The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 27, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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TUE»OAY 4 THE IUCUSTI HEMLO gpaSj/crs: t? KM - ._J_ 5 ~*»«**• H|gnn - *• *• flpifil-r* ■*»«.*» *«***" ,k *** t«£ftMl» "W*—> I mm amt* r-Tt MM , •*#*•*** os"m»*-» «••* ** lMk<l UK *»—*»* ■* wni ww® in® mtALt l |* AtIMM* *• »*<• **•*"* **' '* i!l!*S!r*«»—l> ** •*• tMw« !•»*•« •im| ** MBMW* ss*<*# ***** K *• ‘A* •'»*• •**•' •* < «•****•• **I»T a i >*.. nx*4 fW** In t t* Ot» A* «*• **•*•* •* tHt «*4 FkKA A»—■ **•**' *MtM ttmmM „ *,» .1,.*, *** «*«***» *»• M *T • Aw b* i*fw*n«# *m *•* ** *•** TWI FfnTO* of BVBNTI g. v, frf-'.sAr** 1* ■*..*«• MM to*w • ** ta* (•»>< * tipnm *’ •’•w** l ** "* •***•*l*' * r , ta ***» t» «»• **•»** *• *■** ' a*nrr»#*i any umm* . VW pt.ast' l *4 *ha V«»» «,a» • >***ylh»4 ** lb* |l**‘t**< •I’*® - j lari* nf ta* r*Mt«rr Tk« Nt'Niri I*b«( »t <■*• Utrti* y**< r f)!*> t»t na*w<# *1 ta* tikt«n im tfcal tttt A •»» »#*r faa* *W»**e«*t ta IM r *e' (*>"*■ ■rraamanl *»4 i¥ aalturwHßhal starlit ta friitly *arM*4 It la I knot M i that <He a*® I* atom* m<t color txwaa may fa* yttorttraMa *«<t aur, ***ful Tfa* Hamburg ftwatof of f'*>iam*rr» ■m* Ukra tp I fa* tight to rewind lb* Qenr.ii gall Aawrtraa pmfc Mil. Th* falWllto la Franc* rtr*t» th* ad tan lion of tCfafoyr and a military pmp tan weald fa»l fa* *urprl*trig. Tfaa Xaw York ffolrtter* and Sailnra' frulalit* Aaanrlattnn air a# a r*c*pttor> tn honor of U*«*ral Jo* Wheeler tumor- Tha raraait railroad hold-up «n the Mtaemirl CirlAr «u unaarrMfll, »»■ in* to the rolti* ik uatna too much dy oa oiHi' Oa III* rrryi of a enmtdete revolution. In atnlal and political affair*. Porto Hire ta undtaf urlstd and tnlxe* |ii‘>ifWP with tropical placidity. It la paaalfato that on* of th* result* of the war d.-narta.oni lni#»llg*lliu( praratl-igiT mil b* a coraplai* reor ganisation of th* army. Tammany ha* com plated arrange nx-nta to go to th* Nr* York atatc d in crati* cvnv«J»tlon In four apavla! train* of tan Pullman car* *at*h. Th* Preach Civil iMmmiwiiui appoln tad to report «n ili* advlaaiUllly of re wianlng Ih* lireyfu* caae, la returned to be equally divided (or and ugainal a revision. flls hundred American wildler* are In the hospital at Manila, aiifferlng moal ly froni typhoid and dyaentery. The sanitary condition* of th» city ai« moat menacing. A achooner. the t.lggeat ever I'ullt, lr rapidly approaching com plot lon at Camden. Mi. She will have live mania mid carry 10000 square yard* of canvas. One of the probable subject* for the vai department Investigation will l>* th* Iwirylng of th- soldier dead. It Is said that they were thrown Into their graves without the slighter! oer emouv ■ The Carnegie company la to erect a monster plant to build Pig gun*. Over 3,000 men can work In the build ing*. and amicable relation* of the workmen are assured. It I* proposed to rival the Krupp plant. The authorities of the National Mu seum at Wyhtnrrtoa have In contem plation the Installation of at) enltre case, to be assigned to th» District of Columbia reginn-nt which participated In the war with Spain. In which relics of tbe war wilt tic placed on exhibi tion. The latest Chicago Improvement Is a postottico physician. He Is tn receive a Biliary of *1.700 per year for service* at the