The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 28, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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2 WEDNESDAY NO WAR PRICES • «■' ~*• WfrW**fr * * • ®*sß M M " QWfll a • • • • *2l •* 1 *♦ l«rv« •>«• link Bf«CMi( • * • • rr * Bmmnm of Oif##* t * Oti I im«i in • Nw #*jr« to fcut nom tol l 4to#. I iiv« mom 'Jb to ba p •# ***** OP O" L#r*«*t Hutk of D.*»t»uful« in Au«u*U LEWIS J. SCHAUL. jbwblEr. UrMtnr in* ArUnfton Ho»1 AopuMP. Op.. •#«*. 34, 1304. WiHNiiinr now to pwr *mr»nPo*n* ft#4 »IPW *c*i* Kv*r#H l*»*no*. About which to rri “f. h f*»orpb** common! hMppppprod *n <»* v*»*- PMPjWMPiPPt journal Tlio oMP*n of jm mpimfpcfuwo tn*t in* man* of Iv*r*«t mum A un**c*a*d by w ln*trvm>*nt on»*• mmrttoi «• •4f*gM«fJ2SZ ML in o*«l** tP*» »h# **#»* «*£• SWOT fife **•&. Claim for in* B»yl. 2jßvcr«tt •qukllt* Of ton*. ci*!tcacy of ''touch" and b*«uiy of finish unoquaJtao 4r*ny.ofr#cmak« of p*ppp> (•Wishing W. M. Barrott. R*c*lv*r. 710 Broadway, p. S.»Bv*«*tt*ar* th* only piano* fuaran t**d for an unlimited lima. HCWOIJ* oUAYt'* MCUIJbCTIiU ► *" ,r * wflS-fc* •MOlla S# #t# 4# < , **(*#((# resgto# 4*91. J$ Tk> skri la mi •remit* ggarw# re iw pafvreo* |aa*i X l* f launl (Malta I hat (M XXIso at »f»i •** k##dr»d AX#v4roa karat* ht la . MktrM hum aaar ifcta »M|. IV> w*v* »reuxs at Ik* kaiila at Bore# S Vtat*. Ik* aaakt at whwh •*# touitttt IrelX* lire h#*» Iflar tka txito *HI 'ha Axort rag Arad ar#v* ktaiM frq*»» I Ha halt la A4trt ant lolsrrsd ta a drwdsi# apt* at , (Ml MXfcirt* at ik* «4ty, Tk* barrel g*g„ r 1 tadnoNl akoat i•# are anti ItSiaa (acinar* ttllk *»> a<tok* »»" iM taar ft* la height iMiltt l( Ike rtkireka at tk# d#»d kero#* (flit* mile rr» baa itwlttd »l» ( gXgfrir nu anratvna al Ik* trend* of jff VtHtt IKMM t»ftr»at»i or an r ofo aiaa aiac* ikai Oat over If’y yaart mb. Tk# odok# atll hat (wont bt#4 I*4o dual la many place*. *at a broad *ta>n road note root dittoaallr I aernet (be pfc#.. which contain* aot a s particle of vaaataiioa Hut tk# ton horrible thin* aboal tk# place is (bat Ik# groand la Iltl#r#d with rngarati of hone* which lime and raina ha»< brought to Ike aurtara from Ik# shal low grav.-s •aside# this one aide of Ike came t«*p to bordered by a deep arroyn. ant (ha bear* rath* of tk# pan kalf rtsa- LADIES TIES SOMETHING NEW . I * J. MILLER WALKER THE HATTER. xmsrozx: hats i • • lury hare at time* flooded thin stream, ; with the result that the bone* of many • ( of the heroes have here washed away, * aud the bed of the stream Is strewn ’ wall piece# of human skeletons l About two roars ago the Halted • States consular agent here called the 5 Xttje mate department to i the iPdfldlto* of the cemetery.' and wiped that the miMrer h# laid before the United States Congress, with « view of having no appropriation (unite .tor ryfuieifjug the bones aud improv ing and beautifying the place. No at tention was ever paid to hie suggestion, y It Is said that the grouud 1# owned ' by n Mexican of this city «ud that the United States hae never attempted to acquire a title to the property. This Mexican owner contemplates utilising the land for other purposes, and unless quick action Is taken by the United Stales the graves will be still further diaturbed and placed beyond all possi bility of preservation. J. W. Baggett, of Oak Grove, Fla., had an attack of the measles, nearly three years ago, end the disease left him with very severe pains In the cheet. .