The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 01, 1898, Image 5

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•ATUWOAV mulhhrinb SATURDAY BARGAINS Ow off##* %t* Uu* Mur tiny wilt #ciiptA W% v atu# #1 |X*vto«» •*%•> Awch a d>««*i&y ot »—wwbw S*mmm and Mat* wits pr###nt a r*iw opportunity to inwit |»#of itoWy your hard MmM dot* tors. Vow wW (tod thorn in our window*. You will too thorn on our oidowolk* BOYS' CAPS . Our flock to tho o#»t AMortod and choapoot In tho ctty. For 26 and SO contt wo to* Capa that mako your boy look woti droaood. MULHERIN’S 84© BROAD STREET. Optician DR. HENRY J. CODIN. CATHOLfCS TO tlil-T. gwi WHI No* IN*.*## lb* Cuba* U—Host. mmi n—iicift dC iL« y t cliltßiV’*ic#jpA t lie Vmie* mA— krftlrli ftfl) t ft# toM ft 4 til© Ctofftiolto I ’ft I YAW* I f {ft In* I#| It* fthi of oetot*r Dili A fftll •ft*# (ft NifHif l#wt» of ift« h to tt(<*< l it»elti4isft Vtr hMili |t Kk-ftO#. ft ton It— t"M— Kototo to »** t#n4 (ft# ftftftffftl rftth*r!ftff Tftr 4lfto * form of Iftf* milwfftllr liol4 »ft • tlftft •« tft# ft»fft* ti«»# h !• «(»• 6fr*ino4 (Nif )h* »f» liftiiilNip* itllf 4#fi) witli but Kill# outoKto of tft# foftUtt* affairs us (h* iharaii. as Uiaa* aaa no coft'tof ftttf ft«t 4#al kdii qiw**!i«»a* of Cmiholk aotborii> Is Cftftft. Korto Hkm and Jhe FblHpplpea. HA f r as Culm and Porto kin nr* ren.i-rawd they ar* under tlu- astabllabed t'aibolir nnhbtsbc-pru. which will aot h* d a turtiatf In aay way. Tb# Catholic au thnrities ar# axpaciing early word from Rome a* to the naw anbblaha,. of dants re. »bo takas th* place of Art hblatiop Cbapelty. now In New Or leans. Nominations for the Rants Ft* bUhropir have Ih #n sent to Rome, al though tha came salwted may be «*ut aid# of tboati on ih* nomluatlng tint. Robbed the Grave. A alartlln* ih.ldent. *»f whi.h Mr John Oliver, of Philadelphia waa th* aubjeci. I* narrated l>y him na follow#: *'l waa in a moat dreadful condition. M> akin wa* alm->,t yellow, eyea sunk en. tongue i*oated. pain continually 111 back and aide*, no appetite—gradually growing weaker day l>> day. Three physician* had given hlrn up. Fortun ately. a friend advised trying ‘Electric Hitters;* and my great Joy and sur pet#e. the Srat battb* made a decided Improvement. I continued thalr use for thr*# week*, and am now a well man ! know they saved nty life and robbed the grave of another victim.** No one Should fall to try them. Only 6# centu per bottle at Howard * Willefa. "How about that Klondike mining company that you were Interested in aixjut a year ago? I thought It was go ing to be auch a trig thing." • It was a big thing. W • ittsffosed of nearly SOW.OW worth of etock.’'—Chica go New#. Admiral Camara has decided not to publish bit) war views. XXKKXKKKKKKKg j? IS IT WORTH >1 ANYTHING TO YOU i;i IQ Fqusr#, honest dealing*. prompt service, atrlct at- g% tention to your order* gg and an earnest desire to K aatiafy you, no matter at ]*Jt What cost. W[ jrjg Add to thi* our very Q> 50! large and complete stock JgJ of Watcbea, Llinmonda, K 0| line and medium grade* ■* K Jewelry. Hterling Bilvcr- Jgj wear, Rich Cut Class, an- JO} gQ able* ua to ofl'er you in- M ducements worthy of W M your attention. )rjd 8 X f. fin. ftiweiprt & Co., m & Jewelers. to.