The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 27, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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6 TUESDAY COAL-COAL-COAL *rwK r *%* f 4NM If#' tAW |H Mf#» l*» Hnl Jlgh Jtrr'T IHI MMY c;»AOf«4 OF Etifir Cam J#m»co OO Jk* I« SOSS3*SSL .Pi®.. ©•»©JNwf ** ~,r ** m * ’* *' m, ‘ l * ~ciTY ICE COMPANY. ’UWk« I* Hwmw* flaw# m** yfW‘W ft* «#© A«t **•l P>©*»© tochmc* (f\Mkr v MMMff * *» n *•* •* ©* tfr»ei> in—m n «. *mmt »"■**** m m *« *• **' ©s#trsTA Alt© mttls4w? Pi#*** V« ©»'W pMKN—k, IMA t—• M Da—, f—l. l—M mm© I—l © <©»■<». AW *s©© «•»•.** •©•» « i—n —#- t*w*t| «• «• mm ©l* h»|.H H ©.. $ M MM • K*W |S—iii*. Vli|IKM, ——4 ... >« *•* t— .»«»* ». .. N©»•** *t |E5|Mk (Ml ». ». t* M M M M ©44 (Imi ■ i k—, CAM—I mm© •**s• © ©MI mm —4 .. M MM «•*©** •Hto* M M M M «...f « MM f* r«— WfcutWMfo M M M M M M W •' CMAMi ©Mi M M M M M M M M • 14Vi HAMKirr Mm** ,4r*n. MM © ©«» ** 4 ■*«., Am© —,|M m m IV #• « Co •*«*• mm ■ © !■ fir*— ©f©fipi •©!•• !•; Htl4tl «*•«*©.. MMM t# •* ©ut M— »M*© *i» MM IA © 1 nr - .. ©*- • MiM ttri * hM© I— mmm .* © * Malm. It —M«. M ? M.. © »»* , WOODWAX© laiiiii. «»* fe—© < > O . .w* 4 | U it. two A—» coUi. © ■.. aw t< . ©.A; Of h—». ioW A © tA— . ©M. —U Awtbrta. DA t* © DRT (KKIM Dawwi AMrtia** nt —tM—i O—*«in*. w aAini— » *• .. A Onall**i© % A A AWW m m I M OfWMtevlil*. tit K K •—••••« m * > • Drill. ~ OraaltwHl* M U I If ..«.•* I i»hm r. »M M • ■ aWrtli*# .. * l-« John p. A lac. n-n*<A A C .. .. » »•* •root. iii.a rwtt«m Mi m*. *. p»©« CartMN. 14 Mi. I*l *AW». —T In. It HMUCNU«U«< Mlarellaasvu* •• m .... t I# <1 WKMAM. of tkoMoom. D to*—. .. - * »-* prall of th**Awm. M tot—. .. .. * 1-4 CiM. M lik**. .. .. * Ci—U 4*4 .» .. .. * Alpto* lUw. « « •• " - J* \ \ r©4c Of I— W—1 1 M M MM M « I-* iBO. r. KIOi MR# ohlrllM ..**-• joo. r. Kin* 4-4 A A ■—sting .. « *-» j Lonsdale H . .. .. .. ..... .. .. •• I *•< j„o P Ain*. *• I—•> OM»W* .. •• « *-• jno T Kin*. U tocfc AC—. tatond .. .* m m m•• a.. *• ### Jio. P K'n*. dJ—K *» lotond .. * *■* 4m. P- Kin* D to*© iupor'or .. S »-4 j PRINTX Anwrlr.n ahlrllMM. «»© Mitrlmirk ahItUMM. —*« m .. m • ©4 C—rtor OMk dro*. —* •• * *** Woiltto*< D >> <4© tto—Pi .1 Atl«n‘a * Itirapwot * W pomoi*. •• •• * Coatoa Kpool roll—, par 4 11 Amartran l»dl*o bluaa. Mail .. .. I #*# Plater Olla taoltd* MiM 4 I*4 Amarlcn I«dl»o fcluaa. 44—1 .. .. 4 1-4 ißlrrMtl—al WMka 44*44 4 Allen * cardlMll 41*41 .. .. .. 1 M Allen’* Lmlon.. 41*41 .. .. 4 1-1 India bh>* ~ India blu# *l*«4 .. .. * !•* Etlnclanl’. ©*44 * * '** Oarnar’a radiant. 44*41 .. 4 1-* Martha Wmdil*>*4'>n I4*M .. .. .. * *•* Mope &4*4» .. * *•* C—ter Oak*. 4*x*4 * *-l TICKS. Hamr*hlre .. .. * J'J Amoakea* A C A 10 1-* Amoakea* A Amoakea* C •• * s-4 Reciprocity .. A ••*1 I** PLAID HOMESPUNS. City Mill* * *’* Four yard, good S 2 Inch .. .. V. .. 4 S-4 Lodi ahlrttn** * 1-4 Lodi dreaa alyta* M*«o v *■ •' ** * I ‘* Bt. Clair dreaa ptylea 4 Ocean eoltda 8 *"* Martha WaahlnDtoi fanclea .. .. » 3-4 Mlacellaneoua braode, light weight 13 1-tal* I*3 laaetta 4 yard* plain 3 1-3 Thorndike B .. .. .. .. •• •• .. 4 3-1 Hercules •• .. .. •• •• 1 1-4 Amoakea* J Crescent !*• Pelham, 3! bal Ito box 16 F. O. P-. SO balls to bo* 10 E. G. P-. 20 ball* to lb 17 1-3 Muscogee B * 1-* 27 Inch 1 1-3 yd. plaids, best make -4 Simpson silk finish foulards 64* -4 Pacific mourning* 64*64 6 China all— 64x64 4 1-4 •Rockport .. .. .. .. 