The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 27, 1898, Image 8

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TVfWOAV Augu»U‘* Orfaitfait Clothing btOf«. I The Prominent Characteristics Of thi* mni§on‘» showing of Mffft'l ind Boy a Suit! &rm th* wpti* voting originality and th» »urpr»»*ng variety of thadatignu. w# to tn» practical, aarvicaAhl#, handaoma " n< not high-pricad Hu*ta, of ahicn play a coliaction unaov**^^ ® w * •action, . * Tha faahlona aradiatinct* apt# cor* ract, taataful, Wa hava navat aapari** ancad such a damanci for worthy bafora, and wa hold first placa by <gT aarvina it, PrioM laan your way, $ 7 ,ov# $8,60. $lO. sl2, sl6. $lB and S2O. SyS/ /J # /> ta.oa. jUMII ilHl N»w*»l) Cm>i im j,4ki a twx a t««a TW|. im i«» cm#hw *•* ** *** f jw4a# • «**»» a *•*•*••• • «*■** •*»; wr*t*i • Tw mu •ara tk# «<m jafaNt Mi, awhmnp **a i Tk>f I*4 »• * * •** * ‘‘ *4M«« *■»•»< »• '*»#» r 1 *** itn," ■«’»■><>»<, •• tja iaja*!. ff Inks kmMil rkriW, «grs !*•*#* ft»* n* a a # fw a MMlt far *0 M o#tfa **** recklessly Ml at»n'%l*t * n**** * »urk larger fa* H««P» ******** lk#i he had na*4 f VV* at 1* lt»*a la# ok|M of hu krt'i Two **) * *“ Jail for Jaw#* Frank lli«afa** Ha r lota ad tka Wfa Wdlnaa- * an J paid •>. Mar* Polar* Pont* fakwsna • I Haul* Ho.ltk Th«v Cad all krnkin No 1* lato ***- amt aartloa* A »w»rd aad kit ll# bad figured la th# #•*#!•»•»». Fined 02 SO •plaf* Mary Johnson Har, had !<*nkad lona aa III# win# ru() Th# log* tnaijltad ts a fin# <>f few. Tom OirilMf, 3. S. On*. »* UM Th### two bad pa»wd a few H#ka. Tom Wna th# a»*T##aor Nr »al<t h# desired to tear# th# tit* "Very good. I will »t## r<m h furlough o t *i*«r day#." remarked Judge Howard. Cm wna dtomlaaed. Haiti# Mohlep. Hab# Mobley Haul# had rha»il«#d a chlitl of her*. j Hab#. who la th# oldcat daughitr of Haiti#, remonstrated. Haiti# decided th# "hab#" wa« not too old to be ehaa tlsrd h#ra#lf. Bh# proceeded to rh»»ll» Bal>e. when an officer arrived. The Judge decided to lei the pair go without a fina Robert Collier. Robert had hit n m:in on th# hrad laat Saturday night. Today he wn« fined |5. PAINFUL ACCIDENT. Heavy AM Breaks Henry Pinckney’a t eg. Henry Plnekrtei', a colored drayman, sustained a very painful accident ve»- terday afternoon Pinckney was en gaged In hauling lumber to Mr .l#sse Thompson's place on lower Urecne. In unloading a heavy piece of sill fell on hi* left leg. crushing the hone. As soon ns possible he was taken to the hospital and medical attention given him. but It will be several weeks hefoie he will be able to be out and at work. WOHAN'S EXCHANOK. President to Be Elected at the Next Meeting. The regular monthly meeting of the Woman's Exchange will be held next Monday morning at eleven o'clock. The special business of Importance which will be acted upon by the directors will be the election of a president In the place ot Mrs. S. M. Whitney, re signed. LIBRARY RATES.; Subscription For One Year Will Be Three Hollars as Usual Many bave of late inquired the rate of subscription to the Library, and for the benefit of those not already inform ed on the waiter we will state that the subscription for one year is $3: for six months. $2; three months. $1.25. or .10 cents per