The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 28, 1898, Image 8

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WtfPNSttDAV AtigUSW'i OfMlMt t othirvg Store The Prominent Characteristics Of (hit kuAton't |hOWi»| of M«n*» and! Hoy*' Suita am tha vatlrm oriptnatity hbJ tin# varioty of th* d«*»igna. W* mr#r to th* praciicalt oavicaapfta Kandtottia ruti not htgh-*pnc<KJ Suita, of which w* dia ptiy i • Oiiot tion uf%*<tuaiff€l in th a whoi* •octiort Th* faahlfma ar* distinct, apt, cor met, tast*ful. W* h*v* navar •ncad such a damand for worthy Suita b«forr. and wa hold Amt plat* a*f Ving it, Priroa i*an your way. 57.00, $8.60. *lO. $.2, *ls. *lßand *2O. to m m Pit A* in*** *•*' «M> ****** ****** •A* JWB* <M> «t» M*toto* »iWtfHtt tINN K» i** ft • ***** ||| tfr* ffeNl #■#•**••** *•** *«* I pat Ms s**4 lulu • •'tf**** l *# «*•] th# Nkn * # a** l * l ,fc * r ** R MMMi #f I.W *** **+''* * HM * #U-i 4NM *f ********** *** f«UafMh» { '*f<4«* tiMM. IP !•» WM® awwiNl ••• pw ***** tAil fttftit lip *#•*»#%••• #**l*N4 th* *k* ***** *t ft whim *•* *••» *• * **** Ik# **w e*** (dM*l*d *• ********• '. Hf toffier *b* ~P l ^•r \ Jr ,,* ** —"»*• 1 *4 to |«t §!• * ••■Mi **P •*# t®na • M M*««! «f th* a*'a two# ***** Ist® |)» «or*tn Hr* Ih* law ••* F**w4 . h*< n« Smc* dab's ****>** •»** «h*to ' They bar# MM WWH< » t»®d <•> , M lt»» *Wt «••' *• •*** '***• |mi« d*i'« MU »«M *«B*r M raw*- patted M do an by lA* eototoHte* of . *0,1.4 kit* to Mm »MHr jobs M thay did not W WTbwa **m *ad*« Ilf Garros• ***4 tkai tk* M«.nMK* «•!• *p;>lted *® debt# (Wlrtrtol white I® Ik* **r*U* of Ik* rlit mhl ik®t d*bta •*<!* ha fnr• nifrtH ih* fir* f*f» f *•**>' wer* id 4tMi»44*f<Nl ftp (Ip (ftfdlillftl* nws>NVi! :>eu vices. At Ike luxnl ad Pktar t«n«tlu». in Sa* son ah Savannah Pim On Sitbtto) nora nt It** Father Kelley ot Ik* CktkMlial <«tebrai*4 a solemn r«iui**n nw for repose of Ik* aoul of Bud*. to Ignatlb* In ,h * aftrmoon th* funeral iftflrn ron d tided in Ik* chM* 1 ® f ! h* «*n»*nl, w*rr ilsipli, MwtUuli ao.rua# and ito pfwtolve Tk* coffla eovrrrd with black rloth, Ik* subdued tiebu Ik* row* of ko<*«!- Inc *i#:#r», lb* touching word* of Ih* ptii>m. lent a •olensultv anil impres siveness lo lb* »ad in-raalon Tbr vicar C*n*ml in »lms>l* but iwtliatir lan* guaxr. plrturrd tbe dnlf and lha aarrl flee* of thorn 1 who, lilt* th* dwraaad, had foraahen tb* world ami lak*» up th* rroaa ant how Ideally and faith fully Slwer Una'ius had a*rv*d tli* Matter After the »*r*le*w In Ike rhanel writ orar lb* remain* of the d*t*e*»*d were taken to the cathedral cemetery, where the final ceremonies were con ducted. DM. HAkRV BROOKi Will soon Be Trnit»ferred to Cuba, It Is Learned. Dr Harry Brook* who la a Burgeon In the I nltetl, auil ha* been stationed at Hiiat*rllle. Ala., will. It la learned today, tre aent short ly to Cuba Surgeon Brooks wat very highly rompllmented by Surgeon Gen eral Sternberg on hi* work In the med ical department of the urmy. when the surgeon general was In HuutßvUle. Dr. Brookx la the ion of Mr. H. Brooks, the well known clothing dealer In this city. Our good* bought right and wo sell