The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 26, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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MONDAY 2 NO WAR PRICES L««3<*t •*»*•* # •** * ,• § ** Hair Bnah i * »** • •* • • * ** ** •• Cowl » _• • • • *W ♦* “oKKaffWta*** *<w * < t i«av« i»* • w few* ** l * *•* * c## ) Ml VO •loch «f Oiiwomto if* A««wsU. » LEWIS J. SCHAUL jK'bL’Sr. Uml«r IN Artifl«lOf* MoM Aw«uiu. On . (tool* SW. IWMI. v* • Nvt now M) our oirtfow*'* •♦*• NW •CON tvofoi* nbOMt w*** favor*tMo commoot hnn AMworvd W* »»*• ** f own whmmcmD journal*. H Tt— rk»»m of lh« mnnufneloror* fttoi tn« mahVoT Evvrvn Pto**o« *• unwanted Dy*"* iMirvmrni Of* th* rnarnol »• —/'M***,*”!!'.?"/ *•(. InorUorllWii U^"3f^ < lw2E ZVtLL' m«*Utn.y l»*4»UfmiN4 mo cordially iiwlt •** i»*OHO <lu « * fl « 01 *®Wi claim for tho H*vto 91 Evordft • q«*My of ton*. cioMcary of **•««£“ finUdiumqoaitod byi» ny «t f»w ma h*of pi a r*o* In uaa In Av**rw»ta. TN clalff* h A WBW ooa, «*..■«.>.«•*•— M***"'"* or -I*". '<•, „?sK?*;“ax- B TON. W, H. Barra! t. Ropajyar. 710 Broadway* p. s.—Ev*ra«»ar# *ha only pianoa ruaran taod for an unllmltad tlma. Will PU»H IHffi RAILROAD. Mm, ~w« wa BtHW n *«k •• (»•*.».** Tyr i ~i <>• ***• * *• *%itf <M«»I fc'’■«*<tf»4 ««•»«'%*"#* Wl»* Imp p** mi •*»* *• lit *•*** t* *M Wn»n *•** 1 M->r» it* **#4 •Hi Be '"• pt*v«< •» Hu* nt» •* a «»n *hat <a ttfl |« *m« k*** »»4 HI»M Ml SatoP*M I* IfelHl 4**> V •bWWa a* eeießaaa* ta* v*»toßi*vi*wi ••! tb* fttt waa nianyfl* l * ••*. a* inti tt (oMm **» a «**# *>t *a h*** r* th* rtii iw •»!*• i« • '•«*•« •*"* »w.f, IMr rur4 of ilfff'** Vat4o*'» a w*rhtot Maroo’a I*** okm4 1-iMir* artlß » <#*l •* i,t.i «*4 » m 0 "•«* '• *"'»« ’* V* rvtlnl nr aa *fc«« arror»<m Th oil look to that 'hr br»i .mal that tut omi from Ikh aecVhw will ha la w*- m ~ ■ to Hr nr la Owe ChKatry » * **l«hal«n* leh#bod. for Ita glory ht'h d#p,r,.l*- Such to «b* epitaph •hot sites Id h# ral**4 over the grave of th> old I 1 a* rad nat-of-data roartea* of Ik* Booth. A fit** lajoatlaa ha* he**i lalrlr ■ aektaitllrd anil al'owrd I# pmm arlthoot 1 rnmaKdit to AajroiMa tkl* loot hark Ukn hnarat, hard-working a»<l human 8r in Jf mo,,,rtn,n b**n IH*» out if horlfelataporarl T hr »uaßdaah*a. or it u»4< k*vwatothjlr*f rtto-hatr ►eeeuffi V 4ke paaoltar nr A S «n ladr rtttieri wit marker for Jh< public «<">* of An ptat*, under aklrk tkr |* kept *• l> M ■ ••' ■ Bight «»V ttwtt ha Bator. »in»oufh Itn LADIES TIES SOMETHING NEW J. IILLER WILIER THE HATTER. xinsroix: hats mediately on tb* tar track. Ik aituated la a vary dark and obarure road with out the city limits, ha* bran In tt><- hab- Iyl no doubt somewhat overreach!ms i duty 1# M* of aympMtby for her geffi 01 often benighted, by stopping C»k«klv lu front of her bow no thin ah* ujlght pvotd thr rink and danger of walking alone, even though a abort distant)*, in the dark. Where, oh where! nr* the good old days of chivalry Have they gone to Cuba, add. like tnamy victim* of yelMw fever, met their doom? It would aeem no! Tor it to be possible that mm should punlah a fellow bjf depriving him of hi* daily bread for no better reaeon than that hr haa shown more genuine feeling toward* a woman than b ik! the generality of hi* kind! Preserve me from Ihto type of the human race! Men 1 cannot call them; to me they are lower than tho veriest negro that the Southerner so deßplßes. tyvo me such a* the said motormnn, for he la the true Christian gentleman. O. WARD. Augusta. Ga.. Sept. 26, 1898. Didn’t Dlacuss the .Smith Matter. Columbus, Oa., Sept. 26.