<nrt t ot tm at^TUki Tkf M*)M mt 4Un* M. WWW* ffcael H#A* I Offthtidtr ** ft * t* s t TW fttAAf* j j *#** of ||»* torn *f foftofftt ««■—lrt»« Ift a« lodi am to«tautft t Jftftjto Iftptoto I *#*stftftsft4 HftWftftft MuAA'iOf tft# ft— ; i tfiif alßf-wf of AMftk MrMMtdMI tft to ftftftftft* Ml •**»■***? tfc* tftlfc 'MI «f • 3 »"*%#CAtoor $#M ANNkft I ft# ftftft* • Bo IV 1 iff ft. Jb© SfWkMftl Ml a ftilliißi brunortl m* |t* | aft I ma*f% y ®b tfto cYwAft. •aa ft*van • #ftft It— Bifr fltft In tut ftlftto pMM ft on* tort bi lirf totto* H>t rfinx |b tla ctftfl ft—Hß# *4 lit* *»*p**t I n fftlifl <4 ft f< • * 1 tn»itM Bit ft ft Hi * i ftrr «tf*|t from •Itwft 4«ft?(l fßftui tin tft* ftttl ftki* of (lift rovrt ft B#f- Iftlrt >• fi»or ftf ft aiht ft frtr it MM »M r< !|4« fdafft «• til# mar of U ft Mol* *ft*!n«t tft# fto«i| CtmltM —ft flfftf* gift iltrntift <<»oti>ftftf 1 toNto #ftv» wrrr ofttlfftti «,(ft (ft# hrftrtftft. Mt «Ot*r —ftp kti« «tm t«» i ftp lor*' ; Thr Heft* t» • fan—( ft«ftr| Hritithoft tftr Attl'itd Itliiidß of lb* road and hi* rwanplatat aU»*»-d that hi* land and rn# ha* h<en d»-a- ; aaad by ovarflov and Uarfc»ai*r. | dw* l« laaaffk my of opnliili In th# MBlMthwii of the mad to pemK a i frar and uwoUtmtdpd i<a>aaga of th# * atari* of th* ICdtsto Nor Tkt mm pan? by way of d#f*«a# ai>B*d a pro-, •rrlpMv* right rafabllahad by tworr than twvntj ytart' maintenance of th* embankm**! eomplalntd of. la aob stantially thr aatii* condition Thrr* warn atm! othrt ra*r> on th* docfc*t fmvlßi out of th# tinr Matt of fa< ta I- all of which war* rout In uad Th* H»n J F, t*la r #nd W 1.. Olaa* ip-. p*ar#d for plaintiff; Rayaor 0 Bomner* 1 for drfaoaa Stenographer M>#r* last for horn* To Whom It .lay Concern. t hav* b#*n in th* drug bu*fn*a* for ;t»«lv* years. and during that tim, hav* -•id nearly all th* rmiph mrdlctna* i manufartutad: and from my personal knnuli de* of such remedies, 1 aay that ■ Chamberlain's t'uugh Remedy #lv*a i l.rtt*i aatlatactlon than any oih*r on Ih* market —W. SI Terry. Klkton. Ky. Hold liy Alexander Drua and Seed Co.. C. H. Parr of Ball Tower I>rug Stor*. A SOLDI tiR'H FUNERAL. Private liakew laid to Rest at Pied mont. Piedmont, #. C., Oct. I.—Our little community waa again called on to Borrow over on* of the soldier l»oy« who went at th* call of hi* country to atrlke a blow for i»*>or, bleeding, down trodden Cut*. Private J. V. Kakew died In Columbia, and hla remalna wer* brought up on the train day before yea tsrday aftarnoon. Like many another poor fellow, he went bravely forward at the tap of tha drum, and waa sent home in a casket, another victim to the stupidity of put tins men from the mountains In a ramp In Florida. The entire settle ment of droves (four miles from here) attended hla funeral. The church waa crowded. The grief of his sged mother was heartrending. He was n gallant young man and very much liked by all his neighbors and friend*. The talk here now I* that the cotton was very much damaged by the recent rain*. The bolls are rottening and the ylebt will not bo what was expected. There will Is- more wheat, oats and corn planted next year than ever be fore. Mrs. Wirklln*— You and your hus-l band and Mr. and Mrs. Oaddsley seem to be very good friends. Mrs-. Dimpleton—Yes. You see. Mr. Caddsley and I used to be engaged. Mrs. Wlclillna—'But I don't under stand why that fact should make you enjoy each ottier's society now? Mrs. Dimpleton—Well, of course; I can't speak fop him. but he married a woman who Is at least live years older than I am and not half as good look ing, If T do say so myself. You don't know what a comfortable feeling takes possession of me when we are together, and I see him glancing first in her di rection arid then in mine. Cleveland Deader. 