The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 29, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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THURSDAY 6 COAL-COAL-COAL W9OUPMM A## Irt’fAN IN *1 tt* IN Mmri A«4> Jktllkpt* n»trr AfWhuc ti» ifg aml Nat ppoo 94 imm i|| |m> • * ft#® ft® ■ ftnfh f## CITY ICE COMPANY. AUtHlAf* *tftl|M f* fuff ♦#* fftftft# #M> 9N 11 *• «# Jfcmxj ligjt #■*##* M>'TTM **•*♦ ■■•■ y «» ###••** •? fftraen 4w» ban®# n « m H *fti P# a .lit* f*ft*«mt p mow Up® ppMMiMA t#NN *•*?#• » a* * 9040& iMA' f#aft® ft#**® ...» *« JMjPJi pit •#•*** m m m W NN*4 HMMPi*. ftft# §®ft§ **••»•»• ft®* 9ft®ftMVMk It PPOP4 *• •*** ® 9*ft#i (ft®Mfflfe Vftfttftftft ft®W*4 , Mil—• Mt. ftp*# • *« *« §• •»«#§• MfIMNMk ftnXft •* tt »»»♦ ** *» wPt tP—lß®#% ft##- CftMMplft «• *» 91 P**4 S * 9®®# ftft®* ft## ft#®## . ♦♦ •#*• » 44**0 fftN#®#® ft ft# «« « *« »# m •• ## *• li Urn# »••*»« #•*#*•**•**• Ift®*# ♦*»**♦ *» •» *< *»..■*#*-. * yr« •ftp-* lltttrt ftft#*** 04400 • ••#»*«■## jm • *|H I*9 I® N««m Ptft P®— » ** J j* #—l IP—*— *••• ■ l»nt#N #»*?*#♦ ♦- MPm*. » ® ® »**• Cl»»N •—r«pt *4044 t* *« "• •*"* *“ ! it* i a —— !• #*■ If# • Ml •• M *• *• »♦ •* •* •* * *” I—l i*nu» ••■♦•*##• *•*•• «•*• ■i - ■ . ftft*.. ® ■•.- «•_•• •«•♦ •• T. _ i«to« I* I*l NmA M ««• ••• A If*** 14 be**# f*k <•**• • **, 9k* ■IM IMWO. M»* fcwoA. 0 «*<• V** •*• M it. ter* km* t*mr, 9 B . par ** • II A. iWm li nag, •»■.**» A A i* •'«■* • ■ .It, **4l bawkeWi B A W N l*”T OOOW Are* a kkl»*4wt* dwd At .Klelt** *» •» •* *9 <lr*M«**tn» % A A AWIH * M Ommw»A« *l4 I K AxlM .. • !-• Ixtl • .. •• • Bl OniH,>i' <I « H H H .. v . lI * j«Dn I* Kw« Hit tH'tin# ■ I |Aw A. KIM. 9 tut* A C .. .. 11l 11*001, tll.K CMtKtUI AA >tt. •• X* t»t • C*Mlr«I1l, M f4t> t* A*® l X ‘ i«jtA< iirsuit Mtocrlla■••*«• « •• •*•• ***•'*; WKKIAM llglt «f the hM. It HX •• •* t (Ttutl «f tlw NMI It ItCIM ■* *. • ,- t 1 r«M. M ItclMA 4 .4 I rttat. t-t.. * AIHX Hut*. M It -I of !M> Wot I •• •« •* •• •* W *’» | jl„ |» Kmi M A A »I»IHIM •• * **• j n , |* Kind I*l A A *h«*ung .. 4 J * UIMAN I*4-4 *• 44 44 44 44 .4 44 4* I 4'4 Itto P KI0«. X m»fc . ~ 4 M A«<, p KIM. B Inch A C *>■* Inland •• •• " •• •* * * * Jm. r K'a#. It AkA K« ••• idand 4 *•* tna P KIM Alm A A«X«’** r * * *' 4 PAIATN »hlHttgt* «vK . •* #. t I*4 M *rrlmart* • hlrilfcX- *ANA K - •• * »-t ( haitx Oaak draw atrlt* lt*tt . I I-* V ot A l»«>*1'» * Allan a 4. 44 44 44 44 #4 I I*4 r Iljr— ~ I-i iwnralaa .. .. .. - •• * Co«tva Bpool roll"** X r d«» 4.. •• *1 ln«l*« >*l*t*J 4 *» 4 • •* » * * Nlalrr OH* (Nofldl ** 4 '* A mat I, an lndlf® **'«♦». * 4 »*l •• •• 4 * -4 J»l«rnali«ai*l Adeka M*«4 4 I * Allan'* cardifml* tlatl 11l Allan** LMuom tl*tl .4 4 * * India *7” India blue 14**1 •• 4 *** Kilnglant * t4*tl ~ .. .. .••• 4 »** llarner'a radlanla tl*t« 4 1-- Martha WaatlWigtnn Hitt 44 .4 .4 1 *-4 Ho pa Mat* .4 . J Cha**r onlia. * J ’ 4 Tll'KS. Hampahlra .. j 4 Amoaknc A C A ** *** Amoakaac A Amoakaa* ’ ** 4 Rac-lprotltjr ** 7 *** PL AIP |U>MK*PL’KF, City Mill* •• •• •• • ■• •• .*: •• 1 J * Four yard, g«H)d S 2 flicli *• ** •• •• * 3-4 Ixwll »hlitln*» Mxst 3 1-4, diraa *l>’lc» H«*» .. .. ~ *.. 