The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 27, 1898, Image 1

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TUf • ft »trt Am AOBOVUj k mmmiM, tAvmos c«*•» w .% w w»i »#« a*»■*<«» jail mi ••t as |*Mt m tre are* WILL THE AUGUSTA BOYS 60 TO CUBA ? A Rumor That the Second Will Be Retained in Service. The Officers Who Wish This Are Said to Have Some Powerful Becking. (Pip* <ei g* T9m ttTPyert . A«IMXA Qe pmpk ** A fWMit he |||« ihPvwflMC I|#i«fo4 ••§* gpigl t«i (pfeiei is la i Iff ale ike le «tmai iM *li nfEfnr» eve lurtairee I geirgjw mi irg ee tli# We# tSßfeftewat ; Jl tMiE BUT EEsli.Nv I Aufkf Will VyettHi BrnAni la • Km Dbi*. Tlwy » W Mil ft* iw*r CM* M Iki 1 Mrd HeffMwMM A niRACLLOUA BCAHI AH on Board I houghl Ihc wolnmMa W ..UM IW Leal Teem W*»!i Inflow. 27. rrtmi i from an eersmvter wit* a l#r* rffi* tephimn le (bv ( blent at. th# stremed Into port teat nigh: The wee eel wee toseed libs a ebiiiiv for twelve boars, was driven iwenjr mil#* berk on the coast of Japan that the sees ship* ptd by the veeee! left deposits of tend on the dec Us. An anchor was rest, but the chain snapped and (hr anchor and raids lost, and the ship was forced near shore The escape of the Columbia It consid ered miraculous aud everyone on hoard better#* tbr ahtp would never live through the atom. Tbe Chinese sailors practically mutinied after the vecrel was near shore, and would not he driven to work. Tbe Europeans aboard, eoxnprtalng only the oSrers were compelled to do the work, with no assistance hut that of a ftw sail* ors who happened to he passengers on the ship. THE CASHIER SHOT. A Posse ol Citizens Now on the Trill ol the Rubbers. Flora, lad.. Sept. 27. Early this morn lug the safe of the Farmers’ Bank was blown open by robbers who secur ed close to twelve thousand dollars, and made their escape, Cashier Win. Lenon. who was atouaed by the explo sion, appeared on the *o»ne while the robbers were still at work, was shot, and it Is believed he will die. A of c tlsens followed the yang for some distance, but they got away on a hand car. B'.ood hounds have been secured and aie now on the trail. There were two terrific explosions and the bank building was almost wrecked. L. SYLVESTER S AD He Tells Mothers a Pew Words of Advice Regarding bona. 1,. Sylvester calls the attention of the mo! here of the city to a fe.v facts regarding the fitting ou! of their sons for the winter in clothing that will prove rervlceatde and endnrng, in an ad. in today's Herald. This Him knows what a mother ‘ ants in .the way of a suit for her Aon and ha"e a stock that will suit the mothers' sons to the queen's taste. They have studied the matter of supplying clothing that will sub the mothers and fathers, and the boys themselves, and In a nutshell It may be said that Sylvester's Is the place to go when you desire to fit out boys for winter in good winter clothes. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Tannahlll, ac companied by their daughter, Mrs. F. I\ Welch, and Sam Tannahili, Jr., left yesterday, via Savannah, for a sea voyage to New York city and vicinity, v.-iiei ■■ they wilt spend three, or four weeks pleasure seeing. Mr. Sam Tan iiahill. Jr., will be absent several months perfecting his buslnes educa tion at Poughkeepsie on the Hudson. Tire Augusta friends of Mrs. Easter ling. Barnwell, S. nee Miss Emmie Youngblood, of this city, will be pleas ed to hear that she is recovering from •n attack of typhoid fever. »** «fMTH A »m THE AUGUSTA IIEKAIJ). YtAiMf t* irf * itiiiNlttfMNMl *<4L ii «• mm «t*i Omm* »*» U*m ifc « -- - k-_ _ ■—■ - . - * *-<- -ta * * wii|»'«p Imbv * mmm* rw* "«•» • f w« * ton! Ha*i »** tv nfßiil ata* «ta IWWI—I ••km a 4*#att» >ii*il«>. tar M «**aa wtaitarll «M Kan jf <Jta «•» «t» • *•*■•• ta r*wia ta. a*4 *ta *«••»« •••«.