month. A special rate of $2 per annum Is made for school teachers. The Library has just received a •Tresh instalment of new books, and ev erything is armnged for the comfort of its patrons and visitors. Mr*. Daisy Austin has returned to the city. FEKAONAI. [ n y f*Ti rm>i ««# gSitmgidvgL ft I i i u+ l_ # gr % # rvtwftvHl fffafal Alitot* I |) %% Carter nf liiiyif. N H. it •( I m _ _ ‘ . M ■ iiniMl-ll'gT In >( | V W, fluff* n of AltMkAf. N T.» I# J Tv B) fi • of OrfMl l Cut* , *• [•I til# OlttllHHFfifti Mtag y,#lglv#. «*f tthrr*'*(«*<. U . »• rrr Xm*+w.*4* Wlliwm. • C.s H it (t« «■'*nim* , »' I Mm A«I«I1 ry Hm Mi rWklrwi »uiv# th- I»t# *•*** Hllmnly, hi »t Artiftgto® g f. (\r»r, iMtlßni »g#nt nt MAtort. >• at th# Planter*. I A. H. Ptfky. **f th# UnH#i L»o*ial «ervi<#. 8 •( tt»# [ Wm, an 4 <Nw»* fk*»ndr##i. m**rrh»nt* lof Cw4#t#, Clg., »r? *t tb** Ptar»t#r* § Uowilftng. m««trr at armi of th# *ute T f A . to at th# Planter*. ■ W. I.- Oat ling, • tobacco nalrmnan ’ ( ,f win*t«n, N. C.. I* at th# Ptan ! t#ra. . . . H. Mct'inn. r#pr#»#tlng a dry h< u*e of Italtlmor*. to at th# Ptan tgfg. Th# many frt#nd* »f Judg# Mu«#.»ho h*a h»#n 111. arc glad to ■*# Him <»ut again. , . \ Mr« Thom*# W. A»«*ana#r and f»m lly returned tht* «fternt*vn from Ba iuda. I w. M. Fran* i«» ,r#f>r###ntlng a hard* war# houae, of Atlanta, to at th# I’lantera. | K. )>>lb#rman. Cha*. Kronthnl and | Thro ftendlt of New Tork ar# at the | Arlington. I jj \v. Olnv#r of th# Bouth Carolina and CJeorgta road at Charlertim t* at the Piant#ra. Mr. R E. Oan*#y, clerk of th# *u |i#rtou court of Hampton lounty, to tn th# city today. J. hn Q. Walton and Jam#* C. Rod ger*. of Shell muff. 8. C.. ar# gue*ta at the Commercial. t>. A Henderaon. agent for th# Cor nelia and Tallulah Fall* Railway com pany, i* at the Planter*. Mr*. Frank Dorcmua and her two hiindnome hoy* vstll the la*t of the week for their home In Italia*. Tex. Mr*. A. >l. Roll, of Savannah, who hn* been visiting the Tamily of Mr. Hugh Dempsey on the Hill, returned horn# today. K. A. Holmes. M. Know!#*. J. C. Hunter, I’. H. Meehan. W. M. Nixon, J. H. Osborn, all of Atlanta, are at the Arlington. Mr. Emmet FT. Levy of Baltimore, one of the handsomest and most ener getic cigar salesmen on the road, to at the Windsor. Miss L. C. Willis of Fnlrforost. 8. C., and Miss Jesal# Willis, of Wlllto ton. S. C., are at th# Commercial. 1* at the Commercial. Miss Louise Mclntosh, of Bordeaux. S. C., Is the guest of Miss Wall on Rey nolds street. Miss Mclntosh has a host of friends, who are glad to greet her. Experienced Dress Goods salesman wanted. Apply by letter. COSKERY & HUNTER. NIGHT SCHOOL. Arrangnunts Being Made at Y. M C. • A. For Opening. Carpenters are busy at the Y. M. C. A. constructing drawing hoards for the scholars who will lie In the me r'mnical and architectural drawing classes at the Y. M. C A. night school which begins on October 3rd. A large number of applicants have been en rolled and the school will start with flourishing prospects.. The night iciiool is a noble undertaking on the part of the Y. M. C. A. management and will ie a booti to many. THI AtJOUiTA MJCItJLXaXX TOM Kim IS OVER. is | f' k j < : -■# f- ?