The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 27, 1898, Image 5

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TUCttOA* JUDGE U 8 BY OUR WINDOWS „ 3000 piN Wlnltr R'jMPl' Pliant LMiH«r Cortkmin Pr#nc* Qlif Immci |h4 Vw K* Miwd W*H jhm ■« IN fIWHMiI I*NB •nd Croittlt 00 md 16 IN** OUR PRICE $3 3Q- A (*w mom#nl» to minim ym r#A i merit* of tNI Ml* wilt prow A rid* tnvHtrNnt of your *•»*»•. Mulherin’s 846 Broad. $ *s> • • **> Pint ia TW Tfttpto Ottr TW Puai w TW iMk «f TW H*»J t*M mm* tow—** turn +*?_, »»»•«>** •»« •»» wfbgt «w w m • M »W **' >** M M M h> MMltUxlMN* nr- ow' LTati * ram. DR. HENRY J. CODIN %s imiiun. m Psawd M . >•» to l iwuw ; : i aounwu. FHa CwU a I ‘*m*4 lh« Average twr 1glk» Fiurriu*. fIL C.. K**t- JT,—Wbst Flw- MN to *<!•• *»r «he aphwßd*** «f •» Mtxrm market aed 1 «r Ike lofckrvo to riwirj in tkts iv'l t«a to rwossgb to ra rouragr Ho Itrm ra Ik eastern C*r t l f»» to not anlito old Km* €%*Um tftr Ik* yswr or l*o •« to*»l •»* ?»>•** tobgrew The aesrwge prior paid for o* tfcls Htoriwrr market «k* past Mtk h*» tor* about *«« cents, while Hr average prior for Mere* ran a frw pot it.» above ion centr. An oihrr fart that should to nmfwlrr I ta that Florence ia toil) bolding »P the high price* tar «k* • <*.l that wer pa:d at the npenwtg of ike aenaow. *nd whkb h*» done more fur the upbuild - la* of the market ifcan any*fata* eto- Within the !»•»* "*<* over »»•** of yellow Us* were an Id a< the three warehouse*. Most of the tobacco came from Marlboro. Williamsburg. Kumt r, Clarmon Florence and Ikulin*t<m rmintie* !a this aide, tod a large qugn lit> from arteral Nor.b Carolina coua tier. The prtcan that year will be wr.y ahead of to*! year, and the number t pounds aolri here thia year foot up n< «v within a few hundred pound* of the eoiirr aalca of laat year The irarkct reached ila high.*! notch this week, and the boy* say that ii i* rary likely that th.< prleta will remain up on all gradual of tobacco suit as fillers and wraprvra. at they here henry ordpra to fill. The Gormnn-Wright company's etctn mcry here !a rushed with work, which means that there are quantities of to bacco being prepared for large ship ments. Heavy rains have fallen in this sec tion for the past few days and delayed fbc picking of cotton, nnd badly in jured hay, pea vines and other fora* Pistols. Double Barrel Ouns—Pistols, Harrington * Richardson Brand new pistols. IJ.SfI; Harrington A Richardson second hand pistols. »! » American double action pistol, »I.QO Guitar, Man dolin and Banjo Strings, i for 5 rents, at h. J. St haul, Reliable Pawnbroker. IS IT WORTH ANYTHING TO YOU Bquare, honest dealings, prompt servipe, etrlet st unt inn tp your orders end en earnest, desire to satisfy you, no matter at wbat cost. Add to this cur very large end complete etock of Wslches, Diamonds, tine and medium grades Jewelry, Sterling Hilver- IVear, Hu h Out Ulaae, en ables 119 to ofler you in dnuementa worthy of your attention. fi. Scimiiert & Cu„ Jewelers. WILL NAPLES BE DESTROYED? I‘rttiiU t* itr N*iclfc*rl**l if * IMS Iti .«D«W ht)«n m BtMx «»rs«f*d M Ik 1 Ml *.