The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 26, 1898, Image 5

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MONDAY gs,.*a.-o* HWIH* ****** ■ |t* am tt*» * hh a a Mk, *% i mmo* ai Georgia Railroad Bank AUOtHSTA, GIONOIA inimrHtp mnh*»i t»«r%t nan #» ■ulmb upCAPWAL. • ••••• b#*- - „ P|t(!wtm> ' —* , ■— fa#fa#> It ftfafaL •*■#• f r ft t-Bitt. i * wii * **#•#• fWflftfl rSTir J2ft rftflfaft# Wflft 4 IMM * fl#f#fl • SSSSSfc. ** a**#* # ***** ****o6 & m Fum is TW T»»pi»* Putt Ow TV* Ip QMM9 fa### fl(*##*##BP l^flßp i|»| MP>-* #jft#i #faß#fc If MH| #■'« -<’’* * #4) #fti i##l fa#fl# (fta fa*# l ®®# iy faftflt lnf£ft*&9 frftftft DR. HENRY J. GODIN tYiHliKf a fta#fa flft°* ft#ai (# Wflflflflfa i **#•*- a 8» im luttmiT, IW I# § ###* ftafaltft mm 4 ft Cftfafa* •tftfaat flftflfa 1 Mfafa ## w*** ” fl ** w Wfif# «|m| h# (|o#« H #ftft BfAr If'OvH rmuft. ftpflftfafc iifan ftftft ft** • W -l Mml |n kin wm% It £»•# (ic*ti • flVflflt ftfftwf *® fa ft*rv# If* tft* ftftfaftlfl wrf* #1 • »n ! *h N' kft tjui -f ittd nMftiVftUi« #t*«! mU«f no atiftoiftt to «U«|>1») ' • Krompltfl ft*B(« Ha ia ft ffidoflf of ffirrfl rol.t'frt, lift Ift WiiTfn *ll*l Km Mtfiftl aftiMrr# snd a**m* romtem With Ilf A. To Whom it liy Concorft. f ha%* fa*fl *n tft drug iHifiwoi f• r v 9ir «, nod durtff that tim- (*•#• niiQuh< fuif'l; ftr.4 fr *n wjr |»**rl (*himffrt|iß'« «Vn«ft Uamrfay H'>* Mit*fa*'< ***** rhRO »nv «ih»r on th,. mark#! ~*W M T#rrjr. Kiktan. K* fluid by AI*E-n tri D«u« # anl *♦<! Co.. C. ft Parr of Holl Tc»w#r l>rug If lor*. NEW BOOKS Hava Ju»t Been Received at tfc* Library. fdlkiwlnu 11*1 of new l*fK»k» hava juat b**n rewivfd at tlie llbrnry : A Romance of Hummer **«•»*. l»y Winnie Dftvl* Keth • by K<*»* N<*u* hett’* * *i*>* OMWIn Kona, by I’.— Sou helte Ca rey • . u Hr . A T»il*ha**ee tfirl, by Miun<* Thompaon . .. ... h Captain Ganway. by Laura K. H*th "Mrlody by 1-auta B. Klrhard*. N,.» Cops "f Th.- Old Mam‘*elte'» Ke en*!, after the German of E- ®* Hr ‘V, l . Jam x Huwoll Ia«ell «a Maraphb al eK.uh). by Fran'l. H. T’mlerwood. Aunt Temple Ased to*. Moultrie. On.. Sept. 26, -Aunt Tempi* ’arob, eciuretl. ased I<*4, died at her hone near Kayboro. tUla county, last* .Putulay. She «■» the olde.l Inhabi tant in tte county and had lived the e ■lace Wore .be war. *Bhe waa an lde'l old n<:xre«e and waa highly regarded by white* and blacks who knew he.. The family to which she belonged in rlgsery caye has about died out and be come extinct. KKKXKKKKKKKKK £j IS IT WORTH k g ANYTHING TO YOU 50 fqtiare, honest dealines. JSJ prompt service, strict at- y*. Vj tention to your ordera X X and an *arne«t dcfiira to KJ X satisfy you, no matter at {Ja^ !c5 what cost. X 14 Add to thia cur very gj * large and complete atock X of Watches, Diamonds, jg ■ fine ar.d medium grades ■ Jewelry, Sterling Sliver w ear, Rich Cut Class, an- ” 2 aides us to offer yon in- jot BC ducementa worthy of BV KJ your attention. WV M X x We Stlweij;erl & Co., x v Jewelers. BC KXXXXXXXXXXXX tmsfcft MMLIK I ftf ftftft ft *ftft*MM ttftQMNNnf •» ss• ft #» <* ii ! mftf ift ftii tftiftfftiftft ftftft* %• i | mm .. aas4a*t«gM« •«* »l 'I iftjl m i I Mfttft f ft# IRftftftWNHPV 1 * r ftAf’ft'lft* tcaßg I I Iftft« Itfft trft ftMftfti Hftfel lfti# f f 1 «§4«# • g» > j IN 4 s #•« -a f ft# tfcftft!