiOre it to aay. It seemed to work' J like a charm in my case. In conclusion, n* to food. It roue j t»e aald that. In peaceful rime*. Manila! fare I* not bad. though It lacks v»-1 I rlaty, and such articles a* one gets In ! the ordinary menu at the club or It* Ute restaurants seem amply to supply the demands made on the new an val by the climate. Heavy or heating | fuods. auch aa oatmeal, baked henna. | | plum pudding, chocolate and the like are beat left alone, and In my mind, the leas alcohol one takes the better. . Claret and aeltxer make one of the j cleanest drinks to be Imagined, and one better than a brandy and soda, or something of the same strong make-up. EXCESSIVE SnOKINd FATAL. An Aged Minister Dlea From the Effects. Plainfield. N. J. Sept. 23.—The Rev. Herman F. F. Bchnellendrueaeler, a re tired minister of the Herman Reform ed Church, died at the Miihleberg Hos pital of a complication of diaeases To! lowing a violent attack of hiccoughs, which appeared last July. fir. D C.l Adam*, the attending phyakian. suc ceeded to stopping tbehloooilfh* but the patiitlf htcught them on again through the excc-aelve uue of tobacco He waa removed to the hospital about three week* ago. Dr. Scbnellendrucseler was born In Prurabm tn IMS. and would have been 80 years old next month. He was ed ucated at German colleges, mid, came to this country at the ege of 30 Jrcarp. He then pursued his studied at the theological seminary in New Bruns wick. His first charge was at Albany, where he was ordained In 1855. Later he came to Plainfield, and was paster of the German Reformed Church. At the same time he taught German In th" j public schools. He leaves a son and daughter. Mr. James E. Ferrei. of Burnt House. W. Va., has discarded all other dtarrhoe medicines and now handles only Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. He has used it In his family anil sold It to his customers for years, and has no hesitation ill saying that It is the best remedy for colic and diarrhoea, he has ever known. It not only gives relief, bul effects a permanent erne. It Is also pleasant and safe to take, making it an ideal remedy for bowel complaints. For sale by Al exander Drug & Seed Co., Parr of Hell Tower Drug Store. Coffin Shops. The finest shops in a Chinese city are those devoted to the sale of coffins. «t*t num | FOR RENT ALtXAMOKnV tat ttolH* tototot ■ tt'* - ** tot gtotot ®*M*. T to»ftto M H • M f 4MNM, • ttotoa tot* MHt »t ft 0 ** ** ffe M •ft «t—* f»** -ftto* «wij a* tot Mto* to . IMMi * tftto.» ft *, to * Mi tori*, ftto** i mtoit ft «• to • toft* ftto* to -t ttotoft ft ft • ■ HI Mto -|toMtft"l to*Mft m •• • • THii * j • t* #*tto-*atMt-l to''to* ft ft • * ff< Mft at****, a tto—a ft ft ft »to It* Wto* Mtoto i Mto* ■ ft »• *. ft to M* IMUM tofto*. «I—to* « ft ft to • tat to* mat «»«*• • ttoto* •• ft ft ft • Ml Wrnmm «****• • t—to* ft * to* Ptof® Mt ytto. » ftft to ».toto 4®amaN ***** to*., to® tto* ft****. • to*to® m w nftM ft * *t* toil*. • i—awk « ft ft *• to • 4* «*MtM* IMM*. I •**•»• ft ft ft ft • l*M HM** toto. • .t •* ft to • >.i«.i®miit- t i 'to— Mft • ttl IH**4 t*t*to « « « •• •• »»ft ft* •M Mtol Nlto ftftftftftftlto* M* lt»—a ft»*®t m >• .« ft ft m •• u* Mtol *i*f - » ft ft • •• Ml Mntoa Mr*** m m ft n m n < t«« Mtftld to***! ft « ft ft ft ft •• »to* Mtol *tt®Pt ft .... ft ft ft to tto Mtol tot*** « « ft ft m m J** I tot Mto* at"tol ft « ft « w •• ”• Ml Mtol "* CM IM«*4 ft « ft ft •• « •• « J to MrlMtct to**»4 ft 1 to* Hdll-tk .. » •. »• ft ft •• • •* to *KJ. to* lt*»tto*At w ft «• •• ft ft n: lata* ..m» « ft i* orrun* m tor—a tow®*. *« ** a*** TU Ms—a MtoMlMtto»* McntiMg. •*•■ H* «**••• **a •«*••*. ts Hr.« 4 I tot* t« ni itr—4 ~ « “*• • CM Mr—a tt J" rn Hr«tod tortot • tot .