The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 29, 1898, Image 1

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TO MAKE A TOWN EVERY MAN IN IT SHOULD BE ABLE TO DO SOMETHING THE MORE THt METIER WHAT ARE YOU DOINO FOR AUOUBTAT •.IIOTB ! S •turn*. **•*#• immm (MB*4. !»«■ MU rwß a» i At’OCTT* UtUW$ MM. ROLLING SEA OF FLAME. Awful Destruction of Life end Property 3y Forest Fire* in the Weet. Fearful Vengeance Wrought By Disgruntled Indians. Irrigation Sources Will Be Destroyend Crop* Can not Grow. 11'tmlMi •»*-##* QH flhpfP" ft IV —i Bffßw B»f#l*B4 4B *W ten H4# « '.*■ , * ■*< •- * «r * • ■ eeespiesw. ewe t— «r-- •Me tf%a» ||«e mb* If B 4?. Bs## pmmtmM i«iiß B» Binwb* •* *B#t# H |« Mg <4 puti| 4inef *bßw*bH«4 M *BIb u to*?,—* it t»|iß a#* rtmirr ~ «f eatiag If 18. «64r8 It ipank Pefß-Bg T*r»|lStSi W !■! ■ w Bf •thaggW'tg * _ * A ... ... «, „ - ..a a T%o rgtttr are laett t» •• |#rnß«B4. awl Ml Mrs awe «*»**■ • **4 » t u §—. f TB# iiimtwrf k ew*e BBMNrtM lei maw* lIM sn- ew * e»**«eew ■ ■b iiseee aespi * * twee Mm Brpt a i air me «4 mßiet iviHitl t» «** r | as <|ie Mate areal wf tß* f»*K» W?ti ifcf » i%._ liwtgkf «|| f gkyfi <*f tii# atfetamw amimni le inariii * TBete eeeaaa I# Be a wtiiei rpisiee la* ra» r lw*B *■*’ ’*• FJ> ™’ Bfte were atari I BF if*# |*|# Uw£4Mk mi*li mall***** MMBBft, Tart 9Bf *«# •Bor m trar ##*•••# gs tß#tf of (PMMN mamr TO REST IN HIS OLD HOME Reatits Kill Bt Brwqrti *hrk to litUwarc. 1h« PreaMeWt'a tcwdial I Mkm. Mm* . H«ft 9 —TI» hx* *r*t arraug '<«• •<> of Tb»Mi f*. Bay .nt «rtm Him! jranteHtoy, #r* not y»t (osriwr TOM’ body till be brought to fcte «14 bomt to Delaware, TV t’ntldmt today oat tV follow* trig tei-gnua M raa4Blrtk*« to tlo *l4* of »x-Sxretnry Bayard; Washington D. C.. «rs». 2*. I*** Mr* Thi tna* K. Bayard. W.lm'.agton. Bel.; •*With alßcee* sorrow I team of the it«*th of your husband, and beg to **- l>n-M to (» toy heartfelt *> mpathv. Mr B>ri;4‘. tilth attainment* and sterling qualities endeared him to ail uht knew while hi* distinguished a-rvleae to hie country add bis name to the roll of illustrious Americana. "(Signed I WILLIAM M'KINLBY." *ltt. BKANCH LOST MIS HAND. It Was Caught in a Gin and f earfully flangled. Tweed Ga.. Sept. 29.—A terrible ar ridint occurred her. Saturday morn ing. Mr. J. J. Branch had Just com pleted building a gin house and was ready to gin. having several loads of cotton in tha room*. He derided to test the machinery to see if everything «a* In working order. Mr. Branch ... at the gin and noticed that the brurh belt wrs I cone and was choking the gin. He stooped down to remedy the evil and took cut some docks oi rotten near the mote-beam. when and* rtenly his shirt-sleeve wes caught by the lerlt end drawn to the sew. Thu saw teeih strick'his right hand and Isuiateri it to splinters. CONDITION IN CUBA. The Situation There Will Gradually Work Itself Out. Washington, -Sept. 29.