The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 26, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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6 MONDAY COAL- COAL-COAL mum £»%1 1 am* iff tam im ■• m ffe* m pNwdl JNiMneim ►«rr GKAOIi Of |liu« G#m |#***#p OO A. I * Aaiih. <• Pff *>mi Nwl wr >iWi| lb# 9%mm 499 • jMk » • 00mmrn CITY ICE COMPANY. 41 «yt *t * t» tpm (t» < M 4 *«■«< -hmtpmm Mm? mm*** m*t mmm Whom *“?***# ** ** ■; £**### fMrtfef* -i# 9# #■ W *MI M* ■HU m a#.. ■***» ®* |*#M< mu-ft® Aim cm'MPnf mm^i *#* fMiNiMRPp. >#*•* m#m Wot* »a* *■**•» *»***» I'll ft ll "* i# |MP9 tMNI #* «« «# «.* , Po* msrn if is. .i# ##»t • *•**. 000$*** inannA * *•* ■ Mt -*.J*** -1 • mwa mm MiMMi ** ***** flfeAMl MIINM >** **♦* ***** Swu * - # - '*« »' «* J* BMKjfMMMm i* ** ** J? |%i< Hi m s§wm *• »• #* «* *• »pp * H#%« .***»# . . j# *» >* •hr A# ***** - * ** m ||| i #9l*.'% #AMM Haiti AtH 'tM|f # * tw *?* !§*#** ** ** j m »•••• **** mm ,* *••*. * J •***—♦ ****«•'■* , *** u * - 2 , C*%#ii»|i • *■***#• ••Ml *-#• » fct** #| ta#***# ?■■**■** !• *?*_ _ !«• !#*«.-% •#s<#* • M** l # *#%•* lw ■SM wm& om*m Mvm H• | !—»<■ f*A »?«<»§ * •* • INm tt (MM* AH mm. IMA IP 1 i «# *|>' f A ft s'■ b**+**k «•• » c» * v# *«• •f ft? |• «a <•#••*-. II W , faPt 4m# * f $ ??, ||H«# jftrmrif* «**»» H H 9# fw 4 *? • §| «?, o*o Iww; A*i<fc «f ff I* |%** X fU'H iflM |K-«» ##V‘H MB* H* <•# flubinff \ » ik »iwmi %* .* i f* im • * Ai><m .* pmrn * »■ <• ** ■• * *** Or*•>>*'«it.« M H H M .. .• .. * >-* j..t m r Ku>t Ml* tmntnt . 11# |MW V* (IM ■ Ntr. ttC.. .. ll* trotii mi»v Orl rail W >4* •• Ctottr*!*: «»«•«** .*» *■ # m.iurniifn. MUi i Übii WMM **• •»• #*• #IO4AN rr«lt M IN *»•■••. ** »"«►" .. « • *•* (rygu of i|m Uni. M H*Ul .. .» * H CbM. 1-4 UhOm .. .. .. .* *• «» J • * mm. * *•* » ..JO. Ml** M.. .«. .1 .. .. w >*t rtm st« #"-» « M ..•m »*. KU* t4H a •#»«!»* ..»»-• i nr p> K)nf hA A mUM .. **■ * l«r*4«l> * Jr P KUi*. ■» ••*!» O'**#* *• ..**•• fno r Kins. *• m 0 mm Ulta4 .. .. *♦ ** * *'* a»o. v !£•*»«. » m. ■* rnm Utewl . .. •• •■. •' *• T J tma. r • Kin* » ll>»A W.»rt«»T .. * l-« POINT* Airtna Aini«*«i •*■•*.. .« •• • I*4 Mortimx k •hlrllMA • * *■* «TwrVr (Wt 0n» *«*»•• 4*«4» * I-* Wn*hlr'*l<>n OH* (MMt) •• >••••*' Aii*«'n (hull - ■« •» •* •<* " 4 *" 4 irniiM*'* »•* vmmtm .. «• * Coal** •**•>■ cot***, pm • »* 4 ‘ ARi*rli*ti I*4l** b**. 41*41 •• ». 4 4** Rtlrr IN* I*o*4 l 41**1 •• •• •« 4 4' Alnn !' •!' I»4I«* M«K**. »**•» •• •• 4 }* 4 |bl<nuli<*i*l fal*rk* 44*44 4 AlUn'4 rnrllMli 44*44 4 *-’ Alin'* 1*»4»n44 41*44 . • 4 *’* lsdU ~~ IndU blu* 44*44 •• •• 4 EUn*l»nl * 44*41 4 *-* Oarnvr'* 14.KA11 44*44 .• .. .. .* 4 1-1 Uarlh* Wa»b*i»to« 54*44 4 l- 4 Hop*- 44*41 .. .. * J** Ck*>«r tub*. 4**4* •• .. * * 14 TICKS. AmMhMI A C A *• **• A tiw»N> »K a •* »• Amoakna* C .. •• •» *• •• * *' 4 ri-Air» HOMSiruKi. CHy Mill* * *"* Four y*rd. *<»«l l **'k 4 J-4 Lodi »hlrlliMl* 4*»44 •• •••». •« •• * *‘ 4 l.odl dron* %lyl*4 l#»40 ~ .. m 1 1-4 HI. CUIr draw alyl** .. .. •• •• 4 C< ran •• •••• * *’ 4 Martha WtlMoiMt faa'Uk >< •< I 3-4 Mi.'CCilniiruua hraad*. M*ht lMrttn 4 yard* plain 3 1 * Tkormilki J 3-4 Hrrculr* •* *• * l" 4 fNr kw, l * , Cre*<'< nt ; I*#Hiiiiii. 