main office, where hi» duty will lie to unearth cases of ahum sickness, and avert severe Illnesses by sending men off duty who are on the verge of n breakdown. A shipment of ten million ounces of Silver will soon la- mude by the gov ernment from the Philadelphia tit ilu- San Francisco mint. A special train guarded by Federal soldiers ttfid detectives Is to be used and hereafter such bullion will be shipped by freight instead of express. Tin grownt shipment amounts to over 000 gons or fifteen ordinary carloads. •IU*M ttMUtt mturn « |—i»f ** *'*»■« i* *%* •*•* •Ml m|m «M» «•►'•** '*•• *** •* ’ Ml wMRMMI ME * **ukm mm A * %*•'***# fMA® EP I tfeai -fftf m MMI •*»'# *®E iMMpNfc *#®®E t® ■ „ a» jtfUN® pr «■■■• ft #®m»' MM® #® •K"* IMP® •%»*# {pNtgplp tfll E MpnMPM *•§ EE®*** M •EEWP*®®® I® Ml*® I «MP» (®E«®® *1 EM®*®*®®***® MM IWM | **®» «• Mm MM Mt®i Mm hm e*e» i <*«® 11l mNM® Mi MMMMMMM MM* •** *•* EE®* EM* In® MM ****** MMnm * MM® | p puirTirT amphm «®Mii Mt* MplMßh E MM*» M r ® p#® 4|«®mP MM4 Mi | •* I**®#* |M AfMiU IMII §EtEi Ml «Mfc* •«*■ PHAM H#f pMMK? M • Eli# M* f E®E*l »>|lf ***** ** | * **#, s#v* §*>® pi Mn® iwElEi® Mill Ml MM | I* fi*yM «*#**•* mi %«***#Ei**• ®E*N* > ttiU® YIMMNI ® sll Ml MMI Mil I '«• ®»MI CM* MMI «f »fl »M «Ml‘ : iMMm* ®|mi mMmnill Mi iM» ptimmmv **** tMMfeft I*® MllMMl «•♦* MiM *ttt *• . pUmiml Mi iMi m«mm •»< M* •*< ? • tlMMlif# M*®f**• *M rtfM« * ft, lllvt »®| tM Till ft M M| ®m4l -4®i* wpi pNMff *«M»i Mi Mm ililiii'f UMI *MHm> MMMMftllli EmHIIMI M* W®' | i mm Ml mmm*? JIIIMUMI MMMM Ml M® * MMIVt M® * t*.*®M MM* pMtMp® MNK M MM* IMiM • |if g(®0» riNMIIMM* 1 ® Ml M® iMMMNI •! • MM r«MI4 PM IMM MlMt ctUM I* IM M mm® «mi n muni l Tbs toe* tins of Ik* prop** rawing apt* lor th* Babes of Cbrtafnpfa** C«l --„ M. m • .11 d ntb*)*** ram* up tor 4ia riggiki It <fa» JtUM Pnm Cappiw *■ •a fans gpaln will >tah to raaaov* tha Mar ang pmwmi sad cnakat ta Madrid. «hit* to" la n ferllng among Amerl ran* that tfaa praprr ptnra fur Ofatom t na to ha bat i*4 la la Waahißgtua In ih* meantime, II la by no a»*at • seUbd whara Colombo* la tout riitoa claim tb* honor of th* aarrad dust. Havana, Ann to Domingo do* on in to'} , and Valladolid, dpala. tl»a ffrat rnnuior lo ha raaliy decidad la #<>- ■ mg to h» the hard*"* m* ah' l aflar that l is uMtlrd. that* will probably be no p*r*a goauhlaatod to handle R. Kach of tb*** rltMa ha* a claim tjf dorumaaiary and rtrcumataatlal **l t>n*e aa lo th* true resting pl*c* us Ctlinui u* ibat I* alarming Fix to aa antiquarian and historical stan I|m<lbi daato Dnmahtgo has hy a'i odd* tb* moat latwaatifaf «•*•*. Col mu • bit*. I >a amt Diego and otbar of |»l» lioa dltd aad war* burled ta Valladolid and after resting awhll* began th*lr *»«*- ney to Rrnto Domingo nod Havana l*ut tbe Domlalrana claim that tb* tru • body of Columbus baa nevar been ta ken front the Island. rorttu»T a«ru a lican AIL!AM)I IM rEOEOIA rh* people of t.torgia are gradually grttlng Bnihscu to In* fact that lb* ns gro vote in the Eleventh congroaalonal diatrlet ta being appealed lo on Kepub lletn line* to support the fusion tick* t. They see in this rombinatlon a return of carpet bagger and reconatruction day*. The distinction from a racial and white supremacy standpoint is a deli cate one. but It l« atrong and da«p acated- a white man. and » Georgian, who appeals to the negro