The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 26, 1898, Image 3

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MONDAY THE CARTER COURT MARTIAL fcIMHM flwti ft jr Mrfl il tlu id Ini* %#•#*♦##t Mu— ft#?* —*l • 6mm+jb Wit WFrm *#f* f* *■ fm *%• H—* tin t* tin i i.ii in it't <it «—i €►#*■ #►*»**•* WM 4MMMN—t Ms IN— j **MH Ms **>## —I t*# #§t*M—• §PN—«N»S —f ft*#; fIHMMMMk. t—l flMplHN— | <4l n »«*### ##**4 »* *%*£ Il || % ###*& , IPgUf I—— Hr* »#* #*'« I— PI | «* IP* tMt <4*t I «f*H« j *,* ‘iru— » t** #p—f lip p£tep? i f Iff* § 4MW ft# #**«-% t|i« —p (—MI * : ptiNPiptN —l —llPiPi «|N|l 1 p| t'*** 0 m **m«# pf if— I f'wfptk T* UNI ip A rPNpHfpMfetfipi • j ft*** (VpAfpl IK If IP— #aa pr**s \ #<*#! ft# —AIPNMMM—A Ml #•**#, * “Ar . Ip— •«• p—l |M)II «t ApPPPd—•- i dNst*;### A—i rw Ailfpnn* Vp 4i*HM*fv f— —PA IP* pN—fcMpllPMl *4 i t #>« iNMNpY’f Pa* Papp 4#i*r#4 ft p—a j Pr pwiiii —* p— m ft N ppPlliP—l, | IMW'tpp 111 *M* u— IP# —»A In* j m stp ip# pn r—ary pf pit WP#p ! IP### PAM#"'# P# «A'4| ||» pap *#«**? ##*#•# fill* * tfc» ««f |*i A to# pp M#( pi IP# —t— pllfll N |p 4H AftAtPaf. jUlfilff 4#Pl «1 ‘ .1. * ‘ Wi’f Pi )# Mroni it AA ofi. M>ll> nf Captain Carter s friends] ligvyi |p**B vorhlAi Hrrd du T i ait iMw nf Ihe UnAtniti of tfce roart •»! ••Mr It IN no* hinted that the Inflaeare *hi- h Hi behind nil Iheee efforts t« i that of certain ntmt prominent Near, York politician* and fsmlHea «hn| might be Injured If the faeta and »er et pee tally the pn Ithal. that it *a* stated hat if a potaibl# reason tot a; change es the aenienee .an be (Mad. I It will be discovered before the |iapera i rea>'h the president. For this reneon ,« have beQ sent or will be sent to j 4t-ou!d he find the attorney genera! seou.n ne t ,i m ■. u-.i flaws on which to * ant a rew trial or a reopening of th to rorrert the record. Secretary Alger could oblige hla pollt-l . i friends aud at the Ritas time an* j suter ail erittelama by stating that he we* acting under the direction of the ( head of the department of Justice. It is further said that the political in fluence which hai so fnr succeeded la | delarlag the publication of the aer- Jlct presents as Its strongest reawm for delay the fart that a very near Mi nt It* of Certain Carter was a contrib utor to the dxtent ot *25,000 to the Hanna campaign fund Hu** * #rV ‘T J the political influence claims, should not go unrewarded Savannah. Ga„ Sept. 26. "ln'a abort time.” says Mr. Alger, "the case j against Cant. 0- M. Carter, the United Siaics Engireer. charged with conrpi-1 ra'T. and other things, and who was tried by a court mart la! in Savannah, will be taken up. The cauae would ha"e been decided long ago. had it not been for the war. The couit found Captain Carter guilty, but the verdict lias never been pcssed upon by the war, department, and an unsuccessful effort sees made to take !t out of this department 1 and put It in the depart n e.~t of Justice. This failed.” HOME MAIL BOXES. I etter Received By Postmaster Stal lings Regarding Same. The Herald made mention some few days ago of the new mall I ,xi\- for us * Ht private hohses being adopted by the government. It was stated later that seveiai par ties had railed on Postmaster Stallings for Information concerning the boxes, how to obtain them, etc. The postmas ter wrote to certain parties for Infor mation. and today reeeivet! ;he follow ing letter that will la- of Inteiest to prospective purchaser* of the mail boxes: Yorktown, Fa. H-n. VV. H. Stallings, P. M. Auc»:“ta. tta. Dear Sir: In answer to yours of le rent da: ■ addressed to Cushing A .Mit chell. Wheeling. W. Vn., W. O. Tay lor. of J. S. Mason <tfc Co., Boston, or John Birigin. St. Isiuis, Mo.. In relation to mail boxes, we >it| have to Inform you that at the present time all the boxes of th? several Inventois, whose devices were adopted by the postefflee dexiartment. are manufactured hy the j * eta! Improvement Company of Mor ris ton. Pa. At tit's time, it has not bean dec id d Just what agency or agencies will he employed for the sate and distribution of ihese boxes, or as soon as this ques tin is settled we shall take pleasure in Inswering your communication. Yours **Bcectfully, PUSTAL IMPROVEMENT CO., TV. X. Taylor, Supt. Ir4—f , 4 4A I" « . 