The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 03, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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wemnAY 4 THC AUGUSTA HERALD l«i»t **««»•*»* MM*** •**•*• •Mr» fflka* »m*w**m t * * HHp iiiivi •**••*«» *• i HtUffW* *»■« * * . 000*0 »«#***►•» *.-*» * *'•*■*• MlfP *MM»* !ti 11 n « *• * ***• ft «• n**” l ** l ** •* *** two** §■»*«* *«•'*•••. «** Ui | qgS,H|^ ROMi » 0«a M>M M OH. •*»*•*•# **" W WWA MNO TH* HMMli* •i AmM** ** •*'** 1 •** a *1 tto »"••** IM« ” #w# at • **•*» o***"* p.-. A • i*a dhoatoanaa I In OU»Wl At ttto (*•••* fWM t* INm Y ****' *“* * *MJ^» * J J^MERALD 1 S . wm w*f *Mt \ J of G*o4 Tktec*. C \ "Imt kd m it wai Go Ute / / Evert Home in AnfruU. S EACH OAYSEEC] i nE ipr| StJPtiMOO CRI SAT mii l 3 l 4 IS 1A 17)11119{20 21 22 P I Sl < S'tgi6l2y[2Bi29. nt MwtrAFit. That a t»*wp*per h»* dull** to per form the war aa nt Individual. that It U a great power either for good or evil tturt that a tiawagatherer. personally, should be accorded kindly and cour teous treatment, la what The Herald, thinks, and It commends the following, by mi English editor, aa rare worda on tj»e province of a newspaper: "To record public events, and pri vate gjnd personal events ao far as they are brought Into puVtllc signifi cance, and to comment on such events. These moral rights Impose positive du ties on the of the pres* They are responsible for giving to a modern population that knowledge ot Itself without which a communty can not efficiently govern Itself according to modern practice. Journalists ars bound by usage and by the teherent and essential dictates of duty to pro nounce such (-ensures, to admlnlstst such advice, to make such suggestions, and to publish such correspondence ns wilt, to the best of their ability, Inform and stimulate the general coneelanos und prompt and direct efforts, elthet corrective or constructive for the pub lic good/* fttllPHl COBBTEOTS FXOFESSIOMAL AMENITIES. Under the head of "A loosened Pan egyric," the North Georgia Gaxette says: “A winsome five-page booklet has floated Into our sanctum. It is stweter than nectar, and Is indeed what It pur ports to be-a pauejerk upon the life and person of a candidate for tax re ceiver, or something—no matter what. The writer of this pauejerk whom, we reeogutre as an old offender, and whose political opinions work on a swivel, mows down great swaths of tropical adjectives and piles them up on the unoffending candidate nud culls it “puttiiy; another leg under him.* Wti ought lo be able to escape with even our breath.” , _, , a _ mi iM *M4*t aAmhl immnp ammw tm* $0909 00m 00 00' ' imtt i m **> -$0 0000 k s*** *+ AIMmAMMHW Mp ’ * I IHAMMi M* *•■-'' 4Mfc. * *♦■4 *• ’***#*# *OOOO 00 000 9$ AIW osoo*9 999$ *»•§ 00 i 00$ 00000000' 0 •#*#» 90 w* L*y AH* «*» «• »•« j atoato# flto «Ms #■»***"• m * *•»** 1 «% min <Bkj#i It .v# # 11 fi Air •%#* it# bobm*##^ | ##& MMMM* is. I%n» •** nm«< * •#*■* to •** I, a Im* nee nee mmmii in |mi m iim* mm mmm n» «• | |*f> WW B*WW ■**>* «M •*• inniwunp mm» *■+*** «•s*•*'** lOf I*o #*##•#! #d SMaASMd 1% POflßad $# I 01# fts** |#n *e* Ota #ssF rtBOOMNOk ft* mo ft* •» «*•*"• ofM#** mi mtmrnm j Ml MMtMI *M* MM# Of IIM. M #OOO ! « OMfMW? sis rftsd* *■» MO MOMt [AMMO TO# •#•« MO|M»«tf OO *0» f*Ml | Mb OO* A I# MOM *** >•• •*• M I 00* 00* o*o <O0« o«»ooto«# Of tft*» totOoo $o oHooi oft I 1 m troAfi > hMo rooorUo Hos M lilt j Wtoa ifeo Amm «f *•* otto toafiof Ot Awtt MomOmi io to# mm If M#lOf **# i Hot* Kooon i*o <*ooo# oootto • *or>#* o*oo At **oi *oti *1 <o» j I ■Upln M OO* •OOOMttOl.ttO #»••* o*o* Oof tmr fcoMtotty «o*o •« oonor oof HOtirto t*# MMOtoMo. Morrloc WM oottiao HqmiMi to*#, TO* »** It «**r, I*# |#Ao« to* . (riOMUO Cm of OotH* It o**lol M 1 <*» Ottoo* oil* OOMIOtMNI Cot* Ml th* ( Wfottto ootM o*l 10# root of tfc* •or. !*• * norfc*4 rtoooctolrtdott o*ai of Hmoi? "TOrr# or# on wrowtinfM boo * lo t*r otgoiCroot rtOMrfc of Cooon#t< I*# Co*** paoor mtooiHolnorr, » k-« t#*#C ohrtOrr «*#t *#*• oil C#oC. (kit •OioiSooort Roolt •*r»KO#C Mi# thooMtr* ooC ooM, "Thot frataklr •■plain# It *rd#r t**o Ino It It o •ohfrrt I prrfrr oat to Cloroot• ” T*t# Mi * raofooMao thot Opal* In it#nrisl a hall million Inooroot *mm and cfcilCro* otd otb#r to droth. It It a raofoatia* o>htrfc onr pear* mmmboloo#*# ran oa* m>\M trll ioo rffart It futtlCrallno of th».r da rn Mid* In thr nn*or lot loo* (or t*a Bn at ottliwtl Motorern lhr too rounlrlra that it 000 pond**, W# o«d no Met* tor of oar rtiuro* Ikon oar Intarfrmu-a to pat on rad to Ifclt altofkirr of th* tannernU. The Urtgin of •■Ot*W." Th* Neo York paprrt have rrrrnttj dr rot mI nmtlderabto apace to a dla ruaalon of th# atithorthlp of “Dixla,” the tong that made thr notional air" of tho Confadrralra atotea. Mr. Rlamntb Miller, onrr a well known dttim of tiaorgla. but now a realdrat of Morrlaiowv. N J., write# to thr Nett York Kiln a lou'r Intended to settle thr diapiitek Mr. Miller calls attention to thr frequently recurring rlalme to thia authorship, and proreeda ff> nay: "Dot me moat piously put all Inquir ers and all claimants In common, on a direct and satisfactory road to tha ascertainment of 'DlxleV origin «a a minstrel dlvertisfgnent, and also to tha ‘history of Its accidental adoption as a military aid by the Confederate army. *'! shot! not tax your columns with a record ot both throe matters, but will Urlofly Invite your correspond**! to ad dress a !#ttee to Capt. B. H. Teague, of Aiken, 8. C.. for particular* Dr. (Cap tain) Trague has a valuable private military museum and In It Is deposited | a ropy of 'Dixie’s Dand.' written for Dan Bryant’s minstrels at Mechanics Hall, New York city, by Dan Emmet, a member of Bnyamt’a company. The copyright 1s registered on the title as by Firth * Co.. New York. 1860.' and the copy In Capt. Teague’s possession wan contributed by this writer some year# ngo, with a history cf Its connec tion with the evcnla of the war of the sixth*. “There can be no possible means ot gnluuaylng Uie facts aw set forth oei the title page of tho original song, and this copy was purchased In November, 15f.0." This statement should sufllee to set tle the dispute—-though.lndeed, there Is no ground for any dispute at all, ■■■ * ■■ The Atlanta Constitution Is about the liveliest thlug In Qeorgla this year. In one column it la electing Atlanta's new mayor. In another the next gov ernor of Georgia, and In third doing sallant service