The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 27, 1898, Image 3

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lUtMIAt JUST FROM THE KLONDIKE Attn* Ttß* • Tm «r 8«* IH Mt*V* NOW «* »«* *•*» VaM* UMMMNmMt A •*'» Mnim iw**« • i>«4 A* <I»X«I «* • in* tWAANMN imm •**» # »»« a# aam* i« Mm totw IMIM M Ma MM a#A A* MAMM Ml V*A UMA ' »W*i W •A* KMMM •« if A* mm Ml Ml A* AM AMI A— tv MkmrMhi * »V MM A* Ml "I AMI MW M—AWA wmam4 Ob'MM* j «W« A MtM of worn**** AW AM j t* |AA w-**-«a a* Aa* m«* at* **» j VMM TMMM am hAMAM AAi V' A«« AMU t IWM MMI* MM «MMA»i to Nw MA. m*4 gWilllt IV NMIa fio ! W «•«•**» Ml tN ImaA AmAA* Mi Aama> it* ton* *• VMM IM* *tMM« MM*WA «A • Wmmwi to IV abM IW* AAA I j MM Am* -Tl«i MIAMI MM A Ml Oar car** mat A V'« M*Wl «W As MA NS* at •*•** Ai»irt|AAW AW Mftw MiAAMM IA tlwha MWAf MM Atahwrt , *OrA aw* IAIW of V«4 Isrb *O4 AAIA *4 W CWtW* «f W f-MA* |A* ] IM MltiMk AMIM *A A* *v mini ft*44* o*l UmaANM mm* on* *» ro*ri- J •4 I'MtflM N« Am a*** •* AA **< mm i«fH wmmthm rum -•*mm j «M* t AAA »•»! AM AW •*« »* IV’ tv AM* *V Aa* ***** Vw . lA*** «*M V*» Mr IV Am* Mil IWM** *A*k IV lA* •*«*'• IIMMW I A MAt * V Amt* * ■**«*•** *b**M •latr* ana t**«*tf «i aaA mm a « *it» Wort «a»a naii **4 Marta HMM TV roM hr*** Ml ■** MWM, J mm *» a*w n«*A A*r aa MM m »*, AaA AraocAt *KH Mom Mitt A* i Tbwr Vain* >*V«M*i a*4 tV *» *a I ««M ««oAA*i «4 Vw VIIA MAW 'Man* day* tiirtf4 mi ft ft* **d ##***»«* fit# <N)tn <vi>rih rtf 4iwi t*«*i Milt It tM ft!) t* rrtrtld do to itirVl.'C | ;ght ’’.'Vli H#H At t|f# and trn dottiff |M ftfffiklßS flte 'A . proportion Ufa up •# ttffi i fard tpd I Attark ikk out for • *miqil j 4,iriH( «rhl> h l pot tht» hind fmari ‘ Itttr it la Inn mh*m (hr viatlNt twfin j tfi brvtii I Rtirtnl for koto# vtifli • lit-1 til dm: | had ovnd hifd l»# j iTQu d mck |f out for ivhik hoinr. (lot t toe bu t ten tk# trtiohl# i p#(nhrr« of «ko pirt| toil honor «o| rthinatid (hit tkry voatd iHHipl to Hvf up. but tk* r»kto* tro«»4 hf forro and |rmtNMt(M i*»ak»* hop on •**! ff**f*A|t***t to jjot to Honttlr habfwPj d* «d than ati%fc ! d*r dad I wo ffi>» Inc to •**? ns far away from that (tiara in bomMo!* and am now noire to I’tibi! « h#' + I btf hwii nnprfd a jhonlMon. Tb#rr are miltlona of ttoila n la thoae ki»l4 falda but I ran tell yon »oroe- Immlv rise I* going to h»v*- rar *h«r*> of H Ormltr »»M hr »»« going to Iravr on lhr rush' frail* for Hn*»on»h, | w bsrr hr ictf'i'irii to stsy bs hlk hr - forr so (’til*. AUOUSTA'S COLORfD TROOPS. They Carried fMf the Honor In ths Itti If» at Lexloton. The Aiigu*t» mem lie:* of the Tenth rsglmwit appear to have carried off •the bonora at;on during the recent revlrw. The Herald ha* received the follow lot roninuinleal ion: I/«xiDßton Ky., Sept. 24. I S9B. To th» Editor of The Herald: L write to lef you know that our company made a good afeow In the parade before Governor Bradley of Kentucky and Secretary Alger. Company 0., o»pt- A. H. P. Mullarky'a company, of An gela, Ga., made the