The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 01, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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SATURDAY 4 THE lUCUSU HIMIO 57.T5R.. r~: ■BLmh , BVC , ,T.> « * **•*» .- «•. «*• •* *’«**• Pjfcß** 1 * lewma * *•■ *** f^gS^wTanrci * ®** isu *■• M**» •*■* - **'*' ®®** YOI ym. MMi TUB HMMli* •-■siZr.. - ■—- ■— hk>m • »*#•• *«•**'■ T y ** •*• »*•*• ***** *•' ta CMtoaMa 11 **• **•* f ** <t * l to RMw »«*• *“ toMtotoSTMto* *•***•*“• j ( 2^ M! kai l> : 5 / wai baa F«a*i \ 1 of Good Tkteft. ( t -T(mr Ad »* K Will Oo Into / / Imj Home « Ab*iuU. S (TtACn OAY,SEEb Mir' I - EjitVto.'.; i [>l3 * i s tl lZ 13,14j1* ta to 2« zi zz 125, 26 Z 7 8»1» THE EPITOME OF EVENTS. The Alaska boundary Is again In die pute. 11. Zola'e holier la to be apld to aatla |y * Judgment. And now they are going to try to raise I too Merrlmac. The New York Wool Exchange ha» Closed Hafdoor*. Senator Hill outgeneraled Boee Cro ker at Syracuse. The investigating oommittae will vis it Cuba officially and In a body. ' The latent trade combination la the glass tableware pool with 15,000,000 cap ital. Dr. Nancy Guilford hoe given the English Scotland yard detective# the Blip. The Ollney House bellboy* were high ly edified over the Corbett-MoCoy Im promptu scrap. All of the lilg London dalllee publish highly eulogistic praise of the late Thomas h*. Bayard. liohson declare# that nothing but a tropical gale will prevent him from raising the Cristobal Colon. The Vatican has applied to Spain foi a guarantee on the property of tht church in couquered territory. The thirty lee rompanlea of Chlcagc have consolidated and iwssed Into thi hands of New York capitalists. The entire Dominion of Canada voted last Thursday on the question of the sale and consumption of sptritous li quors. Tlie rigors of the confinement ol Dreyfus are to be modified pending Ills decision regarding the revision of bin fuse. Bishop Potter of New Tork Inveighs against extemporaneous sermons. d«- rluinis they are often vulgar amt tin grammatical. The Netv York mate republican prest is wildly enthusiastic over Hoosevelfi nomination. They predict a tidal wave in November. M .. • tti igKfe n*<* m •*** ! §#• s5999 s HH §• 9$ 90 ®®p* mo9m* :v fMS$ i ■ 4|» |fl* * 99 900 $0 WM « l«H» Mt “"■*« ”*. ****** ********* I «f to «to •****■ • ••’' ****** *** | [ 95900 tfc»ff Ama^e* 1 * 990000099009 m* *m*om* | §*'«■< M to mmm —*•***»*, «** j I f(Ni 9000 m 0$ ** * 1 ) WBtoiij «t **N» 99909009$ «M i | •*** mm** *•** am *'<*••< ll *4 *** I •to ••wto• iwmhm* affau» to* tix | i ir-;Tr far- 1 ' 1 i |to tot*****-a* PtotoN* to «M* smf • j i 909999990 IMP *«i« Ml MMMRmNthS JM| so9*oo** 0999900 9* 9099995590 09 1 IIIMIlIM »%f#* ffr* §»•#•**>•* «f • I f 99000*- *9 9999990 **# j ♦‘M#®®* *EMM M EOIMp' j 99$** 90* Mail lit «►%*•* OMR •** «MHMi!f IfclWSii— piSf tfcf fwi# £§ |MNi j i gtfVfTlvMSi fa» III® iSlifms*® 9m •'•'* <MM I 1 (I® |p9«E|NMt 90 >»»*tfWtt«« l> 999 99900 | pjrTtlf 99$ $990 $0*99900 90 j p : 9BMi lit 99999 959909f$ 999 90 90m 90mm \ \ ami Mto tototo «4 N* Ktofcto to* i '»«toty > toN *• <»*h "f to Ml Wfw hm* ittoto i* ••* •itoto* tor Tirpii $ tfc * **■ to* ii —m ' •to** to* togh tototo tor to**""*- *•* j 1 top totoiiijr Mtor HM*** 1 tor ' itaMtm w* w • rtog ttotor*. to 4 1 <|M toif feM * totof prMto to to* tom I • to** • to *•** «toto *•• **to» I Ttm mm* toi**»to» "to****- "If ip ImH «»f Ml* Ihr hrto to <p MMMUM H *IH hto* *h* Mtoi* ■to iMif. !