for North Carolina democracy nud Brantley In the Elev enth district. The lending Spanish papers advocate the eewwtou ..f all the Philippines, while the government objects. All the industrial stocks have dropped i heavily on Wall street. **• affhiW— so mama «**#**♦# Umi AwoPso «■* *» A»« ti #•"#' itloa* hoM tM* •*# Ml o#ni oaA* «0 a*» * ****mm» hMA*a# aowaMOA la tm , urg-.y -t> vtigrirgr 'mttMf*~* ’ " fl| ’--[ffA- *m*m VAM 00*000000 00 A&IMW' 0 dfer : otmo*4 000 000*$0*‘M okooo At 00**** | 0000 A#WAI 00000000 wA 0000000’ 0000 ™ 00100 0000000 000$ 0000000 . 0000 |HA 0 000000 *OO% 0 tm gko#No#O *•# tOatlw M# [ •** 00009 00000$00<» MMWW 000 * o** o*o | 000 000000H9000* iH SOO 000000 , *OO | «##« I *fl»«llB«VI IgT sWW* 00 000 000000 *• i s%*oo*oi 00000*009 liN Ml 09 1 Ml IN MM 000099 tMM* I mw* f*a giiwrat of Naa* •##*# ! Ml A 00000 f%9 00000 0*00990 0009090- I I «!#*■* ofA *inO#» *y to Mi a •*!*»»# imm two* •* tto toofd f*f*#** aooo f* to* oagpw food fWOOtoMMI AOd | so oo ihfwoß* tto Mat of oftooo ‘goatstfy. Oawtgta. hi tto TOttasaa thaoao of gottuso t.wa<* ohtah tto atol# hoi Boaasd ho# to#o #o*#A toMh 1 1 Ms fetwd •* taiac IN* tbs lasts* a*4 j | Mgkl I* tbs plisswMb dtrrwv bss Ofl'WiWMll Ufc# In W* WtMtM Tw# I <As**ss Mss t* tbs as* is* ***** *f | tbs ssgt* ***** ta *i*ctMm* ttuv ws | I *sstb tkstlw * pAa* sI »***• **»**• rtsw wsbsr Urn* *bs llrsbfsM st Wsrtb 1 ! < tmllM yaWkt •Ftu M UftlUSI Jsdgß K*w>t Wgsrr Is I* favne of 1 I bsMdiagt ail tbs s*w iwntwr thst has i msm> is tbs ('sited Mats* Is a is-1 east tilwvSs bs *spa "It se»t*» pew* ides Hal that Ik* isrrfllory baa ' turn* lb s* whlrb w» sow bold aa tbs j reran of war, lam Is tmm* sf keep i ! Is* ail that we have takes What 1 baa MS* is a* appear* Is tan bees o-daiaed sad we abssld retala firm bold sf tt” i A sailws is have maimt sf the Pi rl#r SSd e*MMWerelal safely Is Aietera aesa abssld bold the FbOtpplsee Guam and Hawaii Tbs Usttsd fbatsa seeds sew mark***. opes aar kela asfplylas iba people «*f tbs world mors largely each rear with food pes purls, sad every art h-is of maauf*< fared product*. The pralwtlua ery of ibe home mar bet aader laereartag output maat tart to that of new oatalde market*. j If we woo Id continue to do tmalara* Hi our sew cot tod mills aad In our rot j ton field*, la oar shops aad factor!*** and mill*, at a ptrnftt. Judge Speer uprgke with that unerring < 'bol* e of , ill. t ton when he rays that la Ibe mast- j feet dost lay of America ripanston* aad territorial pnraesaloa* are "provl dsatlal" and "ordatasd." The nett few spars will demoastrate the otllliy and benefit of these possess ion*, when American good* In American bottom* will control Ibe market* of tha world In tkl* Ilea the commercial future of our country. TBI IQUALITY OT OFFCBTBIIITT. We would like to imprea* upon the young meo of Augusta, the young men of the south and of the entire rountry an expranalon or the late Thoms* K ilayard. original word* of the dead ambassador. and to which he frequent ly referred when speaking of our grand republic—“the equality us op portunity." This la the distinguishing and grandest characterlalle ot our country and lla form of government. In oth er countries the bar of humble birth