—Post C of the Travelers' Protective Association, met io monthly session. It was expected that Hie E. K. Smith matter would CD1II" up for dlstpnwltm Mill that Home, action might be lukkn. blit this vi'gg not, only routine busines* being transacted. The post hold|| an other meeting next Ast unlay nigitf at which the mutter rosy come up. Only steel lined siul buigtsc proof fare* used. Money loaned on anything of value at a low rate of Interest Wa teihury alarm clocks, 76 cent*. Lw'Ws J. Sc haul. Reliable Pawnbroker. N May M# tto ftoato «f a (Mg Pwi|* Andaman I*4 Bay* MM, » David pvt** k*» >wata*<i ‘viaaa* l and uto raid a fid kdd *att tor datoai ** will da Btod aßklaw * pdrakrwin. *f Om laM- . t«g. * atwll town mmt llnatiaai”® W. V* Tde are ***** m* tonal gdtaltar Mm Pr te* d«* d*a* aa la valid hr t*x> at threw gear*. A year *a» abMa *k» dartar •** < ia*<kw* to ibt* Hty k*e salt ed t» <r*at Wby dpantoa H* «aa triad aad did ddailatoter •oaderfal n* l<#f, tad aba (lira away hat rmU-da* At Id* aame lltoa. however, M aaataa that *A* waa piarad eoaipiateiv mafev dm vatM’wA t coatwal wdled she baa kevrr b**a adit f* (Brow ts. tkad •di'ti be • mW aarvwiarlaoalv It earaw. exert upoa dei, avea td*vaad de wa* daw- 1 dteda erf ailtow away Abe daa run away from daa.* twaoe idrtw tlan aad wa* drawn. I! *ee»a to hi a* At nwweat ad* la wear bis kaa* vary 111 and brr an In goaa after bar It la (bought that aa beat* baa baemate aßeetad Eat ’am up 300 Dinners •very day. ELLIS RESTAURANT. STATI’HfJOD FOIf ARIZONA. SB* Prevent* Strong Claiaas I or Ad* mist l»n to Ibe ttaloat Waafelnghue. Sep. M - The agonal report of D O. Murphy Governor of Aritona to the aarratary of the Inte rior. ear* the population of the terri tory to aevurly If not quit# 100000 peo ple Sot ial and moral condition* compare favorably with any portion of the un ion. The rlt lama are true hnoewt Amertcaua and tb* governor say* they enjoy tho proud distinction of being the first to respond to their rounlry'a j rail for the volunteer* for th* war Just ended. On Cuban soil by their bravery and heroic conduct they won the admira tion of all Christendom An Arlaong flag wa* first hoisted over the ram part* of th* enemy at Kl fancy. He report* businea* satisfactory and there have been uo outbreaks or d<qtreda tlons by Indians within the year. The recuramendattoua submitted by Gov ernor Murphy include the following: That Arlaona be admitted as a state; that all the public lands within tho territory lie reded to the territory or stale; that the military post of Whip ple Barrack* be re-established; that the salaries of the federal Judge* with In th# territory be Increased: that ap propriation he hud by congress to pay governors and secretaries of territories the salartee allowed them by law: that pay of the member* of the territorial legislature be Increased. * HISS KINO RfcTURNS. She Went to Philadelphia Prom Coney Island. New York, Bept. 2®.