vote lo se cure election la engaged In a scheme to inaugurate "negro supremacy” In Ih* atHt* —that la. If he l« a Popullat or a Republican. If he l» a Democrat seek ing to heat tt fellow Democrat, why. the use of the negro vote to defeat hi* op ponent ta all right. Such a distinction may he justified on the ground of party expediency, but the sober thought of the people of Georgia of the white people of all par ties ought to assert itself and put an end to nny and all candidates using tin* negro vole to decide political contests. Georgia bus played with this fire brand of politics long enough Mid It does seem as If our tieople should ere long realise that It Is dangerous to continue the practice. Augusta ban had uh much expertencraaan.v other portlonof the state aud our people can give some straightforward testimony. A REMARKABLE SPEECH. That was a remarkable speech of the Attorney General of the United States ut Trenton. N. .1 . on Saturday last, and certain of his utterances may he taken as presaging the republican bat tle cry of im In its news columns The Herald has recently given the views of eminent i statesmen regarding the effect i f the I war on the two great political parties, and if the following is properly gaug i ed. it may be seen wherein the repub- thth attottfta pfj» i * T n I * ■ M® MB®- M(MMBfc - v "'EM® MMMiiil MW® ® Tin MM" 1 ® : *4 ®®#** ! MPM Ml ®MM*iM®MM M® ppppM mmS Mb®Em***’*'* M® [ MmHI m* ME® ftMNE # Mmi® MM®***®® PMEMmM PEEpEMI ElpMN# pp MMMM® ®M MM*** EM ME®** ®*M In A M®P# I 4 « • ®H » r .(. P> '■ A ■fM • in* »P »ww •* •**••• **** Ml UNI MEMEMM M i MMf M ,( E* ftMMI Ml MW tM i‘®r | Ml MM MMM MM IMm Em® Ml U* f ******** OtpppM «n Hmn mpmmmmmi® Mhm MpnEMMMI *mM®* *EM mm®** mnh*M **MM n*l®Mft OrKtpy * TV piM® «Mm« rmpmm ' 4M <MM® ImhE E*»ll MM® MpMMM EM® «M «M» MMMi Ms «|RM ft®®®— M lliMlMf ® MM ®«M* EM® ® ****** Hfe 4 ; I— mMEMn—e •Ms mMm— tftM—Eoi—E *Mt 1 |Hp® of DVlIt PM® tfEfltflMtMM® iMEtf mmm ®Mm—m *«f*®> iMemm®® «M» ®f tIMM®E Ml «®MEi*M®IMMfMMM EM® MM* ®Et*4HtMM * itHRRRMK [ A Em* lEiwpEU M— —MEM—**® Ms ««f ®pimiti mm® EErM;—tM®M E®—M® ®Mh |M 4fMMIM® E M—llMl MMf® 9®i’fM— j >■ fete IMM* IM* wt Mr. Mart* lb* lri»»A>tp» »n*» «w*r«4**4 t* WNI .trwrt HA A»- inw tM tM»n*rt«alt» »W KMUtlly ■apartnr tM tM«Mr> a*4 twa»»» ••4 iMaa of A Warw UMaJMctaal la a«Mr tor* (M ht*Mr wattl paAltflaitl—a • ait bat. tM tow Apt U M ta 4lotart» AM «ra»*«»iU> m 4 ' mn nMrtr With thought* as hltrM : ard tM hartMirlag ot rwiaatawat ta thl* M M awpiv horaa oat h* htoto ! n TM frhMMl»htp tot mttm oaiortor aa4 j talatUtr. Mtwtoa auutr-r ao4 awwial j or Mtw«M kith aM km. M of a tlaa*. i TM forawr to dlrtat"d bjr aollw of i prudanra aa4 ■oif-aggraadlwtaant; lM iattar hff aatait; hwt th* boa 4 M- Itraaa aiantal aa4 tataitortual aqaalttr to of a higMr plana and of aar.ra aa durtna fabrtr, IVtmrch dartoran that only fool* and dolt* guarrai. Clcaro * moot famous oration to on tha rahjaet at rrlaadahlp. My ini that whll* tM mtibia fought and •tonad aarh othar arlaa man raUtatd thalr and preasrvcd tbidr frtondahlp Kptrta tus Mr* tM mandMiip of a trira and good man to ona of tha moat prarloun poa»a««lon» of llfa. And *ra all ra* : mambar Polonium ndrlea to Mart an. conrarnlni hit triad frlanda Tha truth* ara Juit a# raal at tha and of the buap, bnatlini ninataenth ranlury. a* when , uttered