32 bal 111 bn* 14 j>*. O. 1.. 34 halMi io bo* 14 E. O. P.. 3b t>aU* In lb 17 1-1 Mutnogi-e B 3 1-3 27 lm h I 1-1 yd. plaid*, boat make -4 Blmiwon silk flnlnh foulard* 44x 44 4 I' 4 Paiifle mourning* 44*64 6 China nilk* 64*64 4 1-4 Middleford 6 Ruokport 1 1-3 Sneer 64x44 3 3-4 Concord. 64x40 3 1-4 Uome 66xti) •• 3 1-4 Edward* 3 1-1 Keystone 3 1-2 Fifth Avenue 3 1-4 KKAHSEY'S. Heavy Columbia, heavy Kearsey s 1-4 Kincaid ami other* 9 1-4 LIME. CEMENT AND PLASTER. Lime .. .. 70.485 Itosendale cement 31.45 Portland cement 32.75 to 5.25 Louisville cement In paper Hack* .3100 Plaster In bbl* 11.75 HARDWARE. Wejl bucket*, per (ins Jbi.oo Paftited buckets, per do* 31.10 2 H B B cedar pail- , per do* .. .. 31.75 3 H B B cedar pall*, per do* .. .. 52.00 Tub* painted, per nest 51.75 Rope, Manila, per pound 9 1-2 Rope, Sisal, per pound 7e Rope, cotton, per pound .. .. lOcaltc Nails, wire base Nails, rut .. •• »V • base Shovels. A me*, per du* .. .. SllaUl. >u Shovels, diamond, per do* .. .. 37.00 Shovel*, riveted back, per dt>*. $4 75 Plow blades 3 1-2 base **# .** wgpm $m *rn . «f * H H 9sm*m mu «•«•#• ** m niiff #mmmi f«• #«4# ~ m m m # m m I mmmmp** *>#**# §#§> i# ## »* mt «%*#*# ##m» *ms pm- mmm ** #•» “pt pm p/mm .i If HA ft I pk m IMmi ft® i pm pt***m #*** ■ min «nml pm m § •»« .3. HmHnh mmhim pm m§ $» »• #••«* f* ft j A#w MmhMRNi plft I §#*• #r# *# m n ff AMM fIMMfMMb (#• Mk pm MHHI e* ™ i #%• ppmptm,: &* a pm ##• * it Ptm* oppPm #• * * mm Hi * w pmm n A tw « 1 At, I M o% a tm * *&**p>9pm>* 9HP-P0 •** mmmAk trnmmlb mi ft#- Mt* Ptmtmpv 5 mm a Miif A n A A MAM «. %m Ma I A##M*AM t* MmA „ „ •« HM «*» I A #>#•*• I If# (AH v * •# M tA *** I a*»«*•«* 11 »art .* .in «m tA ... t AI-NM»t# #• tali tm mm mm mm til mmm | A*Kant# tA. tfav „ M a. a, ||* I Ai««a»« r # tar* „ * •• •• «. tai I Mkmw t# c«Awtiw t t*r« tar* .4 in ... M*"4» • l‘fl tm .m rnm mm .. Nl I M**mrn f#. t*M .. H .. M.. « ItA ... I •< .4#mt4# r# C# . .. a. a. « aa. < A«rN#««4l r«, tm mmmm» mm K •••I tAtt.m*At> adata Or#fftl It H. A HU CM » #•.!»« Iff. ... UNf|M It. H A lA| N ra H 4 ». CUtMW. C.iWMa . Aa mat. tat ra. IM» W CtirMi*. CslaaMa m Aa lima M T* mi 11l Aaau*;a Me II K . Fa. IR4 ... M CUB Baakla# Ca. dial ml r-u.i MM 9f 94 i .netk*re Hallway U IIM , M M , IVntral *9 (UaraM Hallway. IM ■ onaol atari. «*• IM .... * »t C at a. lai pref In XI * Cwtnl of lUorgla Hallaray, Id pref lae.imea. IW M 14 C. of O IM pref la.. 1»« .. .. t 4 <i. a m r., I*4 m ra. im4 i«4 t« gnsik Ow>r(l* aad Florida. 34 r», 1*»» I 4» p.ulh rb-orgia ml Florida id ra i*»a .. i«t Omi Mtaaiklt Oa., lal I'a . id ra t«M «* 4 ... rACTORT BONM. Rnlerprli Mfg Ce. t 1.4 4'a 1»« >•* ••• Sibley Mfg Oa. IM Fa IMS . I** siidey Mfg C«v im ra. uai . laa lia R K. a H. Co Mark .. IM IM BoUtii Wealetß K. K. slock .. M IM Augusia 4 Msvannah Mmk . M IM URAI.V AND PROVISIONS. , Oats, white, sacked .. .. .. .. .. 3S i tat*, mlsed. sacked .. 34 Cora, while, sacked M Corn. ml*ed d Meal, bolted, per bushel 47S Flour, common ~ .. .. .. .. I.H Flour, fancy e*tre I 71 i Flour, second patent 4.00 Flour, standard patent 4.M j Flour, fancy patent .. 