—Miss Tjoulae King, of this city, who disappeared mysteriously, after having entered a Coney Island bathing pavilion two weeks ago, returned to her father's house Saturday as Mrs. S. Uoyd Chamberlain. Miss King had planned her disappear ance a*h!, she says, went direct to Phil adelphia without Informing either her relatives or her fiance, where she re mained part of the time In the rooms of the Young Men's Chrlstlsn Associa tion and tho rest of the time In the home of a clergyman. Her friends only discovered her whereabout yesterday, and her brother and Mr. Chamberlain brought her to Now York. She was sulteettucnUy mattlist to Mr. chamber lain und went til the home of her pa rents. The story of the drowning of Miss King that was told by her maid was Invented by the iwttei In order to shield herself. from blame for having host slghc "f her mistress Do you Eat ? Try ELLIS RESTAURANT. Barytone—The singer "ho Is classed a» a bass imitation. TITK AUOUffJ A HHIHALD HE DIED IN V '») THE JAIL h#* i«w>l«f lian f ft*** *• *#<(*.* Tto* *•«* «v»ia »• v#aat Mi #*# n* NW *ai §*#■•<l# *4l • 4Nft Ml ♦ MMI 4> *#> 'NMiM *t to* i«a Nn* toOfwf M«al* *4 to* taw MMm rtm M h*» • stoat* OK* aiMM MM Mat »to Mt) MM »*-*.«• V** • Mmm. KIM *»« to j IM<M MM MM Mm* «M M a»-t »** atonPl mmwli pnm a* Km 4»**b M*» hMM tolK'M <W M fa* MM tonn vmm kato Kv —— tto* laa MgK* a* rat rani to m mgrnm tar mm ainMi'M** at »to arvto mm «mm M* ta ito vmmm mm ttoi* A*o*o# hnk # <s'&&% Imp (MMI (Misc • #*** p|%>iir» in itbß mis fin lIM M vW" 1 •• Mm* MMM*" •to *#m4 mKk* a**»aO' mm *a* *• Ml |MM» M B *lH»* to* *M« '4to • •to «*toO| **a (to** tol IKM Ito KMmTMMMV Mto Mto to MM *«M Ml ***** •MMt* *t ito tot MU MMfegt to j ito ia«t Mwiaitoi m *•»•»««? II * nt' m IKM am* Mm mm *aa to*r ] to**tnr «a»»n—. to* *• • toa aw* rra.Mto ito: a mm tto toaM IhMMKI— «f • MM M MM< (Mi* M* «*MW I* Mr Km MU; •to ••* » -• M ito m*M Tto* Wil'i Hto I* •to* ito *toia— mm Ttoa a* l * j •*.. I« to •«*!* *M wMb • to* «f *—, m>—|i«* J*M*» IKH*»I to* to*w* i*, *»MIIM )tto Tto tot* Ml* M ito Mil MM* alto I M* UN* *M aatob.* •• imvUH Ito MM, to* H ••» • 4—4 . mmm iK*t ttou town* •**'• —mu —! At Mto **So* b IKM M«Mt— 0«n» | *•* May i*a»»lto • Ito ••* m 'to «4V* <4 ito —Miy MU K*l4 u «*• •***- Or, itor***, m**tea* »• *K* >M*"M, Mto * f*i*i mHMi to* niM'i -a <4 ito mm Tto (Ira wa* alto t* MMin MMl* • MIIMM M *'««*4»n * *Mk Ito (arte «!*** aKto# M r**a'4 to «*Ki— a*4 in»«— tm WM ife* a*—- Mr Jim Mill aa Ito a**w*4 •!* •m aa-i Hi* IMUMM «—r»burai*4 l that «4 ito ft— Dr Mto**n i*#iin*4 tto: Ito iiialMUa o* ito Ko4r» •fawad that ito datoK ••» 4»* to rmm , •MlJoa, pro*ur*4 to Hlto'” •"* •Hii*l** —• nf atroKolV MlaaMau Tto JuO Hro—Kt la a yar*H«t ar«*”4 IBS •«» Ito tUUMHMI ot IK M«r gan JaM after the iaqaea* wa* aver Mr Michael McKvoy a yemi«*r brother of the dead maa who waa la the room rose and aaked that be might aay a tow word* Hl* request bm granted —4 to •aid (tout!•-•nett I want to say that I hope this a— orcurraao* will be a lea •on to all. It should point a mors to every man who drinks I only wish that I eoald feel that my poor t toolb*r had been baltw. p-red to meet hi* Maker " All heada were bower! when the young man made the remarks, and Coroner May said , ~, •'l*l us hope that a» all-merciful Judge will deal with th* aoul that ha* I gone to another world, stud will show mercy that man hnoweth apt lo a fel low man.” 