3 1-4 Bt Clair Uiraa *l)ln< .'. .1 44 .. 4 Otaan aollda 3 ** 4 Mai tlw Waablr.Rton fam lr* .4 .. 3 3-1 Mlifallanaoua brands ll»hl «eight I* »-*•»* 1-1 laaatla « yarda plain * *-* Thorndike U ■* •• J *’ 4 j Aincokeag •• J Pelham, 32 bal Lo bo* IS p. a. I .. 3t> ball* to box .. 16 i; (!. P.. 20 ball* to lb 17 1-1 M uarogaa B .. * bl Im h 4 1-2 yd- plalda. beat make -1 Blnuwon *Hk nm»h foulards 6lx t 4 4 »* 4 l*mclßc mournings «4x64 .. .. ~ B China sllka 64x64 4 1-4 Middle ford 5 Backport 3 I"* •Slater 61x64 3 3-4 Concord, ,Vlx6o 3 I*4 Home 56x40 3 1-4 Edward* 3 1-3 Keystone 3 1-2 Fifth Avenue 44 8 1-4 KEAnSEY’S. Heavy Columbia, heavy Kearsey s 1-4 Kincaid and other* 3 1-4 LIME. CEMENT AND I’LASTEK. Lime 70a85 Rosendate cement 31.45 Portland cement 12.75 to 3 25 Louisville cement 111 paper sacks ..11.00 Plaster in bbls 11.7 S HARDWARE. Well buckets, per do* 13.00 Painted bucket*, per doz 11 10 2 H R B cedar palls, per do* .. .. '11.75 3 H B B cedar palls, per do* .. .. 12.00 Tubs painted, per nest 11 75 Hope. Manila, per pound 9 1-2 Rope. Sisal, per pound 7c Rope, cotton, per pound .. .. lOcallc Nalls, wire •• H-75 base Nalls, cut • • • *1 45 l)**' Shovels, Ames, per do* ~ .. 111a111.50 Shovel*, diamond, per do* .. .. 17.00 Shovels, riveted back, per do*. .. 14.75 Plow blade* « .. *• 2 I*2 b»se YHK ftttftt CHAOKS or * COAL it Tt# tuwr»f ttkM ’ ff| nmn *4 1— |mh» „ i, §p w f 1 iNpg |«— §KK» '4Mt m 9 m w ft t.«mnn> MM fiMRi iMfif (I Sf s«§ak# <m m- f A# a* i *mm> w* ** *9 v* •**#•»♦ 9 SMI Mm**m iiNaMli ft— t—f #•««•« x 99 W —Mi pm imp ~ t 5 rt t . w • ?*«•• #%—. pm 4m it 91 IS it— ftt—Sß pm 49-mmm f” mm i§ !**••<* HMHA PS 4 S«9 pbmm m PP ppi <***4 pm A M a Si i mphtP pm #hi * *.«««•«» 9* W Aft* l—i IM I pm 4m „•*»,« a«p*< «—» wmm f pm 4m i 4, MS w#A mmPm. pmtmpppPk pm ift m W Sn#»t fffu • H I H I • M t, f Hi f WBMftfttfeMSi PimMSft ftiMl ftfttfhAr twfSNMft* •4 Sr S*4pp We lA*fMf • •M 4#*4 ICMRWVfti 9 SafPfta •MS •« m a *• Its f il**—i i If* IS® »* M ## ftps M . # IWM—pls i l'F% MM9 ,« ~ ## ~ HS «*« jAfttl «%fftWft* l* M „|» *• 111 til CITY •fflttiM, a—t« r* tsw „ M its t „ < ?Aw«««*« Aft IS® M M t , „ t# ffli j ) hmrnm»*m «• IM ••«•••• Hft ,» A—fWMft 4 If* MS ...... HS ... I AISTTI a 4a, Ml # * mm „ .. fas Atlanta *. |gf „„ „ M | g Cnimabaa 4 t-Fa, 1*37 „ in ... 1 Mara* 6 I-Fa t*M ~ .. .. .. Id ... ‘i-.dotmHa r.-r* *6 ... 1 ckartminn ii tin ........ 99 ... ■ MAtl.ll>> AD AONId ■hornta A. A. a Mkg Oa g*. t*» 11l I iUaunrw A. A. A Akg Pa | ra. tin .. im ... Charb»«t.. CwtWatda A A»- guata I*l Fa. IM* MI ... ] CtiarUtt* Columbia 41 An* I gnata M T*. Ml* . Ilf ... Awau.ta Ba A. A,. S*a, 1*74,, ... *6 p h H Banking Ca. Col lat er. I Trual 4*a, mr *T 99 pAualkera Italia.y Fa 1144 ~ 99 *2 Onlral nf'Oaorgia Rallaay. 1.4 r«n*al wart. Fa. t*l» ... M M C. at 41. lai pref la J* 4* Central of Onorgla Hallway 14 pref Income*. I*4l .. .. .. 13 II C. of f 1 let pref la., 1*46 .... I • O H * K . I*l ra. Fa. IMS .. I«t I*7 Baulk OeorgM and Fieri la. 2d FK I*** I« ... 