The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 01, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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SATURDAY 2 NO WAR PRICES j_ 11 flu §*£*# t • • • • • •* ♦* Com* j • » • >w ** ** R|#wi *<#• i nk ftr#C#lAt • * # t7w Hn iuru • it 4 CjMN#l## 41 "00 (M l I m n <)4y* lo buy now Ul lifts t fin yotf pm f»«i on •» |Nif*l»*#** Uaf#•»» kK&tk of o*4* rwCMMlci HI #*4#ta##* LEWIS J. SCHAUL, jewutii; Undor ttts Artafttart Mato*. AwffuAt*. G* . H*d*. 24, I MM T 6 now (ft #wr w«fW*omt th* i#,u i«*m>m tHrnntm, about *o much fctilriblf cowwtiwl Ha* MP<wim*l m th# ****• out mudtcsl tourtl#**. - . .. . Tha c i«>m of tNt m«Hif»«Ui4f* (M« «h* maksotfivsrsti !**•"<>• t* by «ny in*tn>m#ni on th* mwdtl to >ywfw nw ooft <Mt. In ortkK that th* m#Ht of Ih*** >n**ru ,i-sar Allah uoscjuaKd b£#hy n*h#r m*k» of piano* **t um in Autfuata. Th* d*to» I* • brood on*, but we mMn It. and aak yotir ataiHancs In ••-, „ routine \ H "«BSX^ R TON. w. H. BartoU, jlboalyar. 710 Broadway. #>, B.~Ev#r*tu*r* tha only piano* fuarnn taad for an unttaiN*# tlma. CHILDREN TO BE VACCINATED ißflekMi noim Hut Bt AW* * M*l t Nr* r. j A« w* kk*w Ikd Ik* Hu*f4 of R4a nao* NnIM l*»»r rhIM IIM *»l»r •4 tb# g*Vd< arkonl* t«> fc* <«rfk*w aagt. Inm » aoaafkl and wM II j *kia MQ* ••* httM Mi*im»A Ha rtalrtl that aillusagh m rklM HD CdrHiß«<| from tb* artmol bc«*u»*, warn sot wsrHaatod, »# all to AIBCM the far I Atm MotM by Uw »M»* <i( Ikr pupil and »<>**• * »!»*« <kat j If dar war* not »acrtaaird la a r»»-, ■Aar* of lint* tk* aaatler would k* ri»r»n-1 ft»lk* board tor action. TkU precaution Humid r*rt*la!r b* UkM *ad Ik* «iA*rlol*uvdoßt I* Wla* la Molac tkat Ik* law will k* ta la Ravaeaab aad other rltlra ao child la allowed to *m*r unima a arar I* about, and all tk* doctor* la«*r*l#w*d; agr«* tkat It la a aacaaaary *w**ure of lUdlltiOß, Owing U tk* caa* of small po« Ihal ] aw dtarovemd **ar Halil*' itor» wa» Ml)** from tk* «Mv tk* opening of Hi* IVhelem school and Ik* negro Mount Skaroo school to postponed from tb* •ft tenth of (Jeptemher tialll Monday, October tb* tklrd. On tbla dal* the door* of tk* two la •motion* will ba thrown open to LADIES TIES SOMETHINO NEW J. lILLEG WALKER THE HATTER. iKznsrozx: hats aehoiars. but no on* lhat I* not vac cinated will It* allowed In enter. I'll* tdiynleians Wat* lhat tb* report that varclnutttm <« more eerlou* at thl* era eon of the year la unfounded and lhat * pereem can It* Inoculated now without danger. Tk* parent* of children In the ■rhodta should assist th* euthorltle* hy seeing that tbe children are vaccin ated. To Cure a Cold In On* Day Take T.aaativc Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If It fall* to cure. t&e. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. THE LATEST SNAKE STORY- Experience of dr. W. P. Battle While Out Fishing. Mr. W. T. Buttle of the Hook and Ladder company tells a good snake story, which, although It la the last of the season, has not bean excelled. He states a day or bo since he and a friend took a fishing trip up the canal. They became thirsty and stick ing their poles in the Ixuik proceeded to a nearby spring. I’puu their return they were sur- IM-iaed to find where their poles had been two long brown object*. Upon closer Inspection It turned out that two tremendous snakes had swal lowed. the boolis ami finding tliem ae'ves caught had swallowed on until the poles had disappeared. Wc do not vouch for the truth of the *Hk>ry. but. judging from the number cf fiNjnen who corrtjbai tcd the statement, H must be trua. STRIPES ON THEIR SLEEVES Win lit Mark* « Um Stmt Ur K#pl*F* Thay Aw Um Mgna as MMM Bnrvfca WtU Pyrtsrw 4 Bums nmmhs ago the street rnttywsv suthorutsn Mtahliahad a apsun n*r* among th# roadwator* and aK>t>i>*)>n I by ahn h Ih* Irng.h *d f(M* they hart been IB tha arm Ire ran hr ssrrrtgtaed ITh* systras eowalsts of giving to a taan I ter every pwr of aarvu. a stiver atrip. : 'on his steer. At ih# rad ol each tv*, years a gold hand la given Thaw having tha targwt number of years to thsir credit are gtvw batter pay allowed mow prtvilagaa and have #a#4#r foiHlofti Th# ama thamaalv#* rwaalder th#w marks of fatthrwt doty aa honor and aw proud of aarh strip# given them. A steer# with a atrip# shows that lh# osvtier has b#aa faithful lo his dn j ly and that b# has th# roalldrnr# of his smptoyw. Th# mow stripe# the greater honor w N shows a loagat term of duty wall dona Tha fallowing llat ksa been rawfully prepared aad la as nearly correct as could ha wssrtalnad Those having th* right to wear th# greatest number of stripes, two gold one. which show tea years or More of service aw Maaart W. Ferguson A. J Rhode a. J. W. Woodward. M. Dunbar and H. P. Martin. Next comes th# Rat of Ihow aervlna ftvc yaaw or won*, having oa# gold •tripe-Ateaars. William Tool#. I. D. Lvnn. W. B Lang. JR J. Mltchetl. Manghum. J. It atllam. C. M Beard. W B Wolff. L. R. Read. R W Mosa ly, C. F. Talbert, F. Crook, aad J. F, Morris. Mr. R. U Anderaon te the only em ploys having four silver atrtpw to hta credit Messrs. K. Kornsnhsu. C. D. Hat- Held and Kilmer wear three silver •tripw. Meaaw. Jos Chav#l and Georgs I-an terbsch wear two of the silver atrlpea Messrs Orofcb. Brtli, Howard. L. Cheval. W. H. Allen. J. Forchee and 3. Chavou* have one atripe to tlyelr cred it. -Piters are aevfral who have done faithful aervlce for a#veral month# and aome -who will receive the honor of a •tripe in a|tbort whlley Queen Olivas In bulk, Pirn Olss pur* Olive OH, Bhreded Wheat Bis cuit. Oatmeal. Edam Pine Apple A Swiss Cheej*. Ac., which w* offer at the low set pries*. SHEWMAKES NEW GOODS arriving