The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 26, 1898, Image 1

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TUP » fc Uttfcsy Atotrrx. * ' a iHn(|^ IUVIXU* mm |i<l *••<«•» »wwM (*• • 5.4 JsUMMS ! m »!■»*** ttortts* push ns ' pi mi Tfc* IfttMl M«*t 11•««•» fl*« h Ortatof Jft 111 Am} if OrrvpUMt WIN TV* Till I'mmM. ImiM) « Haiinmto. Ha* lM*>t H to' 11 >M>ii O «*. Magi to - tha fitrt inapt as la* arm* Iva th* at-' t nail— at Olka • »> law trim wa» tty «a ftoriahm P>. nod writ ■ •■oN>* at shoal lAffsw th.nmw«f Hwagn to a* dt tried wvaiata Ml iaa»*a Thane aid he toritarwad ftsuo Maw t» ! • Mia bp la HI aat the parte ,*i,rnoM am ika at th# Mask * Tfce (torn rirtarkmaat wilt report to Oaaatal Maria. Ilaginral Maria alii ka tfce aliHt' » poaarnor as Uta island j Tfca pnalaai fcaa aMU the Spaatrii adtfcortli"* aa •s*»o«o«»’0 Ikat tfca aa tfcorM w* kaaa Would MM lotrtu a ria. j la evaeonttog ifca .aland ta fM<» art TK. aa fcari fcaaa esottemglatad byj tfca rpaatantn Tfca p**sddeot mo > atria;* Or taka* IMfc a foanaoohi# it so* aari atM •«*!* Ifca pause* his wrap* •. uga than. aari win atsapg it fcy Parra! M ha ta i»•talari Tfcia deter rataatloO at tfca araatriaai fcaa alaa maria K paaßtbi# tow tfca war, dspanmmi ta riaririi* tfcai tfca I'iaaal I •bail aa in tar frw Tba rtna ataari inkm fca tfca great-1 riaat ta at part Ml to raaaa tfca ftpaalsb gnteiatarot to ytsdd. aari a* par la lit •fcaa H la know# that k la only aj •hart tirna aattl tfca prmtriaat wilt •aari tfca army to t'aba at all hat j arris. FRANK \A I I.DOVJ* <IKIT. Story as Haw Ha Hroogbt Candidate » Hklaaori to Hat I mbits Ua dept K ia kit raportj at tfca liaaaoa a*4 totlhlowm apeorbe* beta W«ria»aita> tba OoaaUtittlaß a brilliaat special c-nTaapoodeni. Mr Frank Weld. a. oasituri aomr at th™ moat itumtlti riaialla of tfca larifcrs! IB which hr bimarlf ggured moat prom inently Mr Wrlrion waa obliged to Rttarrnpl Mr. Wilkinson almoat at tba outsat of tba latter » speech, anri tbr in larrup uoa art mad f i fcara a depreaalng tin upon tba or si or. Mho never appeared afterwards to regain bis wonted rom !>. sura and aelX-coogdence \V I Ik, neon said but tew words ba torr ha began to attack ifca CoaalMu tum. He rieaooactri It as a paper that i brsltaiad at nothing to (unbar Its own interests aari tba sun ms of the Dem ocratic party. He rbsrsttariieri the We rim article on eoadltloas In North Carolina as a base anri slanrieroua ex*-nition. anri declared, in a dramatic in tinner: “Frank Weldon ha* not been In North Carolina!” Hardly had be uttered the word* be fore Mr. Weldon, with fare Hushed with the excitement that he could not conceal. Jumped to hla feet nod retort ed: ] Tea, he has. too. Ha Is going back there next week, and what he ha* writ ten about North Carolina is true." K Mr. Wilkinson unade any further reference to the North Carolina mater the audience failed to hear It. Mr. Weldon's presence wa* very fortunrte and his prompt ettrreetion of Mr. WU kiaaofc put a black eye ou nlntotd ev erything e «* that the Valdosta siates mnn had id say. Oen. Miller'* Departure. San Francisco. Cal.. Sept. 28.