* and tot***** "*•■** '• rvfto drat t bvOdta*. —.a** Mwklt a*a Mr— 4 toftota Namarnc* «*«* »•< toa*tdiM tmmm In all parta as rtlf. Ida* •• Alexander Motau 705 Broad SlrMt. FOR RENT list changed daily. IS3S Juana, 7 room* 6«o Reynold**, • rooms 11 M 133 RIB ** M «J 6 Telfair. 7 rooms Ik <» Hi Walker 8 rooms I* «> STOKER. Cor. Sth and Barn*# .. ... |l# <*<• lot Mrlntoah B» b" U 7 Broad .. .. *•-«» !&• Broad '*7.10 J. H. Whit# houses. Broad street J. B. White house*. Jones street. Get prices at office. L. F. VERDERY, The Renting Agent. WHATTHILAW DECIDE* I A carrier .-ndlng a carload of or ange time early tn March from Ixuta ilana to I'allforahi by way of Denver. {Col., and Ogden. tUah. without noti ;fylng the consign*** or consignor and taking dlteelluns from them, la held, in l’lerca v*. Southern Pacific Railroad company ft’al.) PI L. R. A. 350, liable for the bias of the trees by freeslng, although Its own route through New Mexico and Arizona was temporarily Interrupted by storms and wash-outs. The lack of a« absolute unlncumtiered title to the property Insured ny a policy declaring that tt shall be of no validity unless the Insured has an unconditional, ] unincumbered title, la held, In Phoenix Insurance company vs. Fuller (Neb.) 40 L. R. A. 408, to be no defense to the Insurer If the Insured has an Insurable Interest and the Insurer accepts amt re tains the premium. Hcicvving down the window* of a fac tory ao that flre-escape* can be reached only by breaking the windows and for bidding them to be opined Is held, in Hilda vs. American Glucose company (N. Y.) 40 L. It. A. 411, to create no liability en the pdrt of thq employer to the workmen unller a statute requir ing tire-escapes to be furnished, where the business requires the windows to be kept closed, and they are ao light as to be easily broken If there Is not time unsrew them in ctpw of fire. Were it Only Now. I’m Kitting muring tn my room. The Know Ik on the ground: The moon ha* hid h-’r face tonight, And darkneaH Ik profound. I'Twbk somewhat auoh a night as thle, I A little darker, though, I naked Bess to go sleighing, and She said that ahe would go. But JUKt hh we were (darting out. Said (the. "For .lu»t us two” (A smile played round her mouth) "I think U much too davit, don't you?" I did not know their wiles aa yet, 1 was so young and alow; But thought she really meant It, and I Blammcred, "Ijt— think-— bo.” |She east at me a;,|dtylng glance, Then In the house we w,-nt: The balance of tßa'f evening was In conversation J),ent. Since then she’s always been polite, And cordial, too,'you know; But from that Utwq t realize I’ve never had a njiow. A. W. BELL. WUI Mtam t FOR RENT | M •*fftl»t**d* ltT» 4Hto»A*» fmtt tto Mt—4 to*— t * Mato ft ft ... W.<*| aw —* to—« I* >"»—* hm m *to I tt* Mm* tot—« * am -to* « « «• * tot MNa at*—« * t'” 1 . r| — »a*at jf • Pm »—apT***' « TX—ii ****»• MMt «*—a« mmm. t —a* —*. to** to? ftotMM* tow—. • ttoto* -w** • w p.. ftftt* tot—t, » a—to* Wftto • * tftto** to •••• 2 2 ft— tot to** • #—• ft ft ft a. to— tt—a aa—ata ktoWto. orvieaß la* IMMMtt ptaaa* tft *•♦•»!* at— ft ■. m•• •* * • t** Wttto ftftftftftftftjto • tftto M*tt ft « « ft •••• J" t tft* ltaM*a .. ft ft ft* * * *M It—Nfcka tot—l .. ft ft*, ft ft ®to mtittoP to a—****** to— ft to w w •• to* to ttl Mtol tot—t m m m M« *• to » ft*—a to—at . ft ft to to toft to • M Pto—4 ai.a*t MMftftftfttoto mi M—4 to rat* ft .. ft ft to to to ta* Mrnaa to— ■« ««« “*• "•JJ *:* M*«4 to—at m m «ftft •« » «pt Mr—* to—*N toftfttoftto—" (PM Mat* to— .. ft •• •••• ft« U ■ W Mft* to—to m..ftm •• • 9Mt Mr nil tot—t ft ft ft to ft ft to#. IIA :t? Mina tor—t ~ " “ " Ml Klika to—- .... ft « ~ »*«..■ to to r.»t ®f *—•«» •t—at at—, ®» TMa *>*•" Itto ®H* Sa < fcaap*4 f Aar M *•» John. W. Dickey R*to l.atata A I*®*. FOR RENT 1 ft WliM®'* *»**•» ah upper ftn*4 prlr* ?