The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 01, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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6 §r~ -“M -■ % **-111 mffttrnm NN A < -•* * & Sm !• IwMt »»il ♦»«■—■» *4 *•# * W» i■*»»» ttNM '* j in H»»n •*• (ON*** MM f M ‘M*” *j*mm ***** 9®9't*» Ml Mi MM** *■' «l totot •* MM *to | gtiwt MWiito' MM*' M> MM* IMMMPMI igHiM itotoW# Mp*** *Mw» *# **# 9***^ Hi*i Mttt Ml *to MMMm** *1 *to ****•## Jtog£ IMHM mm* MMi *MjM**Mi ****** MPM MMpMMMNI fW«« *** M**» I4P* 9999999 |H*M*** Ml 99# * "’•* :! '■* *’* »m' to# fto Mi totoi M M**i Mi pUUmii Mat ft* 9>9#tot> %**•• * ******** *( MM* toto# MMM** to# M M* gs*. Ml tfc# psBMM WMA#W<» M **• ,«t «* MW** «*«*—♦ •* *■»*• MpmM 9** 999*99 Ml tM* **'*' *** K9*. ftiiT inr* TTrrn to# Ml* 9to#w ***** §**9999# iMf MMMMI b»* ** * m* ~t4 ***** I* MM9 M* itiMfiMi Mi im* th«*m» •*•§ ppwwwa w_w* ******* IM kg" * MMM W* p*WS*P4 •<•■##• W4ll IM »B* *a*w4 w«*M *i »** » •*• Mmmti *f Mm #•*' •**'•• *** «f dMrtm •lAM# IMM iM i3»'»wM I'M BSS4* *• •mm MP <af laaaA—v M M r«*’* 1 Mr *M mil* 1,1 ****** Mat *M WM »MMM M* I apflflraUy Mm MIM <Mifc CMIaMM. W mm *m whim «m» «M> MW •M »h*»h Mllrl m Mr- *“»«» »■» was <*w*»s4 *St • «MM* M Mt Mir ppywetss Mt grew mm» M* Ml Mr (Ml <Aa ••# A M*M MHMM as MM** •*< «M*M> «M»* •Mr Mr. MM MM mrfH »w. Ktx> MMr tMHMrrr Cnaaamp- Mm «M MM * M«ll» awd ■lr •Mdl fwwwd M*wW MMiil rrmm ||» Rrri P#e* MM •** M •*1 •«•» '•**•* *» MIIM. IMMM ***«i4 •**■ ***** • w* l * ***• * lr,, •*•» I* •• •'*** 9mm (iff *•».•• TtMil M*ti»* **' _ iwt* OfMl IM««» •* Ma>»»f<l A WBI»« • nrc« Mm UM MW M »*•!» •■•« MM. COL I HOB OPE NINO* Frwi IWvmM) m ClrMMviMr Opow H* IMn OrrrnrlD* •. C. Mr*: *• A»Ort mlmi tor • MUIIftBt oyralni tor PMnMM rilftoltr •«•* fulljr r««IUr4 VMit'ulu »lir« Ihr «*rrrurr »«•»• |p bffg~~ TM MirWlMrMit m 4 b>i A M hit MtorbMMi rrrord* a»d IM prr -41, tKm ot Prnr drat MmUMPM* «“' l '• ■rrrnil dap* •••>. that thrrr would br oar haadrrd and thlrtr-**o »ti»d*inl» Hi Bttredaar* IM Ural dap. raarr Iron Oar haadrad rad twratf OMr rlndraU rrcMtand W'Mnrada*. aa thrrr wrrr •Irma on IbK ptnond Mho ronld not ( ri IO IM jraflrtnUton booh* Hrr •rat aiorr rrg'Mrird lhaa b**• rrgi«- tr rd lhr flr»t day d»Ho* thr laal tra MMloaa ahlrh harr Wa thr Imanrr prar* of thr Ihrillittloa And atUl thrrr arr many tnorr atndraU who artll rotor la. A ron*rrra!l»r ralltoatr. Un»rd u|«on thr rword, tor Ihr maximum atiand aocr duiias IM araaloa. la two bun* dr««d. aa agalnai thr beavlrat prrvloua maximum auandaarr of onr hundred and rletup-right Tbr roprrarn.allon among tbr aiudrat bodp thl« yrar la more gmrral orrr thr atate than for aor prrvloua yrar. Itrtorr thr Hour of prrtrrdav onr hundrad and fwty atudrnu had rrporttdjor aitrndancr tbla morning. CASTOR IA For Infant* and Children. Die Kind You Haw Alwafi Bought z^«dLv&i£&'. SHOCKING MURDER. Man Hacked to Plecra In the Step* of a Church. Montgomery. Ala., Sept. 30.