**# I tm gt ftMMfft ift Up# fftt# §f #**«#§ 11. iffU M, l *•** Uft ■ NtMMftH ft*#. . iftftiim Iftftft -*#ftM ,v * ? iftft *jo j ftrguft ft||l#ft ftPfllwNil iHftMMI Hft ftftftftftft* : ‘ Kb## jnftft Mftftft Ift# ftlflf ftftftft* : ift Mil W# tft# fff BftfY fwmmi || ftftilt liftfMMftiftA# ftft ftftftHMftlft Ift* 1 ®# 8 1 I ROM ST. ItCOMtii; latrrr«tl«( Mas I rmm It* tM*«** t*t» Tftr liffvN rwft rts#ft||f|ft Iw-glti* W»4#*Kf 1 Ir ,} III}, frtr ft*« hft## Bar its ill# tad '•rft*#t ft( ««unft* tftl tft* | «>| f 1 1lf*** **f lit . ll«•lfftfttft-'ftft#® * ! irftftl tiftmil ftft lb-ft Hill, ft C. Mi** Ruby H«»li4fty. • ft# mi in# #rm j ,| a in t»#n. fft* oihh of Miftft J.finir rt»r> lirpftrn V*tft*y ini A lutpft KIAU’-r IfATf WNln#ftl) t»» fttlrflft tft# ICtoft Alt«* muter rftumN) «* ! | 4 at JfcamUy «fi«-r qidb ftft ntf»i<N and |d#ftftn«it trip I# h-r »ftft#r. Mm A. K willtft, of ArhliHMb. n» Mtrft»m Will I#* XtNifyr and R#mft#rt i>»n y left M *«4ftjr to ftUeiul Hr### ’ i '• > i )•'#*’ ■ t«t}y OiArlmtftfi. ft*# • ume ftp to ftt- | t#nd Ift* romp meetuif. s plitolf, Bauble Barrel dnnß - Plitni*. lUt t tiiftlfn A Rl« liar Oft**# Brand n*w I l»t> In. 12.S*. Hariinm°i> ft Kl« h«fd*oii -*m f*m| hand pfalal*. II W. Am#*rb ar> ftauftl# artloft platnl. fl to. Oultar, Man doltn and Banja ftlrlnaa. 2 for I rant# at L*. J. Hrbaul. Vtellftftlft fitnbrokfr. LILLIAN FOND OF POKER. feruglnl Swears That II Spelled HI. Married Life. New York. Kept 2< - The taking of leatlmony In the dlvim-e suit of John t'hatlerton. known on the atuge »■ Ke aur fVruglnl. against l.llllan Kiiss. 11, which waa to have been resumed to j day before Master In Chancery Wash lington B. Willlama in Jersey City.waa |,<»tp< ned hi the request of the defen dant’s counael. An a<-trc*g who declined to have her name mentnmed. said she received a ih-tt-r from Mlaa Ituaaell last week. In which Dilllan |»*lllvely declared she would not oppose JVrugini> suit. J.ll tlan wrote: “I am well out of a silly marriage If he get* hia divorce, and I hope he will. So far a* he la concerned. I have not the slightest regard or reaped for him. j He la only a tushy, without the Ideas jor feelings of a man. Boor dear, his | friends ought to hire a nurse for him or make a salvation army hallelujah captain out of him.’’ I Matter In Chancery Williams said If no mirre testimony la put In and no de fence offered he will recommend a de cree for the plaintiff. Morning «nd Evening. The Jersey City Journal says that the course of the whole ear hua shown clearly what rhe general public were beginning to appreciate, and that Is,the value of the evening papeia as purvey ors of news in comparison with their morning contemporaries. Hardly an important incident of the war but found Us way to the public first morning news, despite the fact that morning news, despit ethe fact that It was