The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 03, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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2 MONDAY NO WAR PRICES i LMiMW* #•§#•♦ CiMMt* W#tt fw • *# • 4? ** HJbJferiMh #1 t **99 ** ** " ...... * * 1 •* " t#r«# *s#• (L**#! 9F#e4#t * * • •*•: i«iAN • at t * OOMMB*. I s*•## m• Um ftftir* **Mr *•* #*4' * ‘•'J •ft*# m*% IO fcO pm ««*Dt <*»» *# faftftfMMMtoto IsmT#*** gjoefc«* (Swtmomki t*t Am*v*»* LEWIS J. SCHAUL, jbwblSi Und#* «*• A/«ngton Mo*** I LULL IN DREYFUS CASE. •ptoaottaa M »♦ **« Oft tMfl tin Da Aft <%*»» ft tmmmmrn *• *» ( Ixm—- Oh i tw*» In laaat • $941 4# t4* 41199499® #*9f4 *9* *»»' <• (ft* mm mt *ft* ********** tag 4ffs*4StoS*#A •*«• **W ft #h» ***** '4M »HH» - VHP #**»**• to*to»lS'l ‘*#» OH to* wftxft *•*•»• J**»* I ft* #*.s»•*•*» to***#***#* •Mil ftto# (to*a* as** toa *•* *B# mmtrn 1/ ata Nftlf ft t«#to*Hy •#•* to#*n#» Md t9*?t Kit •9* #94 <9 f> : Tfc» *m# 9 4*14 M«* mu imp* it* 1 if •«* flMNlltl id *9* Hf- j df« tiiririt «4 • fWtiiMMi id 149 # : ft** iHNHfr ftftdNNi **4 in i|m * «d 9# 9944t#4MH #4* j t|# ||MMPtMidMi4*<n mM fci*t 9#4 t»> .ft** tos-ft •**# *M (*w* *• R"* •*•* *• .- MH to**B*d. tt ••* *"*(* vassals*#■ MttmU suM I** < storm A *•*• *• '*• miu iwt WftWM srtft •«* ***** • •*• fw**vH miU*l wtob to ****** *•*" * **E* pMg* t* *a*ffi IV *Hii us *•*•# «Im, ft***** **• **#*» **• •#*• *ri*t. MW ft «8W KHRMI ttftfftft **" ■ Tft* Itolta***## ft«*ft**M*»l ft Ml* lbs Ito# Iftft* ft* ‘ft | Mamin m ft*» ft* to*«M «ft ,Hl< to»« • tartowl «»****» •»*••«•'>» . m* that* ftio*NMft*i ****** •‘•‘•ft ft 'ft Orexfix PM# Till* ft * to* (ft JPiuU* ft«K* ft** •#*» ••*»*«<*»(•• *ft ■l’Jitor* ••IftplHP* *ft •<*« *M**PH tft mmt tintftw* m*4 «•■•>' «»*<*uin* . low* «»U t«*toft*«>M ••«**♦*•»•* (ft . Lift* Pm oft Ip (Hr mtrnmtm* UW P<>( P*p %ft*r( to ****** I* —pliwftW (• • fttofto ftp •*« too »*(*(*• «** *"**•■ ***MW«(ft ftftttoo* books, m vriitoa o**S»rtsi* «*»•!“>***<“>*» Tft frrtMjft*** «#-• • «rs UK* to btM *1 «•" •*>(*>**»» •ft Hard ftsidr bid* wbit* ft *•(•. Uh* (br* mti* » so* sftftk h> Ms* LADIES TIES SOMETHINO NEW J. MILLEB WALKER THE HATTER Kisrox: HATS 149*- A Orest Show to Be Given on Wed nesday Night. Tht gnst show, "1482," which oo.*j In*» enrh a auecess **id ba* so many I devotees, will show in Augu*u obi Wetftißsday. Oct. slh. illuari. the Male Patti, has been nt-j tiacllHß general attention anil !» s.tlil "to OH the part of Isabella to perfection. Tfti* Will probably be a large .rowc* out at the Grauil to welcome him. The ih« rua of beautlfut women In el egant costumes .utils much to the show. Ti., ststemes* that the rslc of *:ata opened ioday was a tnls ake, but 'hey will be on sale tomorrow. Several boa partle* Isa re been orgnn . tied *cd all the boxes w'll be occuplea. To Cure a Cold In One Day Take laxative Promo Quinine THhiete. All drugglsta tefunJ the money If It fails to cure. 26c The genuine baa L I!. Q. on each tablet. AT 8:.4o TONIGHT. The City lathers Will Assemble In Council Chambers. Tonight the regular monthly meeting (of the city council will lake place. To the absence of Mayor Walsh. Mr. Caahio of the Third ward, will preside. The principal feature will be the clee 'Uon of registration clerks. The regu lar routine of business will also lie gone through. Our constant utm « 111 bp to please our patrons, both in goods and prices. Lam kin & Co. :I NECKWEAR. F. C. Turpin Company has received the latest thing in Neckwear, Ascots, Chal tilly,4-in-hands and Tecks 818 BROADWAY 818 *-Efereit Pianos hi* a MUM* tone ft* to**! | ftUf tut UWV *•*• **** t j|g|.gft (MTW tiMlt aw# PHI (■PV| * !