bv the old philosopher*. Wbr i than dwell In dlucord and jtrlfe? Iu« live together tn awtir and good will, ihit* fulfilling the moral and philosophic law, which go hand tn hand TH* HEBAbO'B P*IZK USTTIM r*OM BUMMKR RKEOBTB The Prlta letter content Inauguratwl by The Herald la*t summer and eon -1 tniund again thl* »ummcr, for the beat J letter from eny *umnter resort, cloee* j on Or't. let. All letter* desiring to compete for j the prlaee, wb:ch arc three l n number, $25 00. $15.00 and $6.00. must be in The Herald by Oct. tot. They will all be ■ published and have an equal chance I for (he prices. But no letter which is received tolei than Oct. tot will be ell . glide. A competent and .’mparttal committee | will pas* upon the numerous letters that have Appeared in The Harold an.l their decision will ba announced in due time. Any of Ihe returning aojourn ers from the resort* who.desire to de scribe their summer outings still have an opportunity to compete for the prizes. The only condition is that all letters must Ik* received by The Herald by Oit. Ist. lloss Platt will make known his se lection ln n day or two. Cotton How offices are ablaze theso nights way Into the small hours. What Is to be the disposition of the present basins when the new water works ate completed? The HoraliJ says n park strongly and earnest ly. The News and Courier, with perfect good leiti|ie.i, records the fact that it received just one order for Its mag nificent annual review ot the trade of Charleston for the past year. That was from a man In Atlanta and was for a single copy. TMHOMSEtM K AHOfT TOWN. . HP— ®®#%» *E— 9—PlflßNt —E'% MRF*M#*® #—EMEwe ® m -'Em iMp®M ® —*mM® &ms*k m* * |math ■ * % * * *" 4 * | f .£ fftMtm I* Ms ME® I!—®®® I • fiiifff pNP®| vV®® fPMEpMMMM Vnm mp— ®HM® mKUIe feMM®-M® M— MM— tM Mm® f M—f® IV MfEl iMMMt® E—MlM® ||» £•# V ® ||f|l* gfftfihtpt' * «MMi ME* Mil. I null tV*tjE»t Em —e#® —Mt V—• In® Ms mme Mem® tM—— •—mE *Mm Ms * , m 9 j|ft— tEm MvfY—m®p® Mff M9M—®<tHl |wM • eemEM— M» M—M Ml® MM® M—Mmm t»ff tifffef MM *tt \ M®l||H|E MM I ' ,|mf Es lo—clrk It Imm that nw* of tM toomw* of j tM war is that bowMbAtohAMi to psa’lf j a tNaraaa **4 Mt •• *•■*•*’? wh»k* rtf. gad aow tM .lestisi tpi *t _•*•* talgM With a* mwA aetowtiAr prwrWAa a* they would »r*w t a fever. "I’uoA? pojA* M a ass' 4 wa* tM *l4 Ume piusrrlptkm. hut muaetiow It fattod to 40 |M work and the tmnper who h» t won tM tou till* to Wrrtiug maah«*>4 oa tM haul*hekl wa* )u»t a* apt w» •uyhody to pla* **A/ la tM barrack, rtu at prawat tMdoctor* pu* «*ore f*- I ltaae* In* than la bad mate ami 4*l better r»- , auti* Oa* of tM Ihtug* that ha* bmrn i Mfloualy auggmttad ta ihto . ustntetUMt la a military burmiu of lauewwt to lilt,vide reading otatter. picture#, sport •ad 4iv*r*iua gvmrally for mi army og duty. Aitna. th# Augusta rotored Jockey, and Tod Utnan. tM white one, are , atiaut the same height aad look tow what alike barring, of course tM col or, while Him#. I should Ihlok. le aosur tew or hfteea pound# heavier. Was# ha* Juet gone tssck td Kngland and ihe ttr*t day out larded two winner*. K . omparlaon ha# been made twdween 1 the riding of the tote Pred Art her the fawnu* dead English Jocltey. and Tod jilt an. Uird William H reaford ha# given the opinion that Sloop ia ■ die s tin. tly better Jtwkey than even Archer wa*. The English