beat ahow of the tvhole brigade. There were 13.000 or 14,000 white soldiers and the Tenth anti Seventh of blackp. but Augusta Company G. made the best of every- ( thing. Col. Jones led the Tenth with bis fine staff of officers. Corporal Ptince Foster, Company 0., Tenth. Before purchasing a pistol or (run, rail cn me. T ran save you money. Lew is J. Schaul. Pawnbroker on Jackson street, established ISM, COLUMBUS’ ASHES. They Were Officially Kxhumed in Havana Yesterday. Havana, Cuba, Sept. 37. —At nine o'clock yesterday morning the official exhumation of the remains of Christo pher Columbus took place In the pres ence < f Genera! Blanco, Secretary Co vin, the civil governor, the bishop, the dean of the cathedral and other au thentic-. The seneral public was ordered out of tv. cathedral at * o’clock, and no one was allowed Inside after that hour. Tee .entrance to the cathedral rvas guarded by a force of Otden publico, which kept back the crowds which as sembled In front of the edifice. Our goods bought right and wo sell them right. Lamkin & Co. Bins m FALL STYLE JUST RECEIVED. F. O. TURPIN CO. 818 Broadway. PERUNA KTf r-. —. .. « v - aim vmi ■>*»* *4 tv tm* ftnWWNI *# tMOM V* • iMM* I MM* W*M* to f> PO O# V|*W «», j :»A Vw A. V* WA» AoWA «*A a MwM Ml 111 ma *iti «ii I ts hnw Mw L M tmfttk i*aMV IMA. i ,r;r y -^~r?rr^tir WAAW* IAW V *OAW wM AAi AaA »•«» Aw«* **r MAnira* 1 kart Aw» i VMtAAtr* pm» MaWk.IV I V** Nftk «m A V'MAMW Vb* fri Ua I* tow j »i« MHWtV *«4 A*A «»«*A* ft vw*A* Hr on *4* *"* au iiiyiwi aw : •a*Ol mpA V4rw H AMMI tV* **m» law W M* AaAMil AA V ***** .w» mmA a Hmm«» IA a* t aw ** iVr* . •** * w sftrr I A*A taW* IW or : , law AAtb* of IV «■* *• **l AM AwiW* lA*a t Vw l*M ' . AM* t <*AA MAl** rw*A* <VA tI»W ram aM /oat mVm Vw* Al. Fir I D I* TOWN. Ite.rive* a R*«*l Mritemw and a Hi IbMIM. Al It IVH *-* la turn a.. | H# twrvltwf a walnwa** tbit bo ' ■ ffi*w§ fMMMR * % 4*lrfitN»ft <»f lila ICMi filial* twM |li» p*M» -d h a«4d> Hy i)n> M| mud a* [ mild h tfeml tbr a ml* uaa* ifr*#twHl hi*** , in mih la ft*** pine a tin iwsatitirMi an* j ' .jn,—, |,y a |««imii dcntfitua aitli «44 (fwttOJt. I Watt, did ftttt »w It? If )»« did Hat. I I |r««a mtuHM-d aoMatlKMMl wan a • I and ttw* cawrcrt In rtwin '*» in** »»• >■ •f» , i 1 ♦*.ss»• - A Harf«n*a-did f<m h**ar tit | | Hy lla rrwad that »«<• Matuf r ('dan btu irr»nfp<l a» thmt raarat. In runvnaitiok w ith genial j lain Quinlan, hr* aald: d*-n't Iwlinvu* any ctmtpany «*vrr %\ • hlr#* had (hi* ***»« n. The |*r*«a and t \o m. VV«* |ovr th*m all, and wo try] fi» prove our Invo hy aivlna lh**n» a tin* of**n ton»#hi at 7:30: curtain | riin n 30; fun till Id:4s: «h *n rarrla** and homo. JUMO < BATTALION. Other Companies Will Probably Be Asked In Join. There will be a meeting of all (Ite ! members of the Junior Battalion at their armory till* afternoon at « |o'clock. Meana of holding (he fair and j the progr.HM already made will be dla j cuttc-d. Tbe Battalion will al*o probably »Hs- I ruaa the advisability of petting other companies from all portion* of the cl*y |to Join. Thi* *vould Indeed be a ford • idea, as there are probably enough j be y* in every school to form a com pany. The Weather. Augusta, Ga., Tuesday, Bept. 27. Office lees ted In United States gov ernment building, telephone No. 1572. Forecast for 30 hours ending X p. m., Sept. 28. 