The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 26, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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4 MONOAY THE IUGUSTI HERHIO ««*• ..NMMWWI) ** CMgfo «•■<*««• *.« ■«« ... „ . ■ £■*#* « «■ - <■»'«* ** »■— 1l ‘"* l *—*£f > ** **'* | JMWW* *Sg M ™* i# 1 Sftft *"•- *»* tto* *«• C^K> HMUU> «flfo* «M Wfo • HM |p» U— •- #** W( <rr< Hil ygu *HJ HHU IHB I. arir- —•**•** 4 ™*** “** ’, -n«•- »» <|w J restore IM*> .JT ~apHi. »*•** M, ■— Al «b# 9mm •** to «• <*»—»» *2"*nrtJT- a* •*• c, *!* > | t T«f« CNF* *’ **• • BM * **’• pw« Ml Mil A»—a* H»N ffforcre. faNtogfl* ** #• **»!*£ m fosw fit regwnfog «* «••« *• *** Herald Prize Letters From American Summer Resorts. n. fossa n ifit* r*sr ••*» **•* * * * a\ar»a . P— »« »»•*“« isttst* ww •" A "** fl tat Cta»w*f Mesa** VMM *•*• MO wf*t b# l*W‘«*** “*** f • ftaaa fie plain* and. •H*r 'b* rtaitaat Aa« «kJ**A tb# ••■ fw .Ml W ntn iN to a ran* parent awfi Impartial commit ypt for th* awsrfitag » Jjtatj TV real MM al tb* writer. aa wall •• ilia worn A’ •I tuna, aiaat IwniiaM aa*A latiar font la far gafitleattoa, I* (ar Ik* patpuaa al fffeatlgto ttaar _ . , to , Cmtaataatf moat «*••* ll '* lr ™ * Vtlara la », roaaaaa >»la IINU CiatrftM'i raa writ* a* many laltara aa Ikry wish far tb« < prlaf, hut «M cowiralant "aa win only oae of tb* prise* a * • Th* Herald araata ll»a, sgrtfffo- IT. ••walpy I*'l »o. awA '** , art tan will ha awwtded for Iba haat imM lalorwatln* aaA rnoal roadside lettsre rs turumor Ito • atari Mews. Contest Closes Oct. 1. ron the b«w umn «• •• FOR TB* Tt> BEET UtTTMW , . I» N FOR THE U> UMAT UCTTBR ... ».N The DiMnr Empire li la ths tbrods of tattfnil alrlta. ■ Or. Huklokopar. lha ' bores doctor of Cfifop Ttoomaa baa resigned. Aon! Temple Jacob. colored. y»Ar» old. died At Moultrie. on Sunday And now Roo**relt mar not be all glide for the governorship of New York. The eorr and fronUapliH-a of Iba Ociobt-r Rrrlbncr la a *am, a writable work of art. Cochran. Qn.. haa a 11-year-old boy wlio picked 7IW pound* of cotton In three day a—2so a day. No candidate for council who claim* In tcpieaeni the people of hie ward, ~h.m!d be iinwHlUiis to go Into a white primary. There la a brawny blacksmith In Rome— Ira T. O'BHan-atid he speaka Greek. German. Spanlah, French and Italian. Cnlonel-.lud«e Candler and Major judge Bench are warrlor-Jur m*. They arc eatablUhlng a new era In hyphena ted political nomenclature. Now Columbus want* an encamn* ment of soldiers. There's no harm in wishing and every city In Georgia and South Carolina i* doing the same. Thera seems to be a little politics go ing on amongst the trustees of <be Georgia lunatic asylum In the election of the officers of the institutions which places are to be filled on Dec. 21. The Savannah papers are advertising dry goods from Augusta— Oruy's stork. Thfre's no reason why Augusta mrr clMVßls shouldn't sell to Savannah with* t:U I the lieeessUy of sn ovder from the court. The Savannah Press, with Its elßht roiunin folioa on Saturday niakea (be l«sl isnpreslson of any afternoon pc per in the South. What's the matter with eight