4.T5 I Wheat bran, 100-lb sacks *# I Fine feed, 100-lb sack* *0 Hay—rmtlv*. per ton 1* ** I Hsy-Timothy, per ton 13.00 ! Hay—choice, per ton 14.00 Hamo—cholrr sugar cured .. .. lOalltk Smoked rib wide* 6 I Dry »alt rib* •••• * Ijud. pure leaf. In tleree* 6% I |Jird. kettle, rendered In tleree*. 0 1-4 Sugar, granulated 9% Bees in Her Bedroom. In Missouri, a young woman, who Intends lo raise bees for a living be gan with a single hive last summer. During the v-lnter she removed l< lo 'the house slid, as her rurally dld nyt 'care ft>r the Society of bees, she estnh- IlshigJ them In her toolroom. She says they Ate quiet, orderly, gentle tum panlams, and that they all *Bme to her hand u« tamely as so many doves.— Kansas City Star. Mr. .Tames K. Fersel. of Burnt House. W. Va., has discarded all other | dlarrhoe medicines and notv handles 'only Chamlmrluln'a Colic, Cholera and 'Diarrhoea Remedy. He has used it In I his family and sold It to his customers 1 for years, and has no hesitation in saying thnt It Is the best remedy for colic and diarrhoea, he has ever known. It not only gives relief, but efforts a permanent cure. It is also pleasant and safe to take, making it an Ideal remedy for tiowel complaints. For sale by Al exandei Drug A- Seed Co.. Parr of Bell Tower Drug Store. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. the BEST SALVE In the world for Cuts, Bruise a. Sores. Ulcers, Salt iltheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chnrped Hands. Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions and positively cures Pile*, [or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give'perfect satisfaction or money re- I funded. Price 25 cents per box. FOR SALE BY HOWARD & WILLET. I in a newly patented variable driv ing gear for bicycles two sprocket wheels of different diameter are mounted on the crank shaft to drive chains on both stiles of the rear wheel, a clutch matinsril»m automatically en gaging .tine wheel .as it releases the other. THE AUOUBTA HEItALD | H# JL %«* wi.nA—M ■**>* A mbMrnmm i m ft A inti J—t MM AMAAAiMMM* A •—MtvA i % 9m>% mmai mmAlf -a** tm • •It •’•til - M- - MontMi I l#l A | r£ nSL -*• *> 1 v mtdpm —M Ml A (pew— Ap— tv mi*** im »—*ti p#tt**** !#*• * *iiNf AAMI M*M— IMiMAIIiM m- 11 |i#Ami* —rtfft mm t—mm —*mA iff*am m«4 tri iM^tt A* a rwl» tha tamfo a <#• *«m 4o «•» *l4*4' M«s*4 ido.Mlr I>#ONO I ataow ohm ' IMW m gFlm a Man leads a cal -a*4-4><* Ilia ai ksi> there la omeea any 4«*at»’» to hell which la whl h Tha MOaMapa#hag» aad Wafortaita of t Hie war aiw ant doing an ft hi ag In the Irani, aidl vlrt llae Theta wasn't an oowrh pnlßkr* In *h» war. hat whal there was aowe .»<tlt gund dghttwg in It, ion. Chicago aakwn-keeper* a*e aow he lag cprrated hy hold tip artieta. aad knew bow H la thaonaelraa. If vmh were «nt laded net are'* handwork there would he fewer toilet prepare* *<.na on tha rnrhet No Bran waa sear defeated for n#ee hy aa anonymous letter unless ha happened to be tha writer of It Whea a young man ta aowlag hta wild oal* he always hopes that m»e --; htng will happen to destroy tha i rop II Is said that a burned child J.