The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 29, 1898, Image 8

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TMU**OAV Men's hats worth of hot and $2 worth of nam« It cotta you e»*ct!y §2 royalty for iht rrwmufactuntr’t nama In your hat if you want It that bad than buy an acancy hat but If you can gat along without tha nama coma to ua for ycu* hat and wa will giva you praclaaly tha aama ahapa. Quality, finanaaa and taxture for $3. and wa’ra Inclinad to think that any r««ton abla man will appreciate tha aavlng In hit own pocket far more than ha would In the manufacturer’s pocket. We’re sailing more hata than aver before. |*«ftsoNAl. A. ft WeMMt df |s Ml tflkt cHf Pi »* a ***** *»•»*• (HI m l. urn at oi im r»m«. M VmMM* *T K*w tart tot *» **• Floaters & A R-ak* at dttfmt* *•»*** WNM 4 H Raklairt «f lOW* >• •' >*• Arttegto* r R moan of Now Ortaoaa M at tha Arilagioa c. P lafr* at I* •< *** ArlteS aa M ladhasaa if !•*• Tterto R •< <*• Atltogioa . 4, A Daatel as AUM'i *• •« **• Artteftoa , 1 A lam* to# Ofcte*e» te •« **• ArttMftoa A I. Ftertte* tteaupouih kinta Arlington ♦"*'* '* * p McGeawtoto of R»«*«* to *t «*• Artte*taa. CiDtmi to PA from Cotnw bte M«*<* Major ftymtea Bed of WMiitooro • to tto# «*ty 4, I, Vm of Oratotoaf to il IP Rptw* J A Orr at AaaUion A A., to *• tha Dowkiin to I O RaMiirt at OtealnoaU to *< <** Paul Msrailfto of St4Plo to •< •*• ~ * Ilian Halt ul .\-f Task to »' <*• ipMP" to I Mr J Rip MmUA left tkto porting An Albrt* H W Carktß* Of f*MteWl)kP to «t tlr Histtra Itollrtlor Itoli* of Waynesboro to tt Ihr Arlington W* Bthridg* at UmrMto 8 C,. to at th« ropirnncia*- a M Atig tote* of tha I’pton Route to at lb* Arlington Howard Fatrbmthcrs of Hartford, to at the Arlington T. H. Crook Of Gronnvllla. 8. C„ to at .the Commercial. Mr. and M>a Joe White returned from Atlanta this morning Mr«. Devaga Cohen returned I hie af ternoon from Henderaonvllie C, H Farker and T. C. French, of Atlanta, are stopping at the Coramer etol. Trof T M ftalte*. tit Furman Uni versity, la a gueal at Ihe Ftonteia to da* A .1 Wilson a lumber man of Ba vannah to a gunsl at the Planters to day Hev. A 0 Wgrdlaw. a Presbyterian divine. of Ohartepon p at the Plan ton. Charles A. Flonell of New Bruns wick, N. J.. t» slopping at the Arling ton. J. H. Carr. W W. Collins nnd J H. Wlngard of Baltimore art- in the cRy today W. F. FatiUo. Jr., of Atlanta, a for mer Augustan. to stopping at the Ar lington. E. Chevola, Jno. W. Steele anil .1 H. Orltman. of Now York, are at the Ar lington. William Roblnaon and wife or Greenville. 8. C., are guests at the Ar lington. A Rosenbaum. a contractor of New port News. Va.. to stopping at the Planters. L. A. Mash burn and C. H. Crltch man of Baltimore, Md., are at the Planters. Messrs. Emmet E. Levy. B. Link and T. H. Chavasse. all representing Balti more cigar firms, are gueats at the Windaor. Queen Olives in hulk, Pine Ola*, pure Olive Oil, Shrcded Wheat lii»- cnlt. Oatmenl, Edam Pine Apple & Swiss Cliee-r. etc., which we offer M the low est price*. SHEWMAKES NEW GOODS ARRIVING SVERY DAY Mr*. Lucy A. Arrington, accompan ied by her little son. Walter, has re lumed from a visit to relatives and friends in Jefferson county. Mr*. Wallace Miller Barnes will com pliment Miss lone Barbot. of Charles ton, with a crokonole parly Friday af ternoon. Whin you ply tS for an «g •ncy N«t you psy for $3.00 to MAT Mil ATAI UMOA AAVS fte to Al *WliM> Re n«o*d Irwa