■ t os, a M GUARANTEED —poe- Unlimitcd Time. I ft*stats* >*•* as* to# ha*( fU*** Hah ,t r »«Triirl» a* *ft rum •*#•* *• I art «tMt# • f* • rt i»iim. M>d MtttrK | iHi tMbMTWtni IS THIS FAIR? {in atomtaft >- fttff eta tilt T«x t II AM) AT At HUM AHV IAI' I Yul W law. (*».» Mtaatyaa «'•*• to* A** OHtftpw. fiw. KCf AlltltoO AND TVMJtG IT AfiTLSTR Tbooias & Barton, W. H Berrett. Receiver, 7H) Brotdwiy' Augusta, oa. ITICV M:LLS IN THE CIR. la hen staking ArrtotgHtaMrts For Hl* Circa). Mr. Pxar itotto to bnr* twyow know* of tft Hall* ettena and Mr Salta ( to MW of th# oan»ar» Tfto yaars ago tbs *k«a ptayad barn, and Hi flea , waaka tft loaara of oH la*»onada • gtda abow* wild anttnals and avary |a*MTtktag that gna* to Make up a | circus, will ft la tfcatr glory On tft aavao'k of Norambar tka big tea'* j aft. ba pitrbad tft great parade will taka place and n vary good time in general will ba bad Onr country > ooslna will All ft I* town and tbs boys will hare a chance to feed the rlephaain Mr. Sella to hare arranging railroad raian. In about two waaka the flam Ing poet nr* will occupy all tft tdll i>oarda Mr. Sell* claims, as usual that the •how to ftttsr than star before and be has plenty of newspaper clippings to nupporl Ids claims Uamu(u A Hailey. Sella Bret tiers and Buffalo ' lulls' Wild West Show are all now playing In common Interest. Barnum's show la In Kurope. della A Forepaugh are together, and Buffalo Bill to tour ing a different section of the country. In speaking to the accident to the show a abort time since. Mr. Sells says . the accounts were greatly exaggera ted. Only one man was killed and the !>bow filled their engagement that day The elephant! were bruised a little, but not enough to keep them from act ing Mr. Bellsleavea tonight to rejoin his show at Norfolk. The ehow goes to winter quarters at Columbus. 0.. shortly after I heir visit bare. a# i i ■ i iss ■in-— 1 saw Say. you? with an ap petite ; we are after you. ELLIS RESTAURANT. ARHY PAYMASTERS BUSY. flustering Out Troop* Necessitates Much Travelling. Washington. Oet. 3 —The method of mustering out troops Is giving the tir my pay officers a vast deal of trouble. The fact that men are allowed to pro ceed to their homes and must be fol lowed by «he paymaster, makes It in convculent and adds to the expense ot paying troops and delays the settle ment of accounts. The pay officers are kept busy In traveling from point to point. The paymaster general of the army finds his corps of additional pay masters none too large, and the pay de partment of volunteers will be among the last decreased. Under the law, however, the muster out of regiments will necessitate a reorganisation and reduction ot corps, and this In turn will require the muster out of pay and other staff officers. The paymaster general of the army fears the demands upon bis officers will not permit this reduction of the corps. Do you Eat ? Try ELLIS RESTAURANT. Poisons nre to he extracted from the boilv by an Ohio man's device, consis ting of an electric battery having a negative electrode provided with inter chanegabtc receivers for animals, veg etable or mineral substances. THJC AUOUBTA ETKRjtoXJD RIVALRYfOI COLUMBUS' ASHES ■ l - T/ ftftoftt* Ohm tHkfUi Imnl H* Immi ft** itm mm «**# •* *«**•*• *•»* ** ta* mnw»* &»* 1-4 mm**** 4 ip't ' nit §#9 ''Mil# 4# *§)* 'bmrnm# tot jlwiniig ttm MM# ** *** m •mi tot cv«Miitm yiiMmi mm i iihp* #• m nm# mm Ho * i ? •*• [ H||| to# HNUPM llt'Mlli 111 M KflMli 1 (iNflMt “it mtrn MM I <m-w9k M <wmttiw ii *i*to *"*' ■ I ilftf *?