-wnd* iba Bra. Probably thnl'a why a nealr n nrrled man tries to at #4 hi* old I?M M*** 1 Joaiah H IJndaay. a New Vorh plumber. *»a gone Into hankrupiev f’r 1378,000. Just to ah»p lbs lawk In hta buatneaa. In order to be aafr Mr MeKlnl«y atinuld sign a few sectelnrira of state and play them oa the bench for art imrtgency. Tfera la nothing pathetic Hi a po litical campaign, and yet there I* * more or lean "touching” aspect of the matter, too. The .nan who was mean enough lo want Joe Wheeler's aeat la congress has repented and been sentenced to two >eoni In Alabama. Mark Hanna keep* right on produc ing gold In the Klondike, boosi ng wages and raising prices. JuM to apito th» Demoerata, of course. Before we get around lo discussing the location of the Schaumberg line again let us ascertain If England is wld us on the Turkey question. What Is Your Purpose? Whither wilt thou go?—C.enesia, xvl., 8. 1 suppuge that If I were to ask the first huntlrrd people whom I met on the street this question. "Wtmt object have you chiefly in view in your life?" a large proportion of them would hesitate before answering This hesitation would not come from the fact that l was a stranger, I had no right to put the instructive question, hut from the more significant fart that they did not themsotves know what they were living for or what they most of all desired to attain. If wr wore merely birds of the air. or an y lions or tigers in the world's great forests, we should not need to have any other aim than to find a se cure resting place for the night anti to live In the sunshine all dny. The bird has small use for reasoning power, be cause his unerring instlrct makes It so pleasant to sail northward in summer and southward In winter, that he never fails to make the journey. God seems to have given him everything that ho needs, nml there is really nothing to ask for. So the lion has his Jungle to roam In. a hunting preserve of which hi 1s lord and master, and a cavern as a hiding place when he is sleepy. He is entirely satisfied, Is undisturbed by dreams of ambition end neither knows nor cares how the restfof creattaA is getting on. His limitations make per fect contentment possible. But a man Is a Hon plus a good Goal more. And it is that plus quality In which consists his greatness. You and I httve the nature of the animal, but we Good iuck BAKING POWDER, 15 THE BEST. HifhM' of Ail In Lddvtn* ■Off Ptptar##. mm *v ... j V„ «» * • ■ «■» t#» AM# • IF# im m s|M| Vtt 0 tom-*' #•*’«• f g mtmm* 4mA c-% 9*** t• % * m #k j 7 •§# pm liftrf #• •—ha itfAMg . ... mPj m m tin# M AM# a* a m a. ,*m§ ragOi—■ r>#i> 1 1 . %»'- 1« *h • Vi#t «-• IMA «H —I •AA HA« A . fe I* mmt m t|imi|#rft •—m» p*#fM —** A **# AC 1—• ap aaA •• .ad hoffpri * m ‘I am pd fnmdi tm mvON’ •*#># *np'>P§mmm tno aMWHI think *im bam «km# b m* a la* V# mud r »Pf»f» kaa pnaa and datamation •to kta nnsre ns In lake the mmm etury day. »" haow * d i. # #||j «-j, A P 1 3 f• • prtvllega ta llae IJP mar he a great m rater- hta H to s great happlnens Hurt m your birth you stansd tm an eternal