I* fastened on men from the cradle to the grave. In other countries. In contrasting what he *aw, and Mr Ba.v*rd was quite a traveler, with the condition of hit own beloved land, how often had he heard “labor with a groan and not with a voice." How often had he re turned. a* If for purer air. to the American Stated, where the one grea essential equality, the equality of op portunity, was secured to all. And the farther he traveled, with Increased opportunities for comparison with oth er countries and systems of govern ment. the older he grew, the year* brought but an Increased, a higher ap preciation of the generosity, justice and moral grandeur, on which our own government Is founded. Mr. Ilayard war a true American, loving Its country and Its laws, which give to each and all. the rich and poor, the In effable boon of "equality of opportuni ty." The trainmen of the N. Y., N. H. & H. railroad must wear their raps straight, neither tilted up nor Bide ways. General Mile* will be the star witness (Ills week before the Investigating com mittee. The Filipinos are butchering women and children without merry at Iloilo. It Is rumored In Parts that Dreyfus is <m bis way to a French port. Two to one are the latest sporting odds on Roosevelt In New York. And now the Vlxeaya, may possibly be saved. ir&m a cTauBTA j^htfulxx) THE UIIM MS EM ABOUT TOWN. ** wma 9 «#*h*A A** •* •to* wtohi •• ,*k*m *» A####** * fiNA *'**ooo9 1 Im*# |j|pii NMf'*- -0$ Ml. tA4O»* '* 9mm •*** #M( m 00 9**009 K OOO 9000001009$ 09000*00**00 900 |OO 0000909 0090 #%# A» MMMfiMA Ml 00 | n#* A f+* 0009900- 90 0900 000 090 I 00000 00 Wm 9909990 9000900$: 9000 9* I # 990 k 99909190 9009 ffeNMt Ms 9999 00 00 • o*ko 900 00900 90000000005950 o*9 900 * * #.f -t'-v-e -y# vita* Mbf #'* -f 0IS&0 r * * % 09909 909*99090 90 9999 0-9* 9 > ( 1-909- 00 990$ *O9 99000909 000$ 0 ''*9 I Auml 0959 0 -99 00 *0?-9*Mi0 osmm' 909 Mi## '* * 009 ■ *#%n>#A 004 I*# 9000 1 ‘ : t»* Ml o*o9s f %00 m* W9s9 99m 00 999. | AmM-A | » AM# 9*'909 ( 0*95%9 iftlrr A AMY a mil a 9$ om^o [ ilp*NW AM? >*A * WAWAI 9%0 ft* 90*0*1 ** f - - I I » msm99*4 9/0 t#<w*A AMM 0* #-■* >* iN I AAAM 0$ 0 990909990909 AmMnwMi pN * *O l I 99* 99000** UmA wMA ANI MAk ms 9M* f *AMM fAilf 90990909*$ An Mi AfiAMMMI \A # #i ! o**mkt 0m990599'00 099$ 90 90 [ 990 900 9(900$ All AAJMM 9dm 9000m* 9ms M»ffiHAAi M»*AItA»iAMA A? ii 9*o 9»m mm mm*** 9m Ana Ammmmp Ant 9m*- sooos 0090 9*900 990 99*00**9$ IIAMMI %£ 90090 iMM lAtWMAA 0990*90** 9s*9 00*0 AM 90$0&*$9090.9$m' s99s 99*10*9$$0 0900000 j MM INA* AmpA o*9*9 0990*' 990$ SO9O 9s** | **oso9s * W fijUiirflT 05909$ AMA ** I *9s* 1 Hfl 959t99 *9*9009 If* AAANtMM 9*o [ r wl «na Tin Ml tAAI lAn 9000 Ml i $0 0 00090$f 9$ AMI 09*$ tA fcnt*A I m 0 AM? *009059, MkA lA 090099$ twffAt I*o 9 |J AAM« AM 99900*000 •• *amac - »♦# iaaAm.f jU* A-m $9000900$ 00999*90 999$ ss*9 Ml A 9th l *9*9 ’90009(99001 00090 9*o* *9o* AHA A» 90$$ 90*9 Thm #4flMf| 0$ Hfei* so,io.i9ii9 § 9**# A i § #MAiilfMili AWA *0 9099$*&9*f'i f $9 ! <••#•#' aa Am AmAmiA a tin |it so*o9*9s As HMntMi* asml In 999*9001$ ostorm4 rn 9*ooo fA Ilf fit! if «An AH4rn 1 atMl AH Amaaml lilt MCfif Aft (lit l« ! tAnf A* t* osso i fWAMNAAAT • h«tOe* I ’ltggla# itn toot t* »wtt» fa wnaiftla# wt«* (to w*evhaall*o ‘ and t natal ta t too cf Macnw et sod as ! la data awNttaa sad wire* which th# 4**.