column* every day in tin week? Saranauh tan stand it. . I # mmrnm H-tfaili Ml M ; IHltß'*"# ®H§ |B *''‘NP , l 111 Hs»n| oHo IMi** ppuMi IMMIM |Hr »» iPW ♦ «d fM | M mMH fH MMM M Ip«fi* Ml •• f ## %m • v '-%ii» (iMk? A iabA («■■ Ml *|pt *# I tit *4a«M ft ft* MfeMwi pMMfft* ***M «*- A* ft* l%i»i»t «IH • ftMftft i * •mMftfft*"* ftfM i* ift* Mftft 9$ iR* | #•«# VNHb • Ml) IMlHftftt' n M *ftN pttfMft M* MM*lit •*♦" ! ft « ftftftl •* HftftH** . I %(* flMift* ft* W*i H*#**" *Mft il : 1 C#i* *H«% Mm I'M! 9<«|ft ♦*» Ml* I IMviM# (|«lf latHKI «M IftH | ** Mill ft* *ll* ftfftftl •ft** •ft 1 * **' ‘ |f|f «l t.M Mfk Ml f«M*MM < ft* | ft i MuMMI IWMIM •* *ft* ’ f t W, MM M'Hi*W * I Ml IlftMl 90* tft* ftftftfM ' 9% 94 ft ft* 9449 ftftM* Hf | ‘ HmM 9m*o ’T%* Mftftft*. tft* ft*l : imp •** fkMMift*ft i ikf ffflM fftMfth, rtMMplft Ift#** ft* IPftMlftfti j M#r|« 94 I ft* vtf ft**** ft pn**l*«*4. ft«fl Mftlift M*f ftM| ft**ftftf ft* *1 *99 *HT> *1 tft* *t|tM Iflft ft**** ft* ft** Ir,.»* rftmrl 4* fft*prft . I* ftM*ft lu*ft**4 : i MfHi. ftftM** **9| ftftftl ft* Uf* t* I* t'M* •Mi ft ftMMT* Mtiftft fttftft ftUftNMH tftft* •ft** **rft ft* 9ft* ffftftitcftftftN* 94 tft*ftt |, <rft»*ftr* 9i*fti* ft* ftftft fft*ftft ilftiftMl in •*! fftftft*. * ft*** ftiiilft* *4 ; *ft*ftp* thm ft #(**• *4t*ft *rc*fr| ***l «»• 'fftft ft|n«rft*r* Tft* **ft4*rf roftftl | fmi *| t ft*** l|o***ft ftMT* fngkifu. Cm iwe waadar that death liala# aiar I who are aa aMaataA*** Tbepaper lamaailaa from aa Afra : /tMN*ma. aaA one aks la beald** •e'eaittcattf ISNitim with b>« aabject, i la bicbly laalraHlve and AS paid lead j • o bC'BC la vivid (den la Ike pereep imam of both white aaA black that the : uahappy roadMtoa at ltd aafnea la a ( liictr laeaace, and aboatd lacfle phtt* J aathrwplMA la grapple awre eaergeii , ally with lb* dlflhuHiaa of the attua j uia than baa bitberto beea Ibe caae. IIIU tEDOtTEKS lift us keep al lb* amall laAnatrie* ' I giMltiea. The Herald baa perataiesG* 1 ~nd eonaiateatly advocated Ibe up- I building of tkeae Induatriee and Ibe same queailoa haa at mi tieaa mant.m | rd. with vigor. In many live eemmunl ilea in ibe South Hardly a day paaaen without tome practical eu*§e«itcJo or without a record of new uadertakiuga upoa • hear i iuea. We ail know the •. pul at ion which Ailaata enjoya la the North, aa ragarda push, raergy and en- • t erprtae. How baa tbla been acquired* Oac rs Ibe moat prominent of her eltlaens has reertuly come forward and ndvoeatet! the following plan: That lha tmataeaa men and capitnl lata us the city ahould mmi forward aed form a aeml-eorpornllon with a rapltal atoek of fIOO.OOO. to b« uaed In taking Mock In new enlerprlaea. In ae rurlng alien and In otherwise promot ing the Interests of tbe city, Ailents. however. Is not alone lu such schemes tor their material ad vancement. Charleston, Montgomery. Birmingham, all are at work, and It behoovea Augusta to be up and doing, if she la to keep abreast with her sla ter cities and secure these much de sired Industrie*. Another point: Fer-seeing and en terprising men realise that there Is now sn opportunity that the South never before enjoyed and that