EVERY DAY ON THB TRUCKS Captain Bell of Central Train had Trouble With a Negro. Joe Bell, conductor on the Cen tal train that arrived here from Mll leti list afternoon at ( o’clock, had a bit of trouble with a negro man who was trying to steal a ride on the trucks. Just before reaching Allen's station, Conductor Rell discovered a ne gro beating his way on the trucks of the last passenger coach. The captain nttempted to take the dead brat Into custody, but the man resisted and struck at the captain. The statement tinit he wss hit sev eral times is s mistake, for the captain was seen this morning ami satil Hisl the man hud struck al hint, but missed him. The negro then matte ofr «hd disappeared in the swamp The passenger* did not know of the trouble until they heard shuts flieil h> th# train MW at fh* neapi* man. The train was delayed about forty-five min utes. Our ronstsnt aim will be to please our patrons, both in goods and prices.' Lam kin & Co. THIU -AhTJOXJen-A. TTHTRJNXJD BURIAL Of a t.LASCUR tb ItMUti A*l*AN Mat |u mmm *# s * Mb %4ftft* In 9lmb C##**!# t §ftftfti Mbbb * It 9 Miß. f -■ p f ft## I * ♦ Pa* ’4- ■' a ■ «»#ftftft| ## ftftftiiftifttoto ft## 3ft * ft# rtiift [aMBB 00 MOWOoB-iNi'oa ##tofe#ft' * #* ft**# iof §O4IO non imml co to#* mono *%««#<* ; #*»■#*-» titpacd §# 800 #ftftH#p# t*i ,Uft* |» BO 8008 00 00000 00 *BWft» 000 I Ohm ll* ft##* I'ftn HH> Of NON NO* fOMMIOO 40MO0MN §4## |9 %' : #OOO InO BN ft## #•##• ftM# ft#4 ftftPft 19fB|0Baoool«a| il | ftpftMft#MftPoft*e' t# *ta 00 UlOft ** 44ft ft# 4 <ftftft 00 I'ftMto ■*'*#«## «0l BOB* * I «*0 lot ■■PM #fttft >4OO MOBBO * bob M* Hoi 00l bmm ftp#, •#* •*• ** Ms an* n» ttesafte *W< | pStejste (a »Wil #M tfc* * #** Mi* I tcuiiui frwm tu nsp, (Msm I,f j Aim hay. k» «>«w4 hi* #»** *M »W sens It* put. Th*«* iiv *f'i it* ItP* ' rmtt w Smi lallih mi h*Mf *fc* Mm I | *#4 Mi MMlf aw* Ml tIM tIMNII Wf . 'Mw Mhkh w* tytif MM* faa*ih** I a* jiff** a MtMrvaa. tw char* mm* cm * wMW m Mm as mcim Tha *m4 mm* Maa ffapMat# hf Mactal as4 l ‘ ** Iww mm *!*»'*<•* km lh* faMaaai ' i '*m tfiti* . «* i *|t* a- t m fMa 4 •hi# I* ha iiaM m had mini aa4 ; thla mm afaa fw Ml Cha athaf ilif* i H* «»** tha mmm tw** »» Mlat (half ' 14w4 hut* ta (half ha watls# par* I ■ *Mi Math mm tap hwrt# ® afKM tha Mar Tha Umti hwt m«mm*4 that* Chwt fitaaf ta wtia aa4 rnit* of rcillm, aa4.! I I nwriaa hta far* *Uh aatMphar, auj 4 | i*a chat alas ertth away thlrhaaaaaa of j rkah Thahaff- •*• «•*«• #Mraf la a lawt Mark aaWa. Mtth *ll**t hamtlr* * aa<t maH Wth tha Hrttlah Cat** I 1 Jarh la tha hoartara of tha a*a* «a I iahi#hn*rf thaw atara an an r-rraaaoatw, I !aa4 a tala *h*a tha rof*a »** hmoght (loan fwai tha #aaa itlaak tr> tt»* I •hart. tha aMarthf aktaarf. I titha-IHahai taaa at tba K««t teraata* and #r*P*4 Itha aadartakara waaua r*aw to bwr Ik* <tw4 aiaa