>«*• Railway ord ■U ctrte torn- I >«y at# pa' l l*o to. <M Ihw la ta k# ' i,-agt#lul#f#d <w> tartktr point Maid a irov# lac ***** "Yoa hat* tto OMwt tokt# *od < tdiginx oM of »<*> uorioa* oo yoor royw of say !#« that I know of aod I *o ptotiy **eh evtry obee* *Th* ecadorfors la Ctorfaoatl. I .iwlsvII!• aod Atlaoia. wbco yoo ask oo# of them a qaoaitam. *••*#• *l #•* <*ith rootaoto *»d ladigaatiaa aod at# a* apt aa ant to tat! yoa to ar> ts Maara I tod a #nadu< tor la *1 l>w»t# a#k me wh*t*er f took him for sa *n*»*.iget>r# nlßra, sad eoaldaT rratst replying thsl f woatd *#*•# roooart totatUyeno# 1 with such a mug. Rot ta Augusta II a quite different There at# doubt io* e*. reps lona but all the street ear men I have over tod Oceania* la address her* were remarkably polite aod seemed to U»k» eapevial pain* to give me *h# m s, rnintbm I wap ted. To be sure, that’s i pari of their business, hut the# deserve credit *or It all the same, bees ise they eertaloly have enough to pat up m.ih froth rrank* of varlotMt dascrlptiuai la wear out tto patleaea of every satut on the calendar, and their work ta In Itself well calculated to tie a man’s nerves Into bard knots. A fellow who ran kwp hla temper under such circurn- , ■tani t-* ta entitled to a little pat'tng <« I the bark—anyhow, that’s tha way It atrikea me." Th’a m-eurred yesterday In ehurrh (the Is (me of Augusta's hrtghte-’ and j moat up-to-date matrons, and has re- j ccnlly adopted the prevailing fashion \ of pinning the trimmings na tor hat, a scheme devised by the summer girt to change the effect of her hat while she still retains tha earn# tocomin* shape. Yesterday ah# wore a hot trknmeii after the summer girl’s meth od. Everything ««ot ail rigui in Church until the second prayer, when ■he had her meditation* Interrupted by a alight tickling on the aide of tot fate; thinking it was a fly. sbe put up ! her hand to brush it away when It rune In contact Iwth a feather. In a flash the state of affairs dawned upon brr. nnd hi her mental vision she »s» feather*, ribbons, flower* and atlck pint streaming down her hark. Qclckly ah# recovered herself, and, reaching up. grabbed the offending feathers, crushed It !»< the folds of her dress nnd contin tied her prayers—that her hat would last I'll she got home. At the stop of the prayer she was ralatr i up lr. .i m meditative manner when ti e laity in the pew back of her touched her and snld tn a most snappish tone, "1 you would please give me that feather you snatched from my hat.'* Tticn the true state of affairs A-a* made plain to her and her feelings con totter to lmagioei) than described. The catastrophe has taught tier two things—that In future she will bow more reverently when at prayer so nr to nvold the headgear of those In the rear, and that never agjain to trim ming her hats will she adept the plan of the scheming summer girl. The Town has Joined flic Oregon, nnd both are ready for the long Journey. The Spreckels nre nji longer In con trol or the const sugar Industry. Tho Hawaiian commission returned to Sun Francisco Saturday. Mark Hanna says keep the Philip