* | ' (Hi I imMH« A sNMs49ii flNptffeii H * Aw## »* 4 itMNNi I* %%0 MMM* MNPt m IMMpM MMI $MN>f If* t#Mk (• tl m wttfhewm* li# H«i Fri#«i 4 UrtM bImbTAMI M tIM Aa# IM Imb# |i* iwm mm TWit MMi At «N»* •AtvMM IMa 4m M MmaA aMi tl# M* iam»m **nm*>* *• tilt sttk tAgfA As 4t# MmM! Im## AM [ ||M •#•«s Aa? At ts# M#A|l h A p**c# #**A I t«W*2tM*R «M f* aMI fMA# ‘ AAAIA A»t ft aImSI AM 4» AAf ANAfil I 4*t rpirrAtt ama 41*14*4 Ml# J6# fAAA# MPtA *4 f'AAtkmi VA# ‘ IAA4 CM At fpfAt##* AAA t'A# •••#! A* *lr, AlAitf AA lAHI-AAtlt# ***•# TA# . tf#AMM*fA4 ACCAAb Ot Mw*A** fftAfAA M fhAf#sA*N#t ATAA f#A4 AAA *A *A# ###•’ lA§ fMfIA At iAMA6 T»# for til «ln mat# fH***4 TA# M«#i r§l pr*Aflt# AM* AA **t# I#Al CMA. TA# •!S<r~A*ft« AllwltAJ AtIAT HM* »#ft <4- pfan: % TA# thr## *»lo» ttt Kfif toA »•« A# Mr* Rttbin and oa# A s Mr* IMaAam, •rr# rtfttA tt TA# faartiflratlo# Ia Mrfcrr# As Mr Ruaa#ll was mp#rh Mr* P#rhln* aant On an lla»f-*n a Hebrew nona. DWK ] | n th# t#'apl# worship El Norah •noth## of these aanent anaga wa* • too great I# #njov#d Th# rbora* by all th* choir "UR up *nor h#ad* oh ## cat#* ** aw oaa ot tA# Hm# *wrt cal a#l#r tlon# A#mr4 Is AufittU for #t« r* TA# 4if til Ib4#H| flttlAfttf ed and will ha long remembered by all who attended dUIFFRIDA-M* NER. Mr. f raak Oulffrida. of Tht, CHy. Vkad* Mix rta«er, of Savaooah. Mr Fr»ak Oulffrida la rsceivlaa th# rongratulallona of many frtonda on tb# iint'uinccment of hi* marrtag* to Ml** Marian Maccr, daught#r cf Mr. Bartow Mansr. of Savoonah. Th# roarnag* occurred in Savannaji ’ last W#dn*aday night at th# Mrtho dt.t church H«v Mr. Morgan ofllclat Mr* Oulffrida ia at prraont In Sa vannah. but will join Mr. Oulffrida in a few daya. and will mak# their horn# at the Virginia Hou*#. Owing to th# • xtr. m# youth of the young eoupl* a jcon*!d#rabl# amount of pleasurable tu j tercst to felt tu th# marriage and many ! rongratulallona are extended from ! Kcorra of frtonda and acquaintance*. A STABBING. Ed Burgisa Cut by Win Crawford Last Night. Will Prawfoid. a negro man, la want ed by the police. Up to 3 o’clock tht* afternoon h# bad not been apprehended. The charge agnln*t Crawford to that of *tabblng lid lUirgla. another eotore,! nwsn. la*t night. The two men became Involvist tn « dispute Inet night about 10 o'clock, and hot word* turned Into blow*. Blow* did not »ult Crawford, »o he pulled out a knife and stabbed Rurgts* twice. Two wounds were made—one near the collar bone and the other in the right atm Crawford made himself scarce after the cutting affray. Burgles was taken to hi* home, and not to the lamtar hos pital ns have been reported. He will not die. , . . Crawford will sooner or later bo caught by over efilclent police. A RECSTAL By Miss Fannie Hansberger at Y. A'. C. A. Next Week. Mrs. Fanine Hansberger will give a recital at the Y. M. C. A. next week. The exact date has not yet been de cided on, but the probability is that the recital 'will be on next Tuesday night. Besides the recital, there will be other attractive numbers to the entertain ment. A small admission will bo charged. AFOUL STRIKE. In Which Joe Brown Was Caur.l t With the dame Chickens. Joe Brown, a negro boy, has been ar rested for doing the fowl act wittl somebody else'e fowls. He was employed at Cunningham’s