—Ocn. Miller says he may goto Manila on the first irannort to leave with what re mains to him of his First brigad *. In that cave. Col. Fun*ton. with the Kan sas. lo'va and the Tennessee regiment*, formerly of the Second brigade, will go last. Mr. Chatles Ooetchiu* I* with the Ij. a. Cardelle Drug company. THE CUBANS ARE STARVING Children and Old People Are Dy ’’ Dozens. , Gomez Appeals For Aid and Says His Men Are Desperate. Speoal to The Heralfl, Washington. D. C., Sept. 26. Senor ' Quesada received a telegram last night from the commissioners from General Gomez, who arrived at Key West, Fla., which says that the Cuban army has been starving tor more than two fib ciWTk 4 «m Till] AUGUSTA III]GALD. kCHlktr INDIANS IRE CETTINC UGLY Tlmiri i# |MM lit bktf" tfl lit bint Xkfttrift t«Mri"> Ma» ffc isriNff On* fca fktri them I I|m» imtiiiit ifi ; s*' it f igtfcr ##» Ifc t | : 4k|MNR4I *** %W*lk UNI *4 <fc* mrikl * ! (WtMfiLittrf *|f llfep 4s*-***' «•!?• «t Thm * *• *• Itkk' j." ilium Mind * hi* |-1 **m t«r«*y #i Wfi iit t f tlaa n sto >*Hi|ktK ’M k- r t 9*l tw(Mw •NMI I * ‘w** MM '-M t» * r*m*# ip* IMnUFkkfMt 00 *Ni*l Ml fM* *0 f%tm* 9* MNM'll W00&0000001 *MV ill* Miff *f a ftflW *9O *' P *k"t'w| =. w- ‘ ***** I'* Imp 9*NflrwMpt+*l In»imi* * * •! 0000 Ira** 000$ m 00m. t sooo TWI FbVM JMtl liters Hass Ma«« h#a Cm at tm fclkM* } Jake* Mm flr<K » Tfc#»wri at Henfch •* Mi tktnH* «* • tnw*asc } f fly Hnnnf «| IMriMaMNMI m*** 9**sm9* ss• opo#*rv4 m T«*r» MM . of TV* «*NM «*? ,V «N* « iVI IV fMM 1 *• • Mitt# odV*- TwhNi ■K'Mhtfi Wt - i 0)r *>*HTP * SJIMIMNI if liwr»I i wr»p t tl j 0000. ?, lost 4V ftHfit* •ff * ■ rlßg «*»4 «t i* lilJMirfW* l« % fPM* | ! iffMft 4!*f .triSlM Ttl* lIWMWf Vl* **“*»• ittfimiidi ? ‘yrli'N* r*#f ttkHV to 11||«* ftiittf #f » torrNNi o* IV <tl»**** m\ realty -wryboriy ta Mwarria bad trl low freer during the epidemic la-t 1 tear TK Hoard of Health has aa inounrsri so aew cases at teeee at J** k [•on. hut *--vera!.ier» suspicious -ik-"' are narier •ur»c«Har<» and tfca sy>ap-t tom* ar* rnrfc that th*j agfcect a*w •»;••! rr ..(m*t'» la tb<- snstera port I>a ofj tN cltjr mob. the Cans Itavlarri. Part* ke*» M fct tfca msrttsg ol tba cabinet ibis morning all the min isters bring prreeat. It waa dretdad to reefer the trial of former Ceprs*a Dreyfus, sad tbe documents ta the rasa will be saat to tbe court of numatloa. > Crowd* as people outside of the mln tstrv of the Interior, where the csbtnet council waa held, srere loudly t herring tbe miniatar*. and there were shouts of "Vise Hrisaon’” "Vise ia reslston!” Rochefort After listerka/y. Pari*. Sept 2d. ln the Intrah •lgeaat tods. Henry His hrfo:t a> cu ke* Major Eaterhaay of having bean ; bribed by the so-called Dreyfus , rate lo “cover himself with dishonor, by confessing forgery. of which charge he wa* twice admitted." b Rochefort add* he paid Ksterhaxy rihe thousand franca for copies of all d«c --11 pent* In tbe rase, and that la addl tion. with l*o other newspaper men. ! be paid hXerhax;'. who literally wa* without a eentlme, three hundred franca months to prevent him from d.