3 1-S Slater 64*61 8 3-4 Concord. 56x60 .. .8 1-4 Home 56*60 .. •• •• 3 1-4 Edwards •• 8 1-2 Keys tone .. 3 1-2 Fifth Avenue 8 1-4 KEARSEY’S. Heavy Columbia, heavy Kearsey R 1-4 Kincaid and others 3 1-4 LIME, CEMENT AND PLASTER. Lime 70a 88 Roaendale cement 11.46 Portland cement 12.75 to 3.25 Louisville cement in paper sacks ..11.00 Plaster In bbl* 11.76 HARDWARE. Well buckets, per do* IS.OO Painted buckets, per do* 11.10 ; II B B cedar psils, per dos .. .. 17.75 ;; H B B cedar palls, per do* .. .. 12.00 Tubs painted, per nest $1.75 Rope. Manila, per pound 9 1-2 Rope, Sisal, per pound 7c Rope, cotton, per pound .. lOeallc Nalls, wire.. .. •• ... •• *l- 75 base Nalls, cut 31-4® base Shovels. Ames, per do* .. .. Shovel*, diamond. psr doz .. .. $7.00 Shovels riveted back, per do*. .. $4.75 Flew blades .. •• •» •• * 1*« l,a *e ■; Unmet,. **lo *msk s** 4wt ** M ftSI &+9M ##N| I-4RM© » ppi 4m41 ©f flkf w I iMMHHS fIMMk smlL SMS Sms ©* S* Ml [ mmm smsimmi *»# #♦■ «•© * §*■ ssis si | |HiIS«Sr SMNMKi Mm I. otmi MW .4 *m MS# | I Mm* 'l A. f*f 111 m *0 ** m «• w © M | ***** pm « „« h«MM; .AA© SS m 't** l • M * |pm <9 «• mM® ! 1 a (b© t»%s*©*L Mm * pm Mm ©> «• V© I* w© ImmmSV©©! Mm A Mm A®®# fll Amm Imt inf-|. m l %.*, •• *« N*S " SY©M ©SmUMva. ©- f Hi S© ~ i SHkMtaNA pApv# Si Mk S®S S S SS* t, f 14 MTMtm HClftt*® 4QhwM©«Ni«t© ##4—A© ©©Ml IwsgfeA© PmMMM* I Hi Ss MMM W, tm* M A Hi© I j MHmmMI 4Mk IW ** • Its ... I Klir«M« 4 I-#*,. SM mm m tit —, I fiwwfin© 41f> mu it? «»• J |r>Mwg«a 11 Pe N© ........ la* ... j |i)MMhgl4 S l-S © tISI •• ~ MM MS *,* I jfNMrtH 4%t©tfMHl i« m4# m IIS ItS »Trt sosss AnjrwHa T% I9KS », „,, M „ tt# ~, A©N|WH* f © IMS tt »••••••• MS a., J [ A«#s©ui f©. iSH MM „ mm I : AfMMitStA 4 ITA I SSI MS „. 1 A ©a©©l© Ca tSff •«•**«•« MS *t*| Ailaal© Ta ism h m m m us ! 'A * Atii f*a MSS MS Ml ] 1 4*!«©«• Ta MSS * m © m © It# I AftSUMA 4 l*T©. MSS M a,.*e, MS ~,| 5U4114 Ca Mt! . •• M •• M ... j lif»S»fth I A Mis .. M „ tit ... j MnMtk la IDS .. mmm HI ... j Rwna la mi .. .. .. M.. M* ... I IrVatoaab— li I— ~ IM ...I ('•dnmb— 4 1-T*. IW .. .. IM ...I Mama 4 l-fa, 1*93 .. .. .. .. IM ...I Mama ft, tot* .. Itt ... I *t'otll«f»t4§ T©”Ci .a •• •• M AM ••• I I RAILROAD BON Ml. Georgia n. n A M* Cm. Fa, li» IU ... (|o. (la R. R. A Bk* Oa. r* ua lit ... Charlotte. CntWnbta A Aa ■•at*, tot Fa. I*** Wf ... j Chariot la. ColamMa A A* guata. 34 Pa. Utl .. .. .. 11l ... | 4agitata —. R M . F*. IM4 . ... M C. R. R. Ban kit « C*. C> lat eral Truat I'a. IIP ...... V 7 Ml Until—m Railway Vs. IS*4 .. M ii Central of Georgia Railway, I*l ronaol snort. >'*, IMS .... M N C. of (1. tot press to to 4# Csetlral of Ueorgia Hallway. | 24 f«eef Incomea 1*46 IS ts C. of O. Ist pref In . IM» .... * *• ft. B. A P-. Ist to. I'a, I*4B . !M ID Booth th*>r*la and Ftertda. 2d c*. in* tot Poutb Gevrito and Florida. id ra. tato t« ... Orean Htrsmahlp da., tat I’a 2d Pa, llto • 104 FACTORY BOND*. Enterprise Mfg. Co., Ist Fa 1»03 103 Hlt.ley Mfg Co, Ist Fa. I*o2 . 100 Plbley Mf* Civ. Ist Fa. 1003 . 100 tla. H R A R. Co. stock .. IM l»t ftouth Western R. R. stock ~ 0# 100 Augusta A Kavaanah atoek .. M 100 GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Data, white, aackrd .. .. ~ .. .* 3* Oate, mixed, sacked .. ...... .. .. 34 Corn, white, sacked .. .. .. .. .. ~ 60 Corn, mixed .. .. .. .. .. .. 