■•»•* *»• ■**»*•' •j. | p fit i n I—Mto to Ihr w*M • rtohM <*to* •H to—tolf IrrwrHM *MP*«*M«to •mw M* pi«to*to*r -t, a »*rr w*»4 aM« »■ mm ! ■iartnMk*'* It It Ira* ihto (hr terpr th* rr* >h* Itotor •h* pw to Ihr **»to* Mto «M«r utw fNMA Ihir thrl Ihr «r«to«to Mrr imp ihto M*W *»»»■■ «o*M h» • to ntot* to mmII rragr. *h«rh wto pto <h* pkr Op <o Ihr »«nrrr toi'- h wtrr oto* (hr rulr Mr tro l*r(r* tun • poiiot for «»44Um itoto*. Rot. «w ftrr in •■ n* to lo* prlrrr •■4 «P pntotorr* to fmtar *">*' ■»*' ip port to tp» Of rototo. W>* prtrrr to thr prl»r mmiuim to Ilf* nrr ■ irawi bo«« t» IP rollin’** *P roorwp TP nor •art** to tP ir»»t totoy to IP prop l ' rot no lt«nr* with thr prtonrrr. Hr •Mil «hr hifPM porrthlr ptr* for hi. rtohtto Hr Poor thto pro** roun prr rlothPM. nrot H lr htr Mrotorr* to makr thrm pr thr M«Pa( prP po«l Mr. But to IP wronwprn tp prtrr In rrrtythlM. P<l It hi to thr* no «n --inlxrri blrMtoa *bm prirrr to nrrrr Mrtm nrr to*. In ihlr •««. *hrn roorpnlrm. with Itc womUrfnl powrr to roulllpl; tbr powrrr of mm ud rhrroimry. with It* ■argil' art* of Imd frrtillniUoa. rota- Mar to torrnaar poraroualr IP pnrrrr to agrtriiKaral ami oihtr Indntoriat prof union. It rosy P art tom •• an •atabllabrd fart that low prlcp hair com* to rlay. and 10-rrni cotton win p hmwftrr mrrrly ao acrlitmtal dr rumatanrr. It lg abrolulrly nrroMary that thr limit hr to rtatra to Amrrlra ahonld row. tlnnr to rnjoy IP monopoly of fur niibtog tti« world'! cotton, ami tbU la only to br accompllabrd by Ping nbl* to grow K In abundance and to aril U at prlma which «o other country can undrraelL Any tucaaurn that would drprivo u* of thin monopoly la to be duprwated and avoided. Already three In aotnr export of Am rrlcao cotton dlrent to Japan, and a conatderabln quantity goea to Aata by way of Liverpool. Here la a great nr gumrnt for the ronatructlon of the Nicaragua canal. H haa Pen atatrd that with the ca nal In operation, a market would ba developed In tP Kaatern world for not leaa than 10,000.000 bale# of American cotton. The right policy, then, la not to limit production Pyond reasonable Punda, but to Increaae (be eonaumptton of oui products by finding new market# and multlptyinir facilities for getting to them. Of course, all this requires on terpriae, wladom and the sagacity to Arise im opporttmltlea These are qual. ttlea that make up statesmanship, ts there air any stateamen In reach, let the people call them to the front. They are needed. WHIM THE SOLDIERS COME HOME. The Army and Navy League and the citizens committee* are making prepar ations to have everything In readiness for a royal welcome and home coming for the Augusta soldiers. It Is well to take plenty of time —the more time the better to Insure a fitting welcome to ho soldier boys. There la no need to urge upon the oltlsens of