away. It araa a ■traaw Innklnf rrnoNl that rlviimA rlnor aroaatl thr tcMf »*ma ho* aa II h* vayna (nor a# and tha harh 'V“«* ww o#w*d Kwh taa» Moat tour* thr txn and all mm* aaltcw* ta haly lift It Aad Ihra thr #n>iMf«a atartad t Oat frnta tha hcaiars aad atorra and j o*rr« thr #wpl« raaM a* thr «ord 1 ■pad on abwd that "a Muhiaipafaa fintnl traa yurtil' 1 Thr btf blttk •aa<a> mw. of la thr lead and behtad It Malk*d nwrly a htwdrrd tall. ■lrotlrr mm Thrlr thras mm* r*d or radiMah-broMa and atanr arow hwxta cot ia atylw aaw la chi* lattiudr. j Thay woe* Mhlia Hara < lothr« Urn*.: j baggy pan la I opus, with a skirt that nwrly fsMI to the kaee Over thla wa* a aleevslwa coat, in many hues and materials So»* w»r* hrllliant blue, plush ooat# evinilslleiy trimnw.i with gold law. Gibers w#r# dressed as rich ly hut Wi mote nulri color* K*« h head was crowtleA with a fes. and these varied In rolor and braiding. Some wow show oibera sandals, and many were barefooted. Th#y si retched out behind th# wagon In Irregular or d#r It did not occur to them to walk In I woe or fours. Now and then they would chant some wterd musical ks. vocation and but for this there was no sound. Without a sign of fsllgue these men walked from Adger's wharf to the Potter’s Field, and aa they passed along crowd# gathered on the corners and sidewalks to gate at the novel sight. Reaching the open grave In the Ilk tl# cemetery over by the Ashley river, where the bodies of th# poor sre laid, the Lascar* opened the wagon and took out the coffin. No Christian was al lowed to touih It, With tender hands they took from It the flag that had cov ered the dead sailor from the wharf to tb# burial pthre. Then removing tbc lid of tb# coffin. th#y took tbs dead man’s shoes out and closed it again Down Into the dust they laid the friend that had but a day gone by talked to them of India and the friends across the sea, and covered him well wltt\ clay. A little mound wa* heaped up over the grave and around this the Ijisesr* squatted upon their haunches. The leader, a line looking fellow with beau, tiful eyes, a splendid form and a voice aa soft as new velvet, begun to read from the Koron. Page after page h« read aloud, and now and again an an swering chorus would be chanted by the others. A branch of evergreim was broken from a nearby tree and plained at the head of the mound." Behind this three joss sticks were lighted, and at the foot a small can of water, that had been brought all the way by one of the party, was poured, and the can up set. Just before thp mourners turned away all kissed their hands as If to the departed comrade, and one. carrying a small hag, spread corn meat over the grave from one end to Uje oilier. Thfy each sertirul a Imudfnt of sand Loin 'he grave and begau their jourbij.' back to their ship Hundreds of peopl# were gathered at the Potter's Field to see the bnrlhl serivre, Mid there people waiting On nil the streets to see the Indians rje turn. But alt of this hart no effect upon the principals. One of their ntinfbc'" had died In a foreign land; they pr| W?