-lng from iyinger while waiting to obtain a pen* on. Negro Lynched. Knovytlle. Tenn.. Bepl 28. —A special lo the Ebi.tlr.el from Mountain City, Tenn.. **j»: About 2 o’clock Ihi*, morning n mob of one hundred men overpowered the Johnson county jailer anri took John Williams, a negro who milourlv stabbed Sherman Dunn and raped Mr*. Mollle Hheltrn in this coun ty,, a week ngo. from th? jail and hung him to a tree about a m> bilaw town. The t ody ia ttlll barging to |Jjr tfee land a largo crowd ia viewing ft. Oritat excitement prevaila New York f uture*. New York. Sept. 28.--Future* opened steady. October B.lti. November 5.21. December 5.24, January #*fO. February 6.85. arch 5.11. April 5.48. May 5.511. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Thompson left today for Ktvalnsboro. Thpy went by private conveyance, driving through the country. weeks and that diflriren and old peo ple are dying by dozens every day. Gomez appeals for aid and says bis men are desperate. . Serious results may arise from this, it is said, and the Cubans cannot be blamed If they are forced to take aims the ne cessaries of life. , READ THe HERALD FOR NEW» A GOOD “AD“ IS THE LIVIBT KIND OF NFWS. lit ■$ i nr Gin Them ||* UU Ut* Iktt ® hkl ftlrkl M lit i —itkr Nwlitg |lfct | fifttfn IftMri (•• Mi* tk* iFffcWk. tfca** la rilaa • A■>— «wI at that j kNk IklWIS) npm i*l l* Tl« Hwatri Mss tta nay* *b Tfcsuw M mask I ■ -~ir j a*ift r—i Vfto i 'mm * € IM lIM , $0 Vto Tso 9**?WMot sooo* 00&0H I H | m ***** **** TV lijiVtotot j $0 IV ifMTtoii V Mm* IV Vp | *«f \» rw -mtHrik Ml»4 fVft4 * VI . i-m l*l# >«-« «v| ih* |lf»t * m |f| V *fll tot'Ft 1 ItopMMMVI Vmmmmf TV | tlmmw i i «WKv Mr* 00 WMi ! «f (Vivtoto msys mW mm mho war wtlfc (Mrmany Tkar* to! to imt 01 *o* istn'f * a i<«Kk ts» '■**%-** vs. i fftfrMw #*#f IV <MtM MMNtot | toafirrr V V IV OiMit mV IV j totoi—titol witoltoi at «*n! j ftlbtTtoiil Ifmto* If* <W It I* W*4 iVil IV ViVf.. toto4ffT ttoifTk tototo' toe | r-rtiii it t >tt» wil i fcrrtoltol Mi bto pVto M* yw* thta lk» llssflHb far tfcs MUSIS. At * <*« V* W 2$ TV mt4**r* «f tl.r|*toiTn tTi- %«»# to' V® toto 4-* j>hU4 iV tfcff « rtr* f**r torlAFto. to II tot »4to>ttvC lo IV Hms*ms » gsridw-r*' lb aw* riraator Htt. 4#l rayw that • bit* tbr tow pros ides that I the r-i • pel fcr me* ar* for <U«abt> I j ss.Mmr* st ike Ctrli War. anaw 41* r* | n * is g.rea lb* I >.*rd at maaaac • . f! Use bom? ta a rl*»w wlfcrfc pcn,i!!a| »m*k rthsr sotriteva w» to rarsri ffc* aa ia lbs JmtoßMriH of the manager* tut he .fccawri right Ikini-M la tbe Monrilke. |‘«*r* T«s*w*4 toft, to —Tfce st .'o*- sb g T«| eba arrive from lri«n raaa* port* with IS* Kbmd'*rr». *a t*r rent id warm h**» util* or an dost to •fciiw frr their exp vVtr* In the I tad of gold rad all asyira ttieame yea as gla.l to p»t Nit all»a Three thousand | .