—Semi-official letters have bet n reeel veil from Gens. 1-a.tvton and Wood at the War Depart ment. These letters give some account of the condition which exist* and what these officers are doing In the province of Santiago. They say that they are getting along an well as can be expect ed. the Cubans are being seated veil and those willing to work ar > gtven em ployment. the more Intelligent being se lected for positions in the government service, which they are fitted to occu py. The letters encourage the officials of the Department to believe that the problem of the government of the is land of Culm will work itself out with care and patience on the part of the American people. Lord Mayor ofLondon. London. Sept. 29.—Sir John V. Moore, an alderman and senior partner of yieore Brothers, tea merchants, was elected lord mayor of London to suc ceed Horation Davis Davies, the pres ent incumbent. Retu ned. Mr. Giffin, who Was Cor several years connected with the Blight crockery es tablishment, who has been away from Augusta for some years, returend here today. it# (cm* a »m Till] AUGUSTA lIEItALD. %ei t«e m WHEELER GIVEN AN OVATION ‘Aatnu llm ika <>*(» •( Altrtf- UM at Mr*. Mill » Kfff|UioD. , the Old Sostharaer W•• as Gallant as Ew Now Yank Rasa ft “Tha wundei fii j *,rtu-n of the conn Iry sisst bar X of th* army That la wb*t make* th* «t at ton wba H la’” said General Joe Wheeler. fra»p>og tha hand of th* wid ow cf Giant. '. hrough th* parlors of the Wi»d*<»r betel fl.Hurd a medley of patriotic airs. Above lb*m sounded lb* praises from th* llpa of women. Tha note of apprr •!- atfon was repeated loud and rietr tlirougbout lb* recaption tendered by th* Woman's National War Relief As sociation io It* president. Mr*. Grant. "Twenty -two thousand live bundle I j m a arrived at barren Montauk. There we"t. ro lent*, no hoapltal*. There worn ten thousand sick men. These ladles relieved th' alt out ton," said Gene: a! \Theeler. bowing r’ght and left. •‘A man. net a woman, was the an gel of the camp.'’ responded Mr*. Wal worth. "To our beloved president. Mra. Grant, honor, obedience and troops of fi .ends a* long a* she live*." said on* woman. , “We thenk the God cvbb made us for having given »»* Mrs. Walworth." I rratbed Mr*. Iloger Pryor, adding »* she looked toward Miss Helen Goal I “An.l *h» lovely Iscly who i* wearing the mown of her youth, the eragr.i of patriotism, and. above all. the crown oi our hearts' devotion.” Mies Gould, standing on fJp.ieral Wheeler's left, bowed her head, and above (he tip of her small b »ok fan the color mounted to the her chestnut hair. Every wrihan in the room applauded, and on the llpa cf more than one trembled the *von!s, “God bless her ” Yesterday was the first opportunity Mr*. Grant bad to meet the members of the association, which, on lip for tnntifn, elected her president. Leaning on a heavy etvny cane she expressed to them her appreciatUyi of all they bad done for the sick and wounded and the interest with which she bad fol lowed vthclr work. Thanks the Women. "Teil them for me, please,” she said, turning (c General Wheeler. General Wheeler told them tha when Mrs. Grant first received the offer of the office of president of the society, sii* accepted It with many misgivings, but when she heard of the cabinet aa signed to her these misgivings gave way. wish," said General Wheeler, “to give thanks to the ladies for this no iilc work which has brought about re sults o' auch benefit to the country; Ore flung. as » Southerner, I must re fer to. though it recalls one of the most distressing periods of Mrs Grant's life. When the sun set the last, of General Grant’s life, Presld-nf Cleve land telegraphed to his v/ldow to ask her w'thcg. She answered: 'lf General Sherman or General Sheridan is to be pallbearer. 