1898: Washington forecast for Georgia and South Carolina--Fair tonight and Wednesday, followed by increasing cloudiness on the const; cooler Wednes day morning; brisk northerly to north easterly winds. Local forecast for Augusta and vi cinity—Fair tonight and Wednesday, j The idver at 8 p. m. was 8.3 feet, a ! fall of 1.1 feet* In the oast 24 h urn. The low barometer yesterday over up per Michigan has moved eastward to New England, with the highest pres sure overlying the great lakes. A slight depression is still located over south Florida. No moasureable rainfall occurred ov •r the cotton belt in the past 24 hours, lut moderately heavy showers have fallen over lower Florida and light rains along the upper Atlantic coast and about the lower lakes. Temperature* have fallen over the great lakes and adjoining states, but a marked rise is noted in North Dako ta. Cleveland report* a maximum wind velocity of 42 miles from the west in the past 12 hours, and Port Eads 36 miles from the east. D. FISHER. Observer. CASTOHIA. Bears the 1 tie Kind You Hate Always Bought V* An early Anglo-Saxon custom, strict ly followed by newly married couples, was that of drinking diluted honey for 30 days after marriage. From the cus tom comes the word honeymoon, or I honeymonth. •lßli AUUOHT/ SJMtJULrr* RICH ORE II M'CORMICK tl I* I wiMw • it ♦!«* fv* tm. _ tv MMV «•> IA *M*A»«*t OAM tVwfvMr * *«t pH*! rgtWtl •*•*< Ml* #*• MWMI HAW. «M*i IV IV MlMi AM* •*»* •AC MA* ora *WA *A |HM w MA ;•»«» MM A M*aA MWAIMV. Ail I ItWV MAaMAMaM I tv AMAA'IV* A» am* MV m IV MAW* AAi WAA MV* Alt* I Art. 1*» lAM at ArttlAA AA* AAi A« • Vow HAW lIA MM* V AhAAA *1 (AW* IV* MW AartlAi AW tan itV AAA AV toy tWMAWMI* A* 1 w-*t AAi AA*W Mr At A Cat m V». • “•■At A# MW V*MMt AM ****** V*V { TV M*t*iw AAi twl|.k»wA*i Via «#; V*S» • ItaatA* AW MW tA W***tiW •Ai IV* Ml* tVt tV AMMO* V IV IWSW tA f»A*W V IV AA M VaI ACAA M H'MAAAtI At** l TV «**«*•»• M A Alw AW*l* WAV ttw MaA'4 V *VaA A MAW* ••* It M A Vi*Ml AaA A*lf KAAAtr* MA pw AAi ink IV liAAWW W MwaW MmilW Mi lir* A* IMA* tVt M •ill AAMfWii. hi. i i - ihii *k hcsiim: the cottint Hw*V**V-l*• A* IMt Vfkk IV* I in Mw» Cawitt laAM* I H'cwAi'w a i tV AMiral Mama tk«t tV wAirA Math at Mr. CAtrlrk Mr- K«nj AV 4M4 fratA »<><•« Arm* ( Aunt A ANNA ww* trarfc. IV VI IMAA A VAIVr-tA hi*. AttW MIIAI AM • lit IV IW*A tAAt Al«*l. Sut A IA taSMAtAi tv IV WVtA MWWAt «All *4 Oftw Wamam tni VA tv Not* r' lA-UA. Mr IV Kal**l. WA»t*A to IV MOJMA AtAtiOM Ttl* MWAAtM V •MWAWi Vat* tV rwwriw. TV tAItW P* tV oCrlutrr A !