—l.lnie aiotie has another murder to darken her annala. This time It oecura while huodreda are gathered to worship, and right In front of the altar where the man of Owl was standing and preach ing. At Gllbertaboro, In the northern part of the roimty. yesterday after noon, while Rev. Mr. Prince was hold ing divine service at the Methodist church, the services were Interrupted by a brawl just In front of the church door and a fight was in progress. The services were broken up, women paled and men surged around. A young lad by the name of Alsup, from Tennessee, was engaged In a rough and tumble fight with Fletcher Adorns, a young married man, living In this county. They had been quar relling for some time and finally came to blows and then clinched. While they were In this attitude, Shoal Alsup, an older brother of the boy that was fighting, rushed In and before the wit neses could prevent, had cut and stab bed Adams to death, cutting his bowels open and stabbing him In the heart and cutting a deep gash in his head, the wounded man falling dead at the ••ery church steps. The gaping crowd, so bewildered at what they had seen, allowed the murderer to get on his mule and ride off, without so much ns an effort to hinder or prevent his mak ing his escape. .„ ~ * Pain"kmer. (I******* 4*9 ***#•* *!mmi •fe*■ * MRNfc * *M§ I j 'tttft IKM Hi Hi* I Slit'll VtVft (til** ** *m4 tMi H** feoNMf Nl ** • tMti*# ft» _ §k&on is n* •S’ ll '*** «nb»* jjn nr Ins ■**"•'•*• PH** | lit m Imh** ••* 9mmm cm •****• ti**m tm* immMHmm* mi 9S Mt*Ni *•#“*** c§ cmvmNm* ISA IMmnmiMMl Cm C§** m%* imNim ******** tVm fMim Mr* , r*m* M mm9m**=. 9**ti*' MM! Mm *!•*"* 11l im **» Tim Mm *m«ms in mtt «!■*•» im*i ****** Mummrntmm. **W Sm. to mmt ftom fit* »«*■**** rnimm* cm** - ***** m im ********* i* *j»9*M* ms *****% i imtMimm "tom «*i «m ilm ftmto jm**il m# to* tomm* ****** fto mitipwm *IMNi Vtlli to* torn* to tto frnltimm Hmtmtoi *to * mrmim until tto to* ms ftm* mtorn •** to # m*»i m . -.% Im* fctotoC* Inm witm to* |toi to tto* fpmMlto tto* to mm to* «to rtom •#Ui tto tot ms to* •torn "* Mfti r%s*totimi imitoi to mm* *%**s» jtf im** ••• (Mtottom to tor Hll*f m* 1 mm, mr ••mto 91 rto»*toi to? «#>*< to Ito p*n m* Wf% to f tom to* mm to toto mm toimtr* Ur*. CTilrtoNm 4to mml tolmk Ito *m% ftotomT Mt prtp** mm 4 tto*m tto **** tmm *mt wevmtmU* mf* ***4 H tNN» jm*i-#l»*l'9 tomtotom I A ttottof ms torn***to ******* tmtli tomm to in mi ill f CtMtoto** mmmff <s**■ j tot ilm tflMrmmtoi. whtch aMwvMed aaiwasaßwat ha CM spec, (atnvfi *M . t « "-*t the rvmri rv*osa Mis rkbbtla was tM star wiiaass ftf iMs eeastna ghv %sd sawss spicy tflta with iM sttunw toy tM dsiras* •ad yraa tadigaaat *M ashsi If hsy hwaMai «nmM aat sliow hsr ta tick b hiia «a<b-r tM chla I%* Mtoyaay aaid t*s th«w*ht wits* war* IlivtwM to da j stvat aa tMy pleased with their h*te !besde "Mot ta paWk.” retorted Mr* Chlahwfw. Walter Fuller. a witness agalaat IM dairwdan's wan racy carcfai la hi# testimony A* M wathed out M waa asked if he was a brother to tM de fsadaat Fnlkr and M rrpttrd sharply ■ j "Tee, I am sorry to aay f am.