•* ta ta aitaH cat, kS AMI l IV. sT«»BM tv »*wn*i i:»r i't«f4 ttirr tbr Mum Frilmlir. kM% I tfjf iHtf* BA rft Mb I‘b«li Gnretlrere. Osutio the taut**. 7be Binabrr of litre Ire* t* treated at '•l* Hurek. al Ires* *ta more are Wally iajresH. The death list m* ranch ftftera So far as knoara. the dead are laa Moffat! II year* old killed at tlo® Clara O'Neill. 27 yearn old. Merrl llra Jobs Hi kley Gran ham. Will# 4|kvn. Ortßthftdl MR CHARLES WEIOLE Pasted Away al a O'clock This Afternoon. Mrs Charlea VV.itle died at 2 |u this afternoon al bta home, corner of Hons ton nnd Telfatr itrtft Mr had been In bad healih for (be past t-vo years, and had been confined to bla bed for seven months. Mrdlral ff kit! was UDAVAllinc to rtfr# OKI la dy and witV pertbet r#*lgnat.oo and patience hr swaitrd the end. which he knew waa hr «nd the power of man to avert. Mr. tVeigle was forty-eight years of age: was a primer by trade. He leates of h!a Immediate family a wife and four little children, Ooodrleh Orrgor. Eulalia and Charlie, to whom la extended the sympathy of many friends In their hour of trouble, Mr. Weigle al?o leaves a btother. Mr Jno. M. Weigle. and two sisters, Mrs. Cath eria* Imuterhach and Mrs. Henry Ho grefe. Mr Welgic’a funeral will take place al 4.30 p. m.. tomorrow from St. James church. GOSPEL MEETING *. Rev. (jolphin Preached Last Night at Second Christian Church. I At the Second Christian < hurch last I night the Rev. T. M. dolphin preached n magnificent aerrron. using for his tiutject "The One M sdlator." j He showed by many striking lllus trattens how thal through Christ all I [eiltions reached the Father and how jihat through Chitot every blessing comes to men. His audience vas rapt |in close attention I'rorn first to last. 1 Mr. Qolritt is one of th ■ most ear nest and eloquent ministers In the efty. I He displays learning and skill in hand i ling his sulijeet and can no congrega tion can listen to him without profit. Those who missed hearing him last night missed a treat. Many compli ments were showered upon him as he ! descended from Ihc pulpit, and many. Seven all. went away benefltted for hav | Ing h'-ard him. i Tonight, Rev. Win. Dunbar ••’•ill {preach, and he will lie greeted by a i large audience to hear him. There will j preaching every night this week, and I everybody is invited to attend. False Alarm. Yesterday evening a false alarm was turned in from box 35 In the cotton dis trict. Hundiods of people followed the engines, thinking that a large conllgia tlon was taking place. The caus ■ of tbe alarm was that someone smelt burning lags and thought it was cotton burn ing. No. 1 and No. 3 steamers had quite a narrow escape while turning from Bread out Jackson. They reached the corner together and only missed colli sion by a few inches. Mine but not thine Is earth: mine against thine is hell; mine and tliine is heaven. _ i MONEY TALKS LOUDER IN A HERALD AD BECAUSE IT REACH tS FARTHER. TO FEEO THE CUBANS ! tv turfing if tli unhl ir v Tbrft I A fAllt* l <» •# Mr b|Hf*M»«MNI An |BbM# Ami# IMr f*Yw% !