20-year filled gold watches In ladles' and gents' sizes with Klgin or Wal tham movement from 17.00 to 112.50. Guarantees with each wateh at Dewls .7. Schaul’s, Reliable Pawnbroker on Jackson street. _ TH 13 JETJOTJKTA Mt FHALD. THE CANAL IS FEASIBLE 1 r«M— k |a»kM IfWt* ft k IhlMffUff fft* M— 9N>t lift I—# I *fn***« sm M —ftt—k— p r, |p< » PVMkk [Vft HftpftNftft ft —ftp*— Ifft' *ft» *—ftftftlft j [tRA— I—Ml ftft ftri ft" ft ft ft i 111 IftMft ftft** ftftitff as ■ # llMk *1 . ftw#" [ft— 4* ft—l ftft Mftftft 'I!»< ***• tft# I Mftffti t —ftt Hit i-■!■ —ft * lt* —ft, [ ftPkftitMl ftNHtft— IftftiNi 9ft ftftv Vftftftftl I«—tMMft lift#* ft'tftftik vrftlfcft HM—ft* ft— mpum tiirt #ft4 wmmm • —h rc kftfftyk *V®iftft I lift ft* iftiftif ift "ftft npwk T'ftff >*'» * —*• '« ?'* fffffr* ft 4—ftftftft Ift lift MB »HI ft fftll ol ftl—l lift ipftf ift - ftp* ft I ft# !<•»* If VfHPM I ftft I tnrwn tft ftlßßftt* tfcft klMftft •(—»« 'lift fHftt wftii*ft rot# Ift N» 4ofu tift. UMHtth* 'daring nrkb-k lima atgktr «»-] sinter* war* I* Ike ft*ul conaganthr.j lot Uttaa non* anffarrd from aertoua' Mr Whaaiar .aid that muck of tbs' ftrrt— (lift Mvairv «i> •!- | rßftdft ftrftfkirftd sos * Mil purpo##*. *o«l, ! ibat bp M *Mb c—ft) *<»wl4 hft 11— lift (Oktlrurlid H* ■— mIH bow k—c it »on 14 tftbr for ft »Wp tft f—« through thr —I Hr —l4 It waft 1 n 4lff fruit f(t«klIon tft AnWkf. I "Thr pprrd of • ybuspl |wm M f hioftftb j ■say ranal depends on tb* width of the . anal and In this Instance tbe wtdth , must depend on tb* expense of mo st met .on It ouaht not to tab* more than two or three day. at tha ttttnuat. and thus It would save about a tnooth frost Nrw York to dao Kraitclwo or to China " "The comm<r< at value of th* fa-, nal." ha continued «»uld be estimated by existing trad* conditions. A ca ns! rrente, new fields, and tnakc Its own trade I understand tha war ha* rau«ed tb* American people to lo**h much more lavorahly on tb* canal' project. I believe It can be made to' pay expense, and even a profit The: people of Nicaragua treated it* eourta-' ou«ly. and the government did all it coukl to help ua We have been using a government steamer for th# work in Igtke Nicaragua I expect to remain here about two months and we hope to make a full report on the conditions as we found them and the practicabili ty of cutting the canal.” Tallesaee, Ala.—Cotton I* coming In with a rush. GRACEFUL-WOMEN frtedom from ntrvtttsnns tnsurrs tasr es movemtnt. |JL t\ / ICTORY * Nervous women are seldom grace years I have been subject to nervous dyspepsia- I would ’’•"'Sfillwv quivering in my stomach with smothering feeling*. My nerveawere terribly debilitated. 1 was suffering from what is called stomach felt bloated and I was constantly weak ami trembling. I cons'm « several physicians who trouted me without doing me any good. I ha ‘ l ‘ l ,n< '' t given up in despair when T heard of IV ru-na. H *lx years ago that I first took Pe-ru-na. I found it an immediate relief Ui »ll mydiMgreLUbl» symptoms. It is the onlx..medielnc. that has ever been of any use to me. Send for Dr. Hartman's books on catarrh; they an* mailed free. Hpecial book for women. Pe-ru-na euros the diseases of the mucous membrane, and at the same time builds up the general health. All druggists sell >». Mrs Itosiua Horning. River Basin. Mich., writes: "Last summer I was troiihied