43 Meat, bolted, per bushel .. .. ~4*H Flour, common .. •• *. •• •• .. 3.60 Flour, fancy extra 8.76 Flour, second patent 4.M Flour, standard patent 4.25 Flour, fancy patent 4 76 Wheat bran. 100 lb nark* 86 Fine feed, 100-lb sacks *0 Hay—native, per ton 12.00 Hay—Timothy, per ton 13.0# Hay—choice, per ton 14.00 Hams —choice sugar cured ~ .. lOallH Smoked rib aide* 4 Pry aalt riba * Lard, pure leaf. In tlercee .... 6\ Lard, kettle, rendered in tierce*. 4 1-4 Bugar, granulated ®% HOBSON’S OOOD WORK. He Will Fow Proceed to Raise the Chlstobal Colon. Washington, tept. 26.— Acting Secre tary Allen has received a cablegram from Capt. Goodrich of the Newark, senior officer of the station at Guanta namo. confirming the press reports of the raising of the Spanish Itagshlp Mm la Teresa last Saturday. The work of raising this ship was directly In chirge of Constructor Hobson. He has been Instructed to resume work on the 0t lon and will begin operations to tvards raising tho eMroedes, which lies within the mouth of Santlngo harbor, close to the Merrimac. In smooth water and Is well situated for successful wrecking. The Teresa will be brought north, probably to Norfolk, as soon as che is in a eondilion to undertake the voyage. The wreckers have earned a large sum of money under the salvage ’aws, Hie exact amount of which will probably be determined by an admiral ty court. The present purpose of tho department Is to place the Teresa in commission as a United States naval vessel and, following the English custom, her name will likely remain unchanged to carry into the future the glory of the American victory. Bocklen’a Arn lea Salve. THE BEST SALVE In the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever Sores. Tetter. Charped Hands. Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Eruptions and positively cure* riles, or no pay required, It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money re funded. Price 25 cents per box. FOR SALE BY HOWARD & WILLET. THB -A TJQUT6T.A HERALD I tmtF 3 lit u «©* M«l4 tt V and AM fit*t* M ——4 to Aaniw Y ii ©MAI 411 ©rf T fl© frli - t ©©#© 9* «' VA© P4H|©::: ?yf|RVM© ©A# 1 © fit •*'#•# * *mmm* m mm* ! :|©©9 * y*-n© amm©A© ©44 ©A# ** *A© MMMM AH **** 44 MM* *rnm*m Ii • *-• #«•©• I iii *’©©©* f*%©#t©H» §*s 99 <1 •M*** M" "**■** Imm 9m*im* Ml VM •©x nw© * ©A© A 9*09*0 0m m© An© ia© 9*** *9 4H© mmmmpmm** *0 ***oos ****** 009$ inihw ©!©#■■# *0 Mk ii©ci, a '•!©' 1 An# *o*9s 9mm** 4# I dtmtlMl*** NAAif f 4©M ThnM All (©HM* j **9 |a4mMA9BAii A Aa#© f**s* m pfw©*§ AHMHA 44M4A4A Mis i»wr» M Mm s*9, 00 99*0*0 #t© ft A"'* 9*o*9* 9*m ©MI IMT© M%4>»© liii AatirrHy Mill 9*os N 4© Aii * hm©***©* »© 1 •NiyMiA fAAI Y 4 M “A© An * l,l ***""©* fi»f |©MN©4 w*f o*9* 0* -At* ItHNi A A©*H 01,9*ift ©4 w*4 ■—MO ffcvvff ©•■«««• OI CAM II AT OAINDVILia r— Mar* •< <*#»• •* (kHMvIiK Oa Ha* 2* - T%O It (in 90 Ktt#* 1 A*4PN44« 9 (r| ||©f MbiW pfMAftAMM AAIHiA lA totolßC rlfrto* ratowt. ha. t •wart* of maaerantto* for «tows day*. **f* lit 11© f ©hi tAi 1© |WA Hi t***m that will rttoto It will ratasdA barad that to tV prauktoai of >— British -Georgia Atom* Cofapany,, which was an pratowranna la tahta* option* oa ©H edge ptoprrt y, and whrh went under Ii great shape flalaeavtlto INmarll at *ta las' nw»t. ( In* drafted fa hu Id a roomy hall. wMh mayor • oFler, rtorh a ofk* poibe and flea dapartmeat* and rail* for prtsaa ar* combined Thto city