The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 28, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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4 WEDNESDAY THE tUGUSTI HEMLO * ■ «*» —«• * .. • **"*■* ******* . ... . .•stc* *»•• *»• Hpfit nvmp *>«***■ EniMii dm I- «N# to*"-* .MM* mm. IMrtP *• - •a--.#*Eff**» •»* •#• * to* «iu mu itt* r»i «*u* |n j|f|ftift‘t *A* M Ml A#*#w* *** AA «*# MM* 0- MM'#- * toes.# Euem* t, H— — *• »«M *•««• Mo**# mm lift-* teeter . I*’ ftMMM- *1 »*• CWe-WW-W »• '** **••** rv,, *T** 0, , I<| (Kr A» tb- Mm m mm r*«» 4mm> Mm« 4 o— , . Mm 4* Mi rw*eaaao» *•*• *<•*• ofa mm 49 (—l 4 ... a tbn r**r ** *4* i tic emu** or rvihti ——- __ ... _ tw t*vaa*«« U-M«* <« «*-♦«' HH|Mr bee B9*w« ‘ ft- ••*«*«* MMt'.M -4 «• •»»>< > •* W9inhre* (Hgtofu' t» rn al9t«4 ihet ■tewe* 9m» 9*9(9 I'WM Ml MMMI* I*9*9 •“**•' '*MM> A ftt»*sr *«M4 **• •“* ’»* •’T* •* th( AEtromt- « ««M. aMslabtng him r**~ TW la<*M M that M-f»f Van Writ MW *9 14m. «*« a« I*. MM **9- * CW** In o*l > Ft—ln r t— m«Mnf i>l»m (o {Milk- a Man ai Mark llanna ami t« •MB fcla Ml pumrr Thru a Rtrl| i» W aa? hr'» **n Osa ka It'd nod Nbamgua uni- *« hmlrii McKM- t MkrmW Kewlv tMfflwrl prariiwi In (h --mMfur lu -' of |ti (My kaort not Ihr rail product TVa IhtMiaar I Bril, member* of Ibe Kill Mama Hnrkrtleo. an 11 Itrttfanll f am Hal Ira tiilrml la Mroofctyn Hun-iay. A promln.r>i Nr» York clergyman ; ffertovee ik*l Ihr church la In 4»M»i el Mviiiiuiui a 'MiaisMil of error# •awl lira ** .((.if. tary Al|rr any#' *T have rvn *o..| .», m make 10 any man, and f am cMlui i >1 the aar.“ —- John MerJrsth tried to rel off a fill* aanian’a «|U<*U • In New York Tin‘»«lay, n ta Jain.* O. Ilia Inc Jr., and *U lined fie in a police murt. Tk# Oarman bark trig#, Java Ini I 1..1 Ina, augur lad.ui, arrived >’«•- tarday, with the caidaln and nuiat of tha ervv dead (rum acurvy, A amall riot «•* started In New Y«uk by orthodox Hebrews wha object - ed to their leva at riel brethren rating In • reatatiranl on Yom Kippur. k John Hay. the newly appointed seo reta y at slater. will receive hla c<»m trlaalon fn.m the handa of the Prcsl- Jem tomorrow In Waahlnaton. Another member may lie added to the Prealdaiti'a cabinet. "Beeretary of the Co|onbw M will likely be hi* title, If COOK rear take* the action required. A gigantic colar *|ioi haa hean dis covered on the sun’* surface.’ The French AAtronomer Flammartan states that It meaaurea otie-«l«hteenlh of the quo * diameter. Kurland anil rtunata are on the Verne of ynpture In China. The Cxnr ha* of fered the Chinese Empress 10. non troop*, and the British fleet la ready to up roar their transport. The Oregon sails on her long return ►rip around the Horn this week. The low a will accompany her and both IhlpK are under orders to proceed to Manila via Honolulu. Mrs. Lactase, the only surviving wo man passenger of the Bourgogne, nr* rlved yesterday In New York, and de clares that Cant. Delouele acted with great coolness and calmness as the ship went down. The President Is understood to be thoroughly pleased with the personnel of the investigation commission. The «nen whom he has appointed are pos sessed of wide and varied experience, many *>f them having served with dis tinction to themselves, either in Hie Vnion or Confederate armies. Andrew Carnegie, who Is at the head of the 1100.000.000 Federal steel company eays: "But there Is nothing to fear from the prices of sleet, for these | henceforth are to rule lower In the Hul led mate* than Iri any country of Ku rope. It will not be long before h large portion or the steel supply must be drawn by .Europe from us.” _ L *•*?* m % • I $ m *** 1 ai# > m » _ { | «f%» 4ft ®ft# <4ftlft 1 ft# <i» l 'Mi ft#**## #t(iAlir'ftf mmm I «nmlm# ftmtmmmm i|p#i I«t IVHftM* *#* At It ftftft4ft" If '»*#ft iftftaftftt f.'ftiii H** ftiftpftp** * || #*A j Ims ftftftpftft# 1 Wm* ##ftwi *9 ; m* * * ftAter4ftpA«#-» mmm mm HiAft i4# mm *m ift mm* *m ■itrT Ha lUftHi** f9m mm mmm mmm tmmrn* I «# HAimmmi Mi ## Hfti mmrnmmm ft** mtmmm mmm mmms iftMl *ft»4 mmm - ftfltftfth mm** «t*#**«* ftt*#*%•*#• 1 ftMft mmm rnmrnm m mm mm mhmm ! ftfftftftlllft 41 ♦AftHllftA'Milft PAW ft* rir -;j-t mm# A ftpA* Ift nnM* 1 ftA# mm mm*-** ****** #***ftM*ft* mmm* #ftpft i#*# *#o# tfftAfft*# ftft •ft*- mi mm ft****** II S| «ft ifttt ft* ftftft Ift ift* fftftMMF* mt HMHftftft ftftftft ftft iftft'lft*** i wm 9m iMMffft ft* ft ftfftfl Iftftft 'ft ' '’*■*»# * ’Aftl ift* ft#**#. # , #*ft flMPft ft *lt4ftft #4 *#*•*# i 1 n ftiftf'* ffti ****** ftft ft* Iftftftft 1 *ftHNift*** Ift Tift ll*#* >4 *•■#• f ***•' s Iftftftft ift lift* I ** I**#*# llwtuwn ft*M*ft :{*ft**j| fttnft#*# tft It fftftt ftlg*#ftwft* H***ftft** tftfft* ftft* Ift ft* ft tfftftH #*•% * v* I'll ft ftft fft4*t ftftli ftMfti I*** iftgft# ftftf r***nt ffttftftt* tft#i §1 ft#"# ft * ff * ft»tft\ ft# ftftftf ift#* fw” *| 4 | (MyFk'T* —* wm » baaxM# fa» ik» «MMMMa99* If § fMt. tll«9* *» tb# M«*9| M9*4- ' ,0 of f*t«*« i*Ht M. 99 a94r»m#9 bp tb# 00a-1t J >r- #B4 #r9»«t last aa n—rTiiT (Yrvwnwtro* 1 * t a (Ban Npnullaaii tr*m fkf9 ■9ciaa |up a mm* bliwNlr b9#4Mw4 arttb 99* ' , lM| | 004 aßi«pbn9lon« *!»#• E—Mfc ,00 flwai »b#ar upft* 9#9lrw that j ntgwt# (Balt auErr mi Mary base W9he#a j tawt IWIh ro9tl»g»»cy lift# tb # j MOM 990* tb# bortMM. M *9r#»t* b# #199 MMdP p#OWO99CW<t Mid alE#"* j *ft.iift> wftoft lift rillftfit. WEAriTEE bATTEE EHETIBCkWTt Miocitnc tt tcETiYi coaaiiTUt Amo# tias* ago tb* tVmmrata of , Kn b1909d ro99ty. 19 ■*• 9HWO9i aw * semtded alerted an MHnrgttr* «HM9lt t tar to manage party af*ira im. Ibla . I roasaty for taro yaarb I Mis mm h aa there la aa akrtloa 00 j ly every l«ro yeara for roaaty o(Berra, j measlier* of the l>*gtalature, gmnor 1 and state bouar officers and as tha comaitttee was sleeted on the eve of i Ihr state caMpaigv. It was natural to 1 suppose that the Ikro*orrstic couvity ex ecutive committee would take charge nr the perty's affairs at on re. A at* 1 oaimittrs wtU be astected and will tw la > harge of the elate rampalga two >eaaa from now. do It areuia that If the presewt exarutlve committee la to do anylblßE with thetr atnwarddtlp, that the time la abort Imbed between now and the tilth of October, when the campaign closaa and