“I thought 1 would die,*' he w r rltes; "but to my great Joy I wss saved by ■ Chamberlain* Pain Balm.” Patna In the cheat nearly always Indicate the approach of pneumonla.and by prompt agplylxig this liniment on a flannel cloth - which should be bound on the cheat J —an attack of pneumonia moy be pre • Vented. It Is always prompt and es ■ fectual. For sale at 25 and r,O cents per bottl* by Alexander Drug A Seed Co., ’ C. R. Parr fit Bell Tower Drug Store ’ Someone with a statistical turn us VmJmi has discovered that there are ' fifteen thousand saloons within (lie ..limit* of llreoter New York. The number of schools and churches lias % not been announced as yet, but will be ' soon. TMI’ JOMJ THAT PAIUBO. Care •• Wire tk# Hwk* * *#*4 H IM* n# Wna I —bill r«v. sw»»' ■■» yww it«# s*»4 k*#ww «ka< sooth to *n town rex# j*Mr. If# *•### wares X b# k*reT Mtore k* t* gate tag *• KX X fcto wr#oh*d Jake# ogre kto fr **4* H* b*# j*#t paw# d ibrwagh re repwirer* ibat may sab Are blx. It. (#A## A H Aua# oak b##nb XX toUWf X Ik* haXI X (sUA* m rethsi to tk* txiraft Fere Pc#x 'l#«i MoXfc Jra** **4 ftanlre #*»i us (Ml re • rakMtto hur.ifcg |if (tokla* trip ftmttb to • rnsk X> fXk *g. but rer*« iKwhißg In# MpMlkC; * Alls re tk* Mk#r band loir* fw In | tor kunim* and fall# to a## wMrs tbs ' fwn sown* in frax hotdreg a n»J jnlt Any tree "ire#*’ aoto nxMtlnw re »•# tftp *»• Ito kill a bear IX wild #o mark also**. Jit that H* ik roktwivX on# X bl* j pmf lits! Jokw and yrorsoM to pH tt | into B#*rt Borrow mu an stf brer’s I skX OOd using • few piece# ot rotl*n log. h# managed to skip# an object ibat from a distance somewhat rcsrtr • bind a brer Tb#o b* >***»# By re marked u> Joes* that while ft eh tag b* bad noticed soot# bear tracks "This exrited Jon## who Immediate ly Inal-led that ftmltb should point out tbo spot. Nothing loath, ftmltb led the way to lb# spot where b# bad prepared tb# dummy, than giving way to Joac# who moved cautiously forward. •'rtud'trely J«o#a threw hi# fug to ht* shoulder and fired: then hft drop ped his gun and fled, yelling for Smith to do llkmrtoe • Smith roared with laughter lit th« effect ot bl# ruse, and might haft been laughing yet had he not here startled by n heavy crushing In the unddrhrwsh n#nr him. Then ha gaspod It didn’t matter what Jon## bad fired at, there was a sure-enough bear coming, and it was headed directly for ftmltb. "ftmltb managed to reach a tree, with only th# Ims of hi# coattails, where h# remained until reauced four hours later by Jonas and an excited crowd X campers." . - '■ - t dOSPEL MEETINQS. Rev. Wm. Dunbar Preaches a Sermon on the Subject of Pharisees. Th# ft*cond Christian church was well Oiled last