with female weakness. Pe-ru-na helped me and now I can do my own work. " , Here is a letter from Mrs. Lucie Waldic, Otsego Lake. Mich. She writes: *■ lor three year# I suffered with catarrhal dyspepsia. My moutU waxi*sore f could scarcely eal 1 wrote to you for advice and you told me to and Man a-lin. 1 at once got some and began to fake: it. It has te n months since I tegen to use your medicines and lam peifectlj well. J have no signs of mv old trouble." • The magnificent work accomplished by Pe-ru-na during the past forty years in curing catarrhal trouble, ia reflected in thousands of letters on hie and con stantly being received. O POWDER Abaaaw***. Nm 14)14 I AM YCM Ml lAN % Ml A f N *V ff. A > <ff>d>iii. i•>lm Ip : bftM f|pt as■■ t bm# Pf PI dHBI BmN'p't.r #•» * ft I# ftvft i(rf t puftMF * Vmipp |n I ft# fttyffe* *H»f *mi*rr to tft ffttl M«»i mn4 Ito Mr# ibk M (’ ftullrp bh4 hrrj <f«ftfrbt«p. Mipp M«n< Hbyp •rtlvfft front fVlftt <'irinf ti krtofk tbPft havr «>l*p<i4if)ft ft w till*- «l(b Dr K W pA llyllnr Iftit ft til Mmn wm»% p up In Rft*t Hill, ibplr ft Hit a r bntnp Utrr ih**y fttll >.m Hp«i Huitor to (’•ubft ft« 4 (ft*j nmlia till bto ftultoft • all him rlar-nbrrr. I ftoft litHlff ftr«p* toW *M IntPTPfttlnftl Ml— ftlftftlt Tttbft. !hr |ap»ptp *1.4 n»- limtllff— DR'flPftl of ('ul't p s i r * i.«*iuf-tllv |o«»|i tiarkwl ft|)ft WtH*. M I rpftlft (Natl— Ift rntftftftb I© id • mn h xk'U man tf-rpbm-imlniil nr* niniritto of • rhroalr And Mr. C. O. M*Nnthcr of l)r B*»)i Jkt.»>*•**©• *'«* u <••«* of ftiryrhnln#* J— j teiday by acxddeot and » killed him. Mrs. Mldlry t'haricß la such a dearl fellow. * If** never gtw* away wltboutl kissing me. Mrs Howerby—Y..u don't *upp<Hie there la anything like "business heforel sHure" In hla mind when he Is getng nway. do you, daar?—Umilon Trans cript. Mrs Elisabeth McCulloch of Waver ly. Md .owns a drum that wa* used In the War of Revolution, In that of mi ll sod In the dVfl war. The owner wanted it taken to the front In tho CubHti war, but It was t<» oantlque to suit military notions of the present day, unit that Is th*- only reason why it re mained in Maryland. r FORTNBR’B j C MOt ttWAt *nal J / VIENNA CAIINEr / / liPANOBOr c | Export i > Beers i ? ARE THE BEST < S *•* an* t.u c RONE! TO LOIN. I© #ny tuini flatirwl (fwn 1400 upward*, n ilrkUhl 3 and 6 yura i>ma, or on IO ytart tim#, ptytblc In •qu#l Annual intialmgnli. Low#*t rala« of inIWAAf. No ciptriN to borrower •acopt th# utuil Attorney and rocord (a#*. No d«lpy in ftttin# tha monay. Alexander&Joliosou Agpftto it itoil Aftifßft M —pr —r‘“t 706 Broad St Just Arrived Beautiful line of China Matting, solid Mahogany Bedroom Suits, Lovely Line ot Walnut Suits, finest line of Extension Tables in the city from $3.50 TO SSO OAK SUITS IN GREAT VARIETY. FLEMING & BOWLES 904 Broad Street. Fall Seeds s> Fall Seeds JN WHOLESALE QUANTITY Georgia Rye Seed W heat SSJT* " n ” ,, cb *“ * nd Seed Barley White Onion Sets Red Onion Sets Crimson Clover Native R. P. Oats Grazing Oats Multiplying Shallots, Cabbages, Collards, etc. THE HOWARD S WILLET DRUG CO. The Georgia Solar Gas Company SOLE OWNERS. Kor the right to Manufacture ami Bell tlie INTERNATIONAL HOI.AK GAB MACHINE IN THE STATES OF GEORGIA AND SOUTH CAROLINA County rlghta for sale. Write at once for full particular* concerning the Machine and Light. Tho public ia invited to aoe the light and inacbintf which will be on exhi bition the balance of tbia week at 744 Broad Street, MASONIC BUILDING PATRONIZE ‘■The Barber Shop of the South.” HICKEY’S is the Place Five Barbers, all first-class artists. 