Uwtto ISm ****** f fl gilKm* in iHNpfl by g tt#«%l4 fwgAtpf ?fRt tfet* ipg ip tggrd ip Hmn pigbr* oytklkst t###4t## pß#M###t«f 4MI •#* Ml lb# Ida** Eftprbipi by lb# art m»* of t.b# M# ibllil Md Mi Mmr to lb# fw 1 |Mft#r * gw#** of tPbgf b# 4#*lf*4 IS •iflt ngMi dipg ib> seikp igbcsi Mbit: KfMbmg y#t." H# mM b# h#4 b#« i wysMlfta Is .4ta£it#t# 100 MMUiy y#pr* to b# #srrl#4 by lb# doll## of MfiMi of tbit nif" Tb# r*|KHltr rpi •*•♦# tbit ffrisls itnbs oa lb# r»p«Hts« wbo rrt*4 igplmt tb# •'# so# m»4#r obtl gif lops to Mr ttilllan Krom obit Mr Mt»lllii» Mkl It vm flnlb#r | #4 (In b# «suM In b«or4 from tilor op tb# OMlif of bis 019* b#lil dfsy M#d frnp tin romokltto# CONDRUSkOf MOTHERS. Mr*. M IllUm Kill, of Atlanta. Ap point id Ikrtlrartlt PruMut. lira Wn King, no* of Ik* hurt : |Rann and htllff tadiwa tn At Mala Ml been wade v m president of (M Congress of Noikrrt for lb* Stain of (Jeui *la Mr* King t* Ik* brilliant KM lety <dl res* of Tk* Coo fillJtlon and ha* probably devoted morn ability and itinulM to 'hi* or ganlatio* than au> other lady la tk* •tat*. Sh* ha* the welfara of tha congreas ao mark at heart that tb* It anxious to to rn chili* la tvcijr city la tb* state. The ptirposee of the congress appeal | Irresistibly to every woman who un der*! and* It* character, and Mr*. King lathe* correspondence with ah ladles who feel a lively Interest tn the good > woi h. BEAUTIFUL HAIR. A Young Undy’a Phenomenal Growth of Hair Attract* huch Attention. A young girt from the country .driving up Broad street In a wagon this mprn- 1 Ing. attracted rnnaidetuble attention by reason of the remarkable beauty of her! hair. When m-ated In the wagon, her, hair, which wn* a rich nut brown, fell in heavy colls around her, completely! enveloping her and reaching to the hot-1 tom of the wagon. The girt seemed en- 1 tlrely unconscli u* of the attraction, and comment caused by her crowning glory. MONEY ORDEI-5 Can Now Re Draw n at Augusta P. O. j and Cashed There The official notification that Poet master Stalling* has hewn expv ting In struction* concerning the pnyment of money order* at (he »artic office (hey are drawn on, was received last after noon. PoatOffle* money order* can now tie! drawn at the Augusta office and cash-! ed at the same place. It will prove a great convenience. A TRIPPWB CHARUE. \\ idle Barnes Arrested Last Night on Three Charges. Willie Barnes I* now In Jail on n triple charge. He was arrested by De tective Sheron last night for breaking Into the house of Mr. M. P. Hartwell, stealing five pairs of shoes and having a concealed raaor on him. Ills ruse of cases will he tried at city eourt. PHYSICAL DIRECTOR. For Y M. C. A. Hn* About Been Decided On. The new Y. M. C. A. physical director will he here in a few days. There are three or four applicants, but one has been decided on and will be notified to come here. The Y. M. C. are not quite ready to give the name of the party, but will he In a day or so. James Fisk of Tioga. Pa., lives to tell of his experience with lightning. Hl* clothing was stripped from the left side of his bod a and cut into strings; he was rendered unconscious and par alyzed In the left arm and leg and scorched on the hack. TB* A YJGUiTA WICRALP. THE JUDGE'S TIMELY COURAGE I Hg \iffoMff 4«ttt#4 %n I MHn Wt Imp gmnm§« flow |lh» i f#i#4 tv*** A*4W#»-gS Ms# biiSMwnisii- I f%# b#>c#te#i#b* tossk-stbdfcf bdl by ybum mpms bvif *#nft m *s*' '# » pg ntys* iti tsMbss. md f spsmw#'#!