Augusta the necessity of co operation and HHsistuiice. There will be found ready hand*, eager hesrts and the greatest, abuudaucw of substantial siul material assistance, lad the com mittee* do their duty. The rltizeua wifi do theirs. On every occasion in the past Au gusta has responded uobly and gen«r •ously to eevry rail for assistance fn help out the exigencies of the situa i 100 where Augusta's soldiers were concerned. She will do duty gladly ip welcoming Uieboyt home. • ***• to imw ***** i. 11 iiMtoH *• to* M**ni *h» hto<*** *•* •*>** *"■*' **»-' «l »Mh« * haigaee **** nto’ e aw*...'. fhaw* tm* to to*»b Mwa ha»* aaggaasa* to |tn — to M* Mto *toh Pmm MW** I • an to m totoM ** mSmnb * rnZZ toatoM Mto mm* m m to* mm >to» •*• * aaania* thto Oto •*»•»« to Mwtoh MmmM* ato Th— hato to* hto*a gwwi wa iha i»*to» Ptototow ***** •a *•• nrr- aw* ***■*» «h saw hafto Mto **h a to—* to mww* to ( «*a wMa* total she gtwawawa***** ■*. * aroal to to a rwgh to tototo «hto wato* to* pahatoMl Mwtota «Ma Tl* aaptoto **«—• 4*4 tw* to*.* a *** * aaw* to a— Ihpwa* Uto toaah •*• -—rtf Mto ahto to* ****** thto' 900 99090 * • 9990 SO9 $ 0999 aAtoAm *9m*os haaaaw paatoato* tototo* a* toto*w hw* •ha* *ato hi* Wltowa, *ha Cato**** M - 4mm toaatoM* a*to**at thaat m iwtoy gtorw to tow* ft *wa a *to*‘ •*** «toto to* to htoto ton*** iWa* hto *l* g*to* ww* 1 «rt 99909 Tlm*® 09900 *09999* l 0 o s ' ’ I atto >»'to hi 4 Wy *h* M M I •• 909*099009009$ 9000 lIMI S9O 01 UMR 05909 m mm $0 im*» *OO s** ; |n MVfttl 00900*99 0990 ®Hm 14^-1 ■ f t | MMNtoh m hwp to* *ha gwiatwtoM*'. 1 mm*H* tow a aato to **to pvww* to* who* thto » *to *ha to***' “'***' ] rgiffm th* •—**•* h—ah *» *•* ipito aw*h tohaa to lha atww ItvMp j I TKl4* Thaw la aaaa Ma to lha al* lah4 to, "«Vh««ra Tha llaill i raatoaa ana MM •■*>**■ i Meat apoa laato hahhaatwga gtawa M toiaratoih* wxfltg Thaw to Mg aawa gutaa a**, aa* atosato avary hay liars la a ftwah laaaall*aat «*f M j ato aataa whlrh afhru Aagwtos toa** | ato IP attoai (to «a**rtl to Mr aa*-*a. hawawar goad a *roa a«w Ih* Hreahtag *«a»w to a Hill *wr: hat hap pawiapa whlrh mr change IP *swtl •laa aa* hlafiwy to tolltlo*. to p«op*c No aawaar *osa ow *a i with Mala cam* la a rlaaa. allarlag ik* sUiaa quo to IP Waatari llcroiaph-r* aa4 aa aoatota* IP torih to a *aw-«arl4 power |pa liar* rwaaa* KMebswar'a •gvaara ap the Mila. >P fait to fits dorwian aa* tP deal ruction to tP ruta to IP fanatic la upper Egypt Tlrwwi Cairo lo tP Capa la ao* a possibility, with IP English la control of IP gnrot continent to Africa. TP cur contrtPi** hla abaca lo IP world s toawp P hla proee proposal, and If rarris* Into affect Mil* mean* literally turning the sword lato th* plowshare, and tP convention to mon ster battleships Into carrier* to wheal and com -eotnnxm tramp ship* Prance keeps mankind at rent concern ing Pr fickle course sod when the rrenrhman nwgp* aa< h morning It in to Inquire whether aa Orleanial. a flo naparte. or a second Boutaoger rules, or whether Oermnny'n army haa been mobilized and a regiment of Chlana la on tha way to the gates of Parts. Our Peace Cnmnitndon la now sitting In Paris, considering the fate to ten