The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 30, 1898, Image 5

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Friday t* „ m-adUk * % UTIII f I»<NI lfll %9*99H jßfa ** •fcil.. %NB*fa*«* tuuft»v«a» k un>n »» friM«»<u« Georgia Railroad Bank AUOU9TA, QIOA6tA cnamfe'Ht t» |**(NMa *•- *•*> f»AH» iF CAFItAA- ••**** (MKftW> —— > .m«i »■>idta ii m* gMwtf * tV it 41 l*m niinr * Rmpßi r - ilTr ’ * gggfc IpticiaM Oft. HENRY J. OODIN. m umi ii *«#* fa* M* IHfaitrni IlnMi tMvi uwvut HuMMi ON * iMfexf I MrM* n m iMUpfa* m UMddmuu a I. **• -*»«• *4*4 ft ft '•IP# JM > *'** 9*to* w §§ faptftFF §■•■' •ht ■ A.f tMNI ffWBF 4 , A:4MHNnv mi fin #'%#*!V *■* • HmMV ill '•••# tt Ii t«pp H* BfawlMWi w" •»* | H *4 franN| lIM9 tM MW* 4 cm feNMtljr Ufa* H 4nml4 ■* *•****• * *HHi **9 W«9I Cwm 1 l»n« salsa o( &•> •• •* ™999 | Mr showed a** st*ty-B** *cf** of th* 1 fin,,) relic* dial 1 have »«• -a thto r<-»r Hr tii»«i» t» *;h y*“ A *'«• OBe h *** |>*r acr* Ml* n»H!».*•! of „hr*ddl*i* •> ru A gtnuinf treat. Don't miss it. Our new Ice Cream Ask the waiters for it. On eale Saturday, Oct. Ist. E. C. STULB & CO., Successors to B- Lawrence & Co. 3VLVANIA R. R. EI.BCTI N. P. D. Danin. of Savannah, KRct-d President and Treasurer Sylvan la. Oa., Sept. IB—At a meet ing of the board f>. director* of th* Sylvan!* railroad Mr. L. H. HtUon. preaidmt and general manage. and Q. M Hill. Ireaaurer. handed In their raa ignatlrm, and P. D I'aflln. of Savan nah. a large stockholder, *n elected president and ireaaurer. Mr. I>a«n «a*v all the merchant* during tbeafternoon and »a» aaaurcd that thl» change of management all! harmonize the confl'ctlng faction* of the town. All buaiaeaa men have promised the road their Varly cooperation and support. Improvement In t * pbyalral condition of the man further than to aay that the people would have good service. Smith A Wesson platola from 35 t« M. 50 Several good tdcyclea for aale very cheap. Oood wati h*s from 11.21 to »M> (W at Lewis J. Schaul, Rallahl# Pawnbroker, under the Arlington. IS IT WORTH ANYTHING TO YOU Square, honest dealings, prompt service, atrict at tention to your orders and an ear neat desire to satisfy you, bo matter at wbatcoct. Add to thi» our very large and complete (lock of Watches, Diamonds, tine and medium grades Jewelry, Sterling Silver wear, Rich Cut Class, en ables us to offer you in ducements worthy of your attention. Wrl Mieieit & Co., Jewelers. HJCIIOR.* (A iStlbtA rU*t* we* r»—gut* a# • u»tf» I «M* |MMk j m» N 4 «r *** ****** 99 I ** jtia Mis «#*4l #dtoM jW ..»«* i I **** ,f ** s J, , „ fl | «•# »r*ff *«> i*i I I»«ir4 n| uiifro 1V f | m '*rfc* tD ftw rffnltr r«r* | * .... . a |u|S (p —<| ( fiPfl* diarnwH Ttkr r» of f*y«ilrr nncsl) hif»| ! pMnMii (Mr «r»*Hl far *+** 4rt • f r.iginii rni 'lotrnTfNi thr Ilit OMHM9 **+l H*t tfio** • f»Hfnf | fhr r|lt rutißt il hAs ihM >rf s**f»sH J fh# . int rafr. nf Amninif ft b«* m Igrewtlv >Dalred that the la* r»<» he .'.natdrrabty lowed In the <Hy Cutlowj U ao l»w and the rural countle, of i • le.'Tdta are ao much In detd that the. i<l<n-trtn* •» niantlf pro*chad t>* j [ i*it*le” Alien t'andter of atrlet ecm* j ~o , y an d dc,-reward latailoti aeama to j hav> tahm de- p root with the uowunon j j-rople of rtmrgtn. Tu W hunt It n*y Concern. I | iiave been In the drug !>u*ln*«e for I twelve years, and during that time hava w ,ld nearly alt the rough medicine* ctanuf*< luted: and from my pcreonsl knowledge of aurh remedlee. I nay that Ohamberlaln'e Cough Itemedy give* ! batter watlefartlon than any other on 'the market.