<k 1 d .JjY* T ft m \'SZ7 7p fflw-gz, ah igEss Y I*l || *► ? <o* ■■■ • «4 O % ti fr irlp'id W# «*f««w .. ' CM «mm*4 *«*» IMMI BO $ #-f«f *Bd BQ#llhß lOlpVr(hi M*>> wn i W« B#«*f Job! wNMbtibß oot j pad of IN f ihdßl *' ol V*- ! 690 CASES SHEWMAKEB] rtAl tokt M.IEU.'S ATTIRIL 1 flu tloratag To<M M w a hariarlat ktarval ■* Bf»n»w» I'a mnroßßß **llld# ItOP Nn«*r.! « step QiprnOrQ It Ml •#» PtoNffrotßi *lT*lf Hl# 4»Milt« ro’oo *o o ot*'l • Harr 0# NBA ofl«H vt«H«4 Iff tN IMorw fUtffht. who *«t>»y#t| Bid fim ft# to tN Bo# aft of til# loNf. Clooo-1 INmohi poo Knimmrro rrllftot. 007# l IJ|hf»lnt**ft * If* ifdtit fo# Ibooto oil Ilk# fel liltl. nd. fllillO«d fWfl' I) *KTft##o o# ■ j port thot h# #moNiY#o thr#** NrNn lo 4r#oo h*o holt, two otS**% fw#* to 4f#oo Bio; mw rif « Bmmo >U*l»B»(l to I ho; Nctra and to# t4Nf to IN thumt*# i tiy ha<l III# Noli |*uHaßnl tbltft i baix * j l«orn# AM BN * r«t«U l#aM*<l N •[ rrit lirainl |«nrtrolt |*lnlrr TNa# or# manifffi rvafffrriiNiA Y#t tNf |o I*** iin NfnM IN truth. Hl# #hlrt *«# t h«nit#d thro# (inhoo da* ohil# thr oCjua oh#n( of tN coUor and (N l>tn| wf |,N rrovot or*dad tN ahllt of in' artlit In th# i«t»rmuf N 014 not do- T dam to «ftr h*«aiaiw and poiitot««j€kij Ntlt 4 Mu# hot oml Miff oolo«<*oot. rr*J tNvHtf for th# avrAhif tN OBBtHHI lnv#fii#«t hr him. or intiodafN Bromj iitftFMiv Tht# ortION of drr-a# h# o*»roj tight to th# l«»Br and V u,,w n#4 over tha! onk!«, •• It m#r mtill b# ###n In Md ftlfhHmrtl |oot##. Th«n .#«*»# th# wlc anuNt# lh# lott#r «4)u#t.Mi Jountily to **n# r4d# #nd n«v#r r r#mv»v«il In th# OtrYßt, #v#n u> #otui# h lody. ll# #ould nht irm##fit to Bocrlffco oppoonmet to potltnn#*#. > WINE Q<-~ CARDUI <1 WOMAN KNOWS WOMAN.^# Ecaiea. K*s . Jea. tl I »«st Wise of rsvdyt •»? ■•rvouaofss and <v*s9n*ss is the wo rub After taking oa* bottle I war well again I am a uiidwife. Ad si ways rsoomowod Win* of UaMlrt to my lady frtrnds during pregnsuoy ssd after birth aa • tonic, gyarv lady who lakes it (uds that ft doss svan rooss than is claimed ,0r “ MRS Y. M. BOISVERT. WteTOO" 1 ' Nobody know* woman like woman M«n go to medical colleges, study books and listen to lecturers. They learn indi redly ol the diseases ol women, but they are men and can never fully understand the ailments, the sufferings, the agonies of mothers, wives and sister*. A woman knows. Mrs. Boisvert knows. She has passed through the trials and tribulations of her sex. She has been near by when her sisters suffered. She has seen them relieved and cured with Wine of Cardui. Is it any wonder she recommends it? Is it any wonder thlt thousands of other women recommend ih They UOteS’ MVISORY BEPARTUENT. I’or sSrle* is <!