brick yard and taking a liking to some fine game chickens, he made way with hem. He was arrested shortly after wards. ANEW BAPTIST CHURCH 11*! |ls4 nit<t ft** mi 1m! %i*MAA*4I 9’##MA %A *%## 44N1 (Aw |AM§*4: sandLw»vili i: w:w* A l»r#*h» tertaa Chunk ta R# IJ**R4 I here ftmm. ffaadrfavlflc fla g#p» Js. M#. ARtl i Mm h p Hal# hat# r#tara#4 frep {* i UmA*. Mo *b#r# Mr. Hal# attaagai, th# r,;if*»«alaliv# of several Naftktfl Mi*# Ethel Hltoa. a nlt * • <h»ra»lng ,<M-ag a4y of H >m, after a plana*at vtolt to Mr*. James E Johaaoa and M-*a Jungle TaltoVrro. has ret urged to th# Hilt City, Miaa Hedge*, of Savannah, la th* guest of Mr* A. Bell Re*. Dr M»< k a ttoeabytorian eraa (rliat preached two aermona at th# M#lhodlat rhutrh yaetentsy and mad# ) a deep Impremloa < o bia hearer*. I vlanit tao hundred and fifty dollar* j hava beep aotwrrihod for th# parp rhaae rs a building lot and It la bow al pcii cwrtala that a Pre»byt#rl»n church aril, at an eayiy date, be created her*. Our propl* ar* much lit#r#ated hv tha mustering out of th* First and 8«o«d regiment* ar our llttlr city Is well r«p restated In both, aa It ia also In the Third private Wlnaton 0. Hal# of the da# onn regiment, will spend thirty days' i furlough with hta brother. Dr. D. P. Ilale. of this place. HR. FLOURNOY KUtfLKE Received a Painful Accident Thi* Morning. Mr Flournoy Kuhlke received a painful accident thi* morning at the Georgia railroad machine shops. Mr Kuhlke was busily engaged at work upon a pire* of machinery when the chain broke and a heavy pl#ce of iron i flew up with connlderabla fore# and ■struck him tn th# face bruie'ng hi* I cheek very seriously. The accident. 1 while painful, to nothing serious and Mr. Kuhlke will only be laid up a day or two. Stock Bovt Wanted. COSKERY & HUNTER. PLENTY OF WEEDS. Complaint riade About the Growth of Them on Jones Street. A gentleman livink on upper Jones street, between Mills and Fifteenth streets asks The Herald to call atten tion to the fact that the weeds on the street referred tb ore many and nr-’ clogging up the ditches badly, causing a stagnation of water. The city au thorities should see about having the l weeds removed. # TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION WANTED—A FIRST CLASS VEST MAKER. Apply to Ruben, the Tailor, 1437 Main street, Columbia. S. C. Sept. 23 PIANO LESSONS MRS. 11. - Stone Watson. 743 Reynolds street. Sept e o d WANTED-POSITION IN OR ABOUT, the city by stenographer and type writer of ability with 3 years' experi ence, Rapid and aC.lfimte. Best refer ences. Salary moderate. Address Ener l gy, care Herald office. Sept 28 r n WANTED—TWO YuCNc! MEN. NOT over 20 years old.#Rin Restaurant. LOST—CHECK FOR NINE DOLLARS and seventy-five cents, drawn by South Carolina road. Finder will bp re warded by leaving wi George J. Far go's.. COTTON IS OFF AGAIN TODAY rfjMttt Qh44 ft I tl ft** ] ft# f a<—•< $ #«•#« m * *#*l4# *4 { t (pM# f V VM# 9mm 454 # 9$4H I wmmmmm, wtifu (Srvvfna todaf MV? 422? 9TOCK AND RiU’Klf'T* lflV? im mm* In Aiifiiit* ,i£4i t+n j Hacsalpta •!»