*■#• 4Mto *j| $m tMMt9MPMfc I ung[ m«v tototototoMM «iM tot# ***• 1 ii'pi-niitri » iM fMtifvi 0* ti** : I§m tiM* »*- mi#uni. 1 9m m - m to* .tout tovA ♦ ‘ * g ■'M (gtoto *% toft f tot * to*totoi IM Imre i*-f m** im * # ■ if* •■ * 14ftot# 111 fiiito I>M 19 iti9l fl totoi Igwiwwiiw—i Mw townwwg *—•»«« * 919 tNMNP mM iltotoi Mtl -’M Itotol l 4 !91 iitow tol—> 49 19 4i9 •99 : ****MoL I p9f «ls ill 4MmM9 tot ill 9999 tWf AlM'* Nil tM, [ A >•*" M *i9 p» to9MA*4to kto ‘ t to* gpM*MHP , At «9f§ tviMtol * 9mA ttotol I ; fpy* I'lftllto to«p# 9tot Ml 9to* I9fto§ [lt ftotoi MMHtot ttotol tot ll|M UNbofttoto Iff AH*# |9M- lli ft totoN |i9to 9*4 99# ftvtoto— • 99**99 *949 ; 11. to Tim toAHI ■toMtMi I9M. MtoNtoto #94 mm# to ti lAMtortoßto NfM 994 999* ; | i~9t *| #9 9919 #9# 9t»*to fto<R *9# j f»f 9 M#fef 9m94 9# 9tt 9999 CM. m>4 (tota at**** fg* to •*#*! Tvta* (mlAt* PHH® A9itto#» A9to9 9. <l99* 9»4 I# Utorf. H T OEATITof nit A A OCA*. Away (MCAp W«(**t* Ytatoc to) AW*rw»*a Tft (ftaMl ass to*. Ai.**w J. Utat. 19994 9r«to9tto4 #A # Iftol fto9MHh#9f I aftoiwo* at tft *ttg ftaftial. wUi ft I kraCWMI ot with HHKb i.gart kg eotMM-1 total Wtato l M •mm) uh gtaat Mr. (towa mm ftwa Mtff.r.aa lent* a ttwwbto wbfcb aaraaaitaital mm aftraiin* aft a tow day. ago ft waa tafta to tft ftawtlal Mi hi. ftvao.M kg# wa* agatwx k(ai aft aatWtoai *k«« cwnta 4n ao gnft «*. ■arroaaitoW by kta lovft awa*. ft ga*» •, *4 ftae*fally a*ay. Mr ttoaa a. r*wra of age aad wa* oaw of Aagotawa tMwi aft ft*( haow* cttlaaM tft toateo *o awara kto baa sis rblMtwa Dr A. i. IM Vn*n J B aft & M ttoaa. Mr* to al ia* Patma Mi*. Mtaaoart aft Mto* Kali* ttoaa. Tft fmaral a*rvto*a will ft b*M ai gv* (irlol ibis aiieeaona from hi* Ist* raaMtoae*. No. lit! Twelfth atr**t. CASTOR IA For Infanta naff Children The Kind You Hivi Always Bought JPBfICKLES BOYS OiT They Control ol the Hawaltan Sugar Company. New York. Qct. A—A special to the Sun from stan rrt»acl*co *aya: “Tb* control of lb* Hawaiian Commercial aad Sugar company pasard from the hand* of young Rudolph aod Gu» Spreeklsa Into those of a syndicate ol brokers. The deal Involved nearly W.0U0.000. and waa carrired on ao ae crtaly that tha two younger *ona of the edd mi gar rollUonalr* never dream ed of tft sword banging over tbdr I eada unttl It fell, and they had to step down and out. These Spreckle* boys Urol wrqnlred control of the stock by •harp pi act Ice on their father, atul sot r-ur Jb("i ((VY had held It, They have rigged the market aeveral tlmea. clean ing up large proffta. lly the eivll code the board of dtrectora of a corpora it on may ft removed by a two third* vote of the stock, in thU cane that mean' Rii.fiUt shares. The opposition secured fisoop rh.ites, and on Thumday show. ed their hand The Spreekle* boys and (heir nraorlatea at once gave up Bus iness men generally regard the deal ns a rood one, for It removes from power the n reeklca hoys, who have used their prwer to run in debt a corpora tion which should have made large proffta. The Spreckles boys recently bought four steamers In Europe foi 5i.6,000 each for Inter-Island traffic, aad it was to pay for these steamers that an Issue of 60,000 shares of new rtock was n