It must be ta ken at onee that Ha full benefits may be derived. IS BICBMOKD DEMOCRATIC 1 Augusta and Richmond enmity have claimed to be the bulwark of Democ racy in the Tenth congressional dis trict and In this aeetlon of the state. Some of our Democratic majorities ;n the past would aeem to Justify 'his claim. But are we Democratic, after nil? Thlf county elects county officers and three members of the Legislature on October 5. Will they be put forward as lfemoeratle enndldates representing the Democratic party of this county or will they be simply citizens offering for ofT\ e. ar. they or any other qualified parties have a right to do In the gener al election. This year, there being no contest.'' or opposition, the point seems immaterial, yet In reality It‘ls e reflec tion ou the Democratic party mnnsKe- I incut in Richmond epunty, that . Itj doesn't lake enough Ihleceat In party aftatrs to pul out > undulates of the par ly so- political offices. If the Demo cratic executive committee for ibis county is not dead, it is sadly derw-.iv! in lis party obligations. That message of Aguinaldo to the American people seemed to have lii • [ right ring to it. w 1 TBE TV TJGTJBT.A A (MrMgt gs WB (AN •*•# i Fqa gsu nim* 1 ■ it»IP»M* aHH 1 >%• aatAkAW* a* w - > i nAgy ‘ *g K trvftHH|Hft*ft ▼%** %ia * * *ft* * i|k-i(Bj| ,f ' i Mfti* l * MP* 09^9^" -■#***• •ftMNHM* iM** fti m 90 ftftftft** IftNMM* ftdMftft* *•*■ MM* (ft**** ft* ft** 999*9 ftfti ♦ft** ftftftl @k**ft fttiMW 9900 9m I4p* ftftw w*n i ’’ *** mm tftfl* * mw’m******* 94m 9499094* m «M«a*M» MMNIM ON %**4 «f ma : ftifnr fti 9944 m ftft* ftft** *•*••* ftiftftt flfti tft ** ft **4 tft* ftMMMfti < 9 It* *o*99 V»M ft** ** •***•** ft* * 1 Nftg •*»**p# *f ft*Mftft **N* ft* «M*fti* ******* I* * ***** *•* ‘ !***• tft* 9 > ft|Mtll** ftftftl i'N*Mftft*iMi Tft* fftft*** *HI In*** * *4* ffttlf I* Hl9l*i4*r**i9* «• ftftftP* 49 Tft* ffttftf >m* •** gNftllMß ** • ft**4 9001 **4 9900*1 ft* *4* 011 ft*i 9ft *f «#f iftH fft* til* ** 4*** **t* *tl| ft**i4* ift* ft**** •***• ***f *ft* CtMiftHM* "ft Mftft* I* «ft* **ti*ftMftMMii*i Ift ftftflitT 94 tft* I* *ft*4 ftMft** ft** ft*** tft* oM*m*4 9ft* (pwMft ft* t* f**Mkl* ft* ftt fffiftM tft*t I*. *l*ftom *#• (ft*« tft* ftKi*tft*t* M»Mt9 li 9m tft* lias* beta* 1a piaiaailoa wf lb* gaM -—’ll** T**f CMMftfvftl M 0 fIMiHII ilirfMitM ft** 1* ***t H is <4 tft* goaib Aa* ibis apply bettor lb .•* A rikgniTT Tft* H*r*l* ft** 0* rlftON* l*Mt til* %nrt m* 1 Hftfiffi o0*”f11(j fftf cnnunp I i* tft* differ at ttrftt, **** ft* ftftflft* iftftt «**ft vtrf *lll ***4 k* ftm* r*fr* • ••fltfttt** tft tft* OfV fONNflt. ftt Ift* saare tlase aay raudidatr before ,b* people who refuses to go lato s whit# pnatsry la bit warA ’shows a spirit of sui ib vs ion 10 a few polMiral trees ! and a selfish laiereat ralbrr Ibaa Ibe will of tfce people Tbe Ftedmoot Farmer, a aew agri rnluiral paper published la Rom*, com posed of all ire a pages, was entirely pottra up by tbe edHor. who wrote ev ery Has. aultrltsd all adverthwmenls aaA set every Mirk of type Mr Thomas J. Olbsua (hr editor, owner sad priat et. Is a good, all anmbd nswspaper man. ' 