the state and county elections are held. There ta nothin* to be <hnr In Rich mond aave for tb" r*emocrntlc party to ncm Inale can*'ld:d 1 forth-various offi ces. There la no opposition to the prvwent county officials and there are only three catu*ldatee for the legisla ture. But It does seem as If the par ty’s executive committee should call Uemocrnta together, formally noml- j ante candidates and make some effort to poll the full registered vote of the county. From a party standpoint, aa matter* now stand, the Democratic party In Richmond has no candidates for county offiewa and no candidate# for the lie*- tsiature. The various clever dtiaen# offering for these places, individually, ms ye he life tonß Democrat*. Just ns the two factions In Savannah were tuith Democratic or as Independent , Democrats who offer for election, with- j out submitting their claims to party primary. But from the standpoint of party regularity the candidates offer ing for the various offices within the gift of the lieople ere entitled to Dem ccratlc indorsement and nomination. If Col. Candler is going to get that 100.000 Democratic majority through out (he state, and if Richmond Is going to contribute her share, It is time that the party management in this county waited up to the feet that the election will be held on October sth and as yet the Democratic party In this county has not even made Its nominations for local candidates. An exchange relates the clever re- I covery. Just In time, of Mr. .lack Herd up. Ills wife said: "And now that we are married, darling, how came you j to pick me out over nil the other pret- , iy gills?" To which Mr. H. absently Vi'lies. Well, darling, you know you lmd the dottgh-tlh-nh-Uh (coughs! heojJ minion over my heart from the first time i saw you, my dar ling." * THB -A XyOXJPTTA HBWALD mm litWM !• #tft#*# # ft* T|ftfta*4||MM* iNßftft###* ***♦*# i#' s'* 4 ## ftft* j)# ; * !§ *li# S* * Wißsft *#« #* 4 »*» mirnmmmmm% *»**»• m * ft* I# , Imm m*mm mt ftNtiM# ft mmm ft ift' a #■*-»* a « s #tA ft#* ft*#*# * MM* A#>#ftfcffi** I* 4ft# tft# ft»#i' , * s ■ -■"* '** #ft* 9 #•?■** | .9# flu'iHHf < ft #v-4 fftftf tft* *#*%ft* *4l ***** *ii4* ft*# ftftt ftfcftift l mrnmm pft# mm *4ftft# «MMftflMft*«'*fti# a# ft## Iftftft Ift* , %+m irtrl >I> ftfHF sf-*#•<*•--4 Tmtm tft* mmrnmtm tft* ft#*### ft »-*■»**• pftfftf ift# *#4 t* t*ft ffiffiA aftim~»T ft# *4ft y - fftftt f mmm mmms ft*** **4*l*4l i*m* *44*** ift** ' tft# *t«a>4ft*** ***v#i!t* ft*4 ftft* lift** il«t Mii I* ift* #ft#|M*4 Iftftat *# Ift* 1 4*ft f i#ft fftttl* Tfti* ftfttMi # fgaftft ft* «MMf Afiftft i# Mbffika f bow wtaOBM Ml gw bew4 Ml , be« 4 ask >«9B9utaUna gad base tees : • tiwar m Mil a#** Ms wvMwtua la sa ' .age by. Aad Easily. My* ‘b# Oaa . #0*9(199. ’ ase ae* awl #aaiiag <*e#e tb# «Masa«MM. aaf art aet ekffieHtaa tb# : Mew ffiagisad min# aa eycaob at . at* Tbe *%■■>» penceas at rboaglOE the (water «t lettos Maawfartertag (a i naa abe b e 111 e»*ef many yawr*. bad ! it fcaa been gotag <a at t nf» rapid | rate tNrtaa tbe pee* <**9d» "* I Will (ME TODAY. Oae w—k final today (bona bold# j her