# i*##'# *Mp4 g■ * * ' SbMMb# * #*#- f-’Awtwsyw i g «# ysM I pas #« '#*smv#p $ nnsn 4*l- '%*■' • : turpi oyMhNyMnf SMPmMM ft 111 lOmpM if split tmi *l*l fpNte# * * •## tpp 4 - -'togii I fwswtii twin ASM-. A M %* | w«pi |p «g-*w4 tb# iMtfM Ml«b 1 Ml IlMffbbpf. Ms ||Mmb4# fb# b»tf phIHM'SNI b# Ms SNMb4 *%si4 ftMb bn, I b*#4 t#*w>b#4 : ft f INI M4# MO tb# MOM < b# 4 lb# MNi AMU ••• MMftf 4##4 j ttltb bl# b##4 s#w#b#4 i lgw i 1(4-0* - ‘ 4<m i bovtf ♦## fp«st«oyMl A OSMiw. NO Not!# wps i *oirpsii dHHOI tb# otofttsf Mob df« H* i riSMlltl sQOII r«WV» M Olb HQf*-# I* ; f„ ip Oof9o blOl is 4 owpm ti rbifioo tb# ooom bi o fyt*tb. oot tpoo tio## Mr tt-i K#Hy o o#om«#9M wb# M «T|OM«#*oo tb# tefwwrt tsr n#Orr vm fwp'il* owl to bit# OM4 tbot lb bM mOomo. ' iff lb### pout iy* *m tb# own fOl»t lot tb# onrOsr opO olio to bon so 4 lotto* pgsso#* Mrs fb'^t* I T*oisrO»f bbi* mil oofnrro#4. 'Mr Kitty MotfiO wot s 4 tb# rwoiwnr's wObw. bot w*s rwwfvwo«#4 b# M* Ob*## NMNNok bis btcitbsf. i*f ri ftliM M* Woi Ijntib Mr VbH Mi op##* m 4 iMr tMrb Niom# y Mr Kifly vm or • 1 4d»r#0 to opologtpr f«tf obit b* bi 4 'ntf. Mr Kelly eioirt 'hot he toad tea attoaaotrt. bat tkat to* ansld Mirk ta ever? oaf* toe toad realty te* A* Mr Kelly I* * fravtom *•* !*”*- tote eras Id yertaialy toav* eaaaed If ‘t to#4 oat to** far Judg* R H Calla way. He toward ttoa faaa aad bak-kl* appeared Karla* Mte ttoreatealag at ttood* at the or* to* rauragwMMly etroped bet ere* ttorea aad orated I to# I If they atom Mr Kelly they would toav* la *b<w>< tola torst The nnul roarage aad datermlaatkte above toy Jodga Callaway rball*aged Ike odmlratloa as all who taw 11. for (to* mra wkua he was rsdeavortag ta cvmtful were Rxurtrtiag tkelr pistol*, .aad all hod I to* repu.siton of being ilgtotera. The couroa* and rompoeare shown jby Mr, Kelly was no Ira* splendid ' SolicUor Davis, who wa* as eye-wtt aea*. say* be never saw anything Ilk* 11(. Kelly told tot* asallanta that to* knrw toe wa* no match for *ll of them, but that be would take them one tt • 1 time aad eboot It oat or Agbt It out l ln nay way they wanted to. There wa* not a tremor In tola voice nor the ! least pallor In hit eheek He discussed Ihe matter with ihe crowd of armed antagonists ** coolly a* If It were a friendly argument. “ Judge Callaway ordered the sheriff to arrest Mr. Kelly and Mr. Phillips. This was not dona, however The Judge, Mr. Kelly. Mr. Philtipa tod two other* want aalde aad noon had the mailer adjusted. Mr. Kelly drier up a written state ment In which he mated that he had never made any laeinualions against Mr*. Kelly, and that he had not stated) that Mr. Phillip* «*** lb* guilty man. but he had said that evidence seemed to show that he wa*. The war cloud then disappeared, the only thing suffering from the disturb ance being a poor sneaking cur which someone had exterminated with the blow of a stick. Among the caaea tried during the week was that of Ella Gilbert and Roscoe Gilbert aga'nnt the Georgia railroad. E la sued for *I.OOO and Ros coe for *5.000 for alleged damages to Roscoe. done by a train at Berrella. Judge Edgeworth Baxter represented the plaintiffs. Ella got *275 nnd Roscoe *4OO. E. H. Cleary sued the Georgia rail-j road for killing a horse. This was the second trial. Mr. Bryan Cummlng represented the road and won the ease. ; Mrs. Evans sued the Chf'leston ami received in crossing the bridge of the Western Carolina railway for damages , railroad