<•« tAlt OB tv ••• V Vi VA* WtIMM ai aka Aftrr tV aaA otwriwr* at mtr-itm* AAi rnrtr<t IV Nik «M »>»h A |!A Bar Kal«*« bV VrA OM* at IV pAl>*« •ho Vi N«a rArrlri to JaH «» wan* nl*M MrKvtijr aa» IN Vi N« driwk At tVt Ham. ANNUAL JIEETIMI. The Stock bolder* of luvnlmml Com* pmmy to Meet Tonight Tonight ai 8 o dark the *t<x*kbo)d«i* of the Augusta Heal K*tat* and la t r*;«»eut i<inr*ny wilt a aw* table at the impato » office at 706 Broad for their ! Annual fncr-Hug. IjK year ft waa derided by (be row IpAny that fit maid be diahaoded and |aII during the >ear ti» property h»n l*een aold, divided And everything done j(n this end. The meeting tonight will 1 be mainly to what has aeeom ! tibshed. It will he some time before j the company goea out of exiateuee, a* ‘ great deal of the land hst been sold mu the tontfllmcnt plan. STRUCK WITH PISTOL BUTT. nr. Harry Smith Had Trouble With Cliff fi.iulcv , Colored. Mr. Harry Smith, who roodurta a *a- Iron at the center of Calhoun and Cen- j ter atreeia, had orraaion laat Saturday night to atrlke Cliff Oouley, colored, on the head with n pistol butt.. Cliff had gone into thebnr and called for a drink. He Rot. tbe drink, but refused to pay for It. A f?w hot words wer« passed a«d Oouley called Mr. Smith a “U-n I—r.’* Mr. Smith then used the pistol. Both ! parties came before the recorder to day. Judge Howard decided that. Mr. Smith should have called a policeman ; instead of striking Oouley, so fined Mr. j Smith $2.60. Our constant aim will be to please our patrons. Iroth In goods and prices, kin & Co. Loss of Flower Bulbs For indoor »t:<l outdoor culture. Cemetery iota cttii’t be noon-fit ting)? beautified. (»et our Bulb and Flower Seed Cata'oguf. It is .Free. Keep Your Garden Growing Many things can he planted now. Cabbage, Turnip, Hadis!), Heels, spinach, Kale, Mustard, I.ettuce, Carrots and other Seeds. Onion Sets We ore headquarters for these, bundling, the very best. Extra burly Bear , While Silver t Kins, Yellow Danvers. White Multl pling or Potato Onion ; also Yel low Muillphng Shall 01s. Lawn Giass Seed Onr Kvergreen mixed I,awn Grass Heed has no equal, wish to make a beautiml green sword you should get our Brass Heed. We also carry LAWN MOWERS. if yen need one it will pay you to call in and examire ours. Canary, Barrot and Mocking Bird Foods, Silver Bird Gravel and Bird Tonic. Alexander Seed Co. 8153 Broad Street. IN ASOCIAL WAY X ; t>AM INI »••** Cm." Ml* tW ttm MMI AM NIV AAA W*A. *ll it*AAi (At V MAW* At Iktw; ttw »>•«• AAA mla.a «wA* AAi iMAkrA Aft tA tv AV4ma AW V* «AM M'M* A A'MAiW M V. Alt VIWWA# MaA V V AM* «V V I WAPf Aa a!« •*• WAV aaA VM. •Ai Ail tV MAAi tkltt AMi «w<4 VI mt t V AAAi Mu-f NVaa tfcrwHit *>• VtMMA at *A* TV rN*WA aw A*ti la tVt* wi lAUAMMI M»i*ii»*'l TV Var? -Nw i»nll»i at •ML •ai txifV ••■aa N iV Nit A*Akiaa cm TVt M**W A MAAI AW* «Atn. k Nr* at miaVamm attwiiM apna k*f. MrAHi Nam>* rt*4 *A tNIr Vat; •ai a rVro* of Nri* •arblri *lrw la V* Vao* TtU tV • ft**-»!