-»*e* sis typhoid Ver I* tbe sw-mt'e placed to the *lck *a las**. Opt. Crh A dirge number of deaths or. it' daily, of abtrh ao ncord to maria **M' bßffi'&Mr '< if 1 jo* JPEw^U COLONEL THEODORE ROOSEVEJLT, U. S. V. FroK HARPERS WEEKLY. Reproduced from Harpers Wetkly. By Permission. Copyright, 1893, by Harper & Brother*. At tH *IA IH MOTHER IGNATIUS PASSES AWAY. *ll I*totok4»4 ffeg Hritl I’totfto tow Matt kffkly bstar* a* A*w-ritoto**eri 0$ TV |V»to*A I Vi Ml ton to 4NP**- V m VtotoPf to ' Itolniiftirr 49*4 tol lIV »* * • IVtoi t totottot v tV n#i xtoi *t toi. ttv** s I :is Fan* flke •!< to >«wm «f M* I m i kari aasm mmspwfcnt as aa Wksod i me* to fsnfcto kankfc km f*n «< k« to»*fc«» IdMtotoa kfcama m ifftoM a* toms i sifwk> torfceeww »dls*« jta Ttafcm Opafcry K*ery l»*toM PseemMs A Ml to* *a*n# *• •§**» flkab in esdar *fca <*a an (fcrs-o >»* j sa. *MI , torn bs* tokaftw* twsadsd ill. toa >v • 1 rsmcwnt to Aagsm** fws.mla* to t«M . sad wa* rim mtoarimsesn thaw kw tol I sears Mfce man spsau I rear* la tk* 1 wo»d limit ssm*eai la Aagamai and | s»as Far memeh ysn«* la tfce nmeowM lat ifee Immaculate r i aisfrifcsa Hi At {tiiii la Jsfc I ffc* aim ma» sfcs—e M*v •rend Mother as thl snttrw ysnamaaiit j rifcy. fceM saikrws .4fw • in tfce rsnnasa , ntt» da> tag hat At, yamra as ndtofcm* i IMfc Mefcaiam mas* will ka »»letouted In | <fce a*' 1 yam chape- as the sfafei* at tk» i rsmvent at I ndarh uaomsr nwoa lag up V*ry K»* Father Kelley. V (1 ! Tfca faswtsri aril! labe p»asn from the .1 clock Far half a malar* u .thar Igaaito* sra* bs>m»d fc* toanasth cam* aad *e •inaaiared Hum ri»»l»r csmmrw* aad Hi a III* of gtolf and d*«wtfmi to detv ■ trick waa her aatural ailing she •aa a gtor. Radiy w.unaa wfco to* M j I sari ntveHmred the supreme Retag *ad ■»> hint* atmay* In rikeylag Hla r reaps Wet urn New York, ttopt to The DanspoH Yurataa. t'afd- Robertsoa arrived tie day from Ponac aad Ssatta«o with 124 aril.era. *rtv*«e» aad rtvillaaa, the latter aporily *•« barged tabsoer* and j packers. Tfce resarned other* and men are members of tfce different regl ' meat* sad auwtl ' coa»sieec»nt» seal > home to be dtocharged or mustered out of service. All are sreß Mr rtril r'lsril I* sgeln at hi* |~*l at Uarrietle's, after hla recent lltneas ■IDS Si * I flii \to twine fcFftot* as l* ll* • a*Attto* 0 Oaf Iwt. Kffrift* Ikalktol. 9tl IWtotH to 4 as I*rl. Uffc tori*. I Sffww* Hkt kaytori « to Ike to*hit asassia fpefcl «• the Mevnld tl s.titngtnn It C. Ato to Tk* saw# deparfmenf to actm mewasari tank an atormtna *P* twM iwi tk* ttwnfw tn tfce Ffciftofrik* island* These new asset a* Manila toton ta* cim wfctofc afctta ar* to* issssl fcp tfce aar depariasea- ta be s«ie«*an» >■"'< a**** tk* awmae* at •wa at aaarto WB Tba gerveataa* to IMtto mate than Hear per rear hat I tfce ssrial m • Aaarinrnn* roaellH* ima When Oea Mltoa ara* a*k*d abaaf It tedav keaatri "t know at fca aa* ta nrsonat Has *. If tfce report* are tme pa»*f* that tfct* to the rtohlt aaassm * Art tap Res r s Carr of War Metfciejtoiß.. while apptastattari' <ke IPavlty of tbe ! sMaattom. waa na* alatmeri H# raid “I do *O4 think the percentß** *to* ! <arge rssasdderlag the fkri that there are over ta aa# troop* on tk# l«laad of trimoa '* % Linus t rata toreiheri to fa. kept to ® r l’* Rrot b-*» o*ri Fktepac*k * Hrewa :tata wa* winked at to ‘eondato. na la Xorfo'k et-ri Werrte u» ralltoad )WP* D.ylc. «• f*l»llad#i{« a. and lla.r-m K pp*. 