them right, bamkin A Co. CITV COURT! Two Larceny and Two Assault and Battery Cases Tried. The regular Wednesday session of city court was held today. The cases were as follows: Larceny from the house. Boh San ders. ten months; Hampton Gardner, ten months. Assault and battery, Jim Scott, twelve months; J. B. Blocker twelvo months. SIX SOLDIERS. Passed Through City This Morning Bound For Atlanta Six white soldiers arrived here on the Coast Line train this morning and departed on the Georgia. They said they were on their way to Atlanta. Where they came Dorn could not be learned. Chattanooga Is to have a working girls’ home. _ .. .. A-ooe aoraa m om scar. ****** (Mb*** IbMlef t»j| ky J*ry law M*>.i>H *as <l* H • 11.4** K a kMIW Maiaad MM' [ aMNgI»4 ft nga f AMifagala-O mgMMtg Plaa fa lay tNM iNPad| ■’•-pft.ajgaai hi • *##* at Agpptiag [t-.AAafl fIMMMP Tip pmp *•• that as jjaiapaip fjll|b*rt Nik dha tkaliftol m*4 l *lpps »g \ tmw* «f HI s+**+ m-m 9*prmm**mi hr f ! J«4§p BhM th Mr tin. omart a»« a»* of • : rads of #*rwfph9ftfpta ah* •*•( i« j j P*rf a4l» m a p ggiir. a* CllHkart •»• I MWWdMtI Ik* Irwin tw «(«n knaw k* ! nan <**cbt Mlw*»w tk* p'»tfnrn>* *f ‘ lk* rwrfcwa and kla leg nMMk*d H* J 1 4 I k»W tan* Ikaw n>»mh*r. but *«t»e*d i I n.*Hk from tk* tsfnry H* *w*4 tk* j I rw*< *nd wan tk* MIL Tk* |nry »*.' out ikrv* konra **d bfowgkt In • ***■ • "let is fata* of ik* yialitll, giving * Mm tfH ns r.imp*n*nilon fur kt* ps*n j | end noVerlag Mr Bryan I'ummtwg r«pra*»nl*d Ik* I rond. Tk* ea** of a Mm Rvnn* »*. tk* ettarimtog and W**i*m Carol tw* r*ii r«d I* on ir’.al ai kppUnc court today. Mr T E. Obraoof I* r*pe***nilag Mr*. Ktaaa Thai lady * ant* damage, from , • fc* mod for Injorltw received from a lr*oti*. lb* lallr* which ah* claim, waa out of reps'r at th* time which . anand her lo fait. HER TEA QoWN. She flared on It a* Ik* Patrol Paaaed. It was suck a pr*lty kooa* gown. I remember when It waa flrai **nt horn* bow her face glenmad with a«t i,fan.on when tb* triad li on. It was faahioned In a too** rltaglng atyl* ai bom* toft pale blue at off, and fin ished with a gracefully falling train and quantity of bllllwy lac*. Yard upon yard of blue satin ribbon waa adjusted idcsi effectively at the waiat and around the slightly low square neck. She had only worn It once and had the very pleasantest, sweetest thought* In eunneetion with that time. Trouble came lo the family and she was swathed In mourning. The blue gown was offered for sale and the house girt purehaaed It for a friend. She who had worn It gave It up reluc tantly and many times afterwards aba wondered how her gown was faring. Weeks passed and one morning the was passing up Ellis street. Just aa she passed the barracks the "Marta" diove up and deposited It* freight. , huge black woman reeling with drink, and clothed In her pretty blue house gown, but »o changed that no one save ll* former owner would have recognis ed It. The eeams were stretched and burs ted. the train frayed and dragged, the ribbon In hiring* and the lace a thing of the past. It had lost every vestige of Its beauty. As tta former owner gaz ed upon