night to hear Rev. Wil liam Dunbar, of Asbury, who preached an able sermon on the parable of the Pharisee and publleau who went upon the house top to proy. He showed In th# course X his remarks that like Pharisees still Uved and were even more numerous now than ttv the daya X the Savior. IT# said that people thought more about th# show of dress In the congre gations that gather to worship God than they thought X giving the hour to the praise ond honor of Ood. He made a cathlng rebuke against the men who posed as gentlemen and at the same time were aa black with sin In adultery and other crimes as the wretches who live in house* ot shame unveiled in wickedness before every nature. The congregation was deeply moved and as the eong "Jesus. I.over of My Soul" was sung many tears were aeen to glisten In the eyres of the people and everybody went away feeling the good effects of the meeting. There will he services again tonight. Rev. S. R. England will preach end •» large crowd will be In attendanoe to hear him. These are union meetings aud all the coinmuulty Is Invited to at tend. Services will begin at 8 o'clock sharp. All singers are Invited <o sit near the organ The music so fur lias been grand. Madison Mudtapnlau: Joe Hall Is uu tborliy for the sfalerueftt Ibat wild turkeys, when badly frightened, will ram their heads under the leaves', leav ing (he rest of their body unconcealed, thinking they are hid from their pur suers. TUB: AUOUb'JLA BEHA f.P BRINTir 1 l‘ SIIKE WINNER lf#M ("Mod t***t Bio 19 to# i BMPMHk im>*h evd dtoNg*""* Ml** NM A*d *#**• A ■ ’-aiA ' * laß . «P#4 PI * 4Mr *#4## 9h* m HP ARAN# tAtA### I # ll #*'*# fppwp- AMP# IftMAAAHt PPNPMHhP pfMp-# dp #•#»*# * Pt # ppap |p PNNI 3*fP, #%■## A* P"p# [ Ppf # imprplmp PWHI PI #««•*** pNPP I («#»*•» p%ir rt *%& pMdPo # tig# #■ % 4# IpppdW tPPfP PP# PNPI «4M#f#ot #i#A-- I tr of fjd t# IP# •-1 ttr Pga%dd tP#i ! ip# jo**** ft* IpkP rppiiot #»* g «*a#f**#pfc f #• * »#fft # : i# pa fdU fP# PHMiI pPPPt PpMP«B lpi*j Ip «Im# 4ft#t4w4. ppdp CPI CPPPtdf #P4 H» #a4A#A*** ««#w« Pd pP PPP* PI *•* SlmwpiP PPn j ifiv« «Pp Pt ppp* pwMfpi ppp'-P'' m moot Htotom *» •«i*a# • Mon tom no r**4B#r •» mm *mm tom mm 4mm* • *«*r ***•> «»**"** k*** n* <mni •*•*• *• cmtomm iMdMMr M*4 nm m »h> UU n*« **—H> *^»- n*r. tan OH ttwOn **mO»^» rTTilfr- WM* *»M> M Ml ** • mM mM «*» *n* tom m mtom i«m *» t*» mm* to *m ***• «*» MM* »**• M#ni«l «• **• I wife *1 *Mtk«***r Ml On I *' fteMMMk, C*tN» nwMrtf M •• *•*•■* j t*t M* m* n MMMpdO* •* ,k# «i* nn »mi ita* «** #••*•'«* MM. *»*M»Mi »ltl *n! w * o*t r—Our n *m iMpim—«« *»•* M» mml Oat, iwrilif a** *•*>*'** to mm* to IM t«im •* OwaMMk *i<M •M !•«*•*( |« ••»"»< *• * |<br WW *M »<n *M**M •* *k* i • »»!’•!»' T*r -inHQ r*lt t of tfe* <*■*>*>’> ! 1* to Mr ms» iajpr»4»«m* a****** of l*r h»rW top** Moimio WMrtiir. ar*M* VMM IM «'M* an»n* *» •’»« W Ivor* vitMl wo to* *r 4»BUn*»» I Dm otrooc *o*M l*n t*o mmuiy will j Alton**? (MM) T*n»ll Ml NMM tor j« unit at Mnotit Vimo < • *M«t*». i-oncrMHOBM BroaiMr *•»<»« MiH (him to ■» *>•> Ifcor* «M tr»4 • M*o4 , to th* tahl i On* of ll***ot*kl*pollt *,t flultnn to *n ?