*| <*o»*er, • ** •* rn Kilts atreet. • rm-m# .. .. .. *• •• 10 Fills street 7 .worn*. I* • “ ’ || 4*M HAT Walton Way. A room# Jj JJ t»l Wait..* Way. I mom# tt M Vn Bread tract, .. « » • J"n White a cotlaAes upper Jones atreet W** and *** each. I'H*.Ttk.RAPH OAI4.KRT. •£• Bead. This Hat will b# chanced from day «» day. Clarence E. Clark, Real Ratal*. « B,omi gt To Rent gt or* and Restdano* at 1385 and 1387 Broad street. On# ot the b**t stand* tn «k# city lor a good Oroeary Store, or in Net. •«r baslnaas. Tba Honaa ha* •** (**> * ow> * good yard, and 1* »«rT convenient. Apply or Premises or at 808 Broad St. FOR SALE C&-1 have foraal# very desirable build ing !<* located in tha centre of one of the handsomest blocks In the city. Will aeli •sine very cheap. Just the plac# fcr » bsndsom* resident* for your family. Good titlaa. CALL ON MRS. JERRY O’HARA, ISO. 1337 OREENE STREET. FOR RENT. NO. 843 ELLIS STREET. BUILDING three stories high, containing eievatot, etc. Especially desirable lor wholesale business. Price *50.00 per month. JOHN W. DICKEY, Real Estate Agent. NEXT TIME YOU HAVE A HEADACHE K —■ Land’s Headache Capsules Made Only By HOWARD A WILLETT DRUG CO. patronize ‘•The Barber Shop of the South.” HICKEY’S is the Place Five Barbers, all first-class arti9ts. 21 2 and 21 4 Bth Street. NOTICE! and MfXrnr thta dmt« Bobscrib«r« to tho Autf Uit* Exchange of th© Sou thorn 801 l Tolophon© and Tolograph Company will ba givan Fraa connection to th© following placet; OATH. 8. C", EDGEFIELD. 8. C.. CRANITEVILLE. 8. C.. JOHNSTON. 8. a. Mero Bell Telephone & Telegraph Go.. W. H. ADKINS. Man«f«r. JOHNSTON TELEPHONE CO.. W. A. Goes. PrttKknl. DOYOU WANT THESUNDAY TIMES-HERALD Delivered To Your home Every SUNDAY /MORNING? Fill out th« Coupon below with your name end addres*. Give It to your Carrier, or met! or send to The Herald office. Augusta. Ga.. September , 1898. To Thf. Sunday-Timls Herald— PJeaae have Tlw Sunday Times-Herald de livered al the address below for months- Name- ••A N-w—apar Vat Sta.i a* if B—Attc ut <«—rum Street and No- ■ ■■ - K—dlug Valtar. Direct *nu City- QUR |p pALL jjTYLES ’-t LTI § - -*^4 I ,7 a| i*A*M M" J I. C. Levy’s son & Co., TAILOR-FIT CLOTHIERS, AUGUSTA, - * - * GEORGIA Coal, Wood and Cedar Posts Blackjack Wood Sawed . • #LSO per Cord Good Dry Pine fLOO per Cord Good Dry Pine, long, . • • $2.75 per Cord Special prices on three Cords or more. Best grade Jellico and Hard Coal, including the celebrated Indian Mountain, at lowest prices. . R. H. SIKES, 904 Marbury Street. Blrowgei Tbona 746 ------ - * l ® ll 'l’kone 2151. SOME PEOPLE DOST LIKE PILLS. ~ They want a quick acting Medicine, acting simply on the I.IVKK. Take H. H. P. For Ik Liver, 50 Cents Bottle. HU D Wlil out ,hn y* l!ows • II • * • In your face. HH D Will take out the yellows . IT. r, iii your fscs. Tie Howard & Willel Drnj Co. Manufacturers 11. H. I J . LANGLEY MILLS. 8. C. TRENTON. 8. C.. VAUCLUBC. 8. C*. WARRENVILLE, 8. C. in Men’s and Boys’ Cloth ing show all the newest textures and weaves in handsome fabrics, that are made up and finished in the best style and handi work of the tailor’s art, and are equal in finish, elegance, fit and style to the best custom made Clothing. A glance at our stock will show our lines to be more complete and of larger assortment to choose from than can be found in the city. Tie Georjia Solar Gas Comjany SOLE OWNERS. For the right to Manufacture and Sell the INTERNATIONAL HOLAR CAS MACHINE IN THE STATES OF GEORGIA AND SOUTH CAROLINA County rights for sale. Write at once for full particulars concerning the Machine and Light. The public is invited to *ee the light and machine will be on exhi bition the balance of this week at 744 Broad Street, MASONIC BUILDING 7