** gereeal witaseotw. larludtng a minis- ] ter. ware tatrndored to show that Mrs Falter eajnys a good repotatloa. and that nothing ha* ever teen *ee« at her house that could he termed disorderly J. W, Pagpett. of Oah fltsw, Fin., hnd an aftnrk of the measles, no Hr thrsa year* ago. sad tbe disease left him with Very severe pains In ths chest, ■■j thought I would die,** he writes: -hut to my great Joy I was saved by Chamberlain's P*!«* Malta." Faina In the chest nearly always indicate tbe approach of pßeumonta.and by prompt applying this liniment on a flannel cloth —which should be bound on the chest -an attack of pneumonia may he pre vented It Is alwsys prompt snd ef fectual. For sals »t » and M rents iwr boltle by Alexander Drug A heed Co., C. R. Carr of Hell Tower Drug Store. ZOLA’S HOUSE TO BE SOLD. Handwriting I'xpyrta Enforce a Judge ment Against Him. P»rto, Sept. 30 --The house and fur niture of M Emile Zola are at>out to be sold to satisfy s Judgment of 30.000 frsnrs obtained against him by three handwriting experts who recently won n libel suit, growing out of the Drey, fus ease, against the author. The sale Is to take place. It appears, In spite of the fact that (he late Lieut. Col. Henry's confession of having forged a letter which was Instrumental In bringing about the conviction of the prisoner of Devll’a Island has sustain ed M. Zola’s position. The experts have refused the offer of M. Octave Mira beau to he responsible for the amount. It la expected that the minister of Justice, M. Sarrlen, will. If he has not already done so. Issue directions that the rigors of the Imprisonment of Dreyfus he modified, according to cus tom. pending a Anal decision In his case, which Is now before the court of cassation. Pistols. Double Parrel duns— Pistols, Harrington * Richardson Prnnd new pistols. *2.50; Harrington & Richardson second hand pistols, *2 00. American double action pistol, *I.OO. Guitar. Man dolin and Banjo Strings, 2 for 5 cents, at L. J. Schaul, Reliable Pawnbroker. Mrs. Guilford Still Free. Tendon. Sept 30.—The United States 'officials at the embassy only received yesterday Instruction* In regard to the extradition of the woman alleged to be Nancy Guilford, the midwife from Bridgeport. Conn., who arrived In Liv erpool Tuesday. A warrant for the provisional arrest of the woman until (he arirval here of the extradition doc uments is now In the hands of the of ficials of Scotland yard. Police In spector Freest has charge of the case, but thus far the woman has not been arrested. OASTOniA. Best. th. y> lh9 Kind You Have Always Botight ‘•“r CLytf&s&a th® a tjoxtsTsAs Hinyi^XsO VAMMCIt IM VMUkjMy I *m* -omm mm** tom *99% f 4 to * torn m*to fto -mm to #» ■ i»-wi m * *»to to to-torn £**»+ j f mto *-* >- **‘*r*iNtoto Miit m* 41 *»■ [«m *4*9 ttototo *'■***** #*m 9 m *** | kmm* . 