**t*nur vn* *». 4. * wilfcio* . mi. th* Rn»«hU»*n l*o*olt*t nodUtat* (for Coagnoa la th* atormth dtatrtn. j H* raw* u* to hold a roofah »«•> ••»* 0. 0. f la*d*r» at th* ro»tow hww* I From thatr* h* v*at to Maroti to w* < Ma) Mnaatw. vho la •upp<**d to b* •»tn.inn* th* atnrva of war tor Wll kioaov la th* Dnratli diatrtn tght. To Caw* a CoM la oat Day 'Tah* Caaatl** Br«wi* Qulnln* Tahlata. I All druoilata r*ftmd th* »«*»» If It 1 rail* to run Ar Th* «rßuln, h»» I*. H. Q oB *arh taM*t UENIAI. AL FIELD. Something About th* f amous and Popular rtiastrel. Bvnjrhrdy know* At PVId and Al knowa overybody. If you oiwt non him no mot tor whrr* you |>«** him hr *J traya qwaki and remrmhrra whrr* hr mrt you. ll* was around town yrotrrday ahak tng handa with frlrnda and trlllna thrni how glad hr waa to are them, and thry ahnwrd laat night how glad they were to aee him. Al llvea In Columhua. 0., with hla wife and daughter, and aJwaye airang- HAPPY MOTHERS AND HEALTHY CHILDREN. Lydia 0. Pinkham a Vabatable Compound Ooaa Straight to the Cause of All Female Trouble* and Assure* a Healthy Maternity. Jilrn. M. Siseaa, 104 Hudson Ars., Rochester, N. Y., writes to Mrs. Pinkhsm as follows: ■*» *• When I applied to yon for advioc I had been suffering some years from fle dulity, nervousness, etc. 1 had had several miM'«rn»|(i“> and »a» i 1 »ru!« 1 am grateful tosav that after taking three bottles of l.ydia K. I‘inkham s Vegetable t orn pound 1 w it* considerably better, and after EajgJr using three more it brought me where 1 »u\ BQfi\ *.• to-day. lam well, and the mother of a three- HBjgM- «uk* jfflßi “ Doctors had failed to help me. I hate no HnHt v one to thank but Mrs. Pinkham and her won- 3E£M t * . : '. Mrs. Ella Dcn«an. Reeder's Mills, lowa. Wjff * f fit Dicar Mrs. Pin sham :—I thank you for what Rgpt f ' " \T '' your medicine and advice have done for me. sw*™ I (a' G&J *'l have a baby two months old. When he yml // ~ C'' -S' // was born I was sick only fifteen minutes, Ts fe 1 whereas with my other children l was sick for C /(, f/j 11 t l two or three days, and also suffered with my Sei[ Ayj W ,)/ / left leg, and eould yet nothing to relieve the I Aji 11/ 1 S V/l pain but morphine. My leg did not trouble lIL/iff I\\ \ I V \| me at all this time. I had no after paina and —W7 I \ \\| was not as weak as I had been before. 1 / I \ “ I cannot praise Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegc* \ \ table Compound too highly. May God bless you in your noble work." ,/ v Mrs. J. W. Prcktt, Medfortl, Oregon, says: “My health, also the baby's, we owe to if Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound." ■^ r^T~ ’ Mrs. Jo«S W. LoNU. Wyoming, lows, writes: "*V T~ •* 1 had shooting pains all over my body, w as very i weak and nervou*. 1 eould nut straighten up. 1 wished jto become a mother but was afraid 1 never could. Seventeen: months ago 1 got j some of your Vegetable Compound, and after taking half a bottle was much re j 1 ieved. 