-W M Terry. Klkton. ICy. I Hold by Alexander Drug and Seed Co.. C. H Parr of Dell Tower Drug Store. i We have the flnent aelectlon of Tea* !in the city. Price* are right, too. Urn | kin * Co. RO A DaMPROPOM* COM PROM ISE A Proposition to Oiwatly Improve Atlanta's Carnhed. Atlanta Oa.. Sept. 30.—The aglUUon of tbr nt<* depot queation and thr ap peal made to the state railroad com mission has born* inrae fruit already. C. E. Harman, general passenger agent for th* Western and Atlantic railroad, representing th* Nashville, Chattanoo ga and St. Louis railroad, which con trols the depot, through Ua leas* of the Western and Atlantic, announced that plnns have been completed for the Im provement of th# present depot by spending from *17,000 to *20,000 upon it. The llcor of the depot la to be raised, the roof extended to take in two . additional space added to the waiting rooms, baggage and other facilities. The roads hope that by these Improve- I meets the fight for a brsnd-new depot | will be staved off for a while yet. Something new in Ice Crearn- The finest yet. Ask our waiters for it. On sale Saturday, October 1 st. E. C. STULB & CO., Successors to B- Lawrence & Co. WHY~HE DOESN'T KICK. Denver Post. LI Hung Chang has been fired from office, but as be retains his bank ac count and the other oblong headpiece which affords terminal facilities for his pigtail, he is not kicking hard enough to dent the dashboard. Unquestionably the best Restaurant Augusta has ever had. The Arlington Annex. Open Oct. Ist. yif» AUUUiI'A HITKAZaD* “IITH" SECTION Will IE “ISO' I MM** tip Ik itttifi*! ii I niitM if PPr tip SMp4Mfc| ** 99** IwlVMHifc *m***m i i ip ippi c iM§i<i * lx « rn* • 9m** 9mmmm m9*m 9m P* 9H*9f (**i*9*'**** •P'* *■•••' ill 999 m •• 99 • 9KH**m 9$ pp PP* <9m*9* 99 pp iPrt *96* *’ '* ft 1 i*t* 1 tm*m Mfp ii* 9mm T9* 9wm**m «M 9*9** 9mm fPf P P»| f* top I# ' **.-■* %%m If MM W it tit «ehnr <4 far jiijpif • IM9 *t liP irttt 999 liP IIP MrtM 999*9 \ Tir tip »»4Pi *•* 9*9 **+•*• *Mt *m mm nil till fa fa Tfa sr»*| tmtmMrmn* **C ppcflM liti rNMi K pmmm mho p«mM) fa |t»«l fttiffplUm 99 «*far»fa iHiii is i fit MMMMi »• liP Mrfw» w | of shf, 9*mn fa Um*4 4rmh Mi tfa pifapip *9 *mw9*f* *» rr: ■ a»w« If park affpapp if ittuitnUlH fa' prtftiitv nr rot nor pfenll fa Haifa U» fa, rotrfnfitpi to tfa rtmmtm laii. nalfa* ith* xMt't parent or guardian of atwh, apprewtlc* or minor pav to th* city igmtfl such flu* a* may h* iiugow«l y. 111, fwocftt, court. I* th* n*w rod*- th* word*, "tu th* ! city." its out it tad tu th* fourth liar of th* cod*, aad com* after th* •»"! I ‘ dacpnrjf. ] “Th* common * 1* omitted before I "luH." „ . ~l 1 Tb* third paragraph of **e<k»n I*, 1 and th* firm paragraph of the preaeut ; nth aecttau of the *•«* chapter are j consolidated ta th* new rod* Th * ' lourtb paragraph of aevtlon 1* ta <on »otidated utth amtloua 3 nud I of th* 11th aertton. With theae change# th* l*th anrtlou will bevotne th* «mth am Don of tha, rode H|,*aklnc of aerDoua. It «»>■» eta* led that In th* new rod*, there th* sections will not be arranged arord ing to rhapter*. t*ut will start at tha i first of the book aertton 1. and run on regardleaa of chapters for there will be no aurh division a» the latter In the new compilation of tb* dtp ordtonn CM. If you want something extra fine ask our waiters for our new Ice Cream. It beats them all. On sale Saturday. October I st. E. C. STULB & CO., Successors to B. Lawrence & Co. g WILL WELCOME CO. O. Athena Is Preparing to Do Her Soldier Doya Proud. Athena, Oa.. Bept. 2ft.