aeeda aurh a atrartara. aad !t to areli. A great deal of grumbling has arisen by rltlsnas of Itohlanega o»ar mneal i banges la atoll routm from ttalnes vllle to that place They had had taso mute* • dally and a trl-weehly. hat really amounted to only ooe route. On ly oa# rout* bow to made by different road. It to a fraction further, bow peer. Three or four hundred dollar* wilt aared to the government The change was made from Informal <«»n given by and recommendation Of the postmaster here. Col. Henry F. l***r row. Remarkable Reevwe. Mr*. Mir—*l Curtain. Plainfield. lit. | makea the statement that ahe caught cold which settled on —r lungs. She was treated fer a month by her family , physician, but grew worse. He told her! that she was a hopeless victim of con sumption end that no medicine could cure her. Her druggist suggested Dr. ; King's New Discovery for Consump tion; she bought a —tile, and to her delight found hemelf beneftlted from the first dose. She continued Its use. and after taking si* bottle#, found herself sound and well; new dope her own housework, and Is aa well aa ahe ever was.-Trial bottle* 10c of thto Great Discovery at Howard A Wlllet’a Drug Store. Large bottles 60 cents and SI.OO. MUST NOi mSTURB RKMAINS. The Ashe* of Columbus Will stay Just Where They Are. Washington. D. C., Sept. 36. The intention of Capt. Gen. Blanco to have the remains of Christopher Columbus removed from their present resting place in Havana to Spain la likely to meet with objections from this govern ment, although no decision a» to the policy of the United States in the mat ter has been made. It Is contended by one officer In authority who did not want his name used, that In surrender ing her sovereignty over Cuba. Spain gave up everything except personal property and that It will be a viola tion of the agreement set forth in the peace protocol for the Spanish author ities to attempt to remove the remains of Columbus. There Is no disposition oir the part of the administration to injure Spanish pride or sentiment in the matter and the government will wait to hear from (he military evacua tion commission before adopting the course It will pursue. r Thrown Prom His Horse. The many friends of Mr. Marlon Ridgeley ere congratulating him on the narrow escape he had yesterday. While out’ riding he let hto horse go at full speed. It suddenly bolted Into a side road, the sudden turn throwing Mr. Ridgeley violently to the ground. Fortunately he fell In a sandbank and was not Injured. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought POWDER. 15 THE BE5t: - «« ■ High**' of Alt In Lm»br* tn© Pd wmf. Mi At I'M AIT FOR RENT ALEXANDER A JOHNSON f IM MNvflwdNMfArA - 4 V4NM4AA *• •< tt M I to© In i** n#v© - • 9***m •* *(. At 4a : fM VHMnA 909*99 . 4 9*o*9* 00* o*9 A 9©©nißMl •* *< 44 AA AM tIVYFM »©<—> A pii"«— •• •« 4© 4A j IM f£t©(©A© Hr * A ~4 PINMMIA ,* *. w A sl4 Mfmwm t fTi iiim ,« «« A A %n% ftdti© rr©«Mß©>' l t»*4M •* as A A yjf f-jn* fYAMM# * 9*m*M »» M A A 4 MAH KM*" R4f Aw©> -*t mdmwwi A A ? toA| f mu 'utotoi M 9* AA . M Jr©B©» IRi4»A t 9mm9 *• ». I? t* tit |st»« MM**9 A rwiAW .. tt* Km© »rrrt A n nwia ,# •• .* ft aa I n# t Hits ««v-v« a | M m ft AA j im to ©iiiwf ©tr©©4, A 9***9ool « „ .. r aa ‘ 441 mrni9*f mt**% 4 r*«mi .. *• «« ft At ( AM r**«tr* Afr©©4* t m mm* M M M Ul»4f VlU© Hf©4 AA *9T9O ©©A 1 j j f*mm «i©M4N. 9*9** tfr.. IM. It/t tlf—a. • t"M| «• JJ# •I) AIB», • bm—l |f© j g| i . ,1.. •m>w. f fn itna It «* 1434 Kate* ai*»t,|— • ifill#, f? r**«f©* 09* A awe* U **• ■PVPMR*. hl'lnai atwt .. .. .. .. .. . It© •14 fbitoi *4r**t a.