1 took four bottles and was cured. Now I have a big baby boy which ! I feel X owe to your Compound. Many thanks for your kind advice." A Million Women Have Been Benefited by Mrs. Pinkbam’s Advice and Medicine IpW I rwa* »**’• % **•**« *MN M few **•*! L; Try Mba'f tip* tom. ; A pMM*i pn IP Ip dppp»p Pi* IP* ! At «Pi* f###L-4l f«*#f Ip*.* fcM ppuPPPh j Pdd%Mp# ppP Pdd ppl #*• tlf#P *•**’* If pom Ppp# «■#•♦*«•# Pp* bp UpPv Alk M# HP APdP’d P PMPP «P» M #PP #»plp»»p •**» c«d»# -in mm awe*Haul feat M—»»* **' A emittoWO at -1 f PdPPddP #*#P# PP# P#» j Mm <4 an gvw a*4 tnw rwa* taf . mf*ri Try H today fhdd aw * n 4« w : riui o*d aMa *•*••• M » r * l ' yawtad* *aa* **•*»•• AHa* UMh* *t*d I* Nay. W f a CWCUI cohiml Mr Srh* Dedayrd aa Axcuaat to M AmMmM. Th* chAdtea and rjm*#-*-wtod pato tt/Wtp gt*d in P««n that th* I*%, *as iumtoaini-r *«*a to (Ml* t*—t«*t, •ud Farepaadh ad« pR.h thetr t*h«] b*r* that year kto ueverul p*r(aMh#to ; *«• • fW»r fMta th* ad***»c# agent. Wt»| tv toe* arrived ta Ahnu#** ye*»«*hgf •« au ard the M»y. M* then intend*# 1* . pad Me great ftW* *1 **+*. •*« th rh> f#A »if A Ail# f»* A #AA. Ot rnormmmt of (Hr U#* *++, «a* ngfu at WMitltlP* Mr turned hmk toa IWushvitle I* il» •reta* of th* arndeat aad wired Mr Field th&t he retold M Jain tom her- Ntme mt the uwnderfut wrO rtos* to*, eptmata were aarveewty t*Jar«d, twenty In all. will ha lu the ring aha* the err . ut» rum## A#f# ! The exact date to the ahow ta nto : known. Augusta soidiars in At lanta will m»#t Sixth Regi ment Band on theirarrival there. Excursion leaves Oct. I at I I o'clock v $1.95. Cordel# Journal J. T. Whitiey. th* ! trnrh farmer brought to Th* Journal | office (today a curldlrtty In th* Shape of g sweet potato 'Th* regnUbld measured tam feet In length aad nine Inch** Id circu»f*r*di*« at tfc« t*a t g Ourmmatant atm a 111 be to pleaae out I patron*, both In good* and price*. Lam kin m 430. * ■ ,i Albany Hnraid: A negro In town v osier day had th* stuffed skin of a large diamond-btaek rdttl* snake which b« had killed on the hank* of i th* river a few mile* north of tha city. -jag* o«m von u.ipjnJ jenaq » *| r j six feet In length and was about fif teen inches in circumference at the largest part of the body. Tha snake bad Blue rattles and a but ton. OLD DLL OF SUE Tti ? fyPftJff pi %4pi«» II ’ IppP Cl •#* iPdpp *%P iPPp ' PPfP : p§p H . pis imnft «P 4 P fHd'4« p ppfppp j 1 h t*r#4#d 0' r adkf it i< MfPI *dp *t - * Lppni p«t* pbM pppJlbfPdi PPPI v H^ppip pghp,.. pfipk# ft«*l #pp pp*p4. Pf j ClliMl IPP#P PI Apdar-PIM •* r_ t . h* «« hi pr Pkipppil •A. **4 hf we oalM *« gOdh M !#*• mi th* to# us th* ••• haravf tor th* auth afhrtwUd tut th* Mid W I ■at** h* M that mto mtm» »h* fcl «* *«t i.Uto tor to* mm* •• hat* ahd tv hMd th* a*at ***** ataeu* ****»• I *#•»•*. ta*Mth*r *HI hll a*d »tot»»*r th* fetor* Mv* a*d torroM* us th* to- ] : g,ato* ohto th* Mtd W Kill*. M* " i *dMto*»*'**«r» **d Mm" | tv th* eviy v** twvrfw avd tvhvof vs; hit* Hairtt t* vttvao of th* ato** . [vaM I th* Mlf lava* Ho#*r fr, M kita ah*tit atoroMtd. ha#* h**w*t*j «M th# haad aad ***l *ho tvrvvd 4a« as H*fwm Apph thNhthi va* ttoamto a n 4 «n* h*vdr*d aad 1 •M I* ih* mtCMMh r**r of Aawot*a» I Htdrveo'tor* *tg**d aad »*atod ta i* .a*or* of J. K#va*dy Will of Ml* tv Wlt’toM 81'to l*aar llo**r | 'Um* Rhrriff of t*hafto*taa Dht' i Eat *«m up 300 Dinn«r* A BUI MtA SH < Ireeled Al FtoM'a Agtovdld Shvv- I aat I ' *•»«• Al Field th* only aad ortgtaai Al, ylgyad to a bo*** !