«•»« rcqulrloe •!>•- cl»ldir*uU«Mk*. *<lUr#**.KiTli>. *?miih turn*. Ltuttfk Advi#** l*i*rtr*int, That 4 hAMt •"•*» ftt«l(«l*#i*. ChAIUDDGffg NMb girls, helps the weak of all ages, helps and cures every womanly ill. 'M t‘ • Druggists Sell Large Bottles for SI.OO. XWINE OF CARPUIXI »T NOON Nf X 1 MONDAY j ||§ HoUrgl CtfHP ** Mi IN' .Hi OB 01 tOmoffßOo |0 , 8188 fßoßhOf ft# MgNOOBOI * RBo##® ! a*f jHM§|§Not C#N ImBOB* Imn ♦ *«*4P® I tOO as aa -- wOWNyt tN BO^ l O* *-* 1 11 ml but 10* 4# 'V toßßi oßOfttfc 00 fdh#* ' ‘ ‘ Ik# #**•#''Naihd tho* M*•# h#t o Bo#O o*® BffBOB frndß BIMMi MiOalioiihd# or# ****OBlj l«Ol MMMa'l of th# ophNNlßi oßm otMaol thor# oftty too iitta# t 8M .ha rarord M .hr w» as yhw* i ( #o* IMMO p# ■ #(#'#f BiM 00 # I to*## «ft*#r#o til too »#» #l(pmF j IBffO BOOOJT : Thr fv-aHjr ukr par* ha Mr yjrarar* aa Mkaaaacta* cha> arraa*Marac» ha** Maw ywfMiad far allaaM* aark y*a i*radwt» aad arator a«ad**t at laaat •kr roll*** tw«tna. daria* *fhKh <tM*| k* la atraa*4 (ma aitradlaf lartarwl at th# <rott*f* Th* far raarhtaf hwrflta of this dal |y brd*i<lr taatrvrt too la avary **rl- Ms of Injury aad dlaaaaa Mill idrrlhly appml to tha raraari aladrat of art trie* Thta klad of trarhia* la at farad hf f*M rollryaa Ik Aaarrlra la •bit koaaiut Mrr'ca •cudwia afrcMapa •y ih# atlrndlna yhyMrlae* aad la t#raw ta <h#lr dally maud* through th# Marda of ih* boopitaU aad at op aratlaaa la cbla May U»#y r*r#4*» ladlvldnal lastrarttoa la tba diacanat* aad traa'mra. nf »ur*tr»l and mad leal ra •m that raaaot b# afforded la any och er way By ibli rxprrirarr thr young pkyrt ctiin gain# aril loafldrnr* and Chat painful •mharraaamrnt U avoided arblrb » man* rac#nt gradual#* for I and iihow 00 baglnniug prlvat# prac tice. AcukiaMo will la#u# a formal pmr lamatlnn today to th# nation* of tb» world announrtmr th# ln*amif*«l<ni of the PhllippCn* RrpuMln. with hlmsrlf •* ’‘dictator.'* know. They have actual experience to prompt them. They spread the tidings from mouth to mouth, telling how Wine of Cardui helps young \\ ' ( W»w Ml hMMMNBOfff » #« Mpa* fia*i*MM au<4l> > '#!*#> #lVif T niritt?LA§ fr to 7 VaR TftK tfjtf a il TO rn Oo#T(#N Mm • M> t k m#w« #r ckf* N N#f r HoMancl M*tf in#* c i iMO f ifttlMi H*4#Odih K initgfptl M»»f tngr* i l#*ffii*fffM in ok t*r*v. 1 h wil #r*r>l>«wa* IP OR Off 4M»ft Turn* Block And tvafflh ng aIM IHaI f ir*l CM** ffncaf* aNoukl 1 1* VO. KEENAN AGO. , WANT Mj on on «f»v igitttt THU §MKR O Ijjl* ■o# vo# of ftbao *Tff*# l l OC* [ toMNvOMOB 0# tO§BO MM *Y B§§BB#BBpiOft , 1 or-tw* O#o o**'B *#• #► «tO. A flltNß BM§. §§#' 4 [no I Off #oo#Bpiiii lift 004 jiiftly, B#» t*o oikOt v#*o t<#h# 0# oM *N» T** i«fO 4» ft pv. 'lOo# ftp# iHop I ryriif Tti p.