newspaper# have print led * lei t< r ixiintlni out the striking phyairal resemlilauce between the poet Unrest*, Alfred Austin, and Tod Sloan They ar# both small, while in feature and color of the hair, and even in man nerism* they are closely alike The poet laureate, when robbed of hi* mum tache, become# the Jockey. Now that M:s# Winnie ltovl# rest* ha j side her father in Richmond, 1 raeol i leet what one of the veterans of Com pany A told me uoop returning from the Atlanta reunion*iu July. He had met Miss Wtnnte In year# gone by and she remembgrod him ami so. when th*y again met in a small crowd, her right hand was clasped In Mother'* and slie said. ‘Til have havb to give you my left band, air; its lieu rest my heart, i though.” “Then she passed on,” continued the veteran, “greeting everyone with a gued hamlgrasp and a genuine word or two of thoughtful inquiry; there wss no •chawmed-to-aao-yoH' air about her, shewn* nalura 1 . happy, and honest.' 1 An air-tight chamber large enough to hold fifty or »Uty dogs will he used in future at the Washington pound to as phyxiate the animals. Charcoal fumes is the gas employed, and the method wilt save money, be ing much cheaper than shooting or drowning and more humane. Tire dogs are Introduced after the chamber has been tilled with gas. They fall over almost without a cry tn about a minute, and are dead very shortly afterward, but to avoid any recoveries, owing to a premature .qwiiing of the . Imbiber, all are allowed to remain to for from ten to fifteen, minutes. •• AllOl IST A FOR AteIHISTANS." THK BUST AUOUSTAN IS THU MAN WHO HOMS MOST. “THERE'S ENOUGH ALREADY TO DO THE TAkLINU.” HERALD PRIZE LETTERS —4NMMI sKfc SOIIER RESORTS. IN EFNEM **#*!*< Al, c va >-4k f mEMM—I • E*•’«**—E Ms ; •a* Ml th* W«AW. M# M*«4 Ha! i way tot* aw**#va dr. • <1 rwsaaa, #4 ' mt and gMHw# <4 a M#rUnv«w*k »«• 141 H|enae4W). «* tniftrta «Mai fu# tM - MHli at team rn*.ilA4 SMlllWal.l | i »«#*» d*na*hkg < laiptrsa as vaatohtag j tta.* IM raii.i>Ht#tr*« e . k*.l siMiwt •<**• aura to th* tt .uve.ut rt. a * a»4 >* (Ms* hmum# loth# «M ran Bm4 at tM valgat 4tapto* tart4*st« t* aw> h IMUtag ptwaw If y*w Bad a At#' l urv tius* tA* ty*n It MU h* sum 4a * rrpt4 btttow# wa* froap a asatanai ear | a*r «f ear earth, twehia# fi*t » fro* Sealing a a tar* at (hr tvais a (Am. A# uaa eßatura* placaa afriwa 4owa ' th* Atlantic <«a*t M #Mw ■ t.ana*-a .snpany Kv.ry watarM# pta>« or j summer rtsott ha* MS 41U1*. t ro*r*e. . tetiatlca. e»i h niMil) rni. rtaiatn* to j tha *i«4ant nf human naiurv. What | thl* tamer knee* of tM northern re* 1 mtlt ta from wMe apron* rowtHatton, . aa4 that rvyststlen to vutumtnawa tM idaring trumpet# of a«44f faana. aelept I aactrtjr Jourwaia alarm# pubttelly to j not kic*- am .van to tM mlmiieat lie ■ tall# of “tntaa Bnr I.unardy,” «* man## | l*i mamma a fslee dtsnsadv, or thsai ' Valent franca The Huulharwer at a ! noriMm rwort l# a vary ptcnatartal apacln.en ahaaal from auuaoua nirtiHi* din*# Th# #tn>n#j.a*r. of anew Willy la j eld about him. Me ta uaieiHi# about ,tM Jewafa4 rhrfk wM call* fidth t* ! "nhott 'tin up", feeto hi* apprtUt de > part *# M encounter# tM nppaMluf | head-waiter, road# the menu In French 5 and think* ev#ryb«*dy I* **<• bin* to ar# I him misunderstand It, I* In the gravrat doubt whether or not tie ran throw th# 1 gareal at hi* dltiow with • quarter or i * five dollar bill, and when the valet i da chambre fetch,** tM pitcher of Ice- ] I water and liH#*f* at the room dour, be i to mlaerable to know wbriber It la a i t nt.