million Filipinos; them la n new con grnaa to he elected In America; other mattars to Internntioaai Importance too numerous to mention are beeping the pulse of the people Paling at a fast pare HOLD YOUH COTTON. For a number of years there has been a rlaaa of public men and politi cians who have howled "calamity" on every oecaaton. During the last presidential cam palgn, with Dee silver as an Issue, the south waa filled with calamity how lers. Now the low price of cotton is being seized upon to preach disas ter and destruction. Grumbling never does any good, and all the com plaints Imaginable will not affect the price of a world's staple a sixteenth of a penny. Wherever possible, farmers should hold back their cotton from market. Present price* are low. so low that there Is no prospect of their going lower. The country geuerally and especially the south la not going to the bow wows. It may be that bear operators see In present clrcumstancez a chance to force farmers’ Votton aj the prevail ing low figures. But crop estimates are a mighty uncertain thing. With the expansion of American commerce that will gradually follow the American flag Into all of our new possessions, and from them more fully into the markets of the world, there is sure to arise a great demand for cot tou products. Not only American, hut the world’s consumption of cotton will he greater this year than ever be fore. It the farmers of tire south can hold their cotton, they will share In this rise of prices, aa well ns the middle man. Wherever possible, hold your cotton. An exchange asks If there Is any thing ominous In the name of the chairman of that Investigating com mittee. Is the committee organized to dodge anything? THin JWTJOTJBTJfc TMK lIW A Hoi* I TOWN. ■ %\m 1-0909** ** MU t 90 *O9O 90m ! - **-<+OOO T 90999 • 900 m «m*4 0* *» * W* 909*9** *9999 LalT* • tototo #►** * 4 • ‘ roatot to to* HMM4. smmmm m*m* —to hw»»M*t ftofi ■ M®*w TMp ItoawMh —**• *•*»• w— tofftaag Mto Rato— to M j mm 4wmm»—'« * * **aa ian 4mm «a Mto Fw—to to mt —«a na— Mto* TtoiWto *— to***4 •• <to*Mw to 4ay >*•—♦* *** ***■ aa—— aa«*W»d toa wag— *>*> to— IHfftoW «—t a—*iq* «4 *W* 4y—•**» 11— ■>». H* had aML I—a*» to— to 1 to— MM* irikhto *•> —w d Mto aw*' I— aato -to tows toff»—*4 **• » ! I m miii*r May* Mto M— *— m l paw— «M <4 **» ato**” ||M*r Mto* *«»a*ito> MW—« *ato*to4 " dwwWtototoa * , TMR haMto w— Mktoto—4 y—s*w mf lg a —to with a —M* aw* *y*MM— *r—saw* to tlto Aritofftow ffa‘4 ** T—** a waff**— **y— to «**- asr*Ca w*A taw eap— I »•*« ■—•* «• ha H atoglwa—* (Ml, W—* totoffto itototow ‘Mto torwaaatt. .aptotoa ! *4—.ward ' I ha— » *—w to , tMftifltfrißt WOV 9099*0**-4 I soo o*99* f(ftMr 4* § «Rj>tl*r <4 9 $990.. I* tol*f tt> Hi# 00$ 99900$ so9fs99mss “ RWI" a—a m« Rw— wha— • n—n<* t* toast. If 4 pi—a M y*a—d *aa t«W *** a rwt U will ftakaHi ihaltar tt hwt , mm to *—rgy a— to flto aaaa* to—awt *iato«wiad aaftowa la iRa atf •»* cwt* *aaa* to* P— t to *—>•**•— wto dawly that H 4n*wl Rw— **•— ** to** aw— * a*tna—tor Hi aya— ***** *•* • a*Mi to *yaawN» to *a> toaa* la aa j tvm shell aa* It —lt to»w It to a*— la —ary *ty—4toa. ft— *4o<waward th—ry la all fW Ato—tat rod* *a»— • tha a*b|—t wad— dtor*t—tow at th* rtab t—t wight On* to tha wrotoas had .