1 Jos, Ohl la sending oot news fr »m tfi'nrh ngton that Psnnaytvania may go lli'i i.tdlian. The I‘hilwlelpbla pa pers may retort to tbe ConMltutlon 1 bat Uertgla will g<i l>opullst-Kr|iuh,l can became there's a fight In tbe wire grass. They might do ao with equal Justice. It Is shout time that Augusta was In augurating the system of appealing to the white voters of the ward to select a councilman. And the while voters in each ward ran do this w|{hout bring ing in the negro vote to decide It tor them. IHTHKITIMO ITEMS The wasplike girl never permits much of her dress material la go to waist. Some men are truthful at all times —except when their wives ask for money. Too great a command of language sometimes lessens a woman's matri monial chances. The orange crop Is about to be har vested on iAko Superior, according to Dublgln A doctor is up against a stubborn ease when the patient comes of a long-lived family. Man was made to mourn and some men seerin to think they must put In all their time at It. In accepting the pop nomination for president Wharton. Barker merely meets troutile half way. And now the season Is at hand when papa's pocket hook should go into training for fall openings. Securing the consent of an iielress to a matrimonial alliance Is a promis ing business engagement for a young man. Gen. Miles is waiting, still waiting, for Washington to turn out and give him one of those rousing l'orto Rico receptions. We now have chainless wheels, horseless carriages, cowless milk wa gons und brainless dudes, hut, alas! no smokeless cigarettes. With the mercury down to about 40 minus, the Klondike* begins to sus , l>ei t that "there will soon lie frost around these digging." If Spain is permitted to take the lames of Columbus away front Culm we suppose site will expect the Cnlted Slates to pay ilie freight, as usual. Tile yellow visvcspapars which abus ed .McKinley for not hurrying the war are now abusing him for having "rush ed in without proper preparations." The chaplain of the Oregon is to be courtmartialed' for talking too much. Ami yet that is Just what he is paid l£or * tto “- run oH.*rftvni< AHOl'l TOWN, ft f“t- fT- ** M- ***' Inn* # **** *ft*» I* * fSftft* iuftn^l ift' ft ftpHUWi 9909490940 m 9*** I 9990'90949£ I 999* 900 fmmmm 9» +*» IN# fNt 0000 ft 0000 0 ***♦*■«• * *9O iftßHft 1 ift# ger Aftt# -* l#|ft T*«* sgfifti *# #* ’* • «f*MN** 900 904 9*l*4 I# ’ « ftlft 90* *** 90 SOOI --MOO **** |l 9* N| oft* 940 *ftft* 9ft* 199040 o*o #ft** I 000 ***** T I .iNIHMd of UMB tobi Acs tb# coiovsA Btßb. : t# bis BokAb ho* ■ j Hr |*Btii whose dAlvy slWßfv tots* *d : with H whoa old to* renirnigg sgvptt tev ptesrb. helog A privileged rbAfsr Jbsi u be ewterwd the pr*s* her •treatbed forth bbt beod la a Atoel ln-pre«»l*e Infer.ntothai of voice Bad meaner bb4 railed owl "Aad what lb upfl lb# i berefi old Jwee reply ‘ "He toy, mareter. that be ain't gwtne is let you have ao mere batter till you pay tor dal yon last got '' Th.f fi>sd up aa latprompta rifle Tange, last winter 00 tbe Hiii near the < place • here the Hon Air guevf need to sherd clay pigeon*, line day Captain A aad Col. A. sere ou' aboot- j lag. and , the Cap;am ' railed aa> h abot aa he fired. wMhout waiuag for the market- to slgaal the result j "Yon are a pretty g(*«d gureeer " said the Colonel; “wh" don't you adwb you're gnoeslng where those shots ! laud T" -I II bet you a bo* of ctgara,**. aald the Junior officer, "that 1 con call 20 shots in auerrealon.' 