0* Vlmtolr. wera fatal t Hi- Jared llsr car with lb» etepbaol* r>U* >d dona .sw embanlaeat aad tbe *«' me!* mere lajotrd. hot nan* were 18** #«L to ill Pay Damage* Han Franclaro. Cal.. Sept, to - <'«•. fmitk of the Flral Teaaeaare regiment, has Informed Oen. MLler tba. hi* reg 1 1 .nerti will pay the dnnuige* basis*to -gstnst It for the destruction of the propeiiv of *••"» ThonwH. by lh* men of Ikr Tennessee regiment Thome* t-.nri tbe | roperty ranalYed and the money *.*«! ta tmld ihl* week. Tbr «*- cnvnl amount t* 1230. M%B imuli A ttUUI MltN (>AI .to FI Ph. «M THE NOMINIIION IS IT NINO. ’ R«m*l«H‘« I rtfriri* Alt MM f«B*> 4 m 0 tMff) mm kepadaafs ii they harps as Ha. tap a karri If tha M*a*e. H T IVp H) ** TV *OO I It omm* <mV iMnI lltlV flmmnp* Mi I 9 V fM*IH <«i ri*t**itlFM> TV W ■os CVMItVI IVmmpmMW tM#* fPff®iMk| 1 Vtot ' *soo*ooooooo «4 tVHRfMVV® IV V Mill V ®ii—lMM—l IvMMMttwMi Mp 4 fVH4 owmo*wmo . t|H» fV MMW** V IV ; vi »mw Wn4 v nV) v - Mt. The ptfaetppl kHeveal tariay to m wfcal o*l Mamet*lf* iltassn *av s* tbefr Mismal eep-’r m tfce f barge at ittegtfcttotjp, 1. F t*»yp# atata rbat*- man #**• a *tataaw>ai aal at aaea <a* * sos to* fear* pasHte* eatrieacw that ptoM doe* aal Intend fa aaaa Rsuae •an far tfce arifka as aaseraar. km. at ifca laat msrineat win pal toewari I*, i tonssdfofri «a the afate aari throw Ncesseselt ores j Mail when Itrid till* Hot* said "rinrh a Nor* a»eri» aa ttoalal. ft to tfce fossltob nalpouring from bewildered | and riefealto men * Mtyarb atlved a< aooa aad arvwa«ed a uafirst ' with bis aripporterw la be j held at 1 Hit* afteramm TKIFD TO I>o THE riIOTF.IS. Kkl La toi a*4 Id* FAktor Wgrfc A NcfcfStf. Thai toowfd Mar* larsdreri tkre# Oracgry f irm* h Not Dtoco*rtwri. Richard loner sad lor Fab her. iwo . rioted rharacier*, ar* boo epeodiag Ihetr ume al police Neiioa. The ran#* at (hrlr being la the toi.* ta tbai they tried to work a scheme on three aetl ka .wa men tumls and tbe * heme Ml ■ hroual. or ta other word* they were ■ au«kl up with. Tbe two may bar* been la etrilurion or may bare been working their l*tl# yai.,r .adepcadcat of each other How ever, it *#ea* that they aw hnre been woehlbg hi pattn.i*bip. aa they bom used Ib<- uae means of getting goods under false pretemw* Mhhii noon loday. Rich l<an*y wenl late Etaseer * Parker # grocery Niu-e sn.l rilled fir irn ikusen egg* He told s tale of being art.i fur tbe eggs by a lady who wuai-d them for fmlivnl pur |-o*e*. thal la. she wanted them lo pul in the .ream lie got the eggs, but wm followed and >ve* discovered. mil liotiift la ihr lady * bou*e. •» h* Mid h- wou d. A* a icMtlt be wa* arrested. Thai di#|K.