■ * * Ito M»|ll—4 **rwrt •« «* MflbaH at red „.. .. .. ..... **• Us IMMiI *4f—4 .. ........ P* j 2*l# ©nwd atr—4 .. .. »» •• •• ij» ©* j |7to Bnet at reel .. .. .. •» «... © I Tig Itrnad atrael 3© , 17*4 Rroad atfwt .. .. .. .. .. 133 643 Broad .. .. •• I© i ant Broad ** 1 «4» Bmad to* ! j** Milatoeh at reel *4 j 3M Mclntosh 1° *• 433 -434 Rrymdda * -• •• **• i JIT J*<-kMin I** orwew 7M Broad street, all or part. TI3 Broad. Montgomery Building, atn- ] gte offices Sad suite*. 61* Broad. I room. Sit. 715 Broad #«© HI Broad street .. .. 2”* . *4O Broad street ,M j ufllna and aleeptng rooma In Chrt* dray’* building, corner Hevantk and Biuad atreets. - I Numerous efllrr# and Bleeping rooms In ! all part* of rlty. Uat at offlea. Alexander & Join 705 Broad Street. FOR REIT LIST CHANGED DAILY. 1338 Jones, 7 rooms 25.00 640 Reynolds. 6 rooms 12.50 233 Ellis 12 50 456 Telfair, 7 room# 15.00 336 Walker, 8 rooms. 18.00 STORKS. Cor. 9th and Barnes SIO.OO 304 Mclntosh 10.00 637 Broad 20.00 556 Broad .. *7.10 J. B. White houses. Broad street. J. B. White bousp, Jonee street Get prices at office. L. F. VERDERY, The Renting Agent. T o Rent Store and Residence at 1265 and 1207 Broad street. One of the best stands in tbs city for a good Grocery Store, or in fact, any business. The House has six (ft) good rooms, a good yard, and is very convenient. Apply or Premises or at 808 Broad St. FOR SALE FW-l have for sale very desirable build ing lot located tn the centre of one of tbe handsomest blocks in the city. Will sell same very cheap- Just the place for a handsome residence for your family. Good titles. CALL ON MRS. JERRY O’HARA, NO. 1337 GREENE STREET. CALL»OM Augusta Brewing Co t IXNUNT ItCRH BELLE OB’ OEORGI A W 46 #4! Our Draught Beer Has None Superior. —4114. rorn—-» AUGUSTA BEER. REAL ESTATE. FOR RENT jjj. H Whit©*© to© to uftfttr 1 Bum* ftrtot. Hftoctai i>rtr*© | 711 KkUto. 4 mow* .. .. II 4t Sit fCfti© ©tv©*t. i ?«»»*m© .« .« 94 to I 533 Kids atr«*'. 7 mom% „ M II 44 344 Ortoto, 11 «©unit .. .. M .. 44 44 IM7 Walton Wiy, t ro©m# .. .... ll,to !|4is Waim© Way. S momi .. .... IS to ! *22 ftro© 9 itrtot, ft.urv to to i 3ix2 iVntr«* ©tiwt. 4 room© .. „ .. J. II Whit©*© rotfftff©* «»« Mpprr J na# »d •-to to<*h. FHOrOOftAPH (ULLBRT. 9tt flrttod. Thi© list will bt chftntrd from <I«F to i s*9m Clarence E. Clark, H«*«! Efttfttt. 432 Broad St. FOR RENT J. B. WHITE’S HOUSES ON UPPER BROAD STREET. f fffsil 446 Brnwd *tree*. 8 room* 20 00 303 Broad street, 10 rooma .. .. .. 30.00 116 Oummlng .treat, 8 rooms .. . 20,60 446 Bay Street. 8 rooms .. ~ .. 30.00 208 Kill* atreet. 6 room* 12.00 622 Kill# street, 6 room# 18.00 743 Kills atreet, 7 rooms .. .. .. 15.00 204 Greene street. 1 room* .. .. 80.00 946 Greene street, 8 room* .. .. 45.83 1128 Greene street, 8 rooms .. 38.33 1308 llreene street. 7 room* .. .. 15.00 432 Fenwick *tre«t. 8 room* .. .. 15.00 437 Reynold* street. 8 room* .. .. 20.0 t 335 Walker street. 8 room* 20 00 Woodlawn Avenue. 6 rooms .. 15.00" Chafee Avenue, 6 rooms 15.00 Monte Sano, 5 rooms 12.50 House cm Hill. 6 rooms 15.00 Rooms In desirable locations. OFFICES — 120 Seventh Street .