In front of her gate. She wai represented by Attorney Obernauf. The road was represented by Attorney Jo seph Lamar. The ease was nonsuited. Several divorce eases were disposed of . A negro <vas convicted of stealing a cow and sentenced to a term of impris onment. The hotel was tested to Its utmost capacity—four to a room and two in a bed—several persons attending court going back to Harlem each night to obtain accommodation. We Will be “»t home” after Oct Ist., nearly opposite our l resent stand. We will have tb# liireest. best lighted and cheap est bottle on tlte best business block in Angu«t», where we wdl display the nicest ssiectail new stock of Staple and Fancy (iroceries in the city which will be sold at Rook Bottom prices. We cordially Invite everybody to call and inspect our stock. SHEWMAKES HOME AT LAST. Hook down caps are ventilated by eyelets inserted In the front of the cap to correspond with holes formed in the. front piece to admit uir to the forehead and interior of the cap. AN AUGUSTA KERO DIES •. •» • i,? I |M4 g$ tfSWHMMMNbVOP# Of 4 sOlisw 9** ## ggpf f# iMtiwO tb#*# fMOOO No fOV TWO #*iOMP#W*#*#r M- of Otivit* tjrrtit N##oo« €w N N#o. I* •- * Isftvi t'lft I ,jfp»4 M#w#* OM4 #4 10 #>tr#b 0 to fby* $ tOMI it (kw ■•## ■» fMbo *4 if: i«vp (««-f wo# bw* #0 s* moitin ; mrnm rn tb# **ob« of NnO , IMM lb« J#oi#> N. Inovry. ftm o#*- **M. it " n»»‘ #i *trspifp** opo ip**w f*sry of *#•#*• of oar#'H#4l bo*# t#* fPrwttfOpQ tp fb# idlw**** flhMltwf'l Of-* |r« il Wwfcliftrt fl C, f • A ppO yp« poo y*# r biVf, M#wt#« N» rn. oft> b# OWtibwf 0- Mr N##w# vo M voiptnyv of tb# tb# dll of M# fomtff, owOrr Cof>- . tslo Twiggi. of A»f Mis t rsoftOM! H# vm not to Cobo wttb bio mo pmmt io4 boo wtilfro #«trvl !#<!#** At! i f tA*t** tb* #•* v tint# ft** mmiMMtf' Aftvtns. •***! tit* cm*. vHftmi fti*i*n ivn • wlm* If* VM I*l >f»|# Mill! A#ftttA tlm 4*F*t***4 ••■% St **AI %*fM ft ha ill tint harm Aim. lit !#•*#* ft •if# «rH atm XAn dtmiA of «A# fctfw At** A# • A*t» pi imfnity TA# ■***£htr rh4 W*# in routiv, to 4 |vt AfAttMT# ltd lin r vlvtift ffWtft. TAn mtmpmikf of *A* Ronwi’iliy gn— cut fa it! of tA*fs Am to fA* ii«hl porvltt, fbo Anv* iA* Iff* H (A#lr Ac *f tor lA* 4*- fmi* of tA* hotnf of tA*lf nmmry Mr* tA* Omilpofeikt KnfA** |4Nir* to lAcif rHilhie A*nrts nnc! Hu < irirdlri pywwm* k**f> octtrA ovt*r tb# Unclf Iran of iA* ftHu hem! WHY .SHAKIER GOT THE PEACE |!i.known and With Poor Record, Not Dangerous In Potitica. New York. Hrpi. 9. DrvriufMnents (luce Ike war Indicate that In nddl lion to tk* friendliness of Secretary Alger political caution played a large pan lo tb* selectlost of General Ahaf lar ito command ih" armed expedWon to Qi#a. It was hoped and that this would he Ahe only expedition tievdwj befoie tbw.war could etok* If aat rung brilliant and pro:n*»»ot man had l*»a selected, be might have become .* dangeroua political factor tn a I Inge of public enthusiasm and war fervor. Shatter was a safe man. Hr waa unknown. unpopular, end l*tw past rec ord barred him from all political pre ferment. When a ctflonel he was pas sed over time and again when briga dier generals wera selected, and It la said on one occasion when President Cleveland was asked to appoint him a brigadier, the president s*nt for Shaf tei'x record in the war department and after examination refused the appoint ment with the remark lhat no man with a record like that was entitled to any consideration. General Shafter