It and thought of It as It had been, tears gathered !u her eyes, as she realised the fate that had be fallen ber beautiful blue house gown. FIRE CHIEF’S CONVENTION Chief Roulett W ill Probably Be lln Attendance. Chief Roulett will probably attend the fire chiefs’ convention which will l»e held In SL Louis October 18 to 21, Inclusive. It Is customary for the chiefs of all first class cities to at tend these conventions, as much bene fit Is received from seeing the different lire fighting apparatus on exhibition nnd from hearng the methods of fight ing fire adopted by different ones dis cussed. The Engine Committee recognizes the benefit of this convention nnd last, night made It known that they desired the chief to attend. The expenses have been referred to council and it is probable that Augusta will be repre sented. Two years ago the convention was held In Augusta nnd many chiefs as sembled here. Whole Village Destroyed. Claremont. Minn., Sept. 2S. This village was wiped out by fire last night. Twenty-two buildings were de vroyei. YTIJG AUOUSTA HKRAID. BRANCH HOUSE or 1.0. WHITE f Jit* fti f|f>H>| *• Oiff !**•§ H MpW Bkk* k . Itas# * Mult Hi* 41 (HpflfcMMftP Mi I A M v M * m J H # I# tdMMM* * « •■%! I MMMMk - <Mt MmAWIMNNI UNRi T* WTMNfti (taut I (MPftH # pfHMlflNf iS ftNHPI ilf (MSS* «** I m ‘ftfrf rtlffl ti I #S* HMNMft SUs ISHMS Hi (HM'SHiiilj I AT* MMSKiHii #Mfe «Ssl Hi I hm4 r isSf # pmm ism sf mmpms Isa h HmnpA i%«a *** USAS isi AIMmANt tMSS (NS m| ; ll SS> *MSi*SMAI 9IMS SNSHNMIIk MMA ’ At m >S>»" Hi||AittS< >»i»■ i | Ims t tM'-i lv ft jMffi fSfft AS SSSPSA IfMHNMS •** A 4SH#IIS i(M9 k...». #■ - U#S. 0m t*ss»i Is mMmmto' * •4 il Hi HMMi» ViiHHis, siss tis Hahns''' ***** m k*«mi ffkmmwM «• • •**•» •"•** [ * (Hft II li 4s psisst *# pHNs Ml is , I t'IMMSH A AMMSMUIHw AA ACMVAt Mv 9A# I AINSi ISsAA* Ai fSA HAMS • (W'AA <m , [ asmAa asHI as Ims saA Isma sss Mi | I AMI AI AasMAAMI tSIAA AiittTA ♦ |4 saa HsrsNft, iima ammsiaa.. i tlsi «|SA Us ftwIMSISArf *rrmm* j lASStA AfA MAAMAHAA, IS Alt |AA9ASA-H(f AN AM* SIU MAsMf §A Is i§***A«*» i %r t*« Sf Hit AmS 'tnr An Sift lIMSA* \ nA It N» ISAiA liMM SAI Afftl Mi ' f**umS Immml Is Aitti't iMI lls sill AA>4! sms%f4 Hr Ml win# is asm* mm j a . .* SttWtA 9> *f ttkl* All#* I man ***** 4mw thing, ky ha!*** Par I to tna«g*r»»* Ik* bran'b Mhm* will k* j 1 wairk*4 elaanty. |*t«i**« *wg fii*k« ■* taM* bwtl** al ways oa baa® at IkHKkln a <■» » HAVE YOU HAD CALENTt RA? It to All Ik* Bag* Matt Hwkaew Ha 4 M. Wall. If yo« traal lo h* *w#ll and ha** >a*t tk* lat**t thing owl get yonr family phyaklaa la aaaot»tw* that yow ha** ihla aaltfv Pa* a tong lim* this natn* ha* b**a na tk* png** of lb* madf'-al journals, ! d*rtv*4 from lb* lastla word meaning ’ bant hot whenever anyone ■ iffered from tki, ***** It waa gtv»a the paid old cogn«m*a of *aa atrrik* Rbh atoad hannt Hobaoa berim* 111. Th* learned doctor, eoaralted over hi* raae Th* sbkn*** waa uadoubiedly cau**d from expo*me lo tb* ray* of Old tlol but to gl** such a dlstlagulsb rd person a* tb* hero a commonplace name would never do. Th* medical booh* wee* searched Two wont#, on* from