((toiad la. b—t m*r a —p»v IT*as wpa* *ha tahla and —Had to Asia la b in* hi* a ci gar. Th* waad waa thru— lato hla packet atotrrotraMr aad he cerotlwaed reading Wh— ba had RttHWed lha paper f*am waa a—in somewhat Iro patl—t!y cqnawad to briar th# rtgar The taagh w— «• hiw whea told Ihto H waa la hla porhat tad to gat av—i ha related this story: "I —lied oa a coßgrraaman. well knows la Augusta at hla moms to Bfaahtogton lari winter and after the flrei grr hlng. —t doam to Iri him Rn- j lah aoroa papers at bis desk, "After a mtnntt or taw he raised hla h—4 and —ld: •' Ylow la yo«r slatrr, Frank” “ ‘gha is well.' I —ld. "The member'! mind returned to hla j hot!tie— for five mlnutaa, and then ba . Mid: " •How la your slatrr. Franh” and. ’ aa before. I replied that ah* was wall. Five mtoutea later be raised hla eye* from the papers and remarked "Oh! Frank, how la yonr alalarT* 1 thought the converse! ton waa becoming rather monotonous, and, to chatigt It, ! I answered that she waa very tit. "Bless me, you don't —y ao! I am sorrv to bear It, Frank.’ , "lie turned to bin papers again for another five minutes. Mid hang me If lie didn't turn around and —y: " Frank, how ta your alaterT* At first I thought ho was guying me. but, looking at him sharply. I realized that be had forgotten the cotiver—tlon, and I answered, sadly. 'She Is dead.’ 'Why, man. you don t mean It!* he exclaimed, Jumping from hla s—t and •xlauding hla hand In n moat sympa thetic manner, adding: *That I* dread ful. When did It happen? Tell me all about It!’ " 'Why.* ? replied. ‘I hilled her Just now. Wbpn 1 come Into your office l , (Old you she was well twice; then 1 told jtm abc waa very 111. and that dtdu't j Impress you. So. for four benefit, I just killed her.’ “The old man looked at me for a mo ment, and then replied: , “ 'You must pardon nje, Frank, T was thinking about these papers.' ” *" When Charley next visits Augusta he will steer clear of u certain place in town, because I’m going to give his trick away. Charley has been here for the past two or three dnj'S. but left this morning. Hla little scheme waa as follows: Spinning a silver dollar and then gurgsing heads or tails is a fa vorite medium t'or small wagers and determining "whose treat It ia" el the club and other places. Charley lias been invariably win ning and the boys greatly wondered thereto. "I’ll tell you how It la done,” —id he to the Observer." but don't give It sway. All that is necesanry Is to pcss a file a few times around the edge, so its to put on a slight bevel. II can't lie seen, hut the coin qiH 0,1 ” u ’ beveled side every time, as sure as fat". It’s a good Idea, by the way. to have two In your pocket—one.lixed for hHjdn and one for tails." "How doth the little Jnmy bee Improve each shining hour?” In gathering honey advertised By every flagrant flower. V HERALD PRIZE LETTERS SOIIEB RESORTS. ll* Fit *» 9m. |ts Fun* Ut r•« it* *ft , ia ms saw a——— wna ism la a ai—tow* ** '" as* * ***! • r—a sad* tow— * '*** 1 "Ml —, , a— wests, Tha ffatd— wstoa x*a ' ttod Ims : est f— •sss •—* • -strived tore a*4 itot* to <to m—<l —'tag ito»de ibst « roav a—i .