clccllaa. sad Tbe Herald eosa ; freed, ta Ms read are the following (rota (be Earaaaeb Near# Lad. tkran j read, retied and art: *Tbta to oae year ' ta wbteb every wbit# voter la Oworgta i -bo#id make h « potat to gw* to tk* 1 polls sad vote tbe straight d«Moctal it | ticket. N wasps per report a bar* p«»na ■ abroad ta tbe effect that there la loa -1 lalneat danger of tbe etfffe falling lain tbe head* o t a rcpabHcaa popallet fa Mon la abort. that aegro donataa ttoe aa la North Carolina to threat rued Tbe delta*# rat• ebould tara oat and prove to tbe trorld and to the prospective Imnatgran;* and lave*!or#, especially that till# to one elate which proposes to continue under tbe gov ern meat of tbe latedlgent. roaaerra ties and careful part of its population, t’onenderable Injury will he dose the state If tbe belief once gets abroad that Ignorant and Incompetent and poa.tni/ corrupt polltlriana stand a chance of capturing the state., Geor gian. of course know that there to no fitch chance, but they must make their neighbors and friends know tbla alto." a kooennoM A cooperage tgmipany haa just pur chased a thousand acres of swamp land about twenty mllea below Mll ledgcvllle on the Oconee river, and will at onre place some thirty odd handa In swamp* hitherto untouched by the woodman's axe. They will erect mill# for getting out stave* and other materials for barrel*, and these will be shipped to their fac tory. The suggestion Is this: The Havsnnah river swamps contain a vast wealth of Umber; Us virgin for ests abound in hatd woods suitable for cooperage purposes, and where can a better point bo found for a barrel factory than here In Augusta? Who will touch the biittou and start the ma chinery buzxlng? Papa.” sajd the young mother. “I’ve decided on a name for the baby. We will call her Imogen” Papa was lost in thought for a few minutes. He did not like the name, but if he opposed it his wife would have her own way. "That's nice.'' he said, "my first sweetheart was named Imogen, and she will take it as a compliment." “We will call her Mary, after my mo ther," was the stern but not unexpect ed reply. While Aguinaldo tnay not be up on Political Economy and perfect in statesmanship, he Is evidently no fool. He is reported to have remarked in a recent interview that he expected the withdrawal of the United Slates troops "just as the French with I.afayetle withdrew After helping Ihe American colonies in their war of independence, a war of humanity.” The sibilant swish of the compress es' escaping steam is heard these nights. nil; i:m AHoihr town. * *'* ***•# • ft# 1 # ffdMff'ft fttoft* ***■*! !?*?■ # 9 ttpr **«As * \ #4 *4f lip >» *»»m> »m tip «*M* ip Apppma «# tip Pt*c pf l»lt #|pp tip PNMMp I4MI Mlf MHM - NPU *»»tiNNlM'*. iWN*f*| IpMfIMMNI 1® •#*#>* I «• ||p A rlfiip ‘irrrr OMMtljr «W j i#ph a jprttiippi irmmmm ! "Wtff* am Ml til# 4n*i*»WP*’. m4F If* «mm M & t|<«« irt *t4 *H«*kiMf luppmpalf •* * ; fr* i»4, **#* ipm fcMflr #i».r*fcPM •iM»t ; At* msm»h «** ■ #t*rr ** r»fiitPl *t>lMrt*f H«nA $» pop »IM f* iiPP r* Hlppp/* ntHMnpl tM l»lPltfNf mmmk, *!ti*i t irAiitri to »mpt»*p •*§ ‘ ! * <mM t iav» (9 Main|i Up #* • fpiNp f tPtNtpl *" ,,, I ' * MpMr*r*‘«f )ta*if| ■ Mm If t*«M Pill • H fp. I *«ml4 *w# ; flpn? ttMf f<m fnrvtrl jnmi? P I mail*'* And *hy hf Mil?