tk* r»*n«h and uaed by the French and raMatura were found meaning Ih* same Iking Now ra lentura has ncyp* keen naed by any body or anything to of course It suit ed the malady of Hobson, and an it was published broadcast that the Mer ! rtmac man wa* suffering from caton tura. There I# one thfag about thl» how ever. Hobson had It. and yet no maiden* de*lre to be ao honored In different place# the name I* being need No caa*. however, he# been re ported In Augusta. Who will be the Mr#t perron up to date enough to have oalentura? THE RECONCENIRADOS. They Have All Perished From the Face of the Earth. New York. Sept 28. Among the pa«eengera who arrived today on the Meatner City of Washington from Ha vana were Dr. Joae Congoato and Capt. Fred Sharp, of the Merrltt-Chap man Wrecking company. The City of Washington brought forty-one cabin panaeogere and a rmall cargo compos* cd chiefly of cigar# and tobacco. In an Interview, Congoato said; “The evacuation of Cuba is a matter of time, but when I left Havana every thing wa# progrenalng well. One cause of delay is the fact that we have six thousand elck who must be taken care of. t believe the future of the teland I# a social problem and not a political one. It Is probable that there will be large emigration to the Island and this emigration may assist In solving the problem. “The dfflculty to be met is the dan gers of fever and climate." Congosto was asked the condition of the reeonrentrados. “There are no reconoentrados now," he answered with a smile. “What has become of them?” was the next question. "They’re gone." 1 : i "Where?” “God knows." was the reply. “Do you mean to say they are all dead?” “That probably explains it better than I can. It is a subject I prefer not to discuss.” LAMP EXPLODES. Calls Out the Fire Department Last Evening. l,ast evening about a quarter past nine box 71 called out the truck, chemical. No. 1 and No. 3. A lamp ex plosion In Silver hlock was the cause or tlie alarm. No damage was done by the fire. | IUV *** V « , i.-J3» to* w ■ nffwAtt I M SttMiA dgft fß*dk4A»Aife«iff« it A# *.*u i [ 4»r A «f CHhmMahH. Oa! mi 9 N» qinllMAl <MA i || || I^ f » # «dk4 r A • iff <4 M f Imm ***# am 4 IftMM A <Mma* j m|r r> |. <yr r »f A * Ni*kt* I I*, C! 1 TANK* VMAVMPMItHIA t.H# Klfii I t mu nr Mr# K»fMiArA NMMHftAPi .ka lAawtara j I IV fnttowtiur Atumtana am at '*«i Afiaibn H C Kimmera. !M* Krnlt, R H Uv K C. H-’We I I Mr K C It IWakflk tke wall know* pmwrMptto* Ctocb at Alexander # . I# Mi.lJtaSmrnl wilt lr«u *b*,rt y f»t a month , anjoain In III* awntnia'Mi i«* **•"!• r * rn "r _, Uuvata at Ih, I'ommerrlal loday *ra I r Dnrraah. Wllltotoa. N. C.:_ J It tl #hl »,r IWiB-m, C* . K Wllmlngt" # N C-: J (1 Wnanble. ) tlhell N <?.; 1. H ram#. Wor-f folk. t Mr Thoms, Burk*, #1 Ath*n*. Oa .j ha* a<ivptrd ap .„ltt*,n nil hth* In man cot tun romimny. Mr Hurh* to a mu l- tsu of ability, and will b* quit* an addition I® At|gi»taa musical cot*-, rto. TV following Knw Torker# ara al th* Av* , ®*T' ,n **- M*nn«n Wm ff l I'mU. H. H H««>p*v. B rrtodenbefg. 4 IL, riank n«y ItarrrU. 