*•» atok’ Ihal U , MiidnM *»• I* Aogo.ta. Th* tall*r i*a aad ha irony had ovt th* .taadlaa ronta ooly alfha lotto h*f«*r* th* p*r tonraar* b*«»a ** d *W •»* *■ u * git traa iak*a. From 4he Ogetliu* aroo* ollh M * Nvullfol dlaglar of ruMuwaa »VM mualr aad vltty Jokaa until Ik* last shadow row*dy th* and tear* waa kept ta a rruittaual roar aad wh*n all waa o**r they departed well pleaaed Al hat hit xml number of tweet alagern and epee la I feat urea Th* aerobatle features were attlendid aad th* Jug gling urn ret led #1 through hla lour. At hat town plating to large houaea and not oar* bar* they b*m dtaappnlntrd la th* ahow that he gat* Ihem. . . Latl night b* kept up hla record and got hla usual a Utah*# of admirers. Bvery pari was tlean and th* uaual minstrel feature* of double meaning were abolished. All who saw him laal evening vlll be glad to greet him again nest season IT HAS HKKN Ft’TXT demonstrat ed that lo>'* CTeam Balm I* a speelflo f. r Nasal Catarrh and Cold In the Head This distinction has been achiev ed only a* the result of continued suc remful use. A morbid condition of the membrane In the nasal passage* ran be eureg by this purifying and healing treatment. Bold by druggists or It wilt be mailed for 50 cent* by Rly Brother*. 54 Warren street. New York. It spread* over th* r*nef to Immediate. A QOOD WOMAN GONE. Miss Mallnda Taylor Ole* of Dropsy In Sandersvllle. Special to The Horald Sandeihvlile. tla.. Sept. 2R. Miss Malinda Taylor died of dropsy about |« oclork last night at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson A. Irwin, with whom she has resided for several years. She was sixty years old and spent much of her life in Sandersvllle, where she wnt greatly beloved. The funeral was held at 9 o clock Monday morntng. and the remains were in terred yesterday afternoon at the fam ily burial ground on the place of Mr. J. B. Webster, about six miles north west of Sandersvllle. Miss Taylor was an aunt of Mrs. J. A. Irwin of this place. Corporal Ed May of the Third Georgia regiment is spending a few days furlough with his parents in San dersvllle. Mr. P. M. Brown returned last night to Macon. Miss Martha Mathis has returned to Mt. de Sale®, Macon, where she will re sume her studies. The annual session of the Washing ton Baptist Association convened to day at Sisters church, two miles from here, and will continue until Thurs day. Say. you? with an ap petite ; we are after you. ELLIS RESTAURANT. Bishop Bond of Montreal is certain ly a physical wonder. Although over 80 years old he last year visited one hundred congregations and confirmed 800 people. . , ..... , ; WANT ADSJ ]rtt*£ i 9%m H tifivi-'i ( 41 i&MKh <• «4to totm tof fflt* ' t*-**- 4 J to4to +4-m ■■■ ■■■■■#* 4 m*m (Ml #4#" " ] I ’•■*# 4MW MW# m #M 9* lOWO" 1 I (Bg •<*». yNWO ‘ ■*-+■ io *4*4 #44* t !