*pt ft %-frt 4MO# 00 PM# ObOO# ipflMOO tff# VtiO «0# »#o4##l ftl 900# *o#« |mro pop of •*.# IN## bOmpp# *rn *N TIN Om#M h»iß#»#o 10 IPI TB thß I TO# OhBImP «po omrooro VO 00 ot o4# . ppinMrfflMS to TBp M###t4 o## o*#o #1 TW II ##ol4 pONo o*ol**oo VO# o4#or* | zxf- 8 ITU AT ION WANTED i WAItTKIV A JO» NARP MR MKfc 1 tai. *ark loh aatarad hay. •«*d If .Mr* AMna, M. I. C.. IV Telfair i UlrwH C»rt I larAWTKT* BcttUTliiN AS Not'MC-l [ KRU'LIt aaWMW Iwiw—kwprr o# My la light bawwrrk Ka<*UMM rrf • I 1 iwrn Addrc** hy mall atwatatlaa in t#rvt*w. to -Alpha.- tat knod atrwt Rrpt M ftry 1 A t WA.VTKD-A ruWTIUN Ilf UR«> CTCIIY or dry prdr atow. IW*t at] rrfyrrarea. Apply T. & PhitlAp*. Mli Hruad rtort ttet. t. WAJO-KIP-RT A WHIT* RC»T IT years old, aiiuau-ac at any hind, will*: Ing to wweh aad car. man* writ r*»* m ii). tv|*<l. Addraw Work, car* Herald. Oet-t HELP WANTFD aukkth wANncD -roR dr DRrv- MOKDS Ughtamg >t#m*dtM for Rhrumattrm ; IMf for an tacurakl* ra*e iwtimv otter Joint*, drawn cord* ■ad hardwed maartr*. If your dealer ha* n«t g«» the*# r*m*dt*». w* wilt **nd th* full month * trwtm*nt of two laig* hnttlM rat twcrlpt of t$ UHCMHOND MKDICINK CO.. M Kaaaau Si.. New York. * FOR SALE CREAM —CREAM AT » JACffAOK ST. ron BA LB—IM-ACHE FARM, ONE mil* from etty limit#, a bargain Ap ply W. C. Jon**, »o. lM Jackson St. Oct 1 TO RENT FOR RENT—I9I7 REYNOLDS BT., (-room dwelling. Apply Ml Broad. Oct l y>OR RUNT-RTORE MO AND HALL WAY SOT Broad. Afply Commercial Hotel. Out 1 TO RENT—STORE NO. 714 BROAD (treat, next below Davenport A Rhln i*y. running through to Kill* *tra*t. Price tI.MO Alexander A Johnson. 70S Broad *tr*et. Oct 1 TO RENT —DESIRABLE RESIDENCE No. »tl Center atreet. N rooms with kitchen und bath. App y T. P. IKirta, Summeivllle. Or.: 1 TO RENT—COMMODIOUS STORE. No. Ml Broad street—s7s per month, tv. S. Gardner, 115 Eighth atreet. Oct 1 jrOR RENT—FROM THEM ST OCTO BER. store No. f. 32 Broad etreet, at |2O per month. Tiiade. Oakman, No. Ml Broad street. Oct 1 TO RENT —THREE NICE FURNISH ED front rooms with privilege of par lor and bath. Apply to C. H. Luhra. 4(0 Broad street. Oct 1 FOR RENT-A NEW HOUSE; lot* Owlnnett street, five doors west of Woodtawn avenue, eight rooms and bath, possession given nt onee. Apply to Clarence E. Clark, (32 Broad street. Oct 1 ts LOST AND FOUND. FOUND A Sl'lX OF MONEY. Owner will plesse identify same by nielli liming amount and *Ue of bills. A ddres, a 0 U_ care Herald. | Oct 1 LOST—SCRIPT FIVE SHARES AU GUSTA Real Estate and Investment Company, tn name Mr*. A. K. Mc- Kinne. Return to W J. Stevens. Na- Ucnal Bank of Augusta. Oct 3 OCTOBER 1 MllhC Bi l ANKOO# asyiuaf MA*'*» kMT DPgh**b<i «Bbbf gV 4# gp# (#»«##»#) «# ii#BMk#BMr# #» #-### H 1 #»iib*'»4li» tM#i IN ■ i§| y #* (Njp'te# f IpBMl #f fftil #4 mttm pp 4w<m#BM §Bb g4Hft#BP444#iHi i##4ft W W !ft i V l # if I# ft" W'v *jn*Vn#* ftßP#* I Special Notices. .mgg#. 