1 wish that a prominent Confederate general, Johnson or Buck ner, he asked to be pallbearer. Dining a burst of applause, Mrs. io ism nw mm i BMesNife mi it t*kri S' tie he**#* »• t% nl f’t'WCt y»l»urth (iiM liitilt il» Itiim* at He t atattra. IB# p#b. w I *mmm lf M i —•«( imutMi VldlNM. Run J* «■> TV *###• j MM Baa bmb4# aai wflßr'lßS 4MMMNM||Bj siaeait <sf «*# fN#t_ M It la 4##t BBevtffLj Befßtlmi B* IBltoQuti l« 888 ia# msBMB amatlwr • gMßet pa#* i> 11# N# BB*m mi tire «####*•#* #wf t Be' TBt* r**<*ene*a4s» toe ell* f*B4 * v » * I t# ■■ c#kfekfeem4e te 'wifrsr loti * t rmm tß# fememta M ll* peeetdrß «* .- j gi f tj'SMSV t> n fsarsMait kaa I mull B **»naip» eßeeetß Be Btli #*• ptam tßa* M mil? altmnet Be Bmrme-' , tile fi*e tKmt rgliltiet gatalstem. a# tap# ; (~ni]oca# i|ii m 1) -yivn.i fßeta : alt## tft# «kI aite* k»e a<f Ifesiatt rtw •*> Delay Cas*lt( IrflislMs TBe aptMirrfM rfet of Afaala to delag I hr* rvir «i«tkMi rprm mrd e l #* la Csßl and Rt«. Is rßu.m m wB Irrlta vigil In IBe prr.grata of tß# Hfaaltth *4 fir tala, and ll t* WlnM the* are art tug andrr iaetrurttone fma Madrid TB# opinion la eipiwed B#re that Spain Is ant knee to Beep the tmfli of .. r m _. n . in liilands n* tiding the «ontent lon of the peaee rotnoileskmer* at Pnrla. with a ttew of forrtag Mt#r terms from or t#i»i*eaeotati#ee Kier* ndMT eli’tiae la gieea by the Mpna.afc utklais #*r#pi thla one homerer Rrhlnd lh» pi««*R>l* r*Moo* •uu'frtnl for d#l«F <h» «ovrrm«*#Bi In W»«h Ington rlalma to aee n clever l move juooe EVE APPIHNTCD. On# of the l>elecates to the Road Par- I lament at Omaha Atlanta. C».. K.l* Til# ««v#r ' nor has an>ptnird the following dele gates from ttio'staaa at large to rep re sent tieorgU at Un National Road Par liament In Omaha Oet. S: 8. W. Mc |Oallle, of Atlanta. W. F. Eve, Augtts la: H. H. f-h’lntosh. Allnwiy: R<rt rook, Hamilton. Delegate* from vari ous eonntlM are also named. Commissioner. Mingle. Paris. France, Sept. 29.—The Prilled States peace commission held anoth-r conference this morning, after which, accompanied by the Pnited States ant kbaasador. General Porter, they drove to the foreign office, where the com rniasionere met and breakfasted with the Spanish commissioners. Grant’s aye* sought the portrait of her husband—the renting by Mtiller-Prj . Meade her stood Mrs. Sartorls. follow ing her look with pride. “When out soldiers go forward for action.’ cone tided General Wheeler, “behind them ere the hearts of the wo men io support and encourage them In all >hls the great effort of tlu* .ti~n Is to be vv,;th.v of the nprnval of the women. This Is the secret C' the pow er of ilia Kim. country!" "It seems to me that women are very important." said Mrs. Grunt, relieving a ir.omratury pause. “Rut what wou.d wc do without the men?" Crowd Around Wheeler. The women crowded about General Wheeler. "Co you remember General Klpiey, o' ,lir Ordnance’ J'm Ills daughter!” 