- Athens Is Soon to have a sanitarium. Dr. J. H. Ooss. has purchased the large and handsome residence occupied by the late Cot, Htpvens Thomix, and will at once con vert It into a sanitarium. Preparations are under way to give thr member* of Company <1 a roval welcome when they return. An old far hloned Georgia barbecue Is on th" program. The boys are expected to ar rive Haturday afternoon. Over 200 studennts are now registered at the Ktate University. Dalton, the private In Company O who ran away some days ago and came to see hts wife without leave of absence, repeated the performance yes terday. For the offense committed the first time he was fined t* and was Im prisoned for eight days. He will prob ably not get off ao light nils time. The law school has thirty-six on tho roll and Is still building. The Arlington Annex Restaurant will be open and ready for business October Ist. Xt appears, from a cable dispatch, tHitl the gunner* of tic- French nuvy u,„ ~niy u lit lie better than those of Hie Spanish navy. A tew days ago ft rie -t of six French war ships fired 2f,h shells, at a range of two miles, ft! a vnlisten Ship before the craft "ns set on tire unil sunk. Dewey's hoys would probably have had the target riddled W-fore a quarter of that number of shells had been discharged. THE MONET ORDER SYSTEM MNP MiPt4WMiftiitf Ai fa iM SIPPPSi 4 fapfPppHpf % *mmo99**9 fa 9 smm m*m * ] I «MOMP* J [ ifa fpfcftfan w*9o9s fa 9m* tfa 99*90 fa j ; aattithar ipai afa Isa II 999*9* tfa] ' PHt i t Imp *99999* *m9*9m9*m TiP | PMMPPV fHNfaf 9**9999 faP pIPNfaM faPPI ; •t«a«;t 99*91 ill 9999 ml* mm*9 | I ailfi aop ;; ■! jiinii *pc t I (hf hm *(%pp m ifaipii ta a "Tip •«>%«♦ a«aPf»* 4<wp aat pat IP*' tjjyi „ a tfawp fapatttP fat rfaffa# I m **■* *0 m apt far taitat ’ifa drawl* ■ rp—rjnra ly afaa Isa j t)1 ftnnrfi* c htftr* fatprypt aaa ti* * R|B th*«b« paf* iatprfw»t It ««a fa. I «| aaii ifa tfa t#o arp i(till. It ta true that thto huatmwu ta uuw icUdw T »d h* tit* M|W*M cumuuutow. hut th* gatwammi ua* tu the mouuy j 1>( ,t„ t, u> ln**s long before fb* r lures* ismuaisr toah it up su that if on* * Invaded th* field# of the other It was th* #i|tt#u# rumimate* abn h itevpns*- ’ Th* money order system ha* grown *« It hi I- the gnat fifteen years front t re itkousand oftrt to thirty thouauud of - flraa. and ta rouatantly l**!ng extended g, lon base conventions with foreign ■ oUUtr e* by which are exchange mon ey orders with there and are expart to I ...,u,- aurh agreements with the oth* j r a convent lon a ith Russia will pro liabiy b* signed In fore lb* end of thin fiscal ytwr H r Julian fsun-efol* r*- • cully *t»t>n>lttcd • pro|w»tti»n for sneh a convention tietwern th* I'nio-d Htatea and Utltiah lluadurag Dor (orflKt) moorv ftidPT W®* | amounla to millions of dollars annual* ! tjr. "The total tnoner order hualnea# can hardly ho < omprehended. It will pro babty touch tMOAOUOM this y#ur. The system la u«w conducted at a alight p f ,fit although this I* not the inten fton of the department. It I# not gcuuruily known that, although th* f-sisn-e of the money In money order* I, against u*. the foreign money order* is a xourc* of profit to tho department, owing to the exchange We t«nd about aeven time* the amount in mon ef’rtrrieis abroad that we receive from foreign countH«*. The fact that the department Is not deslroua