«« MaNA tA tV A*ot TV* all tali •*«*t Ml«bi" to IVj Ntgfct IMIV l*i* •aA •imikmr. alt CatrA *ai rari a 4. Ilrr rrji borNt p|oa4 rnaai Nr Car* •am »pA *V4i TV <wlw tooi to Ikf aor 14* At S rli *li» A t *k,w Card Marty. The brilliant opening event of the t t»on of H And ti vm (In* (uuiullfiil j Ifllttmry Kurhrt p*rtjf J i citcß y#oter«Uv iftFmoo* t>y Mr* ■ I Hanford Onrdner n port ynotable for I Its unkiuenoiMi and i Mm, and one • bb-h reflect«d great credit upon the I original and artistic hostess. Mrs | Gardner's talents ns an artist hsve never been exhibited to better effect thsn the, were yesterday afternoon. 1 The spacious room, were lieaiiltfotly adorned with her lovely pictures and laiieatie and tbe dslntv refreshments were served In pia'es pa nled exquls i ttely by her skilful fingers. The two ; large parlors and hall were elaborate ly derm atrd with flags of all nations The ten card tables were covered wtih j t'nited States flags, while tbe score ! cards were hand-painted shields, on which the score was kept by tiny hul ' lets tied with red white and blue rlb - ' Pooh. The (K'glnuing and end ot each I was announced by the roll of the drum by Master Jumea Gardner. The! military idea was also carried out with good effect In tbe refreshments, red. white and blue being the pervading ! tints vbgkqj etaotn shrdlu vligknJJJW j white and blue being the prevailing tints. Mrs Gardner received her guest In ! |a turquoise blue French muslin, trltn ! med In Inches of satin ribbon She I was assisted by Mrs. Grabowski, In a I gown of thread lace over satin and i Mrs. Keene Harrison In white organdie, with lace and blue moire ribbons. Present were: Mrs. Ht. John Moore. Mrs. Maskingatn. Mrs. George Fargo, Mrs. Walter Inman. Ml»s Fraser Mrs. I Mills. Mrs. O. K Argo, Mrs. H. B. Alexander. Mrs. Bishop Alexander. I Mrs. Junes Hull, Mrs. Steiner Dunbar, ' Mrs. Burke Hhewmake, Mrs. John I Boone DeSausstire. Mrs. Hugh Me, Mrs. Mitchell of Charleston, I Mrs. T. P. Branch, Mrs. Cunningham, , Mrs. Holmes of Jacksonville, Mrs. I Carswell, Mrs. C. A. W.there, Mrs. Virginia d’Antlgnac Allen, Mrs. Dore ! nus, Miss Georgia Kstcs. Mrs. Kdge ' worth Baxter. Mis. William Crane. Mrs. Frank Butt, Miss Marion Gard ner. Mrs. James Paul Verdery, Mrs. Gary, Mrs. Bryan Gumming. Mrs. T. K. Scott. Mrs Randolph llidgeley, Mrs. James Barrett. Mrs. Victor Barbot. Mrs Frank Beane, Mrs. Louis Schley, Mrs! W. H. T. Walker. Miss Mattie Gardner, Miss Adelaide Moore. Miss Lillie Rountree and Miss Mattie d'An- tlgnuc. Mrs. C. A. Withers and Mrs. Walter Inman cut for the first prize, a silver sord pin and was won by Mrs. With ers. The second prise was a gold bugle, hd.Bsrs.oxe vhgkqj xziittffffl cmfwyppa The second prize, a gold bugle, was cut for by Mrs. Itidgeley, Mrs. Mas slngalc, Mrs, Walker and Mrs. Branch, land was won by MrH. Ridgeley. Miss Lillie Rountree won the booby, a toy drum. Birthday Party. Miss Georgia Esies was the hostess, last evening, at a charming party given by her nephew, Master Frank Dot-e --mus, in boner of his eleventh birth day. Dancing and games