pines. HERAIiD PRIZE ! LETTERS J . ftoOBI tm SUIIER RESORTS. • U tm tit ItoN. IIS fa* tto l*d iKMrNtIM I toto gmoowee » patoi aw* ito “* j IpiMMMM • * «t**R i *+ • HitlfniflMir* KM# 90*$ 99009* o+o** I jip 4pHB AM- o*9o **oo-9 o*9*9s 00*909 *9 l iinv * #* 9990 99***$ 09 9*0999$ # AMM* f ♦**» 90 of*mmo9--- (MWM AM** tmsmo ’”0090000 os9ok 9sNooo§ 90 fMIAMMAif " 009* *0099*9 9*9 IMn Ml Mi 90 900 90*90+0 0001 Wm "toto** t 99 A'fMnMt «*mss*oosoo9H f 00 ■ | f 00m §** **oo *ss99s AMIN' 99*90- Am AM 1 " > SOOOO9 99$*m$ *An *n#i *~«*0 90$ 900*4 osm*m *•>» nAM*A*Aj • | s99*+ tAn iAi 0$ AA* j Hktottto# A til IMUft f f+*‘ s99ss o**99oo+ om* *»* * in m MMn m •♦Aa 4MM Mm AN | m *90*900 99 am#M *A *9s9so tAn An s* *OOO tAn 0000*09, 90909999 ****** *w* Ml iMtoAA m*' • »milnni *M*i Afftot « p a« | . AAM 9*o9 f 9s, M A ASM MA **99 9*'***o ** % | f sm§ tAn tNAMA AAi At t>-*wt9m>s $99 * H.A , mm* ArntAntn 1 AANfi m* -■> : ' f -wt - 1 w« aim *a# ’TR*«*'df ‘+9 An* ■ MAnai ****** o*ss o**s 900 $99*000 ******* MkfcrA A# A# s 00* NAn HWUMMI . fAntn aaAmHMmC A-mia Ani o*o*9 tAn| gaaoe Attod ig~ih •••. aod tto tor-r- topHttM i*Al t—M, *wf ms6o* A-d* lAItAfAMy N Am sos** HA 9*099000 «M A• * tto o*oo9. 0* *s***s% *A* ** In# | 00099 m *ms AM,# 1 ! 1 n«MI lAn ***** *$ lAn omoso 's9 fiAftoi s9s oms99s9sW <AnA> 000 1 TA*t* <An wmm mil 00 n| I I iffn §n> totoM AtMNrtnAa AM A* »*■ ?■'* ** Min am «M>fn4 An An finrA'An Antfini . ftoT AT **oo*o9*o9 MdHktff 99m* *os 1 ' «Aii»«to An m»ms**s Alt A |MdM AM lAn iMI# 1 MIA tn 90m UnrA-J *t< wm t ito.npnAA lA* iM* f! ’f* • inmil Idtnl, Won? 00$ Amhll | I I -tatfip t* tto detomm as * reanitedj I f AAMMM - %.* ■ f ffttot 1 Aim Afn 4MMA **9 9*9*9*o. mns\ inn ~rt fi —nin't tftoittiMMf Mi a Ain ♦ llf t«* MHI 00*00 90 n • a a>in# Awn* | , ftoil, «AMn tollAf lAn 'hAtw* «As I'l* 1 «iA#fAll|. * Iflf lit tto As Ihinj M -t»»» R«l*»t*a * W, at# was tooosd. #a tto •naenasHng plan- (tor larder --•ntain* . thlnoa dlw* so Me and todlgeaattde. the! fear, k»wei vr nf maktba a mistake j deter* at net at ad, h* ito kliMaiito! giaulwia •* a#t more wtasnua' to i tto toatr of prays# than we. wo. tow . ever, mutt alwaya preeaide tto meal 1 Thy waters simply term atlk fteh. hat j they are a>> | >li rrai*. however, are eaim with great eclat, If I remember aright, no one ever 1 vtalta tto as# ah ore without mention-; 1 inc tto breaker*: watt w# have them,' ; km, and they extend an the same *ur* ; ly Invitation to Jiifi them In thetr sport, | I wbb-b eonalat* largely tw prewr rtbinc * •argil- of aurh aalty maaaltitdr. that we tieoume auhdued at anee; In fact, are willing to yield nar alt' Returning to the houa*. and discard-) . Ing nar too altevtbmate gatuu-nta. »r take a nap, with such dream* , mutat ing the romblned eltfecta of a Ruarian lath, a Turkish nargkle and an opium) Smoke. Ak! If that genius who cnoipna-j e4»’’Dtonea and Dreamer*" <vuld tut have been so influenced. Rib Ingecantl.i through sheer envy, wnaid have yearn ed to em<ke in the next world and not In this, and Marie CYwrlH would have found that tto wings of her fan-) rj were leaden, and that ’’Ard*tH"j was bat a '•Rotter’a Field'' for artistic poverty! While monitor* of the outside world, at time* tto demon of dlarontmt