9f tm* mmto t* *i*mm t"* i mwm ******* pm**w*sf , m M* •*■**&* 4 = s **m* ************ mm# torntto# ** to#* f 9mm t**t *«* 9»sc *** ** it mt* pm itm i f 'to* Mmt‘i *to to* •** i **'S*»* I • mr*4N., m ♦•*§ ****., 9 ***s * *%**■ I J*** **» f** to* m* mip** mm *t *m*| 2r^*siT.r , m tsz I^l w Wtoilto to **** *** m v»M '9*iHm**J fit ***nn**o* #i*m* m BimM**, Tlh* to I -f*r*i toil 9#*** Ml *<i A ****** **•* I aagwr *• lam wipier. ... IdKMVKt* Ml* M» tad *»-• CMIK piplklMl.* Senwg%l ta tta ' |mMrw UtlMI at emS n**4 the HtaeflM etas#v*i e e*lMt *ta ess the *.« fcet *ii that «f MeaMui a fee «f *•**■#. Me laadty i«*rt» * tta rharr*. hat tta e**. tat* w*e again »l him. Me wa* la a call A a hear nr aa afterwards, tta raparter Ittri- I atwwad at tta at low Ha atr<d|mt <*»»• tm tta **tt la which the M#orla»a!e waa reatdtatr I That* waa a hast teeming few rati Mu I. Tta Ixdtwter IMtawed 'll LeW||d Pastd war is de ttaa'a dra. aa ha vm saved. I did hut take aa ahaaa, and l ea. hyer ait de tta*# rawad me, aa' wataj ga tae tar tnaha ah aw* Par a Ptsur ta a ftl. bat I a ant a far tar gat ml** j hyar t‘sa waatla* tar He released " The lapartar a»ad a attytit antee. aad tta as- i tartar eat dart hta i*4* a fnr Htartr I Hi* caar waa pathetic and yst t»H ludicrous. a a a THKtIKR ttawltr. tta "a*» IHtINK" HAMIT, drink" haNt ma*l have a at mac tald on a number of ! people, aad ta tta cauar as a lot of ta-} lustration TM* ataiennwt la baaed *»n I what ta heard at iweurtlrr'* court. **f rirtire* not a day paaeea. but mm* un J fortunate appear* before the recorder, and la confronted with the charge of "plain drunk.** Few rear ndmlt that' they were Intoxicated when nrreated. end when they do admtl that they were drunk, they declare that only "tunfc on# drink." The nature of the a*m| drink muni tr quit# effective In th# way of rauatng the partaker It* do nit klnde of thing* that bring at»>ut nr-, rwat. line, etc. Then there la a lot of the "only dranh a beer" hind who have been known to tret on the wlldeat apree.l Verity, the 'Xjnr drink" la a l<nd thing ' Perhaps, two or three would not enure aueh evil reaulla. One might counteract ‘ the other, don't you know, a a a THE T, M. C. A. The T. M. C A.j HAND-BOOK. haa Juat received from the printers a little hand-boott, setting forth n few facta relative to) the Asanelattnn, Its advantages, etc. The title of the tittle book la "The Making of n Man." The greeting on the first pave reads: "A moat hearty welcomes with this little l*ook to the young men of Augusta from the i«0 members of the Youngs Mena Chita-, tlan Associative From * a. m to 10 p. | m. on week day*, and from 2 to « p. m. on Sundays, this building teem*, with young life, a veritable home , which, for mere nominal eapenae. offers | 'attractions aoolal, Intellectual, physical and moral, second to none in the cltv.l i Young men: Whether you are stranger* j asking for Information, students enter ing the eduoatlan»l cla*so», seeking employment, using the gymnasium, en | Joying our entertainments, listening to the noted speaker* on Sunday after noon, for whatsoever purpose you may j j tl |n hands with u* this year, we wel come you to our Association and friond ! ship." I Mr. James K. Ferre!, of Burnt House. W. Va., has discarded all other dlarrhoe medicines and now handles only Chamberlain’s Colie. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. He has used it in, his family and sold it to his customers for years, and has no hesitation In saying that it Is the beat remedy for coilc and diarrhoea, he has ever known. Il not only gives relief, but effects a permanent cure. It is nlso pleasant and safe to take, making It an Ideal remedy for bowel complaints. For sale by Al exander Drug & Seed Co.. Parr of Bell Tower Drug Store. _____ THE NEW YORK DEAL Providence Telegram. It may be easy enough to promise Black a senatorship If he will with draw from the race for a renomination to the governorship, but there are con ditions under which II will not he an easy matter to deflver the goods. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. THE BEST SALVE in the world for Cuts. Bruises, Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever Sores. Tetter. Charred Hands. Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Eruptions and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money re funded. Price 25 cents per box. FOR SALE BY HOWARD & WILLET. AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. tap aa t i» tM* v|M%Ta «% *h*T ** im u ( | |Mt xxp t«t It # > I aafftmta. ' AMR* wWIMt* 1 * * A* ttt I a wht NlilftA j fo* &AMU&. 91 f o*l A*f Apt—, idMhiswf/f, ; mmmtf** * •CASTOftiA,* (Id m»«m fAtf !r cC/tfinz zzp. fk.t i* **€AtTofltA" tM At* Ima m* M (Ap kamn «/ |dr *<4h*t~t pf jItMTUt /It tMt lAtrf t jwtflca LOOK CAMfFULLV §t lAt iihmmf ttt flit iAtf * * agr, Pi mm Adur amlkmUf frt*p ft tdt *9 flMdfl# rtrrfi The Cf*tpmf omm pf mAii A fUi, A fhtchm it Jassos*/ « .25. t Do Not Be Deceived. Do Ml the |if« of Jtwf cKtWI Iff MCffiflf A cheap mIaIiImII *hkh *n*M« JMJgh* Itiay «*rf Jpofl ' ( liffguw hr fivaVr v t few ttHffW txrnmrt (HI Mi, ihtß lib i L'frtlirfilt of which ftcfl Ac dor* Me* know. "The Kind You Have Always Bought" bIAAG TMt &GNATUM OF Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You. R AL ESTATE. | FOB RENT ALEXANOKRAJOHNSONi Ml ttrvaws- Framy -S mama .. M » da Mi ttraawm—Fraid > rums, ~ ~ fco ga Ml Orsy*s- Wrlcfc—'• twuraa .* .. *•! IM KtHa- Frams -I raaawa .. .. 11 M | CSfl Whs Fra a, - T wmsaa .. ~ MW • Mai I*. iai ak F-ags*"-"* rwraas .« MM \ M Junes IVkh -f ryi'isss .. .. CM tt* Fit's at east. • mama .. .. ..MM •4 Telfair rttwt. • mmna .. t. .. li fl IM Waihe, atmst. € i ia«aaa ~*.••IX as Ml Walk scat met. • IX W . rn Feaalrh st rest. I mams .. .. 13. M ■ MtltedgevlUy Hand. P acres sad f roam darelttna. karna, ate,, XSX. M Chats* •**«•*. ‘ rwmas a> MW j 1414 Ksrea y*rs*t. « ra> ms M W —— Bunitnervllts. T rooms sad X acres .. .. .. •• •• a. IXW 114 Jachana, * rooms •« *• .