* t*M Up jrPMP mMI MoMiH ”tm tMt It P»aM Ip n«w-h l rltipr. 1 * A Nm «f tip firm OMt*r pm* h*«ir* | IMS tfPiiMl • Mfnnß Pt **« ! r '«r tip y*«t*f*|*y Ht pm* ii|cM txH ta r»M «ot<pr »P|m, i put |p had tip* Ant awtata! lit l ; n > oßN > at **f Ml tiff AWI I*4 |U»t j t<4 Imh'lk fr*ica i’nip. j Tip t raupm Ip had on »«» nf Ike vlnlip of l«T» with Ike nM Mrk black 1 Mrtk* d"<M) Ik# Around bla nreto* j >mm a bilrk leather twif Mith I* It. !V, m* A O. H.« or mill# other <|ttecr device stamped an It. Hunt t« lhr |w)|j ■M * .rusty *Wnc«l, like Ihr .me arm In iMvkr exhibit at Waxhlnffion. In the "boa-been" department. • m hie 1 head »*»• an oldtime faucur rap with I tbr the h<ln||M atida la front Hr had tarkted wverOl people for I ha! price (4 a drink. when along rarer ol rltlsaa on hi a way to the Georgia rail*} road office building: | “Ray, cap,” aald the hum. "stoke me J a dime, will you? I’m Ju»t liack from Cuba, been discharged and broke " The cltlovn algrd him up and aald. "An a mailer of fact, aren't you a big liar*" "tMft talk to me like that,” raptled j the man: "1 have.been fighting for my country, and won’t lie Insulted. I am | no fake. Asjt that ma ncomlng there."! "Do you know thin man?" naked the j citizen of the approaching pedestrian. | who uaed to live In Atlanta. •'Yea." "Who la he*" "Fakir, con-man, heeler and a moral from Atlanta." "(lame'a up." aald the needy, pscudo aoldlcr. aa he shambled off. Wa.were atttlng on tkc Klka' club pi- 1 axm yesterday after thij Field s concert when along came a horseman on the asphalt, beatriding his animal perfect ly the man and animal appeared as ons. This brought up the subject of horse inmiahlp. nml the traveling man told of a friend of his, n New York reporter, who visited Col. Itoosevdlt. at Montauk ivjht recently. "J had never been on a horse’s hack," said the newspaper man. In telling his experience, but the animal brought out for me looked safe. T knew that the colonel would not lose any time In go ing from his eamp to the beach, so I started ahead, walking my horse. About half way to the beach. I heard a great noise behind me. The boys were coming along on the dead jump. T was In no hurry, so I pulled out to the side of the road to let them pass, but. by gracious, as soon as they caught me my horse pricked up his cars, spread his legs and away he went. 1 grabbed the little knob on the front of the sad dle. held tight and closed my eyes. That horse flew. We jumped a river, my horse following the rest and before I could recover from my consternation we iveio on the beach. The horse stop ped very abruptly and I rolled off. t am sure now that these rough riders are brave fellows and ®ierever t meet them t take off my haul." AUGUSTA i IS GETTING BIGGER. WHY NOT Gl?OW WITH THE TOWN. HERALD PRIZE LETTERS - EVKkffi ««#.