*#**#• ..._ - .. a- - „'4 |b»*» MMiti Apr* DEWEY DID RHIHT la Vl* teg the I lllbwalevteg Meawer Abbey atiltl ...I ~rtM Itftßtff %M»Y A# lYptlft-' f<k!i<>«rii.A i bhirgrbin rtT#lv#d tc«*w> At Ik# Sa« V lIMBMISRUI "Hrrlla gtpt :? Ilumr vvfßtrH lufrrtnadofi that th# AkHlfiß btrntn - rr AM*f !#ft Mfttm fkft. 21 •iih A u>T'n ,, tk‘h at;f* Anivrd At HanlanitM , s#pt S 3 And f« t»nd h#r in Ch# hart#»c. 1 having brrtvnl thr## «kny# #*rll#r | ~» f*: f|>d k r mrtn Th#rr wr#r# on ly rtkpteoa on tmnrd. Th*jr r#fn«nd to I i infiirmAtion svtd ha<i no pi* Urni Rhnirft’rr Shr «r*A ##(s#d An! «»r brtmnht h#r#. «rh#r# wr *rr now h« IdlnK U#r This itfamcr waft former- I a .x, «» I|C 9n< | ttri f fMiitfCfd na an Amrrtran trm#l. Th# Unltnd Buiea riiw«!it# At ( tmten hava Information that abe hra made c«e voyage of the ■atr.e kind already. iSignnl I Dewey.'’ The Navy Department promptly ap proved Dewey'a action and aunt the following cab’egram' "Washington. Sept. 27.— Drwey. Ma nila Your action In selling the Am erit an-owt—.l vessel Abby Is approved. She Is amenable to Amerlran Jurladlr- Uion for any violation of neutrality. (Signed.) ’’lmng. : BOV WANTED Sonny « alker Atrayed Off Prom ilia Hot her. Kenny W.tlkcr, son of Elbert Walker. '» colored bricklayer, has been reported to the police as lost. Tbe mother of ; the boy esme to the station at now and paid she had lost Imr boy. She had ' been accompanied by Sonny, her 4- >ear-old son. when she stopped at a fruit stand on Broad street this morn ing and while buying some fruit th" hoy strayed off. Thu mother Is ntvt i rally quite worried about her boy and I rny one seeing him will confer a ftt vor by reporting the matter to the po l'CJ. | TRAGEDY IN M’DUFT’IE William Davey Kills His Colored Assailant. | Special to The Herald. Washington, Oa.. Sept. 27.—William 1 Dtvey, Who lives just over the edg “ of j Mi-Duffle county, was attacked last night with n knife. Davey shot and i klled the negro who attacked bira. New Y'ork Futures. New York, Sept. 27. Futures open ed steady. October 11 November '>.l4 December 5.20 January .'...5.25 February 6.29 March -6.4» April ..5.40 May 5.44 Juno 5.48 A Pension Agent. Thcrcwas a pension agent in the city today. He had am Interview with Dep uty Collector Davis and went out of town at noon. The agent is Mr. A. R- Parkey of Washington, D. C., who is a frequent visitor here. ' We begin life by repudiating all the "oligles” and "isms" in a bunch we end it by nestling down into some lit - I tie corner of tome one of them. M<* MA, UA WHL DOUBLE THEIR PUNTS : i Mtat Am Aft i PFfghkfi |M I kc IW Mks UM »Rr»»R»ißi •• Owilat «t M.l—, 111 lirflltl# AJkkl*» AMkMRI RlpVAlklAM' 1 tftß##i«m «* «k# fUI !##<#### ft*r# of • A§#AP* R’tAM Ik# SkVkMMMMI A# a j I RlflMfl A 4 MEM#9k##Vl kk<AkßrfA IA Am* > WiM AkRANi Al kttkr fAkNAA IImMI *k#|f j : ptw4wt‘t I# VMM# riWinnwfti*A. *k# At AA* < ! lArmur mi fAprtpwfcHM «4 wMrtUMlBi ko»!« wf k«k4 *# RRmA *' llftA #411“ Inrifki Mi inoi rtMA|ABV of | 444#.! 3IMAB .klkill* v Oihm Ml!!# la [ ik# MoGih Af# Alan <ii>arftß( tkeir Tk» ilfrtfiFl lurrrai# rryif#i#at#4 ll* 173 im »plndl#R aa4 !9<m hmm* m hi* h tn* sink AA ta% #*1«BI#al Of AkoUt decree I. the prtre of ' rottuD f#iigj.» ta the MNitk art* tara ioa tknr Ali#atlf»ii to a morv 4lv#tal fl#4 AArimUm# Tb# only tkln* Wt ' io 4o under Ik# rlrruafttnnrcii la for i •' ik# notslh to prod ik# Its fotlon At tha, jow* t poftHlhl# 4 < |), rat«# It* oan t«cii It tk# coot ol Alnnlag ImllnA. tow -; |ir#a#laff and t#lllni- Th# <l#v#lnp m#Qt of tk# lioodml aar#hou## oromiA## to bar*. «>ni# up**o tb# rttUAttoii by rviAbilikC