««•{ dal. after peefm —eg tto Mar"*—' i laah ad drtofctod fnror t>t»— *■■* topt—w to wafer Tto 'tons diapers) ha— grewit —parity than sap eth ers Tto aw tag tosta to •!*.«■ f<**rj •sat t*., sad la m—p—ad to feu** isrgs at.** stato fr»<ro wto< a flaws tax) •sac ,i ettvtr to *tf* ft —a Jttoi —j I any —her waytode spring- apnrilHng| and riesr par ««ntalaa that wswdsrtod ] , uaftnnwa qaatHy wtotot to taps r—' tauA to tto pair riwtol and totgataesa) Ita tto dttil *y— Tito— wto —a wa< lards are .Yaqasatty a Mr, aftar a few . -toys. Is "lake tap i tot" tods eto walk j . —la ito aprtwg Tto aprtng to Hi a tittle —Hay that, ' n—tt— dawn anaf ito little toff* Itto a dtropto on tto a—lilng fare to Ne - i In—. A lovely Utile tow— wands— > slant through tto »alley on Into of watt* —«d end pebble*. 1 "I *Hp. I slid*. I M<>nro. I ftwnra. Am—g my shimming ewaltowa: , t make the netted Mnleaau dance Again*! my sandy aha 1 tow* "’ And the— sand* a hallow» are th* I xnu.ll lary a pa—dto*. but tto ro-ttor a I 'tot* notr.** Eavuik of what Nature has dan* "or I the place, aad lat me tall, fur a me ! —mi. what min* hosts as bust have ) done. 1 This h—utlfttl piece to pinpttf- ■ leg I sc* from father to aotts. ta owned and ■ i «u«trolled by the Hlmpann Htcihct#: and they are perfectly litdefatlgalde In | doing everything that can add la the cuanfort and id—aura of their guesta Tto rooms are large, wall niihne.l ; and comfortable, la the »pu iuu». tnvit-j tng dlalng-ruimu. appetising menus are ' served In good style by tha polite and attentive waiter*, meanwhile * string-j hand dlacouteea aw ret music. If It I*, true that the party makra tto place." then Olsrwt Apt mu, this September. J»| the lovetleat place to he found, for ■»' pb-saanter. more c.mgetual party could, not ba gotten together anywhere. A; large delegation from Augusta Insures Its being s delightful circle, while choice aplrit* from slater cttlea com plete it. Charleston, Savannah. Atlanta. (Vluntbus and Or—nvllle nre all very chrmtngly reprt-aented. Nrithen are wf wanting In emuaementa and entertaln menta. There are card-putl— galore:, birthday parti—. chinquapin parti—; target-shooting parties. By the way. I heard a young man say to an Augua-j ta belle, when she had tailed to rlng | the bell, that he would stand out and', ace If she could hit him. to which *h>‘| replied. If she aimed at his heart, shei would always miss the mark. I did! not hear his reply, but 1 felt pretty sure j that ehs had good reasons to know why, he had no heart. But tool to alt tha] inn tf»s were the select Ultl# supper I port!#*, where there was a feast "f, ! nonsense and an overflow of soul. At; these little parties the press was ably represented, and, as usual, contributed the lust part of the entertainment. One of the rankest, but not tne I—st enjoyed, was a straw-ride to visit some gold-mines, flvs miles distant. We went In great farm wagons, filled with straw, and what we lacked In ease and com fort was made up In frolic and fun. We find n fine dinner, served In true picnic style, In an ohl sawmill, and