The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 26, 1898, Image 8

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MONDAY Aufuttal OfMlMi I Clothing more The Prominent Characteristics Of (hit iMion'a thowinf of Mon's and Boy»‘ Suita aro the copti* vating o ginotity and the turpraiM variety of tho designs. Wo refer to the practical, serviceable, handaome and not high-priced Suita, of tohtth we dis play a collection unopualed »n thia whole section. . The fashions aro distinct, apt. cor rect, tasteful. Wo have never e*perl enced such a demand /or worthy Suits before, and we hold first place t>y de serving it. Prices teen your way.S7.oO, $8.60. $lO. sl2. sl6. slßands2o. %i. c * n»w »* e *«*»»*• v e r«*** e semwi •• * et __ . _ _ Mr. tMB PIM* Mm reissued trma C M Sue* eff WRMM"»t“*e w t» ISr <Or* a _ _ M . ll*i, *««w# gs €*m*am»u m •• i» Bm r M (IMM. «* Me** VwdL M•« •M» rw*«... Mr r S. Me vMrrtM •» Mum Wmi H. t**e» *4 •n«*«r" » M> fMr Kit a a H«g 4 übimim m at i»* Plmntm JAt H Meek 4 MMUMNI le st iMr Artmcto* T R MrltM 4 IN ImM to s< IM ArttMT"* | A, IMsmU «4 AIMW M at IM ArUMt ll * M Baowtea b* Alton** M •« «h* Arltngi b A r. Brew* at Ns** ff«»* M4W IM 4 f i nel •in m H NtnM M Btwwtn I* *1 the Plßßter# * S. t* Cn«t. i 4 lArtWM <M I* •« lk> nwlir Mr T. W rVNkMt oral to Allan!. thto wonting T W Pare!*# <4 Rparfcs, a* . t* at Hr* Arlington 1. M Kl< hsrdson. <4 Baltimore. la at IM ArUagton I. Crrrnt Wailta of Baltimore la .1 IHa Arlington W R Roundtree as N.» Tor* la at IHa Artllr* l >n J. w n.»d 4 Bewherr*. C.. la •( Ida Plastvr* lad«. CHMaway 1* H*htm* roarl In Burke ~ounl> t)4Mr Mr. I>. 1. J«M» 4 IW’n Os.. was la ikt ally rnlwMi Mr* T. H Jaataa of Marion' spent yesterday In IHa all Jr.' 1 Isaiah Fangrewhelmet of CMllilH pkla la .1 Ih. Plssrets Mrs w M Ro biased la vtoltmg friend* la Covtofffß*,' Od lt#v. r. P B*.n<or la sic* at hla horn, on Oa a ford avenue O, W. Ogle/bf.'s merchant of Hum mil. Ga.. la al Ida Plantnrs. 1. I>. Dualled and W. K Jennlaon of Atlata arr at the Arlington. A. 8- Woo tan arid Bryan Taut, of Ctnctnosll. ara al Ihe Arllu«ton. Jan. H I inland, a cigar aalaaman from Tork. Pa., la al tha Arllnelon. n-v. R. 1.. Campbell tilled lha pul pit al Hi. Iruha's church last nleHt. Mr* W 11. Holman and Miss lias si' Hallman hava raturnad from Tot roa. Mr. Armlna Dawson and Mr. Prank Curry returned from Mirim last night. w J W. Morris, auditor of the Suith Carolina and (laorela road, la al the Plantar*. 8. M. Matthawa nod R M. Mat thews. Jr., of Sew Tork, ara at lha Arlington. Mis* Amelia Krwln his ret umeiL from New York with mp'vkfy latest North ern'si ylaa. Prof. C, II Charhonnlar of Athens la In lha ally. Prof Charhonnlar may Ideate Hare L. H McDaniel, rapraaanllne the Hoyal I taking Powder company. Is at the Planters. Mrs. laaliel Neill, of Savannah, mo ther oP Proprietor Neill, of the Plan ters. la here on a month's visit to her ton. Mr. Thomas J.irk*nn. who left here with the second Georgia, and Mr. Har ry Jones, of the same regiment, arc In the city. Miss Morrison, a charming young lady of Charleston, camp up last night, ami Is visiting Miss Palsy Kennedy In Summerville. Mrs. F. Way lan Wright, with her two charming children, lias returned from a visit to her mother at Ihe Ce dars. Richmond county. Dwight L. Roberts, of the Southern Fertiliser company, of Savannah. Is al the Planters. Mr. Roberts Is one of the most energetic salesmen on