'iv!r». Denbd Lamont wants to shako hands with a hero!’’ "And Mrs. S-rtorls!" “We’re B'iisc llontz Baltz and Rob ert Alexander Hunts. I rrisc and Robert were thf* only ur -1 invited guests at the reception yester day. They ore respectively’aged nine and eleven. "It’s the women that stood back of U.e army," tepratpd General Wheeler. “That’s what mokes the nation wt>a' !t is!" “Yet none of these women vote," Mis. She-' remarked. “However. I’m not a,” she hasten»d to ndd. “Do you believe in a military nlati for president?” asked someone. “Well, er—er, 1 wM say I’m never against a man with a military career.” Mrs. Grant, who heard the remark, said- “I’m always far the ttoldisrs.” A soldier frotr the Second Louisiana Regiment passed through the city to- AitM Bt 4# 04 DANISH QUEEN PISSES AWAY. ivk Iktiki B*» Ud it it Dili 1 Hm Tk* ttatMtc* »B*B—l*. f Bmnßrmßr Bf##4P *B# ll dpt# «*# fBMBHMBMBs' l : IH# ftp BBgWT MBvHBHB #t MiMBBB «H» ! .w 4 WbIIH IB# |B»HB #B4 Ikkßk m ftf j (hHMI BM «blw# Hk#lß<Bß \ t uTliB OS KITIO\. la Ktftj Drim DWrki It tk l>—llka ts tMttii TV# lImWMgHN u Srn LaMNIIM 9# |r»: |#f OKMt W# B&pfWßtHg * Ba I ##®#* * la in# rtif toia |«#r ot«»hiN A SHIP I OR tfl.Bßo.aoo tfOßfek vrutsef Marta Trees# a 'af ■able Aagltioa la Oor Navy Washington D V, Itryc 39. As* - -it'aal Ret-ret ary AI lea ~b« ha* '<*#• due*Of la charge es the sirangeOM-at* made Blth ih# Oierk.aa loiapaales (or isislng is*h of the Knaalsfc warships as were soak or *,ruf*l la the battle of July 3 as vaa be r*Je*»*u said to i day. referring to t’onstrai tor Ifobeon s , work oa th* T«t#«*. that Ihc navy d#- - imirtmew* had the young coß i > tract or alt of the aas.staace * bn N H ' was possible to exlrad In the proseiti tlon of the work Moreover. H was J now proposed to |lve him further aid la the effort to raise the Colon the finest ship of tb# Spanish squadron Whslevrr credit was raraed b Hob son by reason of the T#ieaa would. In the opinion of Mr, Allen, be largely el ceaded If the attempt to rale# *h* Co lon‘eras success Del. la this ship the votibff constructor has pledged tale rrp otatien against the unanimous opinion of che exfiert wmrher* who examined in# ship Yet the navy department i« unhesitatingly sapporlmg Hoftson's I judgment, a* Indicated bv tb* fact that yesterday It shopped from New York •cm.atst worth of apet ially munafsc tured rubber air bags to be used In lif ting the Colon. TWISTED THE LION’STAIL. Not In a Figurative But a Sadly Lit eral Sense. St. Louis, Mo„ Sept. 29. William Rotlker. a German Iron-worker, twis ted a lion's tail yesterday at East Rt. Louis, und aa a result will lose his left grm. A circus and menagerie was to give an exhibition, and ihe animal wagons were lined up ready for the pa rade. Roelker was fascinated by a magnificent pair of African lions. The male was lying at the front of the cage with one of his huge paws hanging outside the bars. Roelker was strok ing the paw with his left hand. The animal's tall was-outside the cagei hjk! the Iron-worker grabbed it with his right hand, giviag It a hard twist. There was a roar and one of the