8. L Mlt ,'hciL R C. Von Vrafikrn, tl. B Tw*. rcml and H. M Buytcr # Mr.. Algernon Utmmon*. who wa# foe mrrljr connected wi|b the James Uatg dry goods ctai ll,hm -nt in this t«v u»ul who is n«w engaged In the dry; good* buaineaa at Klberton. <la.. I* down here on an wueh’a ylalf. iy. ni. wishing hand-p*lnted dlnm*r car Je, *core curds, table decoration* nr designs for emhrmtlery are i»,«iired a met artistic effect by < onaultlng with Ml#* now. No. 2 Tenth atccet. Mina: (tow ha# done enmc very ('(Tei ltve work In thla line, and all who have teeaj Kliedniena of her work have p. JIISUtK*j ed th#m#*ly*a ** more than pleased with the artistic, originality at concep tion and daintiness of design. A NOVEL DIVORCE SLTIMONS. The Officer Sat on Hl# Han to Serve a Summons. Rushville. Ind., Sept. 28. Mrs. An na Ochiltree has instituted suit against Col. Thos. Ochiltree, ex-postroasier, for divorce and five thousand dollars alimony. She also .demands a yearly Allowance of five handred dollars for the support of theirbwo minor daugh ters. Mrs. Ochiltree alleges drunken ness and cruel treatment. Col. Ochil tree ha* been prominent In local dem ocratic polities and Is a member of the Rtshville bar. Ochiltree fled from home last Fritjgy night and has since been out of the city. Col. Ochil tree was so exoltwfc when the sum mons wa# read that he snatched the paper from the sheriff’s hands. A scuffle ensued and the officer got tho colonel down nnd fat on him while he finished reading the process. DIVORCE GRANTED. Mr. and firs. Brizendine Granted a {Final Decree. At the September term of Columbia county court Mr. and Mrs. Brlxendlne were granted tbe final decree of an ab solute divorce, the latter resuming the name of Crawford. The papers in the case were withheld from publication. Fatal Collision Near Halifax. Halifax, N. S., Sept. 28.—A special excursion train on the way to the Hal ifax exhibition from this morn ing crashed Into a working train near Steller. James Sprout, engineer; Michael O’Brien, engineer; VV. G. Hen derson, fireman; John R. McKensie, fireman, and William Cameron, of Scotch Hill, Plctou ccSthty, a passenger, were killed. John Mcfcjtllao, of Plctou. a passenger, was Injured. _ THE CASES AGAINST CLUBS !fig QkMH* VfcHVf tiff} <4ll LJMmb* m toton to toll# K»**d «to A Hot 1 FBI IT. to tor# a Oeral Heal C®w»*n Trwa Tk* I tori As tj#*rt*tlaa Mr J«* Caspar*, tk* pngwlar fruit, #ll of fA# *«•!! |t9Vi ClkAfNiftDft | I |f# tlror# Ht/if A Cm>* Hi ll IH* PUnm<#b h4tf. Mr CifUfT M m i gang toiinw who baa BMMxy frtoads. ; H* talk* gait* Iwternattogly at kl# iiftM fur tH# firm to r«lit. Porto Rico imnA C##trml NiHiMi r Mr Caapary Males tkat thee, to a ,r-ai ttoal tones f***e la Ltmtolac t ’ tkan to gtvew out and tkat tk* kealtk luiard of Florida Is awarn at ikls tore All freight *nd paaaewgera from tk* awwlk ar* qoaraatlued and tk* Florid* I »mhornic* Mat* ihat If gavanaak. At ; Sania. Aoguaia and other polnta do *ot qnaraattoe agalaM lauilMaaa tkat jdHortda will be qua rani to»d against o*. | i ttp-akmg of Ik* fruit trad*. Mr Caa | p«ry says tkat tk*tr Arm bow does nearly all of tbetr trade with Central America. The war In Cuba