*e* of ram 1 No. I. Now for rtM NO 3. Iw Kll rher • rtl Into WlMWUl'a grocery about noon and rtll«d for • doxeu ran* of the >«•*■ condemaed milk in *tock. Me said 11 to wattled ibe goods for Mr*. William j Nixon. A* Mr*. Nixon bad been In the | habit of aeudtng around for goods at I Wbteman’a by messengers Mr. Wise man thought nothing of the matter and I-ee got the coadeoaed milk. He then went down to Keenan'* gro rery store, and thin was hia Waterloo, He wanted ham* this lime H“ was very | •articular about the quality of tbe hares, for, a* he said. "Mrs. Nixon only wanted the best." Tbe hares kc did not yet. and oa being questioned close-' |y he ottered to pay for the bams, lfj they wouid sell them. Mr. Wiseman, who had by thia tint 1 learned of the fraud, arrived on the -pot nml told his story of the wolv.» sans of condensed milk. Then an >f flrer »vn» sent for and Lee went, to ih\ bnrraek*. He and Rich l.anfy arrived oboiit the same time and are now oc cupying similar apartments. BERCKMANS- PURDY. The Harriage Solemi/ed in New York Saturday. In yesterday's New York Herald, among themarrlage notices appears the following: Married, on Sept. 24th. by the Rev. William H. Huntington, pastor cf Grace Church. Mrs. Kdith M. Purdy to Prosper J. Berekmans, of Augusta, Gu. NARROW ESCAPE. A Negro Woman Falls From a South Carolina and Georgia Train. A negro woman while attempting to borrd the outgoing South Carolina and Georgia train this afternoon on Broad street slipped and fell almost under the wheals. The bystanders held their breath in horror, expect to see the wo men mashed under the moving train, but fortunately she fell outside of the rails and missed the car wheels about a foot. EXCURSIONISTS. The city is full of excursionists to dny, who arrived here at nooon from Camden. Most of this number are ne groes. They will leave tonight, To morrow an excursion will arrive here from Port Royal. **♦ ; I’IAM I lit! ‘2"** I LOAN AND I HA V INCH Vnfc *»i Rank mmnml hr a.ost*] atotMtMHMf •tgfcsgp Kill - US 111. VID JgllAl Hikltaft ig »» "to *r tl* rifto* WWtomffM M«4 MN« Tl**f MAIM (tofaf* a toi ttoitfc* ito *Af. Aa fwsmesUaw lewtsdafMfce vesa*a to m Ito .'Writ. »®HM|a< rfIMM «4 (Wt ITIV4I 09* Ml V 1 lMHf»»§ (V »*f I V • VfV* f VMM* dtol V v nW Ml VtpMiVV V to 0t 4p fito# 4 .to* t* dr* Jatbta its* • 1 Boras, la ta Be tbe rittH a.,» 1 *. *»;* . sued to tssiifl betoPtt tor sam* 1 pritte* and retatiesa at Ideal. Y fftrips wfce rrittm ■ bei fct* dsspfc wee ritm tri rtarvattrri aitt atao be aefceri to *pp**f at tfce satm* ume At Ik* teawitm tfcta moratrig Ah tort ariton tfcaeri atll fc* tk# atoptlsa at a trap(af on esitta* Bpsm hpA tri tka ka» reeoe «ri the war byptßNt kw a atatewodM at the t os dittos* eUNiaff Bt r»batta trill skew b«»w the awattwr* meeter. oommkmatv and •urge*m •*•- •uni a depart area t* war* osMataari fce» fare Ike ear fcrwfce otM and how they etpaaderi sfier fcoNillttoa beaaa A ■ reeidotloa will b* adoptari. call .ra uptsn these bureaus far ««pt*B of any t barges at >«mp*«ia< that Mg bare been Pled there Thl# reenlatlOri Bill also '.aril# any person <w |J>caoas who hare .barge* lo oreke m rom mnaPafe with the mmniuw (|r*mh Mile*. Shatter. Wheeler, 1 urn Graham and all of the other general uSren who have tare In core ■>•■•! of imop* In the B*M will he