-kel hr' should utter or a two dras* , ! suit. What bind of a >t*h t# a Houuiarn er at Aet.ury t*#rk? 0.-nil. ruari-bisn he may la, but he i* readtty outeJuwaed by tha tailor-made parvenu# who nets the pa## and ha# th# pa#* of bun eaaily. Hive him the blue akie# of the At- | lamb' shore#, and that part of the Al>- ] . palacblan «y#tem which Ilea Mouth of ■ the line that mark# the boundary be | tween the two section*, and the South j erner who go#* out for the summer Is ) at home. Hi* smile# answer to #mlle«. ; he l# behind the scene# or In front, I# encouraged to lead or second the ta i ilea ox. ran ga# and be gaesed at, lead j the ever-charming summer gtrl by the ' bstddlng waters, under cool bower# or ' slang the sandy shores and can gucse to j a cent what the landlord # Wit will be ! or the »Ue of TW# tip when be tian.l# | him. after a few days, into the heavy laden excursion train. Away Iwrk in the mountain# of Vir ginia. at chosen beautified locations, ihe old-time Southerner *tlll tile#, man and matron, but their day# are number ed. The New South is of age; the rule of the old 1# relegated. There la no re imiHsun. e for the South that once wjje. and which, in the day# that at# now In U " dieunil. es past, charmed the civi lised world. The free, fun-loving American.where ever found, misse# no opportunity. Ttu excursion train Ills him (and her. tiro) like tile epldermus. He seems Isi in for it. but, chi how he smashes the dig nity of summer resorts tilth his laugh ter, and lunches along the Iran high ways. Let the scribe giva him over: he is, to use u common vulgarism, “too much for him. He sifts the shekels in to the coffers of the corporations who girdle the earth and buy empires, and so we see him lifting inillbviatres into place and power which marks his util ity in life. Do you think he would make an angel laugh or weep? Both perhaps. At home existence is serious: on his • round trip" It Is all glory and fun. 1-a-t us leave him In it. for in the world of progress he is a new one. and a mere Incident of the summer wander ing*. As for me. In the summer days, give me the free mountains. Who said it first, “Mnntanl semper liberi?" The crest of West Virginia wears it as its motto, and it speaks the truth. ln the beautiful mist, or by the bounding, laughing cataract, or in the deep solitudes or on the lofty heights, one may philosophise or dream the THIS IS IT M4MM4 Mhli & POR EARLY FALL STIFFS AND ALPINES ALL SHADES $3.00 Ju«l Arrived. DORRS Tailor me. Hath, \urimhmfv %£ How Do Y#bt Dol ari 0* Am yen* dolton *«»i f to* Aw* to hU ton? irto# foot tut tor* hat* <t«r drugs *r* a* par* and fk**k a* any to '«•* *» aba**# tot an# pua Y#a a*a 1 full vatu# to #n.unat yau 4B*M • tth ##. Nahto * r<*d (>••* . tan festary JIM t#.ov*4. Nunnally’s Candles trash ante# • a##k. TM mast i«yMr Faady »n lM of. Marahmallea# I* n*«. Are You Moving ? t*#to’#.iA*i*#. kaaaaal Ptink* Haarib and mttiel I’amt* «ia 4nn * i #»4 ynuy—nil aaa b# bad from uv Smoke “Chicos." Th# bnt 5 c#ti(i cietr 11®* vAttiia i Near in tbieitf. Alfiaader Dm Cinpaur x* broad trr PORTNBR’S HOFBKAU and VIKNNA CABINET BRANDS OF Export Beers ARE THE