destroyed ’ basis*** in tho** island*. How,tn 1 . on the Bfteeatk of nexl , rttiuit b n vessel wIU probably go to ! Porto ittco to begto koslnwi again. Mr t'aafMry will go wlih th* next r*aa,l. ! The dntie* on jtood* out of Cub* nnd Porto Rico remain tb* asm, na they w,r» before Ike war and in the eonma ‘»f • abort time trade wkb the** la- I land* will begin. A boat will b* put on from Chart»w ton to Lncba. Honduras, by way of 1 Havana and Prnce. Mr. Caspar? leave# thla evening for , Charleston. DEEDS OF TODAY. Realty Transfers Put on Record at Clerk’a Office. Two dewta were recorded at th, e’erk’a office thla morning. One wa# from Michael P. Murray to Mr#. Mary E. O’Connor for nine acre# of land on Mllledgevllle road for a eon#iderail >n of )2bo. Another was from Jam,# P. Walker, receiver, to Mr#. Mary E O'Connor, for (wo lota on Cooper street for a consid eration of $l9O. Before purchasing a pistol or gun. call on me. I can save you money. Lew is J Schaul. Pawnbroker on Jackaon street, established I*9o. Lleter Hospital Closed. , Chattanooga. Tcnn., Sept. 28. The Letter hospital, tbe largest general hospital at Camp Thomas during the summer, will be closed within the next week or ten days. Tbe number of sick j men at the park has so greatly de creased that the Sternberg hospital Is sufficient for all needs. A majority of the nurses In the hospital will leave during the nexl few days for the camps recently established where their ser vices are In greater demand. Li Hung Chang Bobs Dp Peking, Sept. 27.—An imperial edict issued today practically rescinds the recent reformatory edicts aud orders change Yen Hwan, former member ot the Chinese foreign office and the op ponent of Ll Hung Chang, to be con fined until further notice. The edict, however, absolves him from complic ity in the alleged plot to assassinate the emperor. Hon. James Addison Porter has re turned to Washington, after an exhil arating trip to Connecticut. Zola denies that he has any intent ion of becoming a monk. He is not that ■glck. The Colorado republicans ought to listen to Mark Hanna when he speaks. .....i,.-—a *~*s*-~ - l ,lbc |>a*r ar.d VUttH future *■ Jlw' 541™ V , t bmA* Mft /I $t ll mb IkgdMti s#> RtofUifklurt *'*TV J4lr]jU dfftlilff mg4t ®l ww*4 toltoih «to tfk ««•• Ormtiim ml i fctoWmg ml bb? imlmfi. mmd I tarry a +m*i ml «m. a M 4m HmHh*m»m km m r pffM«* m bml NA Imo kmmtth farm «• Tdl itw wttdt yarn warn and I I Wfl yarn 9mm bmkH 4 mM ta* l HAS r DtUt V *4aru|«r. TUOAV.A tABKEIA. j ****** »* ****** d (Ni $ I I - a • ******* €II s tS I VTdMfflk Ilk *9l ft jf Hi fpf, N I ••9 MNI ■ frftdftf M M M •* tVfffftl rn* a® IWI «■* i IAIsKSv priKXICM MftirUK^W • INlftr* ilpißß’ff , fiftfitrisy • • |g<»fk4«f r ® •* AMI Ttl l, ff4>} i a a* H-AJ tl fNitdiy UN AN ! YiHJfi .. .* •A*® AtM “ok. MS i 9t*t fw*ipt* Inday •••* •• 27M Through MIM today .. *** Oman rwrrtpt* loday .. .. stm arrocK and kbckipt*. IMT IZSt m,M-k la Augusta iAl* l,9*a Receipt* alar* Kepi I •**«* HSU MKW YORK COTTON. at- MartV. *• •* 44 May’ '* .. V. .* t. 'I -“I OrtoNr ,« •• •»* •• •• 4, 21 i November * & *'* UeiembM. 