rewritten, sometimes under the guise of special dltqiatches, haa con tained little of fresh Interest from that of the night before. Since the after noon papers have had money an I thought expended on them, they have shown by their success that the read ing public finds more Interest In the news In the evening, and more oppor tunity to reatj, than does the morning reader. Before purchasing a pistol or gun. rail on me. f can stiva you money. How ls J. Bchaul, Pawnbroker on Jackson established 1890. "I'm afraid that if you marry my daughter she'll learn to rorgel me.’ •If you feel that way. you mlghl let her see your name on a check about once a month.” Fimsiiand freshest table butter al ways onriiand at Lumkln & Co.’s. Ternbla Head aches... Ti l Mi AUOUfITA PRIM6RT IN THE FIRST * - YMI IN# Ha* feet IV*M Y{rM I Mft | •**#• ftMftftNl IMftM* ft fbM# iftM >i t» #N*ftJM| ♦■•ft*#®®## ft##* lft**wft!!#i#®l#| ■ I 4fMfr* #■» ft*# ft#*# ftftftMft* I *ftftM(p*### Im • ftNMlft §##*>% Ml Ift# ] I fN##i # im t-iMi ftMftftfti* 1 * •*#%*#• I oftN Ift* #ftM# Mil *##t#ftftftft* ft®# [ n iniffinn • a * J| Bft «*##■* I s # Tft# f «ftMI Iwftii *0 (ft# ftftMftftft#®#* #* K# ft# [ M##®#*# P®# #ft*ft#*”‘* T* ®ft# twm SS**- fftNMI ftNftjHl ftft# •ft###' 1 * ft#®*#®# l # . ftßtMftMMlft ft#M* ##* Vi#* 4na*#m#i 11* Im®«Ml# ftft #• *#*M* i Am*** lft(* ##•* ##• Win ft# fmfftftpl # 11#* I# ift# i#Miftft M# *#pm# •*•# i# *ii ii>* ftf t ft if!—4 Mart Ml. # a» 4 Mt t 0 Pmaa Mil «M#f ftm [ fa#* tftf pHtfttt» CNLV WILUMI *WiN WANTED. AKmI Hue* ' .hsHtMt NAM He larliiri 'Tul I Mile* hM serif r I Ik* ■* • that tfesfu Ilia k* a fur kae reiartlsu lof the laiaai-rt .;aiy He arouM I wii .tut* ike easel eMuker es I Hull Ike pkui <*lk Mr Ike di.dalewl j~t im ib«a forty ikvuaeed mi I n>r fatther*hm of Ik* win ! ie*r imr will give Ik* war depart weal Iks nsrk dMrtrwd < ksur* to wsed | o«| trims that are a hindrance IS pst | fan argßhkwi n*. Htgk away <•* : * a_ in '||(if t.j ihe t**4wrium I The. «■•• Iks at sn to mar ala on v lattos of Ike Ansricaa a>Ni*r w ikai n hen called apoa lo do garrlsoa and j. amp daty iksra *rW k* •» morr rmm i pialai. ! nr hah Br.rrN rcu-r *«•«>•'• 'eg that Kly a lYwam Halm tm a aperlAr fnr Nam! Catarrh and INdd la the Head ThW aw»ff< rloa haa keen a< ht-*- ed maly ike rasult of roailnaed «*c jreasfal urn A morbid ..mdltUm of 'be 10. cured I hi. purify In* nod henlln. r rent men t Hold by drunrtsr* nr It will Ihe mailed f«W SO lent, by Ely Hsvnhera I*4 Warren street. New York ll spreads (over the memherane. la absorbed and r «.tN*f In Imma dkitr • IN LOVE WITH A CONVICT. s«» .paper H omaa tommlU Sul*, da a« Columkua, O. | Columbus. Ofclo. Keiit. J*. Hr» Ks- I f|e Kankin Boar era. a uew»pa|>er arrl- I isr. dtrsl at 81- Kraacis hospital y»s- I rerds” afternoon, an a teaull of an | overdone or niorplilna. taken with eul- I rldal Intent. Bhe i"**k <•>* '• n, d in the afternooo and was found by her husband this morning A note left by ! her discloses the fad that she was In . love with Francis Emerson, the c<*>- I vlcr who hid In a boa a few day* apt and