«■**#% O &*>* mflNt 144# to# M n<4oi4* ■ f jc i ft ONi 4 -m. •#§ *<o 0044 j [ gitfttof T tt'4 #a*# top- It # 4>bi 4 44 OOf #o4# ; • * ### Mm MfKtoit# *0 O# 000 j 4«N| #44 #§ ##4 44## #S#|i‘to44*Jto «# i #44 '•* '■’*(§ #4 fO# ### ### #t ; S *O4 0- I- s »o4t ; | pi n |v I ''H, A AMtj|J|i|lfcl»|||l | -n m sTt uatTo n w*an te o jWAltntta-A towWTTOgf A* *ffl9tT| •ii'koM h» a mrnm. *ah*r»Mto .l W. *. mmma mm. A Ftf*«T «*!.«<* PITtMM WrtIAMKM a pmtu.v AgMf to* Owwu to. j ' *-i • to jwAMTIW* BY A UHY »* BWlky. *l»»rr pv»v»*h a* itovsng* *M ', - nagitoto* fi fkmoi •rt r* r fX'. ' r-m p% v## A *4* ■4*»*a D . to! NcyvoMv Mf*vL rtty WAjmw»- to»T* A-ntito a» cYwtot «»w I gwunl |N4#4# a 4r«#4l. 949 *At IlftiPfrt ft waxtkd- ccsamnN by lady »nasgT«ta>sf ttirat J. car* Hvr *l4 h*M » WAvrinb towuriHN u* or awict th* itty kg Mehugranh** amt iti* writ** <4 ahtitty with t yavra *aj»rt *vc* Bapto w 4 aeeurvt* B**» r*tor rnre* Hviary BWIiSMI*. A44f*** Nhsr gy, rwrr Hcralg <4lle* Wept J* waxtto a bmtkis a» wamb Hot VKMAV •* shltT'na ct*rh to •* *»p*rt*ve*4 man gmtwri** pr*?*rrrg Sddrms M. Hervlg ofllcc. Mppt to HELP WANTED AntoKTh WANTSU-POH DR URCM MUNI>« Lightning Krmdlv for Rheumatism 1 t*M for an Ivrurvbl* ran*, ivtam stiff Joint* draw* r>.r4* aad hardened mosclev. If your dealer ha* not got th*** remedies, w* will sand the full month s treatment nf two >arg* hottlss as receipt of t& lIKCMMOND MKPICINI CO . M Nassau St , Raw York. Ovt • wXStrd-a fikbt cCaB vii*f- M A KICK. Apjdy to Ituhsn. tha Tailor. HR Main street. Columbia, S. C. Sept to WANTCTV--TWO Wlimo MBS. Sl/T over to years old. Inn Reetaurant. FOR SALE i CREAM-CREAM AT $4 JACKSON ftT. FOR BABB—ISO-ACRE FARM. ONB mile from city limits, a bargain. Ap -11 ly W. C. Jones. No. 114 Jackson ftt. Oct 1 IF YOU WANT TO OWN A HIGH GRADE h«mmerle*# shotgun, case and lAading tool#, at m trifling coat call at Hemstreet'S. ftept X Hun TO RENT FOR RENT—HOUSE 544 WALKER street. Apply to Z. Daniel. Bept2B FOR RENT—IOI7 REYNOLDS ST., 6-room dwelling. Apply *ll Broad. Oct 1 TO RENT-STORE NO. 714 BROAD street, next below Davenport * Phln l*y. running through to Ellis street, j Price $1,550. Alexander A Johnson, 70S i Broad street. Oct 1 TO KENT-DESIRABLE RESIDENCE i yfo. (21 Center street. *8 rooms with kitchen and bath. Apply T. P. Doris, j Summer vllle O’: 1 FOR RENT—STORE 805 AND HAI.L i WAY 807 Broad. Apply Commercial .Hotel. Oct 1 TO RENT—COMMODIOUS STORE, j No. 921 Broad street—s7S per month. W. R. Gardner, 113 Eighth street. Oct 1 ! FOR RENT—FROM THE IST OCTO | HER, store No. 532 Broad street, at S2O per month. Th*ds. Oakmau. No. 1 811 Broad street. Oct l TO RENT—UPPER FLOOR OR j rooms. 454 Bay street. Sept 28 TO RENT—THREE NICE FURNISH ED front rooms with privilege of par i lor and bath. Apply to C. H. Luhrs, j 460 Broad street. Oct 1 LARGE ROOM FOR STORING FUR NITURE at 256 Greene street. Sept 29 The Bell Tower Drug Store, CORNER GREENB AND JACKSON STREETS rm—Under new management A full line of Fresh Drugs, Toilet Articles, brushes, Ktc. We make a specialty of Physicians’ I'resoilpUons. Bell Telephone 1225 PATTERSOJST & WADE 8f PTEMBER UB MIBCCLLANKOU4 I ##»> 4.H t* t tHN ft 1 >»f > Mli> f #44# §4..