* .. H S 4 frroßM. Tl 4 ttroad atreel .. .. .. .. .. . JIJH IM Broad atrast .. « .. .. *. XW* Mu Hmad sttsel v. .. ** I IM Broad atrsst .. M* IX: Hrual atrsst *>| tii Broad street * j t*| itruad street ~.. »• .. •• •• fl* UM Btuad street I?X4 Broad street .. jj* ] ■ 8r..5l *" m Hrnsd T »•; ' |M Mi Intush street ** I 3M M lutoah .. .. &. MW «! <24 Itrynuld, » MT Jacheun . . M- •« —l“ I'frfM. MX Broad street, M»«nt TI2 Bread. Montgomery Building, aln gle offl< ><a and suite*. 7U Broad .. .. * ••**** 4.W llroad street aj <(« Broad street •_ ,MI Ofllce* and sleeping moms In Chris Orsy’s building, corner Hevsath and Broad streets. Numerous ofllcca slid sleeping rooms tn all pari* of itty. Idst *« olfiee. Alexanfler&Jolmson 705 Broad Street. FOR RENT LIST CHANGED DAILY. 515 Lincoln, 5 rooms 11.50 333 Telfair, 8 rooms 20.00 1336 Jones, 7 rooms 25.00 233 Ellis 12 50 335 Walker, 8 rooms 18.00 STORES. Cor. 9th and Barnes SIO.OO 304 Mclntosh 10 00 537 Broad 20.00 566 27.10 J. B. White houses. Broad straet. J. B. White houses. Jones street Get prices at office. L. F. VERDERY, The Renting Agent. FOR SALE have for sale very desirable build ing lot located in the centre of one of the handsomest blocks in the city. Will sell same very cheap. Just the place for a handsome residence for your family* Good titles. CALL ON MRS. JERRY O’HARA, NO. 1327 OREENE STREET. REAL ESTATE. FOR RENT f — 1 "PfiJ Imjh t. ft White's new residence* «a upper i Brand atrwrl. Ppeeial prkws ftl fCMn. < raiat .. .... ..MM Lit Kim, strt#L. • ****** •• •• s* M *9 i 9fS 9E1.11* fl(ftr*L T rwoffh*, . * «• •« 19 #9 j 144 tlreone. 11 iSMSi ta M IMT Walton Way. • room, „ .... M M Mil Watt> a Way. X rnsma .. .... M M MB W«ad atrest. ».«*a Mg Ceatrv atnset, * dm .... .. MW J. B Whites cottages "4 upper Junes M reel *4 as a ad t M each FlttlTtMlKAl'H CAU.I3IT. CM This list «rttl he changed from day 4a day. Clarence E. Clark, Real Batata. M 3 Broad St. j FOR RENT J, B WHITUrfI HOI’S BP ON UPi’KR i BROAD HTBEET. * * ~ti SM Broad street, M rooms 3S «* 444 Bay street, I rooms .. .. B ot IX2 Kills street, X rooms M M 743 Kills street. T room# IX.OO •04 Urccno atteet, 1 vouma .. .. *0 00 IMS Orrene street, 1 nmtna .. .. 33 33 130* tlreene atreet. T n«mu .. .. IX.OO 4*t2 Fennirk street. X room* .. .. 1* 00 33S Walker street, S rooms 20.00 Woodlavrn Avenue. < rooms .. .. ir> 00 Chafer Avenue, 0 room* .. .. .. IS.OO Monte fltino, X rooms 13. SO House on Hill, I room# .. ■> •• •* 11.00 Booms In deslrnble locations. OFFICES- * 120 Seventh Street .. J* *3 123 Beventh street *■** 3 Daw Range t 33 * Law *- 3S S Law Range X * 5 725 Reynold# street 3SW STORES— -566 Broad street 25 00 5*2 Broad street .. 40.00 013 Broad street jj o ® 0 <2.1 Broad street - 5 00 628 Broad street ** 8 * <27 Broad street ®^W «2!> Broad street 630 Broad street .. 