-,„ SOIIER RESORTS. #4l Pat ftv Ibb*. #ll f# Hi tft «a 4 ###<*#» #*# **# #MM4# ** * # -4 4* **>* *#to# ft#'**## ft#*** j ###ftt fftoftA*obftf 4#m*4# *• *4#* wftij M* ftfftft#*« *”* tMkf «ffi iwe 11# fe* *» *• -f *wf j ISmi 4ft* #*tftt# ft*#** ftftl tk# ftfwft t*4| l T*w !• • ft*A*v •***., ft*4 5 *«mp4 it* t* •*# r##*M •##««* turn*»ftft. ( Ift (ir< # «* mm »*r ftf*#«f*l Ntrt»4t mrnrnrm MHMft Wr*m #i»4] Ift est LMI tuts* • ftftfsOftf I** m *1 Eftftp) *#**ftl*i* l*ft*li TW ft»#ft mmm.. t*| Mlft *******. ftCftftftftftNftl Rt**## Itkftl lift* -'ftfwt tt Ift ftft ur*f y***bf» ~»# tfhtftrt in ■#» - •tmimmn. bmr*U**m* T<mn 9 tmltem la !„•() ' fttm III* rhlrlffftl ftft f*t ftitd* llftftlt**. An 4 09 «*# *ffft#| tMr ft 114 fthri#4i* f«r lft<*rr->" ft* IN hour fftUft r***4 t*m III* *m*rotlftft#r * 11 I* ft* Imfor tli* mmmm *f lUt| Iwaftrdin* In*#** »hm t**y hm\* h*m •«4 *44* tht+r Um*m • 4a r. *»«U “Ut hoar t|i#ir fettlftT# 4*<t*r «H*ft U#y #«r t*r w*t#r flftVttrr ” Hr. Mr b«*ii t*4* I* **dn**ft ftt IN memory mt thr rmrm tw+mtjr r+mtm+r.” ■ fthiih ft# spa out I* irv«A hun*nr niHUIN ftt JalißKlfM. BH uftrftrr th*n ffKf * ifiooth. or. by aptctal irsdina. If fh# ft#*t**r 'ftßtWsaNi f»lr. ft# will h*v# ft plmlr (S«r ftt *tllft**ir Mmin t*»*. hurt t#n mil** aw*jr: run up to AtNviil# to th# Van4rrt*tt and Mnp a bit at Koiu4s and TVyoft bttor* turn -I*4 our fare* homeward teller. I will t-ll you of the Bn* high, erhnn! bore nod anme oft he dtotlngvl.b-1 •d guests who are Ihri# for reef and quirt. Ho more anon. MHH C. K ANPKbWA For Love of You. Fi.r bive Of you. I po«s> the afreet, lleedleae or sun or drenching dew. Buoyed by the chance that we may meet — Which ,hy the way. we never do; Yet anx foualv I pace tk» meet. For love of you. For love of fay. 1 ait and gruan. And, bort-d alike by old and near, I answer hi Impatient tone When they suggest a task to do: I'd work my fingers to the bone. For love of you. I For love of you, I lag behind To gaxe upon the darkening view, Tt> hide myself where none may find— And once 1 found them charming, too; But 1 begin to hate my kind. For love of you. For love of you. If lU l>eflde. if hearts are cold or friends are few. Remember. I am on your side: And though a thousand menace two. !M tight and light until I died. For love of you. For love of you. I will pot blame. Although the heart that once wns free ffbnnld perish to Increase your fame. One chance of life there seems to be- Thu- chance that you may feel the ' same. For love of me —JESSIE POPE, In The Sketch. So oft the doing of Gojl’s will Our foolish wills undoeth! And yet what Idle dream breaks 111, Which morning light snbdueth; And who would murmur or misdoubt Whore God's great sunrise finds him out 'k -~E. B. Browning. Have you had a kindftess shown? Pass It on. 