aN terward climbed the hill to see the mine* In operation. The owner of them was very kind to show and explain everything of Interest. He was exhib iting some specimens of ore from them, : telling the names and relative value per ton. There was a piece especially rich, which, he —ld. was worth forty thou sand dollars per ton that called forth the modest remark from one of our party that “a slmple-ton would be suffi cient for her." If there Is "no cloud without its sli ver lining.” there Is no silver lining without Its cloud, and the sad part about these pleasant parties ant! new friendships is Hint they have so soon to break up- like "Ships that i>uss in a i night"—mart un a aummer Sea of pleas ure, signal for » little and pass on. psrlapx nev»i to mevt on this side of the haven; but let us hope ihe incline Is not In vain—that we have left an Influence for good on the hearts and lives of others, and that we. ourselves, have gained something that wilt make life better and more noble. 1 was agreeably surprised in this place. I had always thought Olenn THIS IS IT Hr** srSto* •Wto IdMM FOR EARLY FALL STIFFS MD ALPINES. ALL SHADES $3.00 Ju*t Arrtv«<f. DORRS Tiilortnf, Hah, Furnnhinfv rn m \ Our Falrons Satisfied. \ S Don't fargri Ifcri »k* riteacy o t j / Mm Bto*rri|Moa ywn t dori.e f \ gtvwa **• <»»|—d» slaaow a*- N / liroto op * ll»* pwettv fraafc- # / bsmM to* 4tw— tout dnigMil \ V owe. lato tt. Oat dr'W" *x pars f i Sod fraas— ahaotaraty tool ua ) C tubi prawr p«!«na to ML f \ Diamond Gloss Black * \ For Grates, Hearths \ S Aad Matiuia n«h ia tori aad 1 t meat t—g# b— Ua Jte. V f October Moving- S f Iha'l fotgat ,b ri Alahaattna \ \ nakM pretty waits, daraht* and f f kaalUtlui—l2 prrily tin* W# ) C will soggssi man to put N as. C J Uri color card. J / Stains and Paints. I i You roar ha*a to touch ap. S C We rill tbs brit I'alnlk Alains f / and Knawhsl I'aiuta brush lo 1 / pul tb*m on. to* ua. \ \ Aleiasder Dm Crnpaif j \ m BROAD «T ) I TO BE i ! ; Juat received 500 Bilk ITmbreltaa to I I he sold at t!.2f: al#<> the t—t line : : of Woolens In the Market at rea- t I semabte price*.* F. O. MHB- t l TINS. The Tailor and Genta' Fur- I : rusher, cppolst* Planters' Hotal. < t | Springs was nothing but the spring and hotel; but I find It the centre of a de lightful country neighborhood; It Is al most a village. There are several store*, two or three churches, a school-house and numbers of lovely homes and fam ilies. It is rumored that a very happy festival Will be cslebrated here in Oo itober. In which the hotel and neighbor- I hood will lie Interested, and Hymen play the principal toft. The country and wood* around are very mountain ous looking—ln fact, we are only thir ty miles from the Blue Bulge, and on bright days, like today, one gets, from the third story window*, beautiful views of Tryon and «!l the adjacent peaks. As 1 look out over the land scape now, I am wooed and charmed by a very lovely picture. The cotton field*. with their various color* of pink, white and green, interspersed with rus set, ripe corn-fields, skirted by dark Kre en woods, which arc splashed here and there with rich tints of ertmson amt gold, just suggesting the gorgeous robe Nature Is wearing for October, Acres of goldenrod seem to be tossing back in many plumes all the gold tha sun has poured out on the grateful eirth throughout the summertide. If you could see this picture as I aee it. not as I tell It. you would exclatm.with me. that it is truly beautiful. Tlii.