1 Taken." aald 1 1 the older warrior. ('apt. A fired. * Mlsa” he announced ! and a red flag from the target told i 1 that this was correct. Another shot, j “Miss." he declared. A third shot. I "M.»» again.” he said. Fourth -shot, j "Fourth miss," aald he. Another j shot. Miss again ” aang out the cap tain. “Hold on there.” put In Colonel I | .-4 ,g 'what are you trying 10 do? I j thought you were going to fire at the ; target.” s "I'm trying to win that bo* ! ar»." said Captdln A.” "Don't fire j any more." said the Colonel: they are | yours.” This happened In May when the ar my surgeons were In Augusta,exam- I ining the volunteera. A little group had just rome down From the armory, and were standing In fronts of the ( Montgomery building discussing the recent prodding and'-thumping of the I doctor. When it came to chest expansion, our frierd Tug, whoris of fine phys ique, and who also dearly loves his ; little Joke, said that he could easily ox i pand four inches. The tape v as produced, run around . his chest and wlfh a deep Inualation, i mark«>d the four inahee. “That's no thing." said Tug. "I'll bet 1 can ex pand four inches more.” A cigar was wagered, the tape again placed around hi* manly chest, and again was the four Inches recorded. "There you are." said Tug. "four inche-s more! Gimme the cheroot!” It won’t do to tell bis name, because he in one of Col. Dyer's best men and feeds the birds up at the tu'senal, as mentioned in yesterday’s MS raid, but the Ft or: 1 is too good to keep. The conductor wasn't in good humor one day last week. Some one had passed I a bad quarter' upon him and that ac counted for his starting the car he ( foie the three woqreu und a child were fairly aboard, j. One of I lie wo ; uteti was mad at being dumped with out warning into a seal; the conductor ■ saw that as lie stafted lo collect the; ; fare, but he •-> as too. "Madam," he suid as she temlei|(d her fare, "this ' child that is with yotl will have to be paid for as wefl." \ 't “I Haven’t the slightest idea of pay i ins its falC '^ rtjjr tvsof9 Zl’TF'' *1Bf“ * “ imln* mmm **• to « mm m M» 0m m* a* ifg f; ■* f mmm* *%»k 90)4*904 990 ?#<•*# 4f» ftftftl#* ¥ oft*gft{ft*ft, ® ft# 44440 90*490’'* 4*99 J I'n-y ■ •ftp## *9OOO 990+90 %*' fftftMft oft# 4ft44* 44994090 44004 ft#* 4499 m «#ftft#ftno m 4m 099044444 4ft# 990 mm 4*114 < ft,, y 9 0*099409 *+■*■* 400*940 90 •#*%* Ift#* 4ft9t*4 4999000 ift* 4m0900m 90 ft PftNMHftl 44 f S9OO oss4osoo* HCitft fHI M! 4*o 1 irii«Nrnf Tft# Ift** ftftft 9*o ft# ft*#"I*' 1 *' VMft 1 1 |ato# tqggp# fb lNa#ft.i ftg . MNkaf |«k %*** I mmni >.4 fft* ll* ft ▼#•% ilr%cM r#4* fliuftiftr l Itftftftift, fTftnrft mm 4 ti4ly t4# |g#«H <*f Cft#9* 1 inii*i*l 4»*tHftr4 flftfttlivftftU 4900 frti >f4 Ift* Vi# <4 ft fft** Ift* 0490 ftllffi## •ft#)! ft ft* ffftl <4ifF«t lift 14ft ftrftf'ft 9990* I of. #4l f*v#t*ft9*9T 049 TH#* %I# tinftlft fltri 1 ftw4l o\ipoo9 r«#ft* nr Aw f*f fft# lr<«# 9900 90 If# Iftrft *#! j t*94949*9 111 U# WftTftt. i A wWtff l#b) ft#* fti ft* * *#H* **9o t igivf ft |*4j i in iftw m**9 iflln •fi l ißlfff * ! rr* tfi If# i***u *f9 00* ft** * j lUMjffUftfr ”JH#M 9ft 9*99 lfft#ft*ft. Tft# friftl in #y t/ftl* 4ft* 9#*fi ftpo4r*l 4# 94* imfffl ts) TftfftMTt* * THr prftcft I»mi4 l» ft# )4* 4ft*4ft of ll* ft*,**, T'am full of 94# 4#rn*r *#4 4*9- 44 ii a i ion us !4# W#«f l*0(«R )*#rrlr#f# I* iww tMDim ft no# n i »ver Mir 4##4rr«l jllvre •« j are kn..wa to ha tael. It Ift I 11,mt ■<»*!• b i*9 tnif# ft#4 Had * rfttl* n |to rn#nd* i Wit * h# BtprHrd |«*t »urh nil aH44t ft* «#«rn*d !• tJ# 111- ffttftd rr*iH h flpMMMlrt*. «V 4 I,l## Ain«*H' « •ml Brtiifth tare' May ih« »«ig*l «f rea.-e touch ' your hearts i*xl*y." said Senator Frye, | of the I’i-trv fNwtimlßalosi. in a »i"* h ; oo board thy Calppanta, Just before ar- I rtvol at Queenstown. The New Ink Journal offers a re ward of tine leading to the conviction of any person putting a spurious help or situation wanted ad vertisement in Ita paper. Those ads are printed free by The Journal. Booker T. Washington believes that the new reep»mslbilltles in Cuba and Porto Rico Include an obligation to promote the education ;d negr»*ee In those Islands. In both Islands the ne groes form over half of the popula tion. i "Oh! I’ll come around all right.’’ said I ten year old Arthur Rothenheim, who | was run over by a cable car and had both legs mangled so that they had to he amputated. The brave little lad waa taken to the Preabyterlan hospital In New Yoik. The servant of Prince Bismarck who ! mud to cut his hnlr and preserved 'he locks is now irylqg to sell them, hut is having hard work, owing to the wide spread caricatures of the Prince, show ing him with only three hairs on the top of his head. There are two great drawbacks to a successful outcome of the iuvestlgn tions of the board to examine into the army scandals—first, lack of an i priatlon of money to meet the expemaW. sml. second, lack of power to compel the, attendance and testimony of wit nesses. One of the questions to rotne before the Peace Commission in Paris will he to pass on Spain’s request to remove the lames of Columbus from Havana to Madrid. But then- Is a quartet of Columbian graves, Havana, Santo Do mingo, Genoa (Italy! and Valladolid (Spain), each claiming to have the ash | es of America's discoverer. | The President is having difficulty in ! making a selection for Ambassador to I Great Britain. The great difficulty with j the Knglish mission Is to find n man, |a combination or statesman mid diplo mat, possessing sufficient wealth to j maintain ilie dignity und Ihe social ob ligations fjt the post. Senator Hoar and Representative Hitt have both 'Ten mentioned ns min ister plenipotentiary to the eotiri of Kt. .1 a mes. Who ihe lady wild plays the Com tessc de Somebody is generally the one member of the company whose Eng , rAKSaassStovar* THIS IS IT W m *fß** Nag* Idfinig FOR EARLY FALL STIFFS AND URINES ALL SHADES $3.00 