Is on excellent authority claimed to have remarked when he was a colonel that his commission as such had cost him ten thousand dollars In cash. This ts the man who was selected through General Corbin, who himself was courtmartialed for cowardice in the civil war. and by (general Alger, who. In turn was court martialed during the same period for being absent from I duty without leuve. > WILL CUT DOWN THE LIST. Pulaski County PegjAtrars Find Many Taxes Unpaid. Hawkinrville. Ga., Sept. 29. The county registrars have been at work on the legistration books for several days. They say It will be some time before they are through and that numbers of those who have registered are being stricken from the list on account of their taxes not being paid. Colonel M T. Hodge left here yes terday, to attend the Omaha exposi tion. The election for alderman to fill the unexplred teim of Mr. .1. H. Haskins —who moved to Fort Gaines ls very quiet. Mr. Lucius Henderson will be elected. Mr. Callaway Riley of Perry is in the city. Mr. J. F. MitehetS, letter an absence of eight years, has returned to Augus ta. Before Mr. MitcWU left here he was in business In Augusta. He has been In Charleston during the years men tioned and duHng tßat time has not visited Augusta. !■ will make his home in Augusta nsjfcn. Mr. Mitchell says he is gratified j|nd surprised at the improvements iOiR-iigusla since he left here. ~ jMAOE II NARROWESCAPE f| go | gii ifp* ftl t $ iwbfft obi bfoowaf booO (by oo ffwomof Ism of twbOf ! (2Vft) o#*#MfNO#Wii io tb# 00b t#f m I cmxirm ah* IVO R* Artis mad *te*y t»ag»» la Aadkß CaMtteagkaP* to JteMtoea* law * The Arms Md R*»» loogoe A«tn- j ■ lory tPftSkOQ of Kbb jpooO < #*••? : Mit QvftdsO to lib# tb bio4 Ml tb*tr! mmt «MifO#tir OMOMstr to yrw#fO» Pot | tb#’ m i#rl ito owl t ofpai ib* it off Hit. I of tb# A MOWS ttowpt ftMOl «b# COOttl : i AUaftis It P VWpHMWi tbot lb#f Mill Offt## s hi b oporto tbo owM NMt of on* owob Imp iyw>4ot#4 tb# btbvMf rwomtlt I fiW if lOOIS# fO #W*IC" CRlMl## *WOf rH»R -■ Moot lowarda Ihe loach to ha eereedj no tha arc i*o. at Ihe aaMiera Theae Iqdtea oca oot ashed to eallcH ■ «a uke «ha matter ta j to each hoaae te the »te»at» acroaaj town, hetweea Ike rttwti grecediog name, aad they are regoeeted 1 a meet itmurroa KrHa. at II a te. at the Library ttatMtac to gerfert gtaa* | aad R to arged that they amtfv the nr*' tug |f they are aaohie to art aa .the eaaasaittre: (tamarervllle —■ Mr* 4. O MattlMmaur. Mm T K Mrott. Wundlasra- * Mra 4.0 Wleher. Mm. Joa Harrell. , ‘ Hsrriaoaville Mm Virginia Jar Mra. / Mrs Adel* Verdery East Boundary aad Liarola— Mra Willie'Lery Mm Cobea, Lincoln to Centra— Mm W, W Alesander Mra Jaa. Moon (Volte to WaahiOgton Mra Burke Slim make. Mra J. C. C. Bloch. Washington to Jookaoa Mra Hugh DcmtMey Mra. Horkana. Jarkaon to Cummlng .Mra. A. W Stoib. Mrs. Jaa. Boihwell Cummlng to Mortmry— Mrs Jaa. Daly. Mra. B. K Wall Marimry to JSih — Mm Shaver. Mrs. N K. But to' 13th Street— Mra. B. F. Brown. Mrs. Sptagne. North Augusta— Mra. J. H. Fearr. Mra. Geo. Verdery. Comm ttee on Flower*— Mra. Emma Carroll. Mlsa Black. Mira Marie Allen. Miss Jessie Wall. Miss Erma Wilcox Miss Willi* Rooney. Miss Annie Rowland. Miss Ruth Howard. Miss Lucy Doughty. Miss Gertrude Shepard. Miss Doonle Jones. Miss Mae Jackson. MBs Myra Overall. Committee to Arrange Tables — Miss Mary Hall. Mrs. C. A. Rowland. Mrs Jos v W. White. Mrs. Roe Price. Ml» .Caswell. Mrs. Geo. Sibley. Mrs