'Three slaters and one brother sur vive the dcreated. Mr*. Mary Hi«h and Mrs. Georgia Knight or this rlty. and Mrs Martha Wise of Edgefield The deceased wa* 32 year* of age. and hail one child, a little girl. Hit wife !a living in another city. »o the reporter wa* informed by the brother of the de ceased. The funeral will occur tomorrow morning, the Interment taking place In Kollersvtlle remytery. The deceased resided at No. 5 Broad street al ley. I adles Can Wear Shoes. One else smaller after using Alien'* Foot-Ease, a powder to be shaken Into the shoes. It makes tight or new shoes fuel easy; gives instant relief to com* and bunions. It’* the greatest comfort discovery of the aare. Cures and pre vents swollen fe«t, blisters, callous and sore spot*. Albyt'a Foot-Ease I* a cer tain cure for sweating, hot, aching, ner vous feet. At alt druggists and shoe stores, 2ko. Trial package FREE Ad dress Allen 8. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. SUNDAY DRUNKS. They Will Coat Five Dollars In th# Futuhe. Those who tap the Jug on the Sab bath day had better stay at home and sleep their Jags off. for in future they will have big tines to pay. Judge Howard, who is presidiug while Judge Baxter 1b In Columbia, decided today that the sight of a drunken man is bad enough at any time, but worse on Sunday. * Anyone arrested in the future and has this charge proven against them will have a five to pay instead of the two and a half. Th ; s Is a good idea and It is hoped that the double fine will do away with the sight of men under the Influence of whiskey staggering on the stvects on Sunday. The pastor of WooUlawn Baiuixt church, tuv. J. E. Dtiren. preacht•! to. large cougnffiatkMis at both the morn ing and i veiling services. Al th" ev ening ser- ice six young people were joined to Christ in baptism. The itirr.*. iugs will continue this week. Th" >' vines wdl begin at 7:31) and closo-' at 9:13. MI «M— «MK# PairwKiller. i t»—m k*m *•* to»* ••*■« j {•*•#« ns—«• s— I MMM. —WyM**i»M —••a }tm Monk*# ast -ijff* # r«na* •**»• two iMCKMSa (MHO IK* 111 wumi %•—>«*— ••* mrnrnmm **■ %. t|‘ Ifcffß 1A ' Y%a s** ■ - mnwmm* Vi n## * iMPf, fpßKil *$ nt |w»r 9K4ma in life* pf RINil nP*d|| •«!! !» i 44 dM*# Hfe HMlffein Mi. t*t «mnm* franffoMP • %IMI H iHR ai* hzjli —• a*» mmi**» •• toht •• fi —K a« W I l» O»• a i . • -4 to* M M*4»i*ii i—a •».# % mi **#*»♦— »*' aKto—Karf to fftto **»r (Ktoto MaM IMP ' in VfeAVI fa #«»»««l • mm min# ft Mto KKMK *0 O •*•••■#"* M Ito S*IS—II»« QtoW—lll* Ajyytato «k»iiO v—4 Kitt to O’ r«r— %a *a*K mum «nr am *Kto p*4 ttoto* I* KMMn total* to Ma#*«a to *4—n.«ai— tor a** —to’ |ppo« {-|#f •• m Inr 4 arm* ilia ##*«• iioing in MM mN| mml m M , II I* a— fe— tow* IK* ■r«i —to to aa* tola a—4 tort II M #<**• mm Umi II Mto w *Ki—«*4 aa «r..'itnt aa pa*KM* la KeaitaM M> fKarlm M— *'• Km to— «4to'-#'» If tortrtto* Umi M* M 4 Km to— a* <—l*4 aa4 to irllt to— ito ft— rnf Ra It mi tit* pmf Say. you 7 with an ap> patlta; wa ara aftar you. ELLIS RESTAURANT. MOPf iltft EKKNTH. Tto High KcKml al that Via* Has Marled I age fist In Tto Mesa 14 toto k 4?.. toy* Y 4 Tto prtatarv etortbm* are all ay** no*, mrl • •*<*,•> •tt tto torn »i» t* tooth Carolina arw i*4t wot. *p i tor* ia i*M la* itom I* 4* ia to ge horn*, and Man tin* *4 tor** «t uil * ti<r * mole t«» A t ihrti t row of Uwtiofi t i Mui* , rat* I * sat t« Mia *.