Just Arrived. DORRS Tailor inf, Hjh. Turnfthirfv p. i ———-etojm illow Do Tow' Dol an Oo ) ftp* four doitftf* foil ft Ml w 4414 Mill fftft * Una# vft«tf dt f I •it) frrab 0m any to toft#* Wi a .iltargr Ml ft#* 40mm Yftft yvi C a 4*9 949994994 9999 4499940 3 r*4 fr**4 f frftfti ftooff |ft*4 r#Mtii \ Nunnally’* Candigg S Fresh twice s wsek Tbs f mast fOpWitr tsady In the city. V Nsreliwsfio** la bow. g Are You Moving? # / PsluH, HWittik Rssnsst Psiati, f V Hearth sod mas'-1 I’kists. win- } J do a| W aud puny-mi cob bs I J bad flam u». f f Smoke “Chlcos.” C t Tbs bs»t S cent, dear Ha- \ j vmnns <"lg»r m the city. r > Ainasder Drm CtipaiT > S W BROAD ET. C HOSE? TO LOAN. In any sums desired from SSOO upwards, in straight 3 and 5 years time, or on 10 years time, payable in equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fees. No delay in getting? the money. AleianMJoln Agents Scottish America Mortgage Company, 705 Broad St S PORTNBE’S S ( HOFBRAU anl S l VIENNA CABINET / / BRANDS OF f i Export \ $ Beers j £ ARE THE BEST l S AhK FOR THEM. / Why 'he villain is inevitably an ac tor with good teeth. . SEPTEMBER 2« PEARL ONION BETTS Jw»t rwr-Nttrifid. find Nr# hmi* 9440999909 W9**iy until Nov, lat of Dbrng Pafirt Onmn |sti> M»fk#t ffgrdgnyfg gfiU fto wall to ptgdff ttNfftff OCtf#r *1 CM4C#. L i Sardftlle, Oruggtst Anticcphalalginc! fJMftf 04* 0 i *#i %4. ’• Kbi •Ttort Cut** mJLtf HCADACife In Alt Mg VAVIOUt FORMS •sa.ta- -res asms av ibs fitoqumato H 9990 te fivtolkSSN fftoaqto, a c •KWva wa* —nf gs ffNsa so -v-.dbas swfi •saw so ago*** tto a aa fo** sf aaf aOTsws WF X>#4ol !• and Rfotaii by L, A Gar#*. Druffiilt. AifofUtl*. C«. Tbe Aupsta Herald Urpsl BrijlM Hi % fell Itiijajir Fillvkd n Tin Etna » --••• SjnrKKffT T*LF-T.IIAPn XEWSi TUK NKWt OP TUP NOILII WHILE IT IS N'KWS. IS T" li IHH'Rii AHEAD OP UTIIKR t;K*»H«*.l4 AND **- 00l 111 ( AKOUNA . t PAPERS. ■el TRUU. WILL CONVINCE TOJt IMI. PROF. P. M. WHITMAN, 209 7th St.. AirosU, Ga. 6IVCB EKE EYE TESTS frw all dafcct* m light, irtadt Om» pr»t»»r gUmi *m-i WAJK* m i XT'* them . Lra»<» cot nrto yoar wink yoo woiS. FREE OF CHARiiE, J2J.ITJZI iihiii k mm COAL and WOOD . FROM THE • North Augusta Coal & Supply Co Quantity and Quality tiiiarantawl. F. W. SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT Balt ’Tbuiie lUA blruwger 3U6 The f Whitely Exerciser. [ A practical, simplsand < sitiei ent Home Exerciser, one, pecially adapted for ladies sud children, bu at the same time can be profitably used by the strongest athlete. I PRICES: I 75c., *l.bO, fil.ia | BICYCLES - CL EVE- / LANDS. 140 up; YIK-/, *SS np; GEN-f DHONfi, »18np: THOM-1 AS, »60 up. <’sli and see them. Every one guar anteed. Richards & shaver 1 Paine, Murphy & Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 803 Peyoolfls Teleplioue i Stw-.n* 1 liable Litai*6 Yi irw Tixect to hew York Chicago and New Orl^ana. Order* executed over our wire* tot Cotton. Stock*, Bonds, Grain and Pro* I visions fur cosh or on margins. Local ' securities bougrht and sold. Reference® National Exchange Bank of oi kiiuuOill M fIL V Ift 1 1 \ I# • i i XU/ < I m * t \ v / \i\ /Ms [fljj TIT ' *