4 a a 44* ah% 4 4 a• a i *#* a And see our new .lock of Shoe# and HaU. Our More la crowded with lha neweet of new etylue .elected with e.perien. rd . ere a. t c aid, good ...t. a. to Style and ganeroua prodigality aa to varlaty. It t. the nght piece to get the right good, et tho right prtcoa. Our Motto. Not Ch “ Bu ‘ Bh °** C> T OUR LEADERS FOR THE COMING WEEK k,RM -iimii I- MWewag k>< Mee-a fW tUm***** » *9 **» tt • 4ke .- -T|■ nf iWk «xnitr»- *. at gtieee tm rtfcmn ” w *** ~ AAh. | Anti j imYfr-Tr #**■# ## - ... ... " . il gij, -Mr* «1m -* * * *,-*.4 «uk*4 4« AAMb-s .* %», t -'■m —■ •• - *— _ 4 # Hi you can t afford to trade with Rice & O’Connor Shoe Co., IN A SOCIAL WAY \/^C % Vi m a \ I? j' / V| ?/f ? j|A\ W My l#v* «* I •>•* Ago. , Thfre irv fj<fd Ju*t a. perfect, Thei * are f)M m inw tml aw*rt Tbfft itr *- b carta m strong nod limU r As Ibr heart that's trunl to W; 'Tktrr are tattm j»st as thrilling, i Tl»» tv art souls as sfcilr, I know, j As here wars wtim ahe went from roe My lots of long ago. New lips srr ever telling The tale that ne'er grow <*l4: Uft'i grays art always changing Kor aomeone Into gold; But amid th» shins and shadow. Amid the gloom and glow. Bh»* wa ks with me. the talks with me - *J love of long ago. When I think of all the changes That the changing years have brought. 1 am glad th.* world that holds her Is tk* world that changes not. And the some as when she left me, She walla for roe. I know— My love on earth, my love In heaven. My love of long ago.. (leorgla Library Association The second annual me Ming of the Georgia Library Association will he held in Atlanta October I7tb and 2Kth, at the Young Men « Library. * The very auecessfu! meeting of the association in Macon last yar spook* well for the attendance at the Atlanta meeting. , Mies '.Vallae", the president, is meet ing with much encouragement in thl«| clfrrt for cooperation among the Geor gia 1 litrerles. The ttbrar an* from Ma con. Augusta. Sevannnh. Columbus, Roma, CartersvillPti Atnsna. LaOrange, and other citiea of the convention a success. Thelocpl ceramittee. under the skil ful management of Mrs. John King Ottley. I* using every effort to make the social side cf the vonvention « success. Among the prominent women from other elites who will attend the meet ing are Mrs. Moses Wf.dl“v, of Augus ta. and Mr*. Eugene Heard, of Mid dleton.—Atlanta Journal. - ties*? Pcckham-Thomas. A hut beautifully impressive ceremovy p rformed by the Rev. Dr. Plnnltfit, this morning, at seven-thirty, was thst which united In marring’ MIF9 Mam* Eloisc Thomas anil Mr. Ed win i’ii'kham, of Chicago. The '.eaujtfnl home of Mr" and Mrs. A‘. H. fV.' Vaughan was exceptionally lovely in it? floral adornments, for th’ happy occasion. Roe is were used in profusion and an especially spring like effect was given by the masses of ferns and palms banked against ail He .vails on the lower floor. The bridal party stood under a canopy of pink and blue w tning-glories. There were no attendants. Miss Thomas wore a eharming ;,o ing-away gown of army-blue clot.i elaborately braided, with a hat .o match. She carried La France rosea. The ceremony was witnessed only t v a few friends and the immediately fa:r-ity and directly afterwards the young couple left for their future home in St. Louis, followed by the good wishes of hosts of friends who with re gret give up Miss Thomas to her new’! home. ... * „ _ th »: ax7ol7i9Ta hgy a x*r> Be Fair With Yourself TWO STORES Sml of khiiimy lnkl|. I Tho WolMw of lh* WaMekan S«*4ef| I ~.4f hjiiifi i fcgfit «»## igtir I .