lion's paws darted out. catching Roelker by the left shoulder. The flesh gave way and the cruel claws fell to the elbow, where they were ftabedded, tearing the flesh from the bone down to the hand. The third and little fingers were torn out. Attendants rescued Roelker and he is now in the hospital. He will lose his arm and perhaps his life as a result of h!s temerity. • Miss Ostendorf Complimented. Miss Lucille Vaughan wae last even ing the hostess of a delightful enter tainment given in honor of Miss Os tendorf. of Milledgevllle. Several hours were very pleasantly spent in social converse and games, after which de lightful refreshment were served. Those who enjoyed Miss Vaughan’s hospitality were: Miss Mary Nichols, Miss Hester Weed, M ss Louise Barns ley, Miss Eugenia Milton, Miss Fannie Beil, Miss Mary Donahue, Miss Lillie May Davis; Messrs. James Mclntosh, Carson Sewell. James Harrison. Cbas. BaskervUle, E. K; Vaughan, Clarence Fox, Jack Bansley, L. B. Davis, W. S. 1 Vaughan and Capt. H. H. Nichols, j The many friends of young Willie Miller, jr.. wlli rpgret to learn that he is quite sick at this home on Telfair street, • , , 4 ... ... hums HKIKMU Ta k fimOt Hwacatvßl *' AiaiaaU* T *>*im, lit M|(M* 'hi ou la Aftil u#f*n i 111 I tttfifWßlß TV# IWItiM |* Engs Nw Amt «M hast tv—urnsti»w %*w f JBpf# |H gt<j|n#t fH *»I | TB* tBfoH t**m INmMIb «•»# 4« MißoHk InWiiUBWMI %—*BBllk 810 f I f <aMH#l9f IB# atVlM* tß# tftßbOrfß «l IB* j #fmi <Mtß# hr f« kotal k wmii* * akNNhRk I ! HUBBB Bkt* A BBli##B Blil #tl#«4 attftAtßt ** •f-’ fkf *#B B*# | #tmt Mmß Hbb* pfvkNMßAlßoa faWlB IB# tß*<"Bftßß# ft# Bl# gmt'aNfßßmß* | j TB# *V AflgngMi. BbiIBA 881 Jt# IB# Hon b«ma 881 M •#####! i NMiim m iri»f :utiu miAtt H*m% Ham*. HBm hi iiM •% BM# #t MBit | DiaMip elk iB f# ft - H**>ry |t#tß##, Bt, M*vtKrf M«4tßt#v 4M IlftVkr* ,I*l ui **• ♦» feu k## IRi # i •#1 * I**«! |» * ##.# «-## «B H |>r ctravß | nf»,| tvih.r irNyaKßlk TB#* «M ba ,%y j»|i«snit*m |rl,*ivlk(«r i|i «it «n i»a M Hfu«R |irc«Brn 4!«« barga4 Mm. amt h*» kft In d» W Hh*»o mb* him {•#** ill# honk tali# tay aiM ai«vf>f»*<t Mnt. na*#« ||u« Hiiiflf •ml Ham## Miiihail Hr..* »v la th* arm am) ran <4. A (vaar aaa faat«n#4. In «hi<h Bag M*»* Iklay. TB#> ira**d Han#* to a uifto ihaiiy. A» H**lH4ay ml"ml allh th«* Harm* fir. 4. life# »«»a4 atriking M..iliri«> in iha l*t«*ai. killing Mm A# h* frit tfehao gian taking In Hat u*-« kit**** War fit ran liorry *’«l<»rad chi#r*h Ova ' from h«»rr. Hundajr. "tvotll n#- ) Iffura * ant no) In th* aootfr and #ft* gagad in a gam# «4 ’**kln FHiring th# ga.n# a r*»a atcaa#. In trhlrh w# of Ihe ; tu-griM-e hn-SBie enraged and .hut hia i <xmimnlnn down H<- died frutn the I wound. Thar# Baa i#*« n« arr#at aa | y#L i%t CHRISTIAN CONVt. NTION. II It to AuumMc In CHatlanooga In (ktoker. The rtirlrlisn church (Disc.pies of jchristl will hold tbelr national cob- I >entlist in Challatiooga. Tenn., on Oc t. 13-2 U. Inclus'va. The first, the Woman's Board of Missions, will be In session from the 13th to the 15th. The Foreign Mis slonnrv HcnlHy will lie In session for the 19th nnd 2<Hh. This church Is strongest In the MD sl.sippi valley, there being, ll Is sold, over