the Posd. Mr. Alfred Tudor, of No. 4 engine Company, Is off for a few days, the re sult of an accident which happened to him a few daya ago, he having sprained his ankle while sliding down the pole. A series of Gospel meetings began at the Second Christian church last night. Some of the most prominent ministers in town of all denominations will assist the pastor, Rev. N. G. Jacks, In Conducting these services. Mr. J. E Trash, of Philadelphia, is In Augusta today on business connected with the Sutherland Manufacturing company. Mr. Trash, who Is one of the most prominent young men of the Quaker City, has a host of friends who are always delighted to ’welcome him to Augusta. MMt MCK XM Dll If.V taHtd k»f* «*•« Iw Ik* ttwytUl a* far* ,*UPUmiBB. •Hfeesal to TV lltnM. A tto* IS. tie Kept H nee private I asldwnt of tke He* wad (I**4 Rl* I**l 1 Mtewt war** tk,* nkoewiat sent frw*a ike i caasp at Bark u* Ike iMaßtlal *al Bart f Phec* e a ’ .at us iketr **w* ,a ad rwngMMrw, wttk Ik* dtotoeee fnaw | wkWfc ike* are awVrrtog ar* a* (W- I leva Private H.jk I wet! wf Oa H. SflMMrtol freer. Pvt rate tk'wrley. *4 Oa. |M. lalartal tow. Private Watt* of Or t* Malarial fever. Private Ask <4 j Co. 8, aieaalra. Private Bell. Co M. MMf* Tke Hcrvrwd Oeorgla regimen* la wow well geittod to Ha Hew • amp la Ike 'rieorgto fcwlldtog sir *uartrr«4 tk» , First bwltallna ronalatlr« of row*pa*** 18. K. I* sad M wader ximmaad at ! I Jrut Col Garrard Tke lift oad bait*l M. 1 ow*penie» C. O. If and K trader • ommaad at Ma) AlHMtad. fa to Ike govemment bulding Tke Third hwt laltnH. ronpattlfr A. D. I and F, Ma] Kendrick cowman ling la aaarter*4 to the Rr mea a building ATIFTINQ THE FACTS. The la*a*ltgallow to Be Held Beklad Ctoawd D xrra. Wa.hlaglon Sept U. Tke row ! mlltee lo larertlgale Ike met bode of Ibe war department brld lu firm 1 meeting behind cloaed doom, and Chairman Hodge al ita end aald that all arselooa. for Ibe present at legal, would be aecret So aurpriaed was f everyone al Ibe art ton us the commit tee to deriding on aecret aaaaloaa that the fear tvhlrb ba* been ripieeeed for the last few days that a whliewaabed erdh t was lo be Ibe uu\< t>me waa confirmed In addlllnn to thia Mr. Rickard Wetghtman. the editorial writer oa Ihe government organ In this city, waa ap pointed secretary by the prealdent. The organ on whleb Mr. Wetghtman li em ployed ha* defended Secretary Alger, Surgeon General Steinberg and Com mlseary Oeneral Kgmn from Ihe charg ee made again*! I hem. The office I* supposed lo be worth *boul five Ihons and dollar* to Mr Welghtman These two fact* have caused doubts to arise. THE EIGHT IS OFF. Corbrtt Hss Thrown lip Hl* Hand* In Disgust. New York, Sept. 2«. A World spe cial says: “The Corbett-McCoy fight Is off definitely, finally and unalterably, and the Coibett camp has taken tip. rtnkea. parked trunks and closed training quarters and left Asbury Park for good, ll was Corbett's purpose to remain here until after the Uuffalo fight, but being convinced that no fight will take place he threw up his hands In disgust- Corbett has not let the grass grow under hi* feet. He tins assurances that either Jeffries or Sharkey will be glad to accept any of the tempting offers made by other clubs since the Uuffalo fiasco. As for the forfeit money, he Is advised that no legal contract exists to fight Octo ber 15. PARADE HOUR CHANCED % ■ 1111,1 ■' Al Field’s Minstrels Will Parade Tom