BEST ASK FOR THKM. hours away and stand still for a mo ment. The rush of life is nut there; tut.] it# follies arc pushed sway into a little corner of a sleeping memory. Let rile gay and giddy exchange their little nothings Ui the glare <>f the ballrooms: let the summer butterfly skip and sip there and yonder to desert them nil at last wearied with vanities; it is for them to choose. , , \s for me, give me the free air of the cage, the soft sighs of the breeze on tlie peaks, the grandeur of the home of test and "rttvinest inelanch.dy/;^ OASTOHIA. Ban tiw >*The K.nd Ymi Have Always Bought 8 “T" It is- ttiiHuuiJced that Rear Admiral Detvey jmi’L'hu.setl, in Hhjgland, through att apnt, a it*, in tiifc? Slmpe ot a snultbox. from a muitoeiTy tf®® plant s bf Shak - ePf e®re in hie garden at gtrgtfor®. The hox formerly belonged to Gen. Sir De nis Pack, one of Wellingtons com rades. SFPTfVBrn 97 PEARL ONION BETTB Jw*i mk» v«k). and *® hive (ItifiAtoAll W«Mlty until Nov, IM at Piirt On»oo E*tt» Maplmk It#fO#rv#ri w«l do W*H 111 (iIHCAI |h«(f Oflttf At OHM. 1.1. Girdelli, Druggist Antlccphnlalglnc t 4sn< IhtoLdlLdl < itanT-*V* tr* CUffO .V. talrt mi* ahacmh tn AH Ito VAVtOU® FORMS RAAaAn##**# *#Mf •• toa V" a fill— L juHNauA. Hiimm® p A* fkNNMFMBM® 4 I®——*—E' ®V irpr- MM® M—® •» #•••"* ** *E® EE® «*#** As mtom A# ton# *4 mt mmmm WMvmn and n«un by L. A C«rd4rlt«. Drvmiat. AufOkU. O*. For Sale! TM f. n»* ng *a#4M*ty out A* *nM *1). v a hwtotMkß Mo #M sa4 <A* **- »• tiront. #*•**»*•« IM iMroa (M 4Mi up MHA mil# 14 MM*. iw*Bi*4 Mtf way tAi»#yh I# IbM 4k*»#a. . . ..... , to, n *«**4* »•*«. t» Mu# troaa-to# M to*' 4 mm Mat iiainf #a * in no..* Mi rn*4--**w **n*#4 hy J. Ttmttt fm* A <N». A#* «: #»4 iM Aro*4 *>ro»l. #■»• IS**r<*4 *•• A«P** Mae** ***»• I*4 aai rn**# N# $4 A*»l • UMa, !*#• n«ng bar A in Mat L#4 i»*i»ii Emmi » mm es nM*# ss*. nr MMkb trmi. m ah l iyh#n ttomttm. HAIBA h*»h »e»*r4* »*-*•# *„« t*t trot I l**M# Ain# w.erai An# W* «to*t to tot toni and M An A##r to iM Vittel at #man» WM. mun* -a *«Aa • •iron ktot| • to*tbt «T tto Mmto pv> ®*rtr ti B*ENE ®Eyßl#El* E*W p* fltV*V> °® •** (®P ftlK VI ®EESffI pNiffflf Af*fdf t# Georgia Railroad Bank u - -1,. ■ —i" PROF. P. M. WHITMAN, 209 7th St.. Aojosti, Ci. 6;vE5 FREE EYE rtSTS all detom <a Sight. pt.Si th* proper llinx M* WAD* K I NTs tUrm cm tala your ftrt"* a bile yoa waii. FREE OF CHARtiE. UKIIt ll kOl’K COAL and WOOD FROM THE North August a Coai &. Supply Co tpiaality and Gaallty GuaranlMd. F- W. SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT Hell Thun* SIM t»ro*r**r 3t» The Whitely Exerciser. ( A j,r»elic*i, ■lniplaand e.'tiei «nt Horn* Li#rci»er, one* facially #d»i t#dfor ladies and children. I>u ui th.- same time cani>« profitably .180.1 by lh# ttronaest sthlet#. PRICES: TSe., sld«, 11.4 ft BICYCLES - CI,EVE- , LAMIS, HO up; VIK : INtiS. $35 up; OKN-J XIHOKS, US an: THOM AS, S6O ilk till and seo * them. Every one guar anteed. Richards & Shaver Paine, Murphy & Co. COMMISSION MKKCHANTiS. 803 Re?Do]ds 81- Telephone ISSM* I liTßle U«i«i Wires Biieet to New York Chicago sod New Orleans. 1 Order* executed over our wires toe Coiton. Stocks, Bonds, Grain and Pro. visions for cosh or on margins. Bocal securities bought and sold. Refersncee National Exchange Bank ot Augusta, or Mercantile Agencies. ..... I \ Ta,«l \ Xli/ • 7\ V / \i\ Mi / 1 \