<««•« at the -.»t«mw of Maui I VmWllHl «r||i« fe immnmi to to# UNfMI Titr miii wpuwirat mt* W tl«* I piftPil PtrlM nt *t upturn* •rill #•* I tto lift#, of iiMifif. til toll, toll* toil) i rotlirma to### Mtosssß so ftos# tto# 4# ( atrwribMi •<# IkiMHlk M lb* ! nwMi pari ikp rk«*<yl and lank «, d Stag JW»: M 4id <Mt> •«•«•* «W» of l*UsXS|«*4l Ml r-utaa#4Mß, J>M* ktnra | they *f r* burled K paatr pr#*a I* at . Turn 4r‘ tinra ahicb la os lb# taaaat ■ threw iriin mih nt Uniap. TbM i>iai« bs> a papubiiM «T lita* bap PI (»l«rk> lultea. who** great. ' ■ HMkwlrf la aalilaa NtM iri» - I *l*c*. tailing lie* '<> America—. and I al'lii nanwiit via. I4n prMi aaa l lrma at Torr» del CJiwee that Oaf -1 d rial pi tan ib. Ar<-bbl*b»t> of Na 1 pio prw aaM to I bat uwn with a I iirg. hody of r t#rgy and t elrurauw! a aaaclat i»p*u air earvlc*, and nltfol tip . prapwfa la which ba lap Mad Iba Al mighty to ram* tbe laaaatina of tba i eruption of VtaatiM Thirty tbrma 4inl peraoat attended th# service* i tl, i . mi), (turn tba tptlrt Vr*uitan l-rroed lately aflat tba crmrluelou of ; ij,a rot anu i|ii iv iopoN 11. b. a I iiimtaotbia of tba Tloa >4 lata, or tba iuhabitant* no believed. and tbara ait I graat rajok wi At alt tba church ee special prayer* • are train a offered, | The old eat inhabitant* of Tore* kl I orerp claim to lie abir to tall by »■- j amlulug Iba quality of kb* aahaa that i Vusuvlue emits tba lan at b and aaiant ~f mi ArutHlon Th### <44 foth» havt * a!i*ritn*4 th# pfoplt toy Mjnoen* Iflf \ i th# town U in gr#«t dnt»*#r dirtftruri wm And Indead one of the lava streams ; la certainly going In tbai direction i Them are watchmen on the l,tll« by wlileb (be lava iioal flow, ready to «t*e tbe alarm *4cieu«e ha* ad>‘ed to tbe security of the Veatrvianv ! I»e giving them the telegraph and tala -1 phone. If tbia town la to l<« tjesiweti thera ’ need be no lor* of life, if lb* people will only leave In time. But the fa . maliarlty wllh danger ha* mad# the | Veeuvluns incredulous. The present [outburst# of the mountain b«Ran with I loud rumbling suggesting Internal 1 earthquakes. The Vesuvlana knew what was rom- Ing and aoon a mountain of aolid black .moke, almost a* big, It seemed, as Visitvitis itaelf, hung over the princi pal enne. Then, hissing, saelhlng, and splutter l Ing. Hearing the face of nature burn- I ing green vineyards and orchards, and sw allowing up every trace of life or ! vegetation, two rivers of molten lava ! descended from Mount Somma to the | north. The largest of these streams is sev m hundred and fifty feel wide and about fifV fc p( hMth. It advances like a huge serpent at the rate of eleven feet an hour. The bulk of thia lava is enormous. It* frontage is as much. Iroth in heighth and width, as three block in a small American city. Tt Is headed lu the direction of the rea. There are 111 fee lava streams descending rnspec tively towards the villages of Vetrana and Crocelle and the town of Resina. The last named is seriously threaten dit is a plate of thirteen thousand Inhabitants, directly oo the const, and five miles southeast of Naples. Tt is almost on the site of ancient Herculaneum, and It Is built upon lava. , „ It bus not been seriously hurl by Ve suvius since 11131. when a violent erup ,i„n wrought much havoc there. It is a place which many Americans visit ( while explojing the Herculaneum ex cavations. Finest and freshest table butter al ways on hand at Larrikin & Co.’s, Timfels Head aches.. AT3UUWTA BftyALD. THE CIVIL SERVICE MILL I (,g*pt|l Mr* *f #l*l **’**•* * |'M | tIWMhM H*f* *** * i>»" A*» • fk, ■■** 4k Mk I •##* t* to####* ## 3#<#®**y#^*# II to# tolttStoNHMMPb to## i *»'■#« ■ | #%#** »#■ *«mi Mil to# IMtoi #*6to pM###"** I !