orrow Morning. The parade hour of Field's Minstrels has been changed from afternoon to morning as will he seen by the follow ing telegram just received by Manager Cohen: S. H. Cohen. Manager. Augusta. Ga. Will arrive at 8 o'clock a. nt. on spe cial from Athens. Parade at 11. H WATER TO WASHINGTON. Two Gallons Sent to the Capital For Analysis. Some time ago. Major Pitman, of the arsenal, received a communication from the government authorities, in re gard to the purity, etc., of the Sa vannah river water. Today, In answer to the communication. Major Pitman shipped to Washington two gallons of water taken from the city basin. The water will be analyzed and a report to Major Pitman attesting its merits. TJf* 4UOUBTA HICBALD. SEQUEL TO THE SITURTION l tod Mm ftiftof n *to totoit t£s n»f« fi -a** up' •% ttoMfe I /to- wpMM-dtoh PAtoWINi 9ttop' st» i'tN# ptosP tSRP •taphPilk * ftp sfi in pmi mmmrn f'mitPFptt i itovfpto • mnK o< pcmha |M| #shm4 Mitoto tlMtiftr Mslill t.pp§ftftto4 Ini* 81 CSMWIt I* l». •HI (WN P'prtP# Tlftp ftftiwM till fwrnm***. vjp* «HMnaUM«HM ***** m tMl |mu i rrpfi! fIM «mm f Winwpk. •PtoUwl Hi U K mmk • ty I ip Tto |i'»B|S|inKlP 8 Bft ftofcUi ++* 9>B V HMW4 to a Mr* Oiwvwa as WlMms I tppHy tftlpp Bp4 IdPP'B ifßMMlifNi BMMP ] (MW to titowto *t'k tor «ws. Mr I OtWWSH Tk* *wa «kjs*tod to Ik* toarttoto * (to rswak at tto kard fsuitoH itoi »v j ms« 4 tosws tto* **-« Cto Marvk tto I auswwd Mr. BniHk and Mra Orwvws ! r*to* to August* ttf ••** marrtod at j tto Musa-y Mwwsa tot um* Mrvuto f Mtwsl to murk tor a frwtoda Tto wmim I to tto atoir tsvarrwd Saturday huh* WaaktogtoH. Itorwto *wuaty to trkk b taMtk... ChMhw4l nsd Orwvwa wwru tto] : yarttua to tto affray Mauaru CaAtwwll awl Groves erst to Waaklagto* Salaedav moratog frwa IJaco ai» j Ttoy yawd tto toua* al Mr tout wkkrfc M ahmM alt miMa froat Waak j lagtna. mmr Smyrna «hatch ton Kuasl* and Haary milk also u»*i lo Washlagtoa but lutrftd horns la lHa* tor dlaaar, CaMsraG and tlmvaa kit Waahtogum for boats about ifciw* • rlorfc Ttoy pasasd Mr Smllka kcua* aad rayon* aayt that ahe a Itoy pa—l on* of ikara wared kis toad al o*e Of Mr Hflttlh s daughters who waa’ standiag oa tto froal port* Mr J. j L. Sasilk. II appeal* had left the hou**- a few miaulea Mfbre aad tod reached tto kraark aboal oar-auattar of a mil* below ike hotter Bear Ibe, ho*«c of oae of hla tea aat a whom he had gone lo see. when he waa overta 1 hr-t by Caldwell aad Grove* Shots were at once exchanged between the part lev in the buggy aad Mr Smith A shot look effect la Mr Umlth's left breast juat below the nipple The ball tanged downward enlerlag be tweea Ihe fifth and alxth riba The ball took thia course a* Mr Hmlth was staodmg oa an Inrlmr on tbe right hand side of Ihe bnggv When the men passed the house. Kosete Bmli h saw (hem lie knew hla father had gone In the direction thg men were go ing He knew the feeling which enisled between his father and the men In ihe buggy and expected Double. He grab bed a shot gun and went hurriedly In tbe same direction. , lie reached the scene Jusl a* the shooting commenced and emptied one barrel of the gun at tkildwell. Coleman Grove* had jumped out of Ihe buggy and ran when he scented trouble. It Is believed that Caldwell was badly wounded by Ihe shot. The horse commenced to run and blood was seen coming from his shoulder when he passed some distance down ihe road. Coleman Grove* was left behind, but he went