1 gout h iLorgta and Florida Id Tt, UM I*3 ... j Ocean ntramehlp Co., lat Fa ; M ra, IM* IM ... I FACTORY AON DA. Enlerprtec M f g Ca*. Ist Fa I |M3 I*3 ... I Blbley Mfg. Co.. Ist Fa. IM? IM ... i Blhlry Mrg. CA. lat Fa. IM3 . IM 41a. It It. A B. Co. stock .. I*6 IM Bout h Wrote in R. R. Mock .. M 100 Augusta A Bavannah -i' M 'k *6 10, OH AIN AND PROVIBIONB. Data, white, aacked It Oata mixed, racked ~ .. 31 Corn, white, sacked ~ .. .. .. .. ~ 5, Corn, mixed 48 Meal, bolted, per bushel 4>H Flour, common ..' •• .. 3.50 Flour, fancy extra 1.71 Flour, second patent 4.00 Flour, standard intent 4.25 Flour, fso.y patent .. 4.75 Wheat bran. 100-lb sacks 86 Fine feed, 100-lb sacks 90 Hay—native, per ton 12.00 | Hay-—Timothy, per ton 13 on Hay—rhole*. I*er ton 14.00 Ham* choice sugar cured .. .. lOaltt, Rmoked rib side* .... .. ® Dry salt ribs * Laid, pure leaf. In tierces 546 laird, ketlle, rendered ID tierces. 6 1-4 Kugar, granulated 54* CAR LINE RECONSTRUCTED Birmingham's Electric System to Be Entirely Remodeled Birmingham. Ala.. Sept. 28—The IBrmlngham Railway and Electric com pany yesterday began tho gigantic task of entirely reconstructing the line* of Its city division. A gang of men started work at the end of the North and South Highland* line at Joneavllle. and will work across the city, putting la ttew croa.Ues, new raTls. new switches, and. In fact, prac tically rebuilding lhat line. Some of this work lias already been done, es pecially the putting in of the splendid crossings at the railroads In Twentieth street. As soon as this Vine is completed the Avondale and Fountain Heights and Powderly line will be taken up in turn, and subjected to the same remodeling process, that is, such portions of these roads as have not been recently built, as on the Powderly extension of the Elyton line. These improvements will cost thous ands and thousands of dollars, but the company is determined that ail of its roads shall be equipped In the most up-to-date style. With an improved toad-bed, such as they will have, much faster lime can be made, and the rid ing will be far more comfortable. Pistols. Double Barrel Guns—Pistols. Harrington * Richardson Brand new pistols, 32.60: Harrington & Richardson second hand pistols, 32.00. American double action pistol. *I.OO. Guitar. Man dolin and Banjo String*, 2 for 5 cents, at L. J, Scjiaul, Reliable Pawnbroker. THE AUOKBTJV HBBALD SXEICHDfFANNY DAVENPORT. >|F Hi* tt«l • *AM •Ad I ftfVf f ; fkMNi ift $ mmpm Up# fTVftt ftfMWtWM## 4«t|» V« %«#%, , P*pputtm 1'«»*•#. 40 ft f—«aa PP4 immtmt 4400000. 9®# tvM— •**** m***# l«n (4mt niiAnjig jt m ftiMfta *« 9 tftma a i tft Ift |f# pp 4 if* a mptm T 44400' r lit-i«f **• omm ftMfft ftp— I* mm ft I Iftfft# ftftftaH# M'iftilftft f9M®#9i#- Ift ft# | PPO* ftft tft# ftftvtft P «Aftft*i» |«# ioom r*m* tftftpft#* Ift tlH*! W i .»mm ft*-l aa nat * IftN®# I* pftft 11##- l«f iMift m0m4004 ftftftHftft ift# fNpftftftiV' j I mm* 40 Ift# ftp—# #**•»»rtiftfe Taft-- • ft## ft» f ft#f ft® ft fMft# ®ii | *oo* •* iCM£* *• 4m ttfft ftftaft ift# art— H*4Ni n—ift-a Yt, la I * IlftMHft# f l%ia 4 •!