career la a hart that may taag ger the Intellect while ft k ladles *he prwfoandrta gratitude of the heart, tl la not for nothing that you were made, hut far a gft.tHma something You nr* thrown upon a world In which laughter mingles with tears and crime and vir tue Jostle each other al every turn, a world In which It aroma hard ta be and neglects the heroism of Iha poor good and easy ta he bad, a world so capricious I hta H fosters a rich vl'* Bat you are armed for the comhta with quail tiro mt rkararssr of suck sturdy material* that your atm I will 3tn*» bv esarrlsr. A very F»d you ar*' wbh hardships sad li-ninlaUcras ahead -ol you And In ad'llLtoi to your own streuath tan bare yfce InilMWf■pnta'* for hel(4ros In time bT need, yet failed u> herd your cry. They were with the Christ, thay wilt be «Mh you. You sffi not only to live bravely or to live cheerfully, hut to live grandly, and nobly. Yt ur purpose shall he to make your own days as comfortable as may be and lo tm a comfort to other# slso. The well fed lion lie# In the sun no matter If his brother lion starve#. He does this because he is merely a lion. The man. however, rises froth hta soft couch and carries » part o* his surplus to those who are unhappy, und he does It because he is a son of God and a brother to all mankind. Uve with a purpose, and that ptir poH4* righteousness. B> strong in the strength of the I/ird. Honor yourself by being honorable in all your dealing*. Hate no man. but hale all meanness and cruelty and vice. Be broad and generous and charitable, but not too charitable to yourself. Keep heaven In sight, and then heavenly Influence# will surround you. Judge no man hiirshly. for you must yourself lie judgetk some day. Hold a firm grip, fer if If socnpea B will In yon an injury and cause regrets. Be lieve that above all Is the dear provi dence of the Father. Who will see to It thnt we have real when the day's hard work is well over. • GEORGE W. HKPWORTH. Snap Shots at Women. One of the stock jokes of Honolulu Is of a native who claimed to rtbve white blood In her Veins. The naval officer to whom she made the state ment showed polite incredulity. “Oh, yes, I assure you it is so," sht- insist ed. "My grandfather was one of the chiefs who ate Captain Cook.” The literary women of Parts are planning an Academy of forty mem bers. «U4l have already gone so far as to make out a prospective list of mem bers. Among them are Mme. Alphonso Daudet, Judith Gautier. Henri Grc vllle, Mme. Hector Malot, "Gyp” and Mme. Severlne. sT : CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Hava Always Bought Signature of • CALL fOA lugus'a Irtwmg Co * C\f*OfVT MMiM BELLE OF GEORGIA mm mem ** \SI PAru* f|gr g-g ('##ja Jk Our Draught Beer Has None Superior. •MrALt. In#... j AUOL’STA beer. Gilder’s Pills AfV (W* FtMMiAeiMNf p 0 §4l 4p fnpf IMMPt I THKY Wit St K T»ir. t*IYB9t t nt-rr s:nm tmk mm* AC—l* s t—XT kkitt this ummn 1 HuWKIsH 4 Ml *K N K*** JUSD OHIFtXO 1 AUS PHKYmeU. Hmti» thlltii r»i> tli# Mi«f An V «*f • f 11111. itosfffcr t#. S 4*o*o #ll : The Howard & Willet Drug Company Manlilsrtsrent of <4..tat a