hurriedly In Ihe direction In which the buggy had gone One re port states that he was also shot In the shoulder. When Mr. Smith was shot he walk ed back lo his house and took a seat on the front porch. He soon became faint and was carried into the house. A runner tvaa sent to Washington uml Dr. J. J. Hill responded. Dr. HIM reported the patient as resting easily and that the wound was not uecessar tly fatal. i7ast~sa[> rites. Over Remains of Major Girardy Last Afternoon Major I. P. Girardy’* funeral took place last afternoon at 3 o'clock. The remains arrived here on the Georgia train at 2:30 o’clock and were met at the station by the camp of Confederate veterans and many others. Rev. P. H. MeMahon preached the funeral discourse in an tmprsslve man ner. The floral tributes were many. The remains were accompanied from Pa ducah by his son, Mr. I,eo Girardy. A L.ITTI E ONE’S DEATH. Infant of nr. and Mrs George Rey nolds Buried Yesterday. The (Ifutr-monH B-o.d ir.tant of Mr and Mrs. George Rejnolds died Sa'ur day aCDrncon after u brief ‘Miiees caused by cholera iiif intum. Th- 1 'lttle one's death is a heavy blow to »ls fi nt* parents and much sympathy is extend ed to them in their bereavement. The interment was made yesterday In the Kollersville cemetery. —| ’ * D;ed Filed. Filed m„the clerk's office today was a deed from Louisa A. Meree to Ida G. Hawes f<i% i-D acres of land in Rich mond cbimty. valued at sssd. IT IS CRT. JACK COHEN 1t Biriß»f t|s4t § k. . jf f j* I■ ■ » S#B4dMMP» B><B >'i 8 ' H |*(B| «Hpf * '**4 wf VUft MU *9l/111 AM vm %, n» "Wftftf fM CUt U Cl— 94. I Mffrpi—llinii.. (Is . rn TW fmw |«f— 9rm| ******* m t— M«88 mmUpl # t» # ~ ii Bft«4 unii g MNht . T I* ••• IPm»4 Ttow •**» Itovw wrvww- I MtnTUB !<» 984” ' •»«**' Y* I*’?.. -4 »R|.. % r«t Niff' | IfkA'M Nm—W It I f f . ' *Mr l*Kßifrlt «fBB #m —— h*4 Nr Ifw* ji N M**fc'***rt« M I*. j few «4 i TBw # (8» üßml fft*Mr«ts *ht 8m»l r!Blr4 Hi *8» |rwi#BißF. j Tto* ar* svvvral vkiMwrv *H bw* VB- Mvgarv. <1 T ffgfUvan **>-» W C. | j Turov* *»<t Mtuawg Maul* Mtoto* **4 I Aawts t'appsll <4 Aviawa g’v to (to ,* MrT M» I* m-toffoev as Atlaola kr * toil eft* l#tv Dv aad Hi*. W H Baslvf A* ,as *)**•*'* Cat. ar* to ito vßlaav Mr and Mi* A. I- Hatrhsv sad | Rvv Ja* K WlsrrtiM. as nr*c»>«d. 'Ga . ar* Hi Ito cHy. | Mr W«ltw TV Hr or* ftftd Mr. C. M Tbo—, «f Wniolwm mr* ta ito etty. Mr W. H. Hrtrg*. wf poverty Mill. N C . I# nn a vtalt l» «n*r vlllagv Mi.a J.sue Turner Is vie*ting frlewd* la (Hrarff Ml*. Jevnte Harger.ut <4 Gtrsrd tv vs i—t|fß Vrr tills with •» tV fvift «*f ! litam Kihrl Turnw. Hn, C. H Thor—* !• •!« 8- IvTk. TIMM RETI RNS. He S#y* German Sentiment Was W Hh "lit During the War. Mr. Albert Timm, who ha* recently teiurncl front (trngattl. afrar a three rioatto'- sojourn titwr*, says rhat the average wage* paid lo working men there t* about alxty cents a lid# Mr. Timm said that the German geimment, so far ar he could fuarn. was In favor of this ypuutry during the late,war. He tv very much improved by Ma trip and delighted to be at home once more. SERUT. LOUIS BR OKS. la Sick at Santiago, So States a Letter Received He The many friends o f Sergt Isiuls Brooks, who 1* now In Cuba with Col. Ray a regiment, will regret to learn that he Is sick *t Santiago, as a letter received hy a friend here states. Beautiful Huaic. Mr. Howard Tinsley Is today the re cipient of many congratulation* on the exceeding beauty of