of compe ting with th* express companies fur ther than Is absolutely necessary Is demonstrated by the charges made for the money orders, which are exactly those made by the expreis companies, except In th* case of the order* for sums under 12.5(1. for which we charge 3 cents and the express companies sc. There ts no loss of time when a pos tal money order is lost, for we Issue a duplicate at once. In the cane of -an express order, the company must re quire a guarantee that It will not be presented and a bond is necessary be fore a duplicate la issued In the New York postoffice alone 2,500,000 money orders are handled annually, the amount running up far Into the mil lions. "Every improvement that can he ap plied to the service will tie given It. as we are determined to make It the ( best In the world." Saturday, October Ist, opening day for Augusta’s leading Restaurant--The Arlington Annex. The two Filipinos, representatives of Agulnaldo, ihut arrived In San Fran cis-o the other day,will visit President McKinley us soon as they can cross the continent, it Ih Bald. The I'resl dent may receive them us private In dividuals and listen to what they have to say, but there la no probability whutever that he will receive them ns the envoys of Agulnnldo’H party or ftl- I government. In Washington. I bey will oeeiipj! a position Hlmibir to that of tie- members of the t'ubun Jun ta wlio lmv+* been wl tho capital for two years <n none. . Only steel Itated and burglar proof sabs used. Money loaned on anything of value at a low rate of Interest. Wa terbary SIHITTI clocks. 75 reals. Lewis j. Schaul, llclihble Pawnbroker. Qlldcr’s Rills m rT miK wo**om*9 9* *9 fa 9*9* j ipppjpp i« riMii R«rrv tHk ptmni* j a till y riirrt full u*wmm mmp h 9 fafa 9* Tits Howard l Wlllet Drug Company MtppfaiMPPft 9t fafart fai MONEY TO lOH. In any turn* d«*»r*<f from fftOO upwards, in straight 3 and 6 yaars lima, or on IO yaars lima, payabla In equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of intarest. No expense to borrower ftxcept the usual attorney and record fees. No delay in getting the money. AlexaDder&JobQSOD A pent* MrPlftfa Aptffa Meffap loroiAPy* 705 Broad St Have that Winter Suit Cleaned or Dyed. It will be ready for use when cold weather arrives. Hulse s Steam Dye and Cleaning Works, ,314 Jackson Street. Both Telephones. PATRONIZE •■The Barber Shop of Ihe South.” HICKEY’S is the Place Five Barbers, all first-class artists. 212 and 21 4 Bth Street. a R. MITCII ELL. AUCX. McDonald Bupt. of Coo. Sac. * G*n. Mgr. Augusta Electric & Construction Company 212 Mclntoah Htraat. Ki-|,air* to all Electrical apparatus Electric Light Wiring a apecialty. PeUTbont ltW2- - - - bi.-owgar 87«. REMOVED TO Til BROADWAY. E. W. DODOE, Manufacturer of Rubber Stamps, Seals, Stencils, Daters. Pads, Badges,&c 711 llroadway. Augusta, oa. Htrowger l’hone £B2, A..« very Lf>W PRI<Tb. **&,* •%!*■■ ptiyc- VAI.VISM snd FITTINOH. KN UINga, BOILKKH, tolLl-Mead BKPAIKS. Lombard Iron Works dc Supply 0o, ( REFORM UADLY NEEDED. St. Paul Globe. Can’t we buy* Home of thoae Porto Rican towns called Poaeyvllle, Casto i-Ib aud Ratllatibuig? Sonic of out weak speller* me going </> full down mi Hindi ilium ; us Ctnuno und Juana Diaz. Before purchasing n pistol nr gun, call on me. I can save you money. Lew is j. Schaul, Pawnbroker on Jackson eu’cct, established ISDO. MULHKRINH SATURDAY =_, BARGAINS 3| Our offering* tht# fatur* day wui aciipMi m velum an prmvtOM* eafah duch a