#» |w# f to# <«#4#*»%«• iSTmLmmtom • ~m* «#***•* h'44»4 tjnmm* tm &»$m 0r t# 'in, .* » i 4 **4 * *■€**..# to## *fP«o,-. #I« ftod >C M '•! * *<•» to togj *. 44# Hi# 4 ? #'«« to [mm fvi#%nfyyyf itHff”#* vt#^ I A ijlPrtHltt 4 t" f! ** f * A f ll -5 i t # ( #l - # # • #4 I* !* *## f+wmp 4H speclal Notices; f t#* (Mu# *rrYftr*H )# «4IVWt THAT <4# >'tt,f.#>#i tT49 I# fc**4 At tA» wool 4#t#MiF ff - Al H#y fcftor#4 « to##*# I tm f ft? rr m t*tt. i*» ft# (Nt* 4N4MM# A9At« f4#pA §4# 4# fl4P4t*Mßt tlw* twit *# MMf #> 4 111 Tto # MPNMSMAH4MA4# I# I.A# f%n#Ht#ttMl. t * j tiw9#t#4'f. •#•##AWT <(4 At# (#. L If■ tocf t|to(4**%4 A*#*# At* t ft*. r*» . I 'toiPMMtAANAM# #4 A# - I #4* ar#mAi#w#»##» 4 4#to* (urn «? Jtttlir# j Tjiig a md* A##«to"4t 1# ft# I tAf## Pkto#to"TMtaß#! tot Ito*# fto ttkto I jiglff hi A#44f#t«r ft# #r ####■•#» HAUftKAffto# °* o** 1 llnv d Judds* of dugarlsr Osurt* t*r MnV of Aav*v4m*h4 ta Puragftkph «, SsetPm II Arttete 4 us the (harm imu itor’Mi of fhatertnea dwerui up til# jii#|itf 1. OVr# #f fft# 4Niyi#fttor CtAHTta HMuuifA f|dNrto#%-Ff #f Tfel H»* turAA, Tu (>Al#rt## 4 OHHi T###uhh t#r, €ftAH#t|F A#rt , #f#f ##A <*#r«4t#t it', r kvk. |«4«» otf roirt, SHwmi4 r«.*R|f# A#4 IB* * ARrto C#M4AA«#ff K *» U AJ9«S At at*. County aud PchuM Ta*. iM TMK VTATF OOA'WTY DTP UMObt, Ta* la ntiw due Ah parlies It*toe tor same are earveutly iwnueeiud In maho prompt payment uAu at court haaa*. Horn from •#.*». I# # p. ta. i *HAllLhd f. HoHLKR. Tag fwio tur. Richmond County Nntk* of Rctaoval THE OFFtcm OF THK BJI’ITABIJ: MufKttng and Lean Amdailna hava been removed from No, 7*4 Brood •nm. to Rooana Itt-ttl Dyer Build ing. tMrd ftnor. ALBERT It. HATCH. Beetetary. 7 Per Cf $500,C00 ? Per Ci I FORKHIN CAPITAUhTP WILL 'loan HALF A MILLION DOLLARd uh realty la Augus'u, Oa Teem, T per i»nt For further Inform*nmi aea ihair attorney at law. V. 1. Sullivan. Km., or Mr. P. U. Burum. For the Ihgialaturv MARTIN V. CALVIN. MKNHY C HAMMOND. JOSEPH «. RBYNOLDa Will be aupptirtrd. a* IVmncratlo candidate*, to represent Hichmond county in the next legislature, at tho elect bet to be held on Weduced,y. October 5, UM. “PATKONIZE “ ‘•The Barber Shop of the South.” HICKEY’S is the Place Five Barbers, all first-class artists. 212 and 214 Bth Street. TO BE SOLD AT *1.:5. ; Just received 500 Silk Cmbretlas to : : be sold at $1.25: also the best line : : of Woolen* In the Market at rca- : : sunabla prices. F. G. MMR- : : TINS The Tailor and Gents* Fur- : : nisher, oppoiste Planters' Hotel. : a B. MITCHELL, AI.EX M< DONALD 8u pt. of Con. Hoc. & G*u. M gr. Augusta Electric & Construction Company 212 Mclntosh Street- Electric Hup(>liet—-peaking Tttb*s, etc., elo. Repairs to all F ectrica! spparatuo. Elect l ie Light Wiring a specialty. BeU’Fhone 1602. - - - Strowger 678. FOB IEOH FENCINO CALL ON AUGUSTA FENCE CO., $lO 10tb Btreet, Augusta, Gw IRh-Out of Town Work Solicited-^®