the musical pro gram which was rendered yesterday under his direction ot the morning ser vloe'kt the Church of the Atonement, in addition to the regular choir. Miss Ida Goodrich, Mr. u Joseph Mulhbrin anil Mr. Battle were* heard, Mr. Rattle very beautifully rendering as an offer tory the aria from* Elijah. ''lf With A'l Your Hearts Ye Truly Seek Me." Death of Mr*. Katherine Chapman. ~k) Mss. Katherine Ctytpman. a most es timable lady of West End. died at ll o'icook last night at her home. No. 931 Youur street. Mrs. Chapman hail pass ed the allotted three score year* and tel and huu lived her .Ifc"earnestly and well, and was ready and watting for her summons home. The funeral services will be held at 4 o’clock this afternoon from flip Kol lock Street Baptist, church. Our goods bought right and wo soil them right. Damkin & Co. Receiver Appointed. New York, Sept. 26. Otto T. Ban uard, 30 Broad street, was today ap pointed receiver of the New England Loan and Trust Cdmpany, on a suit brought by the Repl Estate and Trust Company, of Philadelphia, and Sabil lion S. Allen. The St. Albans. Vt. opntpany. Is a la raw lender of money on mortgages. yl Fine Concert. Al Field's Minstftt will give a fine concert tomorrow jglll a. m. in front of the Elks Club. A BEAUTIFUL ; METEOR. *m Sark 8 V Htoi*ftk Lam AgktoNNMi awi***w **' set naff Tsgto amt tog* a#*w B# fftoat OOtoE to APHJMI Hrveeal AggaHsm W A Altotol tssrt Taato* N—ls Ift fm* f-4 H# fBMI 9881 18# f9s* , nuMMi ****** f** fcftßß *o* IP Wlflf fwt i A ****** 98«— mk 8>» Vfl ing—f —M M#— * ******** . W »« VUmimg iftMNf* I* I—* w**T.. ft - I* W iiifi, fVfMf'lA W Mm# awaiis ri Ni | tv Mr. T. O. Brown to iff Sat Reaigs t at I He la Ckoaew. i Aa waa *falo4 la t v* l .-relay's HvvaM. | ! ||r y 0. 6h>» ft m» of !|t > «n«l]4*irff (V fiftl «ar4 taf rff>—irll. in § j 1 Hto MB I BBT of Ihr Koflftl nf todjui'lft I M*fl ggto—to to WWW to "-W ~ | J9mi, i )irr* In § Mi« Mattel (htl *** ! mdn B>'(rlif»c •»> Mat# or fovaiy | intn 8 M—rtl—ft. awn this Rxwnlag and askrd a hat roarwa to latesto to aurswv. if Vv War* vtvctvd rossrtlaia, Mr Hess ptai«4 that b» »"sM Wkw ika* at tkv rosarlloea before him. Mr. Hoterteia and others. They- gentlemen waited wnlll they were . Bison and then reetgwed ihv po altt'ina they held With a laugh. Mr Hroaa brought ur> the .'ld adage- wot "oui.llng chtekea. Mor, they arr* kai.-tod"—bwi stal- i ed that If he re-4goe«l ike positl«a aw Ika 1-v.rtl it t would pc'.i' to at tto j December nvVitkg, BEAN BAKING. It Causes a Controversy, a Fight and a Soldier's Arrest. Columbus. 0- Sept J*. Private Robert Webb of Company L. Seveuth I regiment, arrived tn this elty under arrest today He will be tried by court martial on the . barge of assault lug an officer with Intent to kill. In ( n dispute over the proper manner In which to (take beans he sought to mold Sergeant Shrtner to hW opinion by a free use of hts gun stock. The sergeant I* said to have twep badly battered up, but be still declines to agree with Private Webb upon bean 1 ak'ng NATIONAL LEAGUE. Scores on Diamonds ol the Big League Yesterday. Sunday games on National League diamonds resulted as follow*: At Cblesgo—Chicago 7; Pittsburg 4. At Cincinnati —Cincinnati 5; Cleve land 4. Second Game-Oincinnati 2; Cleve land 2. At St. Louie —81. Louis 2; Ig>uisvllle 4. ALIVE WITH SMALL POX. A Partv From Langley Says the Place Is Filled With the D sease. ■* A party who came