$8.33 122 Seventh street *-3S 3 Law Range 8.33 4 Law 8.33 5 Law Range *- 3 * 715 Reynolds street 35.00 STORES— -541 Broad street 12-50 555 Broad street.. 25.00 562 Broad street 40 00 613 Broad street 50.00 623 Broad street 628 B r o«d street s 6 -68 627 Broad street ®O.OO 629 Broad street 33.33 630 Broad street 100.00 743 Ellis street I®- 00 819 Ellis street 50.00 Part of desirably situated Brosd street store, especially adapted for dressmaking establishment. The above list will be changed from day to day. John. W. Dickey Real Estate Agent. 4 FOR RENT. NO. 849 ELLIS STREET. BUILDING three stories high, containing elevator, etc. Especially desirable for wholesale business. Price 350.00 per month. JOHN W. DICKEY, Real Estate Agent, D#|t D*4«n H< Clisrlckion IVI Carolina *A * 4©A III* M 9 944 4 A ©AI’AAA 9**s 4©Aa44MAM $999* o'*99 4kAk j m** iMm j Jm I §o9*9**’ | _ j*©* I * a—iBHL I ~ .. mi * 9*090 | * r©Bjjtoi^—.* , M( f I **** mm j iAMAA' AA4HMA] : * PBiM •*** ] * 9mm .» 00mm*mmm*9p »—n *o*9 * * mmpMm « . mmm** 9 -■>*** 1 * W*opoolo9M*os*mm *» A *.Apil, ,*mm | * soo*o9o**tt j*{ toWK.#©it **-Fto j liA ''om**'M*-: ; ;»D##uj MBIMc • i * 4*© #►© ©»-%#(© r »«©♦ -j v HHAAAi 1 * s*oo99*m*m *>#*« - mrmfm* ♦f* *< * I ™o9* i * bAAAAAA*' **«©*%*•*mm IJAfAk *•©%'• I A# **«©©aa *j|*| ■•**•+* : 4 **m * to ANrtMf* ti.tnwti rnmmm \ '** iMA'iteiA* i... , j 4. aa*4 f|AAl'-t#««eH 1 * W9ss*msos. it>tat a**#** 1 ' iNHHHA * *•* ***d j % 9 AMSy M.klM©4#f«| 4 Ht ©h| f Mi©© $3 Amp*9*o 44«>.«4#««h'm*inm **ooo ' * f*nm* 9mm\*m*9o—\ *\*MW*m a»lffy -T- MH© »>'§• | * ■PMaSEmmm© «••• * $*M AAA ; MpA4 1 '* Wm ANmIHL .....•♦••*» IL-4MAM© *-MpAI ] * WM099M900,* nn*-e. mgb j f MAMMI - —..J3T.©....... . * wy*9 AmAPAAdd©#’* ■' * * ? I 9*pm %>ooo*b •mmmm** .•••••. MMmh mm 1 To999oo*o*m *!*••*< tea.a- 4 ©•© © *9*ooo * H *ss>*. 4MI4A a IHMMv*44m ... II AiAMI *9 Alto—*>... . i t.. ... lAApM •m f 90 «*©B» f * 4 99 00090*9 * Mm 9**o*9**m *9 4 ©AN'©© 00*9 M* 0$ s9*oo 0* 0 4. U • IrA© #©♦#•** w«© •• 4Mi oWms M» 9*9 ; |«©*f • A A. 0m t* 99* *• 4 A 00 ©©ft AflM BAamwMmmm AH a 4«anl»* fto wMiftoy Ito o*f t© *-999900 0 ftoLH to© I# iMiV* 4 © RfNt ©t>i©NN'!> 9*. 9*9,. 0*0999* to . j * Ra m* Amp© rm ***> A- to to ?1M AuWhiun *9O t. to fttoAHM*|C7l«MMr so*oo*9 **o9oo* to© BLUE RIDOE RAILROAD. M C KBATTIK. DarMver Dank—wad. Waau—a i r-eal be d * First —r'4 Clue* flea* A Oa** 'h* Ma'dg Died fry, tup. : RalMk Wf l*|. #.UM{ 33*11 »—■* AM .PM.i lAfri** La.vaIDM.JAM j* a in#.. AMtnaa ..*1 t WILD 14. M IN. 75 ... iMaver ... fr I4ltt M pr a; $ M MJ Aulua .... f 1 PH '1 * 6* sl4 1» .. Cardie* «* .. a| 3 D L U • . i a* ts <*w -ry e»»g| f 4 »*1 *» ».«•; {;i»7i Ad ,m * ivarg tj 4ttu »♦ j |gi | »24’. . 4ENACA .. . t 7#ll » I #l6 I I «•»! I | 9*' |BN. W©tol t*rl©B © £ 4A I ft; MM II .• MalliftiM to 4Hi |AM TV I |U*>4 Arrive PM PM. No U No 4 N . P Revutir St*Ren F. JFka* «a«aa. | Aft regular train* frutn t* Wslhaßu —v# right to trarfc ov*T train* of t— .am. Horn moving In • t>- posrt* direct ton. u* lee# *4—is me e.»B* tiled be train or*. Will *»#o atop •* follow—, etatfcoa to take tut or kef off paaaenger.: Phlo r,e> *. Jas><« and —nay Spring*. No, 13 e*asecta wills luvUut* rutt* •ay No. 12 at Aaderaoa. i Roa. 6 and 4 tsmert with Rohrtbetx rallnay N«a. tl ind 37 at Seemca. J. R. ANDERSON. Suprrinn-ndent. ATLANTIC COAST LINE. BHf RTKST AND QUICKb»T ROUT* TV THE EAST AND NUftTH. 