743 Ellis street 810 Ellis street 80 00 Part of desirably situated Broad street store, especially adapted for dressmaking establishment. The above list will be changed from day to day. John. W. Dickey Real Estate Agent. To Rent Store and Residence st 1265 and 1267 Broad street. One of tbe best stands in the city for a good Grocery Store, or in fact, any business. Tbe House has six (6) good rooms, a Rood yard, and is very convenient. Apply or Premises or at 808 Broad St. Ellisville, Miss.—Unpicked cotton has been much injured by heavy rains. NOTICE! gwm On «nd A*#r thtc dAl* Sub*rrtb*f» to lb* AuguAiA EicMnffl of fb# Soulhflrn B*N Tctephona And T*l**fAph Comp Any will b* §tv*n Fffl« connection to lb* following p'AC**: BATH. * C. CDCS9IKLO, twC. C-PANfTKVILLt. 9. C. JOMNiToN. A C-. Sunken Bill Tslejboie (Ttlejrapl Cl, W. H. AOK INS. M*n«*«r. IOHNSTON TELEPHONE CO. W. A. GttJ*. Pwhfrnt. F\ A I\ / || j ill X v^t#*** \ I' V;A J lil a / . \ \ I \f / \N \jk/ N/r, Coal, Wood and Cedar Posts Blackjack Wood Sawed .... W per Cord Good Dry Pme per Cord Good Dry Pine, Jon*, . * • #2 "? per Cord Special prices on Ihree Cords br more. Best grade Jellico and Hard Coal, including the celebrated Indian Mountain, at lowxst prices- R. h. SIKES. 904 Alarbury Street. (fero*ftr Ttiotw «#* •••--•- HtH I*l* u®* 2151. YOU CANT BEAT IT. I. C. Levy’s Son & Co., TAILOR-FIT CLOTHIERS. AUGUSTA, - GEORGIA SOME PEOPLE DON'T LIKE PILLS. They want a quick acting Medicine, acting simply on the LIVER. Mb H. I. F. For lie Liver, 50 Cents Bottle. H|_l n Will take out the yellows • lx* ■ • in your face. HH P Will take out the yellows . 11. x • in your face. The Howard & fillet Drni Co. Manufacturers H. H. I‘. Hotel Ste. Claire, DETROIT. niCM. Absolutely Fireproof, Thoroughly Modern, Central Location. Headquarters For Southarntrs. Rates $3.50 to $3.50 WM. P. BEYER, Proprietor. jeroa** t l ANOLK V MILLS, A C* TAIN TON. ft. C.. VAOCLU9S. 9. C*« WARRCNVILLC.9- C. A AC* BOOK BILLIARDS; ps sWsstS a taettstfl ot nniit'T to mm ] •uuuion^Hß •Afl* A* ******** 4 zssz&sffszss: < * mmmmmmmrnt fO*AM ** *tmmm**m*mm «mmm « *** 4 FOMfIMMMOBW* A*'C<o**m *** MO* TO FLAY ! Cmm, n cams. t ftc<a*< Icatßcr. Ami mmwtoL Nfl 9** ****** A* 4 c p#y* ms pwv v tiinti Ireiiii Eerali < Our line of Clothing for Fall and Winter wear I* above competition. • hen the combination of exquisite style, perfect fit. finish gnd low puca are taken into consideration. One school suits for boys, in double-breast ed suits, sailor suits of novel design, ami suits of every style In durania fabrics in mixtures, plaids, trirols, di agonals, elay and rheviot* are hand some and well made —and our prices! Examine them well! . a R. MITCHELL, ALEX. MCDONALD Supt. of Con. iSec. A Gtu. Mgr. Augusta Electric & Construction Company 212 Muln trail Street. ElectricSuppliet—-.peaking Tub**, etc., etc. Repairs to all Kteetrical apparatus. Kler trie Light Wiring a specialty. Bell ’Phone 1802. - - - Strowger 678. BEMOVED TO ?I1 BROADWAY- E. W. DODGE, Manufacturer of Rubber Stamps. Seals, Stencils, Daters. Pads, Badges,&c 711 Broadway. Augusta, Ga. Strowger Phone 162. NEXT TIME YOU HAVE A HEADACHE Land’s Headache Capsules Made Only By HOWARD & WIT.LETT DRUG CO,