were enjoy ed, and elaborate refreshments were served. These were present: Miss Helen Carroll, Miss Myrtle Mc- Ginty, Miss Lillian Stulb, Miss Bessie Wright, Miss Mary Wilkins, Misses Hattie and Grace Boykin, Miss Mary Lockhart, Miss Nellie Crane, Miss Ber tha Barrett, Miss Clara Knight, Miss MMa» <Nt Ma» Ia iia kk'AkAWt Mw in<a At*wt M*iAW kv*> tVk' mnM >V MWi tlVt V * (ti«oWA tkAMt Map 11' I**o kkrtCM. UmN INi kikk. Mam ■ * <t‘H trAA* IVA MW MH AAA fp*m <NAA • Mama* W t w»«* Mortar N*w Mi ‘ r*wpk IbOftfcAA Vtv-Nll. I Mw MMk M fori* at IVA VI «oi Mt hv I v*» *■»*•• A|Nk , wvA is tlww «tM»i to* t«*». ’MI Am 1 1 i tMlit* tV inwt Vk tV tl wAwr t i Mw Mw* i*w* At Np«*«A M t*.J t# Mr A M VwAW* IV MMWOIM* M I wtor Owakw iV i«»»iwk NMW* Ik* I MPftMMAPW TV Oar tVAAr* Ci*M C*Ak sill V»» AAA As V Artlattlol AAAWI’«•* ’ *■<*»» loaicM. TV mma* W as Mr* MM * *ai Vr Mi>t Mm r**APt. aim wiwt »«i Vt IV tv* AMI V WAN tv«r bfOAP «• Aamapm ittp •latw Cm riAPt •Ml v to MomMooo. M I* • ti,p Mr* Milt* ••« WM V* kmbpti to MPOtkOWt IMWtlt Mr* Imaoto VittM krkN Mo*w tW Aa* Nr TtotaanA ta V» Mr fckbf. •V • It apart w«* at Mto*-V IV t «A liAiIIMP'IA ttna olalrr Co JWrill* Ta*v of Vr-oaViA. Mam . arltf apaat • l«* awk» Ifci* •la ir* altk C o A oto* No* all At kw Via* oa i V Mill M>kp ttA»r Am*all oltl War* toatnr . too N aa mW XortVfa i*lm ' larlnilaß a tH* to kUotiia aaA to t|niß«B ld. Maw Mr*. IMaMI froark aad M»# WllHaaa , ftoork •ill Nip Tharod** tar rtaw morn abrrr IV* will w*N iVir N>ai* la IV falar*. Mr* Rn*rar Vrrdrr* and fcrr dan*b trr. Mia J««wH» K** faMipVll. kar* rtlnwri tmw tV Norik l arollaa mountain* Mra Dorratu* *bo Va Nra riAltias brr falhrr. Mr BMr* will rrlura tbla wrrk to brr horn* It Itall** Tft. Mr* T P Wrlih baa a<* .mpatilri brr parrula Mr. tnd Mr*. Hamnrl Ta«- nahlll. o* a »Ult lo Nro York. Mr* llolmr* of JarNonvlll* h*a rr tnrnwl from Saluda and la lh» *u«*»t of brr motbrr. Mra. Mayr*. Miaa (Vlralr Alim will riel! Mr*, j CbrlHlir at Hast I***-on-t hr-Hudson tbal wlntrr. Mira Gror*ia Kidr* trill vlaM hrr *l*- trr, Mra. John Coalra. fn Man n In Or lohrr. "Cleailiiw is Kelt In Godlioess 1 ' Is tn old *4fij!f, and one to t>A re*|«f <*(ed. TOKEEPCLEAN YOU NEED SOAP W *y «i?ie common soap when you can k t! a n c* toilet soap (or about !h**<»nie money* \V# hnve a cf»n»|>iele lit «• for you to select from, and can surely please you. Just received. C'otfatd** (»|K>i»onAX ami Vlorin; alro Kaiib'* l.|fir White. The beats fur 26 cent soap on the market. C. H. HOWARD, JR., CROUCH'S Ol.fl HTANit, UOH ltrca.l Street. GWlrnlWf HO] ROLLS FROM jjERRY’S gBAMP piIKE HOUSEKEEPERS TRY IT. NOTHING LIKE IT. All First Class Grocers Keep It. AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. MT tat AaMMTtWL It trt* «**ttb (A* kkdtf t*» IN tuliMt* lt» Mi TMf Wmt» "CWMWA MW tMltiU." m m% tM»tt»k /, OR SAMUCL PTCMCR nf Hftum*. Utmm n*«aaM%. m « tht mpmiar •/ -CASTOKiA,* U* mm tk*i km harm **d rf»r» mm km *— m mr§ Ik* /*<- • tiAiir mf** Imr* QGtfAt ******* •**#**> Tkit i 4 tkt anpml -CASTORIA* ttktfk km kf*m **4 m Ik* Aomrt ts Ik* Bather* if Amtrktfmm** tkui§ smn, LOOK CAREFULLY §1 Ik* ****** **d *** lk*l U B Ik* kind pm hare *l**§t ktmikl , /r . ■*» m Ik* KM 4 *tf *•!»