*i that ito son ramtaiiga la tonh I'at.illn* he rua h* water power, pr-»*» .ably It *«aM heal tto gaa prar»aa «*-t for amae tlcn*. V*v are to*mg an nt>«a4a»>e at taia the.ugh this se tto. and tt la *a!4 hy mm* • t the wet »«--*a*ful fiantiers that tto entma rey I* nil «oe-tlHi4 la man* r laeao lb* rom ha* sgimoied m the *»I.L Mon Tlmmertnaa «mt ltan*for<t have juat eMUtMnI and started op 4 thtmaand dnlftr gtnal— outhl at R«e per 1 * This I* 'tor .»f the gntot uatflta fur glnahtg Mdioo I* thla cuoairy. Ht»i> Idiun an-l Kansfurd have rc ceatly enlarged their *t«irch»u*c to iatoui eiait (tot to— The* Will ■*<*» |en* nt the aot emoplete aturk *■&#***- j <-ral ntyKrtViedise ever hno vn A guy If* [ll nil country « y ! The wheel at Hoper'a openi* t*jf I**' week uniter the m*nagementoato4ffla*t Oairl# Nixon, of Clark'* Mi«* Nixon 1* thoroughly eampftMit. amt Ih# »<-hool pmmlaea to betake of the I test * hti.jl* that we hav» hq<l at Bolter's for a number of yartfcn Ml** Alllne. Ci4e»t d*u*ht*r Hey. P, B. Ijittham, left thla weeltot* at tend the Johnatoa'y Mr. John Lyttn. a* Way<ro««. ()* I* visiting hi* urele. Mr. M, D. Lyon, at Roper * Mr W W. Miller, who ha* aeeepted a position with H. Hrook*. Augurta. ()»., left Itoper'* Monday of thl* week to go to work, Mr Miller 1* a popular young man and wvll known thro—heat thl* part of the country, and hr ha* a host of friend# who will visit him at hi* new plate tt4 husinea* to August*. We have a good day school, Sunday school. Young People's Union and Y M. c. A. nnd all we like now ia a rtUlr.tad from Augusta to Edgefield courthouse via lluper'*. 001. George T>. Ttilman parsed through Roper * this week, he I* look ing fine and is «vJoym* health. No Rally Necessary. Columbus. Oa.. Sept. 36—The coutlfy Detntfeiatlc executive committee met today and appointed a campaign rom mitteK to get out Ihe Demoernl* to vote. • H wa* decided that no rally was necessary. The Popullets have no nominees what ever in thla county, but 4re auspiciously quiet, and they bavetio senatorial nominee in this eountt, but may get one the very laat minute, and that the importance of t\* Democrats turning out and voting ia being stressed. .Suffering From Appendicitis. Madison, 0., Sept. 36. Mr. UM. Thompson, of this rtty, received a tel egram from Athens stating that his son Clinton one of the brightest stu dents in the University, was seriously ill. He went over, accompanied by Dr. A. K. 801 l and brought his son back with him. The doctors think that young Thompson I* suffering with a sevel-e case of appemlleitlß. the result of eating a few grapes several days ago. Herolett Hall Speaks llawkinsvil e. Sept. 26. Hon H.'wlett A. Hall, of Npwnsn. addressed a large audience at the courthouse here <it ktaturday. He mrfde n strong pie* ?