vlo- Ited us. but here, on hla flrat appear ance we rotted hint th thr sand, and If persisted In his attentions, we sent him! on thr ebbing tide and heard from him. no more. Of course, the proverbial pretty girl ts a member ofhur party, only she was) extreuy’ly pretty, with Ju*t a "touch of artleasness" about her thy the way, did you ever see this kind of a "mermaid at play with the swell* of th# ocean?") —Gist abe overtook tnc t act that this Is, her seventh season at the seashore, and simply ennnot come out tn that hur-j rid bathing dress arranged by a short-' sighted mamma, then when tto first wavelet covers her delicate feet she. positively wltl not go further, at least until those torrid men have passed, ev idently believing "that blood Is thicker than water." and ao less transparent doubtless. Finally, however, she ven tures tn, but knows that she will sink, managing neverthele* to rlae equal to the emergency, and give* os an Im promptu tableau, entitled "The Cling ing Vine and Sturdy Oak.” A repetition of this might to seen after nightfall, but tto curtain Is drawn to me. Hav ing at our command the second beat band In Uncle Sam’s army, whenever we desire a concert, we simply give the word—seeing, however, that the c«h>nel has spoken first to the same ef fect. Oaalng out upon tlvc ocean, I marvel at the amount of gold which, according to a recent discovery. Is to to had for the straining, when, lo! the moon rises over the water, changing Its consist ency and 1 find that the dream of the free silverlte has been realised. On mo right down, ye Georgia statesmen, and gather It In! News travels rather slow down here— we have no Herald—so I don’t suppose you know that nn electric road traver ses Mqunt Uteasant. Hulltvan’s Island, and the Isle of Palms. The Charleston people expect great things of the Isle of Putins, and the Isle us Palms cer tainly expects great things of the Char leston people: I hardly think anyone else would visit it—twice! The attrac tions of tills island over Sullivan's con sists of one mile of weary waste, shut out ftotn the ocean view und breezes by Sun it Dunes, wretchedly ugly, im prosßtvcU- monotonous. At rare inter vals you see a palm tree, apparently THIS IS IT HP* -» unto im» FOR EARLY FALL STIFFS MO ALPINES ALL SHADES $3.00 Just AfHvhd. DORRS Hite, Furoahmfv ■3:, v WTOk* _ A Jt .Jt JgL Our Patrons Satisfied. Don 't hfpt llg Ike t«kn*r «* tha amaftMlaa y#*» Oorts# gs*o* yoa >| *a<o atOMM an Uratr oj«a the parity *a4 ftaali oaaaef tha Jiua* soar drug* l *' cum late a oar drag* as* Bars sod f»a*o—*kort«#sty head as yaar pso arpPoQ* *• OR. Diamond Gloss Black for Grates, Hearths Aad Mantels itofais tart sod boat papular. Laig* boiu# jfe October Moving- IWI forget that A!