*■# i to# ptotoWto tototo * •# ito#' ## i fto# pIMMI • +** ,-I,irT ** ttogtoNl top mm •« j m *## Mi ■■nMtoiiirtlr aM#**#! to* l tow# tto# ZZZ i •### piMUfto _ I It* 4## to# 39^343| I SMMto ItoMiMto tto# i Miiifl to# »<•#» I «m#*to# tof tto# t’Mtot tottoito# #Mto wtoi'toi toMtoM to# ■! ItotoM f* ?#••# r I MW- toww# to### tototo"## tto# ###«*•• I to# tonMl# to# tto### toitot •*#’ to# . . ■ V | || I l to# MtollNtt I# to l#M#l fMtoiiMto. 18M at Mstto titowtoto## taw* to# to twoto! f .W -# Pkg of mM.II I tto# toptPWtoWM t# to taWto’ <644®®** i#M I I MMtoT# tto## ••• Mtoto* MtotoM" #m tM# , I MiAto# p##### t#4tl to# to*Mto##4 it # I tto# pto|»toi## tto# tottow# tto# •<#•••*mi I «# tto# #4toiinwr Mto# #i###t## tto# ftottoi | j ait toi#» #*•» • to«#to#f TiiMftotoito J I will lot to# a* i fiiM tto# ttotto## J MKilto*' ototott# Iroth# b**#tM#4 tlto ((if rtolM of tto# otool toot Mor#| [ ttoaa *#»• tNiMorto## t#»H to# M# I**4 trim' I f q«iHflMitoi>t tot #pfin<•#< mmM to# •» } 13W#fto# 1 Ttfe### #«*##* Into# Iff to#«•* ##•#**!» •#$ j| R n*iuf3 3ft or 3 party hit* 1 .uoeaelui.r *e«»ed <b* ‘•1*11 mth* sia*ikelM be or *be aunt peea •» [other pb' Ural .umluilM. belorr ap •■■UHMMI l» *a»ce w Ibe bbiowl** Tboer who *re inefN •!*>* ibi* lAyelm! eeef*l**lhi* mad ehn M* the edweUnnal eieminellnn. wilt. If [■whirled be .übferK-l to • repellihMi I of tbte pb*'elrft! esenitnmhm before e»» • irsmr upii* dmy I* ibr fie iHlae of I n iu»>t»t leg okteer • Iwew of tbe (Joeettoor. Of eourae tbe gueellofi* got to tbe I prison ei aad Ing Ibe eiaßilwe'loe «ttf f«r at ra< h tiaviMlton art 111 # sm# ! re I HIM <aa he wbl*l*ed of Ibe Miure of the queries hf raedlll the etarama ! 1 inn abeel, of • prer.oq* eaemla*- ln tbe poet office department, as a < oaree g neiaphy la f rmaidered ail all imporuni thing, and the a pi* 1 1 an* la it[pffi fd jo to# m#ll toti aDkVMiuf que.iinua la that brain h of allidy. A g'Mid idea of Ibe quasi loos ashed ms* ll* gained from a look | the following quest ton* on a former examination sheet: Question 1. Mention a slate that border* Alaba ma on th* north. Ope •bH'b border. New Ifautpabire one the east On* whieb border. New Mexico on the north On* which border* Indiana on the One which border. Pennsylvania on the north Question 2. Name the largest city In Rhode 1.- 1 land. The largest etty In Oregon. The capital of Ixmlstana The capital of Nebraska. The rap'd al of Weal Virginia. Question b. In what stale of territory is each of the foloavlng named promlneut cities located? Worcester; Phoenix; Key Wist; Sioux Falls; Camden; Dubuque. Aril him tii and Spelling. In arilhmatir the following are given as specimen qiieetlons lo he answer ed; ' What I* the value of 72 yeuids of goods weighing 2 1-4 pounds to llifi •yard, composed of 5 parts of silk worth $4 per pound, three parts of cotton worth 48 cents per pound, and one pound of worsted worth f 1.75 per pound? The