< r Deun erticy, mat although this county is largely HtmocraUt*!. much good was done the party. He was ap plauded frequent y during his speech: Cot. Warren Grill introduced him iu a few very appropriate remarks. STORES IK . | - LETT OPEN. f t»m tm §ff“P* ito m •* * («Ato fewit»€*tK 1H» life* I tK* tow—a—a* to—j Mat* * Wa*%— l*to»» A dnfeiMin fe* 4—naai n—— w** ifefe* * I #toK*#4n nnnni •* oi f''4dnto m **7 tim I nvHMAfefe* * H*w “in p#* Mf^j * ■Ttitrt #in Aanai nf tnnMfii ’ fAMtI ■ nm mini nffef nw ♦*•*'’* k - '* m >|n fto-Kiini «i MV* M itont I Tift fa # ir«a»< la|M *•» ttf I nnft Mi fMfet Ifeafp if n*nMr *n f in • iprk MtfcfiiNi ■■ imi nf *An fe*#l If n® it* lanMt fn* t itnv in nninMf atMl (fcaan pm iMnwim tilt it nW In Pn*4 in fit tpfe if pnftnfet aim * mprnttm (in t®*** j ■ in in npPi * H—p pa*—r —to Mrtv> a •**• tor •V | r* • «l i*»toa If IK— towM i«Ka 4aar ay— *K— IK* • to* tKtob to tonl— aa —*r— « TKa »—Ml' *K—i'4 •—* a—lra to IKM m tor* I—* if Ito atoMf to ito ’ i a g in— Km Kb— aw» mM itoa I _ .. i || iK* pratoWtara to IK* *Mr— •— M a MaK—• am um— *kw **”■ m—aa— a—to to 4to Mar— aa4 |"“ "X-- 1 Inin Br to*K Mi ■•*—l aa4 ****** !***»• am * CM I NRRUKM»V SoWNa i tor* mto K* • to— T*ca n I —arrn* ***tKl Al fVM *ill —a* a a—a* ***K ** la* an—a Kto* ***r —H •* ( ~w« if all **—*«* iaai r***a »* * , lot a—to ■ «**#» 4<— K* a**rli 'll UaaiHK. KaatoUW. m 4 t'baiia*wwM« ail (■■>* la m*hmm*4 Unto Ito— I**— "f *»» ***•• •*-*. U— to M —ajr—» i* iuMtoiu a*—* 1 nr** Tto AHaaia —r< IKai tor* i (mu i* urm« to! *K»i Mi» *»*n ***** itbte a—aww «l« tto »»**i*#« a*i— lr»cr r*«*l**4 Mr • artwairwi «K*>» t* in—! Ttor awy*4 i* **"•— '• i Atlatoa TrWay **4 *•>«•«»*> «toa aar ‘allr*rto alar* (Mill t» * ■***• !»■—■•><>—i Tto i—Hal—. Mr* Tto Al 0 n*i4 sr**l*r artamm •-!«#- |*4 I**l aisHl Ito nw— **»rr***f«l ml"- ,tr»l rnaa«atn**l Way—, la At lot* ft If WM t fittf tITKiWUf tt* la a— ***** lto *«—. a* ito Mr*- m*—»«4 quality m *#M *• q—atWy Tto i—il nn yrrtrrOay »*» all—4*4 by Ito M ’■M* an rvaal »nprr< -to— m Ih* itaatury «f rolMtratey TK* —rfGrmM ,aa ***r all Slv*a atm ito Mu.lMw ’aitf-ali-n l« tot** Ihai tto Al O fT»M 11—ml* *m n-4- f«r. *r*4 It I* •*»- lin My Ihta awrllns rw«n«any ha* dur • m* Ihta *n»*air*-in<*«l Sm*tly rnhaw— tto |.»pulartty It alr*«4y *nj«>r4 with Atlanta ttoatr—ra awful tragedy. A Brother Blow* Out Brother’* Heart. Greenville. Sept «. New* reached this city yesterday of the horrible shooting to death al Cedar Mountain. N. C.. of Berry Robinson, a prominent white farmer of Tranaylvanla county, by hi* brother. Charlie Robinson, who lived near him. Th# homicide occur red In Berry Robinson's yard, Wetinea day afternoon, and was the direct re sult of a quarrel over a nutmeg gra ter. It IM said that at the time of the killing Charlie Robinson waa partially Intoxicated The fatal shot was fired at close range with a double barreled shot gun. and death resulted Instantly, ibe dead man's heart and breast lieing torn away by the euttte charge of shot. Peter Bishop, the sole eyewltncs* to the killing, took charge of the slayer, who ts now lodged In the Transylvania jail at Brevard. N. C. To Cure a Cold In One Day Take 1-axative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund th* money if It fall* to cure. 15c The genuine ha* 1.- B. Q- on each tablet. WITH THE RECORDER. Juat a Few Caae* of Little Importance Today. Tudge Howard had few cases of im portune# befoi* him this morning. The majority of them were people brought up for little drunks and dirorderlies. Those drunk on Sunday pa d $5 and the others $35.0. The following unswers to want ads appearing In The Herald art now at The Herald office awaiting the adver tiser/ ' "A” —Three f ns" era. “C. A."