call* r.l before Ike commute- and quewltoß -d •* to anr complaint* among the.r wen nod a* to the anppllew of food. ■ lothtag and m*di<-ta* furniehod t*» their command Brigadier • •unmaMta i r> and 'h* colonel* of Indlvldnal re#»- 1 n '.ile ntl! al*o be e-nlled upon to te»- tlfy. Thr • r.ninnttee will visit the ceverat <wc.4 *. :>ol ant until after tbe work >n H aahmgloo le nidi uniter Sty. The Free dent told members of the • ommi'tce that alt of thetr expense* w unite be- liald out of wdi*i re mains of ‘h* flfty indites dollar* appropriate-! !.y ('ourn *a n* a national defenae fund. No mention has yet been made to them or lo iki'i* individual lompenasllon. W hat Alger Say*. Savannah, Ga.. Sept. 2*. Oen. R. A. Alger, secretary of war. and his parly ar* In Savannah today Inspecting *ltrn for a military encampment. They were I shown over the city tbt* morning In ■ arriagea and latrr In thr day went ! i own the river on thr Houtwell, the ■ reyr-site cutter stationed at this port. Oen. Alger wa* *ee« during the morning by newspaper reporter* and gave out a *hort Interview. He *aya the investigation now going on In Washington by a special committee a* to the tondttet of his department dur | ina the war and ainre wa* at hia ex preaaeo wl»h. “A* roon ** I heard that there war 'any otsrnttefaclion." he said, "I wrote llte PrerVent a letter asking for the appointnirul of the committee to in speet e”erything connected with my department. I scr by the newspapers (hat lie has done this.” The sec clary also said that so far aa hr knows, there i* absolutely no dif frrecces between himself and Gen. .Milrs. "Gen. Miles and I,” he said- thl* merning. "have always gotten alorg together in perfect harmony. We do not dltTer as much as a hair's breadth upon anything connrcted with govern ment affair* so far as I ant aware. Wc have B’wvys aettd in thorough accord with <nr it ether." Off for Charleston. * Savannah. Ga . Sept. 2ti. - Although Secretary Alger will visit Charleston (hi* afternoon, he has now concluded , the Inspection of the southern camps and hospitals and will reach Wash ington tomorrow morning. The secre tary and party arrived at Savannah late laßt night, and remained aboard the private car until morning, when they were met by the committee and welcomed to Savannah. After break fast at the DoSoto carriages were ta ken and the party drived to various places which ottered military camps. A trip to Tybee and other points of in , terest along the river which acquain ted the secretary with the wharf facil ities for the embarkation of troons, concluded the program of entertain ment. , The party left for Charleston at halt past twelve today. Secretary Alger announced that the capacity of the general hospitul at Fort McPherson would he doubled at once. France Takes a Hand. London, Sept. 26.—A special to the Globe from Hong Kong says it is learned from a trustworthy Fi.lpiuo source that France has promised to recognise the Filipino Republic and ne gotiation* on the subject are proceed ing at Manila, where there are three French warships.