1 Mpral Lv,.Augusta. G* .Ar I I:s6am Ifftna' Lv.... Al—n ,\r ! I.l—m 4:t7pm Lv.. Denmark.. ..Ar #:|lpm t:6opml Lv Orangb’g....Ar 5.40*m 6 04pm, Lv. Sumter, 8. C... Ar t 4:23am B:26pm; Lv.... Florence.... Ar l I:26an» 10:2Sutti! Lv. .Fayetteville.. Ar ' 1 14pm S.flgmi Ar Peterahurg.V* Lv ; * 12pm 4:oonrn 1 Ar....Rhhmond....Lv ’ » 12pm I:4lamf Ar..W**hlng!oD..Lv ! 3.4«ptn • :03aml Ar... Baltimore....Lv | 2r»pm ILMamj Ar.. Philadelphia. Lv {llDpra 2.o3pm| Ar.... New York ..Lv | 3 3Cam Pullman palace buffet alecplr.g cars from Macon and Augusta to New York without change. R. A. BRAND. Oen. Asst.. US Broad St., Augusta. Oa. T. M EMERSON. Traffic Manager. H. M EMERSON. Gen. Pan*. Agt. CAROLINA AND NORTHWEST ERN RAILWAY gbhedul# In Effect. March 6, 183*. Eastern Time Standard. Leave Augusta, Southern Ry.. 3:30 p.m. Arrive Cheater, Southern Ry.. 7:18 a m. Leave Cheater, C. A N. W. Ry 7:45 a m Arrive Lenohr. C. & N. W. Ry 1:16 p.m Leave Lenoir, Stage 2:00 p.m. Arrive Green Park, Stage .. .. 7:00 p.m. Arrive Blowing Rock, Stage .. 7:30 p.m. G. W. HARPER, C. F. HARPER, President. O- !*• A ' BELLE O IP GEORGIA BILLIARDS OLD AND NEW, P T jobt a Tbmm<Auk*a™ Okie M». WWW «< lf~» IU:.J|.«U I, th» on tword. „o.| tho onto rI»TW ohoiror Inal SohMlor, Slooo, tnd 1 vo. to Iho aim - Tho oork --..nt,to, r \.— .-«•--*< ci iagmut* ill n»» r* t ing T inioMtftaa 1«> three z\\ j ' ru-tbion Sshi6»*- / \/ \>s ! ; fer’fffftraight rail 'yr I A ii • mim, ewrjr ntjrki of i*C / \ \\ |j : U«ak-!ine gan.e. all \ 4 i,A' nur*4»gportion*, tls* \ K vy.£?2X'' Fwcfc ipiiiMM, I yIhX *S S.nik: •px ° r t'hampion tn Naum et i nr. v> ?nn , M B i U { !n / ! t«rt*tior.«i Contois. ! / Vki^TTt rkSy** / 1 of rhaatpiant of I »ktaw’ o /> AmcrL-K. and tt-urn*- v lx*«—*.• jry rnont frowrtls from \ Aig'hi Twitt / \ to lh9H. t.tftjiy of \ -V \ w "*"’ r \ // \ for© bf«i published. \ / / \ Th© Author (fir** I\ / / Y i many voluahl© aug \f / \ i ff.-rton* to aaric— /\J \ AhicbaerrAto reudw /,\ \ rl#arth©BMfthod»«n / > \ \ pk>y*d by tb© world's / / \ \ ffxttrrttt / / X / It will show you j 4 \/ How to Play. Cloth, 75 ceats. Flexible Leather, St.OO 244 pAgvis; Size, B*2 \ int h«s. Sent prwoAKl. t** *©*- /m» rpoeiDt of price. THE AUGUSTA HERALD AUGUSTA, GA. SEPTEMBER 91 IdtiAUtb HKMtPDDMM S. C 1 G. MILVIIT CO %toto ©©- ©j©ft ©» * «W© 9*0900 rn** S*m jtotok itoto m$ I fa****** Mm* s■4oo «•*©« to#©# to©*#©- A ♦ ' *«*m- © • * * #» «pm '**»* l* -**+ ** * ■■*oom»<o ■ *-* 4490* S9OO SOOO # . • to* to©*-©: g• YFftof 4 ©## ©#©%*• *§ *9lo*ooo9**9os9* k© |Pj ■o**--99 Id to©*- v * * * <y»k•©! ©# « *O/0*99 U toft#©. 09 * ©4*4l© ©ftlMl f© smm¥*m *m*oo I© *9 f Mm*** 0’ 'mm* 14© * jin oft •ii '"'l© a 9 00* *9sss *9 % toll ss9s** Ttotoft ittof $09900 *9oo*9s » iTlftol * 9*900 « « oto -©***■ 4 I ©Hto 9 * 9 *©© * ♦%© 4* **mßm* *o*99*9 ki (fti s# ft jfti* mtt yfti tig o*soMo** |ft rng-t# 4ft ft DFft ©9 I© 00* *" 00 $099 Y ©Pit fT I #ftg#tM©to y ***.*s mm ft f ft iftftftD# 4. V *O9O If* to 0009 0900* 9*ooo ft# fttCfto I© |to»ito©*ft * ilmi ft* P c |mm'4 0* 9999 it • I toM© * t I&4M© . *9 to ©to 4toto» t 9*o*o ft# *O9l %mk%*os*> *• **09999*, * 00m9* ——mmmnrmmmr 900900 ft Ks M*m49ts i«to©« 09*99*0* os*o* #»#%l ©©tout© a! l lto to *??f9* I 4©f#B «f © 4#t© *smm krn*9 ftotoit©. . -. Umi U«!ltto4pM4M.»t4.. .t*.N.. tlvto©to I©h Mimi •t9omm i*.Ni«wto 1 fjiin TMtotoilto. 