«#» 1 ill# Ht# H H Wngt»* I t«V r« «l fvrf A |#tl I# ll# ANII A ] I f A lata* aa—tn## of aa#' | r4%ri — I Ttna «a '«j** to itftr ««t a4N aaia#* aa4 in ta#t io( t Anar *—* l*r###ai j*aiar4*f Mm H H Wrick* Mm 4 a Jeattaa. Mr* ¥tmnk Hurt. Mm l#tia#r Mr# tkalia<■ 11. Mr# Wtt* j I tta. Mm, M Mr#- WIM|H Mm f il*rri«M>t» Mia Yanftcf). M'## Ak#r . ' w<ymf Mr# UllBB MtM Ka*l# prrdw# . !■ j Mr# jAiam 11—. Mr# Kd Ntftf I [ Mia# M riglH Mi## M#m#r#t. |Jcfr4aa. Mm V H nf M« m * Mm Al|»ii#ac Rirtwnls. Ml## Mam! 1 f ;rr» i!v WHckl. Mr# tfamtltfHt If Wal ton Mr* aotraiaa. Mr# Joa#» Mtm] j Wilaa, Mr#, H. M Mirkatn. Mra. Cokta I nlrrtaln*. Tk# f #urfcrr ptril # ith ! igtilrh Mm r, H Crbrfi fo»p!i«;#tii *«| Mr* M'Ut.Hl, -4 Chari«»• # very enjoyable although thoroughly Informal affair. The prlgr, a Dreed, n y. yjjrfj/u. A«y /\ fl % l|: |s|l\ FRRNCH pm f TAM f'7 PRDVI HAPPRP"* «A7AR A gown of light weight mixed wool in a nmall checked pattern of fawn, very fashionable for tailors’ gowns this autumn, ia trimmed with velvet bands strapped again in the centre with lady’s cloth of a paler tint, so closely that very little of the velvet shows .between. The illustration, which is reproduced from Harper’s Bazar, and for which cut paper pat terns may be secured,- gives an idea of the cut of the gown. The cir cular skirt Is attached in the hack without any visible fulness Just at the waist line, hanging lower down in easy graceful fold, and perfectly straight in front, where the band-trimming is curved apron-fashion in double rows. The width o’s the skirt at the hem is four and a half var( js; the lining aud outside are cut the same form, and are seamed and faced in the usual manner. The jacket in the style’of a Zouave is cut away sharply in front, just above the waist line. The double revers, ra ther rude and pointed, roll hack over a chemisette Of cream-colored silk muslin pleated and'finisbed with a great soft bow at the neck. The jack et, in the back, is closely fitted to the figure and finished with double basques open behind and curving to the front, the black velvet with gilt buckle concealing the seams. A high flaring mediqlr collar is the finish ai the neck, and the decorations of the jacket are hands similar to those of the skirt, with groups of comho buttons, that appear also on the ekirt front, „ -—.. i r. , .uji t.«t.i i. u*. u.- u-i. • > *»*#»«* l—Maa' M—a# tw kw* a—d tadum aM mmmim •wltfte <MM Mgw MSee eeowo #■<*»» •• ##o m*mmm **** •* ». . » * *»«y» *-• “Jl*. * .QMo oi t%m - a—M —t *# Maa## !•#•### a* mm** -t a»«i## it ## a## It «a ITZm ga#» •—#* a—l **»•»< li##* I t.a# #a «#*•>» ftnaa*## ** * ■**»»-* 834 Broad Street. Name Across Sidewalk 722 Broad Street, Opposite Monument : 4 ill ami* t#a# mnm k# Ml##} I (*, i# M#fr «#t aHkfl# *k# f#Ha* —*f 1 1 .m— • Wr4a»# *tk i»‘*« k#r mm %mm \ Mr# R 4 Matt Mm *’«ik#a * aapaflal i wf# Mm Mm —n Mm W. R Wklt# I Its htil H«<t Mm Id aka* M*«* | Mar— 4'Uttf— Aikas Mia kwrwf Mia# 4a»a# MaM*k amn* Ml## f*#r 1 -—*■*- Mi## fkaiika Irtta# ka# miarata fmaaj l #tifp>—t flarlkrn# ffla Ufa fVrry ad«* Mia IVrif kat# r# I t a9«c4 fff*«a» a tlali to t— Wfcli# a—a- j Mm Om«r Mat## of fMNaikaa k 1 %l#liißt k#r «K»*k«r Mr# I*# H#i»«#uf** s Mi#* IkMk $m llotlfd I*fl *kl# momlßC for a tlail to r#l»•*### la At ■■"" Mr# Mitrkrll, of (Itarlritoa. tho I tiaa Nta vhMilni iriaiitm la ikl* nt*. will rttoro komr Mr# Kmok Trift* will #alrrtala tk# Phtlofliflitliir Chit* of wkk’h Hir I# prm idaiit Wt-ftnmda) nortiDl. Mr INiyl*l Jonlan and Mr. *t#ont* i