over here from Langley today, stated that the above town was tilled with the dread disease smallpox. The place Is literally alive with the disease, It was said. A quarantine against the place might not be out of order. If the plague Is really so bad over there. HR. F. H. HILLER. Will Attend the Triennial Convention of Episcopal Church. The Herald made mention last week of the triennial convention of the Epis copal church to be held in Washington on October sth. The matter of mar riage and divorce rites in this church will be lengthily discussed, as was stated, Mr. F. 11. Miller, of this city, will at tend the convention. I 11 We have the finest selection; of Teae, tn ihe city. Prices are right, too. Lam kin A Cp v ;4_l_ Mr. N. *P. Cannon, representing the Springfield Manufacturing company. is_ in the etty today. MAN AND MONEY. At (liMrvß toss ffffff Uuffhl Ihf vaiuaM* lesson ol thrift. "Thrill** reritoe Iff MffWt tfffM. fßfffffto to (#f T tp mbN mofffY tto toss ttok and to MH# to much to toss tut The trad of md rvrtog aft pmHNe value fee the tfolan to* * «p*r»d u tohnfß lit toauftifwt. an 4 taMfhl bwn ttoSt to ton# hhen a man vtwb to pMtv out money tor tomftce ar hwMtojl maienah ol am IM made as usnad. windnm left* hew to tuny as me. fire Man oM he totoefy amlfd There toB he na tuitlmj ar toafftof ia ha Man, sash aad htotok. Na ffwrMi that tot in mmulwm and ram Na half-dried lumber to heat about lAe a corftMrvto. Oto aw a (hanre to furnhh my price* before yea bay. to rite me foe ,irintod matter CMAS t DEOEN. Manager. T^fi^EOyai&rra lOOAV'A H A If Ml a AIOIfTA CiITITiX WAIIICICT. A—l«, 98i M itofd 81 At*a«*BTA rUteHnCAHnM I t« 9 Hims #-« ifi— ry ... «.* W u« H>te«l»9 v, 4* *. *• *.i II ttm\ *'*• mt44ttec •* .. •- 1$ wfMmm •• *» •• »»»* •**< •* ft**-* i htoto *»ddMn« .. nT. V. Hgsua BierKtPT* Wswk Kadlßg •**»! to. t*to 004 e*** 1 ruit sicg rrvetpte htst fomr. !•? t(M 1 5mt0 , ..“.”." »T. to «*• To**lay *5 •••.*( Wedaesdst .. .. .. .... tow lruS!r« >• •- •• •• •* *•*' I Tout „ .. ' "*AI 01. BPINNKK*. BHIPMEVT*. Hatse. Pplßßers Rhlpment. iMtsriai . . ® Monday . .. WB *** Ttetat .. .. *»* *•* _** ORI.HJ4 KBCKIPTB INT > t«ri l Set receipt* today *** 4 riO* 'Through rotloa today .. .. '• | Gross receipt* ~.. •• to* STOCK AND RECEIPTS itter 11*1 swctCs *“«“••• • - •• IJS [llaeeipta sln.'e Rep* l•• •***■’ • Augusta, Oa.. B*»t M -Uvrrpool seat lower cable# *** tnT *****.. ruture* llis-t snles b » ,r * Nr * Turk opened I to 2 p.>int* «*r and grad ually Cgsed Off on Renewed short sell ing heavy crop movement and fine I weather rep.wta. January at 2 u clo- k twin* 5.t0 which t« ihe low eat price ,m record tor that option MV ran see rutthtiHl to t*uy fotton on and Io»>li for still lower prices, hut on any unfavor able new* would look for a sharp rally. T PAINE. MPUPHT * CO NEW TORK COTTON. 311 5.23 January "V .. .. 6.Ml 6.46 Jun, ‘ R October *-W ■» November 5 -4 l j}'*® DecemhW 1 19 Middling r ’ lTtßrpooi. cotton. January and February 3.62 2-*l *3 February and March .. 2-63 2.63 Marrh and April .. .. . !•#•" *■*? April and May .. .. - 8 - u > s- 00 Mav and June .. .. .• 3.®l 02 101 June amt July .. .. .. 3.02 3.02 Aug. and F«pt 3 02 *•* °* Sept, and Oct 3.00 3.00 Oct. and Nov *•« «* ;■« Nov. and Dec 2.62 2.6 62 Dec. and Jan. 2.62 2.61 62 ii PORT RECEIPTS. 1897 1898 Galveston , 25845 25563 New Orleans 11248 Mobile 828 J B ?