Eleanor Dawson. ' Mrs. A. F. Pendleton Mrs. M. Silver. Before purchasing a pistol or gun. call on me. I can save you money. Lew is J. Schaul, Pawnbroker on Jackson street, established IS9O. ACCIDENT TO DRAYMAN. Monk Williams Caught Under Dray at Georgia Railroad Cotton Yard, Monk Williams, a colored drayma*. was hurt by falling from his dray at the Georgia railroad cotton yard at about 10 o'clock this "Monk” was driving the dray in the yard up the incline when the bale of cotton he was sitting on fell, precipitating him under the dray. The weight of the remaining bales on the dray caused the vehicle to roll down the incline and pin the drayman under the wheel. He was ex tricated. and was able, with assistance, to walk home. No bones were broken, but the man may be internally injur ed. % The friends of Mr. and Mrs. «V. K. Miller will regret to learn of the ill ness of their son, Will. SVVlh*** (lit flpß# Inmr At# IhM# Vo :P t tsM |p |RMf« tlU\ f OfCt* H*Adft*f JAOhl il-AA BtAM H Vlteoa toga ima ts* fa* N tort*** IP* too* I <t* .At# C p#-« ip# lUrgUMP <pg #4 b-4# [iifiHig ******* bppjg «M tb# flgtnl I it#*#* (bp# tbff ttf s#*# fib## n# I ##*#• *-’«.* s 0m p lb# b#f feb VVPtbM# #f ## I Mr~~ i g### rf.iT%<-#rp| n# #44941'-ft 94## 11# lb# mm * ■ iiiftnt) fMKNNWNNNi . K p fb## f#NMft#t tbfWb «## INNfbf 4k»# i lb# tef mn f pp| pp#f f* b# #f tb# b#t N### c I# *»■ ' mmmtma fb# fb#f NNM f#f#*bts p g gtpfUr* n fff #f VLlwibP'trbf pp #4*# I w*t* fp’lff# ##9fft«Mi #• fb# **•# 9# jbr##« tub) li «f N fb## fb* - p!#**#( #f tb# gftv'jp «r tb# c#b#### '* *| b** sr#i Hi tbkv . _ ojf »k* gtoa#|A jU| | llastna iftom sad sfter-vard tfw» r -got.oust at (he nkt Wart koowatrtd i ! tmi4* put la wart of hto spar* ttoae te «»g*rt HI his rtort. Oa Bva d!«*mal oertatows th* wemla i*ol old Iswiiar vest away ta his la pro* I art tabaratary aa* »kw several It oar** work aost* return areos a Ite [g»r. I Kir . it* the r»ar» he labor** te |rr fert the etnok'lee* powder be owaageo { In p«ye flte Anger* blown of, but be j ,ti<t oot teem dtoroumg**. and Aoallt i made a powder that was smokeless hoi | It would lake a tor-hllgbt procesaion io igalta the sto* when In a gun or in shells. Wbsl bernn** «reaiually of Dntde and hto smokeless powder I do not know but hit experiments art oth ers thinking About t wanly ymra ngo t msn nam ed Ititmar naceeeded In geJtlng s smnhalpss powder on the market and a great' deni of M was sold to sportsmen - but 1 It was not a bowling tureens *t| nrv Ail shell* bsd to be primed w.tlv black powder In order to Ignite he I :;mar quickly. The DUmsr factory merged into the American Wood Pow der compsuy, »od thera wa# great Im provement In the output, both in quan tity and quality. The SchulU powder, which r.-»* made ,n Europe, found lls w»y to this roun-1 try. »nd It gave such universal satlsfac- i ticn nnd the demand became so gr»at tbot the company r»me with Its plant . to this conoiry. The Stchult* was * ( >rry strong shooting powder, and as quirk an the btnek nrtlcte. "The 8. S. and tome other makes of smokeless powders have passed out of the markets, bot plenty of other; 1 rand* took their places. The old black . powder companies ere nearly all mnk | tug smokeless powd/ rs now. It Ja hard to tell which powder is the best o', the ; >hr smokeless variety. Tt ta n mctl«r cf individual opinion to a great extern.' ■ No uptodate sportsman at the trap or in the Held thinks of using black powder