tended. OASTOTIIA. B»»r. th« to Till Kind You Haw Always BoagM rr RUN AWAY. A Horse Rreaks Up a Hack Last Night. night one of the hack horses in the city decided to rebel agnlnst late hours and proceeded toward his stab’e at a rapid rate. A post got In the way and the shafts were broken. The horse went on so the stable ami the hack to the repair shop. Eat 'em up—3oo Dinners every day. ELLIS RESTAURANT. The human system can endure heat of 213 degrees, the bolting point (if wa ter, because the skin is a bad conductor ami on account ol the perspiration cool ing the body. YunAI&UTY •mmmt .ft)*- A A.» f*~-ii## to aA I mmm4 -«g|to ft* (■■ .9 * tog • talftto X»* * .- «*hN»ta > *### MN4A99#4 9il9f9#|4fci H#"' ■ -■Ujffff- jf- Ifeto ta* m • *«9 #•'■? OHKO ] 994 # -* 49p## 9M9# 499M9 9*9% ffni4to-** ; -4tof to' 999 9H u***# #4*99 ' mmt tii -* 49991 m 4 1119 i'l# j *«9 #P9 tBMMw m&m ■ '*(•9 1 i ftffH 9 B999#MM9lfe yg fMMffffttapSito € -49* I . . .- m aoM. - 1 Ilf ft,'*-9to ffft o*. tttovto* 1 m 1 nil. 11119 ! 9 9 9pM9# 9n#9 99 $ 4 *4999 4# 4*l ! ’ Hn#a»f #P». . I«4mir9M9m* 9# 91449 9 i •* I### 99* fVinfc #to 9 I ’* iff 1 i §m ♦• 9* I*ll #f! ' tftft *»ta-<toa ftw *n iiiktoirtol I toft (Mtattoi* wtoto ttof to.ft tod#* agtotta *w4 total (tofttata 1 1 rl||l to** (l •'*»* ] taft snh) .** t w***w#(i *w*tol to** *toa#to Wtato, toft uttotal totototol*. pto# to i - atafti** m*| MMtagagtototo) (to III# wtaiHi ' dffwta* into tft ft*# ra ft.l ml l •« I* IS** #*•• toft Hff MwM *ta#»toto to tot ■•*!•*. to#**' W# ftaft' *apw* *. (toft #*a J ril *f Wtatab towwtota' I #MI M* Mto ItoAtap ta#li aft MB totafttog Ml ftto I tatawtota# jtata# WtatotokM Iff# tows! 1# ft toft to# ftaatol# *.<##tota* I J Tft) p***Mt Mtar Itatb fc**» . **»»»» SW Ml tPMiKtog Ntotafc lU* to tatogM*** ■ tallft to# fwtar* toft w*#toft Ml# top tato# watto Me*. t.r4U* I fttoikhato. *ft to# ta tan ll#)» P—« to— toft (tanto dtotarp* I#f Um ■#n i#mi 4iw— I part I— l ft to** fftaMt toMMMtak ItataUtag ft MtoW m lady m d htaftaft Itowtatotoi ftftf to—»d ff**4df d tadgta r«M HAY AWD M 99 to#r»la#a Mi Ift Mat**to atolato ! tfeani dl ffffUdtadg*## VUdMMftd Ift, to Mreto| j toiiUPkldg ditto ffff* « totaldg ft to—#**— IbUMB 94MC 449## 4*99*9*4 #'*49*9* *Nf •u#'fY*9 #rm*Ht99 fin<99> B 9 19# | 1 19'»• <9# 994191 r#ll#* #f T9** w • l£to J ! A ItodMKtaM ft g#»p4* *d»l» totatato- Idft ft Ito# gddMM dft Mdtok •** | [ gtofttoto ■ to*r- to. •*•*' id* toft r toft ,to«M («fe*d ito* mgtoi toftM*. «d ma tor- j irftft frndi Dft to* to Mdaa M*t iftU .tonerto wa* toft itorww* #p*d •» 'to* p lift* a* K wax Ac 14ft rnm la eft* 11%# taftft fo* Ift todaft* toa »to* ivtdAta* Th**w • prftoatoid ft fftal gUla eodiidg f»«» frtadAa gt tor*#* toft oltoar ptaft*. Tto* toadr ft ito* f*d*r*J *•* t «>tark. im tfto * tka* too#* Ito* HtU* tfttacto wm rrom4- ift wllto Ib«M ft# a-totasa *Adta*»4a« toft (Mtad r—rrvft Ttoft eodaprtaft (to* pail haari ra ■»#)>. r» ft (to* N*wca*- ita <‘o**ty Bar AMWitlloa. r*pr**M (All*** ft ito* D*ta#are Mm ft Anxrkxß ReaaluttoMk and Uototoltt*** representing ikd Bayard l#gto* add th* Young Mea t Dwancratto Onh*. Tb* bodornry pall bearers were For mer prwUgenl Grocer ( leveland. C. B. FalreblMx K W Tunnel Governor ft Delaware Uhaacellor Job* M Nlchol aon Geo L Riv«a ft New York (Tty. John V. Oram aad Tbonaaa rraceo of (talent. N J . aad Judge Ignattux C. GruMi Dr. Jaa A. I Taper and Henry U Banning ft Wilmington Memh«n> ft,Mr. Bayard* family left th* family revtdanr.