was conveyed out of the prison on |;i drav. but was afterwards captured, j Mr*. Bowers said that Emerson was I her former husband. Her first j newspaper work was In Chicago tinder j storey She had recently purchased The Democratic Call and had lost money OABTOnZA. Bmwth. rr A Pitiful Case. A pitiful case was seen at police (na tion Saturday ulght. It was that of a blind negro boy who had bftftQ found wandering about the streets and had been brought to the station for safe keeping. He was placed In a cell, but the door was left open. “Why don’t yon lock the door?" as*e<i an officer of the one who put the unfortunate fellow In the i.ell. * . “What! Lock th* door on « mind man? What's tbe need?" replied the other. Smith * Wesson pistols from IS to 1* 50 Several good bb yclea for sale very ch-ap. Good watches front *1 25 (o ISO 00 *t Lewis J. Kchaul, RellaOle Pawnbroker, under the Arlington. The many friend* of the two voting (idles referred to will be interested .n the tollowlBg: Miss Ir.a Glenn leavrs today for New York city, where she will Join Mrs. J. K. Ohl (Maud An drews/ and they will sail for Europe next week. Their visit will be one pro fess!, na! as well as lof pleasure, since Mrs. Ohl will pursue her literary work uti l Miss Glenn her studies In art. Mrs. Ohl will* contribute to the magazu e field and her articles will be Illustrated by Alist Glenn. Their success is as an red, since both are wonderfully Ori ented In (bell special lines. The «.rip will lust ftr seme months and both la dles, uie wished by their numerous f: lends in all parts a delightful visit to foreign shores and “bon voyage." I.amkin A Co., Plain and Fancy Gro cers. 712 Broad Street. New goods. New stole. Low prices. KfaßlK* Of UKUEf, I— Lli 'l 7l I -Mill ll ! !•«• ft### ftftlftft**## ftAlft®®## *###. 1 • I #*®®#» * ft### 1 ftftft# ft%#%#A# t «#ft#Mßft ft#' | ‘ #ftft ft# ftmft t## ftm# t *#'K#j (•#*»• t'lpMin# !••*•»« t ### #» mm i ' Mm# *» *mm ftft# Imbm* • mmmm* ft* I Kft# #MR*fti# i . ft**# • fa##®## &***+ (*« -Mist . #fa* | 7 ##ftft#*«ft #*®ft fa# ftftvft 4M*ft (tfaftfa p#fa fa #MMft*|i% faftkfaM##* *#ft #ft ift# ftfafafa* \ ftSftfa ftfal fa®*#* I ftfal iMft®# *<m-* ■#■* *# #* *fa # faRMHHH# * ‘ , % fawfaftnp I wfafaMMfa® I ftM# • •###* ft##i 1 *#|49 h##® ♦'"•»• wf •“ * # Nk' H MV * * Bfa# #**## fa#*#fa*#lP * f tnrt : (ft#* ft##### ffafaMfa** ®| I lfa*® ®ft> • | •##**# ft# . ®M#fa» * y«® •# Hbm I ft### *•# . i»ijifi I ft## rnrnmmmmmm. ##fa*w# : : 9 V#-I Him* fc#(i#'wf BMfaMMMNfa > (Hfal 1 fa# ®#* I ####• fa# •'•lft •**#*#• ®fa» ; j | #*Mfa fa# li# ft*#* • ft** Ift®*# faV ft#®#® j mmrn be*t W fkw* I *«aU km* as Iftfafafft I ••* #M*#ft#rt#ft t ftfal fa j I *»# m* 99mm t ~4 hm# ft# ##« Iftfaf j (iifafii##4 ##4 •*#! Ift»## ft#*#* j ; •#*# m #•#•«*#* Iftaifts ##4 r ## ®#v II M* *#lft#HM V #**#ft I ft*® fa# I#fail I I I j#llft )»#*# ||«#ft fa# |f ift ft|*ft> 1 ' | M > aasluKM kaJ Ml k*lps4 as* L after tmirii i n year*. 1.1. 