® ha zy, lazy Sept ember sunshine is weav ing a spell about me, so that 1 mu only wide-awake enough to exclaim, as it were, Ui n dream— "O. gift of God! O, perfect flai'i On which mast no man work but play; On which it is enough for me Not to be doing, but to be!" . > ! -aud lay down my pen. - JOM. OCTOBER I M MM AM •*»,»< to to—* 4* 4 MM to* to—* to gtoff to Hl* toriMA l—l toM* toato s a «g— M —mmmßm totoff# 4MM R*to *Mk 4*d M *——gaff rwgri * *» M 4M4HA 4M4t to atoto toto ■ s9* •*•##<%• *009999 99* <NMMI . 9*9o+ $99990 $009090 900559 990*090 j-- M 0)000 |m» 99f 90099 m $090009 9*900$ 99090$ j A—toMtoaAwa x to— ctoto* *«4 ■ riMksffM to Mkt « **» todß Mad MM* J A tots d> MritoP dtoto fto *** to j towsg at Ha—i a— ta—* Fww—» ! Mato* Mto Mto UM MM* MMU k"4 • etoldrik tltoßUMl i L.A.Gardellc Dtotoltof in th« FlntoMt DRUGS AND MEDICINES For Sale! * *tZ Tto * dtorifWff kd* f, i *fl to aa— f ag— fwsd—^Rwto' town ' wOdmg M* *M sag M* *»»«•* 'ritWM r—lstotTg tIT" *— Mm.U. . is— iitjstoai to to A— to »*»— ■ lU i—| tto—gd to Muts aMsri. Mewat iiztitr M« TM tout* M*w**~to* M tost • —tow —tag kwM •• ‘tto tom- to T**»»* t-Wto • ©*- . M—> kfl —g Md Mt«w4 atrw—. e—- - taxictr it*# tang* riwr— #wd A— gw—t* :ag ***—awd— Th to to— • Mri tow, rww amg Hack Iff to— Lxd bnnwptl*‘~‘r IW *»ar as atom* Mw •to K*r—• to*w*t. - tori I Mrtoa to< —aa* »w*s**g bark toward* toswd —r**> Mg (to» 1 to*b»*. Atoa —rwt ffwe Ml stout tto to— trmi sad tow to— tow* In IM Tilts** M gutotoarvtus. trarottog W* —tw— bring • to***®* " *M* *»«—w KSsr pwymewM will to gt*nn *w Ml lha ato vw M— ty Apply «• Georgia Railroad Bank *» .rtoraF - - Jfg PROF. P. M. WHITMAN, 209 7th St.. ABRMtt. Ga •fVf 8 FMM ETf TESTS fa alt detoet* to sight, grlsd. Ih. prvpsr (lum and WAIS SAWTX Sew laori* cat wto yowr tome whuc yoa wait. FREE OF CHARGE. J&mSl . i u»m COAL and WOOD FROM TH* North Augusta Coal A Supply Co guaatlty and gustily Ouaraatavd. F. W. SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT Bril t'h on* « btroWger ** The i Whltely Exerciser. ( A practical, simple and aflicitnt Home Kxerdser, oueaptclaily adapted for ladles and children, hu aiths aama iltne can be profitably nted by lh« Wrongest athlete. JHBli'Ef: 75c., *I.OO, 81.6 a BICYCLES - CLEVE LANDS. WO up; YIK-I INtiS, $W up: GEN- I DKONS, 818 up; THOM-1 AS, 860 up. • all and see 1 them. Every one guar anteed. Richards & shaver Paine, Murphy & Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 803 Reynolds stMelepnoneW.^ 1 i Imili Leased H'lrii DlifCt te S«» York Chicago ami New Orleans. Order* executed over our wtrv* for Cotton, Stock*, Bond*. Grain and Pro. j vision* for cash or on margins. Local securities bought and sold. Referancec —National Exchange Bank of Augusta, or Mercantile Agenciea. .. \ jkU/ j. Vdj^7\‘ [MjJ ill » ■ I / >”> jUrJ