#• •»* I#* <3S«I r,€V> rorpoN yrrTRR. Aufu»t«. Oft-. B#l*t T* night n and Hart 2 points on • further <l#rlin# In Uv#rpnnol Th# rwar k#t autm#<tu#ntlr sain#4 * points on ft tinted l i.ip mov#ro#nt. Janunry at 2 p. Iloiifitn #vp#cta ll.ww tomorrow «t --atn«i lIW laat y#ar. NVw Ortrans. #•* t(mated 7W4 aaain»t WTTS pAI.VR MI'RFHY A CO. NRW YORK COTTON. Open. Clou# {January .. .. 5 ** February.. .. •• 5.31 5.3* March .. *•» 5.41 ApHI 5.40 May *.. 6.40 5 53 October 5.11 5.11 November 5.14 5.50 December 5.J0 5.2* Tone Steady Middling 5M LIVERPOOL COTTON. January and February 2.*1 2.*u *! February and March .. 2 62 2 *1 March and April 2.63 2 62 April and May A M -2.63 May and June .. .. .. 3.61 3.06 June and July 3.01 02 3.01 Aug. and Bept 3 01 3.01 Hept. and Oet 2.63 2.62 63 Oct. and Nov 2.62 2.61 Nov. and Dec*. .. .. .. 2.61 2.60 61 Dec. and Jnn 2.00 2 60 61 PORT RECEIPTS. 1897 189* Oalveston ■ 16383 23153 New Orleans .. 11841 16485 Mobile 2077 2.381 Savannah 11778 Charleston 3979 5.399 Norfolk 3745 Wilmington 4588 4194 Boston "132 Philadelphia 3 Estimated total 58270 6300 CHICAGO PROVISIONS. WHEAT— September •* 68 6SI& December 64'* 64% May « s ‘‘* K< * CORN — September 29% 29% December "0 ■ ■ * I L May 32 32% OATS- Seetember "I”* May «* - 3 PORK— December 8.30 January 9.20 9.20 LARD— Decoml>er LSS 4.87 January 4.97 4.95 - SIDES— October .. 5.30 5.27 January CSO 5.75 NEW YORK STOCKS. Sugar 1203» 118% Tobaeco .. .. 138a1."6 13SW B. R. T «0% :9', C. B. Q... .., .. .. 115 114% Missouri Pacific 33% 32% Louisville and Nashville . 55% 55% People’s Gas ~ .... .. .. 102% 101 1 * Manhattan .. .. .. .. .. 96% 96 Unton Pacific 33V* 32% 1 mM •h - mcnl mi th* hftl ano4kmtiifl( iwthtflfD at Ufuf|M I tortk %- ■ a*i*| t«*l toi#th*r Vftl* ftv* fa* pOrf fate #ffa fi»R mloßtvil"’O BATARD IN RERIH'S AGONI Nrftiat Ut# I#a4#r nf bit party tn «a grmm H# *>• ta I*4 tlw* fSatnrU# us rouat !raa of d#smrra'» ftrMßß# Ckok# (rdfailp Mr b*A ilm voted for TUd#o * laf)u#or# «aa not urottffcl in to pter tor Bayfcttl. *iid !t mm wJ4 Ti!<l#tt cfeart#4 ll *y*r<t milk h*%in* Havird'!* rour#* Is tb# rltdorsl rom fut«faii»r» basis#*# It m*» ###o tH*t Tll4#o rh*r*#4 ll«F«rd with b*r ftin whhtlwH tn# rirnofii j*cq#oi#. Senator Bfft4 aod Sraitor Edmundt were Wfi personal friends They lived next door to each other In Wa»h mgRJB Senator Thurmond lived In ihe neighborhood and was often visit ed* by Sen*'or Conklin* One evening Senator Edmunds called at Mr. Bay ard's house, and after talking over the situation suggested that a conference! with Mr. Thurman and Mr Conk ig might be of service In the critical Mate, of affair* In reaching a declson which j would relieve the country of the strain. I The conference was held and the Ulkj lasted Into the wee *ma' hours of the I morning. The ntory goes that there and then I th# td#a of th# elecsotal eomratorian ; took form. The enemies of the two democrat* preaent afterward* charged that "Tom Bayard and Edmunds fixed! NO. 1860. REPORT OFTHE CONDITION OF Tie national Eicbangs Bait of Augusta At Augusta, in the State of Georgia, at the close of business, September 20th, 1 898. RESOURCES 'Vi'-'V-fi w, l Loan# and discount# j Overdrafts, secured and unse cured 1t.6n.06 United State# bonds to se cure circulation y -• IT™ <M> Stocks, securities, etc. .4.... Furniture and fixture# 3.3..0.00 Due from Nation Bank# 'not Re#erve Agents) 11.3t0.l Due from State Banks and _ _ Che<‘k# and other cash item* .30.3.60 Exchanges for clearing-house 19.544.49 Notes of other National Banks 2,400.00 Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents LAWFUL MONEY RESERA L IN BANK, VIZ.: Specie * 5.812.50 iJegal tender notes .. 