21 2 and 21 4 Bth Street. ALL READY TOR SCHOOL STRONO SUITS , Porthe Boys! *»«*, «edp •*» be* a h-f NtomM mu# aart «** *«r »—•* tftffHfti ©if toNpft ftftkl a Cito*iMto9) 9ft toitoto 99ftft*ft ainaMika taw %w» dwam* a*d P a asbsr MMN mm% am» mpW. ttoMto tototo mm pm wmm ftw ** w* •mm m plaftftft pmmpmmp § ||Wttanpmb»«p»#«*x ft .ft Y*aW* ftM* ««*> f B(s . u tiu , |# yp,, ,1-f Mmmaeaff tan* «4 I Mil Itwya MM Km lw« tnppnai M.h.t ft* ata ift. «•** ftnUP ©*. |t as .M a* Mt Hats tad C*g» ft, ft a*4 lift J. B. HITE l CO.. Mm Department. Tt**- NT ft ST#«a— — cm mil l VAUGHAN M» lUfUAII SIMM Y. tIUI U HF *a( e am> •AMM AIN «Ilk Th# Inst, but on# of our *#mi-#nnt4»l Chglbn## Snifb win b# crownmd with mn nrray of ins any store may b# proud of. Som# of tn# ftp#c»#i values ar# Ih# r#sulla of our own «fforts carefully pinned for th# occasion many w## h t*kO- °t nr# frank to confesn. ar# rath#r nttributabl# to our ability to **Rk < » w *f k varit### of . th# *n#xp#ct#d turns th# markets t#k# At ttft—-AH in all It la a wonderful collection of choic# Sho## tnftl will b# told at our n#w store this w##k for V 81-©0 S Fifteen different styles In Ladles* Low and Hlyh Shoes and ai«ht different etyiea of Men e. These are genuine bargains purchased by our Mr. Couley while In the East. . _ Agents for Hanan & Son. Stacy Adam# & Co., Edwin C. Burt and Ziegler Bros. ; I ■ J If jruv Riot two (hlniP tlw* hifiiMt wtlifittlfln moßtf, Jwt mill* >uur»#lf on# of ©ur cuMormti. *'•** fumlah lidar* with bfr'fUlitA too, Amt tht brat In the mtrhel it Tti# IS p»*f twit i nflutitilil »ii • quarter hit, but hrrt i a proc-* aaiog tis boro*' rtifia. t'©l timing a, f*»«>d#4 ItfO.M, and your laat t hane* to gat thla popular modal at any girk©. W# baa# (hr#e a hop worn tonlyl model It, ladh***, wt* will h i go at 56U.00. On# l*dW Hartford at 545.00 and ladle*' Vedatt* at, ladiaa* Jill at S3O. and for boy* and men there la nothing on the mark**! to rompara with tha ICHdrt aperial at $15.00 and tha Jack at lit. 00; aacond h uul Cleveland*, ftambterf, Craacanta. Iteiini, Vlrtora. Kldradgaand Haiyrlaa, from SIJ OO up, all A 1 iondltlon. and we let them go at any old prke-tbey did not coal o* thing, uera given to ua by people who wanted to rid« tha STANDARD WHMUBL OF TUB WOULD, and only aold in Auirtprtg at DEVENEY, HOOD & CO Bicycle Department. / DOORS. SASH AND BLINDS, S \ v — Rough and Dressed--% ? i YELLOW PINE LUMBER < S AND MILL WORK 01 OBSCRIPTION. ,> / Factory and Haw Mill equipped with lateet improvements and organUa- f V tlott thorough In every department. Full Una in stock, and prompt snip- f ? meiite assured. Fricta, Cataloguee, ate., upon Application. V \ Perkins Manufacturing Company, Aupsta,Ga-s j-N/WVNA/N/V'/V>/'\/VxA^WV-s/S/V , A CO OPERATIVE COAL SDPPLyIiOMPANT Have transferred Ihelr business and coal yard to MESSRS. DONALD FRASER and T. T. CUMMINU, under lease, who will hereafter conduct the business in nil Us branches. PURITY. EXCELLENCE OF QUALITY and FULL WEIGHT and MEASURE Will be the leading chiincteriatlca of their management. Their stock of Hard and Sort Coal and Oak and Pine Wood Is not surpassed any where. Trial orders are invited. ■ FRASER & CUMMING, Lessees BELL TELEPHONE 120. STROWGER TELEPHONE 358. * OCTOBCA | a aAftaag Ur ifteiAL wen UkJicv .Tricycles «»»])' Bctett ' S>.*.