- In Delamo** Flare In tlm* to arrl#* at the churrb at 1 o'clock, and a law minutea later th* burial aervtee* hdgan 4 They comprised simply the Prayer Mff6k Servlie for the Burial of the Protestant Episcopal Church The aerrlee was read Jointly by tht Rtr Q. W. Douglam of Tjixedo Park, N J., who. as ractor ft St. John's Protestant Episcopal Church Washington, per formed the marriage ceremony of Mr. and Mrs. Bayard, and the Rev Martin B Dunlap, rector of Old Swedes. When the service reached the point of the commitment of the body to the grave, the casket was lifted by . e carriers, and attended by the pall hearers and others was taken to the Bayard burial plot In the graveyard adjoining the ehureh. A great crowd had assembled wait ing to see this, the only public feature of the funeral. In double line* from the church to the burial plot stood members ft the Bayard Legion anil Young Men's Democratic Clubs. They bared their bends as the mournful ftil procession passed hf Slowly and Solemnly the body toss lowered Into the vault where lleij the remains of Mr. Bayard's father, and mother and three of bis chlldiMn. In measured tones Dr. Douglass read the commit ment, Ihe tnvoeatiou and the benedic tion, The family and friends then took a farewell look at the casket. IT HAS BEEN FULLY demonstrat ed that Ely’s Cream Balm is a speelffc for Nasal Catarrh and Cold in the Head. This distinction baa been achiev ed only as the result of continued suc cessful use. A morbid condition ot the membrane In the tiosnl passages can bo cured by this purifying and healing treatment. Sold by druggists or it will be mailed for 50 rents by Ely Brothers. 56 Warren street. New York. It spreads over the mamberane, is absorbed and relief Is immediate. We xsll the (inert Creamery Butter. We sell 'he flnext Mocha and Java. We sell the finest New Crop Teas. We sell the Finest Talent F.our. And they rost you no more ilist) lower grade goods »r* »»1(! at! Give u» a trial ostler. SHEWMAKES Four Specialties Stumps 'can bo vepioved from land liy a new burner, wh/ch has a metallic casing to surround the roots, with draft holes at the be Horn and a chim ney at the top. causing the stump to consume itself when ignited. :!i WANT ADS..: n*9l a*m4n»*** fmm wm*| r MPMft Mtawsa ft Mto. AN*# tori U*PN# 4» 9999 #£• m| M9 # »«#9N*9K i [ #9* 1 f*w94i#. #■•**% 4 49* • #•* 41#* I*9 1 9 osmm 9n# # 9«MI #99 »aN«49#'*4» I Ift - # 91 91 49RpMm# 99 99 #9 4m9 - 4 jfttaft Vta-’t * j_ J #i*.m i igiritiM -#4#*M f%» IwiffH t—nw ill 19 41 9*»»i9t tn ] 1 #-Mr t fnni.M TTi M'rri *# »%•*# ##- j i I f%» 949M999# >9»'Trf# 19 9991 #4# ##9*9*9*# *# T%s* 9mW* 49* #pM* #4 [fW 4*.# 4 ih4l*m • * *m§ #9* ; H : * ’ 9*H >9#r»# f *9 & # - jf / * : . 3flNi9#iP m, m**"* nff #9 * : ftQi *'t-* n. SITUATION WANTEO_ VtatM> A too* HAND DM WMM- Tiki, smw* ft • xatataft ha#, (toft ** astata) AAfttata M I. €l,, tM ftaftta tana* •»* « WAMTMO-MftMlYVYgl ton Mcdtait t*ftl*i*»eftt. toaakta*#* to *•»•■#■• *# «M*P Ml ftgft toxwaStatatto *ft-1 Lfttaes# AM**** ft WtoM. ti#«i»( iMisMiaw. fa 1 Aipam ’ lift (tostaftj ftosa to fta* I*l ur a wrist* RY A wgffk not If 1 V*W*a aft- *M##IIM ft *ft totaft Wtoa. ta ailttog I* **k A4i*xa# t. ff «***, WAXTKIs A H.VT! A* tot'll M Aft ktaa* ft l»f»»*#'"■'- A'tofty I4M WAMTKIV-Tiß'Nrt MAN WANT# iMtaiin* CM* ■#»(*(• tyitawni#* *ad I wvtoaa a ta»d toa ad t». yaars" *aa*ti x#*a la ato'* vak. Wot tab* sxaatl Itataary and (b* ft* ft >*N**#>*#. Ad dress C f • usra §l*v*kd, A i