11l Aa lakasaa Baa lake* RhIIMIm IwilWn j CVfafl*# I###. #■ |*l Jf "-'A fat«M «* m»u*l mm vtil I* fal«#tM#fa# r«ar fa , f«#Notfa Km *<#** la |fa#i fa lift# IfttV. Tl»ww* fmmtm fat I IN* ftl*l*®»* i*tm* mi tTftantr* Vft*M#fa A <V •mm | IkfuftlM# fat# •**! HllftMNl fa ftHtM# f# j fa*# •••ft. '4ft#r If** g#a#ft* I# Ift** I .— r . .j>j # fli# fttuHrr #•• mmmi If# tKf l**ft of §ri #r>m, •aft IK i tllfat ••§ It Ift ftt Ift* ftawt *h %t*#tlfMf ■ ftm#. I Mr tfakl* fa. tft# ft*#J fa fft* Im, | t#»t ft* ft*ft MT#tt#rt It fa ft m*mt r*> i#«tft#fti* nmmnmmf A mmm h.» II h«*ft *•• «Y»fr»mltl*ft ftft® «*Afa t* •** |Mr ifalft# Ist |*lT*i*h. H* *** •ftovn ift* uflkr «itft »l .*»«* btf*n • it#* |f#falavt H# hiiid that H* aimmittrt IM I tllfat Mltft dlm»r#M-d fa tft* f«fa». |#fa* !it in# to tft* •m.ttnl fa «ft*lr %#lt»* H* |tt«ft r-ofit* to mall* f*f#rmtkm i*d n# i *«J l«» mv far III# fifaf With fat#r#*t {••ft (It upFMFV •#) tr##»4# ftt*- ! »4)'s»-<] Mr. BiMvl* r#fivi*d Ith* iiniiii') aeft five a rnrlpt. At ftrat tft* Ufa# ft#c>tl>fa to fti ** k** |#y«m*. I»ut finally r*v**l#ft hi* tftotitlty. IHe hand-l Mr Baldwin Hl* rnrd un- Ider the assurance that hi* Identll) I would never he revealeSl. VYfta th* man t* Mr. lialft#in and the tdan himself •.«!> know, but It Is kn<'trn that the <«w - time Iklef • and [ rubber Is non In tmstnea*. Is tovwprrnus lard has a wife ami children I The man eanlalned to Mi. Baldwin thai hr commit tad ike rubbery when idle, outaged and wllhout work It was !his only crime He secured work mnm after ami ha* never since bad the temptation so strongly plwed Itef.tre ihlm to do wrong He an id he had long wanted to tdslte the matter right, but had Inched the courage. The stranger was well dreneed, of fine personal appenranoe and seemed to have plenty of money. Remarkable Rescue. Mrs. Michael ("urtaln. Plainfield. 111., makes the statement that she caught cold which settled on her lung* Khe was treated for a month by her family physician, but grew worse. He laid her that she was a hopelsss victim of con sumption and that no medicine could cure her. Her druggist suggested Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion; She iH.ught a bottle, and to her delight found heraelf benefitted from the first dose Hhe continued Ha use. and after taking six bottles, found herself sound and well; new doe* her own housework, and Is a* well as she ever was.-Trial bottles 10c of thl* Great IMscovery «t Howard Ik Wlllet's I >rmr rttore. Large bottles jO cents and 1 11,00. WM. SCHWEIUERT RETURNS. Haa Purchaaed the Finest Stock of Goods Kver Seen Here. Mr. William Schwelgert has Just re turned from New York, where he pur chased the largest and handsomest line of goods be htu*ever had. The manner In which his store haa tteen beautified has a l true ted wide attPlitlon. Ml Schw.dg.rt haa deterntUied that ihe n ,. w stock should t>" In kce(,iug with ihe stoic and Ms line of jewelry, silver wkir. and novellles will be simply mag nificent. An Invitation. on page 2 of this Issue appears an Invitation to musicians to test the ex cellence of the new scale Kverett piano. We have seen the style 21, especially mentioned, ami ste hound to admit our estimate of