—Two. "Room" —Eight. "Safe" -Three, ; ■ \V. K"— I Two. •'ll" -Two. ■al. it." Two. M. A. 1. Two. ••|t. K. S." Two. ■ \\ E. O."—Two. M. A. \V <nv "Competent” —One. "Engineer"—One. "Horace" —One. . H.”—One. ’ • "H. H,"—One. "L, One, WANT AOS. o*. a nniirif i»tt wt mm# *#+ j SITUATION WANTED mti 4 ntmrnd«fli pp m^ifTi fi'fMfdH* iY 4 mJV’4* •• iiA i. A ■* dnn JpP 1 jpl f -ii M : MtlHr «9f" 'W A 4 TfWI 1 HT A ff*V*iNl WfffTP HELP WANTED 'aukktk rs AVTr.r»-r»*t« ns i—i m : Hl—alia*» I IMB fa* *• Mry—M* t%| •nwnnnn'i ‘ %»• m*% m* tt-wt '+*• mm . w mi 1 tin fPM n-tllY tmfdmi <4 !•« (i«n« Kvmiilmt mi niff pi «f » MKlil’ IKK CM , if Ntmtn 4 • Km t f»-1 | FOR SALE mt * V I lISAH AT M JACKKOIf ft rnii •At.M-faa- Acjiiß r*na cwnt •M» ft i— rfty K— a I—la Ar- Mr « C («**. Ma Ut Jvl— K oat I ir T«M‘ WANT TO OWN A MI'IH 011A DC linnvKma *h*»t*ui*. r»a* and lia Nli la*M *• a Ot*>af r—t '•» H—»**»'# toy W 4 — * n>H *ALJe -IMU »l|.lt WHtTK vio i I ACT want*. A **•!» a *—■ '«• Juaaa atravt - . to— 3* TO RENT row ftKNT MOf'KK Ml WAUtWt | air*—. Apply i« Z lyaaM. HrptM I you RKHT Ml mt , dn*lllll* Apply HI Mtuad. lOr l I |TO RKNT MToRIC NO TM HHOAD atraM. n*«t Mu* IM—mrt A Hun i lay. runnlay thnmah lo Kill* sfi*at. ! Prlr* (I JM Alraandar A Jnhnaaß, i liroad atrvat Oct I To HKNT -liKMIHAHLK UKKIOKNCK ; Nu Mi < ***!«( *tr**l. * niMua a It* ! kill ton 1— baiK. App y T I*. Hat— Hi. mil . 1 \I n O * 1 T« iffnENT MTiillK ANIMIAI.!^ I WAY Sat Btuad App y €V«»menial H<Mrl. Oat I TO KKNT- OKK t'NFtTftNUIHKI> front room on *r»i Hour. Apply *U R*y«*>lda ru**l ■ Kept 3* TO RBNT—CMMMODIOIT* HToftß. No, »31 Mrnad au*ct tfi per month. W. M. Uardnrr. 11l IdihiK atrect. Oct I rmi RKNT-rßou thk iht new- HKIt. More No. M 2 Rroad MraM at |KW par moßth. Thad* OaKmM, No. i 111 Rroad Mrael. » Oct I I TO RENT— I'PPKU mXKMt OR room*. 444 Hay atr*et. Kept 21 T\> RESNT--TIIRBK NH'K HTUNIKH KP front room* with prtvlH-»r of inr lor and liath. Apply to C. H. I.uhr». 440 liroad * tract. Oct I miscellaneous SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING only |S.OO per month at Ocborna'i I PuHiitr** rollese. M inday. Wediratov land Friday, it nlsht. Com* oy call at onoa Ureal demand for at«no*raphyn. , Jun* Irtf WANTED- MAN WITH SOME CAP IT AI. Pay in* laulnc**. l-ary profit* and quick return* Iti South Carolina, North Carolina and Oeoryla. Broad Street. Auguata. »2S. Mr* S. T. Pott*. Sept 21 SPEARS .*■ CO. HAVE MOVED their meat market to tr>2 Rroad atreet —where they will to *>“d to *ee-thclr ft lend* and cuMomer*. Bell 'Phone MS. Oct 1 DANCING SCHOOL —MISS BELLE Smith* dancln* rlaaa will to re rumed at her parlors, northwest corner or Khllock ind Telfair. Tuerdiy. Oith ber 11, 3:30. Mon thu* sat Sept 30 MISS ELIZABETH WHITE, RE CENTLY of New York, will open a dancln* school In IJbrary hall October 3. Children’s class. 3:30 p. m.; evenin* i class * p. m. Oct 23 BOARDERS WANTED LARGE, | handsomely, furnished front room. ; Can furnish first class meals to a feiv | tal.le lHiar—rs. 837 Broadway. Sept 22 The Bell Tower Drug Store, GKHENE AND J^B4,SON .STREETS —-VniJer new management. A full line cf Fresh Krugs, Toilet Article*, llruahes. We make a specialty <>f Pbjiicians Prescriptions. Hell Tel<*f»faont 2226 PATTERSON & W ADE 9EPIEMMCR 26 f a i -»■ py*. -Ma* • R,f |i4M#*tW MMI mi-* ■ iH* to- -*A If *)tor » f Wfe* ' * <Nwf I m Mm tit * *.