ill/sitPCtx WOMAN, NEAT AND nxye table, weatol Ml* ft #ft * pft as ura* h«#a*-civi a* ft eftato *to •*»( A» «ah*r *'»« (tan #>** •#*>• ft (ft* >. «****. Apply Marl*, ear* Horald. Ort 4 wantkd-a fttoinoN A* cm»K or tootataftri. Atoftrv *M Walker ft. Has* NMI. ON • H ELP WANTED WANTffTx— A roWPyytTSNT WOMAN tonoae xsrvant Wrttttal etas-mmenda- Hn# isquired. Astoury Hull *4Y N*yto -litx street. Oet 8 if FOR SALE CREAM—ATI MAM AT 24 J ACM AON gT. FOR lAUMto-AOUC FARM. ONM mils from city limits, a barista. Ap ply W. C. Juaa*. No. U 4 Jackson St. Oct 1 FOR KALE —UPRIGHT PIANO; ON LY ito*. Standard mak*. atlchity used -riMtiiar alt Improvement. must ft sold at one*. Apply to John Wtegand. iU Telfair street. Oct 4 TQ RENi p FOB RENT-l«IT RBTNOLDg «T.. l-room dwelling. Apply 811 Broad. Oct 1 FOR RKNT J*TOItK SOS AND HALL-" WAT *O7 Broad. Apply Commercial Hotel. Oet 1 TO RENT—STORE NO. 714 BROAD •treat, next below Davenport * Phtn- Isy. running through to Ellis street. Price 11,360. Alexander A Johnson, 70S Broad street. Oct 1 TO RENT-DESIRABLE RESIDENCE No ill Center street, 8 room* with kitchen nnd hath. App y T. P, Doilt. Kummei vtllo. Oct 1 to rent —Commodious store. No. 921 Broad street—l7s per month. W. 8. Gardner. 116 Eighth street. Oct l FOR RENT—FROM THE IST OCTO BER, store No. 533 Rrooil street, at 320 per month. Thuds. Oaktnan. No. !>U Broad street. Oet 1 TO KENT—THREE NICE FURNISH ED front rooms with privilege of par- Idr and bath. Apply to C. H. Luhrs, 160 Broad street. Oct 1 FOR RENT—A NEW HOUSE; 161* Gwinnett street, five doors west of Wood lawn avenue, eight rooms and bath, possession gtven at once. Apply to Clarence E. Clark. *32 Broad street. Oct 1 ts MISCELLANEOUS SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING only $6.00 per month at Osborne's Business college. Monday, Wednesday und Friday, at night. Come or call at once. Great demand for stenographers. June 17 ts SPEARS & CO. HAVE MOVED their meat market to 452 Broad street —where they Will be glad to see their friends and customers. Bell ’Phone 435. » Oet 1 MIPS ELIZABETH WHITE. RE CENTLY of New York, will open a dancing school in Llbiuty hull October 3. Children's class, 3:20 p. m.: evening class S p. in. Oct 23 100 BASKETS CONCORD AND DEL AWARE grapes. Just received at Gi ovanis, 631 Broad street. Nov 1 , ITiUHlrr -*# t*9f 9 4J4 #9Hv99 f Is•#94 K 94 * 49 99* 9 9 *9# ' 944 k ' (toa##9>#HW9 194 f 4i4p9#144 *94 J LOST AMO FOUND. I SSWOW"' M 9#9'" dl 4f'|if-- * *■ t * j IM Ift 1 #-■# *#• m 9 »r 9*f# f’ftM s I #c«s# 99 IWIiIWI 41 919199 spet Ini Notke#. , Y 44 IlYl, #9JH|#Tf I 99# t# 9*4# 99# #4 §9#4wa9 9949# H | #9494 HP ili9#94l')l #fti#9***i»4 9# # ##9l I 9#4#H4 4)99*4 94 *mm | 19994 1> win Iwfl9 § 9 1 !-« 4 9 1 t*94 A 999 f\49#H49.* ltli> t^MMI |TfffQ tMJCt fiia [ mpMMx* rjtorrr»m*t# tmi> , tx' »h iuj A Wu mi l*rt t,tM (•ta yatoWg' ft A-sffw* *Ba twwa t | f#s .stai, |ft* fatatota wtoartatoftto •#* j [•toxW (tafttasa# *' lata. P J, PaMNtata | IftaWTIW T CAI.TIW gtsat <p ttAWttnwn * [jttoMPM It MkOtodJN Wto* to# >ta# <(*#. a# t»»ta atatalla I' *as#»tu>xai M »##•*#•*►( R)'toa.»ta< I mmmtf ft Htoa total is#utota#»* •• ta# vtotadMk ft I# to*id a* W■4s ■ -Aax. j | farfttoa* k t4H IlfMKtotf Nadto# I Hot.pßlt* nf THE riiMMIMyl lb| | Mftto « pm rtaM nUtoitos* •*-* *M sftftpt it# <(»*!