'Twas not given for you alone. Pass It on. Let it travel down the years, Let it wipe another's tears. Till in heaven the deed appears, . Pass It on. ■ —Anon. Let not this weak unknowing hand Presume Thy bolls to throw. And hurl damnation round the land. On each I judge thy foe. If I am right, thy grace impart Still in the right to stay; If I am wrong, ob teach my heart To find the better way. THIS IS IT %#ffifto#l #*# A* « «fti ftftH*4 Ift#*# #44#*# POR EARLY FALL STIFFS MO ALPINES ALL SHADE* $3.00 Just Arrlvffd. DORRS Tiilorinf. Hits, Funrnhjnfi Bow Do Tory Dollars Go Ai# yeur dnttom r4* E too fast M Mil f#u r being your dol lar* bar# Our do.g* ar# a* per# •mI fnu* a* say la tow*. *• •berg# tol on- put* You gal full vaiu# tor aii uunt yoo Mend •ilk u—. Mailin'- rood fruk from factory jut r«cett«4- Nunnally's Candiffs Yraab twice a weak. Tbe is net poyMtor i andy In the city. MenbaeaUoat la now. Ar« You Moving? I'aUda, Ntoiua. RnaaMl Painty Horn aod maa'-l Points, win dow g aa. and puuy—nil aan be bad ftotn on Smoke “Chlcos.” The bant 6 cewta clear Ha vanas Cigar in Ui# city. ilnailer Dm Cinpuy m BROAD ET. PORTNER’S MOHBRAU and VIENNA CABINET BRANDS OF Export Beers ARE THE BEST ASK FOR THRU. MONEY TO LOAN. In any sums desired from SSOO upwards, in straight 3 and 5 years time, or on 10 years time, payable in equal annual instalmentSp Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fees. No delay in getting the money. Aleiender&Jolmson Agents Scottish American Mortgage Cotnpsey, 705 Broad St j One can raise hell; It takes two to make heaven. StPTFMIIER 24 PEARL ONION SETTS J«M* eveemw#*. iW» torft uMM Now lot at OtototoM Ofktokffi |el«» liffifbfft •«ftfc**v**9 fffft ftO W* • to I>i4M« tttoMf OEftof 111 Of*€9 L t Gardtll*. Druggist Antkcphglalglnc! ftft ff rjt ftft # 4 4~ft I Cur#* tttU. MI'ADAOIH In Ati Ito VAVtOUft FORMS ft## blftb I El -toft ft*4# *:4 •*• (Nft#ft**#A, smmm i f#Mft 4fti4MMft ftft# fttt*ft*#«f yfi •«#'•»*#•'' ft iT'ZTU ft# ift l * ll **. ** m-mm mmm «#&#(* *# mm*' * mmmm mm tmmm ml mmm mmmmmm NR#*** Who***** *»»<* Nfttff'l t»v L. A- CMffttoJWi. Oruffffibf. August. Ca. Tbe Aopsta Gerald Ufjnt. BrUlisi art fte Bat (i’litipr PiKyhrt II TIB SrcUtL 4 Qnr RENT TKUDOftA Pit *4*4 TUI N Fffd OF Trtlf Kußl.ii VRIU IT IS NKVft. IS TO It HOt*R4 AItKAO O# OTHER ORoRi.IA AND SOITII ( AftOllXA y rAFRRA Tim mi coma tot —I— I—“V. PROF. P. M. WHITMAN, 509 71k St. Aicwtt. G*. GIVES FREE EYE TESTS *» oil detocts • ngbi, gr.«a. Ik. peeper «!■■—« W *»- BART* there jetuc* cut into your hrr—wluk you wad. FREE OF CHARGE. JU.l^ OkDtK 1 Oi>' H COAL and WOOD FROM THE North Augusts Coal A Supply Co Cpiantity and Quality Guaranteed F. W. SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT Halt ' I'buna Ht* Mlonger .W 6 'll!-1 The Whitely j Exerciser. { A praetica', implaand I efficient Home Exerciser, on— ptciatly aduptad for iadi-a and children, bn at the same lime can be ' proriubly used by the : strongest athlete. PRICES: 76c., II.t», »1.6 a BICYCLKS - CLRVK- I.AMJS, MO up; YIK-I 1 \(,d, uji ; OEN-I MKONB, »1S up: THOM AS. »50 up. Fall and see them. Every one guar anteed. Richards & shaver Paine, Murphy & Co. lOMMIf-BION MERCHANTS. 803 Reynoias st-=Telcptione’ lmate Lf-asea W ires Dixect to New York Chicago and New Orleans. Orders executed over our wire* for Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Grain and Pro visions fur cash or ot> margins. I»c*l securities bought and sold. Referencec —National Exchange Bank of or Mercantile Agencies. _ * - r v \ \ XV*/ • 7\ B L / \»\ /Tjf' / 1 \