#•** f4P't 00m f«if tgftf« ftftft ft#ft ftftftfti* Nftftp* m*m4 «4 ft## *ftl fta ftft ft#w-ti#ft #ftft#' . rl»awr# iftftHi aft# Ift# fttafta# VPmim tft llftft H#t# aft# ®#4# ft## flta* —ftra### | t.nraTtrr v 0 ift# M—ft l'-la*aP 40 4ft#"* ' {*!*#* llftft# ftkftlaftft Ift Tft# Imp H#r tfthHit at till# tt®# to It# Lofty Oof lor Ihuik# tfto«ft4 imm* tft# bftJT#wt *rrh*mm aftft tirtitt rfatiirol for ft## tot# anft roporiitp H#r ftp—rtmttr aftttftt# Mft ft###lo##ft Ifttr# 4t tft# Httt# 91 ft ft A »#*»»# Tftra’r# —ft# ftt## rapid!? tft ftffl#tt# ptftta# • ftft #€*#*• tar* It? that t»#forr tft# Hftf ft lat or? nf Ift# know 4*a* abnigt l r closed by Ik# fir* of Januanr I. I«t>. I her* «* ra» 4*«- ni*prcimry witk her eieepilag Clam Horrta Among Ml** Davenport'* heat rw ■ewitend role* were Blaaefce Lnndie In Man and Wife Kffle Brmlnglon In Saratoga Ictilk Hardy In Tfc* Bell#’* Stratagem My* M'ragge In No Name, fa triumph of comic rhararterttaikm In both make up and acrlngt Lon Ten Rerk In D*vorc«. 1-ady Teaiie In Tfce School for Scandal and Mrr Ford ißj The Merry Wive* of Windsor At th# ae-v Fifth thr*<r* on «h# altc of the, prevent boose Ml** Davenport took all the principal aetraaa' role*. Here, nl ao she acted Madge Wtndftre In The Hea- of Mld!cßk|M|. Rnth Tredgett the tramp, tn ClnHfi Mm# Oolehnrd In Munaleur AlohonM ami Ibr old j blind woman In Parodla Home Valneue. Her repertory apart Dorn three out of the way eo'es. was enrich ed b* ibe addition Of Pauline Deachap peilea. Rosalind, tli# Prince of France in l4flve'* lAtl'Of Bmi. Julia in The Hiimhbark and Malnd Renfrew In Pique. Beginning her Independent *Urrln* ! career In 1877 Mia* Davenpon al first: confined her repertory to standard i plays, excepting Pique, which *he kept nllve for several years. In 1878 she nppeared In the title role of Wills* Olivia, founded on The Vicar of Wake field, In I£B3 she prod need an Eng lish version of Sardou'a Fedora, and she Identified herself on our stage with others of the Sardou-Bernhardt series, namely, I-a Tosca, (in which her acting was always seen at its best). Cleopatra and diamonds Re vivals of Shakespeare's Ombellne. and Much Ado About Nothing were put forward by her early in her star ring career, and last year she produced a drama by Fannie A. Matthews, foun ded on the story of Jeanne d'Are. Miss Davenport was married in 1879 to Ed win U. Price, then an actor, latterly a theatrical agent, from 'whom she was afterward divirced. Her second husband. Melbourne MacDowell, play ed opposite roles to her in recent years. She has been credited with huge pecuniary success. She produced plays handsomely and her perform ances were very popular throughout the country. CASTOR IA For Infant* and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the /l* // ‘ Signature of LJLcufyj^-CUC*U&: To love upward is human, to love downward is divine. 