*•*• fugr m ! sprci«l Ni>t»ref». | liii* 4 ■ «K—W«mipWKaK* msm %*mm if MmiNMi . %' ?i m in fiimiiKt mYfiji tm# y —Nf Ip' IWPp* w Whi iffr'fNf". '•W* t #'KK -01* —* * s « wfe IMM * . «#* Pmmmmm*** *.%•»♦ smm- I ite-p • f 6m**#m t m *m %•»«* m*w »m*4* - f-e-m «W.i I iwr Urniiim i»i lummHi |****** I »iKK Jm k# **»fi m< j 9m--- K i tl * few * <Mv MMK twfefewi* : t fw# (%i t ato-- —► —w 9 -At—ap k*w—ffw A m i" 3N#«* Cm*l| IN t»»* ' tlfil ifiYli lUI liff ir*tf<**ty ft iii «Mk« .»** M ivftfeM* tmi*F ||- 111 e T H 4 f f * « « |Kl|i IR Ww* |W|y. | |r y lilK-iMVIMmi * KMKtK KatMi nf |i—» 4 ft I— 4- MAYI*N Y* 4, »v*ftT7r 7 Per Cl UOP.COO 7 Per Cl ’ FORKION CAPtTAljrra Wtl.t. I/IAX H AI.T A MILLION D*H.UM really la Au*wa. <*• Term* f rat t—i flu* fart Km tafonaaii-m •*« jitoK af««*My at lam. F. S. •alllmie. Ito . at Mr. F. 0, Ku— r*y IK* La—aiar*. MARTIN V CALVIN I HENRY C II AMMoND I JUKfOFW R RMYNtW J It.t to *aot»rtn4. an tftrrancyalta rsMletati *. to miaitii Ml. to— *o—iy la tto to it ieafatotum *• H ’ >*rtkn •» he he— «*B Widtu—l. t.ICt .dare f tyw. I he K aatKar. ; Aacaata, Oa MoKday. *fpuai*r 34, | i—* t—i i Mm— Hi l atud Sl»te» . Uowißßiert build .It*. t»l—htrtto Nu. J UT*. j |*«rnmt tor 34 hour*, radii* I p a * ». IN” ■ W..*b>n«ton fc-reraat for IJ«*r*ii ind j Sooth Cnr dlnu Flip l<>ni*K»: peoK sbty ihuß.rt IB louttoaWcrn portion Tae—ay. freah *«rtk to aorthar— a led* tact—al— ua the Local foreraai for A«*»*ia »*4 »ielß- Ity. Fair toilahf and TaaMtay. THK RIVKK- The rirrt u I a m. ••# M Ito. a ifiti at At Wat m the part 34 hour* W HATH KR CONDITIONS Temretil'irto *nr low tbi* m< train a .over the Knrthmi— —4 ht*b ia ih* in terior ut tha roualry Thu bolometer la R *e*t mas upper Mishl—tt ind !n*ha»t owt ih# upper Mmnonrl valley: there la alto a ali*bt deptieEon over aontheist Florida. PrntU-nJIy no fain fell over the cot ton toll in the part 34 houra. but * htoty fail 1* reported il Tampa. *nd h noderutWy heavy ahotrer al St Loul*. A thunderstorm Is In progress at Clevrlant*. and a maximum wind re medy of S 3 tnilea .'rom the cant occur red at Port Earls in the pnnlj 13 bourn. PROMOTERS CONFIDENT. That Thay Can pull OH she Corhctt 'U'Coy Hatch. Buffalo N. Y.. B«pi. 2«. Kid Mc- Coy and William B Gray, his mana ger. who ia alao connected with the Hfttotfeorne Athletit Club, arrived here late last night and have had a doaeu conferences today with she oltjclals and attorneys of the clttU. The out come of It all will h* inade known to morrow. The fight prompters 'vemr a new smile of confidence and say that they have found a way out and will pull off the Corbett-MrCoy trout on October 15. Prfsnmaßty the scheme hinges on a new plan of getting the propoui -1 tfon Into court for early determina tion. When Kid McCoy read Corbett's tels I gram of discontent, he wrote the fol , lowing telegram to Corbett at Asbury | Park: "Don't get saucy, James, my boy; bo : a man or k monkey. McCoy.” ( Secretary Wilton raid "Corbett will ' get fair play here, and he knows it.” Gray sakl: "The fight will come of all i right. Corbett will have to fight Me ; Coy or we will take his forfeit money, i now in the bauds of Al Smith. I don t 1 think he ever intended to fight the kid, but we'll force him io fight or rua j away,”j/ Memory—The index to a person's ! thoughts.