HRO.tKsi members between the Al leghany sod Rocky mountains. Its great leaders were Mnrton Stone. Thomas Campbell. Alexander Camp bel land Walter Scott, who began the work In 1809. Their plea Is for the union of all God’s people on the basis of God's ■vork as the only rule of faith and practice—the restoration of the Primi tive Christianity, both In doctrine and ordinances, having no cre-d except what Is found In the New Testament. Rev. Mr. Jacks will probably be ope of the two or three delegates sent from the church here In Augusta. Several preachers have been corres ponding with Mr. E. B. Hook, the chairman of the board here, about tli" church securing a pastor. Atone time it was thought that Rev. Dr, ’A. P. Sweeney could be secured, but this was found to be Impossible. It is probable that a new pastor may be secured at an early date. Waiting on Maj. Schwann. The committee consisting of Mayor Walsh. Col. D. B. Dyer and Hon. W. H. Fleming, may leave for Washington at any time to see about getting troops stationed In Augusta. They hear that Maj. Schwann wan In Spartanburg yesterday, and they are oniy waiting for him to submit bis re port to the war department. Washington, Sept. 29.—Acting Secre tary A dee called upon Secretary of State Hay at his residence today to as certain his wishes In regard to the time he should assume charge of the Department of State. Mr. Hay said iv did not v ish to enter upon his duties today, but would take the oath tomor row. I Cheshire cheese owes its excellence I pait’ly to geological causes, the red • sandstone and boulder clay, with its immense salt deposits, of which the country is formed, producing as herit age peculiarly suited for cheese pro duction. MV* M*t a*b a »r*a ihim* ta* '.it *an I TICKET (CREED UPON tlayaf taa Wul't IbwkN a k •i ik H«» 4 j A «#RS VMM WsiiMsm * % •»#• A*’ Utl W##>* ** WM* '- *4 M * * M WM SHIIISSH I tvww « thfts#*# # B#BBBBB#l##* *BaM ik B*"B V ■ t m*4 K- cm • * ■***# a t <V* '«•** * i#B *%4 1 a kaaTBH Bt tt«M Tbb j ti ki at 4H#b«b» \*b Tbi Nf k d»««a Hi f a «’M#B Hrnatrf Hill l#f* jj tß# mm 88 4 B#B4 IB • B#*M »BBBw - Mil BB# m • «aaßa4ai# ra«B #B«## •<|il «*•>» a «aB4 4#i* B#Bar««* Mkt <#t* |«• ib# B«i Balia* (Bit SJ» #b*#b •• • TB# ltv B#f B# n* « bob Bf iß* I 4BgBBHi# Vaa BT«<B. <4 I Kiat* [ l«t#Bi#B*B* OttWMk KIHbH fßfea * .thffttio <4 mat# « r#ofß# W Has ; mb#. «4 K‘'a*»«B ('(•apiroitH lUftiM 4 Mi a w»r nf Tv«naar#r VS H SwiSa at 1 a# • gills Rug isst asd H«rv#ior Vim tip Mrlmm k. nf kraMtlin llnrttv i.#s»rsi Tbowiss F Com way. wf riisosi AA-t tE# i.siisqUiS Wsl WM after n. os FpMrtrfc Mrrawb was *l«rt»4 p*» nisssl -hs I mw. sad ssorml W Oh* rbalr H# mvN< aa wUnw la wNlrb h# scnrwd th# rßsiklirts state adtala-, Mratloa, «harg«l the aiitaaal aov stnnaeai * lib crtailaal a«*leei nf irn« ,w la the Mpaa '*< war and said: “Kvrrywhet# ill* Manrstl acre la the vaa. Dew#y. Schley. Hnheoa, lat, Wheeler, dcmocra. e hero## all. have written Slab their «saw* la the tem ple of fame *■ f The report of the rommiti*' na re*- olntloa* was then read, as follow* “The democratic party of the elate of New York congratulate# the rouatry upon the successful terotlaeilna of the war