any more, and most of them use the carefully han.l-londed shells. - 1 St. Louis Globe-Democrat. FORGOT HIS NATIVE TONOL'E. A Norwegian, Whose Brain Was In. jured, Can Talk Only English. New York, Sfpt. 29. William I,ar sen of Brooklyn lies in St. Vincent hospital with a large area of the brain exposed. His case particularly Inter ests the medical men. because part of the third convolution of the brai.j, which Is supposed to control speech, was destroyed, and for a time after the operation on hto head he could not talk coherently. Before he was in jured he could talk both Norwegian, his native tongue, and English. As his recovery made progress he regain ed ability to speak Engl'sh. but has utterly lost the power to talk his na tive tongue. SUNDAY MEETINGS Will Again Be Inaugurated at the Y. il. C. A. The Sunday afternoon meetings for men at the Y. M. C. A. will be re inaugurated next Sunday. Rev. S. -K. England will give a tglii. Some ex cellent musical selections will be given. The meeting is called for 1 o’clock. All who attend will be well entertain- Biattirtoxto as 14MC1 4 s##h#N# N#. f|MN#4#t. 9#f m IS -m IN9# #H«f# #jf •‘•am eetoMp . e H ■ I to I 0* "S** W" e etoPMo** ,« *. * Md B*MP (PRHtotop., a% m *# ** *> ,RR oyewt tew owtoto't*g »* i i .# ItedPus* *• . «t M RpmtrT* We-to ItePtod tosta te top. ami *«*■ rartossdttoto (toeoptoa teal goto*' pa* tap aw tarts* . .« M „ pud Stott MpPs* .. ». .. m •• »*« PM w, il- .* Ki • tSM .IP w MS TP at. .. ** *v* mi 'Ret raeytfft# today .... . MM itot tTom and KKvetm flifllTpti. ttmr Kept I .. Pttl UP* sr* Turk nrrms, May ~ ..k.M ' (UIU.I .. .. .. .. .. .. .. #,S. .... i rtraotoa* .* .. ~ .. .. .. ..i.ti U.J2 I V wmitwr 1,3* | Decent her ..i » Ut Tt»ne .. .. . Quiet Middling -S LfVERI*OOL COTTON. ! February ..3-** .'*.*. Cl Ft Itriutry and March . 3.« t 2M *1 March sod April 3.03 3.M « April and May .. *. •» 3.sq Jtoay and June .. .. .. 3.03 04 | June and July .. .. .. I * 3.*4 i Aug and Oepl 3.08 302 Wept, and Oct. * 03 * S 3 1 ovt. ami N«>v, J.te Nov. and Dec. ... .. .. 3 <W 2 *3 Dec. and an... .. .. .. 3.00 2 *3 port receipt* 10*7 IP* (Jalveaton .. .. ~ .. •• **»■» New Orleans to* lt#T4 M«Mle >'•’*< Savannah .. •* .. •• .. •• »*** 1 Owrlnitnn •• .. *. .. .. 3303 Norfolk 23** ll* T ; Wltmingtoa 32-d 3T14 t* I Phtladelrhla .. .. 22* w I s * | BUmsted total .. .. .. 44144 (.">ono CHICAGO PROVISIONS. WHEAT— September .. *'*t *3 December *’l T v *-* *t'» * 4 '» CORN— September 3"i 33’i December .. 3f\ 31**4 May 31% 31% OATS— t September *» ..2144 21’i ■May 22% 22% POKK -1 December * *>7 *-*2 January RIO LARD— ! Dw ember .. 4.77 January 4.57 4 37 SID MS October G.St ®-W January 4.70 4.72 NEW' YORK STOCKS. sugar '2O 130% Tobacco 127% 127% B. R. T .. 40% 01% C. B. Q H37* 114*4 Mo. Pac 32% 32% L. & N RS % 55 % Man »% 04% People's Gas 102% 102% IXT P 32% 33% : R i 1%% 101# st p ' 100% 10*04 S. R., prd 23% 33% i W. U 91 j HINT FOR THE PRESIDENT. ! N. Y. World. Theodore Roosevelt says that while be would appreciate the “confidence I shown in me by being elected governor of New York,” he would prefer being secretary of war. as he is now “acquainted with the things necessary for the proper con duct of that office.” TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION WANTED—POSITION AS STENOG RAPHER by young lady anxious to work. Address J. car? Herald. Sept. 30 TAKEN UP—SMALL BLACK AND j white long-homed cow. Mrs. Har | ris, near the Lake. . . .