Its tone, quality, action nod beauty of ease are at the top notch. Only a few times before have we seen pianos of any make that compare Mt oil favorably with this magnificent instrument. Messrs. ThoniUft tb Burton are anxious to have this plahli tested ujtd criticized by musician* and cordially invite them jp, can at their t tvarerowris, 710 Broad way. CAO T O IIX A. Bears the R STRUGGLE FOR LIBERir tftftfftfl I ) Ifftl fert##Hl ftt Wit I iftl Hi® fnmm tft# lift a® PftaHt ##a*#faft«M I# ftftft* ’ ft#lft (ft# ft#ft#a iff ill T iji “fa rnmm fa# M« a 91 ] i fa mll #ai #4fa i* .* -•-’*##■»'» (ftf-1 ##•§ M* t##ft iB ##*# *■***"at* l ®*#i •*** | !«#»«* ##• •##••# ta# <#lVftfaft *IM | - a|dH mm os*f|» IlMhl fa *N#ftW| l<* as* mmm lo lvti( iin l##i< t# Roftfaft tft# «!*•%#. ) A MArtfafa farfartH. fa *ftl* ll Hr j Jfafti (Nfvi, fa l*ftll#ft#lpftfa *M I My aftfa •** all*#*# Vfaft#*- *#• •##» lUllrv# *»* tla «*»> *r*al jh«) *»<• 1* I iwunmvi -niftit I (i#lln*#l tfatr t# for hkmw O'rilr lias and rwkkrd Ifft* (V*T# fa ftAfaft*# NO a## I «ti' ui*l rail fa ir? f ft**tit only fa **»»• I ,srr fatfl* •! Klawarft A Will** •. ”SITHJI! A COW* i sad U Now Locked lip Behind the Bara. 18am Frbr colored divided lo replen ish his sl-noot empty pocketlamk and thought the boot means of doing Ih's was lo take somebody * property nt.d sell It. A cow belonging to a Cov-n --hia county farmer chanced to tie in ike path of Irby end It waa compelled la follow Mi Ms wake B> b l,m»t*on. at Rae'a rrcefc. liked fht t<wiks of tbe cow and decid- l te buy 11. Now. the owner of the aa'tnal also wished It and found where me |nircfta*#f «m. A* a r» f»iM Irby la now lorkrtl »•♦ hin ! the Kara charged with cattle steo log. IN TROLIBLIi. Gardner Hampton In the Tolls of the Law George Gr««, colored, tbe well known one-legged cow herder la lie* main wltncas sgalust Gardner Hamp ton, colored, for Ukiug clothes that c:d not belong lo him. George has a room adjoining a black smith shop. Gardner went Into Gte room and walking la took a pair of Pauls. He was found with the clothcn <m and will lie In Jail till he answer* to tbe charge. Moody’s Way. At the Bibb- conference in East Northfleld, Mass.. Mr. Moody was asked: “Would you advertise the topic on which you expected to preach on Sunday?" The noted evangelist re plied: “This Is tbe age of advertise ment and you have to watch your chance. Now, 1 don't like to give out a subject. I would rather take them by surprise, but if 1 see 1 am losing, and I want to catch my audience, then T iK-gln to posh, begin to advertise." It Is the same way In business: you must catch the audience. After that the hold ing of It is all a matter of giving H what It wants. THE BRIGHTEST AND BEST. "Boys! Boys! Why arc you throwing stones at that little fellow ” 'Cause he lakes medicine for 3 cents and the rest of us kids is stand in’ out for 10 cents!" v The Optimist.