® Savannah •»« M - 2 Charleston •• •• • '-* ir * Norfolk 849 J 1,03 New York Wilmington 39-4 Boston “ Philadelphia Estimated total 610% "000 CHICAGO PROVISIONS. •WHEAT— September ®6*» 6714 December 63Hi 61 r k Mav «4* « CORN— */ 1 September 29*6 29\ December 29% 29sv May 3L> OATS— September 21% 20% May 2S*i 22% PORK— January 9.02 9.22 December 5 .20 8.40 LARD— ~~*l ~ fccrtfMtiv* m MMHvmT Borru n ii». it* i iim to N) m* Pmmrnm Tmm to New v*tt. Horn York, Mopt ]* ~ film i*M t« MM up awd will »*»f rarli Alba ! *1 90 got rr*of '* #9 *9* Ih* rn*ifl for Ctovwtw Bi*. * TWf fivil 90 •tur fowl Ik* afMßiuft* ffta l*«l Hr* iria»f*r* Md Ik* *ltitrl* Inn las book*, tkkk pro** tk*i Ik* ll«-ugftf Rl -4m has ao tonal i**l4*srr la ibis rata *l(4 Is l*o*44•# aa afoad-inM tax 4<4|*r Plataiy la4«*4 a** It |o b* aaaa ***• i*r4a. taai Rraanli a*4 hi* work- I art ana badly rat i lad. Thar mad* alt tort* of pmaatara to gtve oat Mala ■a—f« aa4 mUadlriMx hat thar dodged IN l*#u* at k>a| aa poMtlbia. hoping to hoar words of hop* from ih» Ills fallow* who had coat to Hom ing* Kxpar* lawr*r* woo ha** mada a Wady of roast It tit tonal <jue*uon. Mr t hat fiooMt*'! hr hi* owa awom aA - i davit ha* prartknJly twora hi mar If i out of lha rare * Tbara ran be ao hlgbar fotm of teatlmna*. thar tar. ; than a person* own affidavit. It wat | proved that Roosevelt had *wora off j bla take* la Oytfer Bar. la thta etty I and la Washington and It literaliw andlagaily a man without a km*. At taa o'clock laa; Bight ha decided <o break the tllence Ha aa.d he wax el igible to become governor of this elate At the tame time be gav« out hit letter annerom Ing that he will not athept the nomination of the Cita. lie gave at hi* reason for declining thhf 1 nomination the excuse that he thought It annld be unfair to crowd out Mime candidate from their own rank*. Meantime the Black contingent are en joying themaelve* immensely They *a; T It It a cakewalk nor for iheir candidate. TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION WANTKU—POSITION BY I .A DT **!**iu»ura|ih«'r. Ad4r •«« J, car® Her ald. 2# TO HUNT HIT T#:i.F"A llt STREET Apply to W. T. Davidson. Sept -6 If WANTED-SECOND HAND SPRING wagon, suitable for moving furniture. Two-horse. Apply at once to L. F Verdery, the renting agent. Sept 27 H» »A RDI NCI-HOUSE-K KKI’ERS DK SIKINQ medlenl students a* Lard ers, will pleaee notify roe at once In writing—stating number desired, street, number of house and price of board. Eugene Foster, Dean. , Sept 27 WANTED —BOARD BY YOUNG LA DY dying ’>l7l ce work. State location nnd price. Bo* 585. city. Sept 21 lost, about a nor st is, pair ■liver hack cavalry brushes, between Reynolds and ltroad. on Elbert street. Reward If returned to 821 Broad street. STRAY ED ON SATURDAY V. M., <>N Ellis, near Campbell, a small fox ter rier, entirely white, except for black spot near tail and a black spot on each side of head. Return to W. H. Hol man and get reward. Sept 28 A WHITE LADY WOULD LIKE PO SITION to care for children or wait on invalid. - Address H. . are Herald. Sept 27 December 4.80 4.92 January .. .. 4.85 5.20 SIDES— October y .. .. 5.22 5.:t0 January 4.75 4.50 . "" NEW YORK STOCKS. Sugar 120 122Y4. Tobaoco .. .. .. 147% 141% B. R. T 61% 61% C, B. Q 05 U6H Missouri Pacific 5314 33% Louisville and Nashville . 56 56 Manhattan 97% 9684 People’s Gas 103% 103% Union Pacific 33% 33% Rock Island 101% l»i 7 4 St. Paul 10"* 107% Southern Railway, pfd •• 33% 33% Western Union 02% 92