4<©toto KtMm r*»»« ©©©tofitolto »u-. *»tonw iKtol if©*© ft f©© 4 © m«— ttopa© 90**0 tmmmmmm ©4 ***** *•* %9m* **mm*9+ ©to© *M| *09*0009 900 Mlftftfto Ktoft ©4* 9*t 9 00*$0*9*i *osooos m ft# *O9 ttm mto i f«to t© •#©# f©©4© to 90*90* M «©ft ©ft© ! totoito. ... IJ. N saMm. la hum** 4 tan ml Maaaga*. I»u©r Aa—BAk f k. atat-.«. <*» A*• Au» "—5 tan. * SOUTHERN RAILWAY. " 4V.• -«< Tim. !!*«•«•* <*4 ***4* and tub Mdix Ha nit Itr —— *—■ )•©»!—© ©DMI toftft#©# 1 •*©*©•© Pffv- ie» As AIM - * " ..' U «•, * —**b—iuiii laaMt. C^Tr^-rrr— J*: At ■ 1 4 * ■' 4 L tW’mJMdMKK i, «j.r«.»a>| A#f j‘ ?" ftr Aah-rit© I 9 9 1 li, *!«■«*•*.— »y. . !2g; »55 : TTT ,m : :::. ticXSßStSf*. .. i“r *»• • A ZV. V • Mp\ lM* • tt. ft Hftll - j I J{»* Hi ft# c»«tog»«to . .... ! ft Ar N -f«ik . j ~ Ms • aritta ■ j ll«y| l»$ Ar lUhm wd * 28p As Vaaktngtua ...... . •«-* *•» - BartnaorePa R. R. , » » » ‘is! • I*s: a-le ; hU> . *«* i 1 ?!* • Raw Yoafc. ««P, * 3 * VmhlHiul 8. SI h«. *» tVilr tuuly. Lv New York. I’a tt k I IB 12 rat “ rhi’».ie'i>k!» .66 p, i- «* ** toi'imM# ?> SO p 43t © Lv Wfsh'UA. H? XJ 4.1) II IB© Lr 4ft*hra<*'l ISittnt, If tilr© Lv UmnDv ( btom 4Up Lv Nt JUST# Ar ft 45 a Lv UNvaitxiro ; 7 tL»$» 1 Sip ** ct.« rßoll© ... j ft &:* a lu •• p • Hex* HiU ...... | lu II i<^p “ ! 1« 50 n 11 Iff p • W|jm«b*>ro 1 I! #1 a sis *>« to ArOnn.i* HlMi.l /st . ..... 1 1*2 ts n.t IJ7 • Lv Oolninblttl’a o©p t. ' 1 4 UU» ** AftbußTi-n© J 2 *is? |t| ft ** Tr«*n•*»n • “ ftnutHrvill© Kft h-Hj.’ 5 «JT © ftr Augi!«f« . . .. . 1 4 fe tf)© i x 3i* tkj 406 p Lv. NpArt©uonrf 11 4©ni 6 ISp Lr CnV\*m, By. j 8 7 (jU© ftr t'hftrltotori 6 40j»f !1 OU© Lv Col bift. r C.StP Hy. 11 V. % IS 47 © ** Havanofth 447 p 5 tf* © -to nil©. ft 2ft p 4 16© HI KKi’iJVftP CAR sERYiO ExuPlleut dftlly paftmUgto ©ervic© b©tw««a Ploriflft *ind Sew York. Nt* J'. and to—'W©Ahinfta© and hwwism Limitfd hoiid \>©rii»uifd tmm ©tth <t:n(nf «©r* anti flr»t rlMi CQAebfM north f’hftrlotfo. Pniiman drawing room ©keepingrar* hrt Tftnu©. JmLmbvul#i b© van nan. W©*hiugton ft ml Nrw v^rl c. Fuilruftn S tfpmf Cftr© between Charlotte mid Richraond. Pullman drawing-room A’.erpinr fftra no twet-n HrfH»nftl>oro and Norfolk Cloac* c<mn*c~ •ion at Norfolk for OLD POINT COMFOKT, arriving there in time for breakfast. .Solid train, with Parlor «*©r©. between Charlvsteo and Aahevlil**. No© :* and to— V. H. Fast Mail. Through Pullman drawing room buffet Micepmg earn be* | tween .TaokaonviU© and New York and Pull* ' man aloepUif cars between Augusta and Char* ■ lotte. Pullman sleeping cars between Jack eon ville and Columbia, en route dally between Jacksonville aad (‘to-danati, via Asheville. FRANK 8. HANNON. J. M.CULP. Tbird VP. & Uen. Mgr. T. M.. Wnshingto© | W ft. TURK. S. H. HARDWICK. U. P. A.. Washington. 6. P. A- fttianto GEORGIA - - RAILROAD. <9oth Meridian Time.) Schedule Effective April 24, 1898. Pullman Sleeper* between Macon and New York. Through Pullman Sleepers between Au gusta and St- Louie. Lv Augusta ..| 7:obam| 3:2Cpm|lo:3opto Ar Allanta ...|l2:36pm| B:2opm| b:ooam !Ar Macon ....|U:l6atoj.... —I *:4sara | Ar Athens |l2:lspm| 7:Jopm; ?Ar Gaineavillej*3 45pm| - i Ar White PI s *l:00pml I-- - •••• Ar Mill’gale -il0:10am| 4:3o*m | Ar Wash’ton ~|10:10«in| 7:7opm| Picayune train leaves August* daily 'except Sunday at 6:15 p. m., and ar rives at Milledgevflle at 8:10 p. m. Trains arrive at Augusta 8:18 a. n*. I 7:46 a. m.. 1:20 o. m and B:’F p. u*. A. G. JACKSON. G. P. A. JOE W. W HITE, T. P. A, , _ _ j