4. wiftoty I*4 §Nißmm4 tla iftftft fVlfll *f | * n |.*f \ f 4V| * ».• f4p- ** ft * ftftß i# wft 4#» 4 a fw*#HMb am I *** >i# VrrT BPP «#HgftßßlV#4 In ##*&# hwa f##|N##l4ft (Uftft## #4 *--4PN % ft as «ft r* --m I # m t* § p m, f*tt ft HI. ft ftilllAll t*i CB4>wri#4- m>ftft"#ft4 Cmmp* ffirF mcooTivD I r*fftvi ftti trtt t* U«A% HVI T A itU4«>Vi In *l#l«a ft * t*4| §m ll*t Bi A#ftl##ML ? ftl Trrmm f l*f f«#|t |Nft fftlllfcßl l#j(PsTißftl* #b •#* ((•# bi tv* I* £, ftrtltff* s , Nr IB« l j|V>lft»ft, ' HAVITiIt %* ( f 4Mii ih %HV C MAVUV^**t» ft VtVfHOlaDil a tas p*cw**#d. aa Ikraaarwtt# wcafsdatsa a* ayiwM Kke(MMwd iww y i* tha Mrs! t*gt#MtwS*. #4 CM* efsattw t* kr kaM «8 Metiisaday. Orlaiwr I. tn* AyscW haglsa Awdantr •( (C* kpaal I'aauy. A ugws ts. * s * , IMTM ANNCAI. (IWK* mkmma MONDAY. otTRkIM fed Fan ■ aep* at itutrui tor* i UIW, tw AB< rrat ••4 Laagw*(«* MathawaaHc* and the Physical hclwiss yky and Typewriting sltPryt rair* rharg* fkatewr-tb-8 in MitHary Thr | tt<* and A thief t. * PPf mf.wiwntpw. I adder** rtlß< IpaL Hhdusiond Arnd naif. niiirana i Pragnrnlwry hchanL lid KIM* Afreet. THE tnXTTI ANNUAL HEKRJ»tN OF tht* aefcaat wttl eatnMaMM "B i MONDAY. OCTOBER Mlt I * •. gyrrlsi p***# **d thorough in.truc ! tbwi given t* rneh puptt Pw full p*e ■ »«ut*t* mil a» ar addraa* at IU& Ei | tig Wfli! v WM. H ffrURMAN. A M . Prtnclpail. SgMinl Noth*. HOLDERS of THE COMMKHfdAIi Ctub a |*f <wnt r am moo afar* ran ewttwrt the dividend (s* for pa#t a* months by prsarattng thrtr stun* r*rt»ft‘-*t*s and *. isplHVI the new Is aur. from this da*» ortaWf 1. tn HARRY C. CAI4HIN. Butwrtntendent. At the otlbe at tha Ommerrlal Ctub. Node*. THE PARTNERAIIII' EXINTINO UN pyik tty* name of lAnd A Smith, UmaS'sts. M* Ninth atrwrt. ta dia soh.-.l by mutual #*rr*mrnt. The *e m„r partner, ft H. t*s(, will colled all drbta and pay all Itabtlltir*. R H LAND JAR. P. SMITH. Hsvng sold my interest tn the drug butdneaa to my partner. R. H. Land, I aak tor him a eontinuane* of th* j liberal patronaar heretofore given tha i lit ui of Laud A dtnUh. JAR P. SMITH. Referring to above card*. I hereby give notice that I will mntlnue th* drug huslnesa at the old stand el Land A Smith, and aasure the puhllo that I wilt maintain In the fulure as In the paat a ttrot-riaa*. up-to-dato drug atore. and reapnlfully a»k for a continuance of tha liberal patronaga given the old tlrm. R. H. I-AND NF-CKWEAR. F. C. Turpin Company has received the latestthlngr in Neckwear, Ascots, Chal tiily,4-in-hands and Tecks H 155 BROADWAY »1» DRJJGS CHEHICBLS PARR'S • PHARMACY : Jl2 BROAD STREET. TOILET ARTICLES STATIONERY FOR RENT. NO (48 TTLLIS STRLFT, HUti.DIN'S three sturiks higlt. otutlaUiinS elevator, etc Especially.draliubl* ’tot Wliolesald busirtcas. Erie. JSU.VU Pei mouth. JOHN W. DICKEY. Real Estate Agent,