tola! amount of duty on two in voices was $409.50. The ra:e of duly on the first invoice was 25 tier cent and on the second IS per cent. Had ,|, f . rate of duly on the second also been 25 per cent, the total duly on the two invoice* would have been $490. What was the value of each invoice? At the rat* of 16 cents per square yard and 30 per cent advalorera, *vhat is the amount of duty on 38 pieces of drugget, taeh 24 yards long and 46 in ches wide, coftlng 2-5 of a pound sterling per linear yard? <£- $4-- •SOlw.) Competitor is required to write a letter on a given subject. The exercise Is designed to tee I the competitor's knowledge of simple Knglish composi tion and his genera! Intelligence In tnarkiug the letter, Its errors In form and address, in opening, capital*, punctuation, syntax, and slyle, and its treatment of the subject, aie con sidered. I M*M— MrWbAe^ip— If 6*uK6 POWCtR (MMNiiy N* 3* .Ik MMOO OPMOi# ##«. ##• MM 9fc3 Mk|ll M MMOt to# »<## : « _ •iOMMi### fg*t tto# IMt#f #*l* t| mMIMI MMto to##4# •# «• #M* k«||« *•• *VM« PIMM «ik»l* i .- . ... a.. ii at m r ###• •MtOOi»•#. tmtl i* n 3 * ■P’”*#* #** 1* y 4«#t#tMto. 3#M###t# . HMailllM MW#*## ffMHH#: MMtt## fr,#fto#i: 41-lfMtoi inirlft; rftllto #mi t03»41#». t# Tlitoto# wto# Mtoto4 *• #ltottotMlHtoto to* ifekk r#•■%#>•'#'»# tto##*# of tfMtot##. toMMto Ittortotof^l1 ttortotof^ l * mw* #####• #•• 3#3#<i*t#-*t #ti to#to#to#Mt#» Mirmf todF SBOIS | A lion* rWR-k*** • P"*4»v I** _*ke »*rt »« r »"* ** i * f "', **® W '*- |W *il<| Mlt of r«TM 31*4 lOOMM I* * ill*# ##*'•<•*# <#tofi*M 4*N *Nfrrp «f tto# Ait*'#"# v* |,| i tji# #*tito## tmtot ## w «3i##* It tto oo r#l>H tun it r«*f#tt ##tl#to# #to4 toot, |tr#4, . . fort. Trf M u4tf to# 3lt IT^— iiafr* Hr Mtott V*»r IL CkehM- l*<*W. KHKK .AddreMi. Allen •. CAtaoded. 1-eHof, « |T. INST KITCHEN IOR ARJKV. ( A New System la About $n B* In- MKli rated New York. Sb-pt 94. ln order that I ibe abb and tbe ro*vai«*c«*t of tbe army may be propwi? sod hereafter a eyetem of dM blieheaa to extern! I through tbe entire army •» under pre pwrailon Hvery regime.! will bav. one which will be uader tbe aopervia ! loq of Ibe sen lor aurgeo* of tbe regi nmt and will be an adjunct of ilie i legunenut dkpan'arr Tbe project I _ m-e fttof ||§{ **#3# to# '(ieneral Sternberg, and t'nrnmiaaary ; Ceneral Kgan. along Cars laid down ib< Mr* A Hogan, a writer on i iMikery A revision of ibe army rook , book will ba mad*, teacblna how in eontrt** betwiwm lift v and sixty dif ferent dishes out of army ration* The president *x-o«elo. will he a*h»d to hei the nominal head of ibi* new depart I meat, bill th* executive work will b* I dose by a *«aff entirety Independent of , ibe army. This plan Mrs, Hogan I tiive, meet* with the entire approval I of th* president and all ibe olfi lala In I tbe war deparlrueul. It rontetuplate* the select inn of a general staff as soon l ae poaelble u. car n on the work which baa alreudy been begun. Mobbed tbe tirave. A startling Incident, i»f wbl<h Mr. Jrhn Oliver, of Philadelphia was the subject. I* narrated by him h* follmv*: I was in a moat dreadful eondlllott. My skin was a I moat yellow, eyes sunk en tongue coated, pain continually In bai k and side*, no appetite gradually growing Weaker day