imdertakea not for conquest or asgrandlsemenl. but in the interest of humanity, liberty and rlvilliatloo W# jjtlory In lb* patrlotir devotion and val or of our brave soldiers end sailers nho have honored the American peo i pi# and h-dghteued the luatre of our •istlonal fame. The scandalous abuse of the president of the power of ap pointment In scaurring the army com tnls*lona among Inexperienced and In e impctent i Ivllicn* a* a reward lo per sonal favorites, and almost to the ea j elusion of experienced officer* In ser j vice, is largely aeountable for the fcar ' fill suffering and appal linn losa of life among the gallant soldiers, tbat brought disgrace upon the administra tion and a sense of shame to the na tion. A democratic congress will. If ihosen by the people, rlrldiy investi gate the conduct of the war and expose and punish all who may be responsi ble for the ttnneeessary deaths, priva tions and sufferings of the soldiers.” THE PRESIDFNT’S TOUR. he Cannot Possibly Accept All the Invitations. Washington. D. C.. Sept. 29 Many cities not heretofore considered wish ! to be Included In the Itinerary of the j president’s trip west, in connection . with the Omaha Exposition. Without | outlining The plana for the trip. Invi-1 tations of the most urgent character, j both by telegrams and letters, have been dispatched to the president In the Interest of those anxious to entertain him. Mr. McKinley, however, has plan ned to spend only a fortnight away from Washington, and this will neces sitate the declination of numerous In vitations. The president will reaeh Omaha on the night of the tlih of October. What will be done between that time and the 18th, when the pres ident Is expected in Chicago, Is not fully decided, though the Omaha au thorities look for him to remain till the 13th. and It is likely he will be In at. Lous on the night of the 14th of October. Committees to Heet. The canal and finance committees meet Jointly this afternoon at 4:30 this afternoon with the city attorney. Several matters will Ire discussed, among them, the running of the tail race, at the pumping station, through pu« uoiseiJßqo 3<|l to XfiSdoid aqi Western Carolina railroad. Miss Amne Stovall, of Augusta, left j today on the steamship, City of Btr -1 iningham for New Yolk. Her visit 1 North will be quite an extended one. She Wll spend the greater part of the time as the guest of Miss Neville Tay lor. at Springfield, Mass. Savannah Press. i *•» ft ANTMtH l i -AN AND HAVING# BANK mkßß»4# #B#4Mb*B f*#« t |#4PN|MOI 4# •444994 a * w«k*A444H ui ill i mm Mm Un im Mm nuai ik Han mmv 1# Ditto' tail, sk It Ik Dtttfetot if f**l> A- Pi Min ik Nhi it Kui Mm A a haM** as tspsaEM la I i*hag la Lhbai* 4*4* fi Hub la#? t#» 1(11 #k AtißMkt IB IB# *4B*to «4 Hi# . #*%•s nfp>» *ißUtoiTia%nß. la tß* B#B I«BBBB«#* *4 IB# f 1 *to fw #T#ry i 9iß# Bn## 1 1B##B Hit «#NiV#tTiN| IBM B*B*MF rnmm B#f <Ni## IB# 4#tHß «4 Hl«a fl*?B* lmm*a# «B# 4b# «4*» •#• #li#4 Baßkif* ,mm n#Bßtßi nlmbm* mm IB# 4-#HB* Hta# Hill H B *>•)*** 4 Vt#4i»lß. *a4 9*4 CRB# t- ■ toa vslsfrft Ma IBBBt a* fßßfeltHß IB «B# 4B« [ (#* . It IMB «B» #•«#• tB t%844» •• «4t [«4 IB# Wot 14# iim* M#BV«cßf 884 RWk 1 # fß#*B BBS to. *■«*■* tßia rilf Bat B#4B* IN** ha* hern la the c-f «B# Htil ###% !