20-year filled gold watches in ladles' and gents' sixes with Elgin or Wal tham movement from $7.00 to $12.50. Guarantees with each watch at Lewis J. Schaul's. Reliable Pawnbroker on Jackson street. Lust enough to go round, but not enough to love. Smith & Wesson pistols from $5 to $8.50. Several good, bicycles for sale very eheap. Good watches from *1.25 to $50.00 at I,ev. is J. Behaul. Reliable Pawnbroker, under the Arlington. GooD IUCK BAKING POWDLR, 15 THE BEST. HlfhM* of AH Hi l mu Power. MOTHER! ft IMP# VNfti ftftftftftMlg N **b«mm M*[» tm m*mM f• *4 1 «—■ 000001 ft# *0 *ft# ®*ft CNlf pPm rftft lift# tftMt* SS.GO. $6.00. $7.00., all sizes. liSYLVESTER 826 Broadway. LIST OF ADVFKTISKD LETTERS Remaining la Ibe i»«lolNe# at Amro*- la, (la., Bpl 28. IBM. PeratH. < a Ilia# for Iheae lettera will pleaae My "»N« vartM." aad m»m« tlw* dale. A rating nt ike pamaMr# deiairinaent wqalr** that »Qr cent In* pwld uwm LIFT. B Mr. Mamie Knawey Mr* M*nde 1 L Berry. Mr#. Belly llanek. AMra‘ Hr van. C Mia* mile Oxnimn. M>* M#rv| Barter. Mia* Caroline C..hen, M!*» Klla ; I'rsddtrh. Mlaa AOgnelle Cody D—Mr*. Jane IXiam. Mia. TMOBotM F Mias Edna Folaton. Mr*. Aimle. 'Fair.*' . _ Ct Mr*. Haiti* tlarvln. Mr*. L- C. llreenW*V. K Mm Kwtlll. Mr*. Annie Fm>»- II Mlea Alice H*!brook (S>. Mi»* Wl* lie Hall (S). Ml** Harriet Hooainun.j l Mis R. H He*lh. Ml*. L«ttl» Ra*- | jtry. Mr* Bctll* Huffman, i J Mr*. M K. Jenklna. Mr*. Kmm* i Johnston. L-Mlss Annie Utile. Mr*. J. P. Uruse. M Mis* Willie Medlar*. Mr*. 8. Mock, Mis* Bessie Morris N Miss KllXHtieth Norman. Mrs. Lu py N#w#on. p Mir Mary Perklna Mr*. Parker, Miss Lula Parker. B- Mis* Addle Shul*. T Miss Julia Thomas, Mr*. W. M. Thomas. Miss Mabel Timmerman. Mis# Cornelia Tillson. Ml«s A. T. Tolley. W —Mrs. Utile Whyte, Mr* Betti* Walton. Mis* Ussie Wheeler, Miss Ida Williams. Y Mis. C. V Tetdell GKNTLiaMEN'B T.IST ,\ W. T. Archer. AA’lillam Auaars. B--Ali>ert Bennett. Hedley Boyd. ®4 C. Barrett. J»ny Bogs. O. D. Bailey,] d. W. Barrett -If vb. w. Crawford. J. F. Cunnleg h*!Ti, J. P. Clark, Charlie Cain. *D -J. C. Davis. J. J. Dlx. F -M. L. Friedman, B. H. Fraxler, George Fraser. <3 i. h. Gates, M Goldstein, James Gay. H Dr. V. Hitt, fyrmuel P. Hawe*r It. K. Holder. M. IJyams. William Heard (col.). Gu# ifoard, J. S. Ham rick, J. H. Hodges. " J—H. K. Jerome. K H. W. King. L— Robert lsrwson, Wallis Little john. * ... M—A. P. Madalllon, Cillery McKan xay Pock Morton. F. F. Melton. Mac Matterson, D. P. Miller. David T. Mc- Kelvey. John T. Miller. O —Conyer Oaten. It—-Kllike Robson. g—s. G. Stephens. W. Sullivan, Ham ton Stophods, J. F. Smith. T—Mack Tomilin. W—Black Wood, W. H. H. Walters, Dr. J. B. Wood. Samuel Williams, Brantley Williams, A. Ward, A .T. Wilson. M tSCELLANEOPS. The Augusta Wood Co., Aug. Good Photograph, Leading Jeweler. Sect, of Fair (2). Sect. Fair Grounds. The Can dy Kitchen. W. H. STALLINGS. P. M. District of Columbia. The commission ot/John Hay to be Secretary of State, credits him to the District of Columbia,) This is the first time that a citizen credited to the dis trict has ever been appointed to a cabi net petition. ,|, mm ■ | Ji,i j CALL son I’jfusta Brepifif Co i kxport I ME. ft# a i 8 ilP' * ■li : *■ fkafle«T4 Is*# L • ii TC 1, L lij O f GEORGIA Our Orauftht Beer Has None Superior. ‘ ALL M* AUGUST A BRER. Herald Prize Letters From American Summer Resorts. L , . The Herald 'kta yea* win nU-T a aeriew at p un* tar the MM ItiMff Vfitt*# fr *#» #n Aivwii ca# Moimrr livwn Tb### Ft far# mvt»( Pm pfthliaiwft Wtftft# a «wwr> ft# i*luma and. lift; tft# ri#(vfl( ftft# rloftaff tb# «lMft» •#* • r •# will ft# Mftßfltfd to • com* prtnt an I ivnpnrtini commit - rania* Lv tb* awerding of prim Tft# rani n#vn# of IN nrttrt, aa wall ## tft# iHim fto i>lun 9, iviitst nr#om##nF otefc t#tt#r a#at Is for public#*ton* for tft# puipow of Mkntiftcn tftft • • • CoiiitatiMi mu#t rnaflat tli#lr Wtt#m to % rcatoftaM# icngtlv ('PDiFgßfiu <an writ* n# many letters na tNy wild for tft* prls#, but on# contestant enn ntn <uily tft# prls##. . . . The Herald wsat* live, spright ly, goastpy letter*, mi<l <k* prise* will ba awarded for tha beat, mnel lat#r**tlng and most rcadabta letter* of Bummer He len New., Contest Closes Oct. 1. FOR THE BEST LETTER S2B 00 FOB TUB ID BEST LETTER ... 15 0* FOR THE 3D BEST LEI TER..., 1.44 Just Arrived Beautiful line of China Matting, solid Mahogany Bedroom Suits, Lovely Line of Walnut Suits, finest line of Extension Tables in the city from $3.50 TO SSO OAK SUITS IN GREAT VARIETY. FLEMING & BOWLES 904 Broad Street. PATRONIZE ‘•The Barber Shop of the South.” HICKEY’S is the Place Five Barbers, all first-class artists. 212 and 21 4 Bth Street. j it* iUWNktt «#•*••»■ul*i» * -UIAt.JMMWMMWLI-IJt i iFi BH CharlmoNlVlCAioiini toteti • ».#*»# 4« a a attmmt wft* *n» " a* F4*e« > *■* *M^*4F* ti Aagdlftfc"X.. it' ; ;. s | 400444 —%tih « mmm * %4# wmSmiamm** "WW***** * piift WBiftM m*o ■ fOOO4 r PM nt »i i4ft9ft ■-v ft 40mm mm*m I wSl ******** ■‘ gy ******* [l# 9 * 1 - 40444* ftMk## ftft#4RHift4 ' ®.® 44004 KP K#tk#i### t . i ? 00044 t ft* ft mpm** y* y ft ft®# ! * 100 »||in tMtTn 19 JNn# *#*«••* | * ffti '4oooo44 »wwi| i ft# 4fW#fl##» 1; ■-« j* hi nt r | ft>®##P : j A# m 4P40004 ttt* tt9 k>* ? ttt * tttt ’ I * 004*44 ■■ F F<la #♦«*. ****]" * 4mm MooPooo4o*U'tttt* t9tt* * ####"■ * #*ftw 1 • Pft # 4m •** •'#•««* »••••• < «#4Pftftß# * ft jN #L. . *•*« ,«««*-. .**< |f ftftft#| ’ A# ftifthroM#*. j m**m*~m •*!•%*•* o*4 ft# *4 pmm *4* A U _ *pm w*4o4m44Hop m *** #ft • * t**« •# #4 ft* I >«i 1 ftft! f# #«9ft ■ m* Pwm**m-h*n ***i l int ggp* Il| ill fftMftliMi tft •**»» *• ft# pin p|# 4 i, Cmnk Hftf 404 044*444 04* BLOC RIDGE RAILKGAQ. ! *** ft 4 rirft« *m'4 c.. « kmm ¥» L tjf <U 4 ss:%■%» Mi * • I T4t fftv ; llilftft IM? 1* 9 am I*® f lArtiift iftWftHPN ! AH lift 3$ Ift##.. AMtrwft ft t ?#ll #9 > #? ? Ml# AMftift ... r T s#tl m I f «#f I ft(l«t C 49 *## fYMTf ft 4 00m • • i; tl# A# .#•* t.'rmfm 1 «1* ** H I Ift 1 ft MtNACA ..ft 1119 I • tftt i« *• I 9 Ms ift W«*l VnUm .ft A ft# II Ml Jf 1 .,. TAftllM’tft 99 40 I'tfl AM PM I |l4*#v# Arrtv* PM FM No tt N*« »»• “ «• » ! * iMwwlw Ftaß-*. F. HA* Ftatra# I All regula* IralM fnw Aaderae* 4# ,84 aiha'i* k*v* rtgkt la track «*»* train* «4 tk* *am* rta»* raetl** >» QP* yn.ita glrertra*. uni*** »lb*t»>** •Fe ttled by trail or4«»a, I Will a',*e **>.* •( follwlaa et*'! l ** Uo take >4l or let off p*#*»i»*er. Pkta iaey'e, Jom>a a»4 sß*4s Ffoawg* No. K 3 i unrarli vith ksilMra vail* {way No. 13 *< Anderaow. ' No* I and 6 coagx t t with Souther t irsilway N«*. 