Hits. “Yes, IW Shirt you for... 10 cents Collar you for. 2 cents Cuff you for 4 cents Hulse’s Steam Laundry, 314 Jackson fitfret. opposll* Opars Houre. Bell 'l’hon* 21£1. fitfowgar 447. The Happiest Families OF AUGUSTA ARE THOSE WHO USE Eagle Baking Powder, 25 Cents Found. DON'T USB 104'. lb. Alum and Ammonia Bak ing Powder that kill your stom ach. DON'T USE 50c. lb. Baking Powders, whose prt4-e. according to price of mate rial* »4id«y. 1» Ju*k twice too high. s#c Powders kill your potketbouk. BUY EAGLE— Tie Howard & Wi'iet lm Company make it. TO BE BOLD AT 31.25. : Just received 500 811 k Umbrellas to : : be sold at 11.25; also the licet line : : of Wffiolens In the Market at rea- : ■/ stmable prices. F. G. MBR- : TtN'B, The Tailor and Gents' Fur- : : ntsher, o(»i>olste Planters' Hotel. : m m Vnd T*rv I,o* rRIC-ES. largo »»o. k. Also JI P , VAI.VFS end FITTING*. KX- C.lnf's. KOn.KHS.IfIM.Ssnd RK.rAIRS. lombard Iron Works & Supply Co,, AUOrSTA.OAT It is estimated that notwithstanding floods and freshets the total production of rice In the South this year wUI be over tluoe hundred million pounds, I which is 25 per cent greater thaji has ever been produced before. 1 As CftfQlini 1#—1.191 WP —f w— * * ** * pig-2 ******* • ■ **>f HUy I*** | I **«»| i • ■|#|AH— P A—•— pppm-‘ * p### i I * —m——M|A——l #>»#•» APAwA •••##*» i iss; fc Ml—M ——mmm | ~ I 4? -M—W> 14 1 Cp t Ppopo 9 AAA- *.# : •**» .'**« ; I * tSttL 9 *****"*** fijfijj | I mUt _*jMMpAAAK *.v#d * mmgm «- ? -fPA** 4 .. >. j I * IgMM *• *!»»»* »##! M—HJJ ! * |Miild#4MM . ||A * «•# * ■*“ * Y****i* . f ■ * —MPAllijl—• »»*•##»**4 *«MNI m WPmb BAMAwww lit., I .mmm APJMI 1 * SSSSCa •**##*##• f ! J-JJ MM: as*.*** kM>— i * daamdass*...**• II swmp 1,.~, ... tkfty I ggy m **♦» Wag* |a>*4 44is taka t&mmoJmm ta 4 ah«a* 0» n ha tai ptata an * a l. <am wwp*fM*ds as *«Mww*ud m* at fta»« Wf hk «4l I* fa *a»a ss*« haow>a*n was ■#>•*• pm may ismom mis ■ mtawm *a wiS»«a 4USSB. »»l*4<a lIS adMMB a,! 'HIM* 4NW fas tit ft » »t>pTA itaamiiiut 9 # an*mm*B tm** manse** dagtasa,. Ota. BLUE RIME RAILROAD. M C ftft*mih : At-###. WmnAmi I** \ F *ta kn 4s Pus- da* d hum « hug « Oaaa «a«M ■mtog *«»« V’Aa 2 A|M——— (Hf t* f l« § t} A«| | HUM AM rm I ’hstara IMW pu :‘k 14 *in t • andaroaw «4 ( Mil ta u it m 7) .. ta»wi ... f i tt si u le $ igt#...* Auswa .....I 1 k*ii ** Ista • *6ti .. pwataMsm a) 3 tan « t if s Mbit' Ctavry Onsfg f t tar I to | » if t.aata AO* ' iT4F| 1 # 34 U k* ! • m t ait . shNAi a ..a • »:s * j • » > 4 **■ l 44. BB|. Wean l‘*Hg .A • ta ; g m It „ WAihalla .. nl 6 Hj AM FM II ett. A me# fit Ml. It. t: n. 4 » • » *• 1 * lirt.tii « F Flag htatJaw AH regular irakss N» AaAeeeaa 4* ’ WalhalM ha eg right ta teach aver j rata* at tha swma rlaae u>*»tag ta ag* potala At reel (aw. aslaua oihe»w*aa ■9*l - by train ardrtu. Will a laa any at foltawg.# ataiieaa Ifo tab* OW ar M» Off paaa*ng*n Phla aey*s. Jamtw aud dandy dp -intm N, n nAswu with guuthern roll war Ka. II at Anderson. Noa 4 aad 4 rmswi with halftn* [railway Naa II tod I? at Prow s | J. R ANDKRgoN. Bupcriatsndral. ATLANTIC COAST LINE. IHORTE4T AND QI'ICKEBT ROUT# TO THI EAST AND NORTH. I tupm. Lv.