fArm#r» A# ar#ll a* mAnufArtur#m to put tbofr rot ion la bon4#4 warokoua## at a low rat# for Insurance and stotagw. and get a warehouse receipt, which will be good collateral In any bank, north or south, for money at a low rate of Interest. Better baling and handling Is also daily grotsing In Importance. T. W. Fran of Huntsville, Ala. a loading cotton mill manager, who has made a thorough test, claims that his mUI can afford to pay $2 a hale more for round tiHIW cotton than for the square hale. , The fear that at one time existed among some southern people of the pomihlltty of a rotton trust has been altogether eliminated, and tin* whole question Is now simply which la the I last system and wheb will bring the best results io the southern plan ter. A TEST CASE. Interesllgg Argument to Be had Be fore Judge Calloway. There comes up. In chambers, before Judge K. H. t'allnway, this week, a case involving the validity of justices or tin- peace, who hold over, when, ihclr terms having expired, the grand Jury, upon whom the duty should devolve, fails to make recommendation for reap pointment . It seems that Judge M. M. Connor's term having expired, the grand jury did not make recommendation at all. As It Is explained to The Herald, there is no point against Judge ( on nor, personally, but attorneys wlali to ...| a i | t ,st any possibility of technical objections to legal Judgments by n magistrate holding over under the eli cumstances. II is understood that neat points lof Inc are Involved, and th- case presents attraction, especially to at torneys. CONTRACT AWARDED. :j-Ir. C. A. Robbe Will Build the New Sewer. Today at 12 o'clock the sealed propos als urn) estimates fur furnishing ma terial and constructing the sewer pipe on Damps streel from Ninth to the third level of the canal were received by the health committee. The plans and specifications have been on exhibition for some time. Mr. A. Robbe was the successful bidder and the contract was awarded to him. The work will be completed by October 12tli. he took shoes. Lawrence Door, Colored, Arrested on a Lcrceny From house Charge Lawrence Door, colored, has been ar rested cn a charge of larceny from tbe house. He from the firm of J. B. White. The friends of Mr. Werner Kuhlke, of the second Georgia regiment, •■'•ill re giet to loarn tha* he is quit - sick with fever at Ills home on Fenwick street. Solitude is a luxury, society a neces sity. ... BATIRD IN DEATH'S ABONY l Tl* IV I* VmnMM) Ct|ffirf tl TV* T Mm, Nm Kks m • t—Qio LsaatMirew sM ilka Mae rung, . kAA *«9>4 sk# Rlj*a4i<m pk**R* •--* *A.y , i af*#*! rnmm *rarfftt**#* #a ik*## a#**##• | the Mrewtc has hre* swh aHreoo hre | ware 41a owe mtas* an Match 4, I MM, Mis Ureal Pride I pledge himself to a pre arranged mb ; kwoa fall well that eoaMentlal pleslgea suMctent votre to nominate Mr. j Wallace of fVansylvaals Rome of ithere voire were conditional upon Mr ' latest in the event of hla ejection Mr Bayard by et-Oovernor Wallace he Indignantly declined io accept them I in order to preaerr* ht. on prretia* Wallace then took up ftenoral Han [ eoek who was nominated, hot wh» I failed to rarry New York by a narrow Bel for the lofty pride and character of Mr Bayard he would prnltnbiy hare ! been Prealdcnt Instead of Garfield, i There might hare been no President j Grover Cleveland, and the whole pollt ! jral hiainry of our time* might have Item different. The Three I rebchree*. Th* Bayard* came originally from New York. The tbrre brothers Hal ■ haxnr. Nicholas and I virus were de scended from Huguenot emigrants who ■ sme from Frame to New Amsterdam In 1647. They claimed direct descen' (ront the famous Pierre Du Tcrrlnl. Seigneur dr Bayard, known to rotmwc • and history as "the knight without and without reproach." Tbe Delaware senators were descend-1 ed from Pelrua Bayard. He became a substantial man In New York. He was led by the l.abadiaf emissaries- who j came over from Holland to form a eol lony for the sect to remove with his {family to a large trtn t of land in Cecil j i county, Maryland. Th* doctrines of | three Labrsdists were very like those ofi the Dutch Reformers. Ills son James llaysrd went to Phil- j adelphla. He married Mary Ashton. Jf Virginia, who was the mother of the first of the Bnyard senators. James Ashton Bayard, first, the grandfather of Thomas F. Bayard. His elder broth er. James A. Itaysrd. was destiued Tor 1 the law. and was expected to sustain, j in the future, the prestige of thefamlly I 111 publif life. But,Thomas, the younger brother, ' was sent to the disk of the mereatitl!' 1 |house of August Van Cortlandt Scber ,Thorn. In New York. He remained In - the counting house until he was 20 and completed his business training. A Higher Power Controls l)s. Mr. Hay lard then went to Tpxhs. Not long ago, in speaking of this, he said his own experience convinced him that no man is able to control bis own des tiny or even the direction in which hts life shall run. "Our destinies,” said he. "are con trolled by a higher power. It was the death of my elder brother which led me away from a commercial career in Texas to the United States Senate. 1 was called back to my father's home in Delaware, and, as there was no mer cantile opening, began to study law.” At this time he was not only tall, but "gaunt.” He gave no promise of a brilliant future. He was called a "guy” and his abilities were sneered at. When, In 1853, he was made attorney general of Delaware, and did some magnificent work his success was at tributed to “the old man,” his father, then In the United States Senate. He did not like this—did not fancy that when he won a civil suit it should be said, “Oh, there’s the old man.” So he resigned and moved to Philadelphia and became the law partner of William ighlppen. He remained five years —and no one now said, it was "the old man. Charged With Being a “Rebel.” It was some time after his return from Philadelphia that he became lieu tenant in that famous military com pany which led. in after years, to the charge that he had been a “rebel." Tlvs company refused to give up Ms arms to (Continued on Page 8.) mi IC* I At* A HA» ll f ktUY, II Cl 1} Aw* A HEW ARCHBISHOP TV IfflffW* |l hdftlllt* A** Rr leffms ei a lakM *t mpathtree b MRt 4p prereed 3|#Al % C*#k mpt mti mm k In I Tk# llßfkli ff**Ai k*t#*Mh*9# ***** iki ‘ t**4* lift Ik# %"•< l**f kl* ##•##•■ a I ••4 9m ik# ai »A»k#* f %jmH MtmlAi'lAt, *4 Ik# #kAMf#'k k##A. AA . At* mrrwmm FMk## HAA»#!)kM kA* #AmI lr#kkl*k**a IrAtßAtl fkIANMi tA9* ■mi kl at* *ll Ip# I# f|*A)*•* » Wmm * * AAfA ; j tftftA Ik# *••!* A# Ik# *kAff'k Ml Ik# |V** - #la##i. If* RtAtAa tkAl »k# (MapAfYir ll# aTaa y#**yt** | RA a *##►#•## f*" ia# laid)# ImM l# tiyißMßl k#r* tkk* Ik# t«rkkl*l»c»a aHU k# rvttvtft. *• AH# kit maaitAA#* mark «hatrk pfv>yifty kA# !**• nAVfvl »i*ff#f»«it (mi!| Atkr# Mrtif tn rural #y*!