—'Hie best feature of the war the shortness of its duration. The Pesslmlat —And the worst feature the durance of its short ration. Spencer—The latest challenger ought to remember one thing. Ferguson—What is that—the Maine? Spencer—No, that there Is many a slip ’twixt the cup and the Lip-toil. Small Boy—Papa, what is the past tense of do? Papa (absently)—Overdue. Mabel—Tom says he’ll marry me or die. Badla —Graifous! What an alterative! The wind that moans In surly glee Across the leaguesjof rolling brine Has only sweetest melody To whisper In the dreaming pine. It. K. MUNKITTRICH. JUjJQE U 8 BY OUR WINDOWS •000 |Mia WtftlPf PKatNH" LadlNf CofdflYHß PffWCh Calf InAm* dh! V# Khl Mh/mJ Wall fa# Uii tmmmm ll*# •mi OomwH SO ami to Odorm OUR PRICE $3.39. A law momanti to •mmino the r#i marita of thta tala win pfova * rich investment of your ttmo. Mulherin’s 846 Broad. Am IH* !Tlt | piH tafa #Wflft. I Mni®> ####«ft fa % aft tint •«# fa nU# #ft#i (ft## aat#M j|| y rmtmm at# fl#u# ftlf ft*#ft lla# ftalrt 1 fa fat faaii* a## it#, y a ?a ft** tfat# #•** ; Alfa ftifai •( ftft* n«ft ift#f#*a fa. COAL & WOOD| THE BEST COAL & WOOD KAMOt'K CAHDI.C CHAlr—Alan MM grants jIMIIIM ITK, WMr aad 81 T. wood PINE. BLICKJICK. OIK AND HICKORY —WOOD ff-l rkta aa Low aa Um Uwwt. R. J. RUSSELL. 1J26 Walker Street. OUR BEAUTY SHOW AT BLIOH'S CRYSTAL PALACE BLIGH’S CRYSTAL PALACE 809BroadStreet. :— ■ jfa— | | V 1v V ) doors, sash and blinds, ) \ v —Rough and Dressed —>. 7 > YELLOW PINE LUMBER < S AND MILL WORK W|J DESCRIPTION. n ) Kaciorv and Kaw Mill cqulppad with latest Improvements, and organl**- t V tion tboroujb In every department. Full line in stock, *ud prompt ship- J J nicntr useured. Prices, t’alulogues, sic., upon Application. V /Perkins MBBGfactunng^Comjpany.^Aßl^ta i ' -■ Coal, Wood and Cedar Posts Blackjack Wood Sawed .... §£d Good Dry Pine U™ r A Good Dry Pine, long, . • .$2.7$ per Cord Special prices on thpee Cords or more. . . , Best grade Jellico and Hard Coal, including the celebrated Indian A'iountain, at lowest prices- R. H. SIKES, 904 Marbury Street. «mn,-n».w ■ n “’ MU •KPTCMOia i#a «| , I . fM*w. 1 (ftafa #ift ttia#* at# ft«## a#ata I **aaa#ft tap* ifaf jaft* ivfivli} { fftftfa Kart ft #H 4##a I ts §• tft* tfaft fa ••( •# •*• 1 ft*atkt#tai Mia» Ihfafftta • t*a. I Aa*vft#H Iftat tftr t v *®l fa •#*• I U#l I ft* If h«at-#t fa ft*®fa* «a#a MMHTfa ! Kit*# 9l****aH ftlftat «afta* ftN i#al; I jflfala Ilia ftora* aaft ftfaa fl (*ft*fa; I New* front tka New EmUml vat*. 1 Hawwll yrayle Ml WMk < t»s*r I Wka> fk* riak will * k*at **wr; ’ Kvrrr p<w> makes • pi*l* ! (hhm| faft I i#M# af# Im** again Ma.kiaatoa Rttf. * TVa> her - Matt, wd • a wins* with Mary ravetai thotMtkl )~Tk* . tVJWN T< «PIOH. la sew running, tost e! our priaa beaull.a art Ash gom* aog Ola car ana On* MilglM a* wall attempt t* p*aa« tbe rainbow, aa l* dear riba all IM good qualities The way they are a*A log la s caution t* tkoaa who IrtsaA purrhasa «ben thay tan be bad fa* "gat lng com* arvmalUna." Better pur chase whew thay can be had far such law price* ** w* ar* olTartng th«m. Aa for glasanarc, rrockery, lampa, he , time and tnngunga fnli un to tau of the wonders that w* anil Don't for ot that our aero price* wtU keep you coal. Rrnmbn th* plneo