-Augusta. Oa .Ar I 7.54 am t Mgm. Lv.... Atkea Ar j 7 !»am 417pm' Lv . Denmark....Ar 6 17pm 4.54 pm! L* Oraagb'g ...Ar l;4onm f-Mpmi L*. Sumtar. A. C... Ar J 4Ham l »pm! LV....Florence ~.Ar | 3.tiara lu-Dpn.j Lv...Fsyuttyvllle,..Ar j l lipm 2.Ham Ar Petersburg.Va.Lv ‘ 5 llpro 4 SOam! Ar. ..Richmond ...Lv 5 13pm 7 Ham Ar..Wa*hlngtoa..Lv 3:44|.r0 y 63, m Ar... Baltimore ...Lv 3:*4*m 1115 am Ar Fhlladelphla. Lv 111 Mpm I:43pm! Ar Naw Tork ...Lv I 4:3*»m Pullman kalare buget ilropk.g care from Macon and Augusta to Naw Tork without -i-ang*. It. A. BRAND Oen Agt., • 721 Broad fit . Aarusla. Oa. T M EMERfiON, Tiaffic Manager, H. M EMEltfiON. Oen. F»a». Agt. CAROLINA AND NORTHWEST ERN RAILWAY Schedule In Effect. March 4. IIM. Eastern Time Stsadard. Leave Augusta, Southern Ry.. 5 30 p m Arrive Chester, Southern By . 7:19 a m. Leave Cheatec. C. A N. W. Ry 7:45 a m Arrive Lenoir, C. A N. W. Ry 1:16 p.m. Leave Lenoir. Stage 100 p m. Arrive Oreen Park, Stage .. .. 7:00 p.m. Arrive Blowing Hock. Stage .. 7 30 p.m. j G \V HARPER. C. F. HARPER. President. j/ u - p A. —j BILLIARDS >i OLD AND NEW. J Bf John A TKATt-Hm. < "fifcp" (V«#< hmmpkn Of \ I i tftipv w«R4f *>t Hi. ttauia Hmtodkmp *«•. • lonreml u*ommim«it oti rro-ori. *n4 the only pUy«r . « hf’ -r broit SEAT, hioggom uJlimib the mwo f VwnuwTO. n . , mi 4 , - ——-ta'l dih4fTdnigill»«tr9if»nif to " I i BtorntM# 1W Ihpp#' f A'. ! ghrdfi. »*liao d 1/ \ - \\ 1 btak line *ll S \ l i rsarsissS; I \i£SZSS:S&to " ory of 4 h * m r , Y n f nuaw, mil l In \ | ?fitaChMß9*roghl|iwith Jf lemmWoohl Conlpfit*. 9 / AO- 9 tPpma / tar .Hr . aldo m list to / iduZlnmS/ i cf fhgjnpior* nf F w/ trisgrf J \ // \ frjpp hrore puMiahrol 4 \ /j \ *■ *"' k ',r * ,v “ * \ / / \ tUAtiT VAJOmWO Stiff- W V / \ geatK*. If. Bovicum \ . / s v ' \ whidkMrotonnidnr • / ,\ \ v *; / / \ \ ployHl by t*»o world d F } / / \ J ItlriS ahow you «. * \ How to $ Play. ► Clotli, 75 ceats. flexible Leather, SI.OO 4 244 !»*«« Sir*. S«SV inohM. ' Bwit. prepaid, to ppv adi!?u*ro c. n recmiXof p”**- THE MJGUSTAHERALD $ AUGUSTA, GA. BELI.E OF GEORGIA sprrtiiwut mi MiymAk ##p#»K?t## it i to miLWfti co I’. mmmmsk PM t|H> W-" *#PO PPprppmiSmm. ta -*. t n ijito t 0 ##• I • JU—IIH %jotjroooiT ——i ## UfapwiM—l M ti****** 5 •«#i r —iM !**#• #* * -n>fr imuT' Tiijl f t « i#| id# !<•••# A. t ** * »tauto#m jLmpP- •* • • wb S -l-M *« t 11M «tW| 4«p ••**•* I * (« # l##W i* ijp—igygy ♦*«*#• #• EupPPmmm t v—Ml <MP»rom jk ft . i ' • • »•***•* t •**»•#! H'iWl» •» MMI •»•» *#• 9 •*% (• •mbm—- 1 * —»• #4 I •M# .... '•#» V# •«• *«#k # •<#«# —f F»*> •nifi • t ■•'*4l# < • t<Mhmn #i# • i -mm #* f 4 Apmm I# |#M»A «9 4«#» A* BtdPPP tjppm «»l%# i| MM A# M# t<4l—pft A# H *•#••• teftoiC i A •B3b—m— GISSi m i— o*oo *«* s * •♦#* toJfp##* #Mmi | * to* * *> ’ :* v I fl #• *— ■ $ 9fpo tmm&rn •] 14— i# • i i##o ppm fAtpppge, . ' AJAM» A#FTW# —«MAvw 4 KPpm—mmmmm 4 - pw#— . 4... M. 'tPmm tU—Mi £a—Ml nhtatahue- * AA—M— MAm ——BAA AP—ripjp—B— ha * • [ AJ-N» I i—p—i !#»* A«4—M— 44444. •<••—. * —»• l MMMWiNi—i #< 4'NsfAAN— \«d| Uf»#4f| •—» • »*#••>#*• A# J..