80.387.00 56.199.50 Redemption fund with United States treasurer <5 per cent of circulation .. .. •• •• .... 2,250.00 Total 8568,.13.16 ■6TATE CF GEORGIA—RICHMOND COUNTY.~T. Percy E. May. Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement to t ,„„ t „ the best e# my knowledge and belie'. ? r Subscribed and sworn to before me this 27th day of^ September, 189 S: Notary Public, Richmond County. Georgia. Correct —Attest: A\ r . B. YOUNG. F. L. FULLER, R. E. ALLEN . Directors. __ • OP>ttM«IM ff TH, pfteE al gai.thAhg # Slid Legate fa fa* tefiMl « IffNfifa *R*A# a T#YM It WWHMfV AMM Iff* dr I * ~ “ * ty*n| li ncM v*tv aafasM* (fat M Km in far . agE ffafislk, HmAml hi fa* mmiwS, *fa**A fa fa* kdn to titv. fiffa faff* bv#v*fk**l fak fafa l M#fa**« «* L«fa* nr AaottfaC*. # 'fafa* gift ft (fagtft, of W Wm. a* Bfakfa. O* IftfffFf ImA. •# Ptef»h knfk fff fa#* ki ori a* OrwMifiM tefafiv* maHl it ifaflfil kflw Thai II hfal afak Mp fa* pffct 0 fSMte flßfVßtf fa faklUM ffa* ifkfagffate «R*» hfM*h*n farm Th* Rgwfi «te fay P*kf*« fa* fa* hvd Rinfarfate mtntiaM*l ah«*%* *** m fa# Ik fawM I ha** th* CItAS P. OtUH. Hvupt. <r x ' and r#*f*ri#4 and mb*** th# on# ifh* rtfVdlrm with lnrrm**4 #r rountr#* sail ayatrtna of fwtfri* fvfaxra! araadrtir <>f th# prloi tij*'*® Mr Bayard* Fortune * Hl* first wife brought him perhaps llteOOS H* never speculated, but la purchase of land* la West Virgiala he mad# MM money. Hta «#™«4 wife unman of mean* but the *#aa ne-eeMti#* of hto public Matron ab .orhed all of hto aaUry and th* Idcoom of hi* practlca. In a ratfnt talk Mr. Bayard said: "I have held th* two next exp#a*l*a pi*##* la th* government aery to*. »*- cept th* pif.ldent I hare been at th* head of th* .tat# department and i f have been in London a* amtmwador, and I can say from personal experience i as well as observation that th# gov ernment does not pay enough. When I was practising my profession m# In. come was greater than my expense*. When I entetfd puhlle life my ex , pence* were greater than my salary.” He gave hospitality freely to hi# friend* .but never made his home tho i resort of politicians. He was social, i in private life, natural, simple, and I unaffected. H# loved poetry and poets and was ! not only fond of but very Intimate with literary men. Bancroft, the hlsto* j rlan. I-owell. who wrote him a very pretty poem upon one of his birth j days, and men of that character, wera fond of him and he of them. I LIABILITIES. AMOUNT. Capital stock paid In *200,000.00 Surplus fund .. 9,000.00 Undivided profits, less expen ses and taxes paid 13.615.7* National Bank notes outstan ding 45,000.00 Due to other National Banks 35,916.97 Due to State Banks ami Bank ers 26,093.65 Dividends unpaid ' 464.00 Individual deposits subject to check 193.623.13 Demand certificates of deposit 16,719.50 Certified checks 290.54 Notes and bills rediscounted . 2,500.00 Liabilities other than above stated 2.183.33 * Total 3.566.712.16