12 and It at ILraaca. I t. R. ANDERSON, Soyerißiawdent. ATLANTirrom LINE. ! SHORTEST AND QUICKEST ROVTB To TH* EAST AND NORTH. tTlupm L*. Ai»g««ta. Cia,.Ar i T.iSaiw I );«4|g| *>v Atken Ar | 7 l»am 4:l7*rai Lv laimark.... Ar * tipm 4 iH*®" Lv Oraagh'g....Ar ! » raara I « Mpm, Lv..Sumter, S. C... Ar ( 4 3**m : I.Upm; Lv....Fl»r*nc*. ...Ar | 9:»a* lOrMpml Lv . F*y«tt*vlll#...Ar i I Dpm l:2tam Ar.Petereburg.Va.Lv * s.l pm I t.eoam' Ar....Richmond....Lv ! 1.12 pm 7:4l*mj Ar.. Washington..Lv J I:44pm 1 ) 03am 1 An.. Baltimore....Lv | t 25pm 11.24 am! Ar . Philadelphia. Lv il3:o9pm 2:o3pm! Ar... .New Vork....Lv | » 3cam Pullman palace buffet *leeplr.g car* from Mncon and Augusta to New Turk without change. R. A. BRAND. Gen. Agt„ 723 Broad Bt.. Augusta. Ga. T M EMRHBON. Traffic Manager, H. M EMERSON. Gen. Psa* Agt. CAROLINA AND NORTHWEST ERN RAILWAY Schedule In Effect, March 6. 189$. Eastern Time Standard. |Leave Auguatn, Southern Uy.. 9:30 p.m. Arrive Chester, Southern Ry .. 7:ls a m. Leave Chester, C. & N W. Ky 7:45 a m [Arrive Lenoir, C. & N. W. Ky 1:16 p.m. ! l.e«ve Lenoir. Stage 2 06 p.m. Arrive Green Park. Stago .. .. 7:00 p.m. jArrlve Blowing Rock, Stage .. 7:30 p.m. o. W. HARPER. c. F. HARPER. President. 6* v - A - Fall Seeds ® Fall Seeds WHOLESALE QUANTITY I Georgia Rye o J \ % / L An i. Fin*#* from *mut cbeftt ftnd Seed Wheat cookie- Seed Barley White Onion Sets Red Onion Sets Crimson Clover Native R. P. Oats Grazing Oats Multiplying Shallots, Cabbages, Collards, etc. THE HOWARD S WiLLET DRUG CO, NEXT TIME YOU HAVE A HEADACHE USE Land’s Headache Capsules Made Only By HOWARD & WILLETT DRUG CO. B E LLE OF GEORGIA StPTfcMftER *?9 fcaiOUdh FgMlF4atn4Eß S. C 1 6. RIILKM CO kkft •e**44*4ai **** 9pm 4004 m 4004 -ft# 00444444 f*m* I 4+m %**4o4 00044 040 ft I f ftft i ft#* I *###' ft ftft## a * fll aftn# 9Ktm f ftftMft : fti 0 tSpmmpmftm- i# 090444044 9 mpm Ift# • pm ■*# *4*4009 ft# ft*#hw»# ••' P.m Ptm* *404 o*4*4 ft. wPm'm* m#44 ** *$ 4*94 ** •** 0$ * ft#M#Pft *1 ftftftft ft 1 * f ftftMNftl Ift ft 4h* * *o4*f4* v# f p*m*4 % '#»■ ift I** i %*►•#»# # * ini# *ft "-’ft#* 4 i Pmm ft*ftftft ftutftftit fiMI lift## $ ***44 Pmmm * ft# ft*#®##’ 049040 9* ftlft'«*N**#* -ft Iftffti I ft# o**44 ’•* .%"■*-#» ft# # aft IMP*# 4#l ***4 f ft* »# «if ftft-i* »-t*4 | M %Ift • 0* P ftftMft : tt r»ftJit 9 444 m** #ni p» m ft## % *OO ■ |ft ft 4op4m. . ~*Johpp "T♦ ft** X**oJo4mm l ft# ft ft#sKi ~ . ft *p*9 ft# w #®> -an# 9 o*4o 4* t#' ir #Bir». *%tpp 1# %*»* ft i *?m# j ftf ft*# %<*%l 04m 4* 0*4*440* 1990*00 1, 0% kft’f a ift $" ?’ $ If, * *9* t ***** mfm*44o I 0*909 t«##<l4» J OJOP4* *9*tm *ftN«# | 0 *99 f fcafKft , rEE Fit - itr *a•«- s• * I ’ TTfil (p tmm 00m*m *•».«••• ’J. ftNM# IL#»# l#4*4 Vt#» m* • «** *m 4* *44 ‘?>lf rf7 p l !*#«•*-« #-*ft ft«® * j - tPmmiPm omm •#*’•## ft#*-* krnpmmm 9 04 «ft* f* 44 *!# f»«ft •»• •## M*# 40 pm* 4 I. H Mil# 1. ft. 141HN19 f. Z.pTtZ 049 SOUTHERN RAILWAt. * JM, ' <JK (Kini VMm *terwe«a« MvmammrnM <mA •envitte. k»«4**e Vnna •**■•••** lv* nee tea aed au. rnfaan « ** 4.1 *fee«*ni»aat ( uaHe ju /’awe.'FCJkPR»- ... jT m * J »*p w inrat 1*32, ! Jv J A> ’v- - * * ’ IT imWMME "jX 5 * if! gv • j ** M* *i| Ar Xrneriua. ... ..