## r*»a#miia»i«Kß#f * issi wtwte# When s*#b tday Mias Kill ! u d • T*w wn frt*aAi la th* bsal la sts, that the mss'te of Mia* M'iaalß (lav la shall fall saw at saowUlaea Yaw •#- | have alwaya haea »ia«thfri west I. rank sail Ih* death wf Mias Hs via a*<U(.ltt reafeta the hessor apoa at*. *la the fat are I will be (seas aa Hi# I laugh* rr as the * ‘-afvdsrary Mtsa taxis sad aivacif were rhuots E’t a* at to srhor I together aad oar fatal- I »• were titlatt* “My father was tWfsl Y f Hilt, ’ s aerai persoaal ft tend of J- Hereof. Haris. M> fslher was killed oa th# isst day of the siege of Vicksburg whila fivhttng at the bead of a ro'etaa.” MARRIAUE TO »AV. fir. J. B. 1 ullman. of Orangehwrg, h(4t M *s Katie Km. of I hu> Cttv. The irarrlage of Mias Kalle Rae to Mr. Jag K Fulmer, of Orangeburg. 8. ■C~ wss rolemalsad a: one o'clock this aftetnuoa at (he borne of the bride'* parents oa low er Rcyaoid* street. R#r. J. T Plttnfcet nfflrtatlng There ware ao attendant* sad only th# relaflret and a few Intimate friends were pres ent. , The cosy home was prettily decora ted with rlnes sud flower*, and pre sented a Itower-llke appearance, a fit shrine for the vow# so earnestly plighted The bride wore a doth *ult o' arm;' blue, with yoke and stock of rich white satin outlined with pearl pasectneoterlc and finished with quil lings of liberty silk, a costume exceed ingly beeomiq* to her blonde type of lupiuty. Yfler the ceremony and the fellrlta | Hons of Ibelr frlendx bail Iteen recele -Ird the bridal party and guests re paired to tli* dining room, where an elegant dinner was served, after which the bride donned her traveling suit of • boeolste brown with a dash of pal* blue at throat and wrists, and amid many good wishes left at 3:30 for their future home In Orangeburg. Mr«. Fit inter Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Rac and as Miss Hue has enjoyed a deserved popularity in her large cirrle of friends. Aeeooipllshed domestically und socially, she Is In every v.ay calculated to make very happy the home over which she will preside. Mr. Fulmer Is a prominent young plant-% of Orangeburg, a man com mandti'g <he admiration and respeet of his fellow men, nnd one fully de serving of the bride he haß won. PRIVATE CAR Of Oe rgia Road W ent lip to Atlanta This Morr.lng. Major Scott's private car went up to Atlanta this morning. The car will be used to convey the state prison com missioners over the line on their tour of inspection for £. suitable convict prison site. A BAIiY’S DEATH. Infant of Hr*. W . n. Doolittle Passed Away This Morning. The infant child of Mrs. W. M. Doolittle died at an early hour, thtsv morning, of fever. The funeral ser vices will be held at 9:30 tomorrow morning. To the bereaved mother ten der sympathy from many friends Is ex tended. New York Futures. New York, Sept| 29.—Futures opened steady. Oct. 5.24, Nov. 5.26, Dec. 5.31. Jan. 5.36, Feb. 5.39. March 5.15, Apr'.t 5.49, May 5.55, June 6.58, July 5.02, Aug. 5.67. One of the last bits of work done by the Dutch sculptor. Woitman, who died recently, was a bust of Queen Wllbelmma. I