by day. Three physician* had given him up Fortun ately, a friend advised trying Kleelrlc Hitter*;' and to my great Joy and »ur ■ ulse the first Ixdtle made a dectdnd improvement. I continued their use for three week*. u»d am now a well man. I know tjiey spvft! my Ilfs and robbed the grave of another victim.” No on* should fail to try them. Only 60 cent* per hotti** at Howard A Wlllet'a. There Is only one known eopy In ex istence of the fleet directory of PitU burg, a book 4xl im he* in alxc, Issued in ms, and containing one ihouaand names The lUJ.|u publication is n • b.sik -f the dyad.” for not » pemm who name apl'cAr In It survives today. To Whom It flay Concern. I have bean In Ihe drug business for twelve yearn, and during that time hav s s,,trt nearly all the rough medicines manufactuied; and from my personal knowledge of such remedies, I say that Chamberlain's Cough Ketncdy glvoe better satisfaction than any other on the market.—w. M. Terry, Klkton, Ky. Hold by Alexander Drug and Seed Co., 0, B. Burr of Bell Tower Drug Store. Hurdered For his Money. Akron, O. Sept. 2f —The, body of Os far OjUrna, a •vealiby farmer near Sure, was found in bite burn todic . He v/a:. nuirderod for bin rtmfloy tic Iliitt-I. CASTOHIA. Beam the jf Y he Kin(l You Hate Always flou"lil Choice tmporfcil Dutch hyacinth and other flower bulb* will very flitlngly beautify your eernefoty lots; these can be had from Alexander Heed Company, 532 Broad street. Ml 'lk ICE:EIl 3 COOL .kn >n ts«w k»* M kMvMke lleUf en* *»•**'•■ ,h gswet: e»e«**n* pMHSAenI. •• :P«*wee» Pee #•# MM «4 V»*»« »■ «M4k 1 lg kn**g tbfgAi*. 9m k We nt* seebe M»M* ••* **k*n t» *MI sees. Fkminsc& Bowles •M kvPMi kw^t Fall Seeds # Fall Seeds a«MidkkMk WHOLESALE QUANTITY Gtorfb Rye i Seed W heal **"' ** 4 I Seed Barley White Onion Sets Red Onion Sets ! Crimson Clover 1 Native R. P. Oats Ora/ing Oats Multiplyinf Shallots, [Cabbages, Collards, etc. !tHE HOWARD I WILLET DRUG CO. Tit fieonia Solar Gat Cmpan SOLE OWNERS Far tb. rigb< le Meeuferlure end «*U Ibe IJfTgRNA flub Al. POLAR LAN MACMIRK IN THE STATES OF J GEORGIA AND SOUTH CAROLINA loamy rfgbia ter ah. W rile »' one* Aur full lameuten. cun. rrnlag Um Machine and light. Tbe public M invited to »e* the Ugbl end mecbinr wlMrh «111 be m> exbl hlltOD the bnleare i 4 ibis week al 744 Broad Street, MASONIC BUILDING SOME PEOPLE j GEORGIA DAY OMAHA EXPOSITION The Urorflt KeOrnnd will Mil HOUND Tim* TIOKKTO AT ONE FA HE. Ticket* will be wild dept ■ Mlh. mid y?!h F/XHcme limit fur return fifteen day* from dale of aale. Pullman Palac. Hie. ping fara be lli cen Auguaia nud Hi. I»ula, HI. l/iu la amt Derivci. JOK W. WHITt':. T P. A. A. O. JACKBON, O. P. A. NEXT TIME YOU HAVE A'HEADACHE <■*■'- OHK- —• Land’s Headache Capsules Mad* Only By HOWARD * WILLETT DRUG CO. P^TIROUNTIZIE “The Barber Shop of the South.” HICKEY’S is the Place Five Barbers, all first-class artists. 