rtiNifr of wnuonab*# Shame and Hals win prmemnt a raro ofmertuflity to mvm*t profitably your hard mammd dot» tar*. You vi find thmm In our mrindomr*. You wHt tmm thmm on our AidmwaJk. BOYS* CAPS Our Modi Hi thm bm*t AMortmd and awapmvt In tha cttjA For 25 and BO cmnU we umli Cap* that make your boy took well ilrtntd. MULHERIN’S 545 BROAD BTRKAT. tstsAwnsu ttun I A *9*4*m HI Ifa* 99*** theobA# A . ! I ■■ I I ir ||pl •Vttil 9*444m*mm fafafa M farfatifal wmm* I I tfa p«i«i tmfa tfai hi tfa I'iMfaA ! Tfa fa*i p rm*m* faHistT tmv* | Tfa fat'-dHtfa fifax gfaHtf* !• • |ln Isa tflv wt 990999099 fa^nroA* I i *9 * fat A *,99*. 999 faHHfal* HI *9 j ArtraNiif l«» tfa fffaH of NN tfafa j fi««« «v«tH 9k*99 fa*fafa •• Ifafafa J ttfa» <tivM ifalk »«»IfaCMI fall llfaA fan 9m gfa j Wfafa tfa fa fafa I«- !!•»« fa i*m* *fa ***** urnm** * I ifwrtl #f»*t tfa Hglilt • itv I j thing* | A Htliifafaf «*f faHnfam h«« fail | (get failtl In Jfaili It Hi MM I** HHW Ifaltrf |m»tgd*r <*f irtlHifa tfa I fain teifar Alfa! «*f ftoud gixl daw net r«*t Uk r ordliitijr wood. OUR BEAUTY SHOW AT BLIOH’S CRYSTAL PALACE BLIGH’S CRYSTAL PALACE 809 Broad Street. B ESTABLISHED t»s®- ' A >ASH AND BLINDS, S Rough and Dressed / W PINE LUMBER < MILL WORK <>F t)bSCHII*TION. \ eqnipiwd with latest improvements, and "cgstilzs- t r ' mt c acturing Company, Aapsta.Ba.s Coal, Wood and Cedar Posts Blackjack Wood Sawed .... per Cord Good Dry Pine £•<» per £o rd Good Dry Pine, long, • • • #2.7? per Cord Special prices on three Cords or more. Best grade Jellico and Hard Coal, including the celebrated Indian Mountain, at lowest prices- R. h. SIKES, 904 Marbury Street. .... iait ~ - - Loll ’Phone 2151. btrowger Phone 740 ----- bKPTSMBftN SO A TVow ShdNHdMS fa* falddHNki * *9*o M ,%#*■** r-i».eto»wm «f u >***- «m tfa faaft fa fa fy lii d<*»*| formw |fa fa« I *** Isa *909*0 ***9 0*99 m , kilt •iiorfad I# •** rn**** cvfaA In • n>Bril’ dam—nrA r**4 ld* A*dt Isa , fftfaj t* bp* faggißßl 9mm o «fafa, fail Ml faHißfal fa mmm *9 • forowmi afafadi l \ dpfaN Ml ifa Isa «f Isa fa«e ’ m *9*o*o MFfa B dfafalfat IBfa * i nfayym |gy fmafafadMM like BfaßHi *l*4 4fa* i n fafa * rmreflB 1 %m fafaro Tfa mmm 9990m 1 * wfano *m» »«nl is j mmnrrt fa orWAi tfa *9*9* m mm i«dk H* 4riHgßt4l fa ft fad* - IMe fadt omtrtydN* | | *uf it -• 1 Ti'M r 9*99 I# f id*y»r '4 fa * faßifaw j j martian <k ■lni II lllfag fHfc B BBHMfaffa I | fvte««i far |fa w*fa *o*9 Mfal otv4 «fam ' Iftßtmfat fa fafai»Mid 9*wm* wtfli * •tMffaf far* ttSMMI «fa 1* 'WMlfa frii'Wfa an t Aki m*t» fan* Idw ** rxl • favfm I m far It **l9olo *** lk* -*i *»*!• f stA** fa Vfa [mfaMPt an l f«n fa fa wfalty * Hen j tfa g«v>i|fl4 ItMlß* Flirt fa f4kNF#«tt4Mi fmdn etilorMHt I Isa npi Ufa trfan tfa flrtmi fan *r* of* iM b* m Hr* •IIH'IWHBt. *fckk h*y mryeßßl hi* a fa faUßfadl tg| (fa ! imifar fa Isa far to dft|» Isa flk* | .fa ttrry tlnw tfa far hhba. Tfa t»rMH*ti<l mm Hum faM to i hard mmmfa ttafal fati oa a HUrtnio 1- i U so* running gam* *f ear rrto# fee* aI In are Bah gam* and dinner his Oa* irtgtxi as well attempt to pens (fee rainbow, at tu deasrtb* all than geod quel It.#* Tb* way they are sag. ins to a caution tn tho** who tfeodi perches* when tfeay ran fe* bad for “g*t tug »om* •omotiana." B*ttar pur chas* when they tan fe* hud far tuefe tow prtcM a* wa *r# offartag them. A* far glaaawarr. crockery, lam pa gr. lira* and languaga fall u» 1# tall •f th* wood##* that w# Mil. Dnu't for *t that aur x«ro pries* will k**u y*U goal. Hstprmber th* plaau