4 ** . *i Middling r,% LIVERPOOL COTTON. January and »>bm*ry 2*2 tK « February and March .. ! W March and April .. •• •• April and May *#» ****** May and June *"2 **- “ | June and July “ 04 An*, and ffapt « JOl 03 i B,pt. and Oct *°* , NO. 1860. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF Tie National Exchange Bank; of Anpsta At Augusta, in the State of Georgia, at the close of business. September 20th, 1 898. rbbodrobs. A^#7«m Loans and discount# Overdraft#, secured and unsc cured United State# bond# to *e cure circulation Stocks, aecuritle#, etc W.™ «« Furniture and fixtures 3,360.00 Due from National Banks (not Reserve Agents) 11.w.10 Due from State Banka ana Banker# •• Checks and other cash Item# .»., (>» Exchanges for clearing-house 19.544.49 Note# of other National Banks 2.400.00 Fractional paper currency. nickels nnd cents LAWFUL MONEY REBERY E IN BANK, VIZ.: Specie * 5,812.50 Legal tender notes .. 80,887 00 88.199.50 Redemption fund with United States treasurer (5 per cent of circulation - 00 rot*. - o T »TB of GEORGIA— RICHMOND COUNTY.-I. Percy E. May. Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. p is AY, Cashier. , Subscribed and sworn to before me this 27th day • r Notary Public, Richmond County, Georgia. Correct —Attest: W. B. YOUNG. ' F. L. FULLER. ' R. E. ALLEN . -. Directors. \m <a* toaak «k» Hw mm Is} IkMilßg ttogtbHMt Huh*? e*|M «d» Bb* •ft “ bkii * ffkdM HM 4»m ll *tmm% ftmml ml • Kid k* art! #* *§** ft fwatod todMl |MMftff h* Miff tark 4*«w*i (tom* Ink m htmoh t cvnHMI rrmSkt ts tot*- # * a<Ml iMkff* Man toMh lamfeMV amt matatia lt toKwK | ffßppflMftL (dik ll • IMtd to - mu tot Mm mtikbiMy 4oa* tm I ee . m I iMstf j , warn aMMp | | tun a dfllimf 4 p *• .« ** «« «. •4H HI a V . ****** *• a* *•% I «#*• ** •• .« •. t 11*1 If , aa aa •• *• *• •• •“« [ OATftA’ liaj .. m ** **** ** ** *• Sth *S% Ida—ary " *.*. • » • * ' IJtKD IftorMßber ... .. .. 4 *2 « TT | Januarv «»• «*» OrlntoT.. .. .. *f* »-*$ | Jaauat> .... « » «•$ NEW YORK gfiS’K*. Ku«ar IDk IOH j*’ H. o’ .WV\.” .’ lllto HJtl Mlaraurl I*actßr Ok SH Manhattan - •• W* • OVnpte'a I*»V* l«l« I’nl.-n l*a< Idr ***♦ H«k Island Ml *% to Paul I"* 1 * tomlbern Kailiuad. I®d .. 3J*» : Wcaurn Union *2 *H» llalilnixra may wrtaMtoh a bom * pro, i duct* exposition. TOO LATE FOH CLASSIFICATION WANTED at ONI-B—a good mid dle-aged *',man who want* a j hum, t > omr and k.-,p house and at icnd t« grvcral tittle . hlldten. tViillng, I i'#TC H-rald ■ Kept 29 WANTED—AN OFFICE BOY WHO can write good hand: chan* - , for pro ' motion; mu»t he over 15 year# of age. Soaltoard Air Line. Apply * o’clock thin | afternoon Kept 29 LIABILITIES AMOUNT. Capital atoek paid In JJOA.OOfI.OS Surplus fund 9,(100.00 Undivided profits, less expen ses and taxes paid 13,019.79 National Bank notes outstan ding -■5,000.00 Due to other National Babks 35,918.97 Due to State Banks and Bank ers 28.895.5 S Dividends unpaid 184.00 Individual deposits subject to check 193.828. IS Demand certificates of deposit 18,719.50 Certified checks 290.54 Notes and bills rediscounted. 25,000.00 Liabilities other than above stated 2,183.3 J Total J 568.712.18