21 2 and 2I 4 Bth Street, TO BK SOHD AT $1.26. : Jusl received WO Silk Umbrellas to : : be sold a I 11.25; also tile best One : : of Woolens In the Ifwket *1 r*»- :• sonable price#, IF. 0. lIKII- ; TINH, The Tailor and Oenfs’ Fur- i ■ nl.her, opfiolsle Plamors' Hotel. I p, i;. MITCMRI.L, AI.KX. Mi DON A LU. Supt. of Con. Hec. & Oen. Mgr. Augusta Electric & Construction Company 212 Melrilosli ritreet. iilrolricHupplici—■•peaking Tub"*, etc., etc. Repairs to all C e trleol apparaiuc, Electric i.iirht Wiring a specialty. Be l ’Phone 1002. - - - btrowger 070. WHAT A WOMAN CAN DO! BHg CAN »♦,*» ML N*B SHE CAN *-*-'**• NfW I FALL she can *r:CkV^t ,p " " SUITS SHE CAN #>iki k 3iN«4*x3iA’ *# ttuk 9#3Mk SHE can ■‘;*jrSSSKSAS7JS • 6#ao SIO.OO SHE CAN \ *\ ZZiVUX $12.00 she can rr; M ;r sre $15.00 ** ** . SIB.OO SHE CAN A tonMtoßt .- p Jkto** | rASK<T lid 8h« cannot help but admire bar #ov a*J#v #• h3¥# . urekkkd him U» hjOOj* of our /fv^aiwio 11.50. $5 00, $2.50. $3.50, »4 op. 55.CX). ITS A FAH. SMB fcANT J. B. WHITE A CD., CIOIMI DsmiMt. __ _ __ THU N$W toTOMK— CUSS. GGUIEY l VMM m aaoAO »i«wr. CHAD U Ml 'All AMI kAKOAIN »Uk The ia«t but one of our samf-annual OlllMM Salas win be crownkd with kn array of baraems, as any store may ba proud of. Some <>f opaoMU values are the results of our own mtlorU*t : planed for the occasion many Wkeks *?} are frank to confess, are rather •ocganjal. mantov attributable to our ability to taka qujpk * bv »" t *#*?* tha .nt xnectkd turns the markets taka at Ulnae., ai In all it is a wonderful collection of choice Shoes that will be sold at our new store this week for v 81-00 s Fifteen different styles In Ladles' U>w and High Shoes and aiaht different styles of Men •• These are genuine bargains purchased by our Mr. Couley while in the East. *, Agents for Hanan & Son. Stacy Ada Co., Edwin C. Burt and Ziegler Bros If yon want tw* thing* the highest nail*faction and a saving of money, Jwst make yourself ... of U ur custom*.., W. ian furaleh rubra with Wc'e'ew t.«., and «h. beet In th. market at ".at. Tbe mail $$ P*r cent redact*- was a quarter hit. but here'. * pn*«»»u>n of borne run*. Columbia*, '““del tUl.m. and your last cb.m* l» get tbia popular model al any pH.*. We bav# (bra* shop WOTW only) m.~lel «. ladle*', we will Mt go at ss*.<'• 4, “ Hartford at S«S tw and ladle*' V#d*tt* at tii.H. ladle# Jill at ss». andl bog* and men tb*r. la notl.iug on lb* w.aik*t to compare with Ibe **ttUl special at $25 «• acid lb. Jack a. tU 00 wrund baud Ct-velanda, Kamblw. Crescent a. Htcarne. Victor*. Kldiedgeand Ka.ycle*. from 111-Id “P •*' condition, and u« let tb*n> go *1 any "Id pric*-4hey did not «*» «• -£ thing, were given to ua i* lump** who wanted to ride th* STANDARD WHEEL OF THE WORDD, and only sold in Augusta at DEVENEY, HOOD & CO Bicycle Department. ESTABLISHED i»jß. DOORS, SASH AND BLINDS, N -—Bough wd Dressed —s YELLOW PINE LUMBER AND MILL WORK OI lie^CRIPTION. Factory and Haw Mill equipped with latest improvements end organisa tion thorough In every department. Full line in stock, end prompt ship ment* ensured. Price#, Catalogue*, *to„ upon Application. Perkins Manufacturing Company, Anuta, Ga. Coal, Wood and Cedar Posts Blackjack Wood Sawed .... per Cord Good Dry Fine per Cord Good Dry Fine, long, . • • $2.75 per Cord Special prices on three Cords or more. Best grade Jellico and Hard Coal, including the celebrated Indian Mountain, at lowest prices. R. h. SIKES, 904 Marbury Street. Btrowger Tbonv 740------ - ’Thone 2l#l ’ wt'rTfMßf w 91 A S4»nAki uaaH**M iMuatiAt lUfll 1 1 AMO ' 1 , ,; PICTTLB JfeJj