#•>. Nil Mill Ak4 half mllliary. Tk# van an RHiit* VI#AAA ##«* 27. ll *» anai-ofll rlally AkkCHia*#4 tkat tk# Tarktak i«t ertim#nt rrpll#* «iafavorably to tk# 4#* maad of tk# pnAN*ra r#t|»*r toy tk# fc»- land of Crk(\ wklrk mutt »*# <’otn l*ilf«l wttk by fk tol*#r It. Odtrrwta# the lowers wilt blochade certain pla t-re In Crete by land and reo. | THE REPUBLICANS IN CONVENTION TODAY The Roosevelt Forces Are Still Confident of a Walk-Over. The Delegates Will Get Down to Business at 4 O’Clock. Saratoga. N. Y.. Sept. 27.- The Republican convention to nominate a full state ticket me! today with beautiful weather. All the leader* were up and at headquarter* early and all said there was no change in the sit uation. The Black men still said their tandldate would be placed before the convention. The fact tliai Kllhu Root's opinion as to Roosevelts can didacy would not be made public Itefore the convention goes Into aeaslon caused some comment. Abraham Gruber, of the Black force*, said It* n 1 attempt o«i (he fioor of the convention to compel them to show proofs of til eligibility, but the Roosevelt people laugh at this and say they arc pre par with an auswer which Root will present to .he convention to night if the question is raised by the Black people. EX-MINISTER STEWART L. WOODFORD. It Is Hinted That He May Be a Dark Horse. Ex-Minister to Spain Woodford >vas greeted with hearty applause. Ak Mr. i’latt entered the hall somebody saw him and started the ap plause, which finally became general. At 12:25 Chairman Odell rapped for order and Rev. Dr. Johnson, of Saratoga, offered prayer. , , , . . . ~ ‘ Following the prayer. Louis F. Payne entered with his delegation and passed Mr. Piatt without recognition. The roll of delegates for substi tutes mid corrections was called. Congressman Sereno F. Payne was i boson temporary chairman and escorted to the platform. He addressed the convention. At 1:25 the convention took a recess until 4 o clock. . , .* SSk t t a.***,Fred a * »•«■ «a lay PLANT*AA loan AND AAVINOA VAN* •-GMA# *#*##• • A* A A SUIT FOR THE DEAD TV (MM I*l* I'M IV I *9** a tv swan a n*e g I epee at Ida *Uaßn Threw la Id*t ire* To Holt*. np">*re re Tire *m* #*>##*> Arfik Cta A#A* it «** Ok# AI tk# ta#**i •kkf## *ABf*R* (kM Ati# cAka* fcßkwr# A GNAjll kAMkA At tk# o*o*9 kill k* laH ks Ja*Ow» tkira *a tkt# #*i# Ak k#Ai 1 «#*•*!#• > ll la A fck§t- Ik i<Aria# yw—r**#tkA 9m ra»#*Rt ikk tak at a 9mm taka I*4 #kl kA* 9m99 laaN Ha# Tk# V#;■ 0 tkwayi# • 1 0mm Aka# HaiAra Rkf It Ik# a4a!al*9 #a4 »1»mI lki*kk A**# IMk*t Ikk* ll*aNAklA r«ktv kk# kk# A mb ms tk# 9a4*A*i 4#4 Tk# mvMi ifiNik • k#*t* mi IkA r*A4il 4 AkH paM fifl*#k 4o lara 9m a r«9t* r*kia ANft* UM4 041 Ik A fk4“*'k AAA# * tkt mm4t oktl* tk#** kli fttra4*. kko •*## okpoa#4 In «k* **vi#4A.. lonk Ik* Akd Miflld AA* At A4k It r«M» Nftal r«t*ia kckav# fk# Imwamr ikkf &aafAkk* - (rax kf'l fk# t ka-T'k Tk# Irfokk fkar cw-yrvfft * 4M4MMMkMI lk#lr fiftapk , a tuosmiM IN# 4dMMM#R*I Iwot k#* Tk#y k#t* kok ami* to wwft tk 4#* v j il, r rmmtm at lfl(# ko4y Aivfl Ik# A* Kih'fl kkf k##a Hltft#4 AtMMRt «rff tpoath* there I* ptohnbD not much of aHa to rrtafk Colored Troops On Wed. Cleveland O Rept 27. The 24t1l I’aMnd Rta.'es Bifsalty colored regt mrnt which fought gallantly and ran kplonlntKly to the hsttlre of Ran Juan hill and Rnnihigo nnsned thtough Cleveland over the Nlchet Plate rail rand late last night, ea route to trey posts la the far weal. The toea ona sod all. rlained they were eteellanlif treated by the cove.nmerit, and alwava bad hem A number of the wounded from Svailago who recorared were on the train*.