• tootle* Bisks* partly aall*. darsMs #t,4 best'ldm U r#rtly Data W a wilt stiggsrt man to flat W 00. Ust color card Stains and Paints. Yon wav have to touch up. We Mil tha tost I’aia'a Stole, sad Bnatool Paints, brush to pul them on, be* us Alnander Drsc Cmpai? ■X* BROAD ST. TO BE SOU) AT $1.35. : Just received 500 Silk Umbrellas to : : be sold at 11.35; also tto to« line : : of Wootens in the Market at rea- : : amiable prices. F. O. MKK- t ; TJNB. The Tailor and dents’ Fur- : ntsber. eppolate Planters' Hotel. : 1 ; : ashamed of ttaclf. At the termtnua, n I lunch assert# It# magic sway, redolent [with all thing# •state, flat and un profitable.” One would think that these defect* would to gh>*#ed over by a Mt tle politeness on the part of the waiters -—but they are not tn keeping wtth thetr surrounding*, they are fresh—very! They have a large pavilion which for cibly reminds one of our present expo sition building. Their dance laid out in sailor fashion —a knot here, a splice there, while around tho corner w ill soon appear the signs of Innumer able chiropodists who will de a flour ishing business. Bathing suits were for hire; had they been lower, my feelings might have claimed kinship and so Joined Issue with them In a family conference. It Is alleged that the promoter of the railroad company purchased the Isle of Palms for $10,000.00. He had totter buy In conjunction with It some Futurity Stakes.” for when to rides the "Pale Horse," he wltl find other spirits, who will wander with him on thts desolate shore, until Charon cries—" All ready!" When, with one glad about, that mighty throng. Knowing full well the torture of the far beyond. With flying feet will overcome the In tervening spnee, Which lies between their wish and its effect! OK. RATHER. UNWORTHY. Chicago Record. Blanco’s latest manifesto shows that after all. Weyler’s mantle fell on wor thy shoulders. v OCTOBER S 90 099$ 00$ 099*99$ At AM 49 U 90$ 00$ 9099990 W$ 9999$ 90 4A* MM? 00*900% 099$ 099$ 00*00 $ 9*9099009 00 9009099009*00 : : *OOOOO ft#* 0990 s99s s9s A* MAMMA*# | 00909990 lA*# 00*099 S9O A M $999$ *999* i 00000 m *+oom §f*m ttoto : $90099$ 9$ ftotßlT" *~~ A IMM 009$ IBM 000*** 990$ II Ml Ifl# ##*# to •*# Atol 900900999*,: m a . w * LA.Gartlclle Oo*J«r In IN Fin*** DRUGS AND MEDICINES Tie Augusta Herald Urptl Brtiltat ill Ot tal Ktiif’j’-f FilicM Ii Tta Sfciiti ancim TKutr.R%rn kiw* the V>'wS OF THE WOIUI WHILE IT It XKWft. is to i» Bound ahead or OTHER GEORGIA AND hOLTII ( ARoUNA tAPItt awl TRIM. BILL COMV’SCE TOT lAM PROF. P. M. WHITMAN, 209 7tk SL, A«asU. Ga. srvcß rnre rn tests *n .mku <* Ufht, |rt«<U «M pr»P ,r sMmmnm Md WaH* MKTS them Ijmmr* c% m into yrmr hzm* «r!nl» ytm *n*L FRfcE OF CKARUE, OKIHH VOCM COAL and WOOD FROM TUE North Augusta Coal A Supply Co quantity and Quality (Juaraoteed. F- W. SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT Ml ’Fboos ’-MR Btruager M The i Whitely f Exerciser. ( A practical, rimplaand etheisnt Home Exerciser, ones peclaliy ad.pted for lsdiee and children, bu at the same time can to profitably need by the strongest athlete. PRICES: 78c., »t.oo, BICYCLES - CL EVE- I.ANDK, S4O up; VIK- I INdS, $35 up; OKU-1 DRONS, $lB up: THOM-1 AK, SSO up. fail and see them. Every one guar anteed. Richards & shaver Paine, Murphy & Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 803 Reynolds St=TelepliOßelS^.r, j I mate Leased IS ires TJiiect to New York Chicago and New Orl.sna. Orders executed over our wires for Cotton. Stocks, Bonds, Grain and Pro. vteioos fur cash or on margins. Local securities bought and sold. Referencse —National Exchange Bank of or Mercantile Agencies. u . l’\ ns] \ • T\ I nU # r\ I 1 \ I »•. _ i .a-sg