llttward l#at# t< ti»orr«fw f« • ib# Tin h laoloalml vrkool in AHaatn. Ms aad Mm llaiaMM HdMMi M'alioa and Ma#t#r Mlrkaiaa Walt##* am *t*l4*| Mm M M Mtfkwa* aa *k# Milt Mm WHUaia Joan laataa loatuft## I mll iiainird kt k#* Mm ***• j mMI wk# will w|aad ##*m*l w##kl at j Mm Jo*## «m«#m*#v k*oa# T%# aiaav frl»ad# of Mm Jaia#* will mami to k#*r tkai d# wit! •{wild tk# roalif win*#* wltk k#f daugktrr. Mm Ml*rk#ll. ia (larlwloi. Ml*# JiwipklAf WiHott will Ntf on Ktldajr for N#w Tork ii* rmnai# k#r I rlnim — la ktllm IrttrT Ak# will t»#| am»aifMi*iad k> Mia# Maml# Haunt j wko will #{i#ad tk# wlatrr la M* w I ! York wndyia* maai# DAY OF"ATONEMENT. Aa Lafreet by Rea. A. 5. the I ant Day. Speaking nf today, the day nf atone ment in the JewMi church. Rev A. 8. limii, editor of the Jewleb Mreemper. mu : "Year by year, despite modern ten denciee that piny faet and loose with traditional cu.tiftne. the day nf atoae m. nt not only maintain* iia hold un oar romnnnlty, hui perceptibly galnej lin importance It la on** of the frur cb I ,ert r.nce* which eer.ns to hid deflance |to lime, and however aucceimfully the work of iranaformation la carried on m I .ither (lelihßß-lt haa hitherto failed to, l-ffeel the Inntiiution of Yum Kippur. "Tbla elrctimalanc,* la all the more II ti—prising, tieeauae there could be no greater contrast than the day of atone ment exhibit* In the biblical, rabblnt int and tmulern eras. The trtory of Ita origin, history ami developm'*nl awaits trenlroent. Ilia admittedly one of I hone obaervancra to whieb history haa given, perhaps, a eonaeerailon hardly Imagined In Temple days. “Jewish doetrine and liialory hav» never stood Mill; there was revival and reaurreetlon in every era. What « siorm would be raised if today our young people would turn alonemrnt day Into a time of courtship, aa in the early rabbinical period- Surely If that practice were orthodox in that era. we who try lo lie aa sincere aud consistent aa possible in our atonement day ob aervtnce are not to be regarded aa her #tica. "Nay. a»Jn many other linen, Yom Kippur has advanced in cope and char acter. Judaism haa loal lla ecclesiasti cs! tone, ita Oriental eult. aa ita aoul liural the ahell of soil and clime, and It sou git* the univerae. not Zion, for ita perfect development. If in (he proieaa, the Jew haa learned to Ills Borrow and ilia ioat that he has been sacrifice and victim, he does not despair of Until triumph for righteousness. “Meanwhile he haa also grown to learn tht of one universal pause doy ill the struggle of the year, when lie ran rt fleet on the great lesson of moral conflict and apply the funda mental laws of repentance, prayer -x, - '.l benevolence for the consecration of lbs character and life. “Thus out of the struggle he builds a now Temple of Ihe Spirit, and awalla liopefuly tho coming of the down, wueei humanity shall be at one.with its Ma her and the eternal law of righteous ness. A TAKE ‘‘There was no use in trying DOWN, to conceal my identity, for everyone seemed to know who i was.” “Indeed! And who were you?"—Brook lyn Life. HOW HE "t feel like a store with a PELT. iiargain sate," groaned Tommy, as he approached from the di rection of the pantry, tho Immediate surroundings of his mouth being a sus picious dark red. "What's th ■ matter, my dear?” "Jam inside." —Detroit Free Press. A WINNING COMBINATION. Minneapolis Journal, General Wheeler, whatever his poli tics, has impressed the American peo ple as a man who combines great dash and bravery with sound horse sense. A WARM SILVER REPUBLICAN Montana Standard. When Charley Towne read of Sena tor Wolcott's characterization of him as a political tramp, there was a hot time in the old Towne that night. ,-- f - y ,m. gt n n kin yaw vast *Rsa bag 1-iu‘t -iT- MmmvMfMb*aM .. « .. «#• ( . ||,„ jugs gpg miißirr-rnrir* Mg MW ■ RnWgR *1 H A •• «t« m*m *bMw nMffiAf •*** ****** TWO STORES A FEW SAMPLES si : 'r I. C. Levy’s son & Co., TAILOR-FIT CLOTHIERS. AUGUSTA. ... - GEORGIA THE GRAND Tuesday. Sept. 27. AL G. FIELD’S CRERTER MINSTRELS 10— l ur<q«an Bp*ciali«l*—lo Urant Hern an lirnrtl. IsMiiM. Buah and Lelliot, and the Kamoui Fauat Family, and tha laughable Aftarpiae, I “ON TO CUBA” Sala non .q an. I‘rirm 2a to 11. I ““—————————————— Business Cliques in Cuba. '‘When you liualnnsa fellow# gei down there.” said thin trav ding niaj>. “you ■ will discover that the various lines of ' trade in the mercantile world are car- I I led on by exclusive people from Spain, j What I mean lo say is I hat the real- I dents of certain statca In Spain are en gaged In certain lines of business. For instance, the entire shoe business of the tsluml Is carried on by Spaniards who came originally front ('atalnnia. The grocery business is conducted utmost exclusively by people from these states. The dry goods business all over the isluiol is conducted by Spaniards who were originally from Austrian.!, while J the people of Biscaya Hie hardware I merchants. This cante about by virtue ' of the original settlement on the Island I of business people. The tlrst man to [ engage in the hardware business was! a man from Biscaya, and his glowing! reports of the country to his friends at i home brought them all there for lha ex-1 press purpose of going Into the hard-! ware business. The same may be said of the other lines of trade. The cigar) ami tobacco business, strange to say. Is. i-airled on almust altogether by Oer mang with some Cubans. The Span iard has nothing lo do with the mauii fueture of tobacco. Another peculiarity! Hbotit the business niethods of the| island: Seldom, If ever, is any other clerk hired In a house than the direct descendant of the proprietor. The pro prietor, after accumulating a fortune, retires, and his oldest son take* charge of the business as his own. Thus, from falher to son. the business continues, and ull of the employes live in the Store where they work. This rule i found to lie invariably followed not on ly in Havana, hut aii over the islaaid. The women all smoke cigarettes and are great, devotees to the rocking chair.” —New Orleans Picayune. WANT BACK RENTAL. Augusta and Savannah Files Suit Against Augusta Southern. A suit was filed this morning against James U. Jackson and Joseph H. Sands, co-receivers of the Augusta Southern road, by Mr. F. H. Miller, representing the Augusta and Savan nah railroad company. The petition ers claim that the Augusta Southern which road has been using the track of the Augusta and Savannah railroad —is due them a sum for rental that has been of long standing. The amount of rental is to he fixed hy the court. The petitionets claim that the de fendant have used ground forty feet west of the city without consent of petitioners. Sympathy—The cohnecting link be tween joy and sorrow. #i#tfM*c* m , If tOw Mil »«fft #*« ft* «ks —PM **# tit a t »M#4okfk' from our •xQutslto stock of Furni*hln*4 will »how th« suporiority of tho Qual ity and makaof our goods, besides tha swell style and rich effect* of our neck* wear, shirt*, collars, cuffs, gloves, suspenders, um brellas and etc. Our new Fall stock is worth your inspection. ill ITS CJS Sll HOT ROUS FROM PERRY’S QRAHD pUKE HOUSEKEEPERS TRY IT. NOTHING LIKE IT. All First Class Grocers Keep 11. IfMCTOTOfII BROADWAY. E. W. DODQE, Manufacturer of Rubber Stamps, Seals, Stencils. Daters. Pads, Badges,&c 711 Broadway. Augusta, Ua. Slrowger Phone 102. FOR IRON FENCING CALL ON AUGUSTA FEN.CE CO., 310 10th Street, Augusta, (J a. ®jk„Out of Town Work Solicited-^® jjAJS H*IS FALL STYLE JUST RECEIVED. F. G. TURPIN CO. 818 Broadway.