***/ »r*p> per. Ha am km amlkanf* fern mtom* m§ mm* etrtfl Tk* Centaur Comptup if mktck Ckm. H. FtHck** it fr™4**L -KP..Z). Do Not Be Deceived. Do not endinjjrr ihe Me of yonr chtLl Iry irerfMing a chrap milialilulc tthich w*mr may offrr )<hi (hrcauv* he nukrt a fr« mow* prnnirt on il). the in gmlient* of cihkh even he tlttrt n«*t know. “The Kind You Have Always Bought" BEAR 3 THE SIGNATURE OF Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You. ve CHHiMi AM MAMMA ff »CMMC* ****** Aim *AV WN, A FEW SAMPLES i^|j I. C. Levy’s son & Co., TAILOR-FIT CLOTHIERS. AUGUSTA. .... GEORGIA NOTICE! -On and after this date Subscribers to the Augusta Exchange of the Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company will be given Free connection to the following places: BATH, S. C., EDGEFIELD. S. C., GRANITEVILLE, S. C.. JOHNSTON. S. C., Soitlen Bell Telep&oae & Telegraph Co., W. H. ADKINS, Manager. JOHNSTON TELEPHONE CO., W. A. Giles, President. Lady Holland. In an extremely interesting article on Holland House in the October Pall Mall Magazine, the Hon. Caroline Roche, describes Lady Holland as being of a most Imperious nature and thor oughly unconventional. She would, writes the author. In the midst of some of Macaulay's in I cresting anecdotes, lap on the table with her fan and say, "Now, Macaulay, >ve have had enough of this; give us something else;” or to Sydney Smith, “Sydney, ring the bell.” He answered, “Oh, yes! and shall 1 sweep the room?" To Lord Porchestcr her frankness went even further. I am sorry to hear you are going to pub lish a poem. Can't you suppress it?” if her dinner table was too crowded, she instantly gave her Imperious or ders: "Luttrell! make room!” "It roust certainly be. made,” he answered, “for it does not exist." Mrs. Hubbell is expected as the guest of Mrs. Eugene Verdevy. Miss Jocela Summers has returned Trom Atlanta. We have the finest selection of Teas in the city. Prices are right, too. Lam kin & Co. from our exquisite stock of Furnishings will show the superiority of the qual ity and make of our goods, besides the swell style and rich effects of our neck wear. shirts, collars, cuffs, gloves, suspenders, um brellas and etc. Our new Fall stock is worth your inspection. LANGLEY MILLS. S. C., TRENTON. S. C., VAUCLUSE, S. C.. WARRENVILLE, S. C. HONEY TO LOU. In any sums desired from SSOO upwards, in straight 3 and 5 years time, or on 10 years time, payable in equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fees. No delay in getting the money. Alexander&Jolmson Agents Scottish Amerion Mortgage Company, 705 Broad St. GOMEZ HELPED HIM. Rochester Times. Gen. Garcia announces that he has retired from politics, but there is a prevailing opinion that Gomez helped him considerably in doing so.