|*<ni. im aamtanydMre AagnMa wdn »h* ■wrorta nmd taand from a* aanaw «#t AIM •#—# __ J. »» a A Him. I A KtoMftM)# ttaaem Miaspro In* III' tota f fc v Ma> Ae» >«taM%«m --* SOUTHERN RAIL WAT. " -SR -1 ■»• r*r- roiaa.s Cta.iUtaaad Sash ms.ui* hasaee* >4o*. ro. saw Cw. Ksk* aw* roaro Carom ggaroro duty A wm - ■ * “ ~ ".ViTi* %- ta 5.M66T04 Mart* ISaMC gr^TF ,*?; ta SroSS > • 1 4 Me. 4M. >S:#£Br~“ r HiSIB s asar 1 -‘4 '...[Ti: lit * ..... I»« Hmi Ar > mgl 4 “ H I2* Cettatmlfimd'giA «.«.... *MC J»4a : xssJ*** - :. iS. Ar Chroiotu. i5®J U Ms At —lllldiWltW ** * F L« t}fn#»li#w ~I #P Ar .*8 * 18 * - tIWTtU# . w T, |II » lAr > H As —##•*»#•«• ........ ) S* * ttoji.iF i> La H. H- - *Ak tl Ar * N*« tro* iimyj ids . -• Rm ai'wo. M - iron. 14*41.. L« Kntwt.h.i6 . | 4*l 111. an ■ PhUa<l*iphta 4Up 4 a*a . batilra-.r* ....... 1 Ikr sM a Lv w»m ♦«■#. wo Ry 1 la «r n 15» Li ft4.-Vnic.nd ; I? HI I-' vim L. Das HI). ■ \ »»• SMs im. Korf-ik .. «Ai>i Ar Orwatam 4 43 a Lv • • reen.boro 706 a 7:C p " CdWCIOtM IKI !og, * du-k Hiu .... »*. tl ids “ l>e*lrr .. 10 34a II iffy * w tamboro 1141* Is 36 a frCoL M* Bland (•< 13 Cm: 137 a v. Columbial’n .lap I- - I D;>i 4 «i» ** I 253(: 6. “ Trenton »»| 6 3»a “ (4t»n!ie\il!# Stay toll A* turn ii 4 lin *t»'n Lr limvtW rTii# .i tap Lv t4pnrianr.iv* II 4o» 4 l.lp Lv oTTin, AO AttJty ~ I imp 700 n Ar Chnrtvsion . 6 atp| 11 nun ETOoI ten rr AF ky ~j II 36 n 1147 n " Snvnnnnh 4 4.* 50* a £r J* hn.nnll* _ n2Sp 0 15* ni.KKi’Tivu t in *BKVICB Excellent dally pnawnger -ervw between yionrt* and New York. "Sam *nnd;W— W a*hm*li>n and Saathwester* Limited. Solid VantibuTivl train with dining care and flrnt elan* eon.-he* non b of I 'harlot w. Pullman drawn.* room aleepm* car* let wee,. Tninpa Jaekssnvula, eavanoan V a*hin*trth and New *»*• _ _ ... Hi.liman Hievpum fare I-'tween (Ymrlot t* and Richmond. Pullman draw.nrroom vleepinjf *r* he tween l*r4* nation> and Norfolk 1 tlon at Norfolk firOLD POINT < OMPORT, arriving there la time for breakfart. A.lld train, with Parlor care, between I'harlevfan and Aihevtlie N.w. :d and 36—f. S. Pest Mail. Pullman drawin* room buffet *lee|>inK care bw tween Jackaonciile and New York and Pull man ilirulur care let ween Augusta urd Char lotte. Pullman sleeidng car* let ween Jack vonvHle and Columbia, en route daily Imtween Jacke.nviUe iwirt Cmctanatl, via A-hotrtUe. PRANK S HANNON. J. M-CVIJ*. Thinl V P A Wen. Mgr T M . WashtMtou W A TURK. S H. HAMDWKK. U. P A . Warlungton. O P A.. AtlAnta. GEORGIA - - RAILROAD. (90th ateitdlan Time.) Schedule Effective April 24, 189 L Pullman Sleepers between Macon anl New Tork. Through Pullman Sleepers between Au* gusta and St. lamle. Lv Augusta ..| 7:Oban.l 3:2opm|!o:lopta Ar Atlanta ...jl2:3spm| B:2opm| b:ooan* Ar Macon ....|11:150m|.... ■■■■) 6.45u[n Ar Athens ....Il*:lspm| 7.'2opm Ar Gaine»vlllej*3.46pm| I - Ar White Pl‘g|*l:oopni| I ■•••“ Ar MiU'ge'le .il0:10am| 4:3oam Ar Wash'ton ..|10:lW»:n| 7:iopm|., Picayune train leaves Aupusta daily except Sunday at 6:15 p. m., and ar rives at Millcagevllle «t 8:10 p. m. Trains arrive at Augneta 5:15 a. it*. 7-45 a. n,.. 1:20 p. m . and 8:25 p. m« A. Q. JACKSON, Q. P. A. JOB W. WHITE. T. P. A- J