[ »n-» >*9 La Aavneea4*a. •' •""" j * ran! - *i*p •»** flgi f*- itVtr i,a 4##*l* } i *»• •VanStHMt« 4....... I * ** **• ‘ i 4 * - Wtnaahaeu. ■ 18* * h-» EUt ... • F*t *«• Ar SBLeia . ura2 ir (irm**Pm> \ ® gj Ar Knrfitll * 89 * • UmtHIW . t II M ft! I *9 Tr ftLLw #7 ! ! *®# ! 4 00P At WidriMt# ~ T 11 "" "I * » 9®ft “ MftMnSvH ftli.... .. 1 I®* 5 *| ®ft • n#Lft#i#i## liikS #B2 * M*m IV ill a ■ W® Pj •» • a,mtiihtfif *9#* ®t Jt*- 04 KftU|. iNkfl?. L* ftVs» Y-irk k EJL 7 r 4#r 1# Itol " naiwMplfti ...... I §v p i#t * ftsittßuee* ! t #|t I alt Lv Wfetit too. Hrt Hr . H# 44 f* II 16# ItKWI! i? uTn» Lv DuivlU* j f Ida flip L* N'-rftilk ..... 1 Vllp Ar Ur«wtti<ebor» • 4ft * L* UrVnMbOTO .aaa •a * T (ft R T#f - ChaiHotf# ! 90b m !0 3U# * Rorfc Hill ... {lO 90* II OK? - 4*l»*Et*r .... ........ I 10 Mu II iff |* • Tft iutiaboro II 41 h it®# ft l>* hia BtejHl'ff 9f Jl2 ®#n. 137 # 9. CnlOinU#t'n tlep t. < 1 l&gti 4®# I M Johiirtn— . 2AMi> j ##* • *• Tr#u:oo . .. j :ttpp : * 'J5* " l#nu»tf ovtll# d.H 9 p T 07» A r A a## * ! l*r. Aah«vUl# ~ I"®# ifOAp Lv ft)t#r'#nn#rf II 4 Up Lr Onl’Vi#. ftriSfy."' ’ .. I«»*P T l» # Ar t - ! I.r Oul'Ma, r C.AF Hy’ . T” It 55 a' 12 47 a i “ Hk v#nia#b j 447 p &®# / lit »Lkkn?o Tar urtk i Ex coital i d#ll? jH»»we-wiror «rvuv b# 4 w«M ftloridaand N#w York N4hs .TT and ft Hdu»frto##nd ?*«#thwo#tor# Limited holid V«#tibui«*d tram with dining c#ni and Unit elaa# pmch#* north of <*h#rlt»tto. FuUm#n drawing room *le*»j>ing cars b#t wwn Tamp#. Jarkaonvilla, havaanaa. Washington and New # ark Pullman Hleepfng Car# Iwfwean Charlott# I and Richmond I Pullman drawing-room sleeping c#r# ha i iv*ren Uraeaaboro anti Norfolk. Clow coanao* ; tion at Norfolk for OLD POINT COMFORT, arriving there ia time for breakfast. Solid train, with Parlor e#r*. bat ween Cbarle.dton and Asheville. No# ® and ®-U. 8 Faat Mail. Through Pullman drawing room buffet aleeping earv ba tmNiD Ja*-kaonviU# and New York mud Pull man ftioepmg Far# btfwitß Augnata ar*l Char lotte Pullman leaping rar# betv.een Jack i tonvllle and Columbia, en route daily I>etwe#o Jacksonville and Cincinnati, via Aahavilla. FRANK s CANNON. J M. CULP, i Third VP. ft <4«m. Mgr T. M.. Washington W. A. TURK. «• H. HARDWICK. (9. P. A.. Waahmgtac QP. A.._At lan% GEORGIA - - RAILROAD. (90th Meridian Time.) Schedule Effective April 24. 189*. Pullman Sleeper, between Macon and New York. Through Pullman Sleepers between Au gusta and St. Louie Lv Augusta ..| 7:obam| 3:2opm[!o:3opia Ar Atlanta ...il2:3spm! B:2opm| LOuam Ar Macon ~..|ll:l6ar.i| I 6:45am Ar Athens ~..|U:lspm| 7;3opm Ar Galneeville|-3.45pm| I * Ar Whit* Pi a|*l :00pmi I Ar Mill'ge'le ,!l0:10am| 4:3oam AT Wash’ton ~|10:10am| 7:lopm| Picayune train leaves Augusta daily exrrpt Sunday at 5:15 p. m., and ar ■ rives at Milledgevtlie at 8:10 p. m. Trains arrive at Augusta 5:16 a. nt, 7:45 a. m . 1:20 n. m . and 5:25 p. ns. A. G. JACKSON, G. P. A~ JOE W. WHITE, T. P. A.