« ad mm *mr p mm mt I 1 'Qi|t|# 4# 9*4#aaM4Ml#l 491# #H9 . f #HM9r944# 9A#4 f «Mi «9# 4W*4 4#» » I #94. ftwftMff tH 914 H I* #9 j MAUNT C r94941K #9#Mfkl *m ill At in# <49k« #f 19# On wnf'kH C9#4 ,TI»K PARTNMRMHIP M*s#Tlß«l t*N MCR Ma ntato# ft ttotad * Rtotah, ( (li aggisis MS Ntatto Mail, ta Ata-j saia.'i ftp toad tail agsta-asrtat, Tft. ** • j , aita pat tax* R K- *ta -| aid <ftet sU 4* toa* aad yap at) iwsißita It M LAND JAA P NMlTtf Bsxr.g aatd my ftis**«v m *ft druc business t* my (•*«*»•*. H H UM ( I ask far totas a ratatl*taM»es ft taa j b tarsi palmasse ftrstftara #i**a ttoe fftsa mt Laad * flailh JAJS f KMITH j Bxfrntof w aft** cards. I tosmtqr j pr# Se4k* ihat I will toalla#* Ihei drug hutanas* at Ito* std ##(ft afi Ixiad A ftntlh sad *asu» - lllr puMie, imi I will imlsisM m tto* fuiar* ax ta tft mm a Ar*l-ei*#a wp-ft-dai* drug si- r*. aad r»ap»i tfuHy a*k for • ..aittauaae* ft tto* litorrai patronxg*' gs.x. tto* tad Arm. R. H LAND NPtorTAL NoTHTg. I nr.ltyfßT ANNOUNCE T»' MY PA TRON* and th* public that I hav*j tht* day mowed my ndl;* and rest dene* to N« IM Or**ft *lra*4. (ror- | n*r of Ceairsi. ofllc- hour* ramaln un. hanged THOM A# D. COLMMAN. M D. I lastalmrnl Nolk#. otllr* ft (ftwitable Bunding and Loan Aauuctatloa. Augusta. <l* . ftapt. i, ISM. TUB USUAL MONTHLY INBTAL MKKT du* Ibis As*i> taU<ta will b* du* »od .p*vsbi* at th* Company’s nflle*. :SS Broadway, on III* sth In. Jo# H (TMMINO. Presl4«nL , Allien #. Hatch, iftertaary. CANDIDATES TO THE CITIZENB oF RICHMOND COUNTY. 1 HEREBY ANNOUNCE MYSELF A inndulste for re-election 40 tb* i»4flie of BhertlY of Richmond county, at th* election to b* held on WEDNES DAY. OCTOBER S«h, las*, and re spectfully ask for th* wot* and sup port of my fellow eltisens. ibanklna you for past honors i-oof*rred on me. PATRICK J. O’CONNOR I RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE MY KEI.F a candidate for re-election to the office of Tax Collector of Rich mond Cminr, *1 the (prtln to be held Wednesday. Oct. 5. IS**. CHARLf‘B 8. BOHLKR. 1 REBFECTFULLT ANNOUNCE MT -BKLF tor re-election to th* nflle# or Coroner of Richmond County, and asti the support ot my fellow cUiavus ROBERT H. MAY. 1 ÜBSPBCTFUIxLY ANNOUNCE MY- StU.F a candidate for re-election to the office of Receiver Of Tax Returns of Richmond County at the election to be held Wednesday, Oct. 5, lv.*S. W. J. BTKEI>. 1 HEREBY ANNOUNCE MT CANDI DACY for re-election to the office of Clerk of Ihe Superior Court of Rich mond County, at the election to be held Oct. 5,189 S. W. E. KEENER. • THE UNDERSIGNED ANNOUNCES hie candidacy for the office of County Treasurer, a position he now holds by appointment, and will appreciate the support of hia fellow citiaenx at the election to lie held Oet. 5, 18*6. WALTER A. CLARK. Steamers aggregating about ten thousand tons have been launched on the Delaware within a w >ek or two. a notable addition to American steam tonnage. Two of these steamers will p t olmbly fly a Boston house flag. The Bell Tower Drug Store, CORNER GREENE AND JACKSON STREETS *W-t'ndcr new management. A full l/ne o( Presb Drugs, Toilet Article*, Brushes Etc. We make a specialty of Physicians’ Prescriptions. Bell Telephone S’-lgS PATTERSON & WADE OCTOBtR 3 Witte m £o**4*. Ifftk.* *##•» #1 *ft* fft#a fttottoHM# l * H9ft*4 to* mo imm 1 i.anf ft ft. SIMM *ft*"to-»> ftoxf a* ~♦*> '*** v w #4 Hr,if 1 It*, ttigdiiff# *ftl L:* #4’94 § 1 *-«- f 9» (99m #mm§ »#!#)»> H’ ***4 99 9 91 1 I li# f4NlM#ft«l 4 »•** i - > Im riiMim 1 [imi mm» n# *** H 9# 91- Hw ’* ## 944*4144## 9# 1 I MU** #t 9i#9#9li4***»4» 1 s |#9f#99#9llMl § •*# ♦ #9 9 9#l £ [ #9# 9 4# 94# ff#W*4# * Mffk* * -«m* ftffg j fmftgr- -t a f #|4toM|MMkft# * - * 4# V#4 444% |fl* 9if *9 HH iI9iI9MWNW9 4f I 9 *9# m# 4* > «•, *l«# *9 fpn/ 1 '- 4 '3»4 *** , ff#4* i *» tftk* fMt t"' ¥ ' ’ 4**49 Hi Ini 99M H M #• ftsatagHi TI A' Ma** J I*. Jaa Ift ft >-« F 81 . W. II Me. *'•• **. j 1 |4. ffuftt. M toidto. ftsftsai MP. ttx ftou-Tctaii T Ward Utoto (aural ft ft , I Matofttoftta*T Iditoar <P ; J■*** It* ftwiiatoaa. F. II t Mrffff#* ##■*•*. 1 r M Okftto# A M Mfttor. 9 T. Ptata W. E ItaWtata. Ttotad taxed total. MAI. ff to ft '. xxi fSHtr - l> 11 gas, J utaax tare- ■, I r I —IIP -- * * saga** J P ; C*. |A pi nUfita F W lx W, Mtaft. P ft. W* 9N99#H4 ll##44 f i v9* 1444, 9 9 limn f«gi| 919 Mr#t 1. 1 « >fU Am W 4mm m o#4* A T9f94r. H#9. €*. 4»9#<lfi4#. WaiA 1 I9MN9 dirt* • O* M # 1 I *9# W¥ # Imv Hffif§*4* Mm.*o M. M. 6V#ft**A J. P.: Jams# P. wautto. F. M . J, • Wton*. F II flat) ti an 1 Us r ll •*. J, W. kU -IH(S rtli W. T. Mhea. IMStk txitart’t. iftmmerv li* at City Hall Manadfta-Jofc* A Prt*#. >• I* ; lawota H Sum. F. H i leto A. laid r. H. Utah Dtoirtrt. iPtalv. at Ma. ftftr*a Manager*- F M Clark J P. 5 J M. mafftad. F. H : T. J. TtobK F. U. tits; tHstri.l H«ft'a Chapel Manager#- L- M Wytdn J. P.: John A TVewbctdge, F. H i I*. P. Hfttay. r. It. 133 Dfttrtrt. »i Cxuinty Mom*. Manage)#— M< Innne*. P. H : J. J. D.ugbty. F .M.i W. K. JWea, F H. i 134th [Mrkt fVsit Omund. Managers-W. R. Boskaidl J P.I W r. Johnnoa. F. U.: J. M Pengs. F. M. 1434th Dutrirt. Hephsittato. at J. B. Freyer's taor*. Menagers—J'Jmi B. Hayfite. J. P i J. B. Fry**, F. H : R. L Rhode*. F. 11. Only the«- persons whose nsme# ap pear on the registry Hat to ft furnish ed by the registrars wilt ft permitted 40 vote. The reglslered vntera ft the live wards ft Augusta and of the 12tott» District, U. MA and of the IlMth Dt»- trirl, G. M..»re required by taw to I vote at the precinct of the ward or dis trict ft tftlr residence. Registered vo ters of the Httb. 111 st. 133rd and 12« h lUstriots. G. M., may vote at the Court House, upon taking tft follow Ing oath: "l swenr or affirm that I have not voted elsewhere at this election." The managers of each pm Inct must send ihelr rertlfli atcs and all other pa pers of elect ton. Including battels, un der seal, and the registry list to the count* site Per consolidation. In charge of one of ihelr number, which must ft delivered there by 12 o’clock m. ft the next day. Three list of Voters xml three tally Sheet* most ft kept, and signed by the managers At each precinct. The polls will be opep at tha Court House trim 7 a. m. till 6 p. n\ , and at all other precincts from 8 a.m. till 3 p. ra.. by sun or meridian time. Blanks for holding election wilt be rur ntahed at this office. WM F EVE. Judge City Court and ex-offh lu Com misftnner Road* and Revenue Rich mond County. Attest; WM. E KEENER, Clerk. Notice. THE OPENING EXERCISES OF THE Blxly-»*venih Session of Medical De partment. University of Georgia, will be held In the College Amphitheatre, on Monday, Oct. 3, at 12 o’clock, mid day. The addresses will ft delivered by Prof. W. H .Doughty, Jr. Publlo cordially